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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Promachos 2 Molon Lave 3 Sons Of The Greeks 4 Talos 5 Eleley 6 Alexandros 7 My Earth My Water 8 Typhoeus 9 Omnymi 10 Raise The Aspis...
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6 3
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Commerce Pleasure And Death 3:40 2 Sodoku 3:09 3 Weak Mind (A World Of Confusion) 2:56 4 Bojayas Butchers 4:36 5 Blood And Flesh 2:39 6 Human...
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6 4
modern metal, FONO ltd
MENTAL ASSAULT - молодая, хорошо зарекомендовавшая себя, перспективная команда из Воронежа. Начав свой творческий путь здесь, в столице Черноземья России в 2005 году, группа радикально изменилась к текущему моменту. В поисках своего звучания команда прошла путь от заурядных ню-метал мелодик, дополненных агрессив-гроулом, к взрывной смеси трэш и дэт-металических риффов и чистого женского эстрадного вокала. Дебютный альбом «Edge of Days» сочетает в себе композиции, созданные в разные моменты этого большого периода. Здесь и самое раннее творчество группы, вдохновленное энергичными риффами и драйвом таких метал-монстров как IN FLAMES и FEAR FACTORY, и результат переосмысления подхода к созданию материала и вокальных паттернов. Лирика альбома захлестнет слушателя мрачными образами постапокалипсиса, подтолкнет к жутковатыми размышлениями о не таком уж и далеком биомеханическом будущем человечества. Мощные, запоминающиеся своей мелодикой риффы, оригинальный редкий вокал контр-альто, общая атмосфера в сочетании с качественным звуком – вот, чем готовы окружить слушателя MENTAL ASSAULT, представляя на его требовательный суд альбом «Edge of Days». Альбом записан в родном Воронеже на одной из лучших российских студий звукозаписи «Ja Ja Production» под чутким руководством звукооператора и саунд-продюсера Александра Чудинова. Благодаря его профессиональному подходу к работе и опыту одного из крупнейших российских метал-лейблов ФОНО, «Edge of Days» стал доступен слушателям, а MENTAL ASSAULT преодолевают рубеж, за которым всё только начинается.
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6 4
black / death metal, More Hate Productions
At the very bottom nourished with pain and interdiction, in the wastelands of despair, anger and hatred, in the abyss of tottering mind of the mortals... this is where MENTAL ILLNESS gets inspiration for the debut album. The band plays furious old school blackened death metal. During the 52 minutes of album length we hear a constantly developing material with far more complex approach than it seems: various melodies, rich arrangements and uncommon musical solutions hold listeners in suspense from the very first song up to the end of the album. The lyrics in the Russian language rich in metaphors and dedicated to occult subjects will definitely draw your attention. "Otkrovenie" is a spit in the face of those who demand our worship, it is a call for progress, for becoming a part of something greater... Greater than just being!
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8 5
sludge metal / post-rock
Tracklist: 1 Abisal 2 Crisálida 3 Lo Irrevocable 4 El Cielo Se Cierra 5 Un Paisaje (En Amarillo) 6 Vestigios De Una Derrota
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6 3
progressive melodic death, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 New Desire 4:57 2 Bloodsong 4:47 3 Embrace The Nothing 4:51 4 This Black And Endless Never 5:40 5 Isolation (The Loneliness In December) 6:01 6...
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6 5
progressive melodic death, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Redefine Me 6:06 2 Year Of The Plague 5:29 3 My World Is Ending 5:26 4 This Eternal Instant 6:10 5 Lost Reality 8:02 6 Soul Decision 5:03 7...
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6 3
black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Relict 2 We Are Burning 3 Dissention 4 True Sight Heresy 5 Path Of A Damned 6 Beyond 7 Create To Destroy 8 Abyss Of The Soul
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6 4
modern metal, FONO ltd
"When Life And Death Destroy" - дебютная полноформатная работа украинского коллектива MIND STRUCTURE, тем не менее успевшая стать достаточно ожидаемой еще за долго до официальной даты релиза. Музыкальный материал представляет собой смесь множества ингридиентов, где доминирующая роль принадлежит modern metal с сильным влиянием таких жанров, как progressive metal, melodic death, shred, metalcore и некоторых других. Гитарные и барабанные партии для альбома записаны в феврале 2010-го в киевской студии BlackLight Studio, известной по работе с таким коллективами, как KHORS, BALFOR, DIMICANDUM и др. Летом 2011-го на домашней студии Александра Главного (AUTUMNIA, ex-MOURNFUL GUST, ex-VAE SOLIS) записаны партии вокала и бас-гитары. Сведением занимался Tony Alien (T.A. Production) - автор звука многих команд, среди которых UNGRACE, ILLIDIANCE, MOURNFUL GUST, HELL:ON и прочие. Оформление выполнено украинским мастером Вячеславом Смишко (Nurgeslag), известного своими работами для ROTTING CHRIST, AUTUMNIA, FLYING, MOURNFUL GUST.
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6 3
experimental dark electro
Tracklist: 1 Dark Enter To… 1:05 2 Untitled 3:30 3 Destruction Glass 5:48 4 Untitled 3:42 5 Untitled 4:28 6 Untitled 3:06 7 Computer HAL 9000 2:26 8...
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6 4
noise industrial / ambient
Tracklist: 1 Thundernoisespell 8:29 2 Stoned Effect 4:22 3 Yikilmayan Adam 4:30 4 Output In Parralel 3:48 5 Job. Slavery. Degradation (Live) 4:42 6 Ultimo...
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6 4
black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Shadow 2 Tribe of Damned 3 Ascension 4 Rex Nemorensis 5 ...When the Sky Rained Death 6 Harvester of Death 7 Empire of Darkness 8 Troops...
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6 4
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Firestorm 4:41 2 Savage Terror (No One Shall Avoid Fear) 4:18 3 For Those Who Will Die 4:54 4 The Sect 4:45 5 World Necrology 5:06 6 Mass...
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8 3
folk metal, FireStorm Production

Limited to 500 copies.
Запись, сведение, мастеринг «Lindar Music»

Packaged in jewel case. Includes 16-page booklet with lyrics.

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5 3
funeral doom
Tracklist: 01 Evolve From Grave 3:03 02 My Guide 4:44 03 The Rust 9:59 04 My Past 5:42 05 Misery Dawn 4:10 06 On This Sadness 6:51 07 Release 8:26 08 Ritual...
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6 4
black metal, More Hate Productions
The Ukrainian band Mlekra presents its first full length album “0105”, which is the result of 10 years of bands’ activity! Moderately raw and devilishly solid wall of sound distinctly reminds the ideal black metal sound of the 90-es, while unobtrusive melodies and atmospheric elements relieve the music from excessive monotonousness making tunes interesting up to the very end. The concept of the album itself is focused on the unpromising end of humanity, illustrated in the dark-toned booklet artwork.
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8 5
drone / funeral doom metal, Endless Winter
Mohraang, a drone/funeral doom metal project from the distant lands in the Russian Far East, was created in 2014 by a person who bears the nickname Maahzur Phalmorg; until now it's music was self-published with extremely limited editions. Main idea of the project was to bring the fantasies sprung from the mind of its creator to life, not sticking to specific musical styles. Mohraang is a realm of beasts under the ground of a hostile planet titled Khorrendus. From the very first seconds of the album you are carried away to the cold and grim maze of underground tunnels with a corresponding musical background. Your consciousness, stripped away from your dead body, drifts into the unknown in pursuit of the things yet undiscovered.
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6 3
deathcore, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Warlords 3:25 2 Rule By Secrecy 3:54 3 Only The Dead 3:09 4 Atrum Inritus 2:20 5 Corpus Imperium 4:20 6 Monolothic Apparatus 3:16 7 The...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Moonlight Sacrifice 2 Lake Of Fire 3 Swords Of Wrath 4 The Last Battle 5 Awakening Of Warfare Souls 6 To Fly The Nightshade Wings
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6 3
death metal
Tracklist: 1 The Awakening (intro) 1:36 2 Songs of the Dead 2:47 3 Punishment 2:59 4 Spirit of Time 1:40 5 Feasting on the Blood 2:50 6 Dead City 2:39 7...
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6 4
rock / metal, FONO ltd
MONTE PITTMAN - гитарист, певец, автор песен и сессионный музыкант из Техаса, рожденнный в ноябре 1975-го. Перебравшись в начале 00-ых в Лос-Анджелес, Монти успел проявить себя во множестве проектов, от глэм поп-звезды Адама Ламберта до культовых металлистов PRONG, но несомненно самым внушительным является сотрудничество с Мадонной в качестве гитариста, длящееся уже более 12 лет. "The Power of Three" - третий полноформатный релиз для Монти и первый для лейбла Metal Blade Records. На альбоме не обошлось без гостей - на последнем треке "All is Fair in Love and War" можно услышать гитарные партии Алекса Сколника (TESTAMENT) и вокал Криса Барнса (ex-CANNIBAL CORSPE, SIX FEET UNDER).
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5 3
funeral doom
Tracklist: 1 Vomiting The Vile Bestiality 18:22 2 Watching The Nausea 13:49 3 The Tomb 2:11 4 A Pact For The Suicide 13:26
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6 3
atmospheric doom metal, More Hate Productions
"My 7even" is the first full-length CD of the Belarusian band MoonWay. This half-instrumental album consists of seven tracks. The music is melodic and filled with the elements of symphonic sections, tough guitar riffs, extreme vocals and melodic female vocals. The album title, “My 7even”, symbolizes luck, "we create our own success by ourselves" – we can see the hands of the creator on the album’s cover. Cover concept was embodied by a Connor’s business partner, Leona - pencil drawing treated with color - and symbolizes the creativity of the band - a clean sheet of paper with a header.Mixing and mastering were made in Voronezh at Dark Gift Studio by Vladimir 'DarkElf' Prokhozhaev.
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6 3
groove thrash metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length release "Pain Shreds" from Kiev MORiA - is the creation of new standards, where you can hear a combination of grooves, rage, and emotional energy. Even more destructive aggression, powerful armor inserts and rhythms. Diversity of the album added guest vocalists from groups in Russia and Ukraine. "Pain Shreds" - blurs the line between madness and experimental. Moria have proved to Ukrainian metal scene, as evidenced by the bright performances at major festivals as well as many indoor venues. where the band shared the stage with bands such as: Devilish Impression (Poland), Rage (Germany), Sickbag (France), Onslaught (England), Rasta (Belarus), Deadlock (Germany) and many other groups of CIS countries. basic "business card" of a heavy sound of guitars, powerful rhythm section, a special contrast of melody and aggression. An important factor for the group is the lyrics, which highlights the problems of mankind (war, environment) and personal (mental state, the subconscious mind, philosophy, psychology).
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6 3
gothic metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Firewalkers 2 The Legion Of Two 3 Away From The Sun 4 The Rats In The Walls 5 Tomorrow She Comes 6 Flak Jacket 7 Sleep Of The Just 8...
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7 5
death doom metal, Endless Winter
The musical project originated in 2013. During the long winter nights, the first songs were written and they came up with a title “Frost on Graves”. When the band had got together they played a live show in 2014, following which the roads of members of the band diverged, except two of them: the project's founder, known under the alias Maahzur Phalmorg, and the guitar player, Arkhatriis Metus. They went on working on the musical material, changed the name of the project and, in early 2017, recorded the “Resounding From The Obscurity” EP, at which the plot is based on the events that take place on planet Khorrendus. The Sleepers of the underworld kingdom Mohraang awoke, lusting for flesh and blood and caused the collapse of humanity. Once again the human race had been destroyed by inrush of dreadful monsters from the planet's depths, of whose existence only the remains of ancient ruins could hint.
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6 3
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Sense Of Brutality 2:25 2 Cemetery Feast 2:06 3 Born By Accident 3:42 4 Embodiment Of Mind 2:12 5 Black Light 4:34 6 Treatment Impossible...
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6 3
Tracklist: 1 Ripper 2:16 2 Formalin Addiction 1:22 3 Braindead 1:53 4 Homicide Day 2:18 5 Mortifer 1:36 6 Deathville 2:44 7 Unquenchable Bloodlust 2:13 8...
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7 4
sludge doom, Solitude Productions
The debut full-length album of the Belgian sludge doom metal band Möse presents results of many years" work of musicians performed numerous gigs and released a 7"-sinlge and a split-album. The band features members of Thee Plague Of Gentlemen and Neuthrone. The powerful sound is ensured by professional mastering and the crushing compositions of "Halfway to Nowhere" proclaim the appearance of a new serious representative of the style in Europe.
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10 6
gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music
Re-issue of the legendary album of Ukranian gothic doom death metal band! The album material is fully remastered and is supplemented with a bonus CD containing demo of 2006 "The Frankness Eve", cover versions of Mournful Gust songs by invited musicians and "With Every Suffering" video from the actual album. Enforced by new power "She"s My Grief" album proves to be still state-of-the-art piece of music.
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