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Wedding In Hades - Elements Of Disorder (CD)

gothic metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
List price: 533.33 Р
333.33 Р
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Price in points: 500 points
BMM. 029-10 x
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The debut album of a young French band. The music of the group varies from slow majestic passages to extremal fast fragments overcoming the frames of gothic/doom metal. Lyrical piano fragments and atmospheric keyboards, harsh blastbits, clean and growl vocals have found their place in Wedding In Hades music. «Elements Of Disorder» combined elements of My Dying Bride and Katatonia with their own vision of dark and extremal metal.

1 Sacrifice 2:33
2 Safety 6:00
3 As You Die 7:06
4 Centuries Of Men 5:39
5 Widow 6:18
6 Doomed 8:46
7 A Dark Sea (Signaculum Domini) 6:30
8 The Wise 5:25

Wedding In Hades
Artist Country:
Album Year:
Elements Of Disorder
gothic metal / doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 029-10
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

La francia e la BadMoodMan ci fanno una bella sorpresa con il disco d'esordio dei Wedding In Hades. In un periodo dove il gothic/doom non trova particolari sbocchi è bello riuscire a trovare qualche band di un certo livello. I Wedding In Hades vanno dritti sparati in quella fascia di band su cui puntare senza esitazioni, ad ora e sul futuro. Il biglietto da visita si chiama "Elements Of Disorder" e sin dal primo ascolto mi ha catturato in maniera moolto positiva , insomma sto già aspettando speranzoso il sequel e terrò d'occhio le loro mosse con molto interesse.

Non mi capitava dai tempi di Necare e Forest Of Shadows di essere colpito con certe sensazioni, e a molto è servita la prima traccia (dopo l'intro) Safety che mi ha sbalzato nel territorio dei miei adorati Ancient Wisdom. Band che apparentemente non c'entra nulla, ma che i francesi forse inconsapevolmente hanno tributato alla grandissima (e con un emozionantissimo finale di canzone).
Quando poi ti sparano una seguente As You Die inizi a pensare in grande. Iniziale giro pianistico alla My Dying Bride (assieme ai Saturnus primarie influenze della band) e una continuazione drammatico/intensa che sfocia pure in una frazione violenta ottimamente inserita nel contesto. Grandi riff e produzione che li esalta adeguatamente, non potevano fare di meglio i francesi come presentazione. La quarta traccia Centuries of Men continua a stupire, questa volta i nostri propongono un brano doom/death con un growl dalla notevole interpretazione, accelerazioni e momenti che solo i primi My Dying Bride riuscivano a creare.
Riuscire ad essere vari all'interno di un prodotto che deve rimanere entro certi limiti è il pregio migliore di "Elements Of Disorder". Così capita di gustarci anche una Widow, dove di punto in bianco pare di essere al cospetto dei Type O Negative spostando l'ambientazione in territori dark. La più lunga del lotto con i suoi otto minuti e mezzo è Doomed, mi ha ricordato un pò i già citati Necare ma tira in ballo un'altra grossa influenza "sento non sento" come i Paradise Lost. Questa traccia seppur positiva non riesce a convincermi nella sua totalità, tuttavia devo dire che il momento con il cantato pulito rimane uno dei momenti migliori del tutto. La penultima A Dark Sea fa pensare ad un finale un pò sbiadito e spegne un pochetto l'esaltazione avuta sinora. Ma per fortuna arriva The Wise a consolidare la riuscita di questo esordio, canzone che va sul podio di questo "Elements Of Disorder" senza passare dal via. La melodia chitarristica tirata fuori vale da sola un tentativo d'ascolto con il permesso della band della sposa morente ovviamente.

Gli ormai pochi cercatori di vero gothic/doom non devono farsi sfuggire questo gioiellino,
se questi ragazzi mantengono le premesse e fanno il botto potrò dire che l'avevo detto.

Author: DukeFog
Antichrist Zine

I see Russian Bad Mood Man / Solitude music made wide its release gates and gather more and more bands abroad, if some years ago they mostly was concentrated on ex-USSR scene, now we also have many releases from European bands too. WEDDING IN HADES is young band from France, again reach for metal bands country, and “Elements Of Disorder” is their first album after demo. Eight tracks which burned on this CD will not leave your soul without any feelings towards this band. This is not some common doom or gothic metal, but this is pretty interesting and deep in its structure music where musicians used such styles as doom, gothic and even sometimes black metal stuff. From doom and gothic metal here’s main structure’s and atmosphere’s side, and from the black metal there were some obscure and massive parts. But all in all this is doom/gothic oriented band. I have to say – this is pretty strong debut, as the music on this CD is made professionally and memorable. Music is reach for tempo-changes and deep melancholic atmosphere. The songs are made in various tempos, both fast and slow, even sometimes into ala funeral doom metal… As for me, strongest side of this band is how musicians saw its ideas and how they record it. Rhythm-section with guitars and keyboards will be pretty deep into your mind even after ma

ny time will pass after listening. The main feelings which WEDDING IN HADES will bring into your mind are regular for this style ones like dark melancholy and for some ones even some suicidal feelings… Without any doubts this is strong debut and all the fans into doom/gothic metal should check this out!
Mtuk Metal Zine

The underworld (and no not the venue in Camden) would probably be a perfect place to hold a wedding. I mean who in their right mind actually enjoys in the blasted things, only severe masochists as far as I am concerned. I’m sure even the couple going into them with the best intentions at heart will, if put on the spot, declare how relieved they are once the blasted thing is over. So what sort of music best describes a descent into such a hellish practice? Well in the case of French group Wedding In Hades whose debut album ‘Elements Of Disorder’ succinctly sums the practice up it would be gothic-laced, atmospheric doom and with the amount of weddings leading to couples splitting up, doom is a very good style for the band to embrace.

This is not an exercise in throwing too much at the listener and comprises of eight tracks in 48 minutes including an atmospheric instrumental opener ‘Sacrifice’ which reminds of Dawnrazor era Fields Of The Nephilim via Ennio Morricone. ‘Safety’ sounds anything but safe as it clatters in with a cymbal crash and flails away in a fairly fast fashion. Slowing with doom laden and Gothic guitar shards shimmering away the music now settles into the sort of fashion I would expect as singer S.T. joins in. His vocals are clear and evocatively heartfelt at first before building up with a growling demeanour as he declares he is miserably ‘walking a lonely path’ of his own. This has a dreamy quality to it and drags you down into its depths in an admirable fashion. ‘As You Die’ almost takes us to Northern England and you can easily close your eyes here as the keyboards bring a harmonic treatise to the likes of early Paradise Lost and Anathema, enforced by the now more gutturally growling vocals. This suddenly vomits into action going all caustic on us and even borders on blackened / death which I was quite surprised at on first listen.

There is plenty to keep you on your toes here; the songs are fairly lengthy and involving and well written and executed. Again as I seem to be saying a lot lately this is an impressive debut. ‘Centuries Of Men’ is a standout number, again Anathema and early MDB spring to mind as it is choppily dished out with jagged riffs and forceful meaty grooves. Although a couple of mentions of our own grim Northern finest have been made and there are track titles such as derivative ‘Doomed’ and ‘A Dark Sea,’ the French mariners wrap what they are doing up in their own style and this is far from any carbon clone. Obviously lovers of said bands should be comfortably at home here but there is plenty to enjoy and discover in its own right and I have a feeling this ones going to get a fair few spins from me, well at least until the honeymoons over and the remains of the cake are covered in a layer of mould.

Author: Pete Woods

Wedding in Hades are a French band that combines dark gothic metal music with doom Metal and death metal but they also have a almost symphonic sound in parts. People who are regular readers of my reviews will know, I am not usually much of a fan of the gothic end of doom metal. Lets face it, bands playing the style are a dime a dozen especially in Europe where the metal scene is flooded with clones of My Dying Bride. Wedding In Hades were a real surprise to me however, even though they play on the one hand a very typical brand of gothic doom metal, they are also very good and here on their debut album called "Elements Of Disorder" they have created something that is very engaging and mesmerizing. The band started out in 2006 with their first demo being recorded in 2007. "Elements Of Disorder" does have the usual trademarks of gothic doom, Dark Tranquillity, My Dying Bride, Katatonia are all obvious reference points but there is also some passages they are very much in the Sabbath meets Type O Negative direction.

The album begins with a instrumental intro titled "Sacrifice", it has a thick mournful sound with dense waves of keyboard sounds and melody lines. The album just gets better from here onwards, the following tracks "Safety" and "As You Die" do the gothic style but with many twists and turns. Slow moving majestic passages give way to crunching rhythms and even blast bits but the overall vibe is one that is rich in melancholic doom metal. Vocals range from the clean to death growls but unlike some other bands, they are used in the right quantities and are used in the right places making the songs sound very well balanced. As the album progresses the Type O Negative sound becomes more to the fore-front of the music especially in the middle part of the album in the songs "Centuries Of Men" and "Widow" and fans of Type O will surely dig the musical vision this band has. The atmospheric keyboard work blend effortlessly with beautiful guitar solo's that are at times soar to magical heights of brilliance. "Doomed" offers up more Katatonia meets Amorphis styled gothic doom but Wedding In Hades put their own mark on the songs and should never be considered as just another copy-cat band, they are so good they have no real competition despite the obvious comparisons.

If there is a weak song, it would properly come in the form of "A Dark Sea", by this late stage of the album, the overall sound and vibe becomes a little samey but its still a good piece of music but the overall impact isn't quite the same. If you have heard all the reference points I have mentioned in this review, then you will know what to expect from this Wedding In Hades album but don't expect just another recycled goth-doom band. Wedding In Hades have mastered the style and taken it to the ultimate level of musical integrity and passion. Beautifully played and produced, there is enough twists and turns to "Elements Of Disorder" to satisfy any fan of the goth-doom genre and even traditional doom fans should find enough killer riffs and doomed-out melodies to keep you enthralled and mesmerized. The main achievement here is Wedding In Hades have managed to create their own identity within a scene that has largely became stagnated and recycled to death. This is a great album that flows nicely throughout its close to 50 minutes and the musicianship involved is breath-taking for the most part. Like I mentioned in my opening comments, I am a hard man to please when it comes to gothic styled doom metal but this is already my pick for goth-doom album of 2010. I can't see another gothic doom album as good as this one being released anytime soon. Check it out.

Author: Ed
La Horde Noire

A priori, WEDDING IN HADES n'avait rien pour me plaire, mais le quatuor breton m'avait fortement tapé dans les oreilles avec sa démo éponyme de 2007, de très haute qualité et à la croisée de plusieurs genres : Doom-Death, Dark et Gothic Metal. Je plaçais à l'époque beaucoup d'espoir en eux, et j'ai bien fais, car la formation a été bien inspirée de sortir son premier disque, Elements of Disorder, sur le prestigieux label spécialisé Solitude Productions/BadMoonMan Music (Russie). Et il est froutralement bon. Aussi je me devais de faire une nouvelle fois leur éloge, étant donné que cet LP reprend les titres fabuleux de la démo et y rajoute quatre nouvelles pistes non moins bonnes... Toutefois, je ne ferais pas une éloge aussi longue que j'avais faite à l'époque pour la démo uhuh.

Seulement, si vous aimez, par exemple, le meilleur et ancien de MY DYING BRIDE et PARADISE LOST par exemple, alors WEDDING IN HADES devrait forcément vous plaire – d'autant que le quatuor maitrise tellement bien son sujet, que comme moi peut-être, vous vous demanderez s'ils sont réellement français pour réaliser une musique si anglo-saxonne. Bref, ce tout jeune orchestre détient non seulement un talent indéniable dans la construction des pistes et pour la composition d'atmosphères vraiment trippantes (bravo au claviériste, vraiment), mais en plus, il excelle dans l'exécution (parfaite) et la production, largement à la hauteur de leurs ambitions. L'oeuvre en entier est sombre, plongée dans la douleur, lancinante, et dans la pénombre mortifère, ravivant en moi des souvenirs vieux de deux décennies... Arf, rien que pour cela, WEDDING IN HADES mérite qu'on les écoute et soutienne, et plus encore parce qu'ils sont français. Le groupe se hisse d'emblée sur la plus haute marche du podium de leur catégorie, du moins en France (écoutez-moi ces Safety, Centuries of Men, Widow, A Dark Sea et The Wise !)... Elements of Disorder est un opus touchant et presque bouleversant.

WEDDING IN HADES s'est donné les moyens de conquérir à l'international et c'est si rare dans l'Hexagone qu'il me fallait le souligner – et les fameux russes l'ont bien compris. Voilà donc un premier full-length, Elements of Disorder, qui va nécessiter que vous jetiez une oreille attentive à son sujet, surtout si comme moi, vous êtes plutôt hermétique à ce genre d'opus au départ – si j'y suis finalement perméable, c'est vraiment que WEDDING IN HADES a quelque chose que les autres n'ont pas... Encore toutes mes félicitations au combo – et vivement la suite, et qui sait, peut-être à un concert ! Un des meilleurs disques de metal de 2010, assurément.
Metallian #59

Voilà un groupe français que je suis depuis l’époque de sa démo. Arrive maintenant l’heure du premier album, et sur un label réputé dans le milieu du doom qui plus est. Wedding In Hades est un combo de doom / death dont sa manière très curieuse de pratiquer le genre, l’apparente à certains groupes mythiques comme Disembowelment ou Syrach. Il y a ici la même agression ( au travers de passages résolument black metal), le même sens de la mélodie ( une influence Dark Tranquillity / At The Gates indéniable dans les accélérations des guitares), mais avec suffisamment de personnalité pour sonner original. S’inspirant par moment du Katatonia période Discouraged Ones avec la superbe chanson « Doomed » : une véritable déclaration d’intentions, d’autres fois d’Amorphis. Wedding In Hades trace pourtant son propre chemin, et rejoint Fatum Elisum dans le peloton de tête de la nouvelle génération française du genre. Il a fallu presque une décennie entière à la France pour se doter d’une scène doom qui tienne la route : Wedding In Hades apporte sa pierre à l’édifice de fort belle manière.

Author: Laurent Lignon.
Minaciuos Webzine

Wedding in Hades is a French band that combines dark Gothic Metal music with a blend of Doom Metal and some parts Death Metal. They started in 2006 and before this album they have released one demo, self-titled. "Elements of Disorder" contains eight tracks of melancholic and dark music. The tracks are mostly quite longs and slow with a lot of heavy riffing, but there are a few faster passages. The vocalist usually screams with some really deep growls. But there is another side to Wedding in Hades' music, they also have a melodic side to their music. Some really nice solos, atmospheric keyboard work, melodies woven into the riffs, clean vocals. These are the two sides that make up Wedding in Hades. I can detect both My Dying Bride and Katatonia in Wedding in Hades' music, so if you are into those bands I suggest you visit Wedding in Hades’ Myspace page and give them a listen.

Author: Mordant
Kronos Mortus

A francia zenekarok soha nem tartoztak a kedvenceim közé, valamiért nem tudnék mondani egyet sem, akik egy kicsit is megmozgatták volna a fantáziámat. A szomorkodós stílusban akad egy-két kevésbé felejthető darab, mondjuk mint az Ataraxie, de ők sem tartoznak a nagy zenei egyéniségek közé.

A Wedding in Hades-ról sosem hallottam még, de ez nem is meglepő, mert ez az első teljes értékű albumuk. Meglepetésemre az Elements of Disorder egy olyan művészi alkotás, melyet bármikor szívesen újra fogok hallgatni. Nehéz megfogalmazni, mitől annyira jó ez a zene. Talán úgy lehetne fogalmazni, hogy abból a lassan már kiapadt forrásból képes meríteni a zenekar, melynek a Paradise Lost és a My Dying Bride tette le az alapkövét a '90-es években. Lassú, mélyre hangolt gitárriffek, szolid dallamok, sok zongorabetét átvezetésként, váltakozó hörgős ének és tiszta férfihang. Az angol nyelvű szövegek nem mondhatóak különösképpen egyedinek, de próbálják megragadni azt a mondanivalót és kifejezési formát, mely a death/doom/gothic stílus sajátossága. A lemez gyengébb pontja az átlagosnál kicsit alacsonyabb szintű hangminőség, de sokat nem ront az élvezeti értéken.

Az Elements of Disorder tökéletes debütáló anyag, megmutatja a zenekarban rejtőző potenciált, és kíváncsivá teszi a hallgatót, vajon mit fognak alkotni a jövőben, mert rengeteg lehetőséget látni az alkotásukban. Ráadásként úgy próbálnak tovább vinni egy mára már leáldozóban lévő stílust, hogy közben nem esnek az „utánozzuk a nagy öregeket, mert csak ők tudtak jót csinálni” szindrómába.

Author: gwanath
Lords of Metal

Het Franse Wedding In Hades timmert al enkel jaartjes aan de gotische doom metal weg maar brengt nu pas hun debuut ‘Elements Of Disorder’ uit op het Russische Bad Moon Productions. ‘Elements Of Disorder’ is een knallend debuut geworden waar we rekening mee moeten houden. Tenminste, als je van een mix van overwegend doom metal met death metal houdt, en van een flinke portie klassiek geschoolde keyboards. Ook is de grunt en klaagstem die we kennen van bands als My Dying Bride en alle andere bands in de stal van het Russische doom label iets wat Wedding In Hades kenmerkt. De band probeert een eigen geluidsidentiteit op te bouwen, maar komt toch niet los van de geijkte vergelijkingen van grootheden in het gotsche doom genre. Wel experimenteert de Franse band met lekker opzwepende black metal riffs, zoals in ‘As You Die’, dus vergelijkingen met o.a. Pest komen dan makkelijk bovendrijven. Maar eerlijk is eerlijk, het is een heerlijk debuut!

Author: Erik

Venäläisen Solitude Productionsin BadMoodMan-alamerkilleen kiinnittämä ranskalainen Wedding in Hades soittaa, kuten jo levy-yhtiöstä voi päätellä, jonkinlaista gootti-rokkia/metallia, enemmän tai vähemmän hidastempoisesti.

”Häät Hadeksessa”, näin vapaasti suomennettuna on toki jo sinällään nimi, mikä herättää enemmän tai vähemmän vahvoja mielikuvia. Korniudesta. Eikä itse musiikki ole paljoa parempaa.

Osaahan tämä bändi toki soittaa, mutta itse biiseihin ei ole saatu sisällytettyä juurikaan mielenkiintoista tarttumapintaa. Sain levyn arvioitavakseni kaiketi siksi, että tämä on oletusarvoisesti jonkinlaista ”doomia”. No, lyhyesti sanottuna tällä ei ole enemmän tai vähemmän hitaan keskitempon lisäksi juurikaan doomin kanssa tekemistä, kuten sen minä ymmärrän.

Elements of Disorder on siis kokonaisuutena lähinnä valju, keskitempoista hitaammin etenevä ja kaikki romanttis-goottiset kliseet omaava tekele, jossa ei nimestään huolimatta myöskään ole mitään varsinaiseen kaaokseen liittyvää. Ei musiikillisesti tai sanoituksellisesti. Myöskään laulajan enimmäkseen käyttämä ärinä ei vakuuta juuri millään tavalla, vaikka onkin yhtyeen vahvinta antia. Mikä ei ole paljoa sanottu.

Jos joku kaipaa vielä todisteita yhtyeen epäinspiroituneesta luonteesta, ohessa lainaus kappaleen Centuries of Men sanoituksista: ”A world of darkness / Where death surrounds us / Our guiding light / No longer shines / A life in black / Through an endless night / No hope in sight”.

Täytyy kyllä sanoa, että sikäli osuvat lyriikat, että tämän levyn läpi kuunteleminen tuntui tosiaan siltä kuin olisi tarponut läpi loputtoman yön. Eikä Elements of Disorderilla alun alkaenkaan ollut paljoa toivoa näkyvissä.

Author: Heikki Puuperä
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