Night Of Suicide - Desire (CD)

funeral doom, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Price in points: 800 points
SP. 045-11 x
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The third album of an international project consisting of musicians from Netherlands - Ben de Graaff and Finland - Markus Heinonen (Astral Sleep). Monotonous dark tracks in the vein of funeral doom metal demonstrate melodic side of the genre. The compositions are full of melodies, keyboard passages and acoustic guitar interludes make raw funeral doom metal from Night of Suicide interesting not only for adepts of rawness and desolation, but also for those who seek the beauty in music.

1 My Thoughts 11:47
2 The Answer 10:49
3 Desire 11:05
4 Final Decision 11:54

Night Of Suicide
Artist Country:
Album Year:
funeral doom
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 045-11
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Third full-length album for the duo Ben de Graaff (from Netherlands) and Markus Heinonen (from Finland) and first release for Russian label Solitude Prod.
Pleasantly shifting its style between a pretty scholastic and derivative Funeral Doom (of clear finn inspiration) and atmospheric/gothic, 'Desire' doesn't rely upon keyboards/electronic effects all the time to create the eerie and claustrophobic atmospheres so necessary to its life, but rather prefers to rely upon guitars, leaving keys in the background for almost all the length of the songs. And that's a very positive feature, since the use of keys has been widespread in the last 10 years, in spite of guitars.
In this album the feelings of death and despair are "sweetened" a little by an interesting research for evocative sounds, something that really does not belong to this kind of music at all, besides some few exceptions.
'Desire' is composed by four tracks each of them more than 10 minutes in length, and in the long run it can be difficult to be able to follow the band in its mournings towards the whole 45 minutes length.
Nevertheless this is called Doom for a reason, isn't it?

Author: Gabriele Frontini
Minacious Webzine

“Desire” is the third album from this Finnish/Dutch collaboration. The music is slow and painful Funeral Doom, music filled with despair and life rejection. Raw and harsh guitar work, but there is also a melodic layer top the music with a lot of keyboards (though quite minimalistic keyboards) and acoustic passages. Combining melancholy with misanthropy, creating a musical void of self-hatred and isolation waiting for you to jump into it and be embraced by the darkness. If you are a fan of Funeral Doom Night of Suicide is for you, or if you enjoy life in general and would rather not Night of Suicide is also for you.

Author: Mordant

Fruit des entrailles putrides et de la psyché détraquée d’un vocaliste néerlandais et d’un multi-instrumentiste finlandais (membre de ASTRAL SLEEP), ce troisième album de NIGHT OF SUICIDE (tout un programme !) est une merveille de Funeral Doom ultra mélancolique et dépressif.

En quatre morceaux seulement (chacun dépassant les dix minutes), le duo aligne avec brio les ingrédients incontournables. Pour la partie horrifique : des riffs plombés, un chant Death désincarné, une section rythmique écrasante déroulant des tempi d’une lenteur obsédante. Pour la partie atrocement enjôleuse : des arrangements (claviers, choeurs, guitare acoustique) grandioses et fascinants, de nombreuses enluminures mélodiques par la guitare lead.

Certes, il n’y a rien là de révolutionnaire, rien d’audacieux, cela sent le caveau comme à l’accoutumée. Mais nos deux dépressifs creusent leur tombe avec une telle foi, une telle volonté de ne pas se louper que l’auditeur se sent aspiré par ce vortex à la fois âpre, vénéneux et charmeur. La production et le mixage ne sont pas extrêmement chiadés, tout juste honorables ; ce qui ajoute un charme underground et évite la surcharge de l’espace sonore, trop souvent préjudiciable à la dynamique dans les productions actuelles.

Author: Alain Lavanne

The third album of an international project consisting of musicians from Netherlands – Ben de Graaff- and Finland –Markus Heinonen (Astral Sleep)-. Emotion, darkness and musical beauty combined together in a result that represents a most melodic side of Funeral Doom Metal mixed with some atmospheric Metal touches. The compositions are full of esoteric, deep and dark melodies, keyboard fillings and acoustic guitar interludes. This is a majestic journey to the lands mysterious and forgotten: the lands that are hidden inside our souls. for fans of Funeral and My Dying Bride and Officium Triste.

Author: IndieRock

The dutch/finnish project is back with a vengeance and a new label, but did they manage to change the opinion I expressed in my review of their 'Unanswered' album (you can read it here) two years ago? The answer is both yes and no.

Let us start with the positive points : Night Of Suicide have finally grown its own personality. In those days of copycating and bandwagons everywhere, this is really a good pick. The band is still playing Funeral Doom the Finnish way, i.e. keyboard-ladden and filled with melodic parts, but a cold rawness has also made its way through their music. The songs are all more than 10 minutes long, and there's enough subtelties in each one (what a great use they can do of the accoustic parts!) that you don't get bored after the first 2 minutes. Ben De Graaf has made some efforts in the vocal departement and his voice finally sounds like what I'm looking for when I want fitting Funeral vocals : deep and threatening, while conveying convincing feelings of sadness and despair. The interpretation is good, with the usual ‘Firedoom-sounding’ guitar sound in the solos. And this is where the negative points come in.

While Night Of Suicide have evolved and flaunt more than once their own take on the Funeral Doom genre, they're however still a bit too much influenced by the Shape Of Despair/Colosseum sound, to the point of sometimes being on the verge of pure cloning. This not necessarily something bad, considering that both bands have been quite inactive recently (well, the case of Colosseum being peculiar, you know the reason), but sometimes it gets a bit irritating.

Still, if I was to review badly every band that doesn't bring something new to the table, there wouldn't be a lot of things to listen to. Right now as it is, Night Of Suicide have done what I've been waiting from them since 2006 : they've released a good Funeral Doom album, with enough ideas of their own for it to be a real listening pleasure. If, like me, you was quite disappointed by the last Colosseum release, then check Night Of Suicide instead.

Author: Laurent Lignon

Depressive band name? Check.
Gloomy album cover? Check.
Short tracklist in spite of a lengthy playing time? Check.
Forcing reviewers to overuse synonyms for "depressing"? Check.

Desire, Ben de Graaff and Markus Heinonen's third album via their collective mournful brainchild, Night Of Suicide, is a monolithic funeral doom album that seldom strays from the forlorn nature of the genre, walking the path of melancholy accompanied by an austere atmosphere and a variety of melodies as opposed to the path of rugged solitude. Despite this apparent level of ease, songs like "My Thoughts" and "Desire" retain enough anguish alone to end Charlie Sheen's winning streak.

de Graaff's unfathomable guttural output distorts even the most beautiful of Heinonen's riffs, at times attaining implacable depths. Many comparisons can be made to that of Johan Ericson's Doom:VS, and for good reason. Desire and Dead Words Speak compete on a fairly consistent level - both contain sorrowful melodies, self-loathing lyrical content, guttural vocals, semi-clean production, and a heavier atmosphere than Youtube's most-watched "fat people falling" compilation. All in all, you're looking at a well executed slab of extreme doom metal.

Desire is a rather typical funeral doom album, in that you'll be looking for the nearest bridge to jump off of if you happen to be listening to this on a leisurely night stroll. The epic guitar melodies add to the agony, and de Graaff's obscene vocal depth (it's worth another mention for its precision alone), is perfectly juxtaposed with Heinonen's more "approachable" musicianship. This makes for an enjoyable listen, one that is varied enough to keep your attention but not in any way complex.

Night Of Suicide are quickly working their way into becoming a common recommendation for fans of melodic funeral doom like Shape Of Despair and Officium Triste.

Author: Troy Gallant
Doom Metal Front

Der umtriebige Finne Markus Heinonen, seines Zeichens Sänger und Instrumentalist in diversen Bands und in der Doomszene wohl am ehesten durch seine Engagements bei Astral Sleep und Stone Ship bekannt, hat gemeinsam mit dem in den Niederlanden lebenden Ben de Graaff ein weiteres, bereits seit 2005 existierendes Projekt am Start, dass sich zum Leichenschmaus an den Label-Tisch von Solitude Productions gesellt. „Desire“ nennt sich die im silbrig-grauen Booklet gelieferte CD, welche das Verlangen nach depressivem Funeral/Death Doom stillen soll. Maßgeblich dazu trägt insbesondere Heinonen´s geniale Instrumental- und vor allem Akustik- sowie E-Gitarrenarbeit bei, die die Songs „My Thoughts“, „The Answer“, „Desire“ und „Final Decision“ abwechslungsreich macht und ihnen durch viele Feinheiten eine überdurchschnittliche Note verleiht. Das tighte Spiel des Sessiondrummers Jiri Pyörälä, ebenfalls Astral Sleep, und die fett old-schoolig klingenden Death Vocals eines Herrn de Graaff, der sich ganz vorsichtig und auch nur kurz ins cleane Gesangsterritorium vorwagt, runden das dritte Album dieser finnisch-niederländischen Kooperation perfekt ab. Meiner Meinung nach vermag es diese länderübergreifende Konstellation deshalb mit „Desire“ ein wirklich aussagekräftiges Statement im funeralistischen Bereich zu setzen, in dem derzeit leider viel zu viele Kapellen im Einheitsbrei versinken.

Author: Slowmas
The Pit of the Damned

Con “Desire” siamo di fronte all’eccellenza. Una perla di magnificenza al di là di ogni comparazione di stile, un’opera musicale di mirabile ispirazione. Ecco ciò che io intendo con vero doom melanconico, a tratti squisitamente romantico (in un romanticismo che non ha nulla a che fare con le relazioni di coppia), con arpeggi e passaggi melodici che rimandano ai maestri anglosassoni My Dying Bride. Gli ingredienti ci sono tutti: quattro tracce, tutte che superano gli undici minuti, voce in growl e tuttavia comprensibile in molte parti, utilizzo di scale armoniche alternate come un botta e risposta tra due chitarre, idealmente a metà tra inferno e paradiso. Eccezionale il contenuto testuale, che sebbene recuperi i modelli tipici della solitudine e del suicidio, li sviluppa in una visione non ridondante e decisamente non statica. Come sempre quando ci si getta nel doom, anche in questo caso mi permetto di sottolineare la necessità di ascoltare l’opera in crescendo per intero. Sono d’altronde gli stessi titoli ad indicare un’evoluzione: “My Thoughts”, “The Answer”, “Desire”, “Final Decision”; paragrafi di una vicenda che termina nella decisione di accettare il proprio destino di suicida (figurato o reale, è comunque suicidio del proprio ego). L’opera comunica dolorosa solitudine, ma non vi è buio accecante. Le note indicano ricerca di un’armonia sonora; le stesse tracce sono divise in più parti, a volte dall’andamento totalmente diverso rispetto l’intro. La melodia di base della prima traccia, soprattutto, tocca l’anima più di ogni altra, ed è ripresa e modificata, non a caso, nell’ultima. Vi posso assicurare che non ve la dimenticherete più. Per quanto riguarda il genere, possiamo considerare “Desire” come melancholic doom, con un growl decisamente meno gutturale del solito e quasi nascosto dietro la patina del sonoro. Ottimo lavoro di registrazione, considerando che si tratta di una collaborazione internazionale. Non ho trovato una pecca che fosse una. È un album perfetto sia a livello musicale che tematico, uno di quegli album che invita alla riflessione, che elimina l’essere materiale per lasciare posto allo spirito. Da ascoltare assolutamente ad occhi chiusi in situazioni di tranquillità per assimilare ogni vibrazione. È musica che genera sensazioni in immagini, che induce trance, “che apre le porte della percezione” (Doors docet)…

Author: Damiano Benato
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