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The Morningside - TreeLogia (The Album As It Is Not) (CD) Digipak

melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
List price: 600.00 Р
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Price in points: 600 points
BMM. 044-11 xs
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New extraordinary work from a famous melancholic metal band from Moscow, The Morningside. As we were told by band members the idea of this release appeared quite a long time ago as the story behind “The Trees” song was longer than the song and now it has its final. TreeLogia was step by step gaining its present form and finally appeared as a tale. The listener could make a decision himself if this is a story of a man lost among the trees and permanently became one of them or a stort of man fleeing from something, perhaps, his past, who found the harmony or loneliness or… gone insane. Or is it a very different story? One of band member considers The Trees Part Three as a chronologic beginning of the story, not a final. The second album title “The Album As It Is Not” also has some idea behind it as there is actually only one song at the album, despite of its diversity. Thus, The Morningside are ready to present their first CD-single which lasts for more that 50 minutes! The CD is issued as a limited digipack including an inlay with band photo, individual copy number, and original signatures of band members.

1 The Trees Part One 12:38
2 The Trees Part Two 13:02
The Trees Part Three – TreeLogia 21:28
3a TreeLogia Part One - Return 7:45
3b TreeLogia Part Two - Burned 3:05
3c TreeLogia Part Three - Going Away 10:46

The Morningside
Artist Country:
Album Year:
TreeLogia (The Album As It Is Not)
melancholic dark metal
CD Album
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 044-11
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Az orosz, The Morningside eddig megjelent két nagylemezéről viribusunitis és haragSICK írt egy-egy kritikát, én pedig megpróbálom bemutatni a csapat harmadik kiadványát, ami, ahogy az alcímből is sejthető, nem egy hagyományos album, sorlemez. A Metal Archives EP-ként tünteti föl a Treelogia (The album as it is not) című anyagot, ami talán azért furcsa egy kicsit, mert hosszát tekintve túlszárnyalja az eddigi két nagylemezt…

No de miről is van szó pontosan?
Az történt, hogy a srácok a debütáló albumuk, The Trees című dalát gondolták, építették, költötték tovább. Az EP-n három dal szerepel, közel 50 percben és szimplán a The Trees Part One, Part Two és Part Three címet kapták. A húsz percet is meghaladó játékidejű hármas tételt pedig tovább bontották a változatosság kedvéért ugyancsak három részre, hogy a számmisztika iránt érdeklődő hallgatók vágyait is teljes mértékben kielégítsék…
Egyébként viszont ezek a hármas osztások teljesen fölöslegesek, hiszen a szerzemények szinte egybefolynak és a tételek nem különülnek el egymástól markánsan, inkább egy bő háromnegyed órás kompozíció részeit, árnyalatait képezik.
Ha már az utóbbi, kelet-európai bandák lemezeiről írt ismertetőimben megemlítettem a természet-közeliséget, ihletettséget, akkor a The Morningside kapcsán ez még fokozottabban jelentkezik. Egyből a természet hangjaival nyit a lemez. A falevelek suhogásával, a csepergő esővel, a szélfúvással együtt kúsznak a bőrünk alá a hangjegyek.
Amik tagadhatatlanul ismerősnek hatnak és nem csak a banda előző két lemezén található muzsika miatt. De annyira szép, magával ragadó ez a zenefolyam, hogy az ember átadja magát a belőle áradó nagybetűs hangulatnak és nem azon agyal, hogy hát bizony ilyet már hallottunk ezelőtt 10-20 évvel is ettől, meg attól a bandától.
Azért a rend kedvéért megemlítem én is a korai Paradise Lost nevét, de az Agalloch kedvelői és azok, akik az Opeth első 3 lemezét favorizálják leginkább is élvezettel fogják hallgatni a Treelogia-t, azt garantálom!

A dalok hosszából következik, hogy nem ritkák a többkörös gitárfutamok, harmóniák, a repetitív, hipnotikus, delejező módon ismétlődő, vissza-vissza térő témák, megoldások.
És az is tehet egy próbát a lemezzel, akinek nem szíve csücske az egysíkú hörgés-szerű vokalizálás, ugyanis nagyon sok az instrumentális rész, Igor Nikitin énekes mondhatni csupán mellékszereplője ennek a gyönyörűen megkoreografált előadásnak!
Egy dolgot sajnálok, hogy szó szerint csak egy promo CD-t kaptam, bár a lényeg valóban maga a korong, azért örültem volna egy kis körítésnek is! Viszont a disc nagyon igényes, az írott fele arany színű és a szélein végig fut a zenekar logoja.

Magyarán, a The Morningside nem átvitt értelemben nevezhető aranylemezes bandának! :D
A Treelogia pedig az atmoszférikus doom/death muzsikák rajongói számára aranyat érhet!

Author: oldboy
Hymnes Funeraires

Many may have already heard of them since their first disc, “The Wind, the Trees and the Shadows of the Past” but for those who are not familiar, The Morningside is a melodic doom band from Russia with two full length albums out so far and this EP – “Treelogia”.
Their playing style is influenced and sounds very familiar to Agalloch, maybe because of the lyrical theme based on “nature” and also on the vocals part. The similarities with other bands don’t end here, on the doom metal part, “Brave Murder Days” by Katatonia seem to be their main focus.
Some words about the EP; as a structure, TreeLogia is more of a single track with a duration of 47 minutes, but divided into three parts: The Trees – Part One, The Trees – Part Two, The Threes – Part Three TreeLogia. These “parts” are very well thought out,there are many passages that merge easily with each other giving the EP that sense of continuity from the start until the end.

As a concept, TreeLogia (The Album As It Is Not) has a little secret, it is not entirely new. The EP was formed ​​developing the idea behind the track called “The Trees”, from their first album “The Wind, The Trees And The Shadows Of The Past “.

The EP has many passages that abound in sorrowful melodic guitars, sometimes accompanied by gentle keyboard support. There are also parts of clean guitars that create a melancholic, thoughtful moment. The harsh voice used throughout the album, as I said at the beginning, are very similar to the ones in Agalloch.

As in previous albums, the “nature” plays an important role. Elements like the sound of rain or wind are very often used in the songs, they create an ethereal atmosphere, the image of a empty, cold and forgotten landscape … a place of meditation.

TreeLogia (As It Is Not The Album) is an EP that doesn’t require your maximum attention, there is no need to examine each track piece by piece, it is an album easy to listen to. Its main strong point is the atmosphere that it creates, that certain state of tranquility in which we can escape, it draws you in it.

So, if you like melancholic and melodic moments, sorrowful guitars, bands like Agalloch, you’re inspired by nature and you need an easy listen, then there is no reason why you wouldn’t like this one.

Author: Zamo

Un temporale ci da il benvenuto alla terza prova dei moscoviti (non un nuovo lavoro, ma una rendition dei brani contenuti in 'The Wind, The Trees and The Shadows Of The Past') nel plumbeo cielo sovietico ("The Trees Part One"), scandito da un overture che ci riporta alla mente i settantiani Tangerine Dream con i loro scenari cosmici definiti da tastiere sognanti e infinite, alle quali si aggiungono riff presi pari pari da 'Gothic' dei Paradise Lost, e arpeggi di darkeggiante memoria (Cure). Allo schiudersi di "The Trees Part Two", traccia migliore dell'opera, sembra di ascoltare i primevi Katatonia ('Brave Murder Day' – 'Dance Of Decembers Souls'), sapientemente amalgamati con assoli e riff a là Anatema del periodo aureo ('Judgement'): riascoltateli nella struggente parte centrale. "The Trees Part Three" riesce a creare dei ricchissimi crescendo, sempre molto controllati, emozionali e malinconici, mitigati dalla delicatezza delle tastiere. Opera curata in ogni dettaglio dove la maestria risiede nel saper rubare i riff e arpeggi alle band citate in precedenza con arte e abilità tali da fargli superare finanche gli attuali mostri sacri Daylight Dies e Agalloch. Un superdisco dove le melodie a ritmi lenti ricamano intarsi di una bellezza straniante e stupefacente; l’unica pecca risiede nella voce, uno screaming di estrazione black che se fosse stato sostituito da clean vocals avrebbe dato quel quid in più per fargli raggiungere la perfezione.

Un'altra sublime summa del miglior melodic death/doom anni '90.

Author: Igor Fanelli): riascoltateli nella struggente parte centrale.

A due anni di distanza dal secondo album "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time" tornano a farsi sentire i The Morningside.
La band moscovita, così piacevole in un recente passato influenzato da grandi nomi quali Cathedral, Katatonia, Agalloch e reminescenze Opeth (non quelli odierni), è a un ep "TreeLogia" che si affida per attirare a sè ancora una volta l'attenzione degli ascoltatori che concedono il proprio tempo a un sound maggiormente atmosferico, ricercato e progressivo.
Le armi in possesso del quartetto russo sono ormai conosciute, abbiamo a che fare con dei buoni compositori capaci di inclinare il loro modo di suonare doom/death in maniera da donargli raffinatezza e i suoni sono ancora una volta tendenti in alcuni fraseggi al progressivo e alla sperimentazione ambientale.
"TreeLogia" è assemblato con sapienza, il riffing di Sergey Chelyadinov tesse trame melodicamente pregne di intensità e delicatezza, è elegante l'approccio vocale di Igor Nikitin, il growl/scream non calca la mano scegliendo volutamente di poggiarsi accattivante e "morbido" sulle basi alimentate dalle linee di basso di Ilya Egorichev e dalle dinamiche di un drumming elaborato sì, ma mai troppo complesso curato da Boris Sergeev.
Non vi sono novità sostanziali, i The Morningside confermano in blocco le qualità e le pecche (poche) che li hanno sinora contraddistinti, il lavoro si fa apprezzare al meglio quando lo si affronta in soluzione unica ma al tempo stesso è così che rivela le proprie debolezze tendendo a crogiolarsi sin troppo in ripetizioni che si sarebbero potute evitare o quantomeno ridurre, le quali insieme alla carenza di personalità, che purtroppo li continua a far inserire in quella categoria di band che potenzialmente capaci di un salto evolutivo e qualitativo decisivo ma che sembrano aver paura di rischiare, minano seppur lievemente la piena riuscita di "TreeLogia".
Il tempo scorre, gli anni passano e i The Morningside allungano la loro discografia con "TreeLogia" che non sarà rivoluzionario, non si discosta da quanto ci hanno proposto in passato e forse proprio per questo troverà dei graditi riscontri.
È anche giusto che sia così dato che i valori di "base" ci sono tutti e vengono spesso superati, il problema reale è: quanto vorranno ancora girarci intorno? E' arrivato il momento di svoltare e dare voce alla propria di anima.

Author: Mourning
Convivial Hermit #6

Time has worked favorably for The Morningside from Moscow. Whereas from the first album I can barely remember anything outside of hearing something very derivative, plain and poorly executed, on Treelogia The Morningside have essentially re-created themselves. This is a brand new band, with a brand new ear for melody and atmosphere, recording in an (as it seems) brand new environment with excellent, crisp, yet very warm production. Treelogia consists of just three, mostly lengthy tracks (the final one is 25 minutes) of melancholy music situated somewhere in the space between or around Katatonia's "Dance of December Souls" and some of the finest Russian doom bands out there like Amber Tears. References can be named; this is not unique... it's just very tasteful, with fine melodies that opened my mind and rejuvenated me like standing out in the air on a fresh spring morning, eyes closed. In fact, that's the overall feeling I get from this album: a kind of springlike, ethereal atmosphere. The guitars are muted and not very heavy, and the vocals, though sung in a harsh voice, are drawn back and nondescript in a way, producing a sense of airiness and distance. Synths and some clean guitars likewise add layers of atmosphere in these songs that run so smoothly from start to finish. The only thing left to say, if it is not clear by now, is that I was genuinely impressed by this CD and am glad to have encountered yet another quality work from my country of birth... it's getting better as the years go by, and, not to be obsequious, but we have Solitude in large part to thank for this. Congratulations.

Author: Yury
Legacy Magazine #75

Im epischen, melodramatischen Metal sind Konzept-Platten keine Seltenheit. Voraussetzung muss es jedoch sein, dass die jeweilige Band in ihrem Stil und ihrem Songwriting gefestigt ist und über das nötige Vermögen verfügt, ausladende Ideen spannungsreich und fesselnd umzusetzen. Die aus Moskau stammenden THE MORNINGSIDE treten mit einem 50-minütigen Drei-Tracker an, der ‚The Trees‘ Part eins bis drei umfasst. Der Zusatz des beschließenden Teils stellt dabei den Titel „TreeLogia”. Die Erweiterung in Klammern – „(The Album As It Is Not)“ – haben die Russen gewählt, weil ein dreigeteilter Monumental-Song ihrer Ansicht nach noch keine Platte ausmacht. Der Sinn dieser Begründung erschließt sich nicht, denn ein Longplayer definiert sich über Spielzeit und kreativen Gehalt, ist unabhängig von der bloßen Anzahl an Stücken. THE MORNINGSIDE legen schließlich weder eine Single noch eine Remix-Scheibe vor. Stattdessen sind sie melancholisch-melodischen Klängen auf Albumlänge verschrieben, die partiell in den Doom hineinreichen, letztlich aber zumeist eine schleppende, rockige Schwere wahren. Tendenziell geht es auf „TreeLogia (The Album As It Is Not)“ in Richtung My Dying Bride, doch deren tragisch-düstere Anmutung und die ergreifende Wirkung ihrer Tracks erreichen THE MORNINGSIDE nicht einmal im Ansatz. Die Moskauer Musiker lassen im Aufbau ihrer Stücke Zielstrebigkeit und Spannung vermissen. Häufig scheinen sie allein vor sich hin zu plätschern, ohne dass es dramaturgisch weiter geht oder klare Bilder entwickelt werden. Mit zunehmender Spielzeit ermüdet das zusehends, so dass es zum Geduldsspiel wird, die 50 Minuten in Gänze durchzuhören.

Author: AK
Pavillon 666

Formé en 2006 par cinq musiciens sensibles et amoureux de la nature, THE MORNINGSIDE est une formation russe atypique officiant dans un "doom death mélodique" à tendance "heavy" sur une bonne partie des morceaux, se concentrant sur l'harmonie des instruments et leur osmose, à travers un ensemble musical loin d'être désespéré ou lamenté. En effet, THE MORNINGSIDE mise tout sur le côté nature, doux, ambient voire atmosphérique, afin d'embarquer l'auditeur dans un monde de douceur, où le vent, les arbres, le ciel et les nuages ne font qu'un.

Les Russes sortent cette année un EP en amuse bouche, histoire de faire suite à deux albums de bonne facture, à savoir « The Wind, the Trees and the Shadow of the Past » et « Moving Crosscurent of Time ». Comme les noms l'indiquent, ces opus étaient tout aussi naturels et sensibles, basés sur la magie et la beauté de notre environnement naturel. Bien entendu, même si quelques parties agressives font leur apparition, growl et riffs death en tête, ce n'est que passager, car la douceur reprend peu à peu forme au sein de morceaux longs de plus de dix minutes. De toute manière, l'EP en question nommé « Treelogia », symbolisant à la fois leur troisième oeuvre et les arbres, reste dans la continuité des sorties précédentes.

THE MORNINGSIDE ne donne pas de véritable nom à ses compositions, préférant les voir comme trois parties distinctes. Ces dernières peuvent être vu comme trois chapitres, trois pages différentes d'un livre que l'on lit, l'une reflétant le début, l'autre le milieu, et la dernière, la fin. Logique, me direz-vous, mais à l'écoute de l'EP, cette analogie se veut tout à fait évidente. Tout s'imbrique parfaitement, si bien que les trois chapitres ne font qu'un. Et même si chacun a une progression et une structure différente en soi, il n'en reste pas moins une belle démonstration de ce que sont continuité et atmosphères.

Si l'introduction du premier morceau évoque la nature à son état le plus pur, grâce à des samples d'orage, de vent et d'insectes, mis en valeur par des nappes de claviers très planantes et rafraîchissantes, la conclusion du deuxième titre évoque cette introduction, la pluie étant cette fois-ci de mise, paradée de mélodies mélancoliques à la guitare.

D'ordre général, les guitares apportent un côté gracieux et joyeux dans ce "doom/death" tournant parfois autour du "folk". La lenteur ne fait qu'apporter une progression et un côté très authentique aux compositions, les rythmes n'étant donc pas accrus, sauf lors d'accélérations typiquement death, où le chant prend le dessus. Cependant, sur la troisième partie de l'EP, l'ensemble laissera apparaître quelques instruments folk, percussions, flûte et violons.

Vous aurez largement le temps de vous délecter d'ambiances sereines avec cet EP ne prônant absolument pas la violence ni le désespoir, mais la nature, un point c'est tout ! Les mélodies à la guitare et les ambiances vous embarqueront sans aucun doute dans le monde de THE MORNINGSIDE, malgré quelques passages linéaires et quelques longueurs.

Author: Matai
Horror News

Concept albums came into prominence with The Who’s Tommy back in the 60s, and continue a rich tradition of storytelling in music to this day. In TreeLogia (The Album as It Is Not), The Morningside gives us a new twist on the concept album; a fifty-minute single. TreeLogia is an exposition of the song The Trees from previous album The Wind, the Trees and the Shadows of the Past, and tells the story of a man becoming a tree in reality or maybe just in his head.

Songs about trees in a concept album may bring back memories of Rush’s Hemispheres, and rightly so. The Morningside creates a sound similar to early Rush, with long, atmospheric songs filled with meandering guitar riffs and timely vocals. Of course, The Morningside’s version of this style is significantly darker, and a little heavier, but what would you expect from a doom metal band.

The album opens with four minutes of storm sound effects and gentle synth tones, developing a bit of a psychedelic feel, then merges into a bright guitar riff that defines most of TreeLogia. To that, The Morningside layers in a base of doom guitar that accentuates the lead guitar.

On drums, Boris Surgeev drives the beat, and Ilya Egorchev plays bass in a rhythm section that neither stands out, nor detracts from the songs. They mostly play within the bounds set by the guitars. In fact, I had to listen several times to pick out the bass at all. The duo is certainly talented, as listening to older Morningside proves, but TreeLogia calls for more sedate action from the two, and they provide professional quality.

Vocals on the album come from Igor’s deep, hoarse voice. His growling delivery fits with the drums, bass and rhythm guitar, but seems a bit out of place among the high notes on lead guitar. At times it sounds like James Hetfield’s voice singing to Joe Satriani—high praise for both band members, but just not together. At worst, the effect is mildly distracting, so this isn’t a big problem for the album.

I like this album as background music while working or playing a game. I just don’t find myself craving it. TreeLogia is a must-have for Morningside fans, but doesn’t offer enough to those looking for more than just a mood-setter.

Author: Leo Godin
The Pit of the Damned

Quando ho visto recapitare nella mia cassetta postale il nuovo pacchetto promozionale della Solitude Productions, mi sono subito lanciato per verificare se al suo interno era racchiuso il nuovo EP dei moscoviti The Morningside, che ho già recensito su queste pagine e che da sempre mi affascinano per quel loro sound che richiama gli esordi malinconici e ormai andati dei Katatonia. E cosi, trovato il cd, infilato nel mio lettore, mi appresto ad ascoltare questa nuova fatica dell’act russo; tre tracce per quarantasette minuti che si aprono con una triste pioggia autunnale che ben presto viene rimpiazzata dalle pacate chitarre dei nostri e dal growling mai troppo esasperato di Igor. Non cambia di una virgola il sound death doom dei quattro di Mosca e sinceramente per una volta mi viene da pensare “molto meglio cosi”. Ho voglia di questo genere di sonorità, ho bisogno di lasciarmi incupire dai suoni deprimenti dei nostri, ho voglia di annegare in un mare di emozioni strazianti, nostalgiche, uggiose, insomma abbandonarmi in questo paesaggio decadente fatto di alberi con foglie rosse e cadenti, nuvoloni carichi di pioggia, e un vento sferzante i nostri visi. “The Trees Part One”, parte seconda e terza, riescono nell’intento di garantirmi tutto questo, senza dover mai ricorrere a scorribande velenose o ritmiche devastanti, anzi utilizzando in taluni frangenti, parti strumentali che prendono drasticamente le distanze dal death doom originario dei nostri, sfumando in ambientazioni post rock. Che questa sia la nuova frontiera della musica estrema, a me non interessa, fintanto che verrò avvolto da piacevoli sensazioni e il mio cuore tormentato verrà placato da siffatta musica, come se una coperta e un tè caldo mi venissero poste sulle spalle dopo aver preso un bell’acquazzone che ha inzuppato me e i miei abiti, è una bella sensazione no? “Treelogia” per me riproduce tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno e di cui i fan di band quali Agalloch, My Dying Bride o Novembre non dovrebbero lasciarsi sfuggire. Elegiaci.

Author: Francesco Scarci
Mtuk Metal Zine

Following 2009’s rather triumphant release, ‘Moving Crosscurrent of Time’, The Morningside have surfaced once again with a rather unusual beast. A concept EP, based around a reworking of one of their older tracks, in three parts, that comes in at just over three quarters of an hour in length. Fair enough chaps, you have my attention…

After some vehement checking, I did finally establish that this was an EP rather than a full album, given the confusing title and the fact that it comes in at the length of an average one and half Slayer albums, or if you look at it another way, one Pombagira song, but anyway… It’s quite clear that The Morningside have something of a soft spot for trees, and Treelogia builds upon the reverence first suggested on 2007’s ‘The Wind, The Trees and the Shadows of the Past’. The EP is basically a reworking, and indeed an elaboration of the original track ‘The Trees’ from that debut album. Building off of an extended keyboard driven intro, these guys are definitely not ones to rush things, letting the atmosphere build for a good 4 minutes before we are given even a sniff of a song. There are unquestionably positive comparisons to be drawn with Agalloch here, in the way that something so long and drawn out can continue to hold the interest, and in fact mesmerise, just in setting a mood. Once the song begins at around the four and a half minute mark, you cannot help but feel relaxed and in tune with the music, which can be best described as positive melancholy. The guitars of Sergey Chelyadinov and Igor Nitkin tell stories of their own with the melodies, with that Paradise Lost / Katatonia style sound that serves this style and pace of music so well. The lead guitar almost seems to be singing a backing vocal to Nitkin’s coarse rasp which has much in common with Enslaved’s Grutle Kjellson.

As you would expect with a concept piece like this, the transition between Parts 1&2 of ‘The Trees’ is pretty much seamless, just a feeling of moving into the next phase. Some of the guitar leads on here are quite frankly, achingly beautiful, which whilst not in the same technical league as Steve Vai or Dave Gilmour, manage to conjure up the same emotions in me as when I listen to ‘Comfortably Numb’ or ‘For The Love Of God’. Quite how they manage to achieve this given that in comparison to the two artists above, this is very simplistic, it’s quite astonishing and worthy of the highest praise. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me being a great big soft git. The third part of this three part tale is so large, that it itself has been broken down into 3 parts. It’s during this that I realise that despite the very clear and massive Agalloch and Katatonia influences, The Morningside are increasingly finding a voice of their own and are starting to express it confidently. This pleases me greatly.

I did have my doubts about this one when I saw that it was reworking an already existing track and figured it to be a largely pointless exercise, yet how wrong I was! This is certainly the most creative I have heard The Morningside get, and the signs are good for the future. If you are the type of person who keeps all their music on a random mix, this will not work for you. You will need some time when you can lie in a dark, quiet room, undisturbed, and then Treelogia needs to be heard and digested in its entirety to get the full benefit from it. No, they are still not the most original band on the planet, and I still don’t care. This is an excellent and thoughtful work. I love it. You should too. Let’s all go tree hugging!

Author: Lee Kimber
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