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400.00 Р
melodic death / doom metal, Moscow Funeral League
The songs are about man’s feelings after drama that happened with him. Emptiness, weakness, anxiety, despair, diffidence and uncertainty over everything.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
ЖИВЫЕ РУИНЫ – молодая российская группа, играющая в стиле epic metal/MDM. Основана в 2009г. в г. Брянск. Музыке присущ мелодизм и оттенок олд-скульного саунда, но в тоже время мощное и детализированное звучание. Запись альбома "Дух Войны" происходила в период с февраля по декабрь 2013 года на "Slow Burn Studio" (г.Орёл). Оформление альбома выполнено известной студией MAYHEM PROJECT. Сразу после записи альбома, в декабре 2013 года, группа начала концертную деятельность, выступив на разогреве GODS TOWER, где была очень тепло встречена публикой. В настоящий момент музыканты работают над материалом к следующему альбому, который будет продолжением и очередным этапом развития команды.
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400.00 Р 166.67 Р
death / black metal, More Hate Productions
“Assault” from rabid berserkers Screaming Forest is a solid kick to the balls of numerous symphonic pagan fans of pseudo patriotic metal scene. The 4-th Screaming Forest album is even not a so-called black metal at all! It is the most amoral manifestation of Blackness! “Assault” contains 10 parts of infernal jackhammering for extraction of selective Death-Black metal from the depth of Donets Basin plus 2 insane sacrifications to the one and the only kings of true BM-scene - DARKTHRONE!!! This is what you will find in the album provided you are a true metal-mining maniac! Speed, fury, assault!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
The seventh full-length album of Holdaar – a Black Metal division from Königsberg – «Vremena Ukhodyashchie V Nebo» (“Times Going Skywards”). Ten war hymns in memory of the gone to the Halls of Glory...Lyrically new material complies with the previously established direction of the band and narrates about the great warriors, triumphant victories, and tragic defeats through the epochs. Musically the listener will face a heavy blast of solemn symphonic music entwined with the fury of black metal riffs enchased with epic melodies. Colorful booklet contributes to the complete dip into the atmosphere created by the band on this new conceptual album.
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506.67 Р
power metal, FONO ltd
Достаточно сложно найти в жанре heavy/power metal группу, которая не будет клоном сотни предыдущих. Но пятёрка немцев из POWERWOLF явно к ним не относится! Альбом "Bible Of The Beast" представляет нам чуть ли не образец сильного качающего звучания. Полноформатник изобилует лирикой на тему сказок, мифологии, религии и эффектными припевами на латыни и хоровыми загробными пениями. Музыкальная составляющая по-прежнему напориста, быстра и гипермелодична, а доля пафоса и саркастичных шуток об оборотнях, сатане и прочей нечисти придает звучанию легкий налет юмора и веселья.А вслушавшись в композицию "Werewolves Of Armenia" любой российский фан без труда узнает известную всем с древних времен мелодию "Полюшко-поле"!
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466.67 Р
gothic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Fascinating Impulses 2:33 2 Forgive Me 6:26 3 Within The Those Cold Stars 5:26 4 Because Of What 5:36 5 Grace Of God 6:10 6 My Tears Merging...
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733.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Moscow Funeral League
"We have before us a joint conceptual work, which unites these bands in terms of views of life and death. According to musicians of Abstract Spirit and ENNUI, “Escapism” is a hopeless escape; the escape from everything… from yourself, from reality and disillusionment, escape from grim realities. “Escapism” stands for a willingness to readily face the soothing death, to get rid of life torments, burdens of miseries and disappointment. Lyrics are written in three languages: Russian for Abstract Spirit; English and Georgian for ENNUI. Art work for the split was made on basis of a work by Moscow modern dark art artist Pavel Lyakhov, who is famous for his gift to visually reflect experience of relationships with outward things in a frightening manner, which can make you go dotty. From the view point of music, one should consider this record to be a comprehensive piece of music art. At the same time either of the two bands reflected their own vision of funeral doom from the own view point using individual scale. Connecting traits are the fundamentality and the thoroughness of the tracks themselves. What has this record in store for an experienced listener? A horrible side-show… the opportunity to walk in shoes of a person, who lacks brain parts in charge of happiness and joy. "
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400.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Vettenatt 5:35 2 Noema 5:08 3 Dystopia Naa 8:37 4 Nibiru 3:56 5 Naar Aske Farger Himmelen Graa 5:24 6 Kingdom Comes (Mysticum Cover) 5:01 7...
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
death doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Controlling To Enslave 7:49 2 After The Sepulture 7:31 3 Rise From The Abyss And Rejoice 7:13 4 Perdition 2:49
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800.00 Р
funeral death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
2nd album of Japanese extreme doom. This release will be the first appearance of their new bass player Ryo Amamiya after the departure of founding member, Nobuyuki Sento. Following the path of their previous melodic and tranquil slow doom album "dense fog”, they added various experimentations into their song writing - for example, one of the songs is written in "Rondo" format traditionally used on classical composition. These new attempts have made their music become much more dramatic and complex. Tremendous agony in which we suffer on our transient mortal life; feeling of loss, endless sorrow, sense of emptiness and remorse. This album is dedicated to the voiceless dead who had returned to the tranquil ocean with mortal agony.
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733.33 Р
death doom metal
Tracklist: Detur 1 Detur 2 Vita Do Et Sumere 3 Scintilla Vitae 4 Quare? Crystal Curtain 5 Memories Of Gothics Era 6 River Of My Sorrow 7 The...
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Cold Embrace 7:17 2 You Are Nothing 4:22 3 Remember November 8:58 4 Sacred 9:52 5 She Haunts You 6:53 6 Mercy And Forgiveness 7:00
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666.67 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
From the onset of “Faces Turn Away”, an all-encompassing sense of existential terror and claustrophobic anxiety hits you and builds to a crescendo before everything descends into dread and finally nothingness. An album about the misery, futility, and madness of modern urban life, related in some ways to releases by netra but foregoing much of the trip-hop influence for a more abrasive and gritty black metal root that feels both urgent and cavernous. Besides its Black Metal root, the album also knows when to slow to a crawling funeral dirge to convey total despair and the loss of hope. A modern take on classic black metal marked by unconventional and enigmatic twists that are both genuine and timely. Kassad first began with an EP entitled “Humans” in January 2016, A year later, Kassad released “Faces Turn Away”, the debut album independently on Bandcamp. Now, a few months later Kassad’s debut album will be released on Hypnotic Dirge in a 4 panel sleeve with a booklet and sticker. Album release is set for July 6, 2017 in a limitation of 300 copies. Recommended for fans of: netra, Burzum, Darkspace
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733.33 Р
dark doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Life Taker 04:58 2 For This I Silence You 06:16 3 The Weak Have Taken The Earth 06:08 4 Buried Under the Frangipanis 06:09 5 Dead Horse 06:28 6...
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666.67 Р
Tracklist: 1 Karma Anubis 6:25 2 Spheres 4:04 3 Endmusic (Instrumental) 3:56
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800.00 Р
funeral death doom metal, Endless Winter
Edition of 500 copies. On CD title of album - "Chapter III: While the Rest of the World Sleep..." "Божественное Вмешательство" pronunciation is "Bozhestvennoe Vmeshatelstvo"
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533.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, ltd.1000
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800.00 Р
pagan folk metal
Pagan Folk Metal from Russia. On "Goi, Rode, Goi" Arkona, the Pagan Metal mongers revolving around frontlady Masha Scream, give the legends and traditions of their Russian homeland new life and thus, forge steadfastly forth creating a captivating mix of metal and folk exceeding in a welcomed diversity. The characteristic signature sounds stemming from the mind of Masha run through the compositions in which folk melodies, delivered by authentic and at times medieval instruments, join the lively metal riffs, blastbeats, and double bass interludes. The songstress and concurrent band mastermind provides depth with varied vocal lines that include a wide spectrum of clean and black metal parts. The highlight of this latest work is undoubtedly the monumental "Na moey Zemle" on which an illustrious guest line-up (Heidevolk, Menhir, Månegarm, etc.) provide the track with a character all of its own, making it the core of "Goi, Rode, Goi". While this sweeping and majestic epic song stands out deservingly, it certainly does not take away from the remaining tracks' songwriting merits. As in the past, Kris Verwimp's masterful brush has visually ennobled this package. Arkona have exceeded their previous and much praised releases with "Goi, Rode, Goi" and proceed to finally take over the Pagan Metal throne. Recorded at Com Records Studio Moscow Sound in October 2008 - May 2009. Drums recorded at Gigant Records Studio. Guitars recorded at Astia Studio. Mixed at Deformation Records Studio May - June 2009. Digibook edition.
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800.00 Р
pagan folk metal, Sound Age Productions
A Pagan Folk Metal Monument! ARKONA returns after three long years and finally releases the new album "Yav". The Russian warriors revolving around the impressive frontlady Masha "Scream" Arkhipova have perfected their unique style. Like never before, the band interweaves brutal Metal riffs, pounding drums and folk melodies, the latter played mostly on authentic and medieval instruments. Sweeping and profound songs, epic compositions and dream-like atmospheres create the distinctive and enthralling sound of ARKONA. "Yav" offers 70 minutes of original, majestic and unique Pagan Folk Metal, and will crown ARKONA king!
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1 066.67 Р
funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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