Mournful Gust - The Frankness Eve (CD)

gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
Price in points: 800 points
BMM. 011-08 x
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Mournful Gust - a well known Ukrainian group come back with a new album after an eight-year break! The debut album was issued in 2000 on MC and has been rereleased on CD in 2005 by Soyuz/Metal Agen. Today the group comes back with the new material, combining such styles as: gothic metal, death/doom and elements of the European folk-music. The sated melodies are filled with parts of live flute. The voice of the vocalist (known from his work with Autumnia) transfers a rich palette of feelings and experiences, which have been put in pawn in the English-speaking lyrics, passing from clear singing, to growl. The addition of a 24 page booklet makes this disk a unique eye catcher with pit art.

1 A Pain To Rememeber 9:18
2 It's Our Own Tragedy 4:50
3 To Your Deceits...Again 4:49
4 From Illusions And Jealousy 8:39
5 The Cold Solitude 6:53
6 With Every Suffering 7:44
7 Honey For My Wounds 2:35
8 Recover Me In Sores 5:20

Mournful Gust
Artist Country:
Album Year:
The Frankness Eve
gothic doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 011-08
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Dall´Ucraina un altro gruppo death/doom melodico e atmosferico sulla falsariga dei primi My Dying Bride. Gi cos potrei concludere la recensione perch avrei essenzialmente detto tutto.

I Mournful Gust arrivano alla seconda prova in studio per la Bad Mood Man (sub etichetta della Solitude Prod.) dopo l´album di debutto del 2006, e sebbene moltissimi problemi sono stati appianati (in primis la performance vocale del singer Vladislav Shahin) quello pi cronico no, cio la mancanza di indipendenza dai modelli a cui il gruppo si ispira.

Artwork e registrazione a dir la verit pi che buoni per un´etichetta ambiziosa ma dalle poche risorse, quello che mi dispiace di pi, il vero nocciolo della questione che "The Frankness Eve" si dimostra ancora troppo attaccato al cordone ombelicale dei primi MDB per poter brillare di luce propria e se in un album di debutto tutto sommato permesso quasi tutto, non lo alla seconda prova.

Mi sembra quindi strano a me per primo trovarmi di fronte ad un prodotto realizzato cos bene esternamente, ma forse un po´ vuoto internamente.

E al giorno d´oggi l´originalit tutto...

Review: Gabriele "Anaconda" Frontini

My initial thoughts of Mournful Gust´s The Frankness Eve were rather dubious. Naturally, having low expectations coming into the album may have influenced my afterthoughts, but I was duly impressed by what the death/doom band had to offer. Very much abiding by every cliche in the sub-genre´s book, the band still manages to keep a sense of individuality from amongst their peers. Nevertheless, as much as it starts off strongly, the album dips in quality in particular instances, seemingly becoming repetitive towards the second half. This is not so much a result of the band´s songwriting, which is far from bland, rather a slight excess of a good thing; the album drags on longer than it should.

Beginning with "A Pain to Remember", Mournful Gust make no mistakes. One of the better tracks on the album, the song immediately introduces us to vocalist Vladislav Shahin, the star of the show. As the song opens, Shahin lets loose a low growl, which sits very comfortably with the backing melody; an all too common thing on the album, and a significant factor behind its success. Furthermore, unlike other death/doom bands that rely on good gutturals to take our attention off terribly weak singing, Mournful Gust take pride in Shahin´s singing abilities. "It´s Our Own Tragedy", entirely void of growls, shows off Shahin´s grasp over his voice. Deep and sonorous, his voice has a commanding presence, making a fantastic song out of a musically weak track. This interplay between his growls and singing continues throughout the album, and provides for an enticing experience.

Mournful Gust rarely stray from the sound that they establish with "A Pain to Remember". Although becoming somewhat formulaic, the band sticks to it and do the best they can with what they have. In terms of songwriting, the band does not excel as much as one would hope; nevertheless, there is a feeling of authenticity emanating from the sextet. This can be seen through the various melodies that are found on the album; hailing from Ukraine, the band have allowed the influence of their home country´s traditional music to seep into The Frankness Eve. It remains subtle, yet gives the album an edge that makes it all the more appealing.

There is an inherent smoothness about Mournful Gust´s music; the production is lush, and the use of layered synths gives it a very uniform fluidity, only matched by the very best of death/doom. This comes with a downside however, in the fact that although being a consistent album, there were no moments which really sat me on my arse. Moments of brutality on Inborn Suffering´s Wordless Hope, or a desolate melody on Mourning Beloveth´s The Sullen Sulcus gave these albums an exciting touch, and kept me coming back for more. The Frankness Eve is relatively tame in comparison, but still manages to hold its own. For fans of Hanging Garden, Inborn Suffering and DOOM:VS.
1999 formierten sich MOURNFUL GUST aus den berresten diverser Doom Bands aus der Ukraine. Bereits ein Jahr spter nahm man das Debt "She´s my Grief" auf Tape auf, um kurze Zeit spter auseinander zu brechen. 2004 startete man einen Neuanfang in dessen Zuge das Debt auch zu CD Ehren kam. Vier (oder eben acht) Jahre spter steht nun der Nachfolger "The Frankness Eve" in den CD-Regalen. Gut Doom will eben Weile haben...

...Im Falle von MOURNFUL GUST trifft dieser Spruch zu, wie die berhmte Faust aufs Auge. Die Band vereint auf sehr gekonnte Weise Death, Doom und Gothic Metal zu einer uerst gelungenen musikalischen Mischung.

Akzentuiert vorgetragene, intensive Riffs und getragene Keyboardsounds mit Hymnencharakter verschmelzen in den Songs zu einer perfekten Symbiose. MOURNFUL GUST nehemen den Hrer mit auf eine unglaublich intensive Reise voller Melancholie, Tristesse, Bitterkeit und Wut. So pendelt man dann auch stndig zwischen schleppenden Passagen und Death Attacken im schnelleren Tempobereich. Das man auch den Einsatz einer Flte nicht scheut, lsst die Songs nicht berladen wirken sondern sorgt fr zustzliche Abwechslung. Das Resultat sind acht sehr intensive, atmosphrische Doomperlen mit Gnsehautgarantie.

Das absolute Highlight auf "The Frankness Eve" ist aber der Gesang von Vladislav Shahin. Eine derart Emotionale Gesangsleistung habe ich seit Saviour Machine nicht mehr gehrt - Grandios! Da auch die tiefen Growls seiner Kehle entspringen kann man vor seiner Stimmbandleistung, die die eh schon groartige Musik letztlich mit den passenden Vocals veredelt, nur den Hut ziehen.


To Your Deceits... Again, The Cold Solitude

Fazit: Mit "The Frankness Eve" haben die Ukrainer MOURNFUL GUST ein groes Werk geschaffen, das auf ganzer Linie berzeugt. Ein Intensives, Abwechslungsreiches und sehr melodische Doom Erlebnis das einen fesselt und nicht so schnell wieder los lsst. Groartig!

A Mournful Gust tortenete kozel 10 evre nyulik vissza, az ukran csapat ket masik romajin alakult nehany tag reinkarnacioja altal. Nem nevezhetoek kimondottan aktivnak, a 99-es bemutatkozo nagylemezuk ota csak egy EP szuletett, mely cimevel, a rajta szereplo dalokkal es kulsosegeinek koncepciojaval is egyezik jelen kritika targyaval, vagyis a The Frankness Eve-vel. Lassuk akkor, mivel tortek meg a 8 eves urt, milyen tortenet adnak elo az oszinteseg ejszakajan...

Mindenfele intro es egyeb sallang nelkul csapnak bele a hurokba a nyito A Pain to Remember cimu notaban. Az elso hangokbol mar tudni lehet, a megtevesztoen gotikus borito bizony csak hamis eloitelet: a zenekar doom/death metalt jatszik, afele My Dying Bride-os vonalon. Hegedu nincs, az enek javareszt horgos, a dalokat a melyre hangolt gitarok viszik. A szintetizator leginkabb az atvezeto reszeknel kerul elo, illetve nehany hattertemaval kellemes progressziv izt ad a zenenek. Az enek angol nyelvu, a halalrol, keserusegrol szolo szovegeket olvasgatva az igenyesen osszehozott, vastag bookletben az emberben bizony felmerul a gondolat, hogy nem a dal szuletesnapjara utal a 2006. junius 28-ai datum az A Pain to Remember szamcim alatt...

A dalszerkesztes is profi, kellokeppen valtozatosak, izgalmasak a szerzemenyek, fogosak a dallamok, konnyen bevesik magukat az ember emlekezetebe. Bar az alap gitartemak vegigkiserik a dalokat, a zene megis megunhatatlanul valtozatos, a visszatero, ismetlodo reszeket megtorik valamilyen uj zenei elemmel. A fentebb emlitett horgos eneken kivul Vladislav Shahin tiszta eneket is hasznal, mely pl. a With Every Suffering dalban epikus kontost is ad. Nehol elokerul egy fuvola, egy szintetizator felvezeto, vagy egy akusztikus resz, mint a The Cold Solitude elejen is, velemenyem szerint a legerosebb szerzemeny a lemezen.

Bar van nehany laposabb resz a bo 50 percben, es ezert nem kapott maximalis pontot, osszessegeben nagyon kellemes meglepetes az ukranok anyaga, batran ajanlom a hangulatos szorongas minden kedvelojenek.

Maybe Mournful Gust has evolved a lot since their previous, debut album in 2000, ´cause otherwise I can´t explain why they're still a fairly unknown band. Their doom has some resemblances with the music of Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride and is certainly recommended to those of you who are into this genre. The Frankness Eve is an easy listening album and also it´s very accessible for those who aren´t that much into the doom genre.

The drums are a bit too much moved to the background, but that´s the only point of criticism in this review. From the talented vocalist Vlad Shahin to the beautiful flute parts of August Devego, everything works out really well on The Frankness Eve. Where most doom acts have a brilliant vocalist when it comes to growls, but on the other hand produces terribly weak clean vocals, Vlad Shahin can do both styles equally great. His performance is definitely the best thing about this record. He, for example, achieves to make the musically less songs very interesting and that´s a great gift.

Mournful Gust has definitely chosen the right path for this itself. Hopefully they won´t wait another eight years to release a next record and hopefully this line up stays more or less the same. When they keep on evolving I predict a bright future for this sextet.

Author: Gilles

Second work of this band formed by members from Autumnia. This album is a great work with excellent melodies. The atmosphere is melancholy and sorrow. They use keyboards, flutes and violin. The riffs are melodic with some guitar solos. The vocals are powerful grunts and melancholic clean voice.


J'ai toujours pense que le Metal Ukrainien etait plus ou moins une sorte d'hymne a la spiritualite. En effet, la plupart des groupes provenant d'Ukraine, du moins ceux que je connais, ont tendance a proposer des musiques bien spirituelles avec leurs atmospheres exaltantes et leurs douces melodies, la je pense surtout a des groupes dans le genre de Drudkh ou Nokturnal Mortum... et voila que la decouverte de ce groupe la vient pour confirmer encore plus ce que je pensais...

Les Mournful Gust sont donc six gars Ukrainiens qui sortent leur nouvel album cette annee, 8 ans apres la sortie de leur premier opus. Le groupe nous propose du bon vieux Death/Doom bien melodique, voire parfois carrement progressif, avec toute une panoplie d'emotions plus touchantes les unes que les autres.

Le style de la formation n'est pas sans rappeler celui des grands My Dying Bride, au niveau des Growls profonds et expressifs mais aussi et surtout au niveau du jeu rythmique avec cette alchimie entre lourdeur et dynamisme qui fait que ca conserve toujours un certain aspect tres accrocheur et equilibre.

Mais le groupe fait evoluer sa musique au-dela de ses principales influences en proposant un cote melodique empli d'un souffle folklorique assez medieval qui fait un peu penser a celui d'Estatic Fear et qui apparait a travers un jeu de synthe bien senti, parfois des guitares Folk/acoustiques et meme quelques touches de flute parsemes un peu partout qui donnent un petit cote rafraichissant a la donne. Sans oublier le tres bon chant clair a la Candlemass qui plante un decor de subtilite autour de lui. Le tout est assiste par des Leads diversifies et des Solos bien inspires un peu a la maniere de ceux de Mourning Beloveth.

Des morceaux comme "It's Our Own Tragedy", 'From Illusions And Jealousy" ou bien "With Every Suffering" ou encore "The Cold Solitude" ne risqueront pas de passer inapercus parce qu'ils se revelent etre de veritables explosions d'emotions tout autant diverses que directes avec leurs delicates melodies et leurs ambiances joliment travaillees.

Bref, "The Frankness Eve" est donc incontestablement un excellent album et avec son aspect melodique, entrainant et accessible, il s'avere etre un album ideal pour bien commencer avec le Death/Doom. Il prouve par la meme occasion que Mournful Gust est un groupe qui merite vraiment qu'on s'attarde dessus et surtout qu'on ne risque pas d'etre decus...

Author: Par Sandman
Payo UG Webzine

MOURNFUL GUST patri ke stale popularnejsi vlne melodickeho doom/death metalu, kdy se veskrze kazda z onech kapel odvolava na adresu MY DYING BRIDE, WARNING, ANATHEMA ci MOURNING BELOVETH. Ti, jenz doom metal poslouchaji dele, nez jen kratkou chvili, dobre vedi, ze doom je jakysi zapomenuty romanticky styl, ktery neni jen o sklesle atmosfere, podlazenych kytarach, pomalem rifovani, nybrz o hloubce tvurci inspirace, textovych temat a vsemozne spouste dalsich adekvatnich postupu, ktere tak davaji moznost vyniknout doomove melancholicke podstate, se kterou se o slovo hlasi na svem druhem studiovem albu take zkuseni Ukrajinci MOURNFUL GUST, jenz v letosnim roce oslavi sve desate vyroci od vzniku. Kapela sve druhe album nazvala stejne jako predesle EP, ze ktereho si vzala rovnou vsechny ctyri skladby (1-4), a tak si sami kupeckymi pocty spocitate, o kolika novych vecech se tu tedy bude mluvit. Jednoznacnym kladem ve standardni produkci MOURNFUL GUST je hojne vyuziti klavesoveho vrstveni, ktere tak prileva do hrnku s nepropustnou cernou kavou, kterou nepropadne ani lzicka, a bezpochyby take spoluprace s rozlicnymi nastroji - harfa, fletny, lyra, kterych neni ve vysledku vubec malo. Za zminku stoji take zensky zpev - "From Illusions & Jealousy", ktereho je tu jako safranu, avsak o to vice citim jakehosi zadostiucineni vuci tomuto zenskemu elementu, jenz je svym obsahem pouze kapkou v mori. Dokonce v zaverecne skladbe alba "Recover Me In Sores" je hojne vyuzit take zensky sborovy doprovod, z nehoz mam opravdu radost. Avsak co me ani trochu neuspokojuje je snad jen zpev, ktery svym rozsahem spada do jakehosi sedeho prumeru, kdy pres sebe jednotlive polohy prepadaji asi tak jako duchodci ve fronte na duchod. Vladislav svoji hlasovou indispozici, jenz se odrazi predevsim v jeho cistych polohach, casto strida revem - pri kterem prebiha dokonce i mraz po zadech, ktery mu sedi opravdu lepe, ba dokonce i samotne texty s jakousi formou hlubsiho poslani vyznivaji o poznani lepe a adekvatneji. Samotnou tematikou vsak texty nejevi zadnou snahu dostat se pryc z onoho dokola omyvaneho kolobehu drogove zavislosti, smutku, nenaplnene lasky apod. Jak rekl Markus Ulrich (LANFEAR): "Texty jsou velice dulezite, ale je problem, ze je nikdo necte!" O samotnych instrumentalnich elementech, jenz MOURNFUL GUST ve finalni podobe inspiruji, nelze mluvit jako o jednoucelovych, a to predevsim proto, ze kapela cerpa jak z dilny nezamenitelnych MY DYING BRIDE, ale take DRACONIAN, jenz dobre vedi, ze doom metal neni pouze o chladne atmosfere, a prekrasne zpevacce s uhrancivym pohledem a do poloviny rozepnutym korzetem. MOURNFUL GUST si jsou tohoto faktu rovnez vedomi, avsak vyjma nekolika svetlych okamziku, ze kterych na cele care vynika uvodni "A Pain to Rememeber", je tato v poradi druha deska jen jakymsi odrazovym mustkem, ktery se nachazi tak nejak uprostred - ani vysoko, ani nizko. A tak zda-li jste zastanci zlate stredni cesty, bude vam ona deska chutnat se vsim vsudy!

MOURNFUL GUST es de esas joyitas que aparecen de vez en cuando y cuando menos uno lo espera. Un disco debut en el 2000, un Ep y este "The Frankness Eve" lanzado a mediados de 2008, representan la discografia oficial del grupo de origen ucraniano.

Doom Metal con certeros toques de Death Metal es lo que practica el sexteto en la mayor parte del material y con excelentes resultados, pues la manera de desarrollar su estilo gana en solemnidad, en buen gusto y en sobriedad cuando los melodiosos riffs marcan el rumbo a seguir.

Novembers Doom viene a mi mente cuando pienso en algun referente (algo inevitable para un redactor de musica), sobre todo por la forma en que MG "potencia" sus canciones gracias a los numerosos recursos que la banda posee para dicha mision.

"A Pain To Remember" y "The Cold Solitude" son dos de las mas dramaticas/bellas canciones que una banda Doom pueda componer, pues parecen extraidas del libro de poemas de un escritor moribundo.

Oscuro, pesado, melodico, contundente... todos adjetivos que le caen como anillo al dedo a estos europeos que bajo el cobijo de uno de los sub generos mas interesantes del Metal han sabido corresponder y de hecho coronar, uno de los mejores discos del under en el pasado 2008.

Author: Gustavo Piccini

O Mournful Gust, e um conhecido grupo ucraniano e esta de volta com um novo album apos oito meses parados! O album debut foi lancado no ano 2000 e foi relancado em CD em 2005 pela Soyuz/Metal Agen. Atualmente o grupo voltou com novo material, combinando generos como Gothic Metal, Death, Doom e elementos da musica Folk europeia. As melodias sao preenchidas com gravacoes de flautas. A voz da vocalista (conhecida pelo seu trabalho no Autumnia) transmite uma rica variedade de sentimentos e experiencias que foram registradas em letras em ingles, passando dos vocais limpos ate os guturais. Isso e o que diz o release do gruo. Os press reelases geralmente sao um tanto, assaz, exagerados, mas desta vez foram certeiros em descrever a banda. A banda nasceu a partir de duas bandas anteriores dos membros, a banda de black metal Vae Solis e a banda de doom death metal Temple Of Oblivion, ate que em 1999 surge a Mournful Gust. Finalmente em 2008 a banda volta com um album completo, com um encarte de 24 paginas. Aqui temos uma banda madura e este grande disco tem destaques em It's Our Own Tragedy, To Your Deceits...Again, From Illusions And Jealousy e Honey For My Wounds. Sombrio, gelido e arrepiante.
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