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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 01 Killing 2:14 02 Reing Of The Iron Crown 2:41 03 Nun Sodomizer 2:17 04 This Is Forever 4:30 05 To Arkham 4:10 06 Eternal Lie 3:26 07 Sin...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal / grindcore, FONO ltd
Треклист: I Meatbash 1:24 II Cold Cuts 1:07 III Rotten Siege 0:43 IV The Final Extinction 2:15 V Preternatural Pervert 0:46 VI Meretricious Murderess 0:55...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Spiegel Der Urängste 10:34 2 Blutmeer 12:14 3 Sehnsucht 15:46
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Einleitung 2:24 2 Der Krieg Gegen Das Kreuz 6:14 3 Rabenflug 2:48 4 Todgeweiht 3:30 5 Das Hühnengrab 2:10 6 Selbstmord 4:01 7 Inquisition...
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1 066.67 Р
atmospheric doom metal, Ardua Music
Todomal are back with "A Greater Good", their new studio album. The Spanish duo formed by Christopher B. Wildman and Javier Fernández (Asgaroth, Nexus 6, The Heretic, Dejadeath, etc.) bring a collection of "dark songs" (as they like to define it), which began with the seeds planted in "Ultracrepidarian," their debut album, has evolved into a complex, dense, and unclassifiable album that takes us on a journey through somber landscapes, existential doubts, tragicomedy, and spiritual and personal unrest. "A Greater Good" poses challenging questions, wrapped in musicthat is sometimes dark and at other times luminous, spanning from slow-tempo to progressive rock to quasi-mystical litanies. The path they embarked upon with their debut album, leading to desolate landscapes and the emptiness of the plateau, has continued into darker territories, reminiscent of tenebrist altarpieces, where doubts about what is right or wrong, what we do in this world to earn redemption, or why we have a nefarious tendency to destroy what we love are depicted against a smoldering forest. The journey continues, despite the obstacles. "A Greater Good" boasts ambitious production to accommodate all its elements, like pieces of a giant mosaic. Vocal harmonies, acoustic elements, and occasional orchestral arrangements blend with serpentine opera-rock pieces, making their way by clawing through the earth. The sophomore album of this prolific space doom duo will no doubt appeal to fans of bands like CANDLEMASS, KRUX, PINK FLOYD, AVATARIUM and, we dare say, old GHOST!. Limited to 200 copies, 6 panel digipack
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733.33 Р
black metal / post-hardcore
Треклист: 1 Gaap 6:41 2 Vual 3:50 3 Furcas 6:49 4 Bune 4:57 5 Vine 3:55 6 Purson 5:47 7 Amon 7:29
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 鳳凰絕/百合 23:35
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866.67 Р 466.67 Р
atmospheric black metal / ambient, Aesthetic Death
Tome of the Unreplenished have created a dark black industrial ambient track of the highest order. An improvised and instrumentally eclectic feel. This is the perfect submersion into darkness before Starless Domain take you on a further journey into deep field black metal chaos - CERES sees Starless Domain take this cosmic journey into new facets of extremity and cold nothingness, with the help of Mories. Comes on a beautiful A5 digipack - with artwork by Meriel Endtyme
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600.00 Р
post-black metal, Avantgarde Music
"Tomorrowillbeworse is an experimental black metal project with doom and depressive influences born in 2011 by the hand of Kenosis (vocals and all instruments) and R. (lyrics and artwork). The first album, "Down the Road of Nothing", offers a lucid and cynic perspective on themes such as death, self-destruction and hate combining typical black metal riffs with melodic and melancholic features."
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466.67 Р
dark ambient
Genius Loci uses deep drones, acoustic instruments’ sounds and field recordings registered near the author’s place of living (Jaworzno). The project was inspired by the author’s personal fascination with the diversity of nature and the philosophy of Schopenhauer, who considered nature to be one of the most primaeval manifestations of a blind and aimless will, a will which we too are a part of.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Furious German black metal sitting atop the throne of scathing, uncaring & unabashedly cold records of this genre. Every single track a gem on it"s own and every riff completing the circle started by Darkthrone with Transilvanian Hunger. A record made by Torch Of War for Torch Of War...this beast left in tow for your ritual worship.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death thrash metal, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1 Assail The Creation 2 Sown Are The Seeds Of Death 3 Dead Children, Black Rats 4 Faith Bled Dry 5 Bearer Of The Torch 6 Pest Cometh 7 Fad...
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600.00 Р
stoner / sludge / drone doom metal
Треклист: 1 Monkey Business / Apes of Fuck 3:03 2 Sweet Feeling feat. Kova 3:48 3 Happiness How It Is!!! 3:38 4 Doomed Youth 3:58 5...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Despotic Rule 5:35 2 Torka (...The Beast That Lurks In Me...) 5:40 3 Shadow's Rebel 6:11 4 Abyss Of Hate 4:24 5 Evilness 5:45 6 Night Sky 7:24 7...
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533.33 Р
death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Первый полноформатный альбом молодой яркой doom death metal группы, в который вошли семь композиций, связанные цепочкой различных душевных переживаний вследствие долгого пребывания в одиночестве и мыслями наедине. Панический страх, ощущение преследования переходят в спокойствие и умиротворение, чтобы затем вернуться обратно. Весь этот эмоциональный поток переходит в музыкальную структуру, в которой тягучие, мрачные гитарные партии и атмосферные клавишные ландшафты чередуются с ритмичными рифами, переплетёнными с мощным гроулом. Дополняют эту картину мечтательные партии соло-гитары и акустические вставки. Материал был записан и сведен в студии Blacklight Recording Studio (Khors, Лешак, Luna, Semargl).
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
symphonic death metal
Треклист: 1 Интро 2 Гроза 3 Таяние Льда 4 У Подножия Вулкана 5 Иссушение 6 Царство Лавин 7 Торнадо 8 Погружение Во Тьму 9 Дрожь Земли Bonus Track...
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733.33 Р
sludge doom
Треклист: 1 Scratching The Coffin Lid 08:51 2 When The Raven Is Ravenous 08:51 3 Horrible Procession 07:32 4 Desecrated Grave 07:03 5 Cry Of The Damned...
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533.33 Р
sludge doom metal
Треклист: 1 Valhalla 6:15 2 Cannibals Of Ma'arrat 6:09 3 Gnosis Of The Dead 13:33 4 Fire Rose Vampira 3:58 5 Earl Estruch 11:23
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733.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Odd Man Out 3 False Superiority 4 Crossroads 5 Without A Break 6 By Devil's Side 7 Self / Sale 8 Perpetual Delay 9...
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506.67 Р
death metal, FONO ltd
TORTURE KILLER - финская death metal группа из Турку, образованная в 2002 году. Изначально задуманная как кавер-группа SIX FEET UNDER, TORTURE KILLER стала сама писать и исполнять оригинальный материал в похожем стиле. В 2005 бывший участник CANNIBAL CORPSE и нынешний вокалист SIX FEET UNDER, Крис Барнс, присоединился к группе в качестве вокалиста, но позже покинул её в 2008 году. Новый альбом "Phobia" не стал откровением для группы - это все тот же честный и упрямый грувовый олдскульный death metal, преисполненный бескомпромиссной агрессией и злобой. Пришедший на смену Juri Sallinen'у, (с которым был записан предыдущий альбом 2009 года "Sewers"), Pessi Haltsonen как нельзя лучше подошел группе TORTURE KILLER для сопровождения тяжелых музыкальных боевиков своим утробным низким рычанием. Также на альбоме можно услышать гостевой вокал самого Криса Барнса, который не только спел на треке "Written In Blood" но и участвовал в его сочинении. For fans of: SIX FEET UNDER, DEBAUCHERY, OBITUARY
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Второй полноформатный релиз "Infinity Of Illusions" от украинцев TORTURER, изданный лейблом More Hate Productions показывает, что иллюзии действительно не имеют границ и компромиссов. Мелодичный и одновременно злой, техничный и разнообразный по своей музыкальной составляющей black-death metal с мизантропическим стержнем внутри бьет разрушительным ударом по закореневшему в обыденности социуму.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro: Silence Of The Soul / Безмолвие Души 2:11 2 Lies From Dreams / Ложь Из Снов 6:32 3 Wind From The Darkwood / Ветер Из Темного Леса 4:21 4...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
experimental black metal
Треклист: 1 Showdown 2 Determination 3 Surveillance 4 Conclusion 5 Reunion 6 Confronting 7 Anger
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666.67 Р
industrial death metal
Треклист: 1 Murderous 3:24 2 Divine 3:01 3 They Stand On 3 3:12 4 Reclusion 3:33 5 Full Circle 2:53 6 Converted Illusion 4:16 7 Ground Zero 3:42 8...
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666.67 Р
modern death metal
After several highly acclaimed demos Finnish Total Devastation has released their first full-length. This six-piece has many gigs and years of training behind them and in the light of these facts they are more than ready to make their debut. But what kind of material Roadmap of Pain has? Well, many kinds. Although the band"s goal is to make very crushing and blasting stuff, there are lots of variation in these ten songs: modern metal stomping like Diablo, Death Metal, blastbeats and Neurosis-like doomy soundscapes, to name a few. And all this is covered with synths and samples, greeting from Apocalypse. I think that different people will like different elements in Roadmap of Pain and in my ears Total Devastation was at its best when delivering slow and desperate funeral marches like Production Peak which reminded me about Red Harvest. Also some rock"n"rolling songs - for example Left Hand of the Devil - were good, but too fast and grinding songs I found too "trendy": in my dictionary "fast" stands for "brutal" quite rarely. But Roadmap of Pain is not a bad debut, far from it. It has balls (especially Jaakko Heinonen"s vocals prove that!), groove and nice tricks like an acoustic/violin start of Prepare to Die and that"s why all friends of industrial-laden Death Metal should check this album. But before their next album Total Devastation should focus their attack more tighter. Now the pack is too wide.
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666.67 Р
industrial death metal
Треклист: 1 Some Random 2 Aware 3 Collision Course 4 The Great Revelation 5 Surveillance 6 Twitcher 7 Unsung Hero 8 High Standard 9 Massive Manmade...
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533.33 Р
black metal / ambient
Треклист: 1 Der Geist Im Nebel 2:23 2 Tirade: E.N.Z. 7:33 3 Überall Schlangen 10:53 4 Alea Iacta Est 12:01 5 Irrwege Und Pandaemonien 24:35 6 Kreuze Brechen...
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400.00 Р
heavy rock / wicked sludge
?Mysterioso? , the second full length from Oakland, CA-based trio TOTIMOSHI, intersects earthquake-heavy rock and wicked sludge riffage with the wiry hooks and dynamics of 80"s post-punk / new wave, Spanish melodies, and an adventurous, occasionally impro
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800.00 Р
funeral death doom metal
Doom metal supergroup TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS give us a sublime album of heart-wrenching drama emanating from historical events. Members of acclaimed bands like PANTHEIST, APHONIC THRENODY and VOID OF SILENCE weave together a majestic tale brimming with melancholy and emotional strife. Each song is an elegant expression of their dreamlike visions of a world long past. They carry the burden of grief passed down from centuries with utmost grace and lend to the music an unmistakable nostalgic charm that is very much palpable. TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS have created a masterpiece of epic and atmospheric death/doom metal that is tempered with talent, experience and vision.
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1 133.33 Р
funeral doom metal
4 panel digipak CD Limited to 300 copies.
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