Откровения Дождя - Эманация Ненависти (CD)

dark doom death, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
466.67 Р
Цена в баллах: 700 баллов
SP. 038-10 x
В наличии
Третий альбом российской группы продолжает развитие, движение которого не прекращается, начиная с её дебютной работы. Музыка Откровения Дождя - это качественный doom death metal без каких-либо компромиссов. Ещё более тяжёлый и качественно записанный материал, близкий по воплощению прежде всего к ранним работам Evoken, пропитан депрессивным настроением отчуждения и глубоких размышлений о тщетности мира. Никаких скрипок, роз и романтики - только мрак и ненависть: истинная жемчужина стиля! Своей новой работой Откровения Дождя ещё раз подтверждают свой статус, как одной из лучших и качественных групп российской doom-сцены.

1 Время 7:40
2 Наш Храм 7:07
3 Антитеза Жизни 8:29
4 Шалфей Прорицателей 4:24
5 Утаенное 8:25
6 Мортидо 4:04
7 В Ожидании Пробуждения 8:46

Откровения Дождя
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
Эманация Ненависти
dark doom death
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 038-10
Год издания:
Pitchline Zine

Pues sí, finalmente tendremos que afirmar de que Rusia se está convirtiendo en todo un referente del Doom Metal más pesado actualmente con su propia escena, un Doom Metal bastante personal y propio, pues ya sabemos que en cuanto a Metal (y otros géneros) Rusia es uno de los países más “raritos” en ello.

La cosa se reafirma al escuchar el nuevo disco de esta banda proveniente de Podolsk, en las inmediaciones de Moscú, tercer disco ya en su discografía mirando hacia atrás y apostando una vez más por Solitude Productions, el cual empieza a hacerse notar como sello referente dentro del Doom Metal de nuestros tiempos.

Revelations Of Rain (que así es como se llama la banda en inglés, pues el grupo usa su lengua natal para sus letras y títulos) se forma en 2001, sufriendo con el paso de los años cambios en su formación, entrando entre ellos miembros de los mencionados por aquí en alguna ocasión Beheaded Zombie. Emanation Of Hatred es el último trabajo que han lanzado allá por 2010, y en donde profesan un Doom/Death muy arraigado a las raíces del Funeral Doom, tanto por su sonido más arrastrado y pesado como por claras similitudes con grupos importantes de este movimiento dentro de sus tierras como son claramente Comatose Vigil, algo que se percibe claramente en su primer tema Time, donde incluyen además melodías muy claras y evidentes que acompañan a la banda en sus 7 tramos, teclados que añaden un toque sinfónico y lúgubre a la música de estos rusos como se puede apreciar en el tema instrumental Salvia Divinorum, además de momentos puntuales en donde la batería acelera su ritmo a base de doble bombo, dando lugar en ciertas ocasiones a riffs a tiro hecho mucho más Death y que recuerdan enormemente a los arranques que se pueden apreciar en los franceses Ataraxie (Our Cathedral es un buen ejemplo de ello).

Un sonido bastante logrado, unas voces de ultratumba añadido de pequeños recitales tenebrosos, y melodías que acompañadas de los riffs celestiales al más puro estilo de bandas como Mourning Beloveth son los alicientes que presenta Emanation Of Hatred para facturar un disco con calidad, a pesar de resultar un grupo más dentro de un estilo que, a menos que ocurra algo inesperado, no tiene nada más que añadir a su sonido. Si eres un amante empedernido de las bandas antes citadas, deberías dejarte arrastrar por estos peregrinos de la música, simple y llanamente.

Author: Soulkiller

'Emanation of Hatred' is already the third full-length of the Russian Revelations of Rain. You can thank me for these informations, because all you will be allowed to read is cryptic cyrillic. The band’s name, the album’s title, the lyrics and everything else is in russian. This is quite rare and respectable from a band that it decides to stay faithful to its roots up till the point of taking the risk of losing some potential fans on the road.
Revelations Of Rain is thus a name that doesn’t exist. It’s quite interesting how speaking of this band induces to consider it through some kind of blurred veil, watching it from a certain distance that language sets. This re-inforces the obscure edge of its music, making it sound even more mysterious.

Those Russian fellows dispay a genuinely good Death Doom, heavy and dark. It's all very sober, yet versatile to some extent. As their label Solitude Productions states in its presentation: “Forget about violins, roses and romanticism: only gloom and hate fill this undoubted pearl of the genre.” Well, indeed, you won’t have to bear that kind of decorum. It’s serious buisness: “Emanation of Hatred” says the title; not badly found: not totally hateful and aggressive, but, in a more subbtle way, hints of brutality and bits of violence. That’s the major flaws I would stamp on this album and on the band on a whole (I can , since I follow them from the start): it’s a bit too restrained, too modest. And maybe, too subbtle.

We are floating on a grey land where every aspects -melodic modulations, dynamics- are gently and sofly articulated together to write a dark and gloomy poem. I listened to this album four, five times, scratching my head, trying to decipher something; and yet, keeping it on heavy rotations, because I knew something was going on that was really good. I ended up claiming: “this album is excellent Death Doom!”, while I’m still quite unable to distinguish between the different tracks, each of them bearing the same kind of stigmata on the mend.

This is not to say that the album lacks any dynamics: as I said above, quite the contrary: the drumming above all sustains and leads the songwriting in a very clever way. Now hectic, now thunderous, it helps greatly to energize the whole. The growls are very deep and happen to mutate into Black-ish shrieks. The bass-play is rich and varied.

But what makes them really interesting is the atmosphere, the melancolic views. The music all progresses very fluently: the tracks draw not-too-precise outlines, each repeating the other, echoing despondent feeling, carrying along deep and almost introverted emotions.

As I said, I’m following them since the start, and they only became better and better, darker, more personal and more moving; a dramatic voyage through misty landscapes where gleams a secret spirituality. If Revelations of Rain don’t shine in any way and won’t attract crowds of fans, it’s all the better; under the monochrome, lies its true complexity. You just have to give them time.

Author: Bertrand marchal
The Streets

Demenkov igjen fra besetningen som spilte inn dette albumet og det er jævlig synd, for «Emanatsiya nenavisti» viser frem et band som virkelig begynte å finne formen (får bare håpe at det er førstnevnte som har kreert all musikken da). Siden debuten deres i 2007 har de bare blitt mørkere og dystrere i uttrykket for hvert album, noe som har ført til at de i 2010 ikke ligger langt unna aktører som Evoken og Esoteric. Altså er det vel så mye Funeral Doom her, som det er Death/Doom.

Ellers følger de opp sitt selvtitulerte album på en god måte og fortsetter som sagt den trinnvise utviklingen mot et beskere og mer sortmalt prospekt. Ledegitaren er enda tilstede og innehar rollen som veiviser. Den er godt tilpasset resten av følget sitt og blir aldri masete eller malplassert, sjøl om den er mikset sterkt og klart inn i lydbildet. Rytmegitaren har heftig og feit vreng, men kunne godt hatt enda mer bunn. Nytt av året (hvis jeg husker riktig) er inkluderingen av en clean-gitar innsauset i romklang (veldig typisk for Evoken) som teksturerer lydbildet. Den er absolutt med på å gi musikken en hul og dunkel klang som ikke kan oppnås på noen annen måte. Variasjonen står også sterkt på årets utgivelse og innimellom kan stilskiftene bli i overkant abrupte, hør bare på hvordan de smeller i gang med heftig Death Metal når det er rett rundt to minutter av åpningslåta. De fyrer også på med fresevokal og enkelte partier som ligger tett opptil atmosfærisk Black Metal.

Synthbruken er effektiv og sjøl om det ikke er de mest originale/krevende tingene som fremføres funker det som bare effen i kontekst med resten av komposisjonen. Det er veldig tydelig at helhetsbildet er aller viktigst for bandet (hør slutten på spor fire for et glimrende eksempel på samspill mellom synth og rytmeseksjonen). Hvis jeg skal plukke på noe, må det bli trommelyden. Den er altfor preget av triggere og virker digitalisert. Her kunne de tjent mye på at trommene var mer naturlige og organiske. Det blir ikke plagsomt, men er absolutt et skår i gleden fra å kunne nyte dette verket til det fulle.

Author: Rune

Ormai è un dato di fatto che quasi più nulla si può inventare in campo musicale; partendo da questo presupposto dobbiamo considerare un traguardo il rendere godibile qualcosa di già sentito; specie in un genere di nicchia come il funeral doom dove le vie di fuga sono obiettivamente limitate, fine pienamente raggiunto da parte di questa band russa alla sua terza prova, cioè quella della maturità. Per avere idea di quanto proposto aggiungete alla reiterante lentezza tipica del genere tonnellate di riff alla Katatonia periodo 'For Funeral To Come/Brave Murder Day', My Dying Bride ("In Expectation Of Awakening") ad una voce prevalentemente growl che diviene screaming all’occorrenza. Produzione particolarmente pulita e precisa, ma poco pesante, quindi, per agire sui bassi e dar corpo al sound. Booklet molto curato con immagini evocative, suggestive e deprimenti al contempo; il giusto complemento a queste melodie lente e glaciali che talvolta prendono un'impennata come nella parte centrale di "Time" dove fa capolino una sfuriata death a ritmi controllati, oppure ovviano con l'inserimento di parti black sinfoniche come in "Antithesis Of Life".

Disco ideale se volete strizzarvi il cuore, ma da ascoltare a piccole dosi pena forte senso di angoscia.

Author: Igor Fanelli
Global Metal Network

Russian Melodeath/Doom Metal quintet Otkroveniya Dozhdya return with their third bout of extreme metal, beyond mere fury comes the sensational vocals of Igor Yashin and his band of merry men contributing some of the strangest and eccentric compositions found to date in the doom/death vein. Evidently, the Moscow-based musicians combine the darkness and Pagan background of motherland Russia and encase it in thick, distorted guitars, very little vocal activity and instrumentation, finalising as one of Russia's most anticipated 2010 releases, a sure band for fans of Hecate Enthroned, Arkona and Frailty.


Третья работа российской команды ОТКРОВЕНИЯ ДОЖДЯ представляет собой эталонный во всех отношениях дез-дум метал в духе монстров жанра МДБ и пр. Ребята нарулили отличное качество записи, вкупе с великолепной техничностью и грозным гроулом, агрессивным скримом и отстранённым чистым вокалом, являющее квинтэссенцию всего того, что любят в данном стиле. Музыканты не гонятся за оригинальными или коммерческими решениями, но уверенно и чётко гнут свою линию. Добротная и качественная работа, рекомендуемая к прослушиванию всем поклонникам дума как отечественного, так и зарубежного производства.

Author: Rover
Hymnes Funeraires

Emanation of Hatred is the third upcoming album that belongs to the Russian doom/death metal band, ”Revelations of Rain”. The album further develops ideas of the previous albums and prepares you right from the start (even through its very name actually, ”Emanation of Hatred”) for a tense, emotion/hate filled experience. Maybe the release of the album on the 13th wasn’t purely coincidental.

‘‘Emanation of Hatred” fully gives the impression of a very well made album, a very knotted one, to be precise, with heavy riffs that accompany you almost every single moment throughout, with the dark and slow rhythm of the drums that amplify this heavy atmosphere. The voice is exactly the way it’s supposed to be in a death/doom album.. low and heavy growls. As far as these passages spread throughout the album may be concerned, I can also place the album in the sphere of funeral doom, influences of this subgenre being very clear.

However, the album means far more than what I’ve previously mentioned. So many influences appear while you’re listening to every single track.. The rhythm breaks that appear in some certain places, with solos and fast drum beats underline in a strong manner the death metal part (it’s very noticeable in the track called ‘‘Time”, at 5:20 or so) and the long and melodic guitar solos protrude the melodic doom (a band that I’ve particularly thought of after listening these parts was The Prophecy(UK) ). A subtle black-ish influence is noticeable in the ”Antithesis of Life” at around 2:50 (a very fast drum rhythm, also, a high pitched voice).

”Emanation of Hatred” is not an album in which one may expect romanticism, melancholic states.. It would be ridiculous, rather, since the keyword of the album is ”Hatred”. It’s a harsh album, that produces a state of revolution and hatred against everything that’s surrounding you. To underline the quote from the Solitude-Prod description: ”Forget about violins, roses and romanticism: only gloom and hate fill this undoubted pearl of the genre”.

This would be one recommended album for the death/doom fans.. the ones that are familiar with and happen to listen to Mourning Beloveth, The Prophecy, Swallow the Sun, Evoken and early MDB will probably appreciate this album, as well.

Author: Zamo
Burning Black

“Emanations Of Hatred” is the third full length album of this dark Doom Metal band from Russia, and by far their most obscure release to date… The band delivers here a quite elaborate form of Doom/Death Metal with elements of Gothic and Funeral Doom Metal, where opaque and negative melodies created mostly by phantasmagoric lead guitar lines in communion with subtle and atmospheric keyboards, generate an intense, emotive and nightmarish atmosphere of desolation and suffering. The vocal work at this album is simply outstanding; deep visceral grunts, hateful Black Metal styled shrieks and some minor clean interludes become the perfect complement for the infernal and bleak music this album contains. Revelation Of Rain have never had a stable singer, the band’s previous two records featured different vocalists, and this album isn’t the exception, “Emanation Of Hatred” includes the vocal work of Vladimir Andreev (who has been replaced already as far as I know), who besides of delivering an incredibly powerful and infernal vocal work also seems to have influenced the whole composition style of the band, as I’ve mentioned already, this album is the most obscure, infernal and hellish opus of the band to the date and, in my humble opinion, the undisputable best of their three albums… Besides of the Gothic Doom/Death Metal elements we heard at the band preceding albums, this opus also features a strong and evil Black Metal vibe (which is perfectly reflected at the cover art), some straight up tempo Death Metal passages (ala My Dying Bride in its early releases) and, at the same time, majestic and disturbing atmospheric parts… With “Emanation Of Hatred” Revelation Of Rain have reached a quite unique style that make this album stands out from the average Doom Metal (related) releases. This album is not only recommended for those who enjoyed the band’s previous albums, but for everyone into the Dark Doom/Death Metal or Black/Doom Metal as well…

Author: AP
Doom Metal Front

Tick Tack Tick Tack Tick Tack... unser aller Zeit läuft ab. Einmal mehr bewusst wird einem dieser Fakt, wenn die aktuelle Scheibe „Emanation Of Hatred“ der Russen REVELATIONS OF RAIN mit dem Titel „Time“ im Player startet. Jedoch beweist dieser Output auch, dass die Zeit für guten Death Doom noch lange nicht abzulaufen scheint. Die Podolsker-Truppe definiert auf ihrem dritten Longplayer das Genre sicherlich nicht neu und erinnert vom Songaufbau und vom Gesangseinsatz ein ums andere Mal an Swallow The Sun. Jedoch wirken sie dabei nicht wie eine billige Kopie Finnen. Somit weisen die den Gitarren entlockten Melodien zwar in Richtung Skandinavien, sind aber dennoch individuell und atmosphärisch, wie beispielsweise beim großartigen „Antithesis Of Life", in Szene gesetzt. Äußerst erfrischend schlägt sich darüber hinaus der Umstand nieder, dass alle Songs, abgesehen vom symphonischen Instrumental „Salvia Divinorum“, in Russisch gesungen werden. Da der Klang dieser Sprache bereits beim normalen Reden ziemlich hart klingt, kommt das Ganze gegrunzt und gescreamt natürlich noch derber und lässt mich in keiner Sekunde die gewohnten englischen Diktionseruptionen vermissen. Treu bleibt die Band dieser Linie ebenfalls in Schriftform und versieht das Cover mit kyrillischen Buchstaben. Aus REVELATIONS OF RAIN wird somit Откровения Дождя und aus „Emanation Of Hatred" „Эманация Ненависти".

Author: Slowmas
Antichrist zine 11/2011

Nine years of existence, three full-length albums with this Russian band. Hm, this is nor little either many. Do you like listen to some doom/death metal which can be deep into your mind after and during listening to? I’m sure all the fans want such albums, aren’t you?? So I found such feelings on this CD… This is far not masterpiece, but made with really great moods. I like the whole album, as it’s fully filled with deepest doom metal thoughts like depression, devastation, solitude and despair… The music is totally negative, without any positive element and even without any little hope to survive, he-he… Totally soul screams so to say, looks like musicians are totally abandoned in this life and all things they need are just make last step into darkness… The atmosphere on this album is pure dark and obscure, deep and fucking pressing, with many-many scary moods. Yes, I know, previous albums of theirs didn’t impressed me such like this
one, and this is great, I see musicians developing and able to do great stuff. Thus if you do not afraid listen to really grim, slow, massive and grinding doom/death metal, and do not afraid to be doomed in insane asylum after listening to this critical mass – this is for
you. They will kill your mind by low tuned, vortex like, measured guitars and great obscure guitar solos, deep growls and deeply dark atmosphere. Not romantic, without violins, but just dark as hell and hateful! For fans of early EVOKEN! Seven tracks, and booklet with little wrong (maybe it was planned, I do not know) – four first and last pages comes twice.
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