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S:t Erik - From Under The Tarn (CD)

psychedelic doom metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
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SP. 029-09 x
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Atlantis Tales

Этот дебютный релиз шведской команды S:T ERIK стилистически лежит между stoner, doom metal, post metal и, отчасти, sludge (особенно на первой вещи). Вязкий, но не до сладжа гитарный саунд, характерные для психоделического рока атмосферные пассажи, нетипичный для всех заявленных стилей вокал (чем-то, хоть и очень отдаленно, напоминающий старину Оззи). Дополняет картину нарочито грязноватый и, в то же время, глубокий саунд, а также звучащий издалека, словно отовсюду, голос вокалиста. Все это делает “From Under The Tarn”, в общем-то, незаурядной работой – этаким саундтреком к глубокому космическому поиску – за это, кстати, говорит и 8-страничный буклет, в котором с намеком скомпилировано звездное небо с радужкой глаза, расположенного на обложке. Что характерно для подобной музыки, музыканты выбрали крупную форму – 5 композиций звучат на протяжении почти 50 минут, полностью раскрывая тему беспощадного и безразличного, но Великого Космоса, но все же растекаясь, порой, мыслью по древу – вступление Black Wall явно затянуто, например, да и концовка всего альбома тоже. Интересная, достойная работа, обладающая своим почерком и ориентированная на тех, кто не страшится расширять свои горизонты.

Author: Atlantis

Sweden… a special country concerning many things, one of these of course is Sweden’s music scene. This scene gave born to bands cornerstones of Heavy Metal such as Heavy Load, Candlemass, Count Raven, etc but also to bands that today play the music of yesterday i.e. In Solitude, Portrait and the the music of the day before yesterday like Witchcraft, Burning Saviours (RIP). So from one of the most important music scene we have the first album of S:t Erik.
S:t Erik is for sure a psychedelic Stoner outfit that sounds close to Om (if they had guitars) , Zoroaster or even Electric Wizard on their doomier parts. The effects are spread through out the whole album and the outcome that creeps out of the speakers can really devour you and then set spinning in a multi colored astral vortex. Of Course the bass guitar has the leading role in the album and in particular segments it can really mesmerize the listener while the drums sound like poundings of huge meteorites falling upon the face of planet earth and destroying everything. As for the vocals…they sound like they are coming from the depth of “something” while the singing sounds closer to some kind of ritual, summoning the astral Gods rather than “proper” singing… oh dear Lord…I got to close this review ‘cause I see some weird figures all around me…and they are after me…

Author: Lampros Tennes

Stoner/doom-linjalla liikkuva ruotsalainen S:t Erik jytää debyyttilevyllään groovaavan metallin parissa. Raskaita, hitaita ja pitkiä biisejä tarjotaankin koko rahan edestä, alan pioneereille kumartaen.

Näin genreä tarkemmin tuntemattoman korvaan From Under the Tarn kuulostaa tasavarmalta, perusarvoihin luottavalta levytykseltä, joka ei liioin tyylilajia uudista tai uusia jippoja esittele. Lisäväriä raskaisiin, paikoin himmaileviin ja psykedeelisiä värejä tavoitteleviin biisi-ideoihin on tuotu koskettimien voimin, mutta lopulta näitäkin melko säästeliäästi käyttäen.

Kuten arvatakin saattaa, on levyn soundimaailma melkoisen vintage-henkinen. Toisin sanoen klassikkoja kunnioitetaan ja modernia lähestymistapaa ei varmastikaan monen kuuntelijan onneksi ole liiemmin aisittavissa. Kitaroista löytyy raskasta, pörisevää groovea ja rummuista henkii analoginen, eläväinen tuulahdus. Laulupuolen puhdas anti on valittavaa hoilausta ja miekkosen laulussa onkin omanlaistaan karismaa.

Pidemmän päälle S:t Erik onnistuu kuitenkin turruttamaan kuunteluelimet turhankin tehokkaasti, kiitos osin ylipitkien biisien. Kierrätystä, junnausta ja oivien ideoiden puutetta kun ei pelkällä pidentämisellä korvata, jää levystä hieman vasemmalla kädellä vedetty tunne. Stoner-fanaatikoille levy lienee kuitenkin pakkotsekkauksen arvoinen.

Author: Serpent
Metal Revolution

There’re only five songs on this new opus from S:t Erik. Yes, the band name is very strange unless you live in Sweden and create the most obscure, cold and dark doom metal…and you’re named Erik.

This is a piece of a very spacey doom metal with a lot of psychedelic influences. Some of the riffs, esp. in the opening song “Goddess” remind me of Black Sabbath, the same does the vocals throughout this release. There’s a great deal of this crying echo voice and it definitely scary me a bit.

The guitars are down-tuned all the time, while this five piece band includes a lot of synths in their sound. It gives this special atmosphere of cold and depressive yet beautiful Nordic winters. Or put in a different way; these Swedes are capable of creating fantastic atmosphere delivering very solid musicianship. If I wasn’t informed I would say that they are giants of the genre but this is actually only their debut, but what an awesome debut it is…!

From Under The Tarn is a perfect soundtrack for a horror movie.

Author: bato

Ağustos’ta çıkan “From Under The Tarn” adlı albümü farklı kılan psychedelic stoner doom metal tarzında özgün bir albüm oluşu, özel kılan ise ekibin İsveç’ten çıkmış olmaları diyebiliriz. “From Under The Tarn” sönükleşen bir öykü gibi, dinlerken duygulanıyorsanız. Onlara göre arka planda duyulan sintisayzırlar İsveç’in havası oluyor. Electric Wizard, High On Fire, Sleep, Om ve Ufomammut gibi isimlerden etkilenen S:t Erik’in müziğinde post-rock etkileri işitilebiliyor, vokal bakımından diğer birçok doom metal vokalistine göre daha farklı bir şeyler bulabilirsiniz. Kendileri uzun uzadıya sözleri tercih etmiyor, müzikleriyle daha yoğun oldukları düşünülebilir.

Hayatlarını sessizlikle geçiren, gördüklerini iyi sentezleyen ve sonunda dayanamayıp hislerini müziğe döken S:t Erik dörtlüsünün (gitaristleri Magnus Wikmark geçenlerde ekipten ayrılmıştı) düşük tempolu müziklerinin diğer birçok düşük tempolu müzikten ayrılacak kadar daha tempolu olduğu öne sürülebilir. Solitude Productions etiketli albümün tüm arayış ve çırpınışlarımızın sonunda gerçek özgürlüğü elde edemeyişimizle ilgili olduğu fark ediliyor. İnsanın üzerinde taşıdığı varoluşsal sıkıntılar ve bununla birlikte gelen çaresizliklerle ilgili yaklaşık 49 dk. süren bir albümden bahsettik. Merak etmeye değer, alışılmışın dışında görünüyor. Bizden söylemesi!

Author: Özgür Özçınar

# PER CHI ASCOLTA: Doom Psychedelia, Ufomammut, Sleep.

Quale goduria nel mettere questo cd nel mio lettore: era da tanto tempo che non ascoltavo questo genere di sonorità doom/stoner/psichedeliche tutte ben miscelate tra loro e in grado di produrmi dei magnifici trip mentali, come se avessi fatto un abbondante uso di LSD. Il quintetto svedese, capitanato dalle disperate vocals di Erik Nordstrom riesce in tutto questo e lo si capisce già dalla iniziale “Goddess” dove in sette minuti, i nostri palesano tutto il loro talento. Chitarroni dal chiaro stampo stoner, si alternano a momenti di delicata e lisergica psichedelia, con la sofferente voce di Erik a parlare di solitudine e disperazione. L’inizio della seconda lunghissima traccia (più di undici minuti) sembra presa in prestito dagli ultimi ISIS: 3 minuti e passa di atmosfere soffuse, dense e avvolgenti, dopo di che sale in cattedra ancora una volta il talentuoso vocalist e ci conduce tra i fumi solforosi dell’inferno, facendoci capire con le sue parole che stiamo buttando via le nostre vite. Le ambientazioni angoscianti che si percepiscono sono davvero da brividi: i sintetizzatori giocano un ruolo di prim’ordine nell’economia globale di questa release, creando atmosfere apocalittiche a tratti e spaziali in altri frangenti. Assai affascinante il risultato, soprattutto se siete nella classica cameretta a luci spente, il tutto vi sembrerà più seducente. Nella terza, altrettanto lunga, song, si mette da parte il doom angosciante e si torna a parlare di space stone rock, con i granitici riffs del duo Tomas Eriksson e Magnus Wikmark a proporre il loro ultra conservativo drone fino a quando a metà della song sopraggiunge il silenzio, forse la fine del mondo: c’è freddo, l’atmosfera si fa sempre più rarefatta, la paura ci assale per poi esplodere nella parte conclusiva della traccia… spettacolare! È come trovarsi in un brutto sogno quando quanto di più oscuro e inquietante sta per assalirci, ma il dramma, la paura che sorge è che non sai esattamente cosa sia quella entità misteriosa che sta per farti a pezzi. La musica dei S:T Erik ha lo stesso medesimo effetto: è oscura, inesplicabile, terrorizzante ma il risultato è estremamente affascinante. Un ipnotico basso apre “Black Wall” e via pronti a ripartire per un altro viaggio spaziale a bordo dell’astronave svedese. La conclusiva “Swan Song” nei suoi tredici minuti ci tramortisce definitivamente con i suo riff pachidermici, le atmosfere ultra mega dilatate, asfissianti, che ammorbano irreparabilmente le nostre menti… Non ho fatto alcun uso di droghe ve lo giuro, ma risollevarmi dal mio sofà dopo l’ascolto di questo cd, è davvero impresa assai ardua. Ottima musica (non per tutti però), ottimi musicisti e un’ottima produzione (sporca il giusto), confermano l’oculatezza da parte dell’etichetta russa Solitude Production, nello scegliere le band da mettere nel proprio rooster. Complimenti avanti cosi! (Francesco Scarci)

# COSA FUNZIONA: suoni raffinati, atmosfere da paura, vocals sofferenti
# COSA SERVE: l’attenzione dei magazine specializzati

„…saját életem szövetét mutattam meg benne kiéletlenül; de ugyanakkor én voltam a kiválasztott, a poklok krónikása is, üvegből és acélból készült fotomikroszkóp voltam, amellyel saját protoplazmám kocsonyás anyagját vizsgáltam.”
/Jean-Paul Sartre - A szavak/

Kicsit értetlenül állok a svéd illetőségű S:t Erik előtt, hogy miért nem a Hydra Head Records adta ki, az ő profiljuk az ilyesfajta LSD-s lebegés. Ennek ellenére az igényes külsőségekkel és elborult booklettel rendelkező, mély hangzású szétesést a Solitude Productions bízta a világ kegyeire. A csapat Uppsala nevű városkában álmodta meg önmaga születését immáron 3 éve. 2007-ben egy minimalista demóval jelentkeztek Upsala címmel fémjelezve, s idén végre lassú vánszorgásba kezdett a monstrum, a rothadó gólem, az egyszemű lélekvesztett, a járásra csak nehézkesen képes repeszaknás óriás, avagy a debüt; a From Under The Tarn!

Zeneileg a pszichedelikus stoner jelző állna rájuk leginkább, melyben alternatív fellángolások mossák össze a képzelet és valóság elenyésző határait. Mély szippantás a pipából, egy marék gomba vagy tabletta dédelgette megemlékezés a süllyedésről. Az elborult és semmibe eső ének miatt a hazai régi VHK is felmerült bennem, de elsősorban olyan csapatok neveit említhetném meg, mint az Electric Wizard vagy az Acid King illetve az Ufomammut, de ide sorolható nagyvonalakban a Jesu, Pelican kombó is, ahogy a Kayo Dot, Torche és Coalesce halmazok is, avagy egy az egyben a Hydra Head Records rendszer… és természetesen a Black Sabbath és a Pink Floyd kizárhatatlan résztvevői ennek a 48 perces pszichózis-lebegés masszának, avagy a doom-stoner gályának. Rabok vagyunk és acélos pengék, kötelek és emelőrudak… fércelt szörnyetegek, eltemetett kártyavárak alatt...

Nem annyira lázálom ez, de nem is tekinthetjük örömnek, inkább amolyan gondokkal teli merülés, egy olyan masszába, amelyben lényegét veszti az ábránd és a létezés, sugarakra bontott lézernyaláb a megingatott hatalom burkából kihasítva, és zuhanás a semmibe, hogy átéljük az elföldelt bálnatemetők olajos nászát, gerinc, mely sohasem fejlődött ki, mégsem lettünk csúszó-mászók. Szív, mely érez, de lélekben szegény, mint eszme tágította megbarnult és kávézaccal teli propaganda könyv… lebegés, lépegetés a fények lepedőin, és zuhanás, vetődés az ópiátok dédelgette kisvánkosra.

Author: haragSICK

Space Doom is the name of the game among the Stoner scene those days. For those of you who've been lost in the Andromeda nebula for the past five years, Space Doom is more or less your classic Stoner Doom with a lot more psychedelia involved, and droning instruments. In short, it's Acid King on LSD (I know, it's redundant). Coming out of Sweden like a horde of Klingon warships on Deep Space Nine is S:t Erik. One could think that, given their moniker, the band would play a rather ultra-conservative Christian Doom (after all, Erik IX the Lawgiver, who gave his name to the band, wasn't really known to be a kind man). But that is not the case.

Right from the opening riff of Goddess, the influence of Acid King spring to the mind. Long brooding riffs, slow marching drumming, expanded vocals... If it wasn't for the fact that Erik Nordstrцm is a man, then Lori S. would be expected to handle the vocal duties. But what make S:t Erik more than a talented copycat is the fact that they go far more into the atmospheric tripping fields than the Californian band. And they play long pieces of music, very long (the shortest song range at seven minutes long). Long enough for you to smoke two 'spliffs' and get high every time a new song start. Also, they're not afraid to experiment a bit, like by dropping a curious male/female duet on 'The Search', or using well-placed keyboards. Now keyboards in Stoner are generally more for some small mid-albums instrumentals, like the classic 'Night Of The Shape' on Electric Wizard's 'Let Us Prey'. Not here. For S:t Erik use keyboards damn well, which complement and expand the spacey vibe of their music.

To be frank, this is maybe the best Stoner Doom album since the release of 'Witchcult Today'. You can put it between Acrimony's timeless masterpiece 'Tumuli Shroomaroom' and Acid King's 'Zoroaster'. This is music to take a trip to, go visit some far out galaxies, see stars exploding before your eyes and resting near a pyramid among the dry channels of Mars. Heavy, drug-induced and brooding... Gimme that bong again, Sam...

Auhtor: Laurent Lignon

S:T ERIK, young band from Sweden , which made interesting mixture between such styles like sludge, doom and psychedelic… All in all this is pretty interesting music, which is filled with great psychedelic tunes, 5 long and freezing tracks, which will force your mind broke up J . Music is made in not very fast rhythms, if don't say – on slow parts and rhythms, which comes together with such cosmic and psychedelic atmosphere, plus add clear vocals. Firstly, this music will be good gift for fans of such HIGH ON FIRE, ELECTRIC WIZARD and etc… As for Sweden, to be honest I didn't familiar with many such styled bands, maybe just about 3, but thx S:T ERIK I'm dare to say – Sweden have talents, he-he! I couldn't find any weak sides during album playing time, I just was impressed by these walls of sounds, such pressing and psychedelic at the same time, with great amount of different rhythmical thresholds and etc, with roots from BLACK SABBATH as well, yeah, such slow vortex like rhythms, which are mixed with guitar solos, dense and underlined bass lines… As a whole - great band for sludge/doom/psychedelic fans! Are you ready get crazy?!
Heavy Impact

Giungono da Uppsala, Svezia e con “From Under the Tarn” danno alle stampe un debut album di caratura elevata. Dal moniker particolare, gli S:t Erik, propongono un sound stoner/doom dal taglio psichedelico, un sound che non nasconde forti influenze 70’s derivate dalle concezioni tossiche dello space rock.

L’album si compone di cinque lunghe tracce morbosamente affascinanti, tracce ove si fanno strada allucinate visioni di valore assoluto, dal mood soffocante e psicotico, tutti brani presenti evidenziano ottime doti personalistiche che si associano, senza forzature, ad un songwriting vibrante e nebuloso. Un songwriting che si regge su un continuum di riffs pesantissimi entro i quali prendono forma corposi movimenti di sintetizzatore e vocals che sembrano essere generate da massicce dosi di LSD.

Da questo nascono veri e propri inni ad una realtà fatta di deformi spettri psichici all’ombra dei quali danzano allucinate concezioni esistenziali, come nel caso di “Goddess” o di “Black Wall”, brani ove prede forma un rimando a stati onirici.

Un lavoro che impone la band svedese tra le realtà di maggiore interesse in ambito stoner/doom. Un album perfetto per un allucinato viaggio introspettivo, a patto che si sia disposti a fari dominare da esso. Per eletti.

Author: Andrea Angelino
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