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Р  –  Р

  • 133.3Р
  • 3333.4Р
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Компакт диски

400.00 Р
black death metal
Треклист: 1 Opus Enial 2 Imminent Slaughter 3 Insurrection Of Christianity 4 Days Of Storm For Christian Souls 5 Catholocaust... 6 Revelations Of Holy...
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600.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Desolate To Sorrow 2 The Gun Will Bring Me Happiness 3 Journeys Of A Mind In Pain 4 Beyond The Wind 5 Weeping Mirror Pt.1 6 Weeping...
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
groove metal / industrial death metal
Треклист: 1 ...Will Kill You 3:20 2 All My Demons 4:33 3 Horizons Behind 3:12 4 Scarifice 4:04 5 Glamour & Pathos 3:22 6 Drill A Hole In My Skull 3:29 7...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
dark death
UNGRAVED - молодая и быстро прогрессирующая Death – Metal группа из Новосибирска!На своем дебютном альбоме “A Life Elder” музыкантам удалось создать поистине мрачную и брутальную атмосферу. Смертельные рифы переплетаются с отрешенными клавишными партиями
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400.00 Р
Треклист: 1 Prologue 0:05 2 Confession 2:16 3 Buried Terror 0:51 4 Pay The Price? 1:32 5 Media's Story 1:45 6 Death By Terror 2:01 7 Free From Fear 1:50 8...
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600.00 Р
doom metal / heavy
Треклист: 1 Torture Circus 2 Truck 3 Eternal Gardens Of Pleasure 4 Death On The Road 5 Dark Wings 6 Dragonfly 7 Killer Kane
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400.00 Р 240.00 Р
progressive thrash metal
Треклист: 1 When You Were Still Alive 2 B.B.B.P. 3 Dreams Of Luther 4 Jaguar 5 It's Just Bleeding 6 Interview With The Beast 7 For Nobody But Me 8...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Vault Of The Mind 1:59 2 Through The Gates Of Torment 5:24 3 Key To The Night 5:53 4 Sacrificed 3:59 5 Shine 2:05
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
Дебютный альбом Витебской команды Unlucky Buried. Полчаса пулеметно-ориентированного brutal Esthetic death metal в лучших традициях Европейских грандов Vader, Decapitated, и Kataklysm! За основу взята американская манера исполнения, разорванная на куски и заново сшитая, теперь уже с добавлением собственноручно разработанных составляющих. В музыке Unlucky Buried присутствует многообразие сложных мясных зарисовок, вокальных изощрений (смачный гроул и истеричный скрим), неожиданных срывов в скоростные запилы и наоборот, понижение темпа до gore-лирических отступлений.
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400.00 Р
funeral doom / death metal, Moscow Funeral League
Unmercenaries – новое явление для отечественной doom-сцены. Проект Романа Gungrind и E.S. из регулярной death doom формации Who Dies In Siberian Slush является международным: ударные для альбома записал немец Юрген Фролинг (Absent/Minded и My Shameful), и вдобавок к этому партии чистого вокала для трека “Circle of Disbelief” исполнил Даниэль, лидер doom-проектов Eye of Solitude, Clouds и ряда других. Что можно было записать с таким сильным, подкованным по части медленного похоронного рока составом? Только материал на стыке death doom и funeral. Композитором на альбоме выступил Gungrind, поэтому можно почувствовать разницу между монументальным Unmercenaries и сухим, болезненным death doom от Who Dies In Siberian Slush
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
atmospheric funeral doom/ambient
Треклист: 01 A Letter From Perish To Suicide 4:59 02 Beside Of Solitude 7:42 03 Silent Falling 6:15 04 Perfume Of Decadence 10:01 05 Coup De Grace 6:23 06...
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733.33 Р
hardcore / noise rock, Relapse Records
NYC noise rock kingpins Unsane bombard the listener with punishing, abrasive music delivered with the subtlety of a head-on car crash. Blood Run administers immeasurable amounts of the band's unequalled combination of blood, guts and violence as vocalist/guitarist Chris Spencer's scraping guitar work and vocal angst is cemented by a pounding rhythm section and domineering air of volatile aggressiveness. Blood Run is a sordid soundtrack for the musical masochist.
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800.00 Р
traditional doom metal, Nine Records
The second full-length album from British, classic, traditional doom metal.
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666.67 Р
melodic doom death
Треклист: 1 The Last Day 7:04 2 The Burning Midnight 4:50 3 Transfiguration 6:15 4 Barricade 6:17 5 Echoes Awaken 5:02 6 Of What May Become 8:44 7 The Hour...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 La Poderosa Muerte 3 A Morbid Obsession 4 The Return Ov Sin 5 Godless Life 6 The Realm Inside 7 I Am Holocaust 8 Manifest 9...
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480.00 Р
grindcore, FONO ltd
Новый альбом от французской grind core формации! После убойного сплита с канадцами Nervous Impulse и шведами Anüs, в начале этого года, эти парни не стали откладывать дела в долгий ящик и выпустили свой новый альбом на More Hate Productions! Это абсолютно безумный материал в стилистике гипербыстрого грайндкора с постоянно меняющимся ритмом, от бешеных взрывных атак, до замедляющихся качовых эпизодов и даже злобного хардкора в среднем темпе. Материал точно не наскучит, ведь трэки редко достигают двух минут, а гитарные рифы довольно разнообразны. Ритм секция работает здесь как четко отлаженный швейцарский механизм, а вокалист смешивает истошные пронзительные крики, с поросячьим подхрюкиванием и глубоким гроулингом. Вообщем, все как доктор прописал. Такое ощущение, что ребята объелись кокаина, а скорость которую они производят, явно выходит из под их контроля!
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400.00 Р
pagan black
Треклист: 1 Lune Ensanglantée 5:40 2 Rêve Noir 4:15 3 Rois Des Tempêtes 5:06 4 Nature Indomptée 2:55 5 Rituel Obscur 6:47 6 Litha 13:30 7 Vers Le Chemin...
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800.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Dusktone
Through 4 tracks mixing funeral doom with ambient and darkwave, Until Death Overtakes Me explores the idea of life being incomplete unless it passes death's threshold. Antemortem (before death) is not a glorification of death, but focusses on the path to it. Life with its pains and terrors might long for the end, but could just as well explore the freedom that comes with accepting the inevitable. The contrast between heavy distorted guitars and ethereal ambient melodies mirrors life, but offers an open ending - is life a pained struggle, where one is shoved forwards, closer to death all the time, forcing one to blindly squeeze as much meaning out of every moment, or is it rather a calm stream that gently carries one to the completion of a journey that's best experienced with eyes wide open, regardless of what may come after? More likely, both aspects remain at play : primal instincts balanced by intelligent rationality. Antemortem is the first Until Death Overtakes Me album after a long hiatus, and forms a bridge between the periods before and after this break. The track 'Before' dates back to late 2003, 'Days Without Hope' is based on a track that's even older by several years, and best marks the point in time where Until Death Overtakes Me went from darkwave/doom to ambient funeral doom. On the other hand there are the tracks 'The Wait' and 'Inevitability', both from 2016. 'The Wait' is more a experimental, almost mechanical sounding epic, while 'Inevitability' is an instrumental marking the acceptance of the concept of 'Antemortem', as well as its conclusion.
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533.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Marche Funebre Productions
Треклист: 1 Cruel 2 They Never Hope 3 Careless, Painless, Far Away 4 This Dark Day 5 Departure 6 T.D.D. (Reprise)
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1 100.00 Р
ambient funeral doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Release as 6-pannel digipak
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733.33 Р
ambient funeral doom, Dusktone
Missing. What if the searchers falter, pass away? When none are left that hope to find even something to bury, to mourn. To be missing, to be never found. To never return, and fade away in the shadows of time. To become forgotten beyond all hope of recovery. Until Death Overtakes Me’s 2018 album contains over one hour of mournful funeral doom mixed with orchestral ambient. Missing, named after the song from Until Death Overtakes Me’s earlier years, continues the story of that old epic. In four tracks the concepts of loss and being lost are explored. There’s the tragedy on a personal level, of searchers that fail, grow old and find no closure. Of the one lost, stuck in nothingness, wanting to be found. But tragedy grows, touches all, and the music becomes the soundtrack to the funeral of mankind. Empty tones drifting over the desolation, echoing through empty canyons. All the searchers have gone, all those missing are forgotten. There’s no one left to remember, there’s no hope left. And when the proof and all remembrance of our existence is gone too, then have we truly been here at all? We’re already missing.
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466.67 Р 333.33 Р
funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Having expanded stuff up to three musicians, ukrainian band UNTIL MY FUNERALS BEGAN represent the second album. "Behind the window" continues ideas of the predecessor, however sounds more ripened and it is not deprived innovation.
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400.00 Р
funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1 Failure: At the Beginning 2 On the Path of Ashes 3 Into the Lake of Ghosts 4 Again, the Horizon 5 Failure: At the End
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1 000.00 Р
funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Massmurderers Heaven 2 Reanimation Of Hate 3 Breaking The Noise 4 Stick It Out 5 Fear 6 Neighbour In Hell 7 Liberation 8 Supernova Fake...
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400.00 Р
folk black metal
Folk influenced Black Metal meets raw epic Black Metal on this split album. UR FALC"H utilizes the essence of Black Metal while including various folk instruments to bring forth a raging storm. While HERETIC BLOOD produces aural elitism through waves of epic passages and violent tirades.
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400.00 Р 133.33 Р
industrial / black metal
Треклист: 1 I 2 II 3 III
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Doctrine Of Immortality 2 War Diary 3 Thy Will Not Be Done 4 Songs And Dances Of Death 5 Schism 6 Fire 7 Pillars Of Hercules 8...
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400.00 Р
black thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Disciples Of Supremacy 5:59 2 Sea Dogs 6:03 3 As The Shrapnel Rains 5:58 4 Nightwatch Heresy/De Bokkerijder 5:37 5 The Days Behind Iron 5:24 6...
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400.00 Р
black thrash
Треклист: 1 Eordscraeft - A Reckoning 1:24 2 Crusaders & Destroyers 3:07 3 Scourge (Of God) 4:17 4 Black Death 3:57 5 War Elite 4:21 6 Besieged Cities 4:02...
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