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drone ambient
Recorded in Amsterdam, Geneva, Berlin & Linz 03-05. "Deep In Ocean Sunk The Lamp Of Light And Drew Behind The Cloudy Veil Of Night" - Homer, The Iliad. • Note 1: All tracks are untitled. • Note 2: Uncredited credit for the hand-printed artwork (Alan Sherry of SIWA label) obtained from VHF Record's website.
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gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Vicious Circle 2 Hero Of New Day 3 Dream 4 Inloved Sky 5 Werewolf 6 Lover 7 Angel 8 Fear Of Loneliness 9 P.S. [Before The End]...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Einklang 4:12 2 Der Donner Wird Vater 4:35 3 Die Geschichte Vom Abgeschiedenen Leben 2:42 4 Des Waldes Letzter Zug (Ein Siegeszug) 4:22 5...
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pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Vítej, Nový Dne 1:48 2 Žertva 4:21 3 Kamenný Kult 5:39 4 Lystoczku Czerwenyj 2:22 5 Krev Předků 6:03 6 Nový Vék Pohanský 7:23 7 Nebeské Stříbro...
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sludge metal / post-hardcore
Recorded and mixed at Translator Audio, Brooklyn, NY. Mastered at New Alliance East in Boston, MA. Music and lyrics by Caleb Scofield for Secret C (ASCAP). Thanks to: ...all the people who let us borrow gear and gave us a place to practice: [a434373], [url=]Steve Brodsky[/url], [url=]Aaron Harris[/url], [url=]ISIS[/url], [a619459] and Super Mark. Comes with ultra glossy 4 panel foldout cover, one side is glossy the other is matte. As the sticker on the CD proclaims "Featuring some guys from Cave In and Old Man Gloom" The barcode is a sticker on the rear cover.
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sludge metal / post-hardcore
Standard jewel case in slipcase (o-card) with sticker on cover, clear tray, barcode sticker & glossy 12-page lyrics booklet. Recorded in downtown LA in a dumpy little practice space from summer to fall of 2007. Mixed and mastered at Redroom Studio in Seattle.
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melodic black metal / dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 I Am Legend 2 Against All Heresies 3 In The Mouth Of Madness 4 Nyarlathotep 5 Twilight Of The Idols 6 Corpus Hermeticum 7 The Seventh...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Reziclaje 2 Sintomas de Ningun Sintoma 3 Gestando Rencor Interno 4 Acumulando Sombras 5 Pandemonio 6 Alla por Lujan 7 Zoofilia 8 Mente...
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death metal
Tracklist: 1 Adentrandose Al Caos 04:02 2 Obligados Al Exilio 04:49 3 Destino 04:29 4 Reinante Silencio De Impunidad 02:20 5 Inmerso En Caos 03:35 6...
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industrial metal, Relapse Records
ZONAL, the brainchild of Justin Broadrick (Godflesh/Jesu/JK Flesh) and Kevin Martin (The Bug/Ming Midas Sound) present their monumental Relapse Records debut, "Wrecked". ZONAL continues where their previous collaboration Techno Animal left off, and combines a brutal ongoing obsession with beats, bass, dub, drone, noise and riff. Under their new guise, the enigmatic duo push the parameters and atmospheres that have earned them critical acclaim further and deeper; ZONAL's sound has become ever more corrupted, corroded, slower and lower; with the theme of exploring inner/outer space acts as the gelling agent for this shockingly monolithic sound. Anyone who witnessed their sonic destruction and lyrical detonation c/o MOOR MOTHER at both ROADBURN and UNSOUND festivals will not be disappointed by the slo-mo meltdown.
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thrash metal
Thrashers , metalheads and all the forces of evil! We worked hard and finally made it - recorded our full-length album "Through the circles of hell". Who played in th band, and worked with us previously: Artem Evgrafov - vocals Andrew Biofitz (Major Thrashcore) - guitar Nikita Sila (Sergeant Crossover) - guitar Alex Makeev - bass Alexander Kovbasinsky - Drums We don`t forget the guys, who played in a band and composed material previously - Dimon Layko and Nikita Sila. They have made an enormous contribution to the life and prosperity of Zombie Attack. Also we where helped by guys from violent omen, namely : Dmitry Okhrimchuk (Flood) played a solo in the song "Nuclear Disaster" Sergey Bondar (Metal Priest) recorded bass in "Intro" Yury Sinitsky recorded drums in "Born For Mosh" We express gratitude to Flood for recordig out album, and in general , to the band Violent Omen for help and support . Thanks to Ruslan Kovalev for the picture:) IN YOUR FACE!!!
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thrash metal, More Hate Productions
"Bonded By Beer" is the name of the second full-length album of the thrash metal band from Kiev (Ukraine) that has been relentlessly bashing out in the name of rock-n-roll, beer and (naturally) Satan for 10 years in a row. The music of ZOMBIE ATTACK is a punky thrash metal with catchy guitar solos, easy-to-remember choruses and drums that will make your feet rug-cutting. The accelerating intro that prepares listeners to the burst of abandoned hilarity is followed by "Bonded By Beer" - virtually the hymn of Kiev thrash metal crowd. If you have never spilled beer to this song, that only means one thing - you have never seen ZOMBIE ATTACK live. The album includes such (un)godly tunes like "Hail Satan´s Command", "Satanic Barbeque", "Apocalyptic Rock´n´Roll" and "Anarchy 666", that guarantee there will be devils in Hell wishing to greet ZOMBIE ATTACK with tipsy drinks. In the aggregate, from the very first second of intro and up to the final antidogmatic "Non Servium" ZOMBIE ATTACK deliver intense, reviving, high-energy thrash metal that automatically makes you sing along, drink along, move, headbang and have a good time with your fellow metalheads. The album "Bonded By Beer" perfectly delivers pure energy generated during the live shows of the band and demonstrates that listeners definitely feel when the band gets a bang out of their music.
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death doom metal
Huge riffs, loud amps and piercing screams: this is what Zolfo is about. The Apulian Sludge/Doom-mongers will release their debut album ‘Delusion Of Negation’ in January 2020 and will surely gain a place of honor in the nowadays fervent Italy’s underworld. In the band’s own words “
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slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro "Запавет" 2 Выпраўляла Мацi Сына 3 Не Сячы, Мой Татулька 4 Што За Ўсе Тлусцейшае? 5 Ай, Пасею Канапелькi 6 Купала На Йвана! 7 Сем...
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slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Вечная Далеч 2 Спаленая iмгла 3 Песьня Валхваваньня 4 Больш Ня Жыць 5 Чорны Зьніч 6 Язычнiк Я... 7 Кліч Багоў 8 Ваўкалака 9 Дажбог, О...
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$6.00 $3.00
slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Крыва-Крывейта 2:44 2 Крыжы-абярэгі 4:35 3 Пад чорнай вішнёй 1:11 4 Мы сыны Вялікіх Багоў 4:46 5 Ой дымна за дваром 4:12 6 Цені 3:58 7 Беларусь...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Viedy Tajamničyja… 02:47 2 Addaju Baham Ja Płoċ… 06:30 3 Viecier Sumny Hulaje Ŭ Pavietry… 06:31 4 Raspiaċcie Achviary 06:15 5 Miortvyja Chmary...
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Jewel case edition with 16-page booklet.
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. 6-pages digi-pack with 16 pages booklet.
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Welcome to Mother Russia! 2 Морозобой 3 Ой, лёли-лёли! 4 Айнанэ 5 Медвепляс 6 Борода 7 Чуешь мою страсть? 8 Ой, лёли-лёли!...
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sludge progressive metal
It’s time to wipe off some dust from this little gem from the Italian Stoner Rock underground, for too long disappeared from the radars. ZIPPO debut album ‘Ode To Maximum’ was recorded in October 2005, exactly 13 years ago, and came out self-released in early 2006, suddenly received with sheer enthusiasm by the heavy music press unanimously. This release comes out with a pachydermic new artwork by DARTWORKS, re-mastered by Tony Reed(Mos Generator, Stone Axe) and featuring two bonus tracks. Digipak cd edition
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$6.00 $3.00
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
ЖИВЫЕ РУИНЫ – молодая российская группа, играющая в стиле epic metal/MDM. Основана в 2009г. в г. Брянск. Музыке присущ мелодизм и оттенок олд-скульного саунда, но в тоже время мощное и детализированное звучание. Запись альбома "Дух Войны" происходила в период с февраля по декабрь 2013 года на "Slow Burn Studio" (г.Орёл). Оформление альбома выполнено известной студией MAYHEM PROJECT. Сразу после записи альбома, в декабре 2013 года, группа начала концертную деятельность, выступив на разогреве GODS TOWER, где была очень тепло встречена публикой. В настоящий момент музыканты работают над материалом к следующему альбому, который будет продолжением и очередным этапом развития команды.
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$8.00 $7.00
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
This is the second work of Yaromysl, a guitarist of Ukrainian folk pagan metal band Goverla, with his own Zgard. In this project the musician expresses his individuality by his ideas in atmospheric black metal style (the first work was made in folk pagan metal style) . The themes of compositions remain the same: paganism and hailing the power of nature; music-wise the album features majestic melodies based on atmospheric keyboards, powerful guitars and deep screaming with inclusions of folk fragments.…and let all the fans of pagan metal and atmospheric black metal open their hearts for music of Zgard!
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$10.00 $8.00
black metal / folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Високогір'я [Highlands] 9:59 2 Дзвін Потойбіччя [Underworld Bells] 10:55 3 Созерцание [Contemplation] 9:34 4 Журавлиний Клин [Wedge Of Cranes]...
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$8.00 $7.00
atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music
The third album of the young Ukranian project playing music between atmospheric black metal and pagan metal. In their new work Zgard returned to the ideas of their debut album “Dukh Karpatskih Sutinkiv”: furious cold pagan black metal enriched by atmospheric keyboards and folk motives is fresh as frosty night and thorny as acerose leaves in endless Carpathian forests. The album traditionally features sopilka, Ukranian folk music instrument giving unique features to Zgard sound.
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Lost In The Trench 2 The Punisher 3 Sociopathic Killer 4 Of War, Hate, Eternal Death 5 Panzerfaust Justice 6 .01 kt Bringer Of Pain 7...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Metal Terror 2:14 2 Hatred Rising 3:31 3 Vengeance 3:47 4 Slaughter Of Divinity 4:30 5 Pick Axe Blasphemy 3:24 6 Total Frost 4:02 7 Infernal...
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Tracklist: 1 Has Everything We Do Already Been Done 3:34 2 Traitor Of My Own 3:20 3 Too Late 2:53 4 Choose To Lose 3:05 5 Where's The Power 3:09 6...
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thrash / death / progressive metal
Переиздание дебютного, но уникального и достаточно яркого альбома уфимской формации Zerber, однажды всколыхнувших темные души меломанов из начала 00-х. Группа конечно же во всю процветает и сейчас, радуя своих поклонников как живыми выступлениями, так и новыми записями, но именно в 2003-м явили своего первенца эти оригинальные исполнители, набравшие себе армию поклонников ни чем иным, как смешением музыкальных жанров мелодично-тяжелого рока, кусачими риффами и не менее оригинальной, в те неблизкие уже ныне "нулевые" годы, тевтонско-звериной лирикой. Откуда явился на башкирской земле (после Спивакова, Губина, Шевчука и Земфиры) сей чудный, да задорно срубленный тяжмет? Ответ расшифрован лишь спустя годы в последующих работах, которых в будущем так же ждут переиздания. Впрочем, данный дебют так же несет в себе очень много смысла и для уфимской сцены имеет чуть ли не историческое значение, а сам диск прошел небольшой ремастеринг и имеет множество бонусов, что продлевает время звучания до максимума.
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black ambient / doom
Tracklist: 1 The Blossom 2 The Double Headed Ape 3 Aedipus – Rimotion Of The Fragment 23 4 Subconscious Vs The Moon - Edom The Meaning 5 The Skies...
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atmospheric black metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1. I - Aanvang 2. II 3. III 4. IV - Kou 5. V - Intermezzo 6. VI 7. VII 8. VII - Eindklank
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primitive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Palayuchiy... 2 V budynku zoryanyh vitriw 3 Bili vogni Haunebu 4 Hrest 5 Sodom 6 Yedyne, sho spovnyuye shlunok 7 Blud 8 Vuzly iz shnuriv...
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primitive black metal
Tracklist: 1 Проклятие 2 Шабаш 3 За Тобой 4 Колопола 5 Гори, Гори, Гори 6 Пусть 7 Голоса 8 Лучше Умереть 9 Утро
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$6.00 $3.80
death metal, FONO ltd
ZARIN – death metal коллектив из города Витебска (Беларусь). «When The Time Goeth Mad» - дебютная работа ZARIN, запись и сведение которой проходила в Витебске на протяжении года в студии “Kripa Art”. Закончили работу над альбомом на «Hertz Recording Studio» (VADER, BEHEMOTH, CRIONICS) в городе Белосток, Польша. Полное оформление диска создавал Mosa Eye - художник из Санкт-Петербурга. Композиции на «When The Time Goeth Mad» изобилуют мощными ритмами и тяжёлым звучанием. Много внимания было посвящено инструментальным вставкам с использованием нетрадиционных для жанра звучаний. Целью музыкантов было не просто выпустить альбом, а сделать материал на уровне лучших представителей мировой death metal сцены, чтобы донести до любителей тяжелой музыки качественный и интересный материал со своим звуком и стилистикой.
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melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 For The Spiritual Redemption 2:54 2 Beyond The Dark Gates Of My Promised Fortress 5:21 3 Departure For The Cosmic Twilight 6:24 4 ...And The...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Štorm Skonu časoŭ 07:35 2 Karačun 07:10 3 Kroŭ Voŭčaje Nočy 07:11 4 Viatry Skruchi 11:14 5 Čornaje Połymia Nianaviści 06:53 6 Adal (Viecier Nad...
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black metal
16-page booklet All hymns by Temnarod Recorded in January 2014 anno bastardi
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dark ambient / industrial
Tracklist: 1 z = -[Es+E3 ] 5:28 2 e = v~z!uEv~z 6:12 3 v= [P2 - p1]/t 9:52 4 Z = √ X2/1 + X2/2 + X2/3 7:42 5 e = z^4 8:09 6 V2 = u2- 2 9:41
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death thrash metal, Osmose Productions
Tracklist: I Something Breathes 0:21 II Unhealthy Opera 3:44 III From The Depths 4:28 IV Avatar Ceremony 4:10 V Temple Of Infinity 2:34 VI Abnormal...
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dark electro
Tracklist: 1 Babylon 2:58 2 Nations 3:23 3 Killer 2:50 4 Border Line 3:59 5 Revolution Part 1 4:09 6 My Dream 3:54 7 Sleepin' On A Satellite 3:47 8...
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