Autumnia - O'Funeralia (CD)

funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
666.67 Р
Цена в баллах: 1000 баллов
SP. 024-09 xn
В наличии
Новый альбом ведущей украинской doom death metal группы AUTUMNIA! Пять величественных гимнов, вошедших в "O?Funeralia", вобрали в себя все лучшие черты, присущие предыдущим работам группы: отличный звук, прекрасные мелодии, высокое исполнительское мастерство и мощный вокал Влада Шахина (также вокал в Mournful Gust). Более того, для записи альбома были приглашены дополнительные музыканты, исполнившие партии бас-гитары, фортепиано и скрипки, привнесшие в звучание новые настроения и оттенки. Диск с золотым напылением, выполнен с применением pit art.

1. In Heavens...Among The Tombs 10:30
2. Blessing Your Illness 10:31
3. Falling Asleep With Entreaty 5:31
4. Breathe Your Mourning Into Me 10:08
5. By The Candles Obsequial 12:53

Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
funeral doom death metal
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 024-09
Год издания:

Aus der Ukraine stammt das Duett AUTUMNIA, welches sich ab 2003 anschickte, die Welt um eine weitere Doom-Metal-Kapelle zu erweitern. Mit "O'Funeralia" erscheint bereits ihr drittes Werk, die beiden vorherigen Alben kenne ich leider nicht, so dass dies nun mein erster Kontakt mit dieser Formation ist.

Geboten wird feiner, ziemlich melodischer Death Doom Metal mit latenter Gothic-Schlagseite, bei welchem MY DYING BRIDE, die jeweils alten ANATHEMA, IN THE WOODS und PARADISE LOST, sowie SWALLOW THE SUN Pate standen. Dabei sind AUTUMNIA musikalisch nicht allzu weit von MOURNFUL GUST entfernt, dem weiteren Betätigungsfeld der beiden Künstler Alexander Glavniy und Vladislav Shahin. Dabei zitiert das Duett nicht einfach die alten Meister der dunklen, schwermütigen Klängen, sondern versucht ähnlich wie bei der zweiten Bandheimat, die Basis um eigene Facetten zu erweitern. So finden sich zu den typisch tonnenschweren, zäh-prägnanten Riffs, den intensiven, bittersüßen, düstermelodischen Leads, dem kraftvollen, wuchtig-schleppenden Schlagzeugspiel, den sphärischen, das dunkle Klangbild untermalenden Keyboards, dem Wechsel aus mächtigen, tiefen, krächzenden Growls und ergreifendem, klagend-melancholischem Klargesang auch nicht wenige hervorragend eingewobene Streicherparts (Violine und Cello) und Pianoklänge, welche dem Material etwas mehr Exklusivität und Tiefgang verleihen.

"O'Funeralia" ist ein wunderbar dunkles, atmosphärisch dichtes, hochemotionales, unheilvolles, schwermütiges und ungemein fesselndes Werk, mit wunderschönen Melodien und ausdrucksstarkem Gesang. Fans der obengenannten Bands sollten unbedingt ein Ohr riskieren!

Author: Endres
My Last Chapter

As with most doom metal records heading my way I hadn’t heard of Autumnia before (sure, I definitely love the genre, but I’m still not all that well dispersed within its underground). So it’s with an open mind I press play for the first time, and it doesn’t take long before I’ve completely fallen in love with the band.
The majestic, melodic riffing could just as well be straight out of a Mourning Beloveth composition (not in the copycat manner, but with the same quality to it). But while I’m comparing this to one of my favourite doom acts I still find something that doesn’t fit the melodic doom/death description, and suddenly it hits me; jeez the vocals sometimes sound like Max on the early Worship recordings. And the more I think of it (bear in mind that this is just track one and during my initial listen) the music has a lot of funeral aspects.
After having O’Funeralia spinning many, many times I’m still torn between the characteristics of its doom. At times it’s clear as daylight this is beautiful melodic doom/death, but suddenly the aura changes and a hearse carries it to the funeral side of doom metal. The interaction between growls and clean male vocals as in Blessing your illness really reminds me of (yet again) Mourning Beloveth, but not with the same conviction and power. The use of piano and violin is just marvelous as it adds such depth to the already established sadness of the atmosphere. Unfortunately the vocals somehow change a bit after In heavens…among the tombs, as that’s the only song where it reminds me of the early Worship era. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely nothing bad about the vocals throughout the remainder of the album; it just doesn’t have the same desperate edge. Most of the vocals are of the growl-kind, with the exception, of course, of the clean vocals incorporated in a couple of tracks.
The ultra-heavy, crushing (almost chugging at times) riffing laced with some finer melody keeps the funeral doom aspect alive throughout its entirety, all while the (still heavy-as-hell) more melodic guitar lines ease things up and traverse it towards the doom/death landscape. The thick and massive recording is capable of really delivering the powerful music with the much deserved conviction, and as the piano or violin kicks in it’s extremely difficult to resist the effective sombre starkness of it all. It’s a bit like Shape of Despair in the sack with Pantheist and earlier My Dying Bride. It’s just too damn bad the opening track is the strongest of the material presented, which makes me want to repeat In heavens…among the tombs instead of traversing into Blessing your illness, ‘cause still I prefer the tunes without clean vocals. But it's definitely a great album.

The two guys have divided their tasks between instruments and vocals. Alexander Glavniy handles all the instruments while Vladislav Shahin does all the vocal work, which seems to have worked out great. The songs are all of a high quality, embracing the early sound of My Dying Bride and the likes, heavy depressing doom combined with melody and gentle passages. Vocally it seems that the band couldn’t have been much luckier, for this guy has a perfectly matching voice for the music. Both the grunts and his clean vocal work fits splendidly and is of a fine quality. Mixed in with the rest, it all sounds like a very natural whole. Depressing and melancholic as hell of course, yet very convincing.

Usually I can always find something with these funeral doom bands that makes me not like it, yet I must say that I can’t really find a single thing to bitch about on this Autumnia record. Good, dynamic songs with a heavy and depressing sound, yet with clean passages with piano and strings and stuff like that, accompanied by one of the finer vocalists this style of doom metal has seen. If you ask me of course. Quite nice. Check it out if you dig the style, you won’t be disappointed.

Author: DemonDust

Doom scheint in der Ukraine angesagter denn je. Die 2003 ins Leben gerufenen Autumnia melden sich mit O’Funeralia mit ihrem bereits dritten Werk zu Wort.
Anders als der Albumtitel vermuten lässt, kommt hier kein weiteres Funeral Doom Album aus der Ukraine. Autumnia halten es mehr mit der Melodic Doom Death Schiene, bei der My Dying Bride oder Anathema auch diesmal wieder Pate standen.

Alexander Glavniy und Vladislav Shahin konnten schon auf dem aktuellen Mournful Gust Opus mehr als überzeugen, so dass hier ähnliches zu erhoffen war. Und die beiden enttäuschen nicht: O’Funeralia ist eine fünfzig Minuten währende Tour durch Schmerz, Leid, Verzweiflung und Hoffnung die musikalisch hervorragend umgesetzt wurde. Mournful Gust’ „The Frankness Eve“ ohne dessen Gothic Elemente umschreibt die Musik des Albums recht genau, wobei man den Sound nicht simpel kopiert.
Kraftvolles Drumming in Verbindung mit tonnenschweren Doom/Death Riffs und wunderschönen Melodien bildet das Grundgerüst des Albums. Umwoben wird das ganze von einem harmonischen Zusammenspiel aus My Dying Bride artigen Streichern und Piano, das den Songs in der Folge den nötigen Tiefgang verleiht, ohne die Musik allerdings zu sehr zu dominieren. Über all dem thront einmal mehr der formidable Gesang von Vladislav Shahin der mit seiner immensen Ausdruckstärke die Wirkung der Musik noch intensiviert. Tiefe unheilvolle Growls und Cleane Gesangsparts, die einen die Verzweiflung förmlich spüren lassen, wechseln je nach Anforderung. Gerade die ausdruckstarken cleanen Vocals könnten direkt von einem Saviour Machine entliehen sein.
Autumnia meistern es spielend aus diesen Essenzen ein zu jeder Zeit fesselndes Domm/Death Album zu erschaffen, das schwermütigen Funeral Doom und Death Metal in nahezu perfekte Weise verient.

Anspieltipps: By the Candles Obsequial, In Heavens…Among Tombs

Fazit: Ein weiteres geniales Melodic Doom / Death aus der Ukraine, das insbesondere Fans alter My Dying Bride Scheiben bedingungslos ansprechen sollte.

Author: Blizzard

Autumnia is one of the most well know bands from the Ukrainian doom scene. If Im correct, “OFuneralia” is their 3rd full length. The previous albums were already interesting and that can be said from the new one too.

The band moves between doom/death and funeral doom, but also has some aspects from epic doom bands like While Heaven Wept or Passage. The music is full of melody and all aspects that we know from the doom/death sound can be heard. Heavy grunts, slow melodies, keyboards, clean vocals, its all there. A good thing is that the band tries not to copy other bands and tries to create their own sound, in which they succeed in my opinion.

So in the doom/death genre, its good to see that there are bands around that do their own thing. I liked this one very much and I can recommend this one to others too. Hopefully the band will gets its recognition in the near future.

Author: Andre Groeneveld
Fobia Zine

Tomu říkám příznivá muzika na letošní léto, ve kterém snad nebylo dne, aby z nebes nepadaly kapky vody a do korun stromů se neopíral silný vítr, který mnohdy napáchal nepěkné škody, tak jako voda, která se podívala do příbytků nebohých lidí. Matka příroda si prostě nedá a nedá říct. Co naplat, nezbývá než čekat a doufat, že se vše v dobré obrátí a léto nám konečně začne. Přece jen větru a dešti neporučíme.

Skvělé album od ukrajinských AUTUMNIA je pro tento čas jako stvořené. Třetí zářez hudebníka, který se jmenuje Alexander Glavniy. Vskutku podotknout, že před tímto člověk by mohl nejeden nadšenec pokleknout a vyseknout mu poklonu hodných doomových králů. Trýznivé melodie, ale někdy i velmi lidové a konzervativní, které se zaryjí hluboko do srdcí posluchačů a doslova polapí. Hrdelní zpěv, který provází celým albem patří Vladislavovi Shahinimu (oba aktéři ex- MOURNFUL GUST) je přesně takový, jaký by měl být. Hrubý, těžký a zoufalý. Sem tam se prostřídá s šepotem nebo s čistým vokálem, který připomíná zpívajícího kytaristu z Mourning Beloveth. Kytarové party jsou hutné, těžké a smutné a člověk se v nich snadno nalezne. To vše doplňují housle a klávesy, které vytváří nezapomenutelnou atmosféru. To je poslední
počin O’ Funeralia, jedna z nejlepších doom metalových placek v letošním roce.

O’ Funeralia se mi líbí natolik, že strčí do kapsy i stále umírající anglickou nevěstu. Nerad to přiznávám, protože právě My Dying Bride patří pro mne na vrchol doom metalového bytí a žití. AUTUMNIA se ukázala ve výborné kondici a jistě má co nabídnout, potenciál je zde obrovský a možnosti nevyčerpatelné. Kolotoč s pěkným čistým zvukem by mohla závidět lecjaká fošna, která tyto přednosti nemá.

Ač se snažím jak se snažím, hluché místo na desce jsem stále nenašel. Těžko vybrat nejlepší skladbu, ale po dlouhém váhání jsem si vybral Blessing Your Illness, která mi zní v hlavě skoro pořád. Celek působí jako pohádka, s každou minutou, kterou věnujete poslechu téhle kvalitní nahrávky, nabýváte potřebu dostat se dál a dál, až na samý konec smutné pohádky

Author: Orbb
Kronos Mortus

Ha az ember elkezd kevésbé ismert underground bandák anyagai után kutatni, a legjobb az, hogy igazi kincsekre lelhet. Az ukrán Autumnia zenekart a zenei géniusz Alexander Glavniy és az énekes és szövegíró Vladislav Shahin hívta életre 2003-ban. Azóta 2 lemezt szabadítottak a világra, s most új, O' funeralia című albumuk kalauzolják el a torz gyönyörűség világába az erre éhezőket.
Sajnos eddig nem volt szerencsém a duó munkásságához, de ez a lemez annyira magával ragadott, hogy mindenképp be fogom szerezni őket. Már az In Heavens...Among the tombs kezdő akkordjainál feltört belőlem az a sötét, mégis felszabadító érzés, mely legutóbb a My Dying Bride The Dreadful Hours című albumának első hallgatása közben kerített hatalmába. A vontatott tempó, a szívszaggató gitármelódiák, lágy zongora-és hegedűszólamok, valamint egy eltévedt, bolyongó lélek reményvesztett éneke.

„ And i wander here...inloss forewer
inregrets...grieving for...
Filled and oaths and words
...there is no calm for me...”

Nehéz egy ilyen lemezről objektíven beszélni. Van, akit egyáltalán nem ragad meg az efféle zenék, hangulata. Akik viszont szeretik ezt a mélabús, művészi önkifejezést, azoknak fölösleges bármilyen kommentárt hozzáfűzni a halottakhoz.
A lemezen van egy különlegesség is, a Falling Asleep with entreaty, mely egy zongorán előadott szerzemény, sejtelmes, suttogó énekhanggal és eső hangjaival kísérve. Ez egy rövidebb felvétel, a többi mind meghaladja a 10 perces hosszúságot. Ennek ellenére egyik sem válik egyhangúvá, rengeteg változatos zenei megoldás van bennük. A hegedűk és a zongora hangja is valódi hangszerektől származik, nem szintetizátor által generált mesterséges effektek.

Az o'Funeralia egy minden téren professzionális és fantáziadús, egyéni produkció. Aki még nem ismeri a zenekart, és szereti a doom metalt, mindenképpen hallgassa meg ezt a lemezt.



The best thing in exploring relatively unknown underground bands’ scene is the fact that we can find a whole true treasury in them. The Ukranian Autumnia band was founded in 2003 by Alexander Glavniy, who is a musical genius, and Vladislav Shanin (vocals, lyrics writer). They released 2 albums since then, and with their new CD, O'Funeralia, they lead the fans into a beautifully grotesque journey.
Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything from this band before this, but this album really crushed me, I think I need to get in their past albums, too. From the first chorus of ’In Heavens...among the tombs’, I could sink in dark but relieving atmosphere. The last time I experienced feelings like this was when I was listening to „The Darkest Hour” from My Dying Bride for the first time. Slow tempo, the heart crushing guitar melodies, the soft piano and violin themes, and a sad voice of a lost, hopeless spirit… songs are built of these.

„ And i wander here...inloss forewer
inregrets...grieving for...
Filled and oaths and words
...there is no calm for me...”

It's difficult to write about this CD objectively. There are people who aren’t that inclined to that kind of the mood. But those who really like this type of melancholic, artistic themes, will not need any further comments on the heard stuff.
The tracklist includes a special song, „Falling asleep with entreary”, which is played by piano. We can hear the sound of the falling rain, and a mysterious, whispering voice of the singer., too. It’s a relatively short track, all other songs are longer than 10 minutes. Still, neither of them are boring, since there are really various musical themes. The sound of the violins and the piano are from real acoustic instruments, they’re not the artifical notes of a keyboard.

O'Funeralia is an awesome, unique stuff from every aspects. If you like doom metal, and you don’t know this band, you really must check this album.

Author: Lemezismertetők
Brutalism 3/5

Autumnia's third album "O'Funeralia" is another release on the great Solitude Productions label and this is by far their best album to date. With the Death/Doom meets Funeral Doom genre there is always a certain amount of plagiarism that comes into play, after all the bands that indulge in the style are limited as far as what they play stylistically speaking. Not taking away anything from Autumnia because what they do, they do quite well it is just a album that if you are familier with the style you would have no doubt heard it all before. Alexander Glavniy handles all the instruments while Vladislav Shahin does all the vocal work in typical My Dying Bride fashion. The music is real slow for the most part and is interspersed with keyboards, sharp and heavy guitar and beautiful violin parts, there is also a recurring theme of romanticism that fits in well with the mournful, emotional sounds that is so typical of bands within the genre. The melodic riffing could just as well be straight out of a Mourning Beloveth album and sometimes the vocals sound just like Worship, like I said before plagiarism. This is not all a bad thing however as this is a great album with no filler, just a solid but predictable one. Songs crossover from melodic Death Doom to other passages that are on the verge of real blackened Funeral Doom, this variety is what keeps the album interesting. Opening track " In Heavens..Among The Tombs" is the strongest track on the album which is a problem as the rest of the album struggles to keep up to that standard. The thick sounding but repetitive guitar work never gets too dull however as there is some good sometimes chugging riffing and the production is real heavy but clear. The vocals may raise a little debate as they changed from deathly growls to clean and back again, however in this band I feel they should have just stuck to the growls. When the cleaner vocals are used, it seems to take away a lot of power from the emotional element of the material. The use of Violin is well done, never over used and compliments the songs beautifully. All the songs are around the 10 minute mark and sometimes they do drag on like in "By The Candles Obesquail" which could have been cut up a bit in my view. My conclusion is a mixed reaction from me with this the third album for these Ukrainians but if you are fan of the genre you will find plenty to like about "O'Funeralia".

Author: ed

Con tan sólo dos integrantes, nos encontramos con una formación ucraniana activos desde hace 6 años y contando con dos larga duración anteriores a éste. Doom Metal lento, una voz que nos atrapará –muy semejante a la de Paul Kuhr (Novembers Doom)- y unos pasajes a veces con teclados, a veces con violines; realmente intensos.
Yendo por partes, comentaros que el encargado de todos los instrumentos es el compositor Alexander Glavniy, quién formó la banda en abril del 2003, y después fue ayudado de Vladislav Shahin para las letras y voz. Es curioso que en muchos grupos de este género una misma persona se encargue de todos los instrumentos, aunque quizá eso explique la lentitud con la que suenan. Bromas aparte –no me queráis matar, doomer-, Alexander se sabe defender de muy buena manera, crea buenas melodías a lo largo de la escucha y con la ayuda de Vladislav y su polivalente voz que aunque la mayor parte del tiempo es gutural y penetrante, también pega algún que otro gritito de desesperación y algún susurro.
“Falling Asleep With Entreaty” nos sorprende con una intro a modo de tormenta y lluvia, y poco a poco se acompaña del teclado y los susurros que antes comentaba. Es la canción más corta del disco (5:30min) y tan sólo se le añade un tinte de violín. Un interludio perfecto.
El resto de canciones rondan los 10 minutos todas ellas; Se echa un poco de menos alguna melodía que se quede más marcada, al estilo de los nacionales Autumnal (los nombro porque hay más de un pasaje que se asemejan bastante), pero con sólo cinco temas, es un álbum que se escucha fácilmente. Se despide con una canción largamente introducida por unos coros y campanas eclesiásticas, a las que se le añaden poco a poco algunos toques de batería y los primeros riffs hasta casi el minuto 5, donde empieza realmente a sonar el tema; aunque es más de lo mismo, una voz limpia –aunque evidentemente desoladora- suena por primera –y última- vez en el disco.
Digamos que es algo que no estorbará dentro de una estantería de Doom Metal. Es difícil ponerle un apellido, ya que nos falta ritmo para Death y nos sobra para Funeral (incluyendo la voz), según el momento que escuchemos del álbum lo clasificaríamos de manera diferente, según las pequeñas pinceladas que le dan. Una mezcla de Shape of Despair, Pantheist, Mourning Beloved y los primeros My Dying Bride. ¿Os acabo de descolocar? Escuchadlo y lo entenderéis.

Author: Lhun
Shapeless Zine

Nati come progetto parallelo dei Mournful Gust, gli ucraini Autumnia ci propongono un classicissimo esempio di doom death figlio degli anni '90. Il duo, composto da Alexander Glavniy (chitarre, tastiere e programmazione) e Vladislav Shahin (voce), si ispira innegabilmente all'opera dei My Dying Bride e l'influenza della band inglese si fa sentire in ognuna delle cinque tracce proposte in questo album.
Andiamo perт con ordine, gli Autumnia, che in questo lavoro si fanno aiutare da Igor Guy al basso, Sergey Vinnik al violino e Yuriy Baygush al piano, non sono affatto dei novellini e, anzi, pur trattandosi di un progetto parallelo, arrivano con "O'Funeralia" al loro terzo lavoro, dopo "In Loneliness Of Two Souls" (2004) e "By The Candles Obsequial" (2006); in questa nuova opera non c'и nessuna volontа di creare strani ibridi e nemmeno di raggiungere una spiccata personalitа: abbiamo a che fare con un semplice omaggio ad un genere che viene rispettato in ogni sua componente, a partire dalla copertina che, tra tinte verdi e nere, ritrae il solito angelo di pietra con le ali spiegate. Bella, ben fatta, evocativa, ma non certo originale.
Arrivando alle composizioni vere e proprie, le carte vengono messe ben in chiaro subito con "In Heavens... Among The Tombs", dove la solita dicotomia tra oscuritа e luce si manifesta in un doom metal funebre e solenne: singole note prolungate disegnano i lamenti della melodia, mentre accordi rocciosi si trascinano con pesante lentezza. La sezione ritmica и essenziale e serve principalmente a scandire i rintocchi mortuari della musica, senza grande dinamismo. Molto buona anche la prova vocale di Yuriy, che opta per un growl cavernoso e profondo. A metа brano, all'incirca, c'и il doveroso stacco malinconico, con arpeggi di chitarra, gocce di pianoforte e il pianto straziante del violino, cosм come siamo stati abituati dal buon vecchio Martin Powell all'epoca dei fondamentali "Turn Loose The Swans" e "The Angel And The Dark River". Tutto secondo le regole, insomma, cosa che farа felici gli appassionati e lascerа indifferente chi si annoia dopo trenta secondi di questo genere: d'altra parte la durata delle canzoni и, come potete ben immaginare, molto elevata, viaggiano sempre tra i 10-12 minuti per ogni pezzo.
Mi piacerebbe parlarvi con piщ varietа dei brani, ma bisogna dire che la musica degli Autumnia non regala tantissime variazioni, puntando molto di piщ sul monolitico incedere di una formula ben rodata e conosciuta. Cosм "Blessing Your Illness" e "Breathe Your Mourning Into Me" non ci riservano sorprese inaspettate, con la prima che si limita a proporre qualche inserto di voce pulita e la seconda a sfruttare di piщ violino e tastiere. Anche qui i brani sono sicuramente apprezzabili, sebbene non ci sia molto di diverso da aggiungere a quanto giа detto.
Decisamente diversa, sebbene in linea con il genere, "Falling Asleep With Entreaty": il brano questa volta non vede la presenza di chitarre elettriche e urla demoniache, ma lascia la scena al pianoforte e al rumore della pioggia, mentre Yuriy declama sussurrando il testo. Malinconico e triste.
Chiude il CD "By The Candles Obsequial", che riprende il titolo dell'album precedente, sebbene il brano non fosse presente in quell'album. Qui l'apertura и piщ magniloquente e sinfonica, con le tastiere che si aprono su un rintoccare di campane: dopo quasi cinque minuti di sole tastiere, la composizione si sposta su lidi piщ tipicamente metallici, riprendendo la formula conosciuta. Mantiene perт un'aura piщ maestosa che funziona e lo rende uno dei momenti migliori dell'album, con quel pizzico di personalitа in piщ.
Insomma questo "O'Funeralia" non sarа un capolavoro ma и un buon prodotto, fatto per piacere senza troppe pretese a chi ama flagellarsi con il doom piщ cupo. Da tenere da parte per le fredde giornate a venire.

Author: Danny Boodman
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