Night Of Suicide - Desire (CD)

funeral doom, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Price in points: 800 points
SP. 045-11 x
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The third album of an international project consisting of musicians from Netherlands - Ben de Graaff and Finland - Markus Heinonen (Astral Sleep). Monotonous dark tracks in the vein of funeral doom metal demonstrate melodic side of the genre. The compositions are full of melodies, keyboard passages and acoustic guitar interludes make raw funeral doom metal from Night of Suicide interesting not only for adepts of rawness and desolation, but also for those who seek the beauty in music.

1 My Thoughts 11:47
2 The Answer 10:49
3 Desire 11:05
4 Final Decision 11:54

Night Of Suicide
Artist Country:
Album Year:
funeral doom
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 045-11
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

I Night Of Suicide giungono con Desire al terzo full-lenght, a presentarceli è la solita Solitude Productions che piazza sul mercato un altro positivissimo prodotto. In line up troviamo il finnico Markus Heinonen (già conosciuto per l'egregio lavoro svolto con gli Astral Sleep) e l'olandese Ben De Graaff. Il duo offre tre quarti d'ora di "melanconic funeral doom" di forte e disperata atmosfera, una musica che punta a fornire "elegante decadenza" invece che la solita dose di apatica oppressione monolitica. Ma non sarà comunque semplice affrontare i quattro tormentosi brani (tutti superiori ai dieci minuti), lo spettro della noia potrà colpire verso metà disco, quando i Night Of Suicide perdono qualcosina in brillantezza in brani come The Answer e Desire. Non si tratta di brutti pezzi sia chiaro, si rischia solamente di portare all'esasperazione alcuni frammenti sui quali era forse meglio non insistere (visto l'ottimo risultato delle altre due). Il valore di Desire non è comunque in discussione, c'è solo un lieve ostacolo con il quale fare i conti ma alla fine sono solo sottigliezze, perchè tutto è concretamente espresso su buoni livelli.

La caratteristica migliore dei Night Of Suicide è quella di saper coniugare una chitarra melodica che sembra andare per i fatti suoi (indiscussa protagonista con le sue note intense e toccanti) con uno sfondo di tastiera idoneo in tutta la sua semplicità. La prima My Thoughts -in tutta la sua grazia- mi ha ricordato tantissimo i miei pupilli Necare. La seconda The Answer chiude i battenti lasciandoci in un clima di forte tristezza (si respira forte desolazione durante i passaggi più sofferti), mentre la seguente title track incrementa ulteriormente il disagio punzecchiando con freddi arpeggi. Final Decision pone la parola fine a tutto, impossibile non rimanere stregati dalle sue effimere melodie e dagli interventi parlati che si tramutano poco dopo in growl.

Se Shape Of Despair o Necare valgono molto per voi, sarete adeguatamente sfamati da quella irrefrenabile voglia di struggente e lenta melodia grazie ai Night Of Suicide.

Author: DukeFog

Allegria! Allegria! Una collaborazione internazionale (io la chiamerei cospirazione) tra l'olandese Ben De Graaff (Sephiroth), ed il finlandese Markus Heinonen (Astral Sleep), per partorire questo inno alla gioia. Ironia a parte, qui di luminoso non c'è nemmeno l'intervallo tra un brano e l'altro visto che trattasi di funeral doom oltranzista sulla falsariga di Funeral e Shape Of Despair. Quindi arpeggi che fanno da intro a lunghissimi riff monocordi, tastiere impostate sulle stesse tonalità (riempimento) che vanno a ricreare paesaggi di una desolazione e depressione siderale. Le tracce non scendono mai al di sotto dei dieci minuti e sono caratterizzate da lentezza esasperante, accompagnata da un growling marcato, che non viene mitigata nemmeno dalle melodie delle chitarre e dalle loro sovrapposizioni. Estrema cura e precisione nelle soluzioni, qualche accenno di violino (parte centrale di "The Answer"), e l'ottima produzione contribuiscono a rendere 'Desire' appetibile nel complesso, ma destinato essenzialmente a chi mastica il genere in oggetto.

Author: Igor Fanelli
Metal Revolution

Dutch/Finnish duo called Night Of Suicide recently released their third offering, a four-tracker album Desire. After a few label changes they finally found their home in Russian based Solitude Productions. In other words; this kind of doom metal is exactly what they have specialized in.

The four tracks presented here are very lengthy and few shifts in tempo and mood are simply necessary to avoid the monotony. Therefore the band includes numerous instrumental parts, done by Markus Heinonen. The vocals are done by other band member, Ben de Graff doing a pretty decent job with deep and clean vocals. His vocals fit the music very well and overall musicianship is great too.

Main force of Night Of Suicide’ music is the variation and obviously guitar and synth parts. I never expected a piece of funeral doom to be as interesting and diverse as Desire actually is. Still not convinced? Then go and check for yourself at

Author: bato

A Night of Suicide nemzetek közötti összefonódás eredményeképp jött létre 2005-ben, amikor is a holland Ben de Graff (ének) és a finn Markus Heinonen életre hívta a zenekart. 2006-ban és 2008-is nagylemezzel rukkolt elő a duó, illetve ugyanígy történt idén márciusban is a Desire album kapcsán.

A skandináv duó irányvonala határozottan kijelölhetővé válik már a My Thoughts első percében, mikor kezdenek körvonalazódni a funeral doom stílusjegyek. A lassú, vagy esetenként legfeljebb középtempóig felszökő riffelés jól jelzi, hogy ez a szekció kíván domináns szerepkörben tetszelegni, amelyet kellő műgonddal támogat a temetői hangulatot megidéző szintetizátor. A The Answer (belegondolni is rossz, hogy hányféle műfajban mennyi banda írt számot ezzel a címmel... haha) esetében kissé megkésve kapcsolódik be az ének, de ez cseppet sem hat zavaró jelleggel, mivel a Night of Suicide valójában ,,zenében erős”, az éneket lefűzve is megállná a helyét a produkció. A funeral doom bandák azon csúsznak el általában, hogy egysíkúan közelítik meg a műfajt, pedig pont ez az a stílus, ami igényli a muzikális változatosságot, hiszen az énekben nincs nagy holtjátékra lehetőség. A Night of Suicide ebből jól vizsgázik, hiszen törekszik egyfajta heterogén struktúrát kialakítani a hangszerek segítségével. Az ének viszont attól függetlenül, hogy törekszik a változatosságra (pl. tiszta vokál helyenként) a borítóhoz hasonlóan elég szürke lett. Mindezek ellenére bátran állíthatom, hogy típushibáktól mentesnek nevezhető a Desire.

A műfajt kedvelők számára mindenképp ajánlanám a skandináv sírásókat.

Author: Infam
Pest Webzine

Well, this is not bad at all, I really liked giving this album a few spins, but what I don't get from it is why, if they knew the vocals would be so lowtuned and hidden in the background (plus they are growls, not clean vox), they didn't list the lyrics on the booklet as well. For a Funeral Doom band lyrics are extremely important, one cannot express all sadness and/or melancholy only through the instrumental part. Anyway, Night Of Suicide, this duo formed of a Dutch guy (Ben on vocals) and a Finnish one (Markus on instruments), offer us on this third studio album a melancholic, quite complex Funeral Doom Metal that takes influences from traditional Doom Metal and even Gothic at times, and the final result is a great piece of music for the meditative, romantic metallers out there. Except for that lyrics thing I have nothing to object on this album, I like it a lot and so I recommend it to you, too.

Author: Adrian
Lords of Metal

‘Desire’ is het derde album van het Fins/Nederlandse duo Night Of Suicide. Na een release in eigen beheer ‘What I Have To Hide...’ en het album ‘Unanswered’ dat uitkwam via Satanarsa Records hebben de heren onderdak gevonden bij Solitude Productions. Het instrumentale deel is geheel toe te schrijven aan Markus Heinonen die ook actief is in Astral Sleep. De zang is vervolgens door Ben de Graaff in Nederland opgenomen, Ben is daarnaast ook actief als zanger in de band Sepiroth. Overigens hebben de beide heren elkaar onlangs voor het eerst in levende lijve ontmoet en een show in Helsinki gegeven.

Muzikaal is dit pure funeral doom die door de nodige inzet van gitaarmelodieën minder extreem klinkt dan menig andere band in dit genre. De vier songs zijn allen tussen de tien en twaalf minuten in en bevatten voldoende variatie om te blijven boeien en dat is bij veel bands in dit genre vandaag de dag wel een probleem. Ikzelf raak toch vrij snel verveeld als de muziek maar voortkabbelt. Gelukkig is dat bij Night Of Suicide niet het geval want de gitaarpartijen en de onderliggende toetspartijen maken dit gewoon een erg lekker klinkend album. De vocalen van De Graaff zijn diep en passen prima bij de muziek, ik vind alleen de cleane zang wat minder, hier mist echt de overtuiging die zo noodzakelijk is om indruk te maken. Dit is wellicht een minpuntje maar verder is dit gewoon een prima funeral doom album.

Author: Pim B.

The Dutch-Finnish funeral doom band 'Night Of Suicide' are back with their third album and their most depressive release to date. This album is what you expect to hear from a funeral doom band - mournful melody lines, painfully slow tempos, depressing lyrics and bleak atmosphere and yes there is only four songs and yes, they are all very long.

Night Of Suicide is the brainchild of Ben de Graaff (vocals) and Markus Heinonen (all instruments) and while this album doesn't stray at all from the funeral-doom formula, these two guys nail the genre in a way that very few others can match. The bleak, gray artwork is a perfect match for the music contained within, this is a monolithic dose of deadly melancholy that is melodically arranged and executed.

The album is fairly typical of European funeral doom but it also beautifully constructed. The use of violin, the acoustic guitars and the perfect placement of keyboards in the mix makes this an easy 45 minutes to sit through even though it is so dark and bleak. Everything is simple but played with incredible precision - even Ben de Graaff's vocals has incredible depth, so it is a hypnotic listening experience.

Starting with 'My Thoughts' and ending on 'Final Decision' there is not much variation within the tracks and all they all bleed into each other making selecting specific highlights difficult. The album in typical funeral doom style is very monotonous and apart from variation in the instruments used to highlight different sections, there is not much to separate the four tracks but the opening dramatics of 'My Thoughts' is perhaps the best track on 'Desire.'

If you are looking for something consistent in its bleakness, this album will do the job. If you are looking for a band to stimulate the senses, this may get a bit tedious. Fans of Shape Of Despair and Officium Triste will be the first ones to gravitate to Night Of Suicide but I also see fans of early My Dying Bride and early Anathema digging this. Remember when those bands were truly doom - well that is the sound that Night Of Suicide seem to be going for. Most of the time, this album is very entertaining but mostly from the point of view of instrumentation. They bring nothing new to the funeral-doom table but what they do, they do it with utter finesse and precision....

Author: Ed
Mtuk Metal Zine

Ah, Funeral Doom. Well as befits this most shy of genres, this is the third full length by this Dutch/Finnish duo of Marcus Heinonen and Ben De Graaff and the first I have heard I'm afraid. If you have an aversion to the 'typical' funeral doom template then it would be best to move on now, but if your taste runs more in this direction, well, settle back.

'My Thoughts' sweeps in on a typically lonely, melodic guitar line pushed by a gentle swell of choral keyboards before softly growled, mostly spoken vocals ripple through. It takes this simple refrain and weaves it in and out of the song for most of the eleven minutes, pausing for an acoustic interlude before continuing on its solemn way. As ever with this type of Funeral Doom, the art and the atmosphere relies on the quality of that simple phrase; weak and it becomes simply a repetitive drone, rich and it becomes ever expanding and collapsing clouds like ink in water, a variation to play upon.

Night of Suicide do this rather well; the production is clear and simple bringing out the sonorous guitar and cushioning it with the keyboards and slow, measured drums. They allow the opening song time; time enough to make its point but even at over ten minutes still not growing weary. It's a nicely understated entrance.

I'm less than convinced by 'The Answer' though. Oh it is still a classy piece and the drumming in particular keeps it ticking slowly away but that guitar theme ventures too close to a more brittle whine here until halfway through where it is softened into a hazy riff below a mournful string sound. This latter half works so much better until some rather shaky clean vocals and a keyboard/string sound that seems primitive. It is rather at odds with the sure step of the first number.

Still, we get to the title track and once more we are safely wrapped in well picked guitar phrasing and dark keyboards. There is a discordant note to some of the melody though, which unfortunately comes across as more of a stutter than the eerie counterpoint which I suspect is the intention. It is a shame as it shakes me out of the atmosphere and it takes time to regain it, though of course time is something Funeral Doom gives you in spades.

If you need reference points beyond the genre tag, then this is perhaps more akin to projects such as early Pantheist or a less classical Until Death Overtakes Me and of course the spectre of Skepticism passes through here and there particularly in the death vocals but these are only vague paths in a landscape revolving around loneliness, lies and betrayal.

Closing with 'Final Decision', where acoustic guitar is made use of to good effect, giving space for reflection before the heavier riff tides close in, Night Of Suicide close in on that twilight world it shares with the mellower ends of the depressive black metal genre with only the lyrical outlook really drawing the line with seemingly thoughts on the darker side of love and personal sadness rather than a bleaker misanthropy.

In the end Night Of Suicide are more the Gothic, doomed romantic shadow of Funeral Doom; thoughtfully put together and for the most part played with a commendable restraint. Elegance is a word I'm left with after the final notes fade, that and understated which for me should be what this music is about. There is no denying that this is for any flaws a good example and a pleasant, thoughtful listen. Not essential but still a musical work that is worth visiting.

Author: Gizmo

Mit Desire liefern Night of Suicide ein vier Track Album ab, welches die dritte Veröffentlichung der Band darstellt, welche eigentlich im herkömmlichen Sinne keine Band, sondern eher ein Projekt ist, bestehend aus zwei Musiker die aus anderen Bands kommen.
Doch egal wie sich nun die Konstellation der Musiker nun nennt, ob Band oder Projekt, es kommt auf den Inhalt an, jedenfalls für mich.

Geboten wird, nach Plattenfirmenangaben, Funeral Doom, einem Genre zu dem die Wikipedia folgende Erklärung bereit hält :

Metal mit extrem langsamer, monotoner und depressiver Atmosphäre.

Ich muss sagen, im groben trifft die Erklärung schon zu, was hier geboten wird.
Geschwindigkeit ist nicht das Maß aller Dinge bei Night in Suicide, auch die schnelleren Parts wirken langsam, was so sicherlich Sinn der Sache ist.
Monoton ist die Musik dahingegend nicht so umbedingt, denn es ist Abwechslungsreich, soweit es im Rahmen des Funeral Doom hier möglich ist.

Nach Plattenfirmenangaben wird hier in dem Projekt die melodische Seite des Funeral Doom demonstriert und da muss ich einfach nur zustimmen, denn Melodien kommen einfach nicht zu kurz.
Auch wenn sich diese in die Musik einfügen, eben passend zum Stil der Musikrichtung sind, auch wenn sie, auch wenn sie nicht so Abwechslungsreich sind die Melodien, die Musik damit ein wenig auflockern, die Monotonie erweitern und aber auch, wie ich finde, aufreissen.

Mein Fazit: Doom und auch Funeral Doom muss man sicherlich mögen und diese Musik ist bestimmt nicht für jeden Geschmack etwas und auch nicht für jede Gelegenheit, doch ist es keine schlechte Scheibe die Night of Suicide hier abliefern.
Wer Doom mag, Funeral Doom und dabei auch mal eine Melodie vertragen kann, der wird das hier sicherlich mögen.

Die Musik ist in ihrem Rahmen Abwechslungsreich, wie ich schon oben erwähnte, bietet Melodienlinien und rollt nicht nur langsam vor sich hin, wie es manchmal im Doom vorkommt.

Was einen sicherlich stören könnte sind die langen Lieder, doch wer sich ein wenig drauf einlässt wird sich vielleicht in der Stimmung verlieren können die hier erzeugt wird.

Was jetzt noch fehlt ist eine Möglichkeit auch an die Musik ranzukommen, denn ich wüsste nun nicht wie man sie in Deutschland kaufen könnte.
Über Amazon zum Beispiel geht es nicht, nur über den Shop der Plattenfirma.

Author: Sebastian
Pavillon 666

Et non Solitude Productions ne signe pas que des groupes russes ou d’Europe de l’Est, preuve en est avec ce troisième opus « Desire » du duo de Night of Suicide, à savoir Markus Heinonen et Ben de Graaff. Tout droit venus des Pays Bas (le deuxième pays du fromage paraît-il), les deux compères ne changent pas leur recette et nous proposent de nouveau un doom funéraire monolithique, suivant les pas de la mélancolie permanente et de la désolation. Pris dans une atmosphère assez grise et austère, à l’image de cette pochette bien morne, Night of Suicide met l’accent sur la variété des mélodies, nous propulsant sur le sentier obscur et terrible de la solitude.

A l’instar de Shade of Despair ou encore Doom :VS, l’ambiance générale est terriblement accablante et le chant guttural parfaitement adapté. Même la plus belle mélodie offerte par la guitare de Heinonen est un pas de plus vers des profondeurs implacables…et cela l’est d’autant plus lorsque l’on voit le contenu des paroles, basé bien entendu sur une souffrance omniprésente mais aussi un certain dégoût de la vie et de soi-même…on n’est donc ici pas loin d’une forme de doom dépressif, même si pour certains, ces termes peuvent apparaître comme un pléonasme.

Hormis le chant guttural, le chant clair suffit amplement à faire transparaître cet élan de mélancolie et de perdition, la musique nous offrant cette possibilité de voir cette souffrance que le chanteur semble porter sur ces épaules. L’alliance est parfaite entre les deux musiciens qui se complètent, les riffs lourds et sombres se mariant bien avec ces vocaux écorchés.

Atmosphère lourde, solos émotifs et émouvants posés sur un rythme lent et en decrescendo comme un être à l’agonie, dont le cœur semble prêt à s’arrêter…des nappes de claviers adaptés aux parties les plus relevées, comme l’intro de « My Thoughts »…mais évidemment beaucoup de longueur et de monotonie au cours de ces quatre morceaux aux durées trop imposantes pour ce qu’il y a à nous proposer. Cependant le rendu n’en reste pas moins intéressant et calme, paradé d’une production impeccable. A découvrir…

Author: Matai
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