
666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Self Therapy” is a journey through yourself emanating directly from the heart and soul. In this stunning new full length album Beyond Helvete crosses various styles of rock and metal. Lyric contents mainly came from psychic matters in a negative and misanthropic view following the composer’ deep artistic mind. “Self Therapy” is purely emotional music creating deep and dark atmosphere, alternating monotonous structures as well as powerful and fresh riffing and drumming. These sound-waves will bring you from the struggle inside yourself into a final calm catharsis; the alchemical harmony of Black Metal, rocking wall of sound, depressive/curative touch will leave the listener with a sense of unforgettable trance-state.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Spirito di pietra” (Spirit of stone) is simply the result of a constant process of emptying, a progressive loss of a condition beyond Man and his own dimension. A powerful and ambience black metal, sometimes apocalyptic, purely experimental, with post-rock, industrial, and psychedelic finishing touches, generating Orwellian visions where melodies, stuffed with a continuous lifetime-long research, echoed and are accompanied by the mystique of the Shakespearean sonnets and Pound’s dizzy verses.
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466.67 Р
post-black metal, Dusktone
Acrosome is an oppressive entity coming from Ankara, Türkiye created by two shining souls D.A. & D.Y. Since the very first spreads of the few promotional audio creations, this combo has got an huge and unexpected interest around. “Dementia Praecox” (dusk002mcd) will be the debut official release of Acrosome consisting of 8 tracks Mini-CD. Solid bizarre structures of atmospheric sound clash bringing the listener to a new concept of freezing and dramatic post-Black Metal. Hard to categorize neatly, Acrosome aesthetic result is simply a slow vortex into the deepest hole of universe. From the beginning, ACROSOME has searched for celebration that humankind has been through, examinated the reactions and reasons of the existance of the spiritual & mental structures.
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600.00 Р
war black metal, Dusktone
Active since 2002, having already put out a long list of CDr and tape/demo only releases, this is Lilyum’ first pro-CD release. Although it is inspired by modern War Black Metal style, Lilyum create music that is intensely original in it’s orientation : thumping violent drum-war-machine, hyperblasting guitar riffs, brutally abrasive voice from beyond create a demonic wall-noise and blasted atmosphere perfectly orchestrated by multi-instrumentalist Kosmos Reversum. The nine-song “Nothing is mine” will bring you in a magisterial earth-shaking journey of your most wildly mind abandonment.
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666.67 Р
drone doom / black metal, Dusktone
Lotus Circle’s sound expression is based on an experimental karma of genres such as Doom, drone, black Metal, noise/electronic music always under the sign of a spiritual Inner Ritualism. “Caves” is a truly monster of warm and enveloping drone bringing the listener to an unknown and somewhat psychedelic level. After five years from the previous praised ”Bottomless Vales and Boundless Floods” album, LOTUS CIRCLE are back for a new spiritual catharsis.
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466.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Originally formed several years ago by frontman Doedsadmiral (NORDJEVEL, DOEDSVANGR), Norwegian Black Metallers SVARTELDER have hit the ground running after a lengthy hiatus. With a freshly inked two-album deal with the Dusktone label, and with a new lineup that includes members of CARPATHIAN FOREST, IN THE WOODS, DEN SAAKALDTE, PANTHEON I and OLD FOREST, SVARTELDER are gearing up to bring their particular take on Norwegian Black Metal to a wider audience. Aside from Doedsadmiral on vocals, SVARTELDER’s new lineup is comprised of Maletoth on bass and guitars, AK-47 on drums, and Kobold on keys. The inclusion of these highly skilled and experienced musicians into SVARTELDER’s ranks has expanded the band’s original sound, which is firmly rooted in Norwegian Black Metal, into something much more fresh and varied, with each member bring with them their own set of influences and a variety of different elements. SVARTELDER is undoubtely one of the most promising black metal act around and this debut ep “Askebundet” is a first evident stamp of what norwegian black metal will be in the next years. Deranged synths, twisted, technical, sprawling epics created a unique brand which is a pleasure to unleash it on the world.
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733.33 Р
industrial black / doom metal, Dusktone
Phobonoid’s first full lenght is a sci-fi concept album about the invasion of the Solar System’s ruins by the Alpha Centauri army. Black, doom, industrial. The album is the natural evolution of Phobonoid’s first EP “Orbita”, expanding Phobonoid’s personal universe in a even more violent and evil direction. Mastered by Karl Daniel Liden, the 40 minutes long self titled album has been recorded and mixed by Phobonoid during winter 2014/2015, and features original cover art done by the great sci-fi artist Bob Layzell. Come to Phobos and embrace the Cosmic Entropy. Distant flames, overlapping in the cloud of time. Winning today to get lost tomorrow. Does it really matter? Under the pall of mummified bodies lies the answer.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
This amazing release is presented as a limited deluxe digipack edition + slipcase & 8 page booklet. In this brand new album BH explores themes of man's struggle with this relentless and all pervasive feeling. Do not miss it. “Los Tres Mundos” will be doubless the most mature and intimate BLACK HATE’ album so far. After more than one year of hard-work composition efforts, BLACK HATE created this ten-track potent brew of consuming vision.
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666.67 Р
black / doom metal, Dusktone
The drive towards death, self-destruction and the return to the inorganic. Welter In Thy Blood is a three piece Black Doom band from Los Angeles, California emerging in 2006 with the intent of supplying a soundtrack for human extinction. The elegies speak of their virulent hate of human existence and the lauding of death and solitude. Revealed through a staggering funeral cadence and guttural ululations is a feeling of absolute torment and despondency. Like a putrid mass for an unholy God. Welter In Thy Blood musically coalesced self mutilation and misanthropy with the urge for all human extinction. Kill yourself and those you love.
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800.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Dusktone
Through 4 tracks mixing funeral doom with ambient and darkwave, Until Death Overtakes Me explores the idea of life being incomplete unless it passes death's threshold. Antemortem (before death) is not a glorification of death, but focusses on the path to it. Life with its pains and terrors might long for the end, but could just as well explore the freedom that comes with accepting the inevitable. The contrast between heavy distorted guitars and ethereal ambient melodies mirrors life, but offers an open ending - is life a pained struggle, where one is shoved forwards, closer to death all the time, forcing one to blindly squeeze as much meaning out of every moment, or is it rather a calm stream that gently carries one to the completion of a journey that's best experienced with eyes wide open, regardless of what may come after? More likely, both aspects remain at play : primal instincts balanced by intelligent rationality. Antemortem is the first Until Death Overtakes Me album after a long hiatus, and forms a bridge between the periods before and after this break. The track 'Before' dates back to late 2003, 'Days Without Hope' is based on a track that's even older by several years, and best marks the point in time where Until Death Overtakes Me went from darkwave/doom to ambient funeral doom. On the other hand there are the tracks 'The Wait' and 'Inevitability', both from 2016. 'The Wait' is more a experimental, almost mechanical sounding epic, while 'Inevitability' is an instrumental marking the acceptance of the concept of 'Antemortem', as well as its conclusion.
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733.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Dusktone
Dýrtangle is a name that comes from an imaginary world, and being a play of words, cannot be correctly interpreted with them. However, dýr means “a beast” in Old Norse language, and tangle with its English roots sends us to “entanglement”. So literally it means “in the rough embrace of the beast”, but this translation does not do justice to the meaning. Some similar notes may be found in the coming of Indian Buddhism to Tibet, transforming the “beasts” or so-called “evil, wrathful deities” into the guardians of the new fused Tibetan Buddhism. On this album, Ego Depths may be speaking to hungry and evil spirits, negotiating the aspects of life and debating its laws and principles. Apart from the traditional instruments like guitar, bass and drums, the project involves different styles of vocals including growl, scream, whispers and clean tone, but he also tries to employ throat singing. By introducing chanting into the overall extreme funeral doom metal ambience, beside the growls, Stigmatheist meant to create something new — something that had not been explored before. His main policy in this case is that it is better to fail at creating something original than succeed at imitating something that existed before.
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466.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Phobonoid is a one mand band from Phobos. With a musical background in the DIY punk/hc/noise/metal scene, Phobonoid is a musical and cinematic journey through the darkest part of the extreme sounds, blending black metal, doom, industrial and electronic sounds from the outer space. Except for the mastering (done by Karl Daniel Liden at the Tri-Lamb Studios in Stockholm) everything has been self-produced in Phoboinoid’s home-studio, since the production itself is an active part of the project. “Orbita” is a concept album about the end of the civilization on Mars, witnessed by Phobos (intended both as the satellite and the impersonification of the God of Fear). The music and the plot move together through the 20 minutes lenght of the EP, where finally Phobos meets his brother Deimos on the destroyed surface of Mars. This will be just the first part of the journey, as Man’s inner nature never changes: it’s a cycle that always ends up with its own self-destruction.
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal, Dusktone
Enthroning Silence is one of the oldest depressive and melancholic black metal band from north of Italy featuring ex members of Mortuary Drape, Bhopal, Eroded, Voids of Vomit. Enthroning Silence’ first 2002 album, ‘Unnamed Quintesence Of Grimness’ was released by cult german label Sombre Rec. Painiac Records put out the follow up, ‘A Dream Of Nightskies’, as a limited run of 500 copies in 2004. The following year Total Holocaust Records issued a CD format, restricted to 1000 copies. In 2013 after a long 9/year silence the band finally presented a brand new album featuring completely unreleased six desolate tracks composed and arranged during the past ten years. “Throned upon ashes of dusk” is about oppression and negativity, it’s a mournful, cruel and nihilistic opus bringing the listener to one of the most hypnotic audio experience of the modern black metal spectrum.
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666.67 Р
post-black metal / shoegaze, Dusktone
Welcome to the third highly anticipated full length album of dutch introspective musical experience : COLD BODY RADIATION. ”A Clear Path” is a deeply personal work of loss, honesty and hope. A new focus on songs structure and personal lyrics. Cut from the roots and stylistic restrains of black metal COLD BODY RADIATION is now free to soar new highs and lows. All they want to do is make new music and set their own standards even higher. The depth and quality is tangible in every hair-raising moment, it is honest, textured sound and far more beautiful than a description can attest. ”A clear path” is the soundtrack to your inner growth, and should be approached with caution.
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600.00 Р
depressive black metal, Dusktone
It has been three years since turkish oppressive act ACROSOME released the exemplary mini album ” Dementia Praecox”. After a change of line up finally it’s time for the long awaited debut full length album and definitively the most original and hypnotic. ACROSOME is for sure the most impressive south european sonic innovator, and offers a fascinating glimpse into his unique sound world always underpinned by a sense of imminent dread ”Non-pourable Lines” almost sounds like a devastating new take on the delirious black hole of ACROSOME world. Clean vocals, sick accordion, acoustic instruments and fast sound discharges will bring the listener into the most deep and obscure personal vortex. This debut album is an unrelenting piece of work, and all the better for it. Let it sink in and prepare to have your mind prized open, you won’t regret it.
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733.33 Р
depressive black metal, Dusktone
Paroxystique is the title of the third long awaited album of Grisâtre. Expect a even more obscure and somber tunnel of your inner consciousness. Rokkr pieced together an album that is as reflective as it is mesmerizing This is unsettling, punishing sound that revels in its own abstraction, yet every clank is so meticulously placed, every screech of feedback so pointed that at times you forget the layers of distortion and fog altogether. Grisâtre produces a music aiming at the call of the feelings which take to the reflexion, to the discovery of an unconscious occult knowledge, it’s also a personal representation of visions, perceptions. A vision Artistically metaphysical.. Grisâtre is an idea (Conceptually).
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733.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Fading is an atmospheric, psychedelic, approximately hour-long black metal journey inspired by a specific event: Witnessing seemingly endless migrating water fowl at a local wildlife refuge that supports the Pacific Flyway. I found myself completely enveloped by something almost unbelievable. Infinite expanses of water fowl plastered against a blazing sky, taking to flight in huge, thunderous flocks that seemed to shake whatever lay below. The sheer numbers and sounds were like nothing I had ever imagined. Toward the evening, the sky turned a vibrant shade of yellow and orange and the coastal range turned to stark silhouette. And at that moment, it all seemed too much. I was just lost in this completely surreal, textured scene. I was faded to reality—absent drugs. Fading was recorded in December 2014. The album consists of one approximately hour-long song. All drums, vocals, and guitars were performed and recorded by A. Field recordings are from the Pacific Flyway refuge.
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733.33 Р
industrial black metal, Dusktone
天照大御神 (Dusk024CD) by HANORMALE Share / Embed Wishlist supported by Edward Nosorogin thumbnail DTheTrue thumbnail Daryl Atkinson thumbnail David Hunt thumbnail Silencers thumbnail The Pit of the Damned thumbnail yamatotroll thumbnail Joerg-Peter Saigge thumbnail HANORMALE – 天照大御神 00:00 / 41:02 Digital Album Streaming + Download Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Buy Digital Album €4.90 EUR or more Send as Gift 6/page digipack CD Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album package image package image package image package image package image postpaid worldwide Includes unlimited streaming of 天照大御神 (Dusk024CD) via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. ships out within 1 day Buy Compact Disc €10 EUR or more Send as Gift Full Digital Discography 48 releases Get all 48 Dusktone releases available on Bandcamp and save 35%. Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Missing, Seid, Urstoff, På veg... til helvette, Eve, La proiezione del Fuoco, Verglapolis, Parthenope, and 40 more. Buy Digital Discography €151.78 EUR or more (35% OFF) Send as Gift Buy digipack CD @ Dusktone shop 1. HANORMALE – 天照大御神 41:02 about .天照大御神 is a disturbed journey into your consciousness. It’s smudged, distorted and delayed beyond recognition. Whats left are traces – the ghosts and outlines of songs, trapped in a fog of white noise and overdrive – and the end result is disarmingly serene.. Using loops, cans, bins, bollards, wood, metal, plastic, piano, sax, flute, viola and other home-made instruments, HANORMALE pieced together single 40 minutes track album that is as reflective as it is mesmerizing
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600.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Part of this World, Part of Another, the upcoming third album from Terra Deep, is 5 tracks covering the spectrum from crushing heaviness, to textured atmospheres. This album also contains the two-track concept suite, “Et Lux In Tenebris Lucet”. It is a masterwork of emotive and inspired progressive black metal for fans of Enslaved, Opeth, and Exhausted Prayer. Terra Deep was formed under emotional and existential duress in the two thousand and seventh year by the one man cloister that is M. Edwards. Drawing ceaseless influence from the misted, undulating lands of the Pacific Northwest, Edwards has masterminded a slew of material running the gamut from somber and personal acoustics to tempestuous raw black metal of the highest order. Not one to avoid curious deviations, Edwards has pursued a comprehensive genre patchwork since his debut full length Starlight Lodge. Its follow up Inamorata is a sprawling tapestry of eclectic intensity in constant touch with the cyclical nature of love and loss..
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733.33 Р
ambient doom black metal, Dusktone
Trüb(e) is German for "gloomy" or "dim". Trübe is a Chernobyl-disaster inspired Ambient Black Metal / Doom act from Argentina, side-project of Inexistence and Abolition of Impediment. The key aspects of Trübe is the looming atmosphere, the tense mood, the feeling that something is behind us.... the obscurity tends to go deeper and deeper with the passing of tracks, ending in the only way humanity could end, plotting their own extinction. ”Zone of Alienation” is the result of the deep interest for the Chernobyl theme that the soul behind Trübe has developed in years and it’s a suffocating collision of Black Metal, alienating ambient, distressing rhythms, and a mental catharsis for melody leaving the listener with a sense of unforgettable originality.
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733.33 Р
shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
From the restained flickering of candlelight to the blinding rays of the sun: The Great White Emptiness drowns everything in a hazy melancholic slumber that shimmers with golden shine. A depressive study on the nature of light.
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800.00 Р
shoegaze black metal, Dusktone
With this new album, COLD BODY RADIATION continues the intimate and melancholic path of the previous "The clear path". These eight new tracks album once again confirm the M. quality and composition depth that, although he definitively abandoned the most extreme sounds, still managed to get us into a restlessness and mystery swirl. ‘The orphean lyre" is an intensely human listening experience. Teeming with life and breathing as it coughs and splutters, there is an unavoidable attachment felt almost instantly as a listener. This is music that drags you in and simply refuses to let go. Do not think, do not listen to, do not judge yourself for what will come out of this experience. Everything is within you and this new COLD BODY RADIATION album is a solid vehicle for a deep work on yourself. Finally.
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733.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Crawling form the darkest shores of Norwegian west coast, the NATAS horde is determined to lead humanity away from the ingrained and outdated social, cultural and religious norms, and open their eyes to a new and free dimension. Their obscure and occult sounding Black Metal reminds of bands such as Borknagar, early Keep Of Kalessin and Taake, and is strongly influenced by the destruction of our world and nature. There is no end to the evil of men, the world must change, Natas will enlighten this dark path we all walk and reveal how to heal it, with fire. Jewel Case CD with 8-page booklet.
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733.33 Р
ambient funeral doom, Dusktone
Missing. What if the searchers falter, pass away? When none are left that hope to find even something to bury, to mourn. To be missing, to be never found. To never return, and fade away in the shadows of time. To become forgotten beyond all hope of recovery. Until Death Overtakes Me’s 2018 album contains over one hour of mournful funeral doom mixed with orchestral ambient. Missing, named after the song from Until Death Overtakes Me’s earlier years, continues the story of that old epic. In four tracks the concepts of loss and being lost are explored. There’s the tragedy on a personal level, of searchers that fail, grow old and find no closure. Of the one lost, stuck in nothingness, wanting to be found. But tragedy grows, touches all, and the music becomes the soundtrack to the funeral of mankind. Empty tones drifting over the desolation, echoing through empty canyons. All the searchers have gone, all those missing are forgotten. There’s no one left to remember, there’s no hope left. And when the proof and all remembrance of our existence is gone too, then have we truly been here at all? We’re already missing.
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866.67 Р
atmospheric black metal, Dusktone
More than four years since their last full-length offering, DEKADENT are now ready to unleash the aptly titled “THE NEMEAN ORDEAL”. Following suit to their previous release, the Slovenes are walking down a darker and more difficult path. To illustrate the album’s character, frontman Artur Felicijan noted that “It’s far heavier than our previous work, melody and composition-wise. I really wanted to go the extra mile with The Nemean Ordeal, to showcase what we’re capable of.” Indeed, the album songs sound more complex and technically advanced, while still retaining that typical sound DEKADENT are known for. “The combination of gritty and darker elements with uplifting melodies really brought us on another level of musical atmosphere. It sounds quite epic and it is the first time I am so satisfied with the final result” added the band’s vocalist. The album was being recorded in a long series of sessions throughout much of the past year as the band was busy honoring stages throughout Europe. The mastering duties were handled once again by Tryptikon/Dark Fortress fame V. Santura in his Woodshed Studio in Germany. Dekadent is a ferocious, yet exquisite and ethereal black metal of unique kind. Comes in a digipak with gold foil finishing.
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800.00 Р
occult black death metal, Dusktone
Active since late '90 Black Flame is one of the most important occult black death metal band in italy. "Necrogenesis: Chants From The Grave" is the sixth full-length album released on Dusktone and represents the highest peak of their career offering eight tracks of an indescribable violence, technique and darkness in music. Although those tracks are shot through with moments of dark majesty and crushing black death metal riffage, BLACK FLAME's sound is about as extreme and as technical as it gets within the realm of extreme music, with tendency towards total sonic overload that'll test the most ardent necro and satanic-addicts This new album has moved deeper into stranger and more sharp realms of demonic death metal, this is seriously heavy stuff and ain't no fun, that's for sure. Fans of most radical sounds will find much to enjoy here. All others, beware... It has been recorded by Federico Pannazzato (Death SS) at the Music Ink Studios (already producers of the last album of Official Opera IX) Comes in a 4-panel Digipak with booklet.
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866.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Founder and frontman Doedsadmiral (Nordjevel, Doedsvangr, Enepsigos) shared some information about the album: "Despite there being a theme running through the lyrics of its seven tracks, "Pits" is not a concept album. Nor was it ever our intention to make it one. It is an album that explores ones deepest pain and misery. That difficult battle to crawl out of the pit of despair and back to the world, only to find that the world has deteriorated into something lifeless and miserable. So much so, in fact, that you just want to let go and once again fall back into your pit With our previous releases, the debut full-length "Pyres" and the "Askbundet" EP, we felt that SVARTELDER was still finding itself, and with "Pits" we have pushed ourselves even further musically. As an album "Pits" is more, aggressive and more melancholic than its predecessors. In fact, you could say that "Pits" is more of all that makes SVARTELDER what it is". "Pits" was mixed and mastered by Patric at the WSL Studios in France, whilst much of the recording itself was done in the individual studios of band members Doedsadmiral on vocals, Tjalve on bass and guitars, Renton on synth and Spektre on drums
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Seid” is the third studio album of norwegian black metallers KVALVAAG. It`s more aggressive but at the same time more diverse and unpredictable than our previous albums The unmistakable style of the Norwegian duo will take you in very cold atmospheres, impetuous rides and clearly epic parts. The atmosphere reminds the previous Malum album, but there is a lot more going on at all times. Haunting atmospheric touches and violent rhythmic elements produce something far bleaker and more unsettling than anything else. Kvalvaag has this to say about the new album: “When I started working on the new material, I wanted to surpass our previous work in every way possible. Much more time, effort and better equipment were used compared to our earlier works this time. We also received financial support from “Norsk fond for utøvende kunstnere” who gave us the ability to give the album the production it deserved. It was awesome working with Tom Kvalsonic as he is the man behind the sound of many of the albums we grew up with. He completely understood our vision and significantly raised the quality of the album. I feel we have successfully raised the bar as high as possible this time. We had to evolve a lot as musicians to be able to perform our parts during the recording. It has been a educational journey with a lot of hard work and technical challenges in the studio, but I am really satisfied with the end result and our musical progression”. Digipak CD.
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733.33 Р
industrial black metal, Dusktone
The HANORMALE project conceives the work in a logic that's diametrically opposed to the modus operandi of any musician, starting from rhythmic sequences fixed with a spirit of improvisation, to which musical parts, arrangements, voices and effects have been added. The album is introduced by the first track that deviates from the compositional method of the work, as a tribute to TWIN PEAKS and as a glue with the previous unmissable album. Arcanus Incubus, creator and coordinator of the ensemble, as well as the main author of the work, begins the work pushing Mox Cristadoro (MonumentuM - Christadoro) to create rhythmic drawings, freely inspired by the reading of terms randomly extrapolated from the Italian language dictionary, divided into syllables and phonetically transformed into scans impressed on the elements of a drums. From here followed the sum of the parts, conveyed in the mixer managed by Carlo Meroni (A.D.S.R.), prerogative of 13 performers, each bearer of style and personal inspiration, until the alteration of the conscience ...
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Norway’s cold Black Metal act HOVMOD arise at their debut full length studio album, “Doedsformasjon”, which has been released in winter 2019 on Dusktone. Formed in Toten, Norway, HOVMOD is one of the seven deadly sins, and it represents aggression, rage, pride and the opposite of humility- something that reflects in HOVMOD’S music in the upcoming debut album “Doedsformasjon” that has been released in both CD and Vinyl format. Expect a thick and impenetrable blanket of cold northern fog that becomes sound, this grim graveyard of straight nowegian black metal is some of the creepiest music that Dusktone has released so far.
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Flukt perform harsh and cold Norwegian Black Metal. The music has clear reference to the oldschool Black Metal sound made infamous by the Norwegian Black Metal scene in the early 90s. The music has is aggressive and have a violent drive where the main focus is to create atmosphere. The unique thing with Flukt is the way dynamics is approached. Even when the music is fast, and harsh. Flukt is never afraid to mellow things down in slower passages and more groove oriented songs. FLUKT is a raw oldschool Black Metal band hailing from Vennesla, Norway. The band was launshed during the fall of 2014 but from the dark mood and the aggression in the music, every metalhead will get a flashback to the good old days of Norwegian Black Metal in the 90s. Their debut Ep «Holocaust» was released through SkyBurnsBlack Records in the winter of 2015. Late november 2017 the seven inch vinyl single «Fortapelse» was released by NordicMission Production. Flukt has performed several live shows in Norway and Sweeden. Like on the legendary Inferno Metal festival in Oslo, NordicFest and at the John Dee club.
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866.67 Р
black metal, Dusktone
This album was band's first release ever - as a new band, they decided to jump straight into a professional full-length production, instead of demoing for years. The album was raised back in 2015 with a crowdfunding campaign that went super successfully, despite the fact that the band was totally new on the market, with 0 gigs or demo on the counter. 'Titanomachy' is a very refreshing release compared to the rest of French metal scene, and it allowed the band to grow pretty fast both in its homecountry and internationally, thanks to a very strong internet community & fanbase. Mixed by Christoph Brandes (Finsterforst) and Mastered by Jens Bogren (Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth...), on its release year 'Titanomachy' won many prizes as "Best debut album of the Year" for its top-notch quality production & songwriting maturity. Released as a self-production & self-distribution in 2016 - all the copies went sold-out in less than 6 months, and no re-edition were done since: Signing with Dusktone was a perfect opportunity to release 'Titanomachy' officially with a real distribution and promotion, with a redesigned artwork, new packaging & more! 'Titanomachy' is a concept album based on the 100 years mythological war between Greek Gods and the Titans. It's a very epic Symphonic Death Metal record, with tons of melodic and bombastic moments, tainted with folk and balkanic influences. ( FFO: Turisas, Ensiferum, Stormlord, Amorphis...)
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866.67 Р
folk black metal, Dusktone
Nifrost, one of the upcoming forces of the unstoppable norwegian Folk/Pagan Black Metal scene. Formed in 2005 in Jølster in Sogn og Fjordane, an area of Norway famously known for sognametal bands such as Windir and VREID (OFFICIAL). Nifrost has over the years found their own unique sound and identity while still having their roots in the Sogn og Fjordane metal heritage. Nifrost's debut full-length album «Motvind» was released in 2016 through Naturmacht Productions and it has received extremely positive feedbacks from fans and critics alike. Dusktone is presenting the second full-length album in October 2019 as a natural progression from their debut album, their sophomore new full-length album will explore even darker themes and more ferocious sounds
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800.00 Р
black metal, Dusktone
“Del Flusso Eterno” is a spiritual journey embracing the circularity of the Universe and its forces of destruction and creation. The human condition, spiritually barren, is represented by a waste land. Facing an eternal winter, men hinder the rebirth of a new cycle of life. Negating motion and changes, an unnatural stillness takes hold of body and spirit. We lack the energy and the will to break this staticity. But hope is not forlorn, there is only to kindle the embers and set aflame the pyre. A sacrifice is needed to return to the Earth, to re-ensablish the long forgotten link to Macrocosm. We have to lose ourselves, sacrifice ourselves to ourselves. Sublimating our identity in the Infinity we may reborn.
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933.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
Norsk black metal conglomerate Ulvehyrde is hailing from Hønefoss and featuring past and present members from Beastcraft, Vulture Lord, Sarkom, Isvind, Angst Skvadron etc. It is known that Norway is considered, without any doubt, the cradle of the worldwide black metal movement and Ulvehyrde fully represents the incredibly misty and dark spirit that comes out of those lands. Their music is a pure fundamental mid-tempo black metal based upon old, dark, Norwegian history.An excellent, obscure and deeply cold release that spans the true norwegian black metal spirit and ULVEHYRDE pays perfect homage to the dark denizen of the nocturnal glades, and is a true paean to backwoods malignity. Digipack CD with 12 pages booklet
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933.33 Р
death black metal, Dusktone
Almost five years after the release of their latest long-player "Through the Darkness" mexican oppressive black metal institution BLACK HATE announce the release of their new effort, "Alatalith" out in July 2020 via Dusktone. the whole album draws the listener into a void of interweaving beauty, coalescing with paralyzing dejection that leaves nothing but the desire of total immersion, BLACK HATE prove their versatile musical identity once again and that the modern blend of deadly black metal is flowing through their veins.
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933.33 Р
black metal, Dusktone
In 2017, Azazel and Choronzon joined forces to turn their vision of black metal into music. Both members are multi-instrumentalists and well versed in music production. With backgrounds in acts like Setherial, Torchbearer and The Citadel, among others, Svartghast rests on a firm foundation of musical craftsmanship. Inspired by the symphonic, atmospheric and epic sounds of 90’s black metal acts, like Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and Limbonic Art, Svartghast forge their own vision: an homage to the darkness of old. Rising grim soundscapes introduce their solid black metal offering, quickly coalescing into a rousing cascade of riff driven blast beats, drawing the listener into SVARTGHAST’s unmistakably sonic atmosphere. The Swedish duo immediatly brings the listener to the pure sounds of the golden age of Swedish black metal, making him travel among fires, forests and dark and apocalyptic visions. After the amazing interest arising from their two official singles the full length album only confirm Svartghast's compositional mastery that comes also from a long experience in milestones bands such as Setherial since the nineties There is no doubt that Svarghast can be considered one of the most anticipated upcoming bands of this late 2020 and their debut album "Perdition" is a truly must for anyone looking for the finest swedish black metal out there, special vocal guest Memnock (Abyssic).
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933.33 Р
black doom ambient, Dusktone
Eve is not a simply album, it is rather a subconscious experience, an atavistic expression that tends to destroy our deepest convictions, which are always limiting and promising. Cleverly based on the mysterious Voynich manuscripts, the OMEGA with this monumental work manage to bring us into the world of shadows, where everything appears in its mystical essence, but at the matter of fact you just glimpse it .. Written in the 14th century is considered the most mysterious book in the world, so today it is not possible to understand what this book really does. Eve is absolutely a journey into that abyss, interspersed in hyperspace, the home of the great ancients and from there conceiving the strange sounds of the ancient dance of the universe. Where other forms of life are conscious of themselves. The place where things are not what they seem, but everything is just mentioned and the mind can take other directions to get lost beyond the boundaries of the person. OMEGA sound a mix of Atmospheric Black, Doom and Dark Ambient. The band's aim is to create an obsessive and oppressive atmosphere, a journey to bring the listener to a dark place away from reality, a visionary and annihilating dimension.. OMEGA was formed in 2012 by some members of already active bands (Hanging Garden, Nostalgie, Deadly Carnage, Ashes of Chaos). During the first four years of activity, the band decided to work on their music without any presence on the web and without exposing them to the public.
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733.33 Р
atmospheric black metal, Dusktone
"La proiezione del Fuoco" consists of seven passages to celebrate the phases of initiation to the mistery cult of the solar deity Mithra. There¹s an incredible amount of exploratory thought behind this new album that make this one of Anamnesi¹s most ambitious projects to date. It is a collection of power and delicacy that transpires from every track impregnated with great compositional technique, epicity and tradition. "La proiezione del Fuoco" has entirely made in summer 2015 at Ex Oblivion Studio mixed and mastered by Fabrizio Sanna, surrounded by a monumental 24 pages booklet artwork designed by @Francesco Gemelli, featuring the first Anamnesi photosession made by Valeria Spiga at the Antas Temple of Fluminimaggiore (Sardinia). Jewel case comes with a 24-page booklet.
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933.33 Р
funeral death doom metal, Dusktone
A mystical and abysmal journey into the most hidden enigmas of our universe. From Mesopotamia to Ireland, from China to North America, our planet is strewn with megalithic structures united by a terrible and apocalyptic design that is lost in the mists of time. “Nebra” tells all this with an extremely particular vision, combining Black Metal, Avantgarde and Dark Ambient in a mix as hypnotic and devastating as it is intricate and disturbing; a one of a kind musical journey that is intertwined in four very long songs full of hidden messages and encrypted codes to decipher. An album to be appreciated also visually through a visionary artwork that introduces us to the delusional world of OMEGA. Limited edition 4-panel digipack with a 16-page booklet. Edition of 500.
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