
666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Spirito di pietra” (Spirit of stone) is simply the result of a constant process of emptying, a progressive loss of a condition beyond Man and his own dimension. A powerful and ambience black metal, sometimes apocalyptic, purely experimental, with post-rock, industrial, and psychedelic finishing touches, generating Orwellian visions where melodies, stuffed with a continuous lifetime-long research, echoed and are accompanied by the mystique of the Shakespearean sonnets and Pound’s dizzy verses.
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800.00 Р
shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
With this new album, COLD BODY RADIATION continues the intimate and melancholic path of the previous "The clear path". These eight new tracks album once again confirm the M. quality and composition depth that, although he definitively abandoned the most extreme sounds, still managed to get us into a restlessness and mystery swirl. ‘The orphean lyre" is an intensely human listening experience. Teeming with life and breathing as it coughs and splutters, there is an unavoidable attachment felt almost instantly as a listener. This is music that drags you in and simply refuses to let go. Do not think, do not listen to, do not judge yourself for what will come out of this experience. Everything is within you and this new COLD BODY RADIATION album is a solid vehicle for a deep work on yourself. Finally.
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733.33 Р
shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
From the restained flickering of candlelight to the blinding rays of the sun: The Great White Emptiness drowns everything in a hazy melancholic slumber that shimmers with golden shine. A depressive study on the nature of light.
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666.67 Р
post-black metal / shoegaze, Dusktone
Welcome to the third highly anticipated full length album of dutch introspective musical experience : COLD BODY RADIATION. ”A Clear Path” is a deeply personal work of loss, honesty and hope. A new focus on songs structure and personal lyrics. Cut from the roots and stylistic restrains of black metal COLD BODY RADIATION is now free to soar new highs and lows. All they want to do is make new music and set their own standards even higher. The depth and quality is tangible in every hair-raising moment, it is honest, textured sound and far more beautiful than a description can attest. ”A clear path” is the soundtrack to your inner growth, and should be approached with caution.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
This amazing release is presented as a limited deluxe digipack edition + slipcase & 8 page booklet. In this brand new album BH explores themes of man's struggle with this relentless and all pervasive feeling. Do not miss it. “Los Tres Mundos” will be doubless the most mature and intimate BLACK HATE’ album so far. After more than one year of hard-work composition efforts, BLACK HATE created this ten-track potent brew of consuming vision.
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933.33 Р
death black metal, Dusktone
Almost five years after the release of their latest long-player "Through the Darkness" mexican oppressive black metal institution BLACK HATE announce the release of their new effort, "Alatalith" out in July 2020 via Dusktone. the whole album draws the listener into a void of interweaving beauty, coalescing with paralyzing dejection that leaves nothing but the desire of total immersion, BLACK HATE prove their versatile musical identity once again and that the modern blend of deadly black metal is flowing through their veins.
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800.00 Р
occult black death metal, Dusktone
Active since late '90 Black Flame is one of the most important occult black death metal band in italy. "Necrogenesis: Chants From The Grave" is the sixth full-length album released on Dusktone and represents the highest peak of their career offering eight tracks of an indescribable violence, technique and darkness in music. Although those tracks are shot through with moments of dark majesty and crushing black death metal riffage, BLACK FLAME's sound is about as extreme and as technical as it gets within the realm of extreme music, with tendency towards total sonic overload that'll test the most ardent necro and satanic-addicts This new album has moved deeper into stranger and more sharp realms of demonic death metal, this is seriously heavy stuff and ain't no fun, that's for sure. Fans of most radical sounds will find much to enjoy here. All others, beware... It has been recorded by Federico Pannazzato (Death SS) at the Music Ink Studios (already producers of the last album of Official Opera IX) Comes in a 4-panel Digipak with booklet.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Self Therapy” is a journey through yourself emanating directly from the heart and soul. In this stunning new full length album Beyond Helvete crosses various styles of rock and metal. Lyric contents mainly came from psychic matters in a negative and misanthropic view following the composer’ deep artistic mind. “Self Therapy” is purely emotional music creating deep and dark atmosphere, alternating monotonous structures as well as powerful and fresh riffing and drumming. These sound-waves will bring you from the struggle inside yourself into a final calm catharsis; the alchemical harmony of Black Metal, rocking wall of sound, depressive/curative touch will leave the listener with a sense of unforgettable trance-state.
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733.33 Р
atmospheric black metal, Dusktone
"La proiezione del Fuoco" consists of seven passages to celebrate the phases of initiation to the mistery cult of the solar deity Mithra. There¹s an incredible amount of exploratory thought behind this new album that make this one of Anamnesi¹s most ambitious projects to date. It is a collection of power and delicacy that transpires from every track impregnated with great compositional technique, epicity and tradition. "La proiezione del Fuoco" has entirely made in summer 2015 at Ex Oblivion Studio mixed and mastered by Fabrizio Sanna, surrounded by a monumental 24 pages booklet artwork designed by @Francesco Gemelli, featuring the first Anamnesi photosession made by Valeria Spiga at the Antas Temple of Fluminimaggiore (Sardinia). Jewel case comes with a 24-page booklet.
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal, Dusktone
It has been three years since turkish oppressive act ACROSOME released the exemplary mini album ” Dementia Praecox”. After a change of line up finally it’s time for the long awaited debut full length album and definitively the most original and hypnotic. ACROSOME is for sure the most impressive south european sonic innovator, and offers a fascinating glimpse into his unique sound world always underpinned by a sense of imminent dread ”Non-pourable Lines” almost sounds like a devastating new take on the delirious black hole of ACROSOME world. Clean vocals, sick accordion, acoustic instruments and fast sound discharges will bring the listener into the most deep and obscure personal vortex. This debut album is an unrelenting piece of work, and all the better for it. Let it sink in and prepare to have your mind prized open, you won’t regret it.
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466.67 Р
post-black metal, Dusktone
Acrosome is an oppressive entity coming from Ankara, Türkiye created by two shining souls D.A. & D.Y. Since the very first spreads of the few promotional audio creations, this combo has got an huge and unexpected interest around. “Dementia Praecox” (dusk002mcd) will be the debut official release of Acrosome consisting of 8 tracks Mini-CD. Solid bizarre structures of atmospheric sound clash bringing the listener to a new concept of freezing and dramatic post-Black Metal. Hard to categorize neatly, Acrosome aesthetic result is simply a slow vortex into the deepest hole of universe. From the beginning, ACROSOME has searched for celebration that humankind has been through, examinated the reactions and reasons of the existance of the spiritual & mental structures.
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