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power metal, FONO ltd
FROZEN CROWN - итальянская power metal группа, сформированная в 2017-ом году вокалистом и мульти-инструменталистом Federico Mondelli, отвечающим за написание музыки и большую часть текстов песен. Также в составе числится Giada "Jade" Etro, вокалистка gothic/doom metal группы ASHES YOU LEAVE. В дискографии FROZEN CROWN несколько синглов и два полноформатных альбома. "The Fallen King" - дебютный альбом итальянцев, вышедший 9-го февраля 2018-го на Scarlet Records. С записью, сведением и мастерингом помогал Andrea Fusini из "FusixStudio" (работавший с FORGOTTEN TEARS, FERONIA и другими, менее известными локальными коллективами). Оформлением "The Fallen King" занимался сам Federico Mondelli, уже имевший опыт создания обложек для альбомов CRYONIC TEMPLE, VISION DIVINE и ELDRITCH.
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black metal / ambient
Треклист: 1 Likegyldig Raseri I 2:05 2 Likegyldig Raseri II 2:11 3 Likegyldig Raseri III 1:48 4 Likegyldig Raseri IV 2:23 5 Likegyldig Raseri V 2:18 6...
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thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Hell On Earth 2 Blasphemy 3 Whom You Have Never To Say His Name 4 Rider From Hell 5 Embraced By Religion 6 Witch, Hell Below The Belly 7...
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black thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Anti All 2:21 2 Worldwide Terror Campaign 3:01 3 Shut Up, Subhuman 2:26 4 Don't Look At Your Back 2:14 5 Cunt Does Not Rule 2:04 6 Nothing...
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melodic death
Треклист: 1 The End Starts Here 2 Discounted Dormancy 3 When Passion Dies 4 Recipe For Demise 5 The Cult Of Ego 6 Off The Face Of The Earth 7 The...
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drone rock
The first recorded offering from twilight-psyche dronerock duo FULCI. Deep, rumbling, and eternal speaker-buzz worship, wrapped around lumbering riffs drunk on cough syrup and shimmering distortion overload. Howling feedback mantras repeated ad infinitum.
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cult funeral doom death, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions представляет переиздание альбома культовой группы Funeral "In Fields Of Pestilent Grief", выходившего в 2001 году небольшим тиражом на ныне не существующем лейбле. Тираж альбома был быстро распродан и ныне стал раритетом. На этом альбоме музыканты несколько отошли от стилистики дебютного альбома, записанного в жанре funeral doom metal: притом, что всё также используется ведущий чистый женский вокал, в музыке стал преобладать doom death metal. Но следует отметить, что Funeral остались также самобытны и неповторимы в жанре. В качестве дополнительных материалов, на этом переиздании было добавлено два ранее не публиковавшихся трека - демо-записи к альбому, с другими аранжировками и мужским вокалом. Альбом издан в виде шестипанельного диджипака.
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death doom metal, Grau
Recorded at various locations in 2011.
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cult doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions с гордостью представляет альбом легендарной норвежской группы, под названием «To Mourn Is A Virtue». Этот релиз – недостающее звено, между классическим альбомом группы «Tragedies» (1995 год) и «In Fields Of Pestilent Grief» (2002 год). Материал альбома был сформирован на основе нереализованной демо-записи 1997 года, и включает в себя ранее неизвестные слушателям девять треков, заново переработанных музыкантами в 2010 году, спустя почти 15 лет, после своей первой фиксации в студии. «To Mourn Is A Virtue» может стать неожиданным открытием для поклонников группы и для тех, кто интересуется жанром. Группа Funeral, одна из первых групп, начавших играть в стилистике funeral doom metal и перейдя позже к doom death metal, представляет на этот раз взыскательным слушателям эталонный классический doom metal.
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cult doom metal, Solitude Productions
Solitude Productions с гордостью представляет альбом легендарной норвежской группы, под названием «To Mourn Is A Virtue». Этот релиз – недостающее звено, между классическим альбомом группы «Tragedies» (1995 год) и «In Fields Of Pestilent Grief» (2002 год). Материал альбома был сформирован на основе нереализованной демо-записи 1997 года, и включает в себя ранее неизвестные слушателям девять треков, заново переработанных музыкантами в 2010 году, спустя почти 15 лет, после своей первой фиксации в студии. «To Mourn Is A Virtue» может стать неожиданным открытием для поклонников группы и для тех, кто интересуется жанром. Группа Funeral, одна из первых групп, начавших играть в стилистике funeral doom metal и перейдя позже к doom death metal, представляет на этот раз взыскательным слушателям эталонный классический doom metal.
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black metal
Debut album from the Argentinian / Romanian band Funeral Baptism, 7 tracks of fast, aggressive, fierce and technical Black Metal for fans of Marduk, Watain, Urgehal or Antaeus! Here's what the band had to say about it: “We worked hard on this album and we think to have reached a perfect balance between atmosphere and aggression. We bring more variety yet keeping the traditional basis of Black Metal intact.” The Venom of God‘s cover artwork is the work of Gheorghe Paraschiv (the photo part) and Cristina Ustinescu (the editing part), and the people involved in recording the album are: Liviu – Vocals, lyrics Damian – Guitars, bass, music Teo Popp – session drums Producer – Mihai Alexandru Dinca (Apa Simbetii, Negative Core Project)
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6 4
depressive black / dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Life In Depression 2 Pain Of My Existence 3 Suffering Of My Heart And Soul 4 Weeping Hunkering Sad Soul 5 Another Sad Day 6 Melancholy...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Dropped On Inferna 2 Black Desire 3 Baal 4 Dew Of Blood 5 Black Sunrise 6 Gloomy Highland 7 Distress 8 Black Sunrise 9 Gloomy Highland...
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black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Two years removed from its last full-length album, Solitude and Suicide, Funeral Fornication sole-member Vultyrous has used the time to create an album defining the pinnacle Funeral Fornication sound. Experimental, unique, catchy, bleak, depressing, yet impossible to define, the album is possibly best described as Eclectic progressive ambient black metal with elements of doom. On Pandemic Transgression, Vultyrous shows his ability to write captivating material using a variety of influences including powerful clean vocals which has become a stable of the new material. Altogether, the material within Pandemic Transgression is a strong mix of catchy, dark and melancholic music that shows that maturity of a long standing and evolving project. Released in a 12 page booklet including an album sleeve, this is certainly the pinnacle of Funeral Fornication's discography.
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ambient funeral doom
Funeral Doom-Ambient from Chile. Their 1st full-length composed of 3 studio tracks and 1 live track as a bonus.The studio tracks were supposed to created as a long track, but for some reasons it was divided into 3 parts and each part has been released in split materials so far. Now they are gathered again to present FIN"s aesthetic & desolated Doom with some influence of Gothic / Dark Ambient.
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pagan / folk metal
Треклист: 1 Сквозь Века 3:12 2 В Омут 5:37 3 Воин Севера 5:15 4 Оковы Снов 4:41 5 Прах Времен 6:02 6 Тропою Волка 5:30 7 Завет Поколеньям 4:58 8 Litanies To...
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funeral doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
This EP is including the track recorded for Kill-Town Deathfest 2019 comp tape. On this EP, bass player Ryo took vocal duties. With the combination of tranquility and intensity, you will be transcended to the doomed polar. Recorded by Funeral Moth during May/June 2019. Released in digipack sleeve.
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funeral death doom metal, Weird Truth Productions
2nd album of Japanese extreme doom. This release will be the first appearance of their new bass player Ryo Amamiya after the departure of founding member, Nobuyuki Sento. Following the path of their previous melodic and tranquil slow doom album "dense fog”, they added various experimentations into their song writing - for example, one of the songs is written in "Rondo" format traditionally used on classical composition. These new attempts have made their music become much more dramatic and complex. Tremendous agony in which we suffer on our transient mortal life; feeling of loss, endless sorrow, sense of emptiness and remorse. This album is dedicated to the voiceless dead who had returned to the tranquil ocean with mortal agony.
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blackened gothic doom
Треклист: 1 Flowers Of Doom 9:04 2 Goddess Of Forests 4:38 3 To Fall Into The Arms Of Madness 11:45 4 Flowers Of Doom (Edit Version) 4:35
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depressive black metal, More Hate Productions
Первый альбом русской post black/ depressive black metal команды. Общая музыкальная концепция альбома это тягучий и атмосферный black metal, базирующийся на мелодичных гитарных партиях, дисторшированных аккордах и акустических переборах, перемежающихся с психоделичными, атональными фрагментами в духе типичного DSBM, с присущими для этого стиля диссонансными музыкальными интервалами и жутким надрывно-пронзительным шрайк вокалом. Группа в своем творчестве смогла достичь определенной золотой середины, представив на суд слушателя с одной стороны качественный и стилистически выдержанный post black metal продукт, доступный для широкого круга ценителей этого жанра, и при этом сохранив в своих композициях дух настоящей андеграундной black metal сцены. В целом, музыкальный материал сбалансирован и тщательно откалиброван, на всем протяжении альбома группе удается не скатываться в унылое музыкальное дребезжание, и занудное калькирование уже известных фэнам депрессива брэндов, при этом Funeral Oppression уверенно двигается в фарватере таких команд как Shining, Woods of Desolation, Austere, Thy Light и др.
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black metal, Avantgarde Music
Vocals recorded at ass.StudioGaudio (TA) - Italy. Guitar, bass, minimoog recorded at OmSistemStudio (BO) - Italy - by Omar Macchione. Keybords recorded by Luca La Cara (FE) - Italy. Mixed and mastered by Marc Urselli at EastSide Sound (NY). Produced by Avantgarde Music. Layout by Tryfar.
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industrial death metal
Треклист: 1 Meta Data 1:10 2 Six Was Nine 4:36 3 Fear Formula 4:06 4 Battle Art 4:16 5 Chapter Zero 5:38 6 Pistol Silhouette 3:52 7 Mind Stitch 5:05 8 The...
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funeral doom metal, Ksenza Records
New album from Siberian One Man Funeral Doom project "Funeral Tears"
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funeral doom metal, Ksenza Records
New Album from mighty “Funeral Tears”. Sound is based on melodic funeral doom/ death doom with new elements for band – epic atmosphere and black metal elements! Funeral Tears delivers their requiem in honor of the final darkness and collapse of the mankind. Limited edition 500 copies CD digipak with slipcase!
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melodic funeral doom, Marche Funebre Productions
Треклист: 1 My Dead Spring 2 Crippled 3 When Your Song Ends 4 Our Gods Are Dead 5 Outro: The World We Lost
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melodic funeral doom, Marche Funebre Productions
Треклист: 1 Cold Winter Wind 9:15 2 Your Life My Death 11:42 3 Funeral Tears 8:30 4 For You 11:39 5 Без Тебя (Without You) 9:48
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
A CD that compiles the 2010 demo and the 2013 EP by this upcoming and promising Swiss band. Funeralopolis was awoken under the name Human Waste in 2006. With vocalist Void joining the band in 2009, they changed the name to Funeralopolis. Void left the band shortly after, but the name stayed. They started recording the first demo, titled "…of Death", with a slightly different lineup (guitar-desecrator Thuri also took on vocals) under horrible circumstances in only 48 hours (including mixing and mastering). The tape was released as a co-release between Dark Descent Records and Skeleton Plague. Several years and beers later, the recording of the "…of Prevailing Chaos" EP took place at Hidden Stash Studios, with a slightly different lineup. It was summoned in 2013. Funeralopolis didn't have any lineup changes since 2011, and have been around since a decade now. Over the years, they've shared the stage with bands like Mystifier, Dead Congregation, Excruciation, Diocletian, Bölzer, Sadistic Intent and many more. The band's main influences can be tracked back to the late 80's and early 90's Death Metal of bands such as Autopsy, Darkthrone, Asphyx, Sadistic Intent, Nihilist, Necrovore, Obituary, Incantation and Blasphemy. Besides that, other bands like Sodom, Cianide, Sarcofago, Winter, Candlemass, Doom, Carnivore and many many more also had a big impact on Funeralopolis. Tracks 1-5: "...of Death" demo (2010) Tracks 6-12: "...of Prevailing Chaos" EP (2013)
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death doom metal, Memento Mori
The astounding debut full-length by this Swiss band. Hailing from Lenzburg, Funeralopolis was awoken under the name Human Waste in 2006. With vocalist Void joining the band in 2009, they changed the name to Funeralopolis. Void left the band shortly after, but the name stayed. They started recording the first demo, titled "…of Death", with a slightly different lineup (guitar-desecrator Thuri also took on vocals) under horrible circumstances in only 48 hours, including mixing and mastering. The tape was released as a co-release between Dark Descent Records and Skeleton Plague. Several years and beers later, the recording of the "…of Prevailing Chaos" EP took place at Hidden Stash Studios, with a slightly different lineup. It was summoned in 2013. Funeralopolis didn't have any lineup changes since 2011, and have been around since a decade now. Over the years, they've shared the stage with bands like Mystifier, Dead Congregation, Excruciation, Diocletian, Bölzer, Sadistic Intent and many more. That stage experience certainly plays into the band's long-awaited debut album, "...of Deceit and Utter Madness". With a gutsfucking guitar tone at the fore and utterly vile bass beneath, Funeralopolis crush chest cavities (and dreams) with a crusty sort of Death Metal that violently vacillates between lumbering, world-eating doom and ragged, almost-punkish gallops. Indeed, the spectre of domestic legends Hellhammer looms large here, but the band are undoubtedly most influenced by Death Metal from the late 80's and early 90's. Such names invoked include Autopsy, Darkthrone, Asphyx, Sadistic Intent, Nihilist, Necrovore, Obituary, Incantation and Blasphemy. However, other bands like Sodom, Cianide, Sarcofago, Winter, Candlemass, Doom, Carnivore and many, many more also had a big impact on Funeralopolis. In fact, one could say that the bubbling mass of "...of Deceit and Utter Madness" is a veritable love letter to all these noble influences. Fittingly, "...of Deceit and Utter Madness" is graced with alluring cover art courtesy of Mark Cooper, and maximum heaviness is ensured by Ted Tringo's mastering job. Funeralopolis open up the earth and present your mass grave!
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melodic black
Треклист: 1 Reperta Sapientia 4:26 2 Offrande Des Dieux 4:04 3 Les Noces Chimiques 4:22 4 Artiste Introverti Du 3:40 5 Par Le Sang Des Arbres 3:55 6 Art Et...
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dark ambient / industrial
Треклист: 1 Libation 11:02 2 Fragments 18:19 3 Transference From The Void 9:42
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ambient black metal
Треклист: 1 Revelation (Intro) 1:53 2 Where Shadows Of Decadence Dwell 6:48 3 Beneath The Cursed Light Of A Spectral Moon (An Ancient Incantation) 2:58 4...
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ambient black metal
Треклист: 1 Misa Negra (Intro) 1:01 2 Unholy Goat Of The Necro Abyss 2:55 3 Four String Flagellation 4:05 4 Morador Del Infierno 3:18 5 Exhume The Corpse Of...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 From Darkness... 3:41 2 Funereal Stones. Part I: Sympathy For The Devil 4:55 3 Peste Negra 5:15 4 Funereal Stones. Part II: Paint It Black 3:15...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Into Undying Flames 2 Witch Of The Northen Sky 3 Dwelling In Frozen Darkness 4 Profane Rite Of Morbid Glorification 5 Under The Wings Of...
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1 Flor De Mi Miseria 11:09 2 Muerte Lenta Del Destino 9:56 3 Pax Aeterna 4:51 4 Falling Through Depths 10:31 5 Time Is A Gallows 12:53 Bonus...
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1 Donde se pudren los versos 20:04 2 Pyramids beneath a languid sky 12:43 3 Entombed memories 19:17
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, ltd.1000
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
jewel-box, ltd.1000
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1 Prelude 3:15 2 Fluye, tibia sangre 8:56 3 Where light halts 9:31 4 Alborada austral 10:30 5 La quimera de existir 10:16 6 A vile end to a...
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1. Funereal Skies 3:40 2. Tearing The Astral Seas 11:13 3. Desolado Despertar 11:06 4. Honda Sed De La Carne 11:31 5. Mournful Procession 10:02 6....
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