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Год альбома
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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733.33 Р
ambient / experimental / soundtrack, Relapse Records
Original soundtrack to the major motion picture Cub scored by STEVE MOORE (Zombi). Cub is a brutal horror film from Belgium that tells the tale of a young cub-scout bullied by his troop-mates. When the kids take a scout camping trip to the woods, things get bloody quickly when a deranged poacher sets his sites on the young kids. STEVE MOORE's haunting synth based score is the perfect soundscape for this acclaimed horror film. Whether you're familiar with the movie Cub or not, STEVE MOORE's score sits perfectly with your Zombi discography.
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this German Death Metal warmachine that was previously only available on vinyl/tape/digital since its April 2019 release. Minenfeld started as a rehearsal room project in summer 2016. They never intended to record anything, particularly no album. Actually they started the band as a drunken idea, born from their passion for old school Death Metal (most notably Bolt Thrower, Hellhammer and Beherit), but immediately got to play a show, so they were pretty much forced to write a few songs. Afterwards, they decided to record those songs, which led to the split w/ Kriegszittern. After another split w/ Cryptic Brood and the release of a promo tape in between splits, they decided to record their debut album, "The Great Adventure", at the Tonmeisterei Oldenburg studios in Autumn 2018, which was released by Fucking Kill Records (vinyl) and Lycanthropic Chants (tape). The band's topic of choice for the lyrics since day one has been WW1. The idea has always been to create music that captures this war in all its crudeness and primitivism, and sonically conjure up the mud, steel, blood and death in these battlefields. To achieve this, the music is heavy, rumbling, apocalyptic, grinding and thundering, accentuated by many original samples from those times: songs, speeches and excerpts from radio broadcasts, most especially taken from the U.S. propaganda after their entry into the war. The idea to contrast this propaganda of a "great adventure" that awaits on the other side of the world with the sad reality of war, where many searched for glory yet only found death, fascinated them and led them to write the album, and ultimately use that "great adventure" expression as the title. Utterly recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Hail Of Bullets, Just Before Dawn, Decaying, early Sacrilege...
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600.00 Р
post-black metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 When The Darkness Falls 2 Havoc 3 Agony 4 Your Inner Norilsk, Pt. 1 5 Your Inner Norilsk, Pt. 2 6 Balanced On A Knife 7 Soulmates...
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200.00 Р
pop punk
Треклист: 1 56 Секунд 2 Парад планет 3 Снег 4 220 V (Сто Шагов Назад) 5 Египет 6 Niagara 7 Мирок 8 Свадьбам Бой 9 Подавление Воли 10...
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466.67 Р
hardcore sludge
500 copies pressed.
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600.00 Р
sludge metal
The US release of City Of Dis, the debut full length from Oakland, CA indie prog thrashers THE MASS features members of FROM MONUMENTS TO MASSES and TOTIMOSHI, delivering unto us a scalding blast of sax-assisted King Crimson-meets-Slayer art|thrash|core worship, all light-speed riffing, shrieking vox and burly singing, malevolent soft jazz,insidious tempo shifts, and bloodthirsty dynamics. Disparate elements of No Wave, damaged pop, grindcore, post-punk, thrash metal and math-rock are crafted into a blast of avant-garde fury, but catchy as fuck.Pure dissent. Recorded at Louder Studios in San Francisco with producer Tim Green (THE FUCKING CHAMPS, MELVINS, UNWOUND ). The Crucial Blast release of City Of Dis features enhanced CD-Rom video footage not available on the original European release, as well as different Digipack art and design.
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640.00 Р
death 'n' roll, FONO ltd
DEBAUCHERY - death 'n' roll группа из Германии. Первоначально существовала с 2000-го по 2002-ой под названием MAGGOTCUNT, но сменила название на DEBAUCHERY в 2002-ом году. Вокалистом/гитаристом и фронтменом по сей день остается Thomas Gurrath, успешно скрывавший свою деятельность в DEBAUCHERY от основной работы учителем философии в высшей школе Штутгарта (что и послужило причиной его увольнения в 2010-ом году). В дискографии DEBAUCHERY двенадцать полноформатных альбомов. "In der Hölle spricht man Deutsch" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом DEBAUCHERY, вышедший 13-го июля 2018-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Dennis Ward (работавший с ANGRA, EDEN'S CURSE, FIREWIND), также спродюсировавший половину альбомов DEBAUCHERY и записавший партии баса к ним. Релиз выпущен в виде сплита с группой BALGEROTH (немецкоязычным проектом Томаса), где на разных CD одни и те же песни исполнены по версии этих коллективов. Релиз включает двадцать два трека и выпущен в формате 2CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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346.67 Р
progressive metal, FONO ltd
HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE - американская прогрессивная heavy metal группа, сформированная в Калифорнии в 2000-ом году (с 1995-го по 2000-ый существовавшая под названием UNHOLY CADAVER). Звучаниe группы совмещает в себе полный спектр жанров (от блэк-метала до рока 70-ых), которым заведует Джон Коббет (VHOL, ex-SLOUGH FEG), гитарист/вокалист и основной автор музыки HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE. "Dead Revolution" - шестой полноформатный альбом американцев, вышедший спустя пять лет после предыдущего полноформатника "17th Street". Запись "Dead Revolution" проходила в "Light Rail Studios", сведением занимался Justin Weis из студии "Trackworx" (работавший с альбомами групп AGALLOCH, SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM, AMENRA, и другими). Для оформления "Dead Revolution" американцы использовали иллюстрации художника Роберта Стивена Коннета
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 2nd full-length by this U.S. band. Since the dawn of the Paleolithic age, mankind has recorded spectacular scenes of death, whether in scenes of cannibal feasts crudely etched on cave walls, massacres immortalized in glyphs adorning monuments of the ancient kingdoms, or in chance recordings of grisly accidents, compiled and sold on home video to those with a thirst for that which is denied to them by our "civilized" society. Spawned in the contaminated sewers of Santa Cruz, CA in 2013, Dipygus began as a 4-piece mutation performing rudimentary styles of Death Metal, a sonic evolution of the tradition continued from the time of Cro-Magnons. A 2015 demo recording, the earliest surviving documentation of the band, reveled in unexplained and bizarre events, including peculiar methods of whale carcass disposal and otherworldly monsters from on and off the silver-screen. After a lineup change in 2016, Dipygus recorded the "Long Pig Feast" EP, which featured terrifying rites, ritual mutilations, and ominous sightings of a Mesozoic relic in the heart of the Congo. The debut album, "Deathooze", slowly de-composed in the murky shallows of powerplant runoff in the Monterey Bay, ultimately being recorded in 2018. Though quickly banned in over 16 countries, the debut album -exhibited in North America by Expansion Abyss and Caligari Records- attracted immediate attention among slime fetishists and similarly deviant circles. Placed appropriately alongside the Fiji mermaids and other grotesque artefacts found in curio cabinets of modern-day antiquarians, "Deathooze" continued the band's exploration of inexplicable incidents, mysterious beasts and shocking carnage, including genuine audio recovered from a fatal attack at the hands of an ape gone mad! Following their debut album, Dipygus was conjoined with an additional member, and began a new exploration in search of secrets hidden in the jungles of lost continents, where life is cheap. After successful initiation into the shadowy world of black-market cuisine, an agreement was reached with Memento Mori for the release of Dipygus' 2nd full-length, "Bushmeat". Showcasing more exotic and repulsive themes of the supernatural and taboo, "Bushmeat" presents an uncensored and unrelenting spectacle, with each element of the previous work irresponsibly taken to a further extreme. A prime cut of raw and grueling terror, it is fit for consumption by headhunters, body-snatchers, toad-venom junkies, cargo cultists, aquatic ape theorists, disaster tourists, carriers of tropical disease, voodoo practitioners and orgone revivalists only. All others have been warned... Memento Mori recommends Dipygus for fans of Autopsy, Impetigo, Undergang, Asphyx and Nuclear Death. But why not enter the jungle in search of "Bushmeat" and find out for yourself? The album was tracked at Darker Corners Studios, the new venture of Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Pounder, Gruesome) and Alejandro Corredor (Nausea, Pounder), ensuring utterly crushing sound. And with mixing by Earhammer Studios and mastering by Mammoth Sound, not to mention form-fitting cover art courtesy of Doug Camp, Dipygus' "Bushmeat" is guaranteed to be a grisly good time!
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 6-page booklet.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Издание в jewel case с 8-страничным буклетом. Запись произведена на фестивале "В горах, на быстрой реке" (Горный Алтай) 10 июля 1999 года.
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533.33 Р
post-metal / sludge doom metal
Recorded at Stuck On A Name Studio, Nottingham and locations around Lincoln.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
© & ℗ 2006 Compilation Real Records Packaged in a jewel case with 6-page booklet, without sticker on back.
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with booklet.
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666.67 Р
sludge doom metal
Cover is grey leather-like cardboard without inscriptions. CD is red with red inscriptions on it. Recorded and mixed at Studio Celephäis from July to December 2005. All pictures are taken at Koiwa Death Fest. on 29th December 2005.
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560.00 Р
epic folk metal, FONO ltd
"Victory Songs" was recorded and mixed at Sonic Pump Studios in November/December 2006. Additional vocals were recorded at Crazy Crane Studios on 2006/12/09.
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573.33 Р
fono ltd. по лицензии afm records, FONO ltd
IRON SAVIOR - немецкая группа, исполняющая смесь из power и heavy метала, основанная в 1996 году. Гитаристом/вокалистом и основной движущей силой IRON SAVIOR является Piet Sielck, немецкий музыкант и продюсер, работавший с URIAH HEEP, BLIND GUARDIAN и SAXON, а также принимавший непосредственное участие в записи двух полноформатных альбомов группы SAVAGE CIRCUS. "Skycrest" - одиннадцатый полноформатный альбом IRON SAVIOR, вышедший 4-го декабря 2020-го на AFM Records. Оформлением "Skycrest" занимался Felipe Machado Franco, работавший с релизами BLIND GUARDIAN, RHAPSODY OF FIRE, JORN и с предыдущими альбомами IRON SAVIOR. Сведение и мастеринг проходили на собственной студии Пита Powerhouse Studios (BLIND GUARDIAN, SAXON, PARAGON). Релиз включает двенадцать треков и выполнен в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом, часть тиража в виде 6-панельного диджипака.
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1 666.67 Р
experimental noise rock
Recorded and mixed at Avalanche / UK 2006-2008 Additional recording at HOLC / LA 2007 And at Djouce / UK 2007 Track 9 is a bonus track from the 12" (Hydra Head, 2009).
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600.00 Р
melodic death metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. Rocket Scientist 2. Hope Springs Eternal 3. Close Your Eyes 4. E Pur Si Muove! 5. Humanity's Dream 6. Emotional Anchors 7. Who...
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733.33 Р
doom death metal
Songs 1 - 6: Recorded and mixed at Fors studio Český Těšín 25th-30th November 1993 Songs 7 - 8: Bonus recorded and mixed at Zprdele Sound studio Havířov March 2010 Song 9: Taken from "Tribute Törr - Institut Černého Kovu" Recorded at studio Zprdelesound Havířov in June 2011
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666.67 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length by this Chilean band. Coffin Curse was thrown into this worthless world in Santiago in mid-2012, as a side-project of the main band Inanna, to spawn and vomit forth Death Metal in its purest form. Max Neira (guitars, bass, vocals) conceived this beast as a two-piece squad to explore the caverns of everlasting pain and horror. Musically, this is malevolent, straightforward, headbang-inducing Death Metal, inspired by early 90's U.S. icons such as Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Obituary, Immolation or Deicide, plus the vicious vibe from the founding fathers such as Pentagram (Chile), Death, Possessed, Sepultura, Massacre, Slaughter Lord, Necrovore, etc. There's no blind allegiance nor messages to anyone; no dogmatic, religious, or cult preaching. Coffin Curse verses are just focused on the multiple facets of death in all its shapes, spiritually, physically, morally, mentally and metaphysically: evil, madness, multiple perversions, violence, hatred and despair, all that in communion within the endless confines of the human psyche. From 2012 up until 2018, Coffin Curse have insulted the planet with one demo, three EP's and one split effort, and now Max Neira along with Carlos Fuentes (drums) are ready to spit out the band's debut album, titled "Ceased to Be", which will be their biggest insult to the planet yet. Classic and crushing, Coffin Curse here unload a barrage of timeless Death Metal in a most late-80's mold, a time, it must be said (or at least repeated once again!), when "songwriting" and "Death Metal" weren't mutually exclusive terms. No riff salads, no jock jams, no gore-overload masking a dearth of ideas. Rather, taut and terrorizing memorability pumped full of catchy-as-the-clap riffs, haunting-the-chapel leads, and pro but not-too-polished production that only heightens the dark depths these Chileans plumb so powerfully. We'd deign to call it "classy" even, but this is fucking Death Metal after all! With suitably classic Death Metal cover art courtesy of Daniel Hermosilla (Nox Fragor Art), and climaxing with the 9-minute epic "Deep in Streams of Purifying Dirt", Coffin Curse crush graves and dreams alike with "Ceased to Be"!
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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586.67 Р
thrash metal, FONO ltd
ARTILLERY - трэш-метал-группа из Дании, сформированная в 1982 году, стоявшая у истоков быстрой риффовой музыки наравне с CORONER, VIOVOD и MEGADETH. После выпуска ряда демок и трех полноформатных альбомов, один из которых был выпущен на лейбле Roadrunner Records, а также громких туров и концертов, включая выступление в СССР в 1989 году, к 1991 году группа решила взять перерыв вплоть до 1998 года. В 2000 году группа снова распалась и собралась вновь только в 2007 году, продолжая активность по сей день. "X" – десятый полноформатный альбом ARTILLERY, вышедший 7-го мая 2021-го на Metal Blade Records. Запись, сведение и вся работа над альбомом была проделана в датской Medley Studio под руководством Søren'a Andersen'a (как и в случае с предыдущими полноформатными работами ARTILLERY). Данное издание включает одиннадцать треков и выполнено в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом.
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586.67 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
SINNER - немецкая heavy metal группа, ведущая свою историю с 1982 года, основателем которой является вокалист/басист Мэт Синнер, позже присоединившийся к группе PRIMAL FEAR. "Tequila Suicide" - абсолютно новый альбом SINNER, продолжающий возвращение к корням (после удачного выпуска в 2013-ом перезаписанного альбома "Touch of Sin", вышедшего в оригинале в 1985-ом году) и ставший достойным продолжением дискографии группы. Данное издание включает три бонус-трека с лимитированного издания.
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600.00 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1. The Curse 2. Yargak 3. Sbabodo 4. Estelain 5. Spirits Of Water 6. The Sacrifice 7. Tourdion 8. To The East Of Sorrow Town (Circus...
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600.00 Р
symphonic / melodic groove metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Disbelief 3 In Vision 4 Memories 5 Before We Die 6 Run! 7 Poison 8 Djoser's Doo 9 Victoria
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533.33 Р
experimental ambient
"Edward's Lament!" An account of salvation and redemption in 9 movements. Recorded at The House Of Low Temperatures 2000-2002. C and P 2003 Neurot Recordings
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800.00 Р
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Ltd. digipak
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266.67 Р
folk rock
Packaged in a jewel case with 8-page booklet.
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