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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
Dark dreary and venomous black metal band from Ukraine!
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
CD VERMIS MYSTERIIS CD "Plamya Yarosti / Flame of Rage" Second album of Ukrainian black metal band. Endless fury and might with Hate Forest influences!
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266.67 Р
death thrash metal, More Hate Productions
The first full-length album by Brazilian band can definitely be qualified as new wave of Brazilian thrash metal with its hot drum rhythms combined with old-school sound significantly influenced by death metal. Tough and sharp yet straightforward guitar riffs are complemented with fearsome vocals apparently breaking from the gullet of female mutant-zombie! The atmosphere of the album is pure evil. It is a concept based work dealing with the foulest human thoughts inducing desire of violence, murder and maniacal deeds. Some people manage to avoid the development of such inner self, while the more vulnerable psyche of the others becomes enslaved by these ideas forcing them to turn their horrible fantasies into reality. This release includes the first three-song demo recorded back in 2012 with bass and vocals performed by the former members of VOCÍFERA. The album will be a pleasant discovery for the fans of another
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
viking pagan metal, More Hate Productions
Great Epic Slavonic pagan metal in vein of early Butterfly Temple / Russia
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460.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
Debut full-length album of Brazilian death metal band featuring former members of such local bands like BYWAR and ZOLTAR. "Black Sun" is not just another death metal album from Brazil restricted by framework of the genre. Along with musical pressure and high quality performance the music of WARSHIPPER has many progressive elements, amazing melodies and enigmatically beautiful guitar lines, while clear sound and professional recording create atmosphere of the dark side of cosmic power, unexplored depths of the universes far away, blistering cold of defunct suns and dying galaxies.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
pagan black metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by a pagan black metal band from Chelyabinsk. This CD is the result of a long and thorny way: more than 10 years of rehearsals, gigs and endless line-up changes. In the end of 2014 the album was finally recorded, mixed and released. Musical material develops the legacy of the early ASHEN LIGHT, BUTTERFLY TEMPLE and NOKTURNAL MORTUM. Band members make no secret about it – this album is a kind of a tribute to these famous bands. WIND OF DEATH performs tough guitar-based melodic black metal enriched with keyboards and folk music background characteristic of pagan metal. The vocalist generally uses black metal scream with some mighty battle growls from time to time. All lyrics written in Russian language are dedicated to paganism. With this album WIND OF DEATH completes the first decade of existence and gives an optimistic feeling about the future!
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400.00 Р
thrash metal, More Hate Productions
"Bonded By Beer" is the name of the second full-length album of the thrash metal band from Kiev (Ukraine) that has been relentlessly bashing out in the name of rock-n-roll, beer and (naturally) Satan for 10 years in a row. The music of ZOMBIE ATTACK is a punky thrash metal with catchy guitar solos, easy-to-remember choruses and drums that will make your feet rug-cutting. The accelerating intro that prepares listeners to the burst of abandoned hilarity is followed by "Bonded By Beer" - virtually the hymn of Kiev thrash metal crowd. If you have never spilled beer to this song, that only means one thing - you have never seen ZOMBIE ATTACK live. The album includes such (un)godly tunes like "Hail Satan´s Command", "Satanic Barbeque", "Apocalyptic Rock´n´Roll" and "Anarchy 666", that guarantee there will be devils in Hell wishing to greet ZOMBIE ATTACK with tipsy drinks. In the aggregate, from the very first second of intro and up to the final antidogmatic "Non Servium" ZOMBIE ATTACK deliver intense, reviving, high-energy thrash metal that automatically makes you sing along, drink along, move, headbang and have a good time with your fellow metalheads. The album "Bonded By Beer" perfectly delivers pure energy generated during the live shows of the band and demonstrates that listeners definitely feel when the band gets a bang out of their music.
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