Evadne - The Pale Light Of Fireflies (CD) Digipak

atmospheric doom death metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Digi CD
Цена в баллах: 1500 баллов
SP. 166-21 xs
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Испанские мастера атмосферного doom death metal EVADNE возвращаются с новым полноформатным альбомом, знаменующим собой веху в их музыкальной карьере. Это самая зрелая работа музыкантов на сегодняшний день, в которой воплощено много чувств. Музыка EVADNE стала ещё более глубокой и утончённой и, не смотря на жанровую принадлежность, она существует вне времени, объединив в себе тяжесть металла и прозрачность симфоники. Всё для того, чтобы выразить эмоции. И ночь наступает здесь, в глубине теней, где появляется бледный свет светлячков.
В записи альбома приняли участие Carline Van Roos (Remembrance, Lethian Dreams, Aythis) и Jaani Peuhu (Iconcrash, работал с Before The Dawn, Swallow The Sun, To/Die/For, Thunderstone и т.д.).
Svante Forsbäck (Rammstein, Entombed, Candlemass, 69 Eyes и т.д.) из студии Chartmakers West отвечал за звук на альбоме, и он поистине великолепен!
Альбом выпущен в виде четырёхпанельного диджипака с двенадцатистраничным буклетом. В оформлении альбома использованы фотографии российского фотохудожника Натальи Дрепиной, психолога тёмной натуры и глубоких образов, заставляющих зрителя осмыслить окружающую действительность и исследовать свой внутренний мир.

1. Shadows 8:41
2. Under Blessed Skies 8:28
3. Where Silence Dwells 6:58
4. The Pale Light Of Fireflies 9:05
5. Ablaze Dawn Eyes 8:51
6. Hollow Realms 7:18
7. Silhouettes Of A Faceless Sun 7:53
8. The Vacuum 4:49

Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
The Pale Light Of Fireflies
atmospheric doom death metal
Compact Disk
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 166-21
Год издания:

I’ll confess, first off, that “A Mother Named Death” from a few years back placed high on my EoYList. This is a little different, some might say mature in as far as the band has taken their style into territories with decidedly mellower (easier to consume) tones. But it works! Symphonic, unhurried, melodies and a grunting/clean back and forth adds depth and the allure most of those who frequently wade in extreme waters, desire. The tracks here are epic (take a peek at their individual running times and the albums length) doused in melancholy, grief and blanketed in sorrow and I’m happy to say it’s of the caliber to whisk one away from their daily woes and into another reality altogether. Fans of the lighter side of DeathDoom should take note and give this a listen or two.
Metal Digest

Previously, I have shared my growing appreciation of Black Metal. Still evolving, mind you. Now, this has transitioned to the realm of Atmospheric Doom. While I have listened to many artists in this genre, the perfect balance has remained elusive…until now. Evadne’s music is majestic, comforting, and yet magically terrifying. The band pulls from veteran acts such as Swallow the Sun, Draconian, and even early Theatre of Tragedy. Shaped by others and their own world (real and imagined) they have evolved into something uniquely their own.

Four years since their last release, ‘A Mother Named Death, the band has becomeheavier on melody, atmosphere, and more expressive on both the harsh and clean vocals. ‘Fireflies’ is bleak and oppressive while shining the brightest of lights. It is the sound of rebirth, renewal, and of hope. It is also the dying eyes of the world as it welcomes its end.

Most tracks clock in at the seven-to-nine-minute range. While each is allowed to stretch, breathe, becoming its own, they could all easily be enjoyed as a collective. Whatever your preference, ‘Fireflies’ is immensely satisfying from the first note to the last.

While the lyrics are often buried in the immense soundscape, the emotion and intent carry far more weight than words ever could. This is especially true of vocalist Carlin Van Ross. Her vocals on the title track and on “Hollow Realms” are beautifully understated and indispensable. While Covid undoubtedly factored in, the band clearly has wisely spent the last four years assembling the perfect ensemble of artists and the perfect canvas on which to paint. A wonderful discovery I won’t soon put to bed.

Author: Craig Obert
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