Memento Mori

Memento Mori
death metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this German Death Metal warmachine that was previously only available on vinyl/tape/digital since its April 2019 release. Minenfeld started as a rehearsal room project in summer 2016. They never intended to record anything, particularly no album. Actually they started the band as a drunken idea, born from their passion for old school Death Metal (most notably Bolt Thrower, Hellhammer and Beherit), but immediately got to play a show, so they were pretty much forced to write a few songs. Afterwards, they decided to record those songs, which led to the split w/ Kriegszittern. After another split w/ Cryptic Brood and the release of a promo tape in between splits, they decided to record their debut album, "The Great Adventure", at the Tonmeisterei Oldenburg studios in Autumn 2018, which was released by Fucking Kill Records (vinyl) and Lycanthropic Chants (tape). The band's topic of choice for the lyrics since day one has been WW1. The idea has always been to create music that captures this war in all its crudeness and primitivism, and sonically conjure up the mud, steel, blood and death in these battlefields. To achieve this, the music is heavy, rumbling, apocalyptic, grinding and thundering, accentuated by many original samples from those times: songs, speeches and excerpts from radio broadcasts, most especially taken from the U.S. propaganda after their entry into the war. The idea to contrast this propaganda of a "great adventure" that awaits on the other side of the world with the sad reality of war, where many searched for glory yet only found death, fascinated them and led them to write the album, and ultimately use that "great adventure" expression as the title. Utterly recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Hail Of Bullets, Just Before Dawn, Decaying, early Sacrilege...
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death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this U.S. band. Unearthed in Florida in early 2019 and comprised of past and current members of other impious hordes such as Gnosis and Devastator, Hexorcist summon old school and blasphemous Death Metal that may as well fall under the "proto-Death Metal" category, for their ferocious and relentless approach to the genre harkens back to the mid-to-late 80's, when all things extreme were still boiling in the same malignant cauldron and all boundaries were nothing but a blur that no diehard dweller of the underground gave a damn about. Hexorcist's aural and lyrical offering is uncompromising and exudes utter vileness, leaving no room for absolutely anything that could remotely be considered modern or trendy. And Hexorcist accomplish precisely that on their scathing debut album, "Evil Reaping Death". Ridiculously accurate in its title, "Evil Reaping Death" is exactly evil reaping death: steeped in the ancients, billowing sulfur, divebomb leads flying right and left, and the unhinged yet locked-in execution that can only come from true and total diehards. Not everything goes in Death Metal, and Hexorcist keep a closed mind when it comes to the Metal of Death. For them, the archaic ways of Morbid Angel, Necrovore, Sarcofago, Death, Incubus, Possessed, Vital Remains, Slayer and Peru's Mortem do not need to be messed with, only upheld, and uphold Hexorcist do here. No more but definitely no less, "Evil Reaping Death" is 666% maniacal Death Metal for Death Metal maniacs exclusively! With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio (France), and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of 'progression' with "Evil Reaping Death". Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
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death metal, Memento Mori
Official reissue of the debut full-length, originally released in 2019, by this U.S. band. Based in Minneapolis, Nothingness spew forth a brand of Death Metal that features crushing Death/Doom Metal sections that help build up a tense atmosphere, with a permanent focus on -and reverence to- the riff, and including a wide array of influences, such as Morbid Angel, Spectral Voice, Justin Broadrick, Rippikoulu, Incantation, Convulsing, Winterfylleth, Primitive Man, Suffocation and Profanatica. Aiming for universal heaviness filtered through the lens of Death Metal, and performed with respect for the history of extreme music, Nothingness are on a mission to forge a sound rooted in the ancient ways, yet also embracing more recent takes and experimentations; a sound that doesn't need to be defined by rigid genres, whose only goal is to be honest and heavy, and honestly just heavy. If anything, Nothingness is Death.
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10 7
death doom, Memento Mori
Tracklist: 1 Indianapolis / Ukiah 18:06 2 We Are A Righteous People / Guyana 21:51 3 Afterlife / Cities Of The Damned 16:47
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