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$6.00 $3.00
horror death metal
Tracklist: 1 Malicious Incubus Excavation 2 Shroud Of Gloom (Doomed) 3 Passage Though The Ossuary Of Calamity 4 The Creepy Chronicles Of Ron Jeremy 5...
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$6.00 $3.00
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Fucking Nation 4:21 2 Military Plays 3:41 3 Self Autopsy 6:10 4 Biography Of A Corpse 4:10 5 Descrated Reality 3:56 6 In Memory Of... 1:38 7...
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$6.00 $4.00
death metal, More Hate Productions
We would like to bring to your attention the second full-length album by MY DARKEST FURY (Vologda). The band has already approved itself and stuck in memory of metal fans with previously released material. The new album will definitely consolidate the position of My Darkest Fury as a leader of the domestic extreme metal scene! “Hectic Existence” is an extremely impressive and fresh vision of contemporary metal world, a powerful musical canvas consisting of groovy sledgehammer guitar riffs following the best traditions of groove and death metal, a fury and anger of metal core in each note of the album, a surprisingly wide range of vocals – from screaming and growling to clean singing and, after all, just really good and catchy melodies and songsthroughout the whole album! Obvious contender to the title of the best Russian modern death metal album of the year!!!
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$7.00 $3.00
dark death doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
The new album by Vladimir Andreev known by his main band, Revelations of Rain. Due to some reasons he has changed the name of the band from On The Edge Of The Netherrealm to My Indifference To Silence, however, he continued the development of ideas being started at the debut album. The album presents death/doom metal with a touch of dark metal close to music of Daylight Dies and Novembre. «Horizon Of My Heaven» is a harmonic combination of harsh metal with lyric component featuring solid sound and rich arrangements.
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$7.00 $5.00
doom death, Solitude Productions
Revelation from this Belgian band with their debut album “Broken Leaf”! The first album of MY LAMENT consists of eight powerful, perfectly recorded songs, which have a balance between cruelty of ATARAXIE and melodic lines of OFFICIUM TRISTE and SATURNUS. Brilliant playing skills of the musicians with great sound separate MY LAMENT from a lot of modern bands in this style, and put their music on same line with the famous bands of doom death metal scene!
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$6.00 $3.00
alternative metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Stage Fright 2 Made To Measure 3 American Psycho 4 Spitfire 5 Burn The Witch 6 Radio Silence 7 Hot In The House Of God 8 Nazimova...
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hate By The Hate 2 Live In Nature, Die In Chains 3 Suffocated Europe 4 Земли, Что Гнев Исторгают (The Raging Lands) 5 Another Day - Another...
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$6.00 $3.60
industrial metal
Tracklist: 1 Can't Stay 4:40 2 Dickheads 4:30 3 First Love 4:28 4 Last Hate 4:05 5 Burn My Head 6:26 6 Remorse 4:05 7 Rock'n'roll Girl 4:10 8 Lighthouse...
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$6.00 $3.00
pagan / folk metal, More Hate Productions
The debute of the Far East folk metal band “Mysteria Mortis” is the atmospheric and melodic metal with the elements of black metal, the strong supply of the symphonic instruments, ethnics and unique female vocals. Every song of the album is a ballad, a story based on the myths and legends of the Children of the North, ancient warriors and wise primogenitors. Ancient tunes, male choir are closely bound with the extreme vocals of guitar player and frontman of the band Finn. This dilutes the atmosphere of music and transmits the bitterness of wars and battles, the memory of the Past. The album is based on folk themes of Slavs and Vikings. “Mysteria Mortis” advocates for the revival of the forgotten Tradition and Knowledge by its creation. Rites with the tambourine, singing of the vargan (kind of jew’s-harp), reading of the ancient mantras mixed with the aggressive guitar riffs – all this creates the unique atmosphere of the album “Waters of Tund”. Lyrics are written in the full-color booklet, design of which represents the conception of creation of the band.
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$6.00 $3.00
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 The Lake 2 Dying Dreams 3 Clown 4 Way To Another World 5 Mystica 6 Impression 7 Spartak
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$6.00 $4.00
industrial folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Заря 2 Durdevdan 3 Истина в вине 4 В кабаке 5 Вербовая дощечка 6 Скалы фиордов 7 Один, к тебе мой путь 8 Драконье золото/Regin Smidur 9...
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$6.00 $3.60
folk doom death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Буря 2 Дикое Море 3 Пропавший 4 Облезлая Собака 5 Лёд Пускает Корни 6 Последний Вдох
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$6.00 $4.00
folk doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Огонь 6:58 2 Пробуждение 7:06 3 Разговор Со Звёздами 6:24 4 На Сотню Лет 6:54 5 Сны 6:11 6 Стена 6:13 7 Падающая Звезда 2:51 8 Закрыв Глаза...
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$6.00 $3.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lunar Cult 3:02 2 Гибель Светлой Эпохи (The Loss Of The Age Of Light) 3:35 3 Sunset And Sunrise At The Back Of Beyond 3:46 4 Север (North) 4:27...
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$6.00 $3.00
gothic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Поглощая Тени Застывших Чувств 1:54 2 Лунный Маэстро 6:12 3 Под Покровом Ночи 4:34 4 Утро Пахнет Смертью 7:42 5 Если Горит Полночная Звезда...
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$6.00 $3.60
death black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:53 2 Visceral Human Obedience 5:50 3 Postmortem Dominion 6:10 4 Worship Of A Tool Of Torture 5:26 5 Naked & Pathological Dehumanization...
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$8.00 $7.00
atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.
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$8.00 $7.00
dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music
The second album from the extraordinary Ukrainian band which started its way from the experiments with funeral doom metal and received a unique for the local scene musical and psychological experience. This time Narrow House goes for fusion of different subgenres of doom metal and other musical styles. Living choirs, saxophone, cello and contrabass were employed for “Thanathonaut” recording bringing individual sound and uniqueness to Narrow House music. The main theme of the album is war and nuclear weapons; otherwise the work continues the study of man inner world and its self-destruction which has been started earlier. The cover to symphonic doom death metal band Virgin Black with Russian lyrics presented in the album is also worth mentioning. Recording and mastering of the album were performed at the studio of famous sound producer Max Morton who also appeared as guest musician with bass parties. Another guest musician is a vocalist of Ukrainian band I Miss My Death. The album artwork is crafted by French photographer and artist Christophe Dessaigne whose works appear on covers of books by Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Margaret Atwood and other famous writers. To conclude, «Thanathonaut» is a solid conceptual material with original appearance distinguishing the band Narrow House among others at the CIS metal scene.
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$6.00 $3.60
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 В Полнеба 2 Все Решили За Тебя 3 Расплата 4 Шторм 5 Небо В Огне 6 Скрещены Клинки 7 Глоток Свободы 8 Кроме Тебя 9 Серый Дождь 10 Город...
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$6.00 $4.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blackest Northern Orchestra 2:26 2 At The Mystic Gates 3:13 3 Ladies And Gentlemen 4:17 4 Ordo Malleus 4:22 5 Grim Gates 3:00 6 Trold 4:17 7 In...
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