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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Сон Разума 2 Саламандры 3 Синяя Роза 4 Цепи 5 Адский Гон 6 Паруса Мечты 7 Крылья Нового Дня 8 Точка Опоры 9 Тень Орла 10 Лабиринт...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 В поисках единорога 2 Звёздный свет 3 Ярость под контролем 4 Турбо 911 5 Г-н Пьянкенштейн 6 Секретные материалы 7 Легенда о воинах 8...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Sirens 2 Dale Of Lost Souls 3 Soulpath 4 The Fallen 5 Servants Of Baphoment 6 Incarnation Of Wrath
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333.33 Р
minimal / ambient / noise
Треклист: 1 Turtles-Go-Home 7:02 2 Zakrasawtoo! (For Beauty And Simplicity!) 22:36 3 Filthy Fields 21:33 4 Go-go Turtl Style 8:15
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Prologo - Il Canto Della Foresta 2 Capitolo I - Nelle Alpi 3 Capitolo II - Homselvareg 4 Capitolo III - La Caccia 5 Capitolo IV - Fuga Del...
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733.33 Р
atmospheric post-black metal, Relapse Records
Australian atmospheric black/sludge metal quartet Hope Drone emerge with their Relapse debut LP Cloak of Ash. A richly captivating, seven song stroke of extreme brilliance, Cloak of Ash combines devastatingly beautiful atmosphere with the uncompromising heaviness of a thousand tidal waves. This is music that is dynamic and textured, supremely nihilistic and earth shaking. Hope Drone have arrived with incredible force and are here to crash violently upon your shores.
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733.33 Р
HOPELESS project is a mix of differents textures and sounds, combining differents influences taken from electronic music, along with voices which mix in the right amount melody and aggressiveness. Hopeless is born as an answer to the times we live, times where our dreams, hopes and ideals are replaced by selfishness, apathy and conformism.Using messages that invite to reflection and sounds charged with emotions, Hopeless tries to illuminate this hidden corner in our souls where hope lies.Clean your tears, erase the pain, we must believe, we must prevail!!!
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
melodic post-hardcore, FONO ltd
Треклист: 1 It Happens 4:13 2 Start & Pause 3:06 3 Icarus 4:18 4 Breathe From Coma 4:37 5 Champion Beyond Blessing 3:38 6 The Ones 4:40 7 Manipulate The...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Bergtatt 4:18 2 Gud E Forlare 3:55 3 Salme I 6:06 4 This Is A Land 5:59 5 Jorunstrid 4:52 6 Onda Maanen Vanka Hans Kalda Sjel 4:46 7 Hidden But,...
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Jotunstrid 4:52 2 Fraa Trudsvanger 4:25 3 Gjallarhorne Varsla Ragnarok 4:41 4 Min Far 5:44 5 Tradisjonen Vil Jen Gaumast 4:43
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: The Creation 1 A Vision 4:15 2 Necro As Hell 3:18 3 There Was Upon A Time 2:34 The Lands And The Religions 4 Mitt Trolske Vestland 3:22 5 Te...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 For A New Pagan Age To Come 2 Silvano Senor De Los Bosques 3 The Last European Wolves 4 Son Of The Fatherland 5 Witchblood 6 Fog On The...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: I Motvärn 0:56 II Leave Life Behind 3:22 III Born Again Into Submission 3:45 IV Hail Chaos 3:51 V The Glory Of Massmurder 3:34 VI Dödens Ära 4:43...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: 1 Army Of Wolves 4:16 2 Blood Of My Father 5:05 3 Hordepower 4:00 4 Gaut O Skugga 3:34 5 Horde Of Hel 4:02 6 In The Midst Of Battle 4:52 7 Roots...
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733.33 Р
doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Dans Mon Cercueil 2 Saule Pleureur 3 Le Pays Sans Vie 4 Damnes 5 Fugitif 6 La Lame Pour Tous 7 Bicetre 8 La Place Rouge 9 Au Gibet
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560.00 Р
black metal, FONO ltd
HORNED ALMIGHTY - black metal группа из Дании, активная с 2002-го года, в составе которой числятся бывшие и нынешние участники EXMORTEM, HELL'S DOMAIN, BLACK DEMENTIA и SYLVATICA. В дискографии HORNED ALMIGHTY несколько сплитов, EP, дебютное дэмо "Hellhordes" (2003) и пять полноформатных альбомов. "To Fathom the Master's Grand Design" - шестой полноформатный альбом HORNED ALMIGHTY, вышедший 17-го января 2020-го на лэйбле Scarlet Records. Сведением и мастерингом нового альбома занимался бывший гитарист HORNED ALMIGHTY Quentin Nicollet в собственной студии "Sol Ater Studio", артворком - один из основателей HORNED ALMIGHTY Bjørn "Hellpig" Bihlet.
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733.33 Р
martial dark ambient
HOROLOGIUM is one of the most important acts in Poland if we talk about dark ambient , martial music. With lot of works in different labels and important collaborations with important bands they return with a new beautiful worktrought Twilight Records. We think we are an exotic label and Horologium is an exotic band too.The title of this release is "Le Paradis des Chasseurs” and it contains material from "Songs For Hunters” and "Paradise Inverted” – two mini albums that embody Horologium’s most bombastic recordings to date. Both 3 inch CDr releases were out in a strictly limited amounts (100 and 150 copies, accordingly).We believe that this sonic output needs much more recognition! Additional bonus track was recorded with a wonderful assistance from Juan A. of Der Arbeiter.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
In 2004 Italian death metal legend HORRID recorded its second full-length album "Rising From The Hidden Spheres" produced by Anders Lundemark (KONKHRA) in Starstruck studio, Denmark. More Hate Productions had been originally planned to release the album but the band signed a contract with a bigger label – Xtreem Music. The decision was made not to release this material in Russia as it could result in violation of contract terms. And only 8 years after the original release More Hate presents the official reissue of this album, thus putting the historical record straight!!! Speaking about the music the material of the album follows the best traditions of Swedish death metal slaughter in the vein of DISMEMBER, CARNAGE, ENTOMBED, GOD MACABRE.
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733.33 Р
death metal
Introduction taken from “Satan’s Blood” (1978) aka “Escalofrío”, directed by Carlos Puerto. Booklet: Produced June 2013. Recorded at Sunlight Studio, Norrtälje (Sweden), June 2013. Mixed and engineered June and July 2013. Mastered at Occultum Studio, Biella (Italy), August 2013.
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The stunning debut full-length by this Australian band. Hailing from Sydney, Horrisonous formed in late 2015 and comprise a handful of hardened members of the local underground scene, including past or current members of such acts as Temple Nightside, Backyard Mortuary, The Slow Death, Illimitable Dolor and Pestilential Shadows among others. Not surprisingly, Horrisonous deliver aural slime, decay and misery by means of the ageless brand of Death Metal that's equally ponderous, crushing and fervent, enhanced with slithering tempos and influenced by the likes of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Autopsy, Death, early Paradise Lost, Celtic Frost, Carcass, Dismember and Incantation. They proved it on their debut EP, "The Plague Doctors", in 2016 and they proved it with the Asphyx and Celtic Frost covers comprising the follow-up "The Plague Doctors B-sides" EP two years later, and they fully prove it with their debut full-length, "A Culinary Cacophony". A cursory glance at some of the album's song titles ("Crispy Chunks of the Obese", "Nourishment Through Excrement", "Number of the Feast"...) and one could potentially assume Horrisonous are a hokey gore band. While their noses are no doubt in tune with life's foulest recesses, Horrisonous are deadly serious about their juggernauting Death Metal. Requisitely filthy as any Memento Mori release, "A Culinary Cacophony" digs deeply into the doom and serves up serious helpings of up-tempo gallop and blast. It's a world-eating sound that evokes a creepiness quite at odds with such otherwise tongue-in-cheek titles, but only Horrisonous know the methods to their madness... Brazenly adorned with garishly gruesome cover art courtesy of Rod Scott, Horrisonous offer a symphony of sickness with "A Culinary Cacophony"!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Depressive gloomy Black/Death metal группы из Сергиева Посада. Хотя то, что исполняет HG уже сложно назвать каким-то определенным стилем. Сочный филигранный кач переплетается здесь с быстрыми бластбитными психозами, и все это утопает в мелодии как ровных, так и закручено-ломанных ритмов.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black death metal
Треклист: 1 Планета Руин (Planet Of Ruins) 3:55 2 Цунами (Tsunami) 6:17 3 Соблазн (Temptation) 5:59 4 Несущие демократия (Bringers Of Democracy) 2:19 5...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
death / groove metal, More Hate Productions
Дебютный альбом “The Bite of a Hornet” (Укус Шершня) от молодого коллектива Horror Necros, буквально до краев наполнен злобой и агрессией на окружающий мир и подобно маньяку, жестоко истязающему свои жертвы за все их грехи, сразу, мощным хуком, сбивает слушателя с ног своим тяжелым и плотным музыкальным стаффом. Группа выдает образец массивного и угрюмого Groove Death Metal, немного напоминающего Ektomorf и более позднюю (но еще Кавалеровскую) Sepultura, но со своим индивидуальным «маниакально-качевым» почерком! На альбоме содержатся даже две cover версии песен этих групп. Ну и конечно не обошлось без сильного влияния столь любимых музыкантами коллектива Six Feet Under. Альбом содержит в себе самую настоящую металлическую энергетику, вкупе с вложенной в каждый рифф душой. Люди подобны шершням, которые следуя своим хищным инстинктам убивают морально и физически более слабых, но ни в чем не виновных особей, только лишь удовлетворяя свои потребности. Разница в том, что красивый, крылатый и в тоже время опасный шершень, жалит своим смертельным укусом, повинуясь законам природы, а двуногое создание — человек, делает всё осознанно и от этого представляет куда большую опасность, чем безобидное, крылатое насекомое…
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466.67 Р
symphonic doom metal
Limited to 500 copies. CD with pit-art. Includes 12-page booklet and OBI.
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733.33 Р
experimental / electronic drone rock, Relapse Records
'Dead Ringers,' HORSEBACK's newest full-length album, is a lush, heady, and singular blend of organic and synthetic textures. The new LP sees the one-man Chapel Hill, NC experimental project continuing to evolve while staying true to their distinctive sound. Written, produced, engineered, and mixed by the mastermind Jenks Miller, 'Dead Ringers' finds HORSEBACK weaving a bright web of drone, krautrock, shoegaze, metal and psychedelic elements, driven by wispy guitars, synths, beats, and clean vocals, and bolstered by dense layers of hypnotic resonance. The music is heavy yet light, taking influence from the doomiest grooves and the nuance of minimal electronics, and is the most cohesive representation of HORSEBACK's musical vision to date.
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800.00 Р
experimental / electronic drone rock, Relapse Records
Horseback’s young but varied catalog has been remarkable in its ability to capture distinctly different subgenres of heavy music with impressive virtuosity: drone, doom, black-metal, psychedelia, post-rock, noise etc etc. With ‘Half Blood’, Horseback’s first true ‘new release’ for Relapse, the band’s mastermind Jenks Miller has brilliantly managed to throw all of those styles into one seamless album. ‘Half Blood’ naturally shifts from Americana twang to fiercely evil buzzing guitars to hypnotically meditative kraut-drone with a level of confidence that takes other bands years to master. Horseback’s ‘Half Blood’ is Neurosis on a Neil Young overdose, Earth after being locked in a room with Merzbow for weeks straight. This is an album at once immediately captivating as well as rewarding for those who treasure music that reveals new twists and turns with repeated listens.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions
Дебютный альбом symphonic black metal группы из Волгограда в духе классиков жанра Cradle of Filth, Hecate Enthroned!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
avantgarde gothic metal
Треклист: 1 The Last Beast 4:48 2 Delirious 2:49 3 Один На Один 4:27 4 Merciful Death 2:45 5 Nocturnal Illusion 6:46 6 Der Zwergens Feiertag 2:46 7 Born By...
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533.33 Р
experimental ambient
"Edward's Lament!" An account of salvation and redemption in 9 movements. Recorded at The House Of Low Temperatures 2000-2002. C and P 2003 Neurot Recordings
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Norway’s cold Black Metal act HOVMOD arise at their debut full length studio album, “Doedsformasjon”, which has been released in winter 2019 on Dusktone. Formed in Toten, Norway, HOVMOD is one of the seven deadly sins, and it represents aggression, rage, pride and the opposite of humility- something that reflects in HOVMOD’S music in the upcoming debut album “Doedsformasjon” that has been released in both CD and Vinyl format. Expect a thick and impenetrable blanket of cold northern fog that becomes sound, this grim graveyard of straight nowegian black metal is some of the creepiest music that Dusktone has released so far.
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