Exit-13 - High Life! (2xCD)

grindcore, Relapse Records, Relapse Records
Price in points: 1200 points
RR 6728-2 s
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Featuring a rotating cast of players from seminal bands such as Nuclear Assault, Brutal Truth, Human Remains, and more, Exit 13 pioneered a new age for extremity, merging death metal's intensity with the urgency of the most fervent socio-political hardcore of the time. 'High Life' is the definitive Exit 13 release; a remastered, double-disc set that includes nearly all of the band's out of print Relapse catalogue with expanded artwork and packaging.

Ethos Musick
1-1 Societally Provoked Genocidal Contemplation 5:06
1-2 Ethos Musick 1:44
1-3 Facilitate The Emancipation Of Your Mummified Mentality 4:27
1-4 Diet For A New America 3:14
1-5 Anthropocentric Ecocidal Conundrum 3:47
1-6 Reevaluate Life! 1:38
1-7 Legalize Hemp Now! including A Warm Wave Of Euphoria 7:42
1-8 Open Season (The Story Of Hunter Slaughter) 5:27
1-9 My Mind's Mine! 4:32
1-10 Earth First 4:39
1-11 Only Protest Gives A Hope Of Life 3:59
1-12 Disemboweling Party 1:40
Just A Few More Hits
1-13 Legalize Hemp Now! 4:52
1-14 A Man And His Lawnmower 0:52
1-15 Oral Fixation 4:54
1-16 Constant Persistence Of Annoyance 2:17
1-17 Wake Up And Change! 4:02
Split W/ Hemdale
2-1 Gout ďBelgium 2:08
2-2 Black Weakeners 1:29
2-3 Hopped Up (By The Demon Humulus Lupulus) 2:03
2-4 Storm Of Stress 1:27
Spare The Wrench, Surrender The Earth
2-5 Spare The Wrench Surrender The Earth 3:07
2-6 Only Hypocrisy Prohibits Legality 2:32
2-7 Only Protest Gives A Hope Of Life 3:23
2-8 Societally Provoked Genocidal Contemplation 4:51
2-9 My Mind's Mine 4:32
Green Is Good!
2-10 Anthropocentric Ecocidal Conundrum 3:34
2-11 Reevaluate Life 1:23
2-12 Gaia 2:24
2-13 Unintended Lyrical Defuddlement 2:00
2-14 An Outline Of Intellectual Rubbish 2:42
2-15 Where's Exit 13? 3:15
2-16 Ecotopian Visions 3:37
2-17 Constant Persistence Of Annoyance 2:01
2-18 Inbreeding Populations 1:58
2-19 Self Misunderstood Cerebral Masturbation 3:24
2-20 The Funk Song 2:20
2-21 Get High On Life 2:42
2-22 Disemboweling Party 1:28
2-23 Shattnerspackle 1:36
Unrequited Love For Chicken Soup
2-24 Terminal Habitation 2:27
2-25 Fingernails 2:06
2-26 Conclusions On Various Religious Frauds 2:10
2-27 Political Dismay 2:18
2-28 Impaled 3:45
2-29 Disemboweling Party 1:32

Artist Country:
United States
Album Year:
High Life!
Jewel Case
Relapse Records
Cat Num:
RR 6728-2
Release Year:
7 81676 67282 0
Country Of Manufacture: