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Р  –  Р

  • 133.3Р
  • 3333.4Р
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Компакт диски

600.00 Р
neoclassical metal, shred
Треклист: 1 Tearing Apart 03:11 2 Chaos I.M.F 03:27 3 Liquid Fire 02:53 4 Alex Left The Building 02:40 5 Future Waves 03:43 6 1923 04:15 7 Into The Rush...
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546.67 Р
death metal, FONO ltd
ENTRAILS - death metal банда, сформированная в начале 90-ых на юге Швеции. Заслушиваясь DISMEMBER, GRAVE и конечно ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS сразу определились с будущим звучанием и начали активно репетировать. К сожалению, все попытки записать демо так и не увенчались успехом, и через несколько лет группа впала в спячку. В 2008 году ENTRAILS окончательно реформировались, укомплектовали концертный состав, и после пары демо-записей выпустили 2 альбома (2010' "Tales From The Morgue" и 2011' "The Tomb Awaits") на немецком лейбле FDA Rekotz. Шведов приметил лейбл Metal Blade Records, результатом чего стали альбомы "Raging Death" (2013), "Obliteration" (2015), "World Inferno" (2017) и ремастированная компиляция демок "Resurrected from the Grave" (2014). "Rise of the Reaper" - шестой полноформатный альбом шведов, вышедший 11-го октября 2019-го на Metal Blade Records. Сведением и мастерингом "Rise of the Reaper" (как и предыдущих студийных работ ENTRAILS) занимался легендарный Дан Сванё (BLOODBATH, EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE) в студии Unisound. Оформление и обложку к альбому сделал Marc Niederhagemann (гитарист/вокалист немецкой death metal группы LIFELESS), работавший с MASTER, ENDSEEKER, ARTILLERY).
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro (Silence In The Pity) 2 Philosophie Der Depression 3 Ein Teil Meiner Essenz Wird Hier Immer Verweilen 4 Ein Dusterer Winter Kommt I 5...
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400.00 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Pembenaran 3:19 2 Loner 3:26 3 Flower 3:52 4 Hope 6:05 5 Devastating 2:30 6 Intrusion 5:47
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733.33 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Synod 2 On The Edge 3 Reminder Of Pain 4 Low Mind, Low Sense 5 Once Again 6 Forever The Queen 7 Hunt It Down
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640.00 Р
industrial / black metal, FONO ltd
THORNS - норвежская black metal группа, сформированная в 1989-м году и стоявшая у истоков жанра наряду с MAYHEM или DARKTHRONE. Выпустив всего два дэмо "Grymyrk" (1991) и "Trøndertun" (1992) проект обрел большую популярность в узких кругах, но вынужден был прекратить существование после того, как одного из основателей THORNS (гитариста/клавишника/вокалиста Snorre Westvold Ruch'а) посадили на 8 лет за "соучастие в убийстве" гитариста и идеолога группы MAYHEM Euronymous'а, организованное Варгом Викернесом. Освободившись, Snorre собрал неизданный материал и выпустил в виде сплита с группой EMPEROR в 1999-ом. "Thorns" - единственный полноформатный альбом норвежцев на сегодняшний день, вышедший в марте 2001-го на лэйбле Moonfog Productions. В записи приняли гостевое участие Satyr из SATYRICON и Hellhammer (MAYHEM, ARCTURUS). Данное переиздание (вышедшее в июле 2011-го на Peaceville Records) содержит два бонус-трека и видеоклип на трек "Vortex". Релиз выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом совместно с лэйблом Metal Star. Тираж ограничен - 1000 вручную пронумерованных экземпляров.
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666.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: Obdurate 30:02 1 Tenebrous Winds 13:35 2 Obdurate 11:08 3 Inhuman Scourge 5:59 Unto Death 38:53 4 Intro 1:21 5 Frozen In Death 11:35 6 Opening...
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 A Escuridão Me Conforta 2 Banho De Sangue 3 A Eterna Marcha Da Devastação 4 Estúpido E Podre Homem Branco Cristão 5 Embarcações Da Morte 6...
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666.67 Р
Треклист: 1 Spuren I 8:51 2 Auf-Bruch 4:15 3 Eine Fremde Hand... 3:29 4 Erleben 9:31 5 Spuren II 7:59 6 Gebet An Den Engel 5:30 7 ...Zeichnet Die Spuren......
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333.33 Р
alternative rock
Треклист: 1 Anamorphic Widesound 2 Dogs In A Box 3 Easy Way - Long Way 4 No More Than Usual 5 Neutral Moresnet 6 What Was That? 7 Baseless Hatred 8...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Antiqua Ignis 2 Apokalyptiske Visjoner 3 Draconis Serpentis 4 Heks 5 Katakombe 6 Necro Attitude 7 Nocte Initium Imperium 8 Svarte...
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546.67 Р
progressive rock, FONO ltd
THE TANGENT - прогрессив-рок группа из Северной Англии, сформированная в 2002-ом году. На данный момент в составе клавишник/вокалист Andy Tillison, басист Jonas Reingold (KARMAKANIC, FLOWER KINGS), гитарист/вокалист Luke Machin (MASCHINE), саксофонист Theo Travis (известный своей работой с PORCUPINE TREE, DAVID GILMOUR) и барабанщик Steve Roberts (ex-MAGENTA/GODSTICKS). В дискографии THE TANGENT несколько концертников и девять полноформатных альбомов. "Proxy" - десятый альбом THE TANGENT, релиз которого состоялся 16-го ноября на InsideOut Music. В качестве приглашенного вокалиста на альбоме выступил Göran Edman (KARMAKANIC, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, MÅRRAN). Данный релиз включает шесть треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом. 16-page art booklet included. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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400.00 Р
industrial ambient / power electronics
Wether is the blackened noise project from Mike Haley, the beardo that runs the classy Electric Human Project label and who is also half of Big China & Little Trouble...this entity has released an assload of cassettes and splits and even a wee bot if vinyl over the past couple of years, and all of it which I"ve heard has been excellent, a kind of formless, ganrled industrial blackness, usually very dirgey and crushing, possessed by the occasional blast of snarling black metal screams buried in distortion and awesomely malevolent synthesizer drones that, when they really get going, sound like the tarblack afterbirth of Wolf Eyes jamming on cues from John Carpenter"s The Fog OST from "94. We finally hooked up with Mike to bring you this new full length of infernal hypnosis Uncertain Ritual, a collection of hellish mechanical atmospheres, meditative trance-loops constructed from machine clatter and blocks of white noise, torrents of bellowing distortion goo and black ambience that"s creepy as fuck. This is super-high quality fx pedal/circuit-bent generated deathscape action, brutally heavy in spots with massive creeping industrial rhythms and whirlpools of ultra-distorted metal-like crunch, and tranquil and beautiful in others when Wether moves into placid drones and subdued underground vibrations. This is terminally evil shit though, and it falls somewhere in between the black ambient/industrial chaos of artists like Nordvargr and Abruptum, and the grinding electronic skum of Wolf Eyes and Anenzephalia.
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333.33 Р
thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Liars! Ethics! Jackals! Aesthetics! 2 Utopia 3 Fade In The Sun 4 Fortune Keeper 5 Eternal Mortal 6 AMEN (Average Megapolis Enters...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 На грани миров (On The Edge Of Worlds) 4:43 2 Средь одиночества и пустоты (Amidst Solitude And Emptiness) 4:51 3 Имени черное пламя (Name's...
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333.33 Р
stoner doom metal
"This is one of the most tripped-out albums released in recent years and you will feel like you are on a psychoactive drug while listening to 'Shaman's Visions' as the music really does alter your cognition and perception of everything around you. 'Shaman's Visions' is a début album of the year so far in my opinion, essential listening." - Ed, www.doommantia.com "This is a package everyone can love, a 30-minute stoner/doom epic divided into 5 parts, each with an equally great taste. Get this now!" Robin, stonerobixxx.blogspot.com "It's hard for me to pick up one song over another, as everything on this release is worthy of praise; each one will make you want to light a fat blunt and some strong incense to start meditating and worshipping whatever High Power(s) you believe in." Laurent Lignon, www.doom-metal.com "This album is beyond excellent. It's got Southern riffs, doom elements, stoner elements.. It's all in one blistering package." Cheeto, sludgeswamp.blogspot.com
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400.00 Р
modern metal
Треклист: 1 Incisions 2 Brochure 3 Medule 4 Shykners 5 Misunderstood
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400.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Suffering 2 Holocaust Of The Human Being 3 Innocent Victims 4 Torment 5 H.I.J.O.S. 6 Under The Power Of Men 7 Come Back From Death 8...
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733.33 Р
cult dark ambient
Best Of Album - Limited to 500 copies
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Enter The Halls Of The Pororium 3:01 2 The Ceremony Of Tjolgtjar 3:54 3 Exorcism Spell 3:10 4 Prayer Of The Five Keys 2:09 5 Tjolgtjarium Ritual...
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666.67 Р
Треклист: Part I - The Siege Of Amber 1 Walking The Pattern 2 Battle Of Kolvir (Part I) 3 Battle Of Kolvir (Part II) 4 In The Dark/Cabra Part II -...
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400.00 Р
death thrash metal
Треклист: 1 The Beginning 2 Two Sides Of A Spiteful Mind 3 Wound Opening Part I 4 Wound Opening Part II 5 Blind Victim 6 Terror Weil 7 Emperor Of...
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333.33 Р
ambient drone doom
Light Of Shipwreck is a one-man band operated by Ben Fleury-Steiner, a Deleware-based drone artist and owner of the excellent Gears of Sand Recordings imprint, which has released discs from some of our favorite ambient/drone/drift artists including Encomi
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800.00 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Combining abrasive and gritty black metal with hallucinatory ambience and spiralling postrock intricacy, Kassad’s name is synonymous with misery, futility, and madness of modern urban life. "London Orbital", the new album, centers around modern urban living and looks to a near future of megacities where the city itself is a personified, malevolent being where human empathy and culture have been replaced by artificial intelligence. The artist adds: "I wanted to create music for an imagined, future London - one where the city’s monoliths of glass and concrete have come alive to assert their malevolent control over the millions of people that live and toil amongst them. Workers travel in the vast shadows of these buildings, in the tunnels and transport systems that snake below or in the briefest snatches of sun that are yet to be blacked out. If you tilt your head and look at the city just right, you can already see the light starting to turn to darkness."
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866.67 Р
martial / folk
KAZERIA [KZ] means “Hunt” in Spanish. This is a solo project started and leaded by argentinean composer [S] since 2008. Its new work, “Credo Nostrvm” ("Our Creed"), edited by Twilight Records, has nine tracks inscribed onto a martial, neofolk, neoclassical and dark ambient combination, dealing with some themes that represents [KZ] main topics: the meaning of glory, decadence, eternity, struggle, occult and sacred symbols of forgotten times. [S] spouts out a harsh vision about reality, which could be understood as “active nihilism”. This is its way to relate to this current decaying age which, in [S] words, “must be overcome”. The Hunt has begun... If you are fan of THOROID , WAPPENWUND or TRIARII....you will love KZ!
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Abendrot 2 Als Die Nacht Anbrach 3 Schritte Gen Ewigkeit 4 Vom Dahinscheiden Einer Ruhelosen Seele 5 Sonnenaufgang
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Untitled 2 Untitled
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466.67 Р
dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Aamrita 11:06 2 Nenra Noor Khnori 12:36 3 Yesil Türbe 11:40 4 Nirmon Kafì 12:46 5 Annapurna 18:34
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666.67 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Turul 06:15 2 Tél 05:27 3 Cold White Winter 04:47 4 Break Of Sunlight 05:51 5 El Manantial 02:42 6 Rotten Cross 05:31 7 Vihar (Storm)...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Primitive Sea 3:34 2 The Coming Of Ravenmen 6:11 3 Anam Orbos 6:19 4 Erichtho 5:24 5 Arianrhod 3:23 6 Lia Flail 5:39 7 Dreaming Inside The Knoll...
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346.67 Р
black death metal, FONO ltd
VESANIA (с латинского "безумие") - польская симфо black/death metal группа, сформированная в 1997 году участниками BEHEMOTH, VADER и DECAPITATED. После выхода пары демо-записей, первым релизом группы стал сплит "Moonastray" c группой BLACK ALTAR, вышедший в 2002 году тиражом 666 копий, каждая их которых была подписана кровью. Дебютировав в 2003 году с полноформатным альбомом "Firefrost Arcanum" и попав под крыло лейбла Napalm Records, VESANIA выпустила альбомы "God the Lux" (2005) и "Distractive Killusions" (2007), после чего ушла в тень из-за занятости музыкантов в других коллективах. "Deus Ex Machina" - четвертый полноформатник VESANIA, вышедший спустя 7 лет молчания и ставший первым релизом группы в каталоге лейбла Metal Blade Records. Запись альбома проходила на польской Sound Division Studio, где писались альбомы HATE, BEHEMOTH, DECAPITATED, а мастерингом занимался гитарист и продюсер PIG DESTROYER и AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED Scott Hull в своей Visceral Sound Studios в Мэрилэнде, США.
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666.67 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Mortuphagia 2 Dominion 3 Blood And Soil 4 Sacrilegous Profanation (Live 5.19.2014) 5 Hatefull Quest 6 The Silence...Death 7 Fleshcraver...
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400.00 Р
death / sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Pleasing The Usurpress 2 Unpunished 3 I Am An Empire 4 The Initiated (Will Fall) 5 Embrace Your Non-Existence 6 Primitive Majesty 7...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Minä, Tuhoaja 5:45 2 Kohti Kuolemaa 4:37 3 Kadotuksen Reunalla 5:58 4 Neitsyt Maria Itkee Verta 4:43 5 Golgata 5:36 6 Rituaali 6:01
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 I Am 2 Hellspawn 3 Souleater 4 Free 5 Betrayed 6 Forever Burning Scorn 7 The Sweeter Choice 8 Worm 9 Appealing To Death 10 From Beyond...
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 PT. I 6:29 2 PT. II 6:39 3 PT. III 8:58 4 PT. IV 13:26 5 PT. V 1:42
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533.33 Р
pagan metal
The trilogy is now complete! USER-NE present the third installment in their musical trilogy, and their first for Dark Symphonies entitled ATROPA NATURA! ATROPA NATURA is absolutely over-the-top progressive, extreme music for the 21st Century as USER NE ta
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Excerpts Of Fury 6:09 2 They Won't Leave 3:35 3 Unutterable Unworthiness 4:37 4 When Mind Collapses 4:31 5 Vril 5:08 6 Nothing Foreign 4:42 7...
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333.33 Р
thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Бешеный Тролль 2 Головолом 3 Торкланд 4 Рагнаролл 5 Ачад 6 Шар, Цепь, Шипы 7 Вепрь 8 Пойдём Со Мною В Лес, Красотка
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733.33 Р
doom metal
Треклист: 1 End Your Life 6:36 2 Under And Under 7:57 3 Capes 9:05 4 Divider 2:21 5 That's What It's Like 13:48 6 Cherry 0:46 7 Oldest Harm 2:15 8 Destroy...
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466.67 Р
experimental / ambient
Треклист: 1 S.O.36 7:31 2 Creeper 8:09 3 The End 3:14 4 The End 3:09 5 Coldness Of Another Universe 4:10 6 Smile Of The Grim 4:59
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Powieś się! 2 Erynie 3 Patrząc jak znika 4 Przebiśniegi 5 Oczyszczenie 6 Wrócę 7 Świat we mgle 8 Oddalenie
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Mortuary World 2 Bastard Of Creation 3 Nechronicles 1916 4 VX 5 The Antichrist Weapon Forged In Black Metal 6 Instrumentos Para Um Abate 7...
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Doctrine Of Immortality 2 War Diary 3 Thy Will Not Be Done 4 Songs And Dances Of Death 5 Schism 6 Fire 7 Pillars Of Hercules 8...
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733.33 Р
stoner doom metal
Over the past decade, the band has developed its own style of doom metal, mixing either a languorous or tortured voice and sprinkled with pachydermic riffs. Digipak release including an eight page booklet.
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Naturia (Naturia) 4:33 2 Elf A Duch Lesa (The Elf And The Forest Spirit) 6:04 3 Mýtiny Hoří (Burning Glades) 5:52 4 Podpozemský Vír (Underworld...
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Gottes Huren 2 Totgeburt 3 Maria Hängt Am Kreuz 4 Jesus Fotze 5 Gott... Im Chaos Gestorben 6 Misanthropie 7 Necrophilia 8 Herbstklinge 9...
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466.67 Р
death thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Last Breath 1:32 2 Red Line 4:25 3 They Suck Your Soul 3:46 4 Tommy's Grave 3:42 5 Come Back To Hell 4:06 6 Psycho Killer 3:34 7 In The Gash...
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466.67 Р
viking black metal
Треклист: About The Sacrifice Of The Warrior 1 First Fragment 2 Second Fragment 3 Third Fragment 4 Fourth Fragment 5 Fifth Fragment About The...
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506.67 Р
hard rock, FONO ltd
VOODOO CIRCLE - немецкая группа исполняющая классический hard rock, лидером которой является Alex Beyrodt, гитарист группы SILENT FORCE. Также в группе играет на басу и подпевает Мэт Синнер (PRIMAL FEAR, SINNER) а место за микрофонной стойкой занимает Дэвид Ридман (PINK CREAM 69, ADAGIO). "Whisky Fingers" - четвертый полноформатный альбом VOODOO CIRCLE, вышедший спустя 2 года после тепло принятого фэнами и критиками альбома "More Than One Way Home". Упорные немцы продолжили культивировать дух хард-рока 80-ых, претерпев небольшую смену состава (новый барабанщик Francesco Jovino (PRIMAL FEAR, ex-U.D.O.) и клавишник Alessandro del Vecchio (EDGE OF FOREVER, SILENT FORCE)) и освежив дуэли между гитарными и клавишными партиями. Данное издание дополнено бонус-треком и видеклипом на песню "Trapped In Paradise", а часть тиража выполнена в виде 6-панельного диджипака.
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466.67 Р
drone ambient
Треклист: 1 Autumndrones 9:16 2 Breath Of Leaves 12:43 3 Sleep On The Wind 6:01
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400.00 Р
Треклист: 1 My Statement 2 Still Here 3 Cold Black Lie 4 Mist 5 Abused 6 Emptiness 7 Out Of Control 8 Faces 9 Free 10 Claiming Insanity
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Signs (Intro) 1:40 2 Release The Blind For Dark 4:46 3 Ripping The Angel’s Heart, I Find The Hidden Truth 6:37 4 Suicide’s Prophecies 7:26 5 Way...
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400.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 System Init 1:18 2 Fear Of The Empty Streets 3:11 3 Preserve To Diverse 5:19 4 New Life Propaganda 4:37 5 Personal War 4:35 6 My Home 4:27 7...
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Massmurderers Heaven 2 Reanimation Of Hate 3 Breaking The Noise 4 Stick It Out 5 Fear 6 Neighbour In Hell 7 Liberation 8 Supernova Fake...
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400.00 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
MASTERCASTLE - итальянская power metal группа, фронтменшей которой является очаровательная женщина Giorgia Gueglio, а основателем Pier Gonella, гитарист итальянской black/death metal группы NECRODEATH. Также в составе числится барабанщик именитых итальянцев SADIST Alessio Spallarossa.MASTERCASTLE существует с 2008-го года и выпустила пять полноформатных альбомов, начав карьеру под крылом лэйбла Lion Music и позже перейдя под покровительство Scarlet Records, где и находится на данный момент. "Wine Of Heaven" - шестой полноформатный альбом MASTERCASTLE, вышедший 19-го мая на лэйбле Scarlet Records. Релиз выпущен в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом. Released in a jewel case, a 12-page booklet.
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666.67 Р
Треклист: 1 Flow My Tears 2:50 2 Four Winters 3:29 3 Sol Invictus 4:54 4 Lord Gregory 2:58 5 Heroes' Dawn 3:07 6 When The War Is Over 4:52 7 Niflheim 2:44 8...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 I Sommerens Sol Er De Brendt 4:58 2 Fra Absinten Farer 4:14 3 Frysende Snute 4:38 4 Sirkus Av Hex 4:50 5 Ærlighet & Rettferd 3:46 6 Geitespill...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 1:30 2 Umbræ Ante Solem 3:45 3 Ave Casus Mundi 4:47 4 Baratro 6:33 5 Voci dal Profondo 3:05 6 Post Mortem 5:29 7 ...Cenere 6:03 8 Ecce...
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Kalt 3 Mentale Disharmonie 4 ...Vom Grabentod 5 Des Herbstes Schatten
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666.67 Р
psychedelic doom metal / rock
6 panel digipak
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666.67 Р
groove metal, Metal Scrap Records
Debut full-length album by Polish Technical Groove Metal band. From the deepest and darkest states of human hypocrisy, from the pitch-black abyss of cruelty, from the dungeons of self-destruction here come the sounds of fright, fear and consternation… A mix of heavy riffs, long phrases, aggressive vocals and psychedelic melodies is a testimony to the hard-working and difficult period they conquered and the direction in which the band wants to continue. The album contains 8 tracks that gets the listener into a hypnotic trance which does not give you a break, just like the entire band at their concerts. The material was recorded over a span of two weeks at Hertz Recording Studio under the watchful eye of Wojtek and Slawek Wieslawski. For fans of: Meshuggah, Gojira, Decapitated, Tool, Cloudkicker, Monuments, Pantera, Sepultura, Neurosis, Deftones, After The Burial and more.
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666.67 Р
alternative rock
Треклист: 1 Waiting For The Truth 3:56 2 Here Or Gone 3:12 3 Let Me Down Easy 2:43 4 Anywhere Tonight 3:30 5 Not Enough 3:43 6 Between The Sounds 3:10 7 On...
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400.00 Р
celtic thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 3:02 2 Nemed 4:21 3 Abyss 2:48 4 An Tríu Creathán 6:32 5 Sacrostine 3:38 6 Christian Cry 6:25 7 As We Sing 3:39 8 Eblana; The Reproach 9:15
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333.33 Р
avantgarde metal
Треклист: 1 No Visible Help (Hold Tight!) 5:00 2 Lullaby 8:05 3 Right Over To The Helm 7:13 4 Forging Two Tounges / A Reckoning 4:03
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600.00 Р
black / death metal
Треклист: 1 W Imię Bogów 2 Na Śmierć Ku Przeznaczeniu Życia 3 Gdy Bogowie Światem Rządzili 4 Chyląc Czoło Ku Przeszłości 5 Twoja Krew 6 Perunie...
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600.00 Р
doom metal
New EP of one of the best doom metal bands in this fucking world, the magnificent LUCIFER'S FALL from Australia. Three brand new tracks recorded in studio, long and slow but also short yet furious (look out their soon to be hit "Fuck You We're Lucifer's Fall"!!!). This also includes as bonus tracks their raw Dungeon Demos II rehearsal.
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Love Is Always Painful 2 Now That You're Gone 3 Welcome Home 4 I Hate You
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733.33 Р
Треклист: 1 Tastelessness 2:09 2 Trap 1:30 3 The Theater 2:17 4 Surrender? 3:33 5 The Second... 1:58 6 Inclinations To... 1:45 7 Grindcoholism 2:18 8...
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800.00 Р
drone doom
Треклист: 1 Guilted 10:03 2 By 4:52 3 The 4:26 4 Sun 8:39
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400.00 Р
sludge doom
Треклист: 1 49 Old Circles 3:23 2 Masceration 2:28 3 Suicide Sheeps And Goat Lovers (And Hectic Toads) 1:32 4 March Of The MILF 2:51 5 Interlude 0:43 6...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Rising (Intro) / Dark Congregation 6:59 2 Blade's Blood Taste 5:35 3 Thy Almighty Pestilence 3:33 4 The New Light 4:36 5 Reign Ov Opposites 3:08...
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733.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: Incidents In The Extinct Spot 1 Insensitive Apathetic Cells 2 Ineradicable 3 Introspection 4 If 5 Illegal Privacy 6 Internal Resurrection...
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466.67 Р
death metal / grind
Треклист: 1 For Idiots All Over The World 0:49 2 Have A Nice Fucking Day 1:04 3 Circle Of Masturbators 1:11 4 Sin You Are 1:36 5 Bitch Hard The Girls Squad'...
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533.33 Р
dark ambient / noise / industrial
Треклист: 1 Primevil Sorcery 11:16 2 Maz Ov Tha Damd 3:43 3 Goetic Xaos 24:17 4 Audi Alteram Partem 1:59 5 Pennhurst 6:11 6 Xesse 2:57 7 Silence Is...
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400.00 Р
crust / black metal
Треклист: 1 They All Float Down Here 2 Medicinal Culling 3 The Awakening 4 God Is Dead (Soon You Will Follow) 5 Wishful Thinking 6 Temptation 7...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Towards Ipsissimus 2 I Am The Abyss 3 The Lost Soul's Sacrifice 4 Hear And Behold! 5 The Rise Of The Funeral Flames 6 Death, Embrace!
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: Be At A Loss 1 A Black Mist Of Hatred 2 Spoiled By Sickness 3 An Introductory Chapter 4 Despair 5 Be At A Loss Live At Black Metal...
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733.33 Р
“…Living for the Kingdom?s Will” is the debut album of the electro-darkwave act MELMOTH.The band presents an eclectic work that joins the essence of classic and modern literature with obscure and delicate vocal melodies, electronic sequences and orchestral arrangements.“…Living for the Kingdom’s will” places the listener beyond the boundaries of time, facing a past that gets near through a harmonic blend of contemporary sounds.Without the shadow of a doubt, this band invites us to experiment a fantastic voyage where each song is a living chapter of a book that never reveals its ultimate secret.Melmoth was formed in 1998, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the year 2001 the band makes its first live show in the “Fiesta de Los Eternos”. One year later, Melmoth takes part of an electronic compilation CD titled “Plan Identitaat”, edited in Argentina by the label Nullrepublik. This compilation reaches many european and latin american countries.Between the years 2002 and 2003 Melmoth performs several shows for different audiences. It takes part of “Electropolis”, a live soundtrack of the film “Metropolis” (An argentinean tribute to the german director Fritz Lang). In 2004 Melmoth plays as an opening act of Wayne Hussey’s (The Mission U.K.) show in his last concert in Argentina.In the next year the band records its first album that will be released in 2006.
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 망각 2:15 2 잃어버린 세계 7:54 3 공간의 끝 3:49 4 망상장애 이야기 4:44 5 Vindication & Lying Mountain 7:19 6 Dream After Dream 3:07 7 Stained The Foot With Ash...
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Enchanting Black Ritual 6:05 2 Inverted Cross / Thunderbolt 5:45 3 A Crown for the Emperor 5:26 4 Monument to Pride 4:11 5 Nemesi 4:47 6...
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666.67 Р
death black metal
Треклист: 1 Invocation...666 2 Ave. Lucifer 3 Dragons ~ Darkness 4 Azrael. Death Wing Angel 5 Great American ScapeGoat 6 Hail Satan 7 7 Strings. Sin...
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533.33 Р
melancholic metal
Треклист: 1 Thoughts On Living 2 One Last Wish 3 Ceremony Of Innocents 4 Sun Of Steel 5 Ancient Echoes 6 Law For Burnt To Death 7 Shořel Jsi V Jejím...
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533.33 Р
progressive melodic metal
Треклист: 1 Read Between The Bones 3:31 2 Waiting 5:08 3 Down To The Roots 3:29 4 Evening 3:58 5 Wrath Of Ages 5:28 6 The Black Rainbow 3:49 7 Wars Won't...
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800.00 Р
death doom
Треклист: 1 They Lie 2 Praise Your Will 3 Until Death
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400.00 Р
hardcore / metalcore
Треклист: 1 Get Up & Let Die 2 Satan On A Silverplate 3 Goodbye Forever 4 Real Stoner 5 Afterburner 6 Maelstrom Of Delay
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466.67 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Answered In Lead 2 Demonic Instinct 3 Numb 4 Rotten Dead Mass 5 The Savage Silence 6 Chainsaw Omega 7 Ascending To Red Heavens 8 Blind...
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866.67 Р
thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Calm Between The Storms 2 Doom Live 3 The Hike 4 Involved 5 The Hike II 6 The Grief 7 Dark Side Of Conscience 8 For Jana 9 Thin Patience...
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600.00 Р
heavy / power metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Trip To The Dreamland 3 Never Again 4 Sirens 5 Glory And Eternity 6 With Golden Wings 7 Destiny Calls 8 Midnight Warriors 9 I...
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600.00 Р
death metal, Metal Scrap Records
The second full-length album by Italian Death Metal band. Melodic and at the same time Brutal Death Metal sound. The metric is particularly Technical and Progressive but it preserves the violent impact, combined in pressing and rapid drums and vocals interweaving in growl and scream lines, that give tracks a personal and evolving tone from the start to the end. Arkana Code differs markedly from other bands playing Extreme Metal for the personal and particular sound, for the concept of the band and the imaginary transmitted on the stage. The project has an imaginary of an ancient code discovered and decrypted in every band's release, narrating stories decrypted in this code, transposition of situations we live in our life. This is a concept album. The lyrics decrypted from the code talks about an ancestral civilization, the terrifying situation they lived, lobotomized, about cruelty that was impregnated in their existence. Every track has a personal story, with imaginary horror. Anachronistic, mysterious, ancient, with a transposition in our days. All that can be transposed in our existence... For fans of: Carcass, Children Of Bodom, Obscura, Arch Enemy, Death, Impaled Nazarene, Obituary, and Cannibal Corpse!
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600.00 Р
raw black metal
Треклист: 1 Od Pakla 4:13 2 Spremna Su Vešala 3:41 3 Prazan Grob 4:57 4 Svetlosti Tiha 4:01 5 Reka 3:35 6 Smrti 5:17 7 Hram 5:31 8 Bezdan 3:44 9 Ka Rubu...
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600.00 Р
heavy / power metal, Metal Scrap Records
Official worldwide release of the second full-length album by Polish Heavy/Power Metal band. Recorded from March until September 2015, the album consists of 10 tracks in classic Heavy/Power Metal style. Drums were recorded in the renowned Hertz Studio, which works with world's leading Metal bands (Vader, Behemoth, Decapitated), while guitars, bass and vocals were recorded in Dobra 12 Studio, supervised by Piotr Polak. The album was mixed and mastered in Hertz Studio as well. An interesting bit is definitely the guest appearance of Wojciech Hoffmann from the band Turbo on the title track. The musician, an icon of Polish Rock and Metal scene, played an exceptional solo, which certainly gives the song an additional bite. "Tears Of The Ages" it's 50 minutes of real Metal music comprising tradition and modernity. Strong but melodic riffs along the lines of the genre classics like Iron Maiden, Saxon and Judas Priest. The sound is modern, powerful and elaborate, carrying the echoes of the pioneers' heirs, such as Primal Fear. Each piece is complemented by a number of juicy solos, and high-pitched melodic vocals are a flagship of this material. If we add fantasy themed and existential lyrics, then we receive a full picture of a varied, feisty and ambitious album! This is a great album with rapid fire drums and shredding guitar solos that leaves you wanting more!! Highly recommended for fans of: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Primal Fear and Helloween!!!
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Discorso Sul Teatro Drammatico 1:33 2 L’Alchimista 4:55 3 Monologo 1:10 4 La Danza Del Fuoco 5:40 5 Monologo 1:28 6 Il Pianto Della Terra 4:29 7...
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666.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Am Ende Steht Der Tod 8:59 2 Vergangen Und Vergessen 5:27 3 Meine Gedanken 10:07 4 Zwischenspiel 4:02 5 Allein 3:59 6 Mein Ende 5:13 7 Outro 3:14
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400.00 Р
black death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Repent 3 Crippled Messiah 4 Hymn IV 5 Black Fornicator 6 Blood Saints 7 Hymn V 8 Fall To The Abyss 9 Nails And Hammers 10 Hymn...
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466.67 Р
darkwave / black metal
As a counterbalance to raw black metal releases, years of delays and several drawbacks, AAP has finally the honour to present the debut album of Slave"s Mask "Faustian Electronics & Bruise Poetry". Kaarna and SG.7 have poured an absinth-odorish coctail FE&BP into a glass ready to drink, using the finest elements of their several artistic works in the mixture of the potion, consisting of nine organic, polished, pounding and pulsating semen injections to the rubbercunt underlining the attraction not to life, but to its exceeded rate. As a sugar at the bottom of the glass, the quaff has been decorated with luxurious six-panel digipack with four lyric cards, thus making it even more irresistable to devour this deceitful drink down the throat. "Goat has many ways. For you to walk."
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400.00 Р
dark death metal
Треклист: 1 The Lisboa Man - Rossio Square 5:43 2 Genital Screwdriver Mutilation 3:42 3 Ingrained Frenzy 4:20 4 Slaves Of Society 4:17 Video Ingrained...
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333.33 Р
stoner metal
Треклист: 1 My Parade 2 Monster 3 Lugn 4 In Me 5 Skane
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506.67 Р
hard rock, FONO ltd
JADED HEART - шведско-немецкая hard rock группа, сформированная в 1990 году. За время своего существования группа успела выпустить 12 полноформатных альбомов, пару видеоклипов и даже распасться на некоторое время в 2004 году, но смогла быстро реабилитироваться. "Devil's Gift" - тринадцатый полноформатный альбом JADED HEART, сведение и мастеринг которого проходили в шведской студии Mass Destruction Production под руководством Эрика Мартэнссона, работавшего с альбомами SHADOWS PAST, UNLEASHED и SEVENTH WONDER. Обложку и оформление "Devil's Gift" нарисовал немецкий художник Thomas Ewerhard, среди работ которого релизы AMON AMARTH, AVANTASIA, HAMMERFALL и многих других. Packaged in a jewel case, a 12-page booklet
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733.33 Р
electro / darkwave
Треклист: 1 Spazio Zero 3:11 2 Window Sill 4:22 3 Picture Hall 5:51 4 Notturno Italiano 2:36 5 Asimmetrie 4:31 6 Spazio Zero (Instrumental Remix) 3:14 7...
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933.33 Р
heavy death doom metal
HEAVY METAL of DEATH and DOOM! HEAVYDEATH from Sweden return with their latest EP "DARK PHOENIX RISING". Released on limited cassette in 2015 by CALIGARI RECORDS from the US and now finally available on CD. The CD version from this album contains all five songs from the original recordings plus two bonus tracks. The album contains more then 50 minutes of ultra heavy METAL OF DEATH! 500 copies released in a deluxe gatefold sleeve.
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400.00 Р
epic heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Alive... 2 Love Me The Way I Am 3 Golden Hours 4 Lady Winter 5 610 6 Bang Bang 7 I Will Not Turn Back 8 How Do You Feel 9 ... And...
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 That Which Was And Never Again Shall Be 2 Take Me Far Away 3 Snø 4 Beauty And Despair 5 This Life Has Meaning (Re-recording) Bonus Track...
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413.33 Р
slamming brutal death metal, FONO ltd
Слэмминг брутал дэт команда из Российской столицы дэт метала, играющая в нестандартных размерах, разливает жир по бочкам во второй раз. Новый релиз — EP Саратовских слэмеров является приквелом к первому альбому и приоткрывает завесу тайны над событиями, предшествующими событиям Акта I. Тексты, повествующие о биологической катастрофе и выживании в постапокалиптическом мире, пропитаны ненавистью ко всему живому. Мелодии и ритмы, приправленные всесокрушающими бас-дропами, погружают слушателей в суровую атмосферу борьбы за жизнь. Дуэт показывает небывалый уровень брутальности и безумия, заряжая слэм-энергией всех, кто посмел вставить диск в привод и нажать кнопку "Play". Tracks in tracklist have numbers from "-4" to "0". Drums recorded at Metalhearts Studio. Mixed and mastered at Death Crush Studio. Music and lyrics by Psychosurgical Intervention.
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Hear Their Voices... Cleanse Yourself In Blood 2 It Feels Good To Die 3 Denial 4 God Can't Save You 5 Submit To Him
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333.33 Р
experimental black metal
Треклист: 1 I Descend 2 From The Dying Soil To The Eternal Sea 3 Devour Me
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600.00 Р
doom / progressive metal rock
Треклист: 1 Daidalos 03:56 2 Clouds 05:53 3 Rust and ruin 07:31 4 Closer 03:14 5 The search 11:06 6 For a silver lining 05:27 7 Spilt in vain 04:35
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400.00 Р
punk rock
Треклист: 1 Enimmäkseen Harmiton 2 Morsiushuntu 3 Muistot 4 Pimeän Reuna 5 Kuka Kuljettaa Mua 6 Toivon Kipinä 7 Kerro Mulle Miksi 8 Aikaan...
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666.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Serpents 4:20 2 Looking Glass 4:43 3 Ashes 8:01 4 Ravenous 4:50 5 Ghostways 7:53 6 Veil Of Flies 7:29 7 Kajicnické Šaty 7:23
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400.00 Р
black doom metal
Треклист: 1 The Judgement Of Demigod (Pt. II) 6:21 2 The Last Shadows Of Lost Darkest Paradise 9:19 3 The Judgement Of Demigod (Pt. IV) 7:09 4 Intro -...
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533.33 Р
thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Samota Waldhaus / Solitude „Waldhaus“ 4:51 2 Černej Had / Black Snake 4:14 3 Krvelačný Proudy / Sanguinary Torrents 4:09 4 Stíny A Krev /...
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373.33 Р
technical death metal, FONO ltd
REVOCATION - американская technical death metal команда родом из Бостона, сформированная в 2000 году как CRYPTIC WARNING и просуществовавшая под этим названием до 2006 года. Осуществив релиз дебютного альбома "Empire of the Obscene" в 2008 году собственными силами, уже в 2009 группу подписал лейбл Relapse Records, впоследствии выпустивший еще 3 полноформатника REVOCATION. Пятый альбом американцев "Deathless" вышел в конце 2014-го года на лейбле Metal Blade Records.Тираж дебютного альбома "Empire of the Obscene", вышедшего в 2008-ом году, составлял всего 1000 экземпляров. Данный релиз является переизданием "Empire of the Obscene", прошедшим пересведение и ремастеринг, с обновленным артворком и дополненный бонус-треками с демо "Summon the Spawn" (2006). Часть тиража выполнена в виде 6-панельного диджипака.
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400.00 Р
black metal
superb raw "no mercy" black metal attack !!
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600.00 Р
black metal / post-rock
Треклист: 1 Influx 04:01 2 Duplicate 07:34 3 Blender 06:08 4 Noumenon 05:45 5 Siren 07:33 6 Carousel 05:26 7 Recluse 07:25 8 Lost 08:36
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400.00 Р
dark ambient
Треклист: 1 in the darkness 7:28 2 insight 7:20 3 Birth project 6:07 4 Beginning of great work 7:08 5 Food riots 5:52 6 Insignificance against the big plan...
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Zero 4:18 2 Sole 6:36 3 R136a1 7:45 4 Eta Carinae 9:01 5 Sirio 7:50 6 RR Lyrae 5:01 7 Demiurgo 4:39
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666.67 Р
doom metal
Треклист: 1 Double Dealer 5:01 2 Long Hard Mile 4:05 3 Deal With Or Do Without 3:59 4 When You Climb Up The Ladder 4:06 5 941028 1:26 6 A Shipload Of Tricks...
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533.33 Р
black metal
The first onslaught initiated by another embodiment of hatred of Shatraug, the mastermind behind the long existing black cult HORNA, namely SINISTERITE! Old-skull Black Metal as it is meant to be - filthy, sludgy, immense darkness and infused with doom. The lord of chaos is once again reigning the world of hell! Insanely recommended!
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506.67 Р
death / thrash / groove metal, FONO ltd
HATESPHERE - датская death/thrash группа, активная с 2001-го года, однако с 1993-го по 2001-ый (почти тем же составом) музыканты существовали под названием NECROSIS и даже выпустили три демо-записи. Сочетание агрессивности подачи и качевого грува в мелодиях позволило HATESPHERE выделиться среди коллег по жанру и занять своё место на сцене. В дискографии HATESPHERE девять полноформатных альбомов, пара EP и синглов. "Reduced to Flesh" - десятый полноформатный альбом HATESPHERE, вышедший 19-го октября на Scarlet Records. Вся работа над альбомом (запись, сведение и мастеринг) велась в студии Antfarm Studio под предводительством продюсера Тью Мадсэна, работавшего с MESHUGGAH, THE HAUNTED, DARK TRANQUILLITY и многими другими, а также над предыдущими альбомами HATESPHERE. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray, 12-page art booklet included.
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
avantgarde electronic rock
Треклист: 1 Табуретка 4:08 2 Ворота (вступление) 2:15 3 Любил говорить с Богом - глупый гений 5:06 4 Интимный шансон 2:01 5 У Экжежтута есть друг Смирнов...
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533.33 Р
folk rock
Треклист: 1 That's Alright 4:19 2 Sweet Lady Fair 3:53 3 Sandy 3:42 4 Never 3:06 5 Revelations 4:49 6 Introture / Goddess Of Dreams 4:37 7 Fly Away 2:59 8 I...
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400.00 Р
power violence / metalcore
On their debut full length Alpha Males & Popular Girls , SOIHADTOSHOOTHIM complete their metamorphosis from purveyors of mid-90"s art-damaged powerviolence to modern blastpop visionaries. Sugarcoated and venomous, these ten songs marry monstrous metallic
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466.67 Р
heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Serial Leader 5:11 2 Looney Tunes 5:47 3 Domestic Devil 6:11 4 Queen 4:09 5 Slaughterhouse 6:19 6 Brothers' Tears 4:48 7 Mary Beth 3:45 8...
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733.33 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Delirio funerario 5:05 2 Orgasmos de molestación 3:48 3 Pudrición de enemigos 4:07 4 Horrible & violenta demolición 5:44 5 Negro metal 4:55...
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400.00 Р
hardcore / sludge
Треклист: 1 Ingen Veit Alt 1:11 2 Triumph Of Meth 1:52 3 Witch House 3:25 4 Upon The Anvil 3:26 5 No Glass 1:45
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400.00 Р
melodic death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Pray 3 Revenge 4 Breathing The Scarlets 5 Election 6 Sands Of Time 7 Reach 8 Nothing Gets Forgiven 9 Origin 10 I Warned...
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600.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Celestial 3 Devastation 4 Ex-Nihilo 5 Decay Inheritance 6 In Vain 7 Sacrificial Skies 8 Impending Purification 9 Lesser Being...
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466.67 Р
pagan black
Треклист: 1 Iidsetel Sünkjatel Radadel 5:35 2 Vahkturm 3:57 3 Ristikatk 4:47 4 Surmatalv 6:21 5 Loodusviha 4:53 6 Hullusesse 5:08 7 Raudses Haardes 5:42
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733.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Death, Lucid Death 0:59 2 Not A Second From Oceans To Frozen Wastelands 7:32 3 Abendwerk 7:41 4 Marrow's Void 1:23 5 Perpetual Stigmata 5:30 6...
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Psychotic Examination of All Their Preachings and Lies 05:11 2 The First Step Towards Salvation 05:24 3 A Freaky European Black Metal Madness...
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666.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Like Something That In The Night Falls 7:19 2 Torn To Death 11:18 3 When The End Is Near 8:58 4 The Evocation Of The Darkest Spirits 7:21 5...
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600.00 Р
black metal
CD version is limited to 500 copies.
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666.67 Р
death black metal
Треклист: 1 World Wide 9... The Calling 2 Necromantic Art 3 666... Mega Therion 4 Satanic Grimoire 5 Black Magick 6 Chameleon Of Witchery 7...
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333.33 Р
brain impulsive grind core
Треклист: 1 ...Downloading 1:58 2 Anal Marquis 1:46 3 Happy Delivery 1:31 4 Admirable, Marvellous Shit 0:57 5 Young And Possessed 1:49 6 Get Acquainted -...
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666.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 ...Vom Verfall Der Firmamente 08:34 2 In Gedanken Schon Verendet 06:10 3 Verwüstung 06:10 4 Verzweiflung 08:40 5 Gebrechlichkeit 10:30
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466.67 Р
technical power thrash metal
Треклист: Act I: Strangers In A Strange Land 1 X.E.N.O.S. 6:57 Act II: Inner Struggle 2 Wings Ov Tears 6:13 3 In The Shadow Of The Rose 5:41 Act III:...
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400.00 Р
dark ambient
DOZELIMIT’s first album, Constructions Of The Highest Architecture, contains seven untitled tracks ranging from 4 to 11 minutes – all in low-end sludgy ambient style. These are slow-paced and down-tuned hypnotic pieces which are quite involved and offer a variety of twists and turns around dirge guitar chords and splashing feedback drone-noises. This music is more reflective than heavy. The album is not for doom-metal purists and, needless to say, not for everybody, but brave explorers of obscured areas between dark ambient, power noise, doom drone and avant-garde electro-acoustic may want to check this out. (7 tracks - 44 min.)
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400.00 Р
melodic death metal
Треклист: 1 Raven's Call To Annihilation 2 Inner Turmoil 3 The Dead Will Walk The Earth 4 The Berserkers 5 Remembering The Gods 6 Spawn Of The Elements...
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400.00 Р
sludge / doom metal
Треклист: 1 XV 4:27 2 XII 5:05 3 V 5:51 4 III 4:15 5 XIII 6:30 6 XIV 2:38 7 XI 6:52
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400.00 Р
heavy / doom metal
Треклист: 1 Overture Of The Damned 2 The Unholy 3 She's Possessed 4 Necronomicon Ex-Mortis 5 Sabbath Deadly Sabbath 6 The Sorceress 7 Your Last...
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600.00 Р
neoclassical metal, shred
Треклист: 1 Child Of Scotland 4:10 2 Such And Such 3:33 3 Rapid Eye Movement 2:52 4 Solitude 5:21 5 Seven Churches 4:10 6 Salvation 3:34 7 Number One 3:40 8...
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666.67 Р
black death metal
Треклист: 1 In Lord We Trust 2 Only The Dead Will See The End Of War 3 Misanthropy 4 Equimanthorn 5 Hellspawn Live (recorded At Lokomotywa, Łódź, In...
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466.67 Р
progressive metal
Треклист: 1 Higher 2 Breaking Another String 3 I'm Alive 4 Just Before The Dawn 5 Perseverance 6 Naked Eye 7 Unbreakble 8 Wake Up The Gods 9 Winner...
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333.33 Р
ambient / atmospheric black metal
Треклист: 1 Funeral Echoes (Part I) 1:02 2 Defective Reflections 4:33 3 The Tree Into The Void 4:18 4 Somnambulistic Searchers 3:20 5 The Denieng Of Being...
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733.33 Р
Треклист: 1 BOLTzmanN BRaiN 2099 5:39 2 NeURONaMO 6:32 3 cWaRP-4 3:14 4 PsUDoPX.046245 14:50
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733.33 Р
avantgarde / experimental
Треклист: 1 Mótsögn 5:09 2 Mann Forelder 5:20 3 Luxurious Agony 5:24 4 Satellite And Narrow 6:07 5 Åben Dør 5:25 6 Friendly Herpes 5:21 7 Skam Parfyme...
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733.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 I Corpi Pesanti 5:20 2 La Mano Raccoglie 4:21 3 A Curva Di Sterno 5:20 4 Yod-He-Vau-He 4:33 5 Nel Tempo Restare 5:27 6 L' Orrore 5:44 7...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro : Opus Cornutum 1:25 2 Hornology 4:15 3 Holy Absurd 6:25 4 Ghayat Assa'asah 6:04 5 Incantation 6:50 6 Crawlers 6:37 7 Hunter 6:44 8...
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733.33 Р
black / thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Doomed to Encirclement 2 This is War 3 Killed, Wounded and Missing 4 Horizon of Destruciton 5 Fury of the Enemy 6 Incendiary Bombs of Ruin...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Remeslo Války 6:37 2 Koroze 6:06 3 Za Zdmi 4:41 4 V Pokroucené Realitě 5:22 5 Řetězy 4:26 6 Mstitel 4:24 7 Vězeň Minulosti 4:38
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 1:06 2 Golden Dawn 7:09 3 Summon The Spirits 8:25 4 Invoking The Soul 8:04 5 The Sands Of Time 8:03 6 Outro 2:06
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600.00 Р
death metal, Metal Scrap Records
The debut full-length album by the Irish / Polish Death Metal band. Legion Of Wolves delivers old school Death Metal with a modern touch. Following by their first two releases, the album contains 10 pounding and devastating tracks delivered with furious intent and spiteful melody in equal bloody measure. Combining the finest elements of old school Death Metal fused influence with a grandiose crushingly heavy production, this album more than delivers the goods. The theme of the album is war, violence and the nature of death peppered with lyrics dealing in mythology, misanthropy and war. From the opening track straight through to the last canon salvo, "Bringers Of The Dark Sleep" is characterized by extreme auditory aggression, making it a true epidemic of violence. This is the album for war, a soundtrack for Ares and a mandatory part of any true Death Metal fans' collection! Recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Unleashed, Vomitory, Pestilence, At the Gates, Asphyx, and fans of true pounding Death Metal violence!!
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346.67 Р
black metal, FONO ltd
ISKALD - мелодичный black metal дуэт из Северной Норвегии, образованный в 2005 году Саймоном Ларсеном и Ауги Креклингом. Творчество ISKALD вдохновлено норвежской мифологией и атмосферой ледяных ветров, холода и мерзлоты. "Nedom og Nord" - четвертый полноформатный альбом хладнокровных норвежцев, запись которого проходила в собственной студии группы. Сведением и мастерингом занимались Stamos Koliousis и Vangelis Labrakis в немецкой 210 Studios, подарившей нам релизы таких групп, как KEEP OF KALESSIN, VREID, GEHENNA и многих других.
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533.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Escape From My Mind
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 3:07 2 Ein Zarter Körper 5:43 3 The Throne Of Satan 4:20 4 Das Nichts 1:32 5 Depression 4:01 6 Mord & Totschlag 5:07 7 Antinomie 5:18 8...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
death / pagan metal
Треклист: 1 Vidar 3:26 2 Thule 4:10 3 The Blood Of The Fallen 4:27 4 Auf Das Wohl Der Ahnen 5:01 5 Nordischer Winter 6:07 6 Knecht Des Herrn 2:22
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Eternal Vision 5:46 2 The Soul Burn Upon The Flames 4:29 3 Red Circle 5:32 4 Blinded By Nothing 5:42 5 To Lick The Dripping Pussy 9:10
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Ave Satani 2:37 2 Smrt Nazaretci 1:18 3 Pomsta 4:14 4 Tajemství Lesa 5:01 5 Věrní Pána Našeho 4:13 6 In Nomine... 4:07 7 Padlý Anděl - Satan...
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573.33 Р
speed / power metal, FONO ltd
IRON SAVIOR - немецкая группа, исполняющая смесь из power и heavy метала, основанная в 1996 году. Гитаристом/вокалистом и основной движущей силой IRON SAVIOR является Piet Sielck, немецкий музыкант и продюсер, работавший с URIAH HEEP, BLIND GUARDIAN и SAXON, а также принимавший непосредственное участие в записи двух полноформатных альбомов группы SAVAGE CIRCUS. "Reforged - Riding On Fire" - 2CD сборник лучших вещей IRON SAVIOR с первых альбомов, полностью перезаписанных по причине невозможности перевыпуска оригинальных релизов, права на которые остались за лэйблом Noise Records. Результатом этого стали 19 треков из старого каталога IRON SAVIOR в обновленном звучании, к процессу перезаписи которых группа подошла с большим энтузиазмом. Re-recorded versions of the most popular and best songs. Packaged in a double jewel case, a 16-page booklet.
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400.00 Р
thrash metal / crossover
Quebec city"s female-fronted band Striver. This debut album is the epitomy of dirty, nasty and 80" straight foward hardcore!!! for fans of DRI, Municipal waste and Black Flag!
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