Cebren-Khal - A Mass Of Despair (CD)

black doom / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
Price in points: 1200 points
BMM. 035-10 xn
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The debut album from a French band. Epic work filled with philosophic thoughts is based on a mixture of styles: doom death interlaced with dark metal features black metal elements. Clean album sound emphasizes all music features: from melancholic passages to furious fast guitar riffs. Essential record for open-minded listeners with refined taste.

1 Mortshaped 8:51
2 The Lunar Tragedy Act 1: The Parcae’s Night is Sleepless 6:01
3 The Lunar Tragedy Act 2: Mouroir, Mouroir, Suis-je le Plus Mort? 6:32
4 The Lunar Tragedy Act 3: Experience of Downfall 6:19
5 Where All Faith is Lost 10:03

Artist Country:
Album Year:
A Mass Of Despair
black doom / dark metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 035-10
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:
Pitchline Zine

Tendré que incluir a estos franceses en la lista de bandas que estando tapada han conseguido levantar un cierto interés por ella al escuchar su material. Y creo que no es muy amplio el material que el grupo tiene editado, pero si me acojo a éste 'A Mass of Despair', me sobra, de momento, cualquier otra grabación para tenerles muy en cuenta en futuras escuchas.

Al referirme como tapada, quiero con ello hacer referencia a que, sin tener conocimientos de su existencia, me he llevado una grata sorpresa al escuchar su música. Desde luego su nombre no me sonaba y eso que desde luego es de esos nombres que se te queda en la retina.

Una grata sorpresa porque el conjunto galo ha sabido grabar un disco donde principalmente debo destacar la facilidad de asimilación que tiene al escucharse. Es un álbum muy bien resuelto donde sus tres temas, el segundo de ellos formado por tres actos, están creados con una mezcla de Black/Doom donde encontraremos bastantes dosis de melodías, teclados, pasajes melancólicos y un sinfín de formulas para conseguir que el oyente quede atrapado en la escucha. Un disco que te lo digerirás rápidamente, porque como dije antes, es de fácil asimilación y su duración no es muy extensa rebasando poco más de treinta y cinco minutos.

Quizá el comienzo del disco sea lo más flojo, entre comillas, del trabajo. Algo que posiblemente encuentres muy familiar y que no termine de arrancar ese momento que esperas a comprobar que realmente es algo interesante. No es que suene mal, al contrario, pero carece del carácter necesario para encender la mecha. De entre toda la grabación, me quedo con los momentos finales tanto en el tercer acto de los tres que componen el segundo tema “Experience of Donwfall”, cómo el último corte “Where all Faith is lost”. Aquí la banda muestra todas sus bazas y con ello sacan el muestrario que tienen y utilizan a la hora de grabar música.

Además he de decir, que es una banda la cual transmite la sensación de estar escuchando una banda de los dorados noventa. Tiene similitudes varias las cuales podías encontrar en bandas de aquellos años y que, como tal, remueven el pasado gloriosos de un estilo el cual cuando empezó a forjarse vislumbró lo que sería uno de los más ricos estilos creados.

De entre el extenso catalogo que BadMoodMan va presentando, destacaríamos este trabajo de entre el variado repertorio que tienen, y con ello esta banda francesa la cual me gustaría escuchar en un futuro trabajo, cosa de momento difícil ya que parecen estar en stand-by, por lo cual intuyo que tocará esperar.

Author: Leviathan
The Streets

Nykommerne i franske Cebren-Khal leverer en helt grei debut uten de helt store toppene eller dype dalene. De fem sporene utgjør tre låter, hvor hovedtyngden av albumet er sentrert rundt den tredelte «The Lunar Tragedy». Sjangermessig plukker de litt her og litt der og ender opp med et produkt som finner fotfeste i Death/Doom-genren, men de har hele tiden vendt blikket utover for å se om de finner bedre grep andre plasser, om du er med på den analogien. Plateselskapet benytter seg at taggen «Dark Metal» og den er både intetsigende og deskriptiv på en og samme tid. Paletten er variert og kvintetten benytter seg av både ren vokal, synth og rene gitarlyder i tillegg til det man forventer å høre. Låtmaterialet er i seg selv temmelig anonymt og sjøl om de ikke trår feil på vei opp fjellveggen velger de ikke akkurat den mest krevende eller spennende ruta, ei heller det største fjellet. Hold allikevel muligheten åpen for at dette er et band som faller i adskillig bedre smak hos musikklyttere som ikke anmelder alt for mye musikk på fritiden.

PS. Om de fortsetter i samme gate som avslutningslåta holder seg i kan de fort bli en forcé å regne med!

Author: Rune

Cebren-Khal’s A Mass of Despair would be a mediocre album that is enamored with the form of despondent, gothy doom metal, but with none of the inspiration that is requisite of any successful album. However, some pockets of goodness spice things up, like changes into more deathy sections, where the drums and guitars speed up and get more aggressive. The few bits of Swedish black metal-inspired harmonized melody also have a respectable amount of energy, although it’s nothing original.

What brings Cebren-Khal crashing right back down are the sections of faux-pained vocals where it sounds like the guy was trying to sound as upset and frantic and lamentative as he could, but while not straying from the cliched goth mode of doing so. It’s all so laughably bad, forced, and insincere that you can easily imagine the guy hyperventilating between takes and poking himself in the eye to induce tears and / or going through bottles of eye drops to get himself in the zone.

Thankfully, these dire, dire sections are pretty limited, but they’re bad enough that they color the entire album, whose proper form, flashes of energy, but lack of inspiration make it as run-of-the-mill and done-before as the recycled-a-million-times artwork.

Author: Roberto Martinelli

Nur noch selten stößt man auf Alben die als Einheit begeistern, zusammenhängend arrangiert sind oder einem schlüssigen Konzept folgen. Sucht man dann noch nach einem gewissen Grade an Innovation, dürfte die Auswahl noch magerer ausfallen.

Wunderbare Melodiebögen

CEBREN-KHAL verbinden auf ihrem Debüt „A MASS OF DESPAIR“ eine Vielzahl der oben genannten Kriterien. Auf dem knapp 38-minütigen Werk vereinen die Franzosen die atmosphärisch getragene Stimmung des Doom mit der Raserei und Kraft melodischen Schwarzmetalls. Wunderbare Melodiebögen formen im Einklang mit zumeist guttural gehaltener Gesangsarbeit eine ergreifende Klanglandschaft voll erhabener Schönheit. Kraftvoll und differenziert gewandet erstrahlen die zumeist überlangen Kompositionen im richtigen Licht und legen die Detailverliebtheit des Fünfers offen dar.

„A MASS OF DESPAIR“ lädt zum träumen ein und katapultiert CEBREN-KHAL, trotz des sperrigen Bandnamens, bereits mit dem Erstlingswerk an die Spitze des Genres.

Author: Wolfsblut
Metal Revolution

Cebren Khal is yet another band that should be known to all fans of doom and melodic metal. Infact I was very currious to hear what the band was up to now,and I can tell you Cebren Khal took me with a storm.

Cebren Khal kicks-off their new release A Mass Of Despair with thunder, rain and church bells ranging in the background. The album consists of five dark and melodic tracks, and the band starts out with "Mortshaped" which has tunes of soli and awesome guitar riffs, bombastic drums combined with evil and dark growls.

The second track "The Parcae´s Night is Sleepless" takes another and different sound, because the style is more heavy, loud and the instruments are harder, but the vocals still remain deep and dark with evil growls.

“Where All Faith is Lost" is yet a track with a tuned guitars and a much thicker sound than the rest. The cover artwork really represent the dark, melodic and depressive world, with fallen angels into the darkness.

However, there are lots of pretty tightly orchestrated songs, demonstrative of a professionalism most bands aren’t able to achieve on their debut. In other words; I was very surprised with A Mass Of Despair.

If you want to let Cebren Khal lead you into a dark journey, then I will recommend you to take a look at A Mass Of Despair; as this album has all of the potential to become a classic.

Author: Simona
Hymnes Funeraires

Before describing the album in several short words, I’d say it would be accurate to mention several words about the band as well, even if they have a past of quite a few years.

Cebren-Khal were born in Rennes, France, at the beginning of 2004.
During summer 2005, Cebren-Khal recorded their first demo, entitled “Charon’s Path” Including 4 tracks, this demo was released at the beginning of November 2005. The “Charon’s Path” demo got a warm and even enthusiastic reception by underground press. Some gigs, including in May 2006 French final of the “Metal Battle – Wacken Open Air”, proved also good audience reactions.
During February 2007, Cebren-Khal begin with the recording of their new album, entitled A Mass of Despair.In 2010, “A Mass of Despair” is finally released under the russian doom metal label Solitude Productions.

Cebren-Khal belongs to the sphere of doom/death metal bands, but with a very strong influence of melodic black metal. Through the album entitled “A mass of Despair”, there is a track with 3 parts in which we notice this transition from death/doom to influences of melodic black metal in the most accurate manner; I’m refering to the three parts that belong to the song named “the Lunar Tragedy”. When you listen to these parts, you have the sensation that you’re passing through an initiation in these genres, a switch between a track with a stronger doomish accent.. And then another, with a more defined mold towards melodic black metal.. Or even both of them, combined. Of course, we also encounter transitions from melancholic passages to furiously fast black metal guitar ridds, which could confuse you at a certain point if you’re not familiar with these transitions. The lyrical work is filled with philosophic knowledge and ideals and the vocals range from gloomy, spoken words to guttural expulsions. The vocals mingle very well with the emotional impact of the song ( for example in: “Where All Hope Is Lost”, „The Lunar Tragedy – Act 2. Mouroir, Mouroir, Suis-Je Le Plus Mort” ). These two songs are also the ones that caught my ear the most, maybe because they keep a straighter line of doom/death metal.

Eventually, I can say that “A mass of Despair” was a bit too avant-garde for my tastes. The passage from harsher tracks to more doomish ones, to fast tracks with aggressive black metal riffs was too fast, too sudden. It was a bit hard for me to let myself sink into the atmosphere created by the slower tracks when I could be prodded towards reality right afterwards, anytime. However, these things don’t steal any merit of the album, which is very well composed.

Author: Zamo

La scène doom française bouge beaucoup et l’on voit ci et là naîtrent des groupes plus intéressants les uns que les autres. Cependant, certains groupes se démarquent, se font énigmatiques, ne donnent que très peu de signes de vie et pourtant, nous offrent de véritables chefs d’œuvre à chaque parution. CEBREN KHAL fait partie de ces groupes là. Formé en 2004, dans la région de Rennes, le groupe est inclassable, maîtrisant aussi bien le doom métal, le death que le black métal.

A Mass of Despair est à l’image du goupe : atypique. S’organisant autour d’un triptyque : The Lunar Tragedy, cet album est une véritable démonstration de tout le talent de CEBREN KHAL. Cependant, j’ai du mal à comprendre comment un album, enregistré en 2007, n’arrive entre mes mains qu’aujourd’hui, surtout que cet album est de très grande qualité !!

Mais revenons à l’album.

Même s’il peut être considéré comme une introduction à The Lunar Tragedy, Mortshapped est avant tout un véritable morceau. Très ambiant, laissant la part belle aux guitares, aux murmures et à la pluie, on sent ici l’influence du doom. La voix claire est parfaitement maîtrisée, les mélodies accrocheuses et, chose importante, les paroles sont en français. Un bon morceau, un bon échauffement pour la suite. On sent très vite, notamment vers la fin du morceau, que le groupe cherche à nous amener ailleurs. Les ambiances black métal se multiplient, les mélodies se font plus oppressantes et la rythmique plus rapide.

Dès l’entrée du triptyque The Lunar Tragedy, le groupe ne va pas par quatre chemins, nous offrant un black/death me donnant le vertige. Bien trop rapide pour le doomeux que je suis, les changements de tempo me font perdre pied. Chaque passage possède sa propre couleur, sa propre identité et le tout est réellement déroutant. J’arrive à reprendre mon souffle pendant les quelques passages atmosphériques ou encore sur l’Act. 2, plus proche de mes habitudes musicales.

Je retrouve dans cet Act. 2 tout ce que j’aime : des guitares lancinantes, un tempo un peu plus lent, une ambiance plus pesante ; comme une pause dans ce triptyque. Je souhaiterais insister sur les performances vocales dans ce morceau car Yves est absolument habité par son personnage. La maîtrise est impressionnante, passant de la voix narrée à une voix à la limite de la folie, de la voix gutturale à la voix claire. Le travail effectué est tout simplement grandiose. Le morceau est à lui seul un véritable monument !!

L’Act. 3 est, tout comme l’Act. 1, plus rapide et plus direct. Le groupe impressionne par son professionnalisme, pas de place pour l’improvisation, tout est absolument bien pensé. On a ici affaire à une véritable démonstration du talent de CEBREN KHAL, tout comme dans Where All Faith is Lost. Passant des passages atmosphériques à des atmosphères proches du black/death, c’est un florilège d’émotions. Mais attention, la musique de ce groupe hors du commun n’est pas du tout un mélange approximatif de plusieurs styles. Chaque changement est très bien amené, la transition bien pensée. La pluie et les murmures nous reviennent, faisant écho à Mortshaped, comme si rien ne s’était passé. Encore une fois, la prestation vocale est indéfinissable.

Les derniers accords résonnent et je me dis que CEBREN KHAL est un groupe incontournable de la scène française, tout style confondu. Ce parfait mélange, entre death, black et doom métal font de ce groupe, et de cet album, une révélation pour moi. A ne manquer sous aucun prétexte !!!

Author: dark.pimousse
Antichrist zine 11/2011

CEBREN-KHAL, pretty hard to remember titleJ. Six years old band from France finally released its first full-length after unknown for me demo “Charon’s Path”. And again I just respect label for finding such great bands! I listen to this CD some times and I want play it again and again. Actually this is doom metal, based on black and death metal rhythmical structure, atmospheric and just deep and catching. Made with great passion towards darkness and gloomy moods this album can be one of most respected in the genre stuff. Five tracks of doom metal, which will do your mind freeze and abandoned of any thoughts. Measured riffs changing with such slow ones, which then changing with marching thresholds as well. Also as you understood, we can add additional word to their style – dark, because the whole album have dark atmosphere. Music is sounds also furious sometimes, so we have both melancholic and fury stuff, what make them yet more listenable. Interesting rhythm-section together with low drumming and obscure vocals sound massive and even majestic from time to time. All the things are good here, from booklet artwork up to music, all are in unity and looks as one whole thing luckily. I’m sure this will be greatest gist for fans of TIAMAT, PARADISE LOST and MY DYING BRIDE! Check now!
Pest Webzine

Cebren-Khal is a new name to me, although the band has been active since 2004. The problem is they have only released one demo, in 2005, and this debut album, last year.
This album is divided into three parts, although it contains 5 tracks; part two has 3 tracks included. What surprises me on this release is its diversity; unlike most of the bands on Bad Mood Man, Cebren-Khal, although Doom Metal based, ads an impressive variety of influences from the Black and mostly Death Metal fields and the final result is very catchy, varied and mature. I'm glad I had the chance to listen to this album, and to meet a band that's inclined to experimenting within the fields of Doom Metal, but who can also manage to keep the same heavy atmosphere, so experimenting in their case could not be considered compromise, but development. It all sounds so '90's, but still has a modern touch. Not a slight touch of monotony here, only pure emotions skillfully presented. Maybe I'm subjective because I like it so much, but I really recommend you checking this band out.

Author: Adrian

Дебютный альбом французской формации Cebren-Khal вызывает восхищение! Очень качественная, идеально записанная, весьма мелодичная, при этом драйвовая и атмосферная работа. Релиз более думовый, нежели блековый, и дум французов звучит крайней утончённо и изысканно. Когда же подключается блек металлическая составляющая - то начинается методичная, отлично структурированная и техничная сеча. Стоит заметить, что несмотря на всё разнообразие музыки - хаотичной её не назовёшь. Всё достаточно чётко и внятно распределено, подаётся гармонично и сыграно. Не поскупились музыканты и на буклет, с мистическими картинными рисунками, а также величественной и стильной обложкой. Альбом строго рекомендован к прослушиванию всем поклонникам тёмного исскуства.

Author: Rover
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