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  • 133.3Р
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Nostalgia Echo 2 Catharsis 3 Triad 4 At A Funeral 5 Thujone 6 Post Lux Tenebras 7 Monomania 8 Buried 100 Years Ago
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400.00 Р
folk black metal
Треклист: 1 Sibbevader's Intrede (Intro) 2 Waaks 3 Scheldeland 4 Teutoonse Wouden 5 Pletwals 6 Aardgodin 7 Wapengekletter 8 Walging 9 Het Zelf 10...
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400.00 Р
blasphemous violent black metal
Треклист: 1 Here's No God 2 I Disgust 3 Abuse Of The Useless 4 No Way Out 5 Agonoize 6 Spreading The Hell 7 Hail Self-Destruction 8 End
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533.33 Р
misanthropic black metal
Icy and totally misanthropic Black Metal, full of solitude and Gothic terror. Includes the Theosophically-influenced “Journey into Frigid Enclave” demo, the “Helvintr” demo from 2000 (both limited to 200), and the unreleased 1999 demo. Comes with new and
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400.00 Р
industrial black metal
Треклист: 1 Mental Electricity 2 Through Drowsy Daydreams 3 The Numbness Coimng From The Sink ( Part 1 ) 4 The Numbness Coming From The Sink ( Part 2 )...
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400.00 Р
post black metal
Треклист: 1 The Axis Of Diagram 7:44 2 The Cyclothymic Panopticon 1:06 3 Through Drowsy Daydreams (Where Is That Man That Heard Of) 5:08 4 23 Hands 2:39 5...
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400.00 Р
viking black metal
Треклист: Part I The Rise Of The Unresting One Part II The Dead Wanderer Part III The Master Of The Winds Part IV The Raid Of The Drakkar Wolf Part V...
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466.67 Р
progressive black death metal
Треклист: 1 Hidden (Unknown And Nameless) 6:09 2 Formation Of The Universe 6:35 3 Ice Crust Of Yek 1:56 4 Geochemical Primates 5:20 5 Time As Eternity In...
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400.00 Р
progressive black death metal
Треклист: 1 Introduction 2:03 2 Interferometer 4:40 3 Hydrodynamic Physics 2:37 4 Infinity Express 3:27 5 Deathstar Omega 3:43 6 The Search For Where Life...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: 1 Worship Or Die 1:38 2 I 7:01 3 Scum Destroyer 5:49 4 WOF 8:04 5 Adventum 1:07 6 Bringer Of Light 7:27 7 Wounds Just Death Can Heal 6:48 8 Hiems...
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533.33 Р
black doom metal
The album of Kentucky sick trio Highgate offers 1 untitled track, but not less then 54 minutes of nasty combination between Hybrid minimalist Doom, experimental noise and Grim Black Metal. Expect for a loud and noisy production and prepare yourself for th
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Their Tools Are Laid To Rest 9:38 2 Torment Under Rust And Ruin 7:12 3 Leave Them To Their Graves To Die 4:23 4 By The Light Of Torches Past...
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400.00 Р
black metal
This album contains their first two demos and a new full-length album. Hoarstone is bleak miserable Black Metal from Wiltshire, England.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Strength And Wisdom 2 Doctrine Of The Serpent Race 3 Of Science And Secrets 4 Fourth Of The Magus Powers 5 Torch Of The Hoath Prophet 6...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 В поисках единорога 2 Звёздный свет 3 Ярость под контролем 4 Турбо 911 5 Г-н Пьянкенштейн 6 Секретные материалы 7 Легенда о воинах 8...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Псы Войны 5:49 2 Вальхалла 5:04 3 Последний День Жизни 5:36 4 Шторм 3:15 5 Свет Костров 3:45 6 Повелитель Морей 3:26 7 Призрак Шабаша 5:35 8...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Сон Разума 2 Саламандры 3 Синяя Роза 4 Цепи 5 Адский Гон 6 Паруса Мечты 7 Крылья Нового Дня 8 Точка Опоры 9 Тень Орла 10 Лабиринт...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Sirens 2 Dale Of Lost Souls 3 Soulpath 4 The Fallen 5 Servants Of Baphoment 6 Incarnation Of Wrath
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Prologo - Il Canto Della Foresta 2 Capitolo I - Nelle Alpi 3 Capitolo II - Homselvareg 4 Capitolo III - La Caccia 5 Capitolo IV - Fuga Del...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: I Motvärn 0:56 II Leave Life Behind 3:22 III Born Again Into Submission 3:45 IV Hail Chaos 3:51 V The Glory Of Massmurder 3:34 VI Dödens Ära 4:43...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Depressive gloomy Black/Death metal группы из Сергиева Посада. Хотя то, что исполняет HG уже сложно назвать каким-то определенным стилем. Сочный филигранный кач переплетается здесь с быстрыми бластбитными психозами, и все это утопает в мелодии как ровных, так и закручено-ломанных ритмов.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
martial Industrial / neoclassic
Pro liberate dimicandum est was released specially for the 2000 years anniversary of the "Varusschlacht". Classical melodies combined with the iron rough edges of MARTIAL INDUSTRIAL on a crusade through the ages. A musical journey far off the trampled pat
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gore grind
Треклист: 1 Arrival Of Galactical Hyperphalloid 2:56 2 Penisillin 1:29 3 Lord Sperminator 1:56 4 As The Balls Upon Your Eyes 2:07 5 Phallocentrifuge 1:24 6...
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666.67 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: Endless Obsidian Abyss 1 Innocence 4:00 2 Transition 3:19 3 Immortal 3:36 4 Deliverance 2:56 5 Wrath Of The Sands 3:13 Born From Flesh And...
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666.67 Р 333.33 Р
industrial doom ambient
Треклист: I Progress II Mores (Part One) III Mores (Part Two) IV Aspiration V Denial (Part One) VI Denial (Part Two)
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533.33 Р
epic black metal
Треклист: 1 The Beast Within 2 Templars Of The Black Sun 3 Haven Of Death 4 Gates Of Hopeless Life 5 The Weak Creation 6 Forsaken 7 A Swan As Messiah...
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400.00 Р
folk black metal
Треклист: 1 Sága O Neuchopitelné Ryzosti 6:10 2 Kde Je Lidstvo? 2:32 3 Manifest Vědomí 4:18 4 Hyperborea 5:24 5 V Obraně Državy Prastarého 5:16 6 Zrod A...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
crust / hardcore / melodic metal
IDIOT SAVANT "discography" CD (MAKIMA 007) – the full record collection the bad from germany playing at joint of crust, hardcore and melodic metal. CD is packed in envelope. Inside of it booklet with lyrics in russian and english translation from original german texts of the band. This CD is benefit: all of the money is rendering help and the support of prisoner antifascistas. The part of edition is published on recycled paper.
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466.67 Р
death black metal
New album of this well known Brazilian Evil Death Metal band. With such a vast experience on stages and several releases out, IMPERIOUS MALEVOLENCE presents us now an extremly brutal and musically mature work. The CD includes a CD-Rom track video of the s
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333.33 Р
viking black metal
Треклист: 1 Pioneers Of A Dead Future 3:50 2 Dawn Of Darkness 3:38 3 Soul Metamorphosis 3:24 4 King God 4:15
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