Mournful Gust - The Frankness Eve (CD)

gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
Price in points: 800 points
BMM. 011-08 x
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Mournful Gust - a well known Ukrainian group come back with a new album after an eight-year break! The debut album was issued in 2000 on MC and has been rereleased on CD in 2005 by Soyuz/Metal Agen. Today the group comes back with the new material, combining such styles as: gothic metal, death/doom and elements of the European folk-music. The sated melodies are filled with parts of live flute. The voice of the vocalist (known from his work with Autumnia) transfers a rich palette of feelings and experiences, which have been put in pawn in the English-speaking lyrics, passing from clear singing, to growl. The addition of a 24 page booklet makes this disk a unique eye catcher with pit art.

1 A Pain To Rememeber 9:18
2 It's Our Own Tragedy 4:50
3 To Your Deceits...Again 4:49
4 From Illusions And Jealousy 8:39
5 The Cold Solitude 6:53
6 With Every Suffering 7:44
7 Honey For My Wounds 2:35
8 Recover Me In Sores 5:20

Mournful Gust
Artist Country:
Album Year:
The Frankness Eve
gothic doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 011-08
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:
Skull Review

Conheci o "Mournful Gust" por conta de uma outra banda, na qual o vocalista, Vladislav Shahin, participa que é o "Autumnia". "The Frankness Eve" é o segundo álbum do sexteto ucraniano que faz um death/doom muito habilidoso, complexo e criativo, principalmente por conta do uso dosado da flauta. Esse é o tipo de disco em que nota-se uma certa atenção obsessiva dada a cada pequeno detalhe. Outro ponto importante e que merece destaque, é o trabalho vocal de Vladislav, tanto a parte gutural como as partes mais limpas. São 8 composições excelentes e que necessitam de uma boa audição por parte do ouvinte, pois esse não é um disco que conseguimos avaliar logo de cara, uma vez que tudo acontece de forma sedutora, solene, memorável e meticulosamente calculado. Os riffs, teclados, bateria, baixo, partes vocais demonstram que o "Mournful Gust" entrou em estúdio com as ideias totalmente claras desde o início do que queriam realizar, porém, durante o processo de gravação, o grupo aperfeiçoou de forma caprichosa tudo o que tinha de ser melhorado! "The Frankness Eve" é um álbum que exige inúmeras audições para demonstrar as suas qualidades, pois o "Mournful Gust" apresenta uma sonoridade tão original que nem lembramos de bandas mais clássicas e que poderiam influenciar ou fazer com que o grupo ucraniano soasse igual, por exemplo, ao "My Dying Bride". Por fim, a banda demonstra que a Ucrânia é capaz de produzir ótimas bandas!

Author: sexta-feira
Extreme Music

Parece que estos chicos llegan decididos a retomar las riendas. Y más, tras haberse pasado más de 8 años en dique seco. A tal parón, habría que sumarle la reedición de su debut "She´s My Grief" en 2005, así, como las aportaciones de Alexander dentro de las filas de AUTUMNIA. Tras estos insignificantes acontecimientos, "The Frankness Eve" representa su segundo álbum de estudio hasta la fecha.

Si no me falla la memoria, su debut del 2000 (en formato K7) iba en una onda similar a las primeras obras de los polacos DARZAMAT, inicios GALADRIEL, ASHES YOU LEAVE, ambos especializados por aquel entonces, en rebañar sobre unas producciones, cuyos sonidos (aún estando un paso más allá) no cerraban las puertas a los aromas de otros polacos como fueron NEOLITHIC, llegando incluso a jugar con la crudeza rítmica de nuevas hornadas, del palo "Iron", formidable debut de los checos SILENT STREAM OF GODLESS ELEGY.

Centrándonos en "The Frankness Eve", la propuesta de MOURNFUL GUST se nos presenta muchísimo más ordenada en todos los aspectos, especialmente sobre el colchón de apoyo por el que se mueve la banda, cuyo corte romántico va apoderándose de las composiciones. Así, a primeras, podríamos destacar una faceta mucho más limpia, tanto en producción, como en el feeling final que le dan a los nuevos temas. Los 8 cortes andan con un altísimo don de sentimiento, que se ve notablemente reforzado por la papeleta de los teclados, con el extra añadido que supone, el híbrido vocal que va alternándose en más de una ocasión. El primer golpe de efecto nos llega con "The Cold Solitude" abundancia en voces limpias, cuya participación se hace muy notable en esta nueva "etapa", las guturales, obviamente siguen estando presentes, aunque esta vez, destacan por completo tan solo para romper la dinámica más pausada de los temas que así lo requieren. MOURNFUL GUST, consiguen encontrar el equilibrio perfecto en las meticulosas estructuras que por ejemplo nos ofrece la brillante "To Your Deceits Again", un tema muy suyo, que no deja de balancearse entre las facetas más abrumadoras de la banda. Sencillez, buenos riffs melódicos, altas cargas de tristeza, y un sinfín de adjetivos que logran aumentar su tamaño en cada nueva escucha.

De por medio, han sabido enchufarle ciertos toques acústicos, a veces en forma de arpegio, otras colándose entre la desenfrenada espesor de sus instrumentos, creando un efecto optimo al lado de los coros, que aunque no naden en abundancia, tienen su momento predominante, en las partes que así lo requieren.

A pesar de los típicos requisitos que uno podría esperarse en este tipo de propuestas, el resultado global ofrece un álbum muy apto, que bajo mi opinion, en pocos momentos se ve ensombrecido por la monotonía del género. Eso si, las sombras de la época intermedia MY DYING BRIDE, ANATHEMA, siguen estando presentes, a veces filtrándose entre la personalidad de MOURNFUL GUST, otras trasladando el aroma de bandas noveles del palo NOX AUREA, y otras simplemente dejando que la música siga recorriendo el subconsciente del oyente.. Aún así, creo MOURNFUL GUST aprueban con sobrada elegancia..

Author: Xavier Bergada

I must admit that I do not understand the semantics behind Mournful Gust's name. How can a gust be mournful? If I were to take a wild guess then I'd say that this refers to an autumnal breeze as perceived by a mourning subject. As an alternative, and, in my opinion, more interesting, interpretation then this could reflect a exhaled breath containing an ever so slight sob. Unfortunately the band isn't all that proficient in English which makes it possible that I am completely wrong. I have similar interpretation problems in regards to the album title, but again I'm willing to make a guess. I suspect that "frankness" is here meant to mean 'honest', but the semantics of the word 'frankness' has a stronger implication of being straightforward than the semantics of 'honest'. Hence the evening - or Eve, if it refers to the girls name - of frankness holds less respect for one's emotions than an evening of honesty; where one could imagine an evening in solitude, where the person in question has to take a stance towards something and has to be honest to himself or herself about what he or she feels about this something. If I am correct about this then the choice of words - despite that the title is ungrammatical (it should have been typed 'The Eve of Frankness') - is perhaps not as improper as one might initially think.

The reason for the focusing on the bandname and the album title is that I suspect they might deter some listeners from giving the music a chance. That would have been a shame because it is obvious to me that the music is highly developed and of equally high quality. To a certain degree it follows a My Dying Bride path, but to an even stronger extent it draws on the medieval folky doom metal of Chalice and the mournful doom/gothic of Dis Pater. In fact Mournful Gust's vocalist Vladislav Shahin sounds almost identical to Andrey Sheglov from Dis Pater. The vocal style demands some patience before they can be properly appreciated. When that is achieved, however, I find that the vocals fit the music perfectly. The music has a tendency to get somewhat playful, but the vocals add the strong touch of melancholy and romantic sorrow that is needed to drag the music down to a more somber level. Before I end my description of the sound I feel I need to state that the band utilizes several additional instruments including flute and piano. Moreover, they use them well.

Mournful Gust has existed since 1999 and even so most of the members have taken part in other bands before that. With 'The Frankness Eve' the band show that they know how to put that experience to good use. Their combination of atmospheric doom/gothic and melodic doom/death might be too melodic for some, but I would still recommend this album to the romantic doomster. One should expect something more original than a Peaceville Three clone, though. To those who already own the album, have you noticed that all the really negative words in the tracklist has been marked with a black spot on the back of the cover? I have no idea as to why...

Author: Arnstein H. Pettersen
Born In Blood

Not bad, pretty good actually. You know what you are going to get of course. Gothic Romantic Death Doom. You could argue how many albums do you need of their style bearing in mind the formula and just how many bands there are out there doing it by the book. But from this album I'd say Mournful Gust were one of the better ones. Ultimately all music of this type can be traced back and has to be compared with My Dying Bride, such is that band's legendary contribution to the gothically romantic doom genre. And Mournful Gust don't fare too badly in comaprison. If they had been the first to do this sort of stuff we'd all be comparing bands with them, but they weren't and a lot of other bands play music like this now. It's well played, full of minor keys and meloncoly keyboards. Viocals are growled and sythesised female voices do the backing vocals all as you'd expect. Formulas and cliché abound, you know exactly what you are going to get and if you like the genre you will love this.

Author: Beerman
Dark City #46

Восьмилетний перерыв между первым и вторым альбомами в большинстве случаев смерти подобен, но украинцам Mournful Gust повезло: они выжили! Возможно, свою роль здесь сыграло переиздание на CD дебютника в 2005 году, а, возможно, и впечатляющий творческий потенциал команды, которая прорвалась сквозь годы, чтобы представить слушателю своё новое творение под названием 'The Frankness Eve'. Здесь мы слышим классический дум/дэт с очень эмоциональными вокальными линиями - от гроула до чистого пения; а также можно заметить и аккуратно вплетенные в основное звуковое полотно элементы европейского фолка (главную роль здесь играет живая флейта). И, конечно, нельзя не упомянуть о стильном 24-страничном буклете, который очень удачно поддерживает настроение от прослушивания самой музыки.

Author: Ан.К.

ウクライナのフォーキッシュ/ドラマティック・バトル・メタルの2ndアルバム。デス&ノーマルヴォーカルにトラッド/フォーキッシュ・メロディ に勇壮さとミドル・テンポでドラマティックに盛り上げる泣きのサウンド。ピアノやアコギ、ヴァイオリンやフルートに女性ヴォーカル等が随所で物悲しさもあ る郷愁と叙情性を助長させる。ENSIFERUMをWINDIR寄りにした感じとも言える男泣きヴァイキング/フォーキッシュ・メタル・ファン要チェック の作品。
Metal Shambala

Mournful Gust es una banda ukraniana editada por el sello Bad moon man que hace doom death metal con clima opresivo y desgarrador. Lo primero que se me viene a la mente al escucharlos es My Dying Bride o Paradigma aunque tambien me recuerda un poco a Lunatic Invasion.
La banda despliega con gran eficacia una serie de sonidos contundentes con guitarras en baja afinación y voces bien densas y guturales propias de este estilo. Sin dudas se trata de un trabajo impecable en producción y en el toque que la banda da a cada nota de este gran album.
The Frankness Eve es el tercer album de estos ukranianos y vale la pena escucharlos. Aqui les dejo un par de temas para que se vayan dando cuenta de lo que les hablo.
Publicado por Furias
Metal Revolution

If it wasn’t for Russian-based Solitude Productions I wouldn’t know many of the awesome bands coming from world’s biggest country and its surroundings. But, Mournful Gust is not just another band in a line of boring bands. I’ve been entertained a lot while listening to the 8 well-written compositions on these Ukrainians latest offering The Frankness Eve.

This CD has just about everything; from acoustic parts to deep and dark melancholic riffing, from light and mellow flute passages accompanied by symphonic keys, and finally clean, sexy and almost angelic female voice followed by demonic and deep male growls.
However, this album is, speaking in general terms, a melodic one where slow riffs are predominant. There’re even some Folkish melodies throughout the whole record, and when coupled with above mentioned nice female vocals, it sounds just perfect. Even the whole production thing is just done perfectly as all the elements are in place and they can be easily heard.

I never thought that I would find myself enjoying a piece of melancholic doom/melodic death metal with a slightly progressive touch as much as I did with this release by Mournful Gust. This shit is a masterpiece, unless you can’t stand this particular genre. For more info on this extremely well-played record go to

Author: bato

После непродолжительного перерыва, всего каких то восемь лет, с момента выхода дебютника Mournful Gust разродились вторым полноформатником. Диск вышел на BadMoodMan Music, который является подразделением Solitude Productions, ориентированым на около думовые стили и не попадающие под политику основного лейбла. Сразу хочется сказать несколько лестных слов об оформлении альбома, ведь первое впечатление о материале и так сказать определенный настрой на его восприятие происходит именно с визуальной части, которая в данном случае выполнена просто на высоте. На саму болванку нанесен пит-арт, а 24-х страничный буклет просто завораживает своей красотой, у каждой песни есть свой отдельный визуальный образ застывший в прекрасном изображении на соседней с текстом странице, при этом целостность оформления нисколько не нарушается, оно поддерживается общим настроением выполненым в осенне — печальных оттенках. Рассматривая буклет, мне в голову пришла одна забавная мысль, если бы проводился мировой чемпионат по оформлению буклетов, то этот бы точно оказался в тройке призеров.

Теперь перейдем непосредственно к материалу. Он представляет собой не совсем инновативный, но весьма качественный и довольно таки красивый Gothic Doom Death в лучших традициях жанра. В этой музыке сплелись в единую гармонию тяжелый метал, красивые клавишные и великолепная флейта, причем последние два компонента создают неповторимую атмосферу средневековья, которая иногда дополняется проигрышами акустической гитары. И хоть музыкальная состовляющая альбома и мало оригинальна, все ходы порядком уже заезжены и все сыграно строго по канонам жанра, но может быть именно это и является изюминкой альбома, никаких тебе эксперементов, никаких п(р)оисков, а именно то что и хотят услышать ценители данного жанра — старый добрый класический Gothic Doom Death в лучших традициях жанра, без каких-либо скачков в сторону.

На альбоме много красивых, цепляющих мелодий которые прочно ложаться на память. Их основу составляет гитара, вокруг которой, словно бы купидоны над влюбленными, парят флейта и клавишные, придавая музыке печальную красоту. Так же атмосфера печали и отчаяния поддерживается и вокалом, причем как гроул так и чистый голос у Влада Шахина (вокалист Autumnia) получается на высоком уровне, как в принципе и уровень игры остальных участников группы тоже довольно высок. Что касается качества записи и сведения, то можно смело сказать что материал отвечает мировым стандартам и является вполне конкурентноспособным.

Итак, подведем итог, что же мы имеем на диске: красивая музыка да, оригинальность материала — нет (а может и не надо), качественная запись — да, прекрасное оформление — да, высокий уровень исполнения — да. Все вроде бы присутствует, все вроде бы хорошо, но на шедевр явно не тянет.

I know for sure that there is only water between Sweden and Finland but nevertheless it´s un-avoidable to link MOURNFUL GUST musically just right between both countries. The Ukrainian band is playing melodic Doom Metal and this release is like a good bottle of wine, it´s becoming better day by day. If Holy Records would still be an international record company instead of concentrating on their French home country their second release "The Frankness Eve" would for sure be released by them because the band is perfectly fitting into their family. The 8 songs are full of interesting ideas; the music heavily supported by flute and piano and even after listening to the release for several times you can still find additional layers in each song. The singer can also add further emotions by switching between dark shouts and more a clearer voice. This release is reminding me of two great bands from the late 90s; on one hand the great debut of finish Doom kings YEARNING ("With Tragedies Adorned") and on the other hand one of the most underestimated Swedish bands EMBRACED. I know that currently the trend is more or less the ultra Doom direction but melancholy can have so many faces and Funeral Doom is limiting this music to its bare essence. Hope that due to the fact that the album had been released by a smaller Russian label it will get the deserved underground support because musically it´s premium Doom Metal.

Author: Matthias Auch
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