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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
Re-issue of Brazilian band HellLight album which was originally issued as a limited edition in 2008 and is currently sold out. “Funeral Doom” which gained excellent scores from reviewers and positive feedback from doom fans is now out with re-mastered sound and bonus CD: mini album “The Light That Brought Darkness” (about one hour in length!) with cover-versions of songs by Black Sabbath, Danzig, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Bathory and Queen! Present 2CD edition from Solitude Productions offers more than two hours of desperate melodic funeral doom metal for those who are ready to discover again the magic and dark beauty of “Funeral Doom”.
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
In the brand new full-length album by the lords of Brazilian funeral doom metal scene, HellLight, they have found the ultimate balance of atmospheric and melodic, most clearly expressing their vision of the genre and displaying all their typical and iconic sides, formed in the previous works. In the «Journey Through Endless Storms» the listeners meet the majestic keyboards combined with plangent dark guitars, solid growl shaded by clean male vocals inserts, and piercing guitar solos. All this means that the journey begins and it will be breathtaking!
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The fourth full-length album from HellLight, one of the most interesting and distinctive bands from Brazil. During years of studio and concert work the musicians created their own sound and style evolving from classical funeral doom metal through doom death metal to traditional doom metal. «No God Above, No Devil Below» presents combination of two latter styles making itself attractive not only old band fans who will discover new sides of HellLight, but also for fans of doom in the vein of Tristitia and late Funeral (Norway). The music of HellLight is still epic and filled with tragic feelings, manifested mournful clean vocals, atmospheric keyboards and piercing guitar solos.
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doom death metal, Solitude Productions

The new album by the Brazilian leaders of atmospheric doom death metal inherits from two previous works and rises the musicians' skill to another high level. The already balanced and optimized recipe consisting of monumental keyboards and organ parts with dark guitar riffs framed by shrill solos is superimposed on the crystal sound and gives birth to the magic of HellLight. A bright, unique material touching to the depths of the soul is addressed both to keen admirers of the genre and for all fans of heavy and dark sensual music.

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doom death metal, Solitude Productions

The new album by the Brazilian leaders of atmospheric doom death metal inherits from two previous works and rises the musicians' skill to another high level. The already balanced and optimized recipe consisting of monumental keyboards and organ parts with dark guitar riffs framed by shrill solos is superimposed on the crystal sound and gives birth to the magic of HellLight. A bright, unique material touching to the depths of the soul is addressed both to keen admirers of the genre and for all fans of heavy and dark sensual music.

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funeral death doom metal, Solitude Productions
The third album of a Brazilian band demonstrates the further progress of the musicians. Six epic tracks featured on the album are filled with deep tragic passion created by solid guitar sound and rich keyboards. Dense sound and interesting melodies distinguish the album among their other works. Piano interludes, mid-tempo fragments and clean vocals make the new album of HellLight an outstanding example of funeral doom death metal.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
HELLRYDER - новая немецкая супергруппа, в состав которой входят вокалист Chris Boltendahl и гитарист Axel Ritt из GRAVE DIGGER, басист Steven Wussow (ORDEN OGAN, ex-DOMAIN, ex-XANDRIA) и барабанщик Timmi Breideband (GREGORIAN, ex-BONFIRE, ex-FREEDOM CALL). Идеи проекта были у Криса и Акселя еще в 2017-ом, но реализовать их музыканты смогли только в 2020-ом во время пандемии. "The Devil Is A Gambler" - дебютный полноформатный альбом HELLRYDER, вышедший 28-го мая 2021-го на Rock Of Angels Records. Записью, сведением и мастерингом занимался сам Аксель на собственной студии Meadow Studios (где он также работал с записями GRAVE DIGGER и DOMAIN). Обложку и оформление для "The Devil Is A Gambler" сделал Gyula Havancsák, работавший с GRAVE DIGGER, ANNIHILATOR, DESTRUCTION и многими другими. Релиз включает двенадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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black / thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Doomed to Encirclement 2 This is War 3 Killed, Wounded and Missing 4 Horizon of Destruciton 5 Fury of the Enemy 6 Incendiary Bombs of Ruin...
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brutal death metal
Tracklist: 1 Psycho Killer Extravaganza 0:25 2 Tikam Tajam Nurani Pendosa 2:02 3 Escape To Hell 2:34 4 Waiting For The Absolute Revenge 2:10 5 Horrible...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Do Not Be Among Idolaters 4:11 2 Hung On A Tree, Damned By His Father 3:35 3 Antitrinitarian 5:35 4 For The Number Is Human 4:27 5 Hallelujah...
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pagan black
Tracklist: Galeon 1 Galeon 5:30 2 Gasnqca Pochodnia 4:45 3 Krwawe Dzieło 5:33 Hellveto 4 Intro 2:59 5 In A Dream 4:19 6 Black Oak 2:29 7 Under The Sign...
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pagan black
Tracklist: Visions From The Past 1 Agony Of Barbarian 2:51 2 Utopia 5:05 3 About War 3:32 4 Two Naked Swords 4:33 5 The Taste Of Gehenna 4:26 6 Wander In...
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
HELSTAR - ветераны хэви-металла из Хьюстона, штат Техас, сформированные в 1982 году. К пятому альбому американцы, пройдя через частые смены состава, к 1995 году оказались в подвешенном состоянии, отвлекаясь на сторонние проекты и делая малозначительные попытки вернуться. Окончательно восстановившись в 2006-ом, HELSTAR с новыми силами и вдохновением продолжили концертную и студийную деятельность. "This Wicked Nest" - девятый альбом американцев, вышедший на AFM Records. Энергичный и в меру агрессивный "This Wicked Nest" задаст взбучку многим молодым коллективам, устанавливая планку качества. На альбоме отметился небезызвестный гитарист Jeff Loomis (NEVERMORE).
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blasphemous violent black metal
Tracklist: 1 Here's No God 2 I Disgust 3 Abuse Of The Useless 4 No Way Out 5 Agonoize 6 Spreading The Hell 7 Hail Self-Destruction 8 End
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misanthropic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Aryan Triumph 3 Shadows Of The Winterstorm 4 The Nightside Eternal Frost 5 Origins Of Manking 6 Cryptic Horror In The Dark Castle...
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
HERMAN FRANK - немецкий гитарист и легенда классики хэви-метала, участвовавший в записи альбомов групп SINNER, PANZER, HAZZARD, VICTORY и конечно же классической работы ACCEPT "Balls to the Wall" (1983). Позднее музыкант вновь появился на реюнион-выступлениях ACCEPT и даже отметился на их первом за 14 лет молчания полноформатном альбоме "Blood of the Nations" (2010), и последующих "Stalingrad" (2012) и "Blind Rage" (2014), но в самом конце 2014-го вновь покинул группу. "Fight The Fear" - четвертый полноформатный альбом HERMAN FRANK, вышедший 8-го февраля на AFM Records. В составе группы помимо самого Herman'a, вокалиста Rick Altzi (MASTERPLAN, AT VANCE), барабанщика André Hilgers (ex-RAGE), басиста Michael Müller (JADED HEART) появился второй гитарист Heiko Schröder. В качестве сопродюсера выступил Arne Neurand (работавший с PYOGENESIS, GUANO APES, SUBWAY TO SALLY). Артворком занимался Kai Swillus, помогавший с оформлением релизов SAXON, MOTÖRHEAD, BONFIRE а также всех предыдущих альбомов HERMAN FRANK. Релиз выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом, часть тиража выполнена в виде 6-панельного диджипака. Данное издание включает один бонус-трек. First press of 300 copies packaged in a 6-panel digipak with 16-page booklet.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
HERMAN FRANK - немецкий гитарист и легенда классики хэви-метала, участвовавший в записи альбомов групп SINNER, PANZER, HAZZARD, VICTORY и конечно же классической работы ACCEPT "Balls to the Wall" (1983). Позднее музыкант вновь появился на реюнион-выступлениях ACCEPT и даже отметился на их первом за 14 лет молчания полноформатном альбоме "Blood of the Nations" (2010), и последующих "Stalingrad" (2012) и "Blind Rage" (2014), но в самом конце 2014-го Герман вновь покинул группу. В связи с выходом нового сольного альбома музыканта на лейбле AFM Records (релиз запланирован на ноябрь 2016-го) немцы решили переиздать два предыдущих сольника Германа. Данный релиз является переизданием второго сольного альбома "Right In The Guts", вышедшего в 2012-ом на лейбле Metal Heaven, дополненный ранее не издававшимся бонус-треком.
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atmospheric pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Praeludium / Sibylla 6:10 2 Spiritvs Patris 17:07 3 Interludium I: Nova Invocatio Musae 1:21 4 Italica 11:27 5 Interludium II:Ave Spiritvs...
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industrial black metal
Tracklist: 1 Mental Electricity 2 Through Drowsy Daydreams 3 The Numbness Coimng From The Sink ( Part 1 ) 4 The Numbness Coming From The Sink ( Part 2 )...
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post black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Axis Of Diagram 7:44 2 The Cyclothymic Panopticon 1:06 3 Through Drowsy Daydreams (Where Is That Man That Heard Of) 5:08 4 23 Hands 2:39 5...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Black Flame Of The Antichrist 3:59 2 Holy Execution 4:16 3 SIRS 4:18 4 Inquisition 4:20 5 The Towers Of Hate Have Fallen 3:50 6 Antichrist's...
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viking black metal
Tracklist: About The Sacrifice Of The Warrior 1 First Fragment 2 Second Fragment 3 Third Fragment 4 Fourth Fragment 5 Fifth Fragment About The...
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viking black metal
Tracklist: 1 Leaving The Horn Of Miklagard 4:30 2 The Knorr Crosses The Black Sea 4:17 3 Towards The Dnieper's Mouth 5:05 4 Kiev Has Fallen 5:09 5 Nordic...
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viking black metal
Tracklist: Part I The Rise Of The Unresting One Part II The Dead Wanderer Part III The Master Of The Winds Part IV The Raid Of The Drakkar Wolf Part V...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Teufelsblut - The Purification (Intro) 1:05 2 As Night Descends Again... 5:54 3 Temple Ov The Wytch 6:42 4 Jarnvid (Shadows Over Trollskogen)...
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folk black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ködsóhai 9:29 2 Erdömoraj 9:38 3 Regefolyam 3:26 4 Aradia Hamvai 7:48 5 Odútündér 0:46 6 Márványkutya 7:42 7 Himnusz A Tengermélyhez 10:51...
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death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this U.S. band. Unearthed in Florida in early 2019 and comprised of past and current members of other impious hordes such as Gnosis and Devastator, Hexorcist summon old school and blasphemous Death Metal that may as well fall under the "proto-Death Metal" category, for their ferocious and relentless approach to the genre harkens back to the mid-to-late 80's, when all things extreme were still boiling in the same malignant cauldron and all boundaries were nothing but a blur that no diehard dweller of the underground gave a damn about. Hexorcist's aural and lyrical offering is uncompromising and exudes utter vileness, leaving no room for absolutely anything that could remotely be considered modern or trendy. And Hexorcist accomplish precisely that on their scathing debut album, "Evil Reaping Death". Ridiculously accurate in its title, "Evil Reaping Death" is exactly evil reaping death: steeped in the ancients, billowing sulfur, divebomb leads flying right and left, and the unhinged yet locked-in execution that can only come from true and total diehards. Not everything goes in Death Metal, and Hexorcist keep a closed mind when it comes to the Metal of Death. For them, the archaic ways of Morbid Angel, Necrovore, Sarcofago, Death, Incubus, Possessed, Vital Remains, Slayer and Peru's Mortem do not need to be messed with, only upheld, and uphold Hexorcist do here. No more but definitely no less, "Evil Reaping Death" is 666% maniacal Death Metal for Death Metal maniacs exclusively! With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio (France), and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of 'progression' with "Evil Reaping Death". Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
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power metal, FONO ltd
HIBRIA - основанная в 1996 году бразильская группа, исполняющая мелодичный power metal. Записав пару демок и 3 полноформатных альбома, наибольшего успеха бразильцы добились в Японии и Южной Америке, и даже выпустили концертный DVD, записанный в Токио в 2012. "Silent Revenge" - новый полноформатник HIBRIA, соединяющий в себе хэви-металлическую агрессию первых двух альбомов "Defying the Rules" (2004) и "The Skull Collectors" (2008) с проработанностью и внимательностью к деталям третьей пластинки "Blind Ride" (2011). Фэны мелодичного power metal не будут разочарованы!
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progressive black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Introduction 2:03 2 Interferometer 4:40 3 Hydrodynamic Physics 2:37 4 Infinity Express 3:27 5 Deathstar Omega 3:43 6 The Search For Where Life...
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progressive black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Out Of Control 2:38 2 Dead Land Energy 3:26 3 Humanjunk 3:04 4 Archaic Wasteland 2:51 5 Starboard Pandemic 2:43 6 Giganormous 3:58 7 Hydrazine...
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