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melodic death metal, More Hate Productions
the reissue of the 5th studio album of one of the oldest Russian metal bands. The original release dated 2010 contained 12 tracks of symphonic melodic death metal inclusive of "The Ocean" - a cover version of a song originally performed by the Russian gothic metal legends Forgive-Me-Not. The re-issue contains additional bonus tracks: one previously unreleased recording and several songs from the bands early albums specially re-arranged and re-recorded for this release. According to the musicians, their music is a combination of melodic death, black and symphonic gothic metal.
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melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
A reissue of the debut album by NOCTICULA! The eternally-long beginning. This is how the debut album of this melodic black metal band from Gorlovka (Ukraine) released back in 2000 can be described many years later. In those days none of them could clearly describe the product they were cherishing and preparing to expose to the light of the day; they were young, persistent, dedicated and, above all, this album was their life, they were dreaming about it night and day. Finally with the assistance of an experienced sound engineer the band created this immortal opus that left a significant mark in the history of native black metal during its riotous and ardent adolescent days - an opus deserving attention of both the most cynical reviewer and the die-hard fan. The MC release of “Obitel...” was once distributed across the CIS states and the former-Soviet countries. 20 years later the time has come to re-release it in CD format with new artwork! Do not miss it!
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black metal, More Hate Productions
You are Nothing! The course of life itself expedites Inner Death - a total indifference, apathy and stupefaction. Feel the shreds of your freezing soul merge with the darkest caverns of the human mind that burn personality from within. “Inner Death” is the title of the new EP of the Swedish black metal band, born in November 2018 and released on CD early in 2021. Although the album was recorded two years ago, it has lost none of its relevance. The sound of thoughts tossing in agony, soul-tearing guitar riffs consisting of pure fury, bass attack and thunderous drums unleashes on listeners from the very beginning. The album can be recommended to the fans of the second wave of black metal. Generally mid-tempo music is filled with the familiar atmosphere of dark and cold woods of the North. Apparently endless, the polar night becomes day. A true cosmic sorcery! However the human destiny is inevitable... Birth, Life and certain Death! We remain eternally chained inside this vicious circle. The Inner Death. The Certain Death!
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pagan black metal, More Hate Productions
More Hate prod. presents the new work by the black metal duo from Kaliningrad. This is their third full-length album. The band has finally crystallized its style and sound and now it is consistently moving forward like a train on the rails. Steady mid-tempo melodic black metal abundantly flavored with pompous organ keys will take the listener to gloomy gothic Transylvania and further to the vastness of medieval France, where the main drama will unfold. There is neither evil, nor good, neither right, nor wrong here. Only the triumph of acquisitive and eternally explorative mind towering over the defeated dogmas of clericalism. The album is lyrically based on a poem by Ilya Maslov who has already became an iconic author.
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black metal, More Hate Productions
Russian black metal band INSANIS is back with their second album. Taking the best from Kvelertak, Midnight, Watain and Dissection, the band is rethinking its work, almost completely excluding death metal from its music, moving towards black-n-roll, while retaining its traditional melodic basis. The album will tell the listener about recklessness, dirt and alcohol - things that have stood in the way of the band from the very beginning and which have led some of its members to an unenviable position. In spite of everything, INSANIS continues on its way, enhancing the best that was in their previous releases.
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black metal, More Hate Productions
The first and, possibly, the only album of this project, recorded using a studio-ritual approach and conceived mainly as a canonical manifestation of the sub-genre known as OCCULT BM. The main direction in music and overall material of the project is the objective side of the entire class of spells that can be perceived from the point of view of a living person with the prospects of a god. The urge was to relinquish worshiping the goat and mid-tempo melancholy in favor of evil guitars and hardline machinery-endurable drums. The concept summoned the guardians of the four cardinal directions as well as the living persons from Distorted Reality Production. Initially the album was designed and composed in two parts, however the epidemiological situation played its role and the material was released in the extended form of the seven keys. The academic approach to the practice of high magic is in the foreground here, while the vocals are used only to aptly give voice to the cosmic-scale chimera in the digestible form of an almost classical guitar tuning. An increased heart rate is required to access the blast beat waveform perception.
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
"Bonded By Beer" is the name of the second full-length album of the thrash metal band from Kiev (Ukraine) that has been relentlessly bashing out in the name of rock-n-roll, beer and (naturally) Satan for 10 years in a row. The music of ZOMBIE ATTACK is a punky thrash metal with catchy guitar solos, easy-to-remember choruses and drums that will make your feet rug-cutting. The accelerating intro that prepares listeners to the burst of abandoned hilarity is followed by "Bonded By Beer" - virtually the hymn of Kiev thrash metal crowd. If you have never spilled beer to this song, that only means one thing - you have never seen ZOMBIE ATTACK live. The album includes such (un)godly tunes like "Hail Satan´s Command", "Satanic Barbeque", "Apocalyptic Rock´n´Roll" and "Anarchy 666", that guarantee there will be devils in Hell wishing to greet ZOMBIE ATTACK with tipsy drinks. In the aggregate, from the very first second of intro and up to the final antidogmatic "Non Servium" ZOMBIE ATTACK deliver intense, reviving, high-energy thrash metal that automatically makes you sing along, drink along, move, headbang and have a good time with your fellow metalheads. The album "Bonded By Beer" perfectly delivers pure energy generated during the live shows of the band and demonstrates that listeners definitely feel when the band gets a bang out of their music.
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doom death metal, Solitude Productions
CD in a cardboard sleeve. Limited edition of 300 copies. Compilation of Solitude Digital releases: SD. 011-19 Intaglio "The Memory Of Death" (Originally released as Digital Single on 27.12.2019) SD. 016-21 Without God "Siberian Tunes: The Green Light" (Originally released as Digital EP on 13.08.2021) SD. 017-21 Borboropsis "Decorticated Burial Of Delirium" (Originally released as Digital EP on 20.08.2021) SD. 018-21 Lorelei "Lux Aeterna" (Originally released as Digital Single on 30.12.2021)
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melodic death metal, FONO ltd
SUIDAKRA - немецкая группа, исполняющая melodic death metal с элементами кельтского фолка и использованием традиционных музыкальных инструментов, таких как волынка, банджо и жестяные свистки. "Emprise to Avalon" - пятый альбом немцев, вышедший в 2002 году на Century Media Records. Данный релиз является переизданием "Emprise to Avalon" с 3 бонус-треками и новым артворком. Тесное сплетение средневековья и фолка, кельтские мелодии, флейты и арфы, забойные гитарные соло и жесткие риффы - все, из чего состоит "Emprise to Avalon", посвященный легенданому Королю Артуру.
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gothic metal, FONO ltd
THEATRES DES VAMPIRES - итальянская gothic metal группа, сформированная в 1994 году. Начиная творческий путь с симфо-блэка, итальянцы постепенно пришли к более мягкому звучанию gothic метала, обозначив свой жанр как vampiric metal. "Candyland" - новый полноформатный альбом THEATRES DES VAMPIRES, вышедший спустя пять лет после предыдушей пластинки "Moonlight Waltz" (2011). Название альбома отсылает к комнате в печально известной лечебнице Pennhurst в Пенсильвании, описываемой пациентами как "ад на земле": в помещении с цветными стенами и решетками на окнах десятилетиями держали взрослых и детей с психическими расстройствами, скрывая от публичных взоров. На альбоме отметился вокалист MOONSPELL Фернанду Рибейру, Billy T. Cooper (вокалист итальянских индустриальных готик-металлистов J.T.R. SICKERT) и клавишник THE FORESHADOWING Франческо Состо.
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progressive metal, More Hate Productions
The second to last album of an instrumental one-man project was composed and recorded Evgeny Churkin in the middle of 2017. However for a number of reasons it is released only in the beginning of 2019. This album is a creative reflection of profound tragedy of patients with different neurological and mental conditions. Their storiesformed the basis for 9 album tracks. Each track is a separate story of search and comprehension of a self, as well as emotions and feelings – from tragedy to absurd – conveyed using eclectic musical instruments. Musically it is a combination of progressive doom, post-rock, trip-hop, psychedelic rock, ambient and avant-garde. At the end of the day it can be described as atmospheric-melancholic instrumental progressive doom with moods resembling such bands like In the Woods, Pink Floyd, Anathema, Portishead, Ulver...
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melodic speed / power metal, FONO ltd
Московская melodic speed/power metal группа ХРАНИТЕЛЬ существует с 2011 года и ведёт активную пропаганду мелодичных гармоний и скоростных риффов. Появилась на развалинах студенческого коллектива тульского андеграунда, существовавшего с 2007 по 2009 год. Идеологически группа ориентируется на историческую тематику с отечественным уклоном. Также, и в музыке, и в лирике часто фигурирует идеология рок-культуры и байкерской романтики. Стилистически группа балансирует на стыке направлений speed metal и power metal, но, не ограничивая себя рамками, затрагивает и другие рок-стилистики. "Дети Севера" - первая полноформатная работа группы ХРАНИТЕЛЬ, посвящённая Отечественной войне 1812 года, а также северным широтам, суровому холоду, человеческой стойкости и непокорному русскому нраву, для всех любителей мелодичного скоростного металла и просто хорошей музыки со смыслом.
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death metal, More Hate Productions
The first and the only full-length album of DEFLECTION (St. Petersburg) – one of the oldest Russian death metal bands! Until recently this album recorded back in March, 2000 existed in MC format only. Finally, 18 years after the original release this album comes out on a more modern medium! The material was remastered for CD format in November, 2017 at YARO (Yaroslav Smirnoff) studio. As compared to the original recording, the remastered version sounds much thicker. New “zombie”-artwork is also in place. Now you can enjoy true old school death metal in high quality and get nostalgic for the days when Death metal was blaring and popular throughout Russia!
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slamming brutal death metal, FONO ltd
Slamming brutal death metal band from the capital of Russian death metal famous for its non-standard timing is casking fat for the second time. New EP of slammers from Saratov is a prequel to their debut album that reveals the secret behind the events leading up to “Act I”. The lyrics centered around the biological catastrophe and survival in post-apocalyptic world are full of hate to every living thing. Melodies and rhythms flavored with sledgehammer dropped bass lines create the severe atmosphere of fighting for life. The duo demonstrates the unprecedented level of insane brutality sharing their slamming energy with every listener brave enough to insert this CD into a CD player and press “Play”. Tracks in tracklist have numbers from "-4" to "0". Drums recorded at Metalhearts Studio. Mixed and mastered at Death Crush Studio. Music and lyrics by Psychosurgical Intervention.
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power / heavy metal, FONO ltd
Demonstar is the second full-length album by the metal band RUBICON, which now includes French guitarist Bob Saliba (GALDERIA), bass guitarist and arranger Dmitry Belf (ИЗМОРОЗЬ, ASHEN LIGHT, IMPERIAL AGE, STIGMATIC CHORUS), as well as session American guitarist Richard Fischer (MIDNIGHT ETERNAL), thus turning it into an international project! The style of the album, based on the classic heavy/power metal of the American sample, includes a fairly wide palette of genres, periodically looking at the territory of doom, gothic and even black metal. A distinctive feature of RUBICON is also the charismatic vocals of the band's permanent frontman-Ivan Bulankov, in a manner reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson! This album can be recommended for listening to all fans of modern, high-quality, "unconventional " heavy/power metal!
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death metal / grindcore, FONO ltd
DEAD POINT - death metal/grindcore группа из Сочи, сформированная в 2010-ом году. В дискографии DEAD POINT две EP и четыре полноформатных альбома. "Concept of the Absurd" - пятый полноформатный альбом DEAD POINT, вышедший 2-го марта 2021-го. Сведением и мастерингом занимался барабанщик группы Руслан Дрейчук (также играющий в DR. FAUST). Записано в студии Absurd Death. Оформление - Артур Рябов. Техническая поддержка Руслан Андруханенко "RC music". CD jewel box with 8-page booklet
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melodic death / groove metal, FONO ltd
THE FALL OF CREATION - российская метал-группа, основанная в 2017 году в городе Калининград. В течение трех лет группа вела работу над сочинением и записью материала для своего дебютного альбома, а в 2020 году представила миру "Killer Inside" состоящий из 10 песен. Альбом выдержан в едином стиле и при этом разнообразен. Он включает в себя композиции как с быстрыми, агрессивными гитарными рифами и экстрим вокалом, так и медленные, лиричные с преобладанием чистого вокала. Тематика текстов песен построена на личных переживаниях, осознании и принятии своей человеческой сущности, поиске смысла жизни и просветления. CD jewel box with 12-page booklet
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modern metal, FONO ltd
DEMIND - музыкальный коллектив, сочетающий в себе элементы современной тяжелой метал музыки таких жанров как modern metal, nu-metal , melodic death metal и metalcore. Главной особенностью группы является мелодичность гитарных партий и вокала, разбавленных качевыми рифами и драйвовыми ударными. Каждый любитель рок музыки однозначно сможет что-то выделить для себя. И мы рады представить вашему вниманию дебютный альбом группы "Everything Changes", который состоит из 12 треков и 8-ми страничного буклета, и выходит 14 Сентября на лейбле Fono Ltd. Music by Artem “Tempa” & DEMIND Arrangements by DEMIND Lyrics by Artem “Tempa” Drums Recorded at Portal Records, Vologda, Russia by IGOR Sobolev Guitars, Bass and Vocals Recorded at DEMIND STUDIO Mixed and Mastered at NAVAHO STUDIO, Moscow, Russia by ARKADIY NAVAHO Produced by Arkadiy Navaho, Igor Sobolev, Artem “Tempa” Photos by Dmitriy Bezrukov Cover Art by Al.Ex {Mayhem Project Design} Layout Design by Artem “Tempa”
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prog / power metal, FONO ltd
VANISHING POINT - прогрессивная sympho/power metal группа из Австралии, сформированная в начале девяностых и известная как EYE, до прихода вокалиста Silvio Massaro и клавишника Pep Sammartino к середине 90-ых. С тех пор группа записала 5 полноформатных альбомов и провела немало времени в турах, будучи на саппорте GAMMA RAY, EDGUY и своих хороших друзей SONATA ARCTICA. Данный релиз является переизданием второго альбома австралийцев "Tangled In Dream", вышедшим в оригинале в 2000-ом году давно распроданным тиражом. Переиздание дополнено вторым диском, включающим десять бонусных треков, среди которых можно найти кавер-версии на песни групп PINK FLOYD и JOURNEY.
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hard rock / heavy metal, FONO ltd
MERTHERY – российская рок-группа из Уфы, образованная в 2006-ом году. Исполняет собственный материал в стилях хард-рок, хэви-металл с текстами на русском и английском языках. "Эскапизм" - второй полноформатный альбом MERTHERY, вышедший на ФОНО 25-го сентября. Альбом расскажет о различных проявлениях конфронтации человека и современного общества, мечте о лучшем месте в мире, бегстве из реальности: «Этот мир – твой палач, и ты вынужден бежать...». "Эскапизм" удачно сочетает общую концептуальность текстов с разнообразием музыкального выражения. Здесь и традиционные среднетемповые хэви-металлические вещи, и быстрые боевики, и баллады, запоминающиеся неповторимыми мелодиями. Музыка уже с первых риффов порабощает слушателя, а кульминация наступает в последней песне. Сами музыканты так комментируют новый релиз: «Заводите мотор вашей машины или оседлайте ваш байк и включите эти песни. И, возможно, вам тоже захочется хотя бы на день сменить однообразие жизни на пыль дорог и вкус свободы.»
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. "Feels Like Comin' Home" - пятый полноформатный альбом BONFIRE, вышедший в 1996-ом году на ныне закрытом немецком лэйбле LZ Records (который принадлежал самим музыкантам). Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records в 2018-ом году, включает четырнадцать треков и выпущено в формате CD с 8-страничным буклетом. jewel case with 8 page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. “Fuel to the Flames” – седьмой полноформатный альбом BONFIRE, вышедший в августе 1999-го года на лэйбле BMG International. Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records в 2017-ом году, прошло ремастеринг, дополнено двумя бонус-треками и выпущено в формате CD с 4-страничным буклетом. jewel case with 4 page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. “Rebel Soul” – шестой полноформатный альбом BONFIRE, вышедший в конце 1997-го года на ныне закрытом немецком лэйбле LZ Records (который принадлежал самим музыкантам). Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records в 2017-ом году, включает тринадцать треков и выпущено в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом. jewel case with 12 page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. “Strike Ten” – восьмой полноформатный альбом BONFIRE, вышедший в апреле 2001-го года на лэйбле BMG International. Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records в 2018-ом году, прошло ремастеринг, дополнено бонус-треком и выпущено в формате CD с 8-страничным буклетом. jewel case with 8 page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
BONFIRE - немецкая heavy metal группа, начавшая свой путь в 1972-ом году. Немцы начинали под названием CACUMEN и даже записали пару альбомов, но в 1986-ом сменили его на BONFIRE. В дискографии BONFIRE шестнадцать студийных альбомов, шесть концертников и столько же компиляций, ряд синглов, концертных DVD и бокс-сет, также у музыкантов много своих сольных проектов. “The Räuber” – одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом BONFIRE, вышедший в феврале 2008-го года на ныне закрытом немецком лэйбле LZ Records (который принадлежал самим музыкантам). Это концептуальный альбом со статусом рок-оперы. Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records в 2017-ом году, включает семнадцать треков и выпущено в формате CD с 8-страничным буклетом. jewel case with 8 page booklet
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gothic metal, FONO ltd
ANGEL - сольный gothic metal проект нидерландской вокалистки Helena Iren Michaelsen (IMPERIA, ex-TRAIL OF TEARS). Первый альбом ANGEL "A Woman's Diary - Chapter I" вышел в 2005-ом году на лэйбле Black Lotus Records. Лирика и музыка проекта наполнена персональными переживаниями и личными эмоциями. "A Woman’s Diary – Chapter II" - второй альбом ANGEL, вышедший 24-го июля 2020-го на Massacre Records. С продюсированием и записью всех инструментов помогал Oliver Philipps (EVERON, SATYRIAN), работавший с DELAIN, ANCIENT RITES и WOLVERINE. Мастерингом руководил Tom Müller, доводивший до ума альбомы BONFIRE, JADED HEART, ATROCITY. Обложкой и оформлением "A Woman’s Diary – Chapter II" занимался Jan Yrlund, чьи работы украшают релизы KORPIKLAANI, MANOWAR, AMBERIAN DAWN и многих других. jewel case with 12 page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
GOBLINS BLADE – немецкая heavy metal группа, сформированная в 2018-ом году бывшими и нынешними участниками групп MY DARKEST HATE, DESTILLERY и MYSTIC PROPHECY. Первым релизом группы стала 3-х песенная EP “Awakening” (2019), выпущенная собственными силами. “Of Angels and Snakes” – дебютный полноформатный альбом GOBLINS BLADE, вышедший 26-го июня 2020-го на Massacre Records. С продюсированием, сведением и мастерингом помогал Wolfgang Nillies из Earmastersound Studio, работавший с THY BLEEDING SKIES, THE MALICE и SACRIFICIUM. Обложку для “Of Angels and Snakes” нарисовал Dušan Marković, занимавшийся оформлением альбомов SORCERER, JAG PANZER и MYSTIC PROPHECY. jewel case with 8 page booklet
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black metal, FONO ltd
MIDNIGHT – американский one-man-band проект, активный с 2001-го года. Музыка представляет собой смесь из спид-метала, блэка и панка, а основателем проекта является Athenar (ex-BOULDER, ex-TERMINAL LOVERS, ex-DESTRUCTOR). В дискографии MIDNIGHT около двадцати демо, EP, сплитов и компиляций и три полноформатных альбома. “Rebirth by Blasphemy” – четвертый полноформатный альбом MIDNIGHT, вышедший 24-го января 2020-го на Metal Blade Records. С записью и сведением помогал Noah Buchanan (NUNSLAUGHTER, SOLIPSIST), мастерингом занимался Brad Boatright (FROM ASHES RISE, ex-DEATHREAT) работавший с TWITCHING TONGUES, RINGWORM, INTEGRITY и многими другими. jewel case with 12 page booklet
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
POLTERGEIST – thrash metal группа из Швейцарии, сформированная в 1983-ем году. Первое время группа существовала под названием CARRION (выпустив пару демок и альбом “Evil Is There!”), но в 1986-ом сменила название на POLTERGEIST, прекратив деятельность в 1994-ом году. Реюнион POLTERGEIST состоялся в 2013-ом, а из оригинального состава остался гитарист V.O. Pulver и вокалист André Grieder. В дискографии группы несколько демок и синглов, один сплит 7’’ и четыре полноформатных альбома. “Feather of Truth” – пятый полноформатный альбом POLTERGEIST, вышедший на Massacre Records 3-го июля 2020-го года. Сведением и мастерингом V.O. Pulver занимался на собственной студии Little Creek Studio, где также работали над альбомами DESTRUCTION, BURNING WITCHES и PRO-PAIN. Обложку к альбому нарисовал Roberto Toderico, работавший с PESTILENCE, SINISTER, TYGERS OF PAN TANG (также оформивший предыдущий альбом POLTERGEIST “Back to Haunt”). Packaged in a jewel case, a 12-page booklet.
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folk black metal, FONO ltd
PRIMORDIAL - ирландская folk/black metal группа, основанная в 1987 году. PRIMORDIAL стала первой black metal командой, вышедшей из Ирландии, - наряду с другой ирландской группой CRUACHAN, которая также вполне активно комбинировала свою музыку с блэком, но ориентировалась скорее на фолк-составляющую, нежели PRIMORDIAL, делающую ставку на экстремальный звук. "Exile Amongst the Ruins" - девятый полноформатный альбом ирландцев, запись которого велась на нескольких ирландских студиях, а итоговым мастерингом занимался Chris Common, бывший барабанщик THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES, работавший над альбомами групп EXHUMED, PELICAN, AMENRA и других. Packaged in a jewel case, a 16-page booklet
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experimental metal, FONO ltd
CANDIRIA - американская метал-команда, жанровую принадлежность которой сложно определить однозначно. Выходцы из Бруклина с 1992-го года и по сей день формируют уникальный стиль, в котором смешался хардкор, прогрессивный метал и хип-хоп, с немалой долей джазовых ходов и эмбиента, плотно закрепив за собой статус уважаемых в андеграунде. В 2002-ом году группа попала в страшнейшую аварию, последствия которой были отражены на альбоме "What Doesn't Kill You..." (2004), ставшим одним из самых сильных релизов группы. В дискографии CANDIRIA семь полноформатных альбомов, пара EP и семерок, почти все музыканты группы имеют сайд-проекты. "While They Were Sleeping" - восьмой полноформатный альбом CANDIRIA, хранивших молчание почти шесть лет. Сведением альбома занимался Dan Korneff из Sonic Debris Recording Studio, работавший с ALL THAT REMAINS и MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, мастеринг проходил на Sound Bites Dog Mastering.
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heavy metal, More Hate Productions
Дебютная работа студийного, на данный момент, проекта из города Санкт-Петербурга. Группа исполняет минималистичную по своей структуре, но мощную и взрывную смесь рок-н-ролла, хард рока и хеви метала, без каких либо прикрас, в сыром андеграундном варианте. Тематика песен – настоящий рок-н-ролл: азартные игры, оружие, Дикий Запад, байкеры, выпивка и т.п. На альбоме представлены 9 убойных треков, общей длительностью около 35 минут. По стилю группа чрезвычайно близка к Motorhead, как по звучанию, так и по настроению! Здесь Вам гарантированы отличные и запоминающиеся гитарные риффы, проламывающая все на своем пути бронебойная ритм секция и острый как лезвие и одновременно шершавый, как наждачная бумага вокал! И конечно же, самое главное, что есть у PORTFIRE - это адски-заводной и хитовый музыкальный материал! CD, 4 page booklet for jewel case, 500 copies
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thrash / death / progressive metal
Переиздание дебютного, но уникального и достаточно яркого альбома уфимской формации Zerber, однажды всколыхнувших темные души меломанов из начала 00-х. Группа конечно же во всю процветает и сейчас, радуя своих поклонников как живыми выступлениями, так и новыми записями, но именно в 2003-м явили своего первенца эти оригинальные исполнители, набравшие себе армию поклонников ни чем иным, как смешением музыкальных жанров мелодично-тяжелого рока, кусачими риффами и не менее оригинальной, в те неблизкие уже ныне "нулевые" годы, тевтонско-звериной лирикой. Откуда явился на башкирской земле (после Спивакова, Губина, Шевчука и Земфиры) сей чудный, да задорно срубленный тяжмет? Ответ расшифрован лишь спустя годы в последующих работах, которых в будущем так же ждут переиздания. Впрочем, данный дебют так же несет в себе очень много смысла и для уфимской сцены имеет чуть ли не историческое значение, а сам диск прошел небольшой ремастеринг и имеет множество бонусов, что продлевает время звучания до максимума.
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death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by a death metal band from Finland. The band combines different genres of metal music, however the cornerstone of the album is easily recognizable death metal from the 90s. Nevertheless the musicians do not dwell on playing classic Swedish-style brutal riffs and using low growling alone. BLOODSHED ASSAULT strives for its own distinct sound. The main goal of the band is to play something unique regardless of anybody elses opinion. Walking their own death metal path the musicians experiment with melodies and acoustic guitar lines unexpected for this genre, adding some atmosphere and transparency to their rather heavy sound. And, of course, you can hardly fail to note colorful cover and booklet artwork created by Askold from Godlike Ikons! His art has always been distinguished by profound symbolism, emphasis on details and surrealistic plots. This work is no exception!
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black / pagan metal, More Hate Productions
Debut full-length album by LUTOWRAT (Tomsk, Russia) is a kind of compilation summarizing three years of bands existence. The band plays heathen metal – a combination of fury and speed of black metal with atmosphere and melodiousness characteristic of pagan metal. The lyrics are based on sagas about the ancient heroes and gods of the Baltic Sea region along with anticlerical and pagan subjects. The album begins with bass intro plunging listeners into the dark atmosphere of the early medieval pre-christian Baltic Sea region. The intro is followed by the squall of guitar riffs and blastbeats alternating with melodic lines and atmospheric guitar picking. The most songs on the album can be characterized by tough black metal guitar riffing and angry truculent screaming. The CD also includes a cover version of "Ulfhednir Todesschwadron" originally performed by Teutonic knights from ABSURD. LUTOWRAT play their interpretation of this song on each show paying homage to the band whose music has become the most influential for their own style!
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death metal, More Hate Productions
Metalheads from Sevastopol present their fifth studio album titled "Lunar Fields"! In terms of music it is an out-of-time release standing far from modern musical trends. However, it is by no means obsolete. The main goal of the band was to comprehend almost three decades of development of death metal genre and to demonstrate its own signature style, identity and atmosphere. It should be noted that NAVALM has never tried to copy any bands or duplicate the success of their previous works. The band plays break-neck, mighty and high quality death metal with technical yet melodic riffs, catchy harmonies, rich and low growling, emotional lead guitar and massive thick rhythm section. "Lunar Fields" will hit the taste of fans of different extreme metal genres – everyone will find something interesting in it.
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melodic groove metal / hardcore, More Hate Productions
The third full-length album of a band form Kostroma, Russia. This album presents the new sound of the band – now it can be called metal or groove rather than alternative. The CD includes seven new songs and a re-recorded EP "Pustota" (Emptiness), 2004 that has become darker and tougher with a new sound. The lyrics deal with acute social issues, addressing them from various angles, thus showing the listener that very two ways to choose from. The music can be characterized as a combination of old-school metal riffs and modern sound. The vocal has also been treated more seriously – numerous backing vocal tracks and different inserts contribute to general lively atmosphere that keeps listeners in suspense throughout the whole length of the album.
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thrash / groove metal, More Hate Productions
Debut full-length album of a new band from Moscow. This trio plays an unexpected (in our time) combination of proto doom, traditional reckless thrash and tough groove metal from the 90s. MURDER DISTRICT draws inspiration from such bands like BLACK SABBATH, PANTERA, CANDLEMASS and RAISE HELL not to speak of heavy music of 70s and 80s. Venomously pulsating guitar shredding, expressive harsh vocals spitting with anger, dimensional groovy sound and definition-improving rhythm section exercises –everything is put in its place. The album includes seven Russian-language songs with black humor lyrics, a cover version of a song originally performed by the canonical doom metal band PENTAGRAM with new arrangement, and one new song recorded specially for this CD and yet unavailable on the Internet! The CD release includes 12-page booklet designed by El Negro Metal Art and illustrating each album track.
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melodic death metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length album of a melodic death metal band from Saint Petersburg! Thanks to frequent and successful live shows and the debut album released in 2016 the band has already become well-known in its hometown. On the new release RECLAIM THE FUTURE have continued the development of their style based on easily recognizable melodic death metal in the vein of IN FLAMES and DARK TRANQUILITY when these bands were far from progressive and post metal. One can call it generic, others will say this kind of music has already been played and heard. This may be true, but despite triviality and evident abundance of clichés in the genre itself the band went through a lot of hard work and released really powerful and attractive material! The songs are a string of hits; they meet almost every expectation of melodic death metal fans: fast and catchy riffs, melodic and touching guitar solos, metronome-like work of the rhythm section and, of course, the cherry on the cake – charismatic and emotional vocals! And, most notably, the composers work is amazing – the material sounds fresh and innovative, breeding no rejection – it is nice listening to it and even singing along! Definite BRAVO to the musicians from Saint Petersburg!
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The second full-length album of a mathcore band from Udmurtia with a funny name SMILE A VELOCIRAPTOR! The album is titled "ViolenceRaptor" – this title has no specific translation – it is a kind of play on two words – Violence and Raptor, - a parody of scientific definition of dinosaurs that lived long before our era. The musicians did a great job aiming for their own prominently individual sound dissimilar from other bands. With a view to going beyond all and any particular constraints the musicians use them when they want to add some discordance to the harmony generally prevailing in their music. The lyrics of the album are a kind of compilation of comic stories with the same idea: “The order is always seeking to become chaos”. The music of SMILE A VELOCIRAPTOR is characterized by high speed, frequent rhythm changes now and then turning to total arrhythmia and even jazz. Deathcore and grindcore roots of the band are also evident! Broadly speaking it is a spawn of Entropy and extreme Technicality! “Grinch Law” features Vlad Lobanov (VECTOR OF UNDERGROUND).
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symphonic metal, FONO ltd
СОZНАНИЕ - российская symphonic metal группа, образованная музыкантами из городов Самара и Тольятти. Музыка группы - это мощный сплав современного metal-саунда с насыщенными многогранными аранжировками, взрывными гитарными соло и женским академическим вокалом. "Перед рассветом" - дебютный альбом группы СОZНАНИЕ. В нем есть как холод севера, так и пряный аромат востока, обрамленный звуками ситара и дудука. В лирике философские размышления о жизни и смерти соседствуют с мифологией и легендой. Здесь грусть под мелодии флейты в лучах утреннего солнца сменяется яростью битвы среди бушующей стихии и безумием пляски в отблесках пламени...
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brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
Russian brutal death metal veterans from Perm decided to make a present to their fans and put together the best stuff of the band over the past 19 years. This compilation includes 27 killer songs taken from 5 albums released so far. The arsenal of the band is also presented by extra DVD with two live shows: a 17-track set performed in Ekaterinburg (2015) and a multi-camera 11-track set performed in Perm – the hometown of ABORTED FETUS – back in 2012. The DVD also includes a gift set of 5 official promo videos taken from different albums: Nailed To The Cross, Blinded By The Flame, Private Judgment Day, Aquarium With Dead Souls and Autofagus. This retrospective release will take you on a journey through history of the band – follow the path travelled by ABORTED FETUS to date. This CD is sure to impress the fans of brutal death metal with songs performed in the best traditions of the genre. Standard double jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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progressive rock, FONO ltd
Прогрессив-рок трио TS3 образовано в мае 2017 года в Санкт-Петербурге музыкантами заметных локальных групп RETRIAL (Владимир Куликов – вокал, гитара) и VERGELTUNG (Дмитрий Прилуков – бас, Евгений Трефилов – барабаны). Толчком к созданию группы послужило совместное желание исполнять 100% живую музыку без предварительно записанных трэков в составе классического пауэр-трио (бас-гитара-барабаны). Тем не менее, музыка TS3 далека от минимализма в любом понимании – группа пускается в продуманные импровизации на фоне полиритмов и сложных размеров, не забывая о песенной форме и мелодике. Группа активно выступает в Санкт-Петербурге, а также уже три раза играла в Эстонии. Дебютный альбом “Arrival” записан и сведен в соответствии с современными веяниями на собственной diy студии TS3. Лирика посвящена таким важным вопросам, как орнитология, ликантропия и цирковое искусство. Также в записи приняли гостевое участие музыканты групп SOPOR (Елена Фенева) и ROZ VITALIS (Леонид Перевалов и Иван Розмаинский). CD jewel box, 8-page booklet
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death metal, FONO ltd
Альбом “The Portrait Of Sufferings” включает в себя 9 песен. Запись проходила на FatCrub Studio, над мастерингом работал Константин Алагерев. Вокалист Andrey "Ind" принял участие в записи альбома как сессионный музыкант, написавший также тексты к 5-ти песням.
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industrial metal, More Hate Productions
The ninth album of industrial metal band from Rybinsk. Morok is not only the sole and absolute owner of the project and the author of all music of this band – currently he is an active member of the iconic German dark metal/ dsbm band BETHLEHEM. Despite this commitment he still finds the time for his brainchild! The new album titled “In a Dark Time” is an explosive mix of industrial metal, math-core and metal-core. Clean signing is reduced to a minimum giving way to harsh and fry vocals. The song “Difficult Death” features guest vocals from DESERT singer Alex (Israel). The music on this album is way more intense and heavier than any previous works of Morok. This time the record has live drums! Beyond all doubt this album is the best effort of Morok as a mastermind of BOG MOROK.
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
More Hate productions proudly presents the album of metal maniacs from Volgograd. All tracks are saturated withmasculinity in the best sense of the word. It is a pure metal – straightforward, honest, full hearted and without even a slightest bit of acquiescence. “Killing for Escape” embodies the best ideas generated by the band over the years: furious and mighty thrash metal, modern wave of recent years, a tiny bit of groove and some hardcore. Such a wide palette contributes to ingenuity of the band. Although the influence of such bands like NEVERMORE (the coolest multilayered riffery), SLAYER (infernal delivery), LAMB OF GOD (groove, more groove and yet more GROOVE!) is evident, the final product is fierce as Hell. This release is a must have for every self-respecting headbanger! The lyrics have no general concept: each song is a separate story about acute social problems (‘Killing for Escape’, ‘Lost’, ‘Za Gorizont’), futuristic (‘Kings of Nothing Life’), mystical (‘Final Prayer’) and war-historical (‘Dead Man Attack’) issues. Broadly speaking the songs are from the people and about people.
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death metal, More Hate Productions
More Hate productions presents the long awaited album of the sound extremists from Saint Petersburg! The second full-length release demonstrates qualitative growth of the band on all fronts and its new face. Earlier anarchic and razor-sharp combination of black metal and punk hardcore turned into pure death metal with its dark nature. Thick wall of quality sound, nailing blast beats and bass drum chirring, solid and tough riffs, constantly pressing groove and low vocals create grim atmosphere of coming darkness, horror and finitude of all things! The album was mixed and mastered at REDNECK REC. Logo and artwork by MOSAEYE ART & DESIGN. Produced by IZPECHI PROD. Guest vocals in ‘Darkness Grinds Within’ – Ilya Rozhkov, the choir of witches in ‘Clench The Flame’ – Elena Vladimirovna, Ksenya Moiseeva, Anastasya Gorodetskaya. ...DARKNESS LIES WITHIN ALL OF US RUTHLESS AND GRIM, COLD AND INDIFFERENT, AND SOMETIMES IT ROARS INSIDE TRYING TO BREAK FREE AND FLOOD THIS WORLD...
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black metal, More Hate Productions
More Hate productions presents the reissue of the second previously self-released album by the Swedish black metal band recorded back in 2017. The concept behind HLADOMRAK is the personification of the dark side of nature, absolutely indifferent to the human kind, born in ever-frozen ground under the dark roots of the North. Originally a one-man band, with this album the project turns into a full-fledged trio playing a cold and biting type of old-school black metal free from any modern inclusions and outside-genre influences. It is a pure northern black metal, mainly mid-tempo, with evil screaming and quaint guitar riffs rocking like trees in a dark Scandinavian wood with distorted bass in the background. Everything sounds helluva raw, authentic yet professional! Several songs have Russian-language lyrics as both permanent members of the project are Russian emigrants from the Baltic states!rent tray.
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hard’n’heavy, FONO ltd
У любителей аутентичного hard'n'heavy есть хороший повод обновить свои плей-листы - московская банда PERFECT CRIME выпустила свой второй по счету (но не по значимости) полноформатный альбом «The Battlefield». Работа над альбомом продолжалась больше года и в результате музыкантам удалось несколько раздвинуть рамки стиля своей музыки в сравнении со своим предыдущим LP, при этом ревностно следуя основным тенденциям и атмосфере направления hard'n'heavy музыки. Композиции, входящие в состав альбома, изобилуют агрессивными гитарными риффами и мелодичными соло, при этом музыканты уделили большое внимание звучанию в целом, им удалось добиться компромисса между классическим "old school" и современным саундом! CD jewel box, 16-page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
Группа ЭЙДОЛ выпустила новый полноформатный альбом - «Анабиоз». Космическая концепция данной работы направляет нас на размышления о вечности и быстротечности земного времени В релизе были предприняты серьёзные шаги к поиску нового звучания. Добавляя мощные электронные аранжировки, новые ритмические решения и темы песен, коллектив постарался сохранить присущую ему мелодику. С целью подчеркнуть связь настоящего с прошлым, в интро к альбому намеренно заложена отсылка к предыдущей полноформатной работе группы - «Книге снов». Внимательный слушатель обязательно обнаружит эту перекличку времён.
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death metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length album of the band from Izhevsk (Russia) playing bone-crushing death metal in the vein of Scandinavian titans Amon Amarth and Unleashed! Beyond all doubt it is their best and heaviest album to date! Despite the apparent straightforwardness, brutality and vigor, the album is equally melodic and stands out from the competitors owing to really interesting and diverse guitar lines evident from the very first album tracks.Professional and solid sound characteristic of this genre is in place: skin-tearing power saw of guitar riffery, rumbling massive bass, cannonade of drums and boiling lava of deep growl scorching all flesh. The vocalist proclaims the impending Judgement Day and total ammonification of everything. A great example of genuine andharsh death metal!
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black death metal, More Hate Productions
The first album of a Russian black metal band INSANIS. This work is the result of the first five years of the bands existence. It represents a fusion of post-black and swinging death metal. The release will plunge the listener into the atmosphere of an oppressive detachment from the world and will put him face to face with gloomy figures dwelling beyond our existence. The chaosophic ideas interlaced with the canvas of the album and passed through the bands members broaden the horizon of feelings begotten by this work and set the audience not to an undisturbed contemplation of the universe, but more likely to a burst of wild emotions from its destruction. Playing black metal in its unusual manifestations INSANIS keeps the audiences attention to the material increased and produces strange, audacious and always surprising interpretations of the genre.
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
"Искавший Зла" - дебютный релиз группы HYPOPHYSIS из Комсомольска-на-Амуре. На записи команда попыталась сочетать такие составляющие пауэра как традиционный вокал, хоровые припевы, мелодичные соляки и т.д., с тяжелыми трэшовыми риффами и незначительными прогрессивными вкраплениями, (дабы был смысл переслушать треки еще и еще раз) - с середины 90-х такое сочетание называют dark power metal, что очень близко по смыслу. В песнях описаны различные исторические и фантастические события, повествующие о несовершенстве устройства человеческого общества, об отсутствии влияния времени на поведение и мышление людей, о хрупкости человеческой жизни. Авторы не ставили целью вызвать гнетущие чувства у слушателя, а лишь напомнить о ценности жизни и поиске в ней всего самого прекрасного и настоящего.
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
The second full-length album of the band originating from the outskirts of Russia (Komsomolsk- on-Amur) currently based in St. Petersburg where it comes in full force. With this work the band raises the bar. Might, aggression and pure fury – these are the trademarks of BLACK SOUL BLADE. In order to share these feelings with the listeners and make them headbang with every album track the guys beat the bag out of their music – it embodies the elements of thrash, groove, death and technical metal. However BLACK SOUL BLADE looks beyond the metal genre and draws inspiration from music in general. In search of identity the band creates a vortex of different musical genres. This insane album will definitely hit the taste of the fans of both time-honored PANTERA and present-day SEPULTURA and SOULFLY!
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death metal, More Hate Productions
Debut full-length album of Brazilian death metal band featuring former members of such local bands like BYWAR and ZOLTAR. "Black Sun" is not just another death metal album from Brazil restricted by framework of the genre. Along with musical pressure and high quality performance the music of WARSHIPPER has many progressive elements, amazing melodies and enigmatically beautiful guitar lines, while clear sound and professional recording create atmosphere of the dark side of cosmic power, unexplored depths of the universes far away, blistering cold of defunct suns and dying galaxies.
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doom death metal, Solitude Productions
It has originally been recorded in 2002 but until now worldwide fans couldn’t get their hands on the recording. The album is limited to 1000 and represents the Great Doom-Death with Black. The album also includes bonus “Without God” – the cover of the legendary Katatonia song and has already gotten good reviews in some Russian conducting magazines. The song “Autumn River” is now being played on radio.
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melodic death doom, Solitude Productions
The most recent work of this very moment of Russian doom-metal legend from Novgorod - Ekklesiast. "Coldness" tells us the fifty-minute story about life and death, about joy and sadness. This story has been created with harmonious combination of melodic death-doom and marvelous lyrics. The lyrics of the band are being considered as the most sincere and the most thoughtful ones in Russian doom-metal scene (and in the whole heavy music scene in Russia).The music of Ekklesiast will get deep into your soul and the lyrics - deep into your heart.
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cult funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Long awaited re-release of cult Hierophant compilation which has previously been released on CD-R only, limited to 135 copies and became very rare these days. “The Tome” consist of 3EP’s ("Hierophant", "The Weight Of Winter" & "Autumn Dusk") and released on Gold CD with new layout designed by Xathagorra Mlandroth (Catacombs) itself.
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melodic death doom, Solitude Productions
Past members of Ocean of Sorrow are now back with a new project of their own - Revelations of Rain! This melodic death-doom is very close to both old-school bands like My Dying Bride and new-wave European doom-death (Swallow the Sun, Mourning Beloveth). The lyrics, which are written in Russian have a very deep sense and greatly combine with heavy but melodic music of the band that continues the very best traditions of death-doom school.
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cult funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions is proud to present the re-release of EP of a cult project leaded by Xathagorra Mlandroth (Hierophant). This mini-album has previously been released on a CD-R only, limited to 500 copies and managed to become a rarity among funeral-doom fans. "Echoes Through the Catacombs" has been re-released with 2 remastered bonus tracks and new design, created by Xathagorra Mlandroth.
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sludge doom metal, Solitude Productions
Brand new (already third in a row) album by the Dutch riff masters of sludge/doom! Contribution of The Void Studio (known from such bands as Celestial Season, Motorpsycho, etc.) where the album has been recorded, mixed and produced made it possible for the band to reach a new level, presenting the listeners amazing and heavy sound. Compared to the previous record: From Cosmos to Chaos, the music became more brutal and destructive. Presence of mature musical skills, make the band one of the representatives of the genre. Finally, this release comes with a poster by Interzone.
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doom death, Solitude Productions
The second, self-titled album of russian doom/death metal band Revelations of Rain (Otkroveniya Dozhdya). Professionally recorded by extended to quintet line-up at Primordial Studio (known for such bands as Abstract Spirit and Twilight Is Mine) album became a new step in the band"s progress. Compared to the previous record, new material shows a conversion to more melodic and at the same time more gloomy and dismal side of doom/death metal. Highly recommended for fans of such bands as Officium Triste and Mourning Beloveth. in english - Revelations Of Rain - Revelations Of Rain in russian - Откровения Дождя - Откровения Дождя
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$9.00 $7.00
epic funeral doom, Solitude Productions
This brand-new work of the mysterious Ea continuous to suck the listener in a unique atmosphere, creating epic music based on Funeral Doom in a style of Shape Of Despair and Monolithe with noticeable classical influences. Acoustic parts, melodical solo’s and ambient pieces with increasing sounds of an organ are being used again. While collecting great reviews from the listeners and critics all over the world, the band is ready to invite new listeners, those who are ready to touch the mystery of faded times.
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funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Album “Tragedy And Weeds” has become a new era in the bands work, denoting the transition to a new, high quality sound, more thoughtful material, and the desire to mature. The team once again became a trio, but the Abstract Spirit has ceased from a side project of famous musicians to a full band, performing live shows. “Tragedy And Weeds” is the same sludgy funeral doom, full of fleeting touches of depressive black. Melodies, filled with despair, and if is filled with schizophrenic delusions, evokes feelings of anxiety and fear, casting the listeners down into the abyss of despair. The sound of wind instruments resemble the old, sad, funeral orchestra, accompanying the low belly growl, hysterical cries and sepulchral recitative. All this gives birth to a unique atmosphere Abstract Spirit!
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atmospheric doom death metal, BadMoodMan Music
The latest work of this one-man-band band from Moscow presents atmospheric doom-death with lyrics in Russian. Unlike in older demo-recordings, now heavy guitar riffs dominate in music and growlings are activly used.
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pagan metal / doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work of this famous underground band from Surgut. It is the first album in band"s history where only lyrics in Russian are used. "To Solitude" presents us pagan-metal with influence of doom-metal like Katatonia and emotional-rock like late Anathema.
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dark metal / doom, BadMoodMan Music
Unique album of a duet from Ukraine for the present time. The unusual music inspired by the most innovative and disputable My Dying Bride album "34.788%... Complete". "Dry Our Fears", undoubtedly, differs from the prototype with more psychodelic atmosphere, enveloping sounding and intelligence of performance. Painful music of Necrotic Trust opens to the listener the most dark corners of human soul.
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atmospheric dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
Kauan presents its debut eclectic album which has incorporated such different styles as dark-folk, black-metal and doom-metal. In "Lumikuuro" it is possible to find echoes of Shape Of Despair music ( “Shades Of …” period), Agalloch, early Empyrium and Tenhi. The album is based on the lyrics written in Finnish language.
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melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut conceptual album of Moscow band The Morningside unwraps before the listener the cloth which has embodied all shades of autumn, filled by light grief and a melancholy. The rich musical material has incorporated set of black metal and doom metal styles. The Morningside music will suit fans of Katatonia ("Brave Murder Day" period), Agalloch and Opeth, and everyone who like dark, sincere music.
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depressive black / black doom, BadMoodMan Music
New work from the talented Ukrainian depressive black metal band. This time Raventale demostrate us a transition to black doom side, still preserving their inimitable atmosphere and melodiousness. Combining fury and coldness of black metal with melancholic loneliness of doom metal, in addition with some elements of ambient, the band rises up on a new level of quality. The beautiful lyrics make the new album "Long Passed Days" more attractive for all lovers of the voluptuous side of black metal.
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melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music

The second long-awaited album by Russian masters of melancholic metal, The Morningside "Moving Crosscurrent Of Time", holds the direction chosen at the debut band album demonstrating combination of lyrical and heavy compositions touched with the mood of slight sorrow. New The Morningside work also demonstrates tendency to melodic complication while fragmental parties of atmospheric keyboards associating with Eduard Artemyev’s works ("Solaris", "Stalker") add depth to the album sound. The essential part of this album is inspired by Ray Bradbury’ novel "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Brand new album of The Morningside will be a perfect present both for old band’s fans and for all those Katatonia and Agalloch fans longing for a breath of autumn air filled with fallen leaves smell. The album is issued on a gold-plated CD with pit-art.

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black doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
New Raventale album "Mortal Aspirations" demonstrates the final of band’s transformation from depressive black/pagan metal to black doom metal. The music became more rigid and cold. Power guitar riffs framed by atmospheric keyboards are able to veil the listener with the gloom of night and take away to the world which has never been seen before. "Mortal Aspirations" also features exclusively English lyrics which evolve from panegyric on nature to inner feelings and emotional experiences.
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$10.00 $7.00
doom / death metal
Tracklist: I Dead Trees II Bow Down III The Ember Of The End IV From The Ashes V Dark Phoenix Rising VI Hunger (CD bonus) VII Dark Phoenix Rising (CD...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Einklang 4:12 2 Der Donner Wird Vater 4:35 3 Die Geschichte Vom Abgeschiedenen Leben 2:42 4 Des Waldes Letzter Zug (Ein Siegeszug) 4:22 5...
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dark electro
Tracklist: 1 Babylon 2:58 2 Nations 3:23 3 Killer 2:50 4 Border Line 3:59 5 Revolution Part 1 4:09 6 My Dream 3:54 7 Sleepin' On A Satellite 3:47 8...
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$10.00 $7.00
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Blutrausch 3 Chains Of Eradication 4 Rhapsody Of Fallen Angels 5 Morbid Heart 6 Cemetary BloodAltar 7 Screams Of The Forgotten 8...
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progressive melancholic metal
Tracklist: 1 ...And I 2 Fluid Hollow 3 Unlock The Door 4 Christmas 5 Berlin 6 After The Wave 7 Broken Glasses 8 Crumbled From Stars
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cult death metal
Tracklist: 1 Abomination 2 Young Burial 3 Black Apparition 4 Chainsaw Lust 5 Death Is Fun 6 Intense Mutilation 7 Autopsy On The Living Dead 8...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 And You Will Live In Terror 5:22 2 They Dwell Beneath 4:26 3 It Lives In The Woods 3:24 4 Black Blood Vomitorium 2:37
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doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Ignorance Is Bliss 10:35 2 In Your Fragrance 10:05 3 When I'm In You 6:55 4 I Hate Your Lies 10:29 5 Selfish To The Bone 12:53 6 No Empty Words...
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technical brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Man-I-C 2:03 2 DTM 1:31 3 Zaporojets 2:07 4 Death-Meta-Logic 2:04 5 BPM 1:31 6 NOISMETAL 1:31 7 No, Cut And Drag 1:35 8 Computer Illiterate...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Reflection Of The Cursed Soul 2 When Immortal Came Down The Earth 3 Forests Of Eternal Memories 4 Raven Eyes Belongs To Him 5...
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pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Głos rogu 3:46 2 Gniazdo 4:42 3 Piastun 5:39 4 Wstań synu! 5:13 5 By nigdy nie poddali się! 5:15 6 Ten dzień 4:13 7 Jeszcze powróci 4:01 8...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Caligula 2 Only Death Rules Here 3 Concordia Cemetery Desecrations 4 The Last Devil In Hell 5 Dark Gardens Of Eternal War 6 Satanic Hunt...
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cult technical death thrash
Tracklist: 1 Technocarnivore Mothermouth 3:31 2 Love, Die, Ressurect 3:56 3 Such A Quiet River 4:04 4 Devil In My Eyes 3:43 5 Coercive Currents 3:37 6...
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depressive rock / metal
Tracklist: 1 Breeze Of My Heart 3:22 2 Overcome 6:17 3 Erased 4:39 4 No Sense Of Me 3:51 5 Sealed With A Kiss 5:11 6 The Last Illusion 6:16 7 Same Sequence...
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psychedelic dark rock
Tracklist: 1 Eternal Child 2 Madness 3 Illusion 4 Prison Head 5 Rats Know 6 Ten Drops 7 First Dawn 8 Hidden Man 9 Today 10 Euphoria
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: Act 1 1 Dávne Svedectvá (The Ancient Testimonies) 2 Perunov Hromový Oheň (Perun's Thundering Fire) 3 Vpád Do Zeme Darmonov (Invasion In The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Loathing 5:54 2 Beyond The Threshold 7:26 3 Throes Of Abjection 5:50 4 (Of Manifest Attrition) 4:33 5 Paradigm Of Decay 7:06 6 The Becoming Of...
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blask Białej Idei 9:40 2 Wola Wiecznej Walki 9:59 3 Odrodzenie 4:54 4 Rozpłomień Wielkości 8:07 5 Urodzeni By Walczyć 5:27 6 Przebudzenie 7:40...
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pagan neo folk
Tracklist: 1 Ranek (Intro) 2 Pieśń O Słońcu, Płodności, Narodzinach, Życiu I Śmierci 3 Ostatnia Droga Wojownika 4 Czas Zimowego Tryumfu 5 Bys Wiedział...
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avantgardish dark metal
Tracklist: 1 Fool 4:27 2 Pure As Snow 5:22 3 Shadow In The Dark 4:07 4 Today Is The Day 4:58 5 Near Life Experience 5:30 6 The Blue House 4:13 7 Sick And...
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avantgardish dark art
Tracklist: 1 Come Hell And High Water 3:46 2 The Self-Destruction Button 3:27 3 El Gusano Rojo 4:20 4 Love Is The Key 2:47 5 Remember The Future 6:31 6...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Corporation Satan 5:01 2 Instant Blasphemy 4:39 3 Souldemolition 3:37 4 Unleash Hell 3:25 5 Unholy Mutilation 6:23 6 Burning Crosses 2:13 7...
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depressive crossover metal
Tracklist: 1 Jerkwater 2 Low Self Esteem 3 Anyone 4 Neurotted 5 Beat Me Down 6 Railway To .. 7 Burepolom 8 Still Love 9 The Traveller 10 Failing...
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psychedelic black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Gorgon's Eye (Glittering Mother) 8:40 2 Bright Starhome 3:42 3 Ascending The Elevator 5:56 4 Curtains Of Light 3:24 5 Incorporeal...
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avantgarde metal
Tracklist: 1 The Plague Of Hamelin 2 Into The Lair Of Vermin 3 Metamorphosis I 4 Metamorphosis II 5 In Blood And Feeulenee We Unite 6 Lord Piper 7...
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avantgarde metal
Tracklist: 1 Egg 2 Hour Of The Wolf 3 The Duel 4 The Wake 5 Spiracle 6 For Absent Gods 7 Tranquility Lane 8 Smorgasbord 9 Vapour
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Razor Blade Salvation 2 Mordum 3 August Underground 4 Gore Whore 5 Baptized By Demon's Piss 6 Nightmares In A Damaged Brain 7 Festering...
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folk dark metal / doom, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Ni Cah Raxa (I Am Raxa - Intro) 1:19 2 Oxlahun Ti Ku (Underground Supreme War) 4:09 3 Tzonimolco (Hall Of Fame) 4:20 4 Mimixcoa Icuic...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Reclamation And Mastery 2 Maelstrom 3 Feeding The Furnace 4 The Storm 5 Constrictor 6 ...Angels Brought Thee Ashes 7 To Shame The Skies...
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experimental black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Will Behind The Colossus 2 Replacing The Sun 3 N.W.O. Neverland 4 A Little Trip To The Stars 5 La Figurine Plastique 6 Polis Rouge 7...
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doom rock
Tracklist: 01 Name The Horn Bearer 4:56 02 Standing Ram 8:48 03 Loaded With Thunder 3:24 04 Descenso 5:36 05 Chosen 8:09 06 Temple 5:02 07 Scorn 5:59 08...
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alternative death-core
Tracklist: 1 Seven 4:48 2 K2p Key To Paradise 3:24 3 Inner Fears 5:31 4 Recommended Suicide 3:17 5 Hate (8) 3:15 6 Healing Wounds 3:11 7 Brucia 4:08 8...
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experimental black metal
Tracklist: 1 Above The Dawn-Lit World 3:31 2 Befouling The Heart Of Deities 4:43 3 Perishing Jehovah 5:49 4 Crawl To Your Cross 4:04 5 Burial (Sample /...
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black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Invocation 2:53 2 Possessed By Blasphemy 3:39 3 Flesh For The Devil 3:33 4 Reign Of The Antichrist 4:13 5 Nocturnal Hell 3:33 6 Unholy War 5:03
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death black metal
Tracklist: CD-1 Intro : Opus Cornutum 1:25 CD-2 Hornology 4:15 CD-3 Holy Absurd 6:25 CD-4 Ghayat Assa'asah 6:04 CD-5 Incantation 6:50 CD-6 Crawlers 6:37...
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Tracklist: 1 Time To Cut The Tails Off (Separation Preview) 4:58 2 Lord Mischiefer' Arrival 3:51 3 IV (The Dancing One) 4:08 4 A Remembrance 5:23 5 Cordis...
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Tracklist: 1 Departure 10:09 2 22nd November 5:06 3 Cast Me Reflection 6:07 4 My Spiritual Lonely Pattern 5:08 5 Follow The Lights 5:18 6 Memoria 4:23 7...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 In Mourning Again 3 Damnation Black 4 Leiden 5 A Bitch In Season (Raping The Virgin Whore) 6 Ave Mortii: III. To Death, Embraced...
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Kingdom Of Deceit 2 Hoarder Of Illusions 3 Cold Winter Nights 4 Alone Again 5 Ain't No World 6 Past The Mid Route 7 Bereft 8 The...
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experimental drone
Tracklist: 1 Weakness (The Process) 11:29 2 Ascension 3:52 3 Deserted 3:22 4 Receiving Silence 7:44 5 Resignation 2:14 6 Borderzone 5:35 7 The Silence 4:42...
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darkwave / black metal
Tracklist: 1 Slavery Soaking The Spartan Spirit 2 Rubbercunt 3 For My Kin Who Waits You In The Shadows 4 Black Powder Orgasm, Dum-Dum Bullet Climax 5...
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melancholic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 02:56 2 Le Commencement 05:52 3 Perdu Dans Ce Monde 05:52 4 L'Affrontement 07:20 5 Sombre Echappatoire 05:48 6 Ebloui Par Cette Lueur...
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heavy power metal
Tracklist: 1 Viskas, Kas Turi Pradžią… 4:31 2 Padėk Išnykti 5:34 3 The Reaper 7:38 4 Brolis Už Brolį 5:10 5 Vampire Woman 6:37 6 Dar Nevėlu 5:22 7 Be Sparnų...
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Floating Deserts 2 Just One Word 3 In Alarm 4 Drop 5 Drown In A Whirl 6 A New Landscape 7 Chemical Frustration 8 All My Discord 9...
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traditional doom
Tracklist: 1 Korjusepäev 3:41 2 Merevaik 4:05 3 Õiglane Jaak 4:22 4 Punane Madu 4:36 5 Tähist Ja Tolmust 4:14 6 Habemega Nali 4:30 7 Trots 4:18 8 Öö 3:24 9...
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death doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: I. Without Hope 4:31 II. Eternal Sadness 4:42 III. Deep Inside The Silence 12:56 IV. Theme Of Laura 6:30 V Emotion Oblivion 7:23 VI. From Dark To...
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Sorceress 4:27 2 Primeval Force 5:31 3 Throne Of Bones 7:24 4 10 000 Eestlast 4:41 5 Tongue Of Flame 3:49 6 Passing Into Anguish 4:40 7...
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pagan black
Tracklist: 1 Iidsetel Sünkjatel Radadel 5:35 2 Vahkturm 3:57 3 Ristikatk 4:47 4 Surmatalv 6:21 5 Loodusviha 4:53 6 Hullusesse 5:08 7 Raudses Haardes 5:42
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skullcrushing death thrash
Tracklist: 1 Ticket To Hell 5:33 2 Dynasty 4:20 3 Join The Blind 4:45 4 A.H. 5:41 5 Eyes Of Fire 5:48 6 I Am I 4:37 7 Man Made Paradise 4:58 8 We March 4:53
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Despotic Rule 5:35 2 Torka (...The Beast That Lurks In Me...) 5:40 3 Shadow's Rebel 6:11 4 Abyss Of Hate 4:24 5 Evilness 5:45 6 Night Sky 7:24...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Naturia (Naturia) 4:33 2 Elf A Duch Lesa (The Elf And The Forest Spirit) 6:04 3 Mýtiny Hoří (Burning Glades) 5:52 4 Podpozemský Vír (Underworld...
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pagan black
Tracklist: 1 2012 0:34 2 Kovārņu Laiks 7:20 3 Beowulf 5:00 4 ~~~~ 5:50 5 Talking As The Shaman's Son 6:10 6 Sargs 5:27 7 Am Nodr 5:10 8 Mother Of Halfworld...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Sadness Of The Night Forest 5:17 2 Melancholic Dead Dreams 9:11 3 Walking Through The Empire Of Eternal Snow 5:38 4 Caducous Riverside Shadows...
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atmospheric black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Zorny Maroz U Dalinie Zimovaj Imgly (Starfrost In The Winterfog Valley) 12:16 2 Tliennie (Smoldering) 11:49 3 Vietah Dy Samotnaja Zorka (Old...
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dark metal
Tracklist: 1 Light 2 Macha 3 Vision Of The Truth 4 Hope 5 I Need Light 6 Sad Moon 7 Beauty 8 Fearless Gladiator 9 Step Into Nowhere
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stoner doom
Tracklist: 1 Showtime 7:52 2 Amazing Fire 4:06 3 Living In Paradise 4:43 4 Patra (D.Chandler) 8:54 5 Cordial Vicinity 5:08 6 Fountain Of Freedom 3:56
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experimental black metal
Tracklist: 1 (Mensch) 2 Shades Of Grey 3 Left To Hate 4 Swarm 5 Population Control 6 Crowning Apathy 7 Further Down The Strain 8 Hollow
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ritual ambient
Tracklist: 1 Sun Drowned In Blood 2:10 2 Old Belief 3:00 3 Into My Empire 1:12 4 Battlestorm 2:52 5 ...On The Frozen Battleground 5:42 6 300 Horsemen 3:26 7...
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death doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:02 2 There're Stones Weeping Somewhere 9:30 3 Then Only Rain Can Hide My Tears 9:05 4 Long For The Sun... 1:46 5 Long For The Stars......
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progressive stoner doom
Tracklist: 1 Ramblin' In Shadows 8:42 2 If God Cuts You Down 6:16 3 Western Wind 10:52 4 The Old Sexton 3:37 5 Ode To George Parts 1 & 2 6:31 6 Dark Flower...
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psych dark rock
Tracklist: 1 Absence Of Charisma 6:59 2 Rub'Al-Khali 1:35 3 This Something 3:44 4 Automatisme Psychique 3:56 5 Lithium Flowers 5:54 6 And You Become 3:29 7...
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progressive dark metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Exordium 2 Anachronaeon (Where People Live In Dreams) 3 Tornado 4 The English Wizard 5 The Amulet 6 Shadows Taking Over 7 Confessions Of...
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progressive dark metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 The Random Twist Of Fate? 2 Awake From An Evil Dream 3 The Plot Thickens 4 A Secret Revealed 5 Life Is Only A Matter Of Time 6 Letter To...
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psychodelic rock
Tracklist: 1 Gitanoss 2 Dos Horses 3 El Carrusel 4 Little Grissy 5 Ganar = Perder 6 Magia Negra 7 Castro
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dark doom death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Intro 1:47 2 Тень самого себя 5:41 3 Без перемен 5:15 4 Этюд №1 2:53 5 Пыльный владыка 5:23 6 Я мог быть другим 6:04 7 Этюд №2 2:09 8...
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progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 At Opened Eyes 2 A New Life 3 The Lord Of Time 4 I Will Be There For You 5 A Different View From The Same Side 6 Pray 7 Feelings
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black death metal
Tracklist: 1 ...For Those Whose Time Has Come 2:04 2 Blood And Iron 5:49 3 Invoking The Apocalypse 4:33 4 Nightmare Of Violence 4:20 5 They Will Arise 4:36...
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war black metal
Tracklist: 1 Armageddawn 1:35 2 Die Sage Um Den Schwarzen See 2:39 3 Guerra I 3:10 4 Umnachtet 4:45 5 Nur Zwei Dinge 4:09 6 Winters 4:24 7 Armed With Pride...
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drone ambient
Tracklist: 1 Noughtwards 74:14
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Воля 3 The Guardian 4 Amen 5 Of Blood And Honour 6 Hand Of Doom 7 Эрих Цанн 8 The Last Jorney 9 Мы (New Edition)
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ambient black doom
Tracklist: 1 Intro 5:10 2 The Critical State Of Loneliness 27:41 3 Outro 4:26
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$10.00 $7.00
depressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Contemplation 12:54 2 Misanthropique 12:42 3 De L'Humanité... 4:25
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gothic doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 The Tribunal 8:23 2 The Orphan And The Demimondaine 7:49 3 Absolute World 9:20 4 Advocatus Diaboli (Incl. Light Escape: De Formula Tota) 11:18...
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raw black metal
Tracklist: 1 Eternal Darkness (Intro) 2 Baptism In Fire 3 From The Throne Of Darkness 4 Latent Death 5 Darkness, Sorrow And Misanthropy 6 The Curse...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Und Schwarz Zerfloss Der Gülden Hain 10:22 2 Mein Schatten 6:24 3 Trauer Gebahr Todes Antlitz 3:52 4 Black Metal Against "Black Metal" 3:19 5...
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orchestral gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Music For The Night 5:11 2 Drift 3:53 3 Phantastronaut 7:19 4 River Of Perdition 3:51 5 Undergound Poetry 4:53 6 Madrigal 1:58 7 L'avion Ivre...
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melancholic dark metal
Tracklist: 1 Kiss Of Ashes 2 A Lovelorn Requiem 3 The One Who Ceased To Breathe 4 Musique De La Decadence 5 Farewell In Blue 6 The Shallow Sea 7...
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depressive folk metal
Tracklist: 1 The Woods Remain Sad 02:00 2 Howls Are My Lovesongs 03:24 3 A Lost Heart In Fog 02:57 4 Snowfall Of Tears 03:32 5 Speech Of The Trees 04:27 6...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Aš Jūsų Prakeikimas 7:40 2 Suteikim Jiems Kančią 6:51 3 Jų Septynetas 4:44 4 Omega Et Alpha 6:13 5 Kol Viskas Niekur 4:57 6 Karo Ugnys / Į...
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pagan black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Tracklist: 1 Intro: Entering The Austere Realm Of Forestpower 0:24 2 Scripture Of The Woods 5:13 3 Idols Of The Yore 4:56 4 Eerie Obscure 8:17 5 Subjugated...
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symphonic metal
Tracklist: 1 Frantic (Intro) 1:06 2 The Flight Of A Butterfly 7:16 3 Behind... 0:40 4 You 4:28 5 Lost 4:54 6 Thin Line 5:11 7 Dancing In The Fate 5:01 8...
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atmospheric doom death
Tracklist: 1 Attachments 2:03 2 Hidden From Senses 5:07 3 Jahilia Calling 4:41 4 Subdued Light 8:14 5 Nightbulb Angel 5:39 6 When Pain Becomes Liquid 4:35 7...
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progressive melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Tmêsis 4:36 2 That Blind 6:05 3 They 4:28 4 The Drop 4:40 5 The Lesson Betrayed 5:04 6 Contemplate 4:59 7 Trust In Me 0:29 8 As Water 4:34 9...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Randomness 0:59 2 Dice Man 8:23 3 The Beast Attacks 4:15 4 The Pointing Finger 7:52 5 Comfort Fix 8:09 6 Twilight 2:25 7 Cunning Vital Guardian...
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progressive doom metal
Tracklist: 1 ( ) 2:42 2 Until Bleeding 4:42 3 1647 6:02 4 My Anger 4:00 5 Still Anger 4:49 6 When Edge... 4:50 7 ...Turns Blade 4:11 8 Isquosadmove 5:12 9...
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Infected 4:02 2 Away 4:09 3 Limelight 4:33 4 Love Will Tear Us Apart 3:19 5 Breakaway 3:54 6 I Do 3:50 7 About You 3:40 8 Misbecoming 4:46 9...
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folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Nightmares 6:35 2 On The Wings Of Scarlet Sunset 7:39 3 Victory 6:08 4 Battlefield 4:39 5 Raise Your Fist 5:26 6 Steel Of Vengeance 4:08 7 The...
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$8.00 $7.00
atmospheric funeral doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album by a young Ukrainian band Narrow House who was featured at a number of gigs and festivals. «A Key To Panngrieb» album is a 45-minutes-long journey to your subconsciousness accompanied by funeral guitars, atmospheric keyboards and live cello. Another approach to funeral doom metal, another key to eternal secrets of life and death.
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