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doom death metal, More Hate Productions
Limited to 1000. Re-release includes new design, 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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black doom metal
Tracklist: 1. Erhebt Eure Mit Blut Gefüllte Hörner 11:12 2. Der Geheimnisvolle Käfig 9:13 3. Vergessene Stille 6:17 4. Zerbrechlicher Kleiner Geist 11:11...
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melodic black / death metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
EVERGREY - шведская progressive metal группа, взявшая свой старт в 1995 году. За двадцать лет существования шведы записали и выпустили одиннадцать полноформатных альбомов, ряд синглов и видеоклипов, а также концертный CD/DVD "A Night To Remember". Лирика EVERGREY затрагивает не только темные стороны подсознания, но и насущные темы, вроде вопросов религии или насилия над детьми. "Escape of the Phoenix" - двенадцатый полноформатный альбом EVERGREY, вышедший 26-го февраля 2021-го на AFM Records. С продюсированием вновь помогал Jacob Hansen, работавший с альбомами групп MERCENARY, PRETTY MAIDS, VOLBEAT и многих других, а также над предыдущими релизами EVERGREY. Артворком для "Escape of the Phoenix" занимался Giannis Nakos, делавший оформление для PYRAMAZE, ACID DEATH и BLOOD RED THRONE. Релиз содержит одиннадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом
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epic folk metal, FONO ltd
"Victory Songs" was recorded and mixed at Sonic Pump Studios in November/December 2006. Additional vocals were recorded at Crazy Crane Studios on 2006/12/09.
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death metal / grindcore, FONO ltd
DEAD POINT - death metal/grindcore группа из Сочи, сформированная в 2010-ом году. В дискографии DEAD POINT две EP и четыре полноформатных альбома. "Concept of the Absurd" - пятый полноформатный альбом DEAD POINT, вышедший 2-го марта 2021-го. Сведением и мастерингом занимался барабанщик группы Руслан Дрейчук (также играющий в DR. FAUST). Записано в студии Absurd Death. Оформление - Артур Рябов. Техническая поддержка Руслан Андруханенко "RC music". CD jewel box with 8-page booklet
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
CRYSTAL VIPER - польская female fronted группа, созданная в 2003 году вокалисткой/гитаристкой Мартой Гэбриел, исполняющая traditional heavy metal. Благодаря харизматичному вокалу и запоминающимся выступлениям, группу часто сравнивают с WARLOCK, в то время как мелодизм и структура песен напоминают RUNNING WILD и ACCEPT. "The Cult" - восьмой полноформатный альбом CRYSTAL VIPER, вышедший 29-го января 2021-го на Listenable Records. Мастерингом и продюсированием нового альбома занимался Барт Гэбриел (муж Марты Гэбриел) работавший с SACRED STEEL, SABATON, CIRITH UNGOL и над предыдущими релизами CRYSTAL VIPER. Обложку "The Cult" сделал Mario López, занимавшийся оформлением альбомов GAME OVER, IMPALERS и EVIL INVADERS. Релиз включает кавер-версию песни KING DIAMOND "Welcome Home", исполненную совместно с гитаристом KING DIAMOND Энди Ла Роком.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
"Roots" is the title of the new acoustic best-of album of Bonfire's Hard'n'Heavy legends. 2 CDs with 24 songs, full of classics, reinterpreted in Bonfire's usual manner. Since there are still no live shows to the current album, Bonfire decided to take it to heart: In summer 2020 they went to the "Flatliners Recording Studios" again to work on the album "Roots" in order to help the fans through hard times with new material. Parallel to the record, the band started a crowdfunding campaign with great goodies, such as living room concerts or VIP tickets. They have been in business for 30 years and are far from getting tired!
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black death metal, FONO ltd
BLISS OF FLESH - black/death metal группа из Франции, сформированная в 2000-ом году. В дискографии французов пара дэмо-записей, сплиты с группами BLOODHAMMER и ANNIHILATION 666, дебютное EP "Todtentanz" (2006) и три полноформатных альбома. "Tyrant" - четвертый полноформатный альбом BLISS OF FLESH, вышедший 30-го октября 2020-го на Listenable Records. Сведением и мастерингом занимался Herr Krauss (владелец французской Vamacara Studios), работавший с LOUDBLAST, NEPHREN-KA и MERCYLESS. Артворк и обложку для "Tyrant" нарисовал венгерский художник Balázs Jacsó, делавший оформление для HORNA, BIFRÖST и всех предыдущих альбомов BLISS OF FLESH.
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funeral doom metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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doom death metal
Limited to 500. Includes 8-page booklet and Pit-Art.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
U.D.O. - ветераны немецкого хэви-металла во главе которых стоит бессменный лидер Удо Диркшнайдер, начавший сольную карьеру после ухода из ACCEPT в 1987-ом году. В дискографии U.D.O. семнадцать полноформатных альбомов, с десяток концертных альбомов и компиляций, а также более пятнадцати EP/синглов, видеоклипов и шесть DVD-релизов. "Live in Bulgaria 2020 - Pandemic Survival Show" - пятый концертный двойной альбом U.D.O. (записанный в Болгарии на единственном состоявшемся в 2020 году концерте группы), вышедший 19-го марта 2021-го на AFM Records. В программу этого специального выступления вошли хиты и песни, нечасто исполняемые живьем, а также, к радости собравшейся публики, несколько классических номеров ACCEPT. Релиз включает 25 треков и выполнен в формате 2CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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black / death metal, FONO ltd
THRON - немецкая black/death metal группа, активная с 2015-го года. В дискографии THRON одноименный дебютный альбом 2017-го года, сингл "Beyond the Gates" (2018) и второй альбом "Abysmal" (2018). "Pilgrim" - третий полноформатный альбом THRON, вышедший 19-го февраля 2021-го на Listenable Records. Продюсированием, сведением и мастерингом занимался Christoph Brandes (владелец Iguana Studios), работавший с FINSTERFORST, BITTERNESS и NECROPHAGIST. Обложку нарисовал Stefan Todorović, работавший над оформлением альбомов DEVOURMENT, HELLEBORUS и TERRÖRHAMMER. Релиз включает десять треков и выпущен в формате CD c 8-страничным буклетом.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
SINNER - немецкая heavy metal группа, ведущая свою историю с 1982 года, основателем которой является вокалист/басист Мэт Синнер, позже присоединившийся к группе PRIMAL FEAR. "Tequila Suicide" - абсолютно новый альбом SINNER, продолжающий возвращение к корням (после удачного выпуска в 2013-ом перезаписанного альбома "Touch of Sin", вышедшего в оригинале в 1985-ом году) и ставший достойным продолжением дискографии группы. Данное издание включает три бонус-трека с лимитированного издания.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
Studios: Audiospezialist, U3 Studios, Level10, Guitarslinger, Indiscreet Audio.
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power metal, FONO ltd
SERIOUS BLACK - звездный melodic metal проект, комбинирующий воедино огромный опыт шести первоклассных музыкантов. В текущем составе числятся гитаристы Bob Katsionis (ex-NIGHTFALL, FIREWIND) и Dominik Sebastian (EDENBRIDGE), басист Mario Lochert (ex-VISIONS OF ATLANTIS), вокалист Urban Breed (ex-BLOODBOUND, ex-TAD MOROSE), клавишник Jan Vacik (ex-DREAMSCAPE) и барабанщик Alex Holzwarth (RHAPSODY OF FIRE, ex-AVANTASIA). "Mirrorworld" - уже второй полноформатный альбом от SERIOUS BLACK (релиз дебютника "As Daylight Breaks" состоялся в январе 2015-го на AFM Records), сведением и мастерингом которого (как и в случае "As Daylight Breaks") занимался клавишник коллектива Jan Vacik, работавший с SERENITY, NIGHTMARE, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS и другими в собственной Dreamsound Studios. Данное издание включает семь бонус-треков и 16-страничный буклет.
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heavy metal, FONO ltd
SAXON - ветераны хэви-металла из Англии, существующие с 1977-го года. Группа заслуженно является классикой метал-музыки наряду с METALLICA, SLAYER, MEGADETH, ANTHRAX и прочими монстрами металла, а дискография насчитывает более 20-и альбомов и 13 млн. копий, проданных по всему миру. "Inspirations" - новый полноформатный альбом SAXON, вышедший 19-го марта 2021-го на Silver Lining Music. Релиз является кавер-альбомом с версиями классических хитов повлиявших на SAXON рок и метал групп, таких как THE ROLLING STONES, AC/DC, DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH и других. Релиз включает одиннадцать треков и выполнен в формате CD с 12-страничным буклетом
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power / heavy metal, FONO ltd
Demonstar is the second full-length album by the metal band RUBICON, which now includes French guitarist Bob Saliba (GALDERIA), bass guitarist and arranger Dmitry Belf (ИЗМОРОЗЬ, ASHEN LIGHT, IMPERIAL AGE, STIGMATIC CHORUS), as well as session American guitarist Richard Fischer (MIDNIGHT ETERNAL), thus turning it into an international project! The style of the album, based on the classic heavy/power metal of the American sample, includes a fairly wide palette of genres, periodically looking at the territory of doom, gothic and even black metal. A distinctive feature of RUBICON is also the charismatic vocals of the band's permanent frontman-Ivan Bulankov, in a manner reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson! This album can be recommended for listening to all fans of modern, high-quality, "unconventional " heavy/power metal!
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
REDEMPTION - американская прог-метал группа, активная с 2001-го года и состоящая из бывших и нынешних участников FATES WARNING, AGENT STEEL и PRYMARY. Также в составе побывали музыканты групп SYMPHONY X и STEEL PROPHET. REDEMPTION выпустили шесть полноформатных альбомов и два концертных релиза. "This Mortal Coil" - пятый полноформатный альбом REDEMPTION, вышедший 26-го сентября 2011-го года на InsideOut Music. Продюсированием, записью и сведением "This Mortal Coil" занимался Neil Kernon, работавший с NEVERMORE, DOKKEN, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM и многими другими. Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records 7-го мая 2021-го, включает одиннадцать треков, дополнено бонусным CD и выпущено в формате 2CD с 12-страничным буклетом.
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progressive metal, FONO ltd
REDEMPTION - американская прог-метал группа, активная с 2001-го года и состоящая из бывших и нынешних участников FATES WARNING, AGENT STEEL и PRYMARY. Также в составе побывали музыканты групп SYMPHONY X и STEEL PROPHET. REDEMPTION выпустили шесть полноформатных альбомов и два концертных релиза. "The Origins Of Ruin" - третий полноформатный альбом REDEMPTION, вышедший 3-го апреля 2007-го года на InsideOut Music. Продюсированием, сведением и мастерингом "The Origins Of Ruin" занимался Tommy Newton (гитарист VICTORY и владелец студии Area 51 Recording Studios), работавший с CRYSTAL BALL, GAMMA RAY, HELLOWEEN и многими другими. Данное переиздание вышло на AFM Records 19-го февраля 2021-го, включает девять треков и выпущено в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом.
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thrash metal, Metal Scrap Records
First re-release of the seventh full-length studio album by legendary German Thrash Metal band. Old-school Thrash Metal with a modern production! Band got a hell of a lot more pedigree than a lot of people realize. After hitting the scene during the first wave of Teutonic Thrash Metal, alongside their more famous contemporaries Destruction and Kreator, these guys seemed to fade very quickly into near-total obscurity. It wasn’t for a lack of output, rather it was a lack of the luck. They’ve been nothing if not persistent though, because aside from a hiatus at the latter end of the 90s, Necronomicon have diligently plugged away at supplying a steady string of always respectable releases over the years. Amongst them, this 2012 effort ranks quite highly indeed. What becomes quickly evident when listening to "Invictus" is how much more refined the new Necronomicon's approach is. This album certainly represents the zenith of the progression they have undergone over the years. Gone is the rough appeal, and in its place you'll find first-rate song writing and a highly professional, up-to-date production style. What’s impressive is that in the process, they have managed to retain most of the manic energy that German Thrash Metal is so renowned for, even if it has become a little watered down by influences from the American Bay Area scene. The trade-off actually results in a much more interesting album. Stylistically speaking, this is straight-up Thrash Metal!! "Invictus" is the album that manages to holds its own against some of the best Thrash Metal releases of the past years!!! Re-release includes bonus-track and new cover artwork.
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post rock / grunge, Metal Scrap Records
The third full-length studio album by Israeli Progressive Post-Grunge Rock band. Shadow Rebels decided to approach the recording of the new album in the most Grunge style. Unlike the previous release, which was recorded in a pure studio style, with many overdubs and individual recordings of the musicians, this time all the musicians entered the studio and simultaneously played all the songs one by one, in one day, on a tape recorder. There are a lot of powerful and fast numbers, Stoner riffs, and heartfelt ballads about the fragility of life. No pathos, only self-irony, despair, reflections on the eternal: about enemies, about friends, about God and the loss of faith, about hope in times, when no place for hope. Everything is about the crazy 21st century, in which the heroes of the songs seem to be through no fault of their own. And as a result - sincere, bordering on nudity, uncompromising Post-Grunge. Deep and simple at the same time.
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grove metal, Metal Scrap Records
The third full-length studio album by Hungarian Extreme Groove Metal band. Hungarian Extreme horde is back with their 4th studio record and showed us again they're still the best in the game! Premium production with monstrous grooves and polyrhythmic elements, including deep melodies, which drive through your inner-self. This sonic massacre arrived into a new level with even stronger songs and deeper lyrics than ever before. Produced by Gergo Hajer at 515 Studio, and mastered by the legendary Swedish producer Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios. Absolutely an eye-catcher release of 2020, highly recommended for fans of Meshuggah, Whitechapel, Machine Head, and Fear Factory!!
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thrash metal, Metal Scrap Records
Debut full-length studio album by New Zealand Crossover/Thrash Metal band. The core of the 3000AD writing philosophy is to create memorable and distinct songs as the Thrash masters of old so often did. Band aim to create album that allow you to identify the songs easily by ear rather than an album where all the songs sound very similar. All three members take part in vocal duties, with drummer Hellmore accounting for the bulk of them. This allows for a chaotic multi-part vocal onslaught, that matches the intensity of the underlying music. The bass guitar also has its own unique voice and is often used almost as a second guitar would be. “The Void” takes the listener on a journey through a bleak dystopian future. A vision of civilization on the brink of collapse in a desolate and hostile environment. Each subsequent song expands on this theme. From Old School Thrash anthems like “Cells” to the highly Progressive instrumental closer “Born Under a Black Sun”. The album recorded in studios in Hollywood, California and Auckland, New Zealand, and mastered at the iconic Sterling Sound in New York City. Award winning engineer and producer Clint Murphy mixed the album. The gatefold artwork painted by famed Berlin based artist Eliran Kantor and known for his works for Atheist, GWAR, Hatebreed, Iced Earth, Master, Mekong Delta, Satan, Sigh, Sodom, Testament, and more. Recommended for fans of Slayer, 80’s Metallica, Exodus, Anthrax, S.O.D, Municipal Waste, Power Trip, Toxic Holocaust and more.
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melodic death / thrash metal, Metal Scrap Records
The sixth full-length studio album by Russian Progressive Melodic Thrash/Death Metal band. Symphonic, Melodic, Progressive, Alternative, Thrash, and Melodic Death Metal – everything we can find on the new album of Druknroll. “… It’s a calm Spring night. I call my beloved grandma to wish her good sleep. I dial her number... and what do I hear? Instead of her answering, I hear infernal crackle of magnificent guitar riffs, horrible buzz of straightforward bass, machinegun-like teeth-grinding drums, disgusting noise under cerebral cortex caused by philosophic keyboards, harrowing howling of “crafted” legendary harsh vocals... ...Only crispy and uncompromised lead-guitars put me back into the spring environment. And, through all this chaos in the telephone I hear the hysterical yelling of my grandma: “What’s up, grandson? Did you eat your pasta?” This album is recommended for the fans of bands like Children Of Bodom, Soilwork, Mercenary, Degradead, Dark Tranquillity, Svartstorm and In Flames!
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funeral doom metal, Moscow Funeral League
Limited edition of 200 copies in a 6-panel digipak.
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experimental metal noise, Aesthetic Death
Comes in a 6-panel digipak with 20-page booklet.
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experimental black / doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Comes in a 6-panel digipak with two booklets. The first booklet contains lyrics and song credits, while the second consists of The Consecrated Tenets of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage.
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depressive black doom metal, Aesthetic Death
Tracklist: 1. Phanes 13:07 2. Asulon 14:18 3. Moros 12:09 4. Elpis 13:03
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black doom metal
Recorded, mixed and mastered at the Outer Sound Studio in Rome/Italy, during September/December 2006 and January/February 2007. This release has been issued without slipcase.
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black doom metal
Recorded and mixed at The-Outer-Sound-Studios in Rome, Italy. Mastered at The-Outer-Sound-Studios in Rome, Italy. Artwork and layout designed in Québec, Canada.
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funeral death doom metal, Dusktone
A mystical and abysmal journey into the most hidden enigmas of our universe. From Mesopotamia to Ireland, from China to North America, our planet is strewn with megalithic structures united by a terrible and apocalyptic design that is lost in the mists of time. “Nebra” tells all this with an extremely particular vision, combining Black Metal, Avantgarde and Dark Ambient in a mix as hypnotic and devastating as it is intricate and disturbing; a one of a kind musical journey that is intertwined in four very long songs full of hidden messages and encrypted codes to decipher. An album to be appreciated also visually through a visionary artwork that introduces us to the delusional world of OMEGA. Limited edition 4-panel digipack with a 16-page booklet. Edition of 500.
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atmospheric black metal, Dusktone
"La proiezione del Fuoco" consists of seven passages to celebrate the phases of initiation to the mistery cult of the solar deity Mithra. There¹s an incredible amount of exploratory thought behind this new album that make this one of Anamnesi¹s most ambitious projects to date. It is a collection of power and delicacy that transpires from every track impregnated with great compositional technique, epicity and tradition. "La proiezione del Fuoco" has entirely made in summer 2015 at Ex Oblivion Studio mixed and mastered by Fabrizio Sanna, surrounded by a monumental 24 pages booklet artwork designed by @Francesco Gemelli, featuring the first Anamnesi photosession made by Valeria Spiga at the Antas Temple of Fluminimaggiore (Sardinia). Jewel case comes with a 24-page booklet.
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black doom ambient, Dusktone
Eve is not a simply album, it is rather a subconscious experience, an atavistic expression that tends to destroy our deepest convictions, which are always limiting and promising. Cleverly based on the mysterious Voynich manuscripts, the OMEGA with this monumental work manage to bring us into the world of shadows, where everything appears in its mystical essence, but at the matter of fact you just glimpse it .. Written in the 14th century is considered the most mysterious book in the world, so today it is not possible to understand what this book really does. Eve is absolutely a journey into that abyss, interspersed in hyperspace, the home of the great ancients and from there conceiving the strange sounds of the ancient dance of the universe. Where other forms of life are conscious of themselves. The place where things are not what they seem, but everything is just mentioned and the mind can take other directions to get lost beyond the boundaries of the person. OMEGA sound a mix of Atmospheric Black, Doom and Dark Ambient. The band's aim is to create an obsessive and oppressive atmosphere, a journey to bring the listener to a dark place away from reality, a visionary and annihilating dimension.. OMEGA was formed in 2012 by some members of already active bands (Hanging Garden, Nostalgie, Deadly Carnage, Ashes of Chaos). During the first four years of activity, the band decided to work on their music without any presence on the web and without exposing them to the public.
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black metal, Dusktone
In 2017, Azazel and Choronzon joined forces to turn their vision of black metal into music. Both members are multi-instrumentalists and well versed in music production. With backgrounds in acts like Setherial, Torchbearer and The Citadel, among others, Svartghast rests on a firm foundation of musical craftsmanship. Inspired by the symphonic, atmospheric and epic sounds of 90’s black metal acts, like Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and Limbonic Art, Svartghast forge their own vision: an homage to the darkness of old. Rising grim soundscapes introduce their solid black metal offering, quickly coalescing into a rousing cascade of riff driven blast beats, drawing the listener into SVARTGHAST’s unmistakably sonic atmosphere. The Swedish duo immediatly brings the listener to the pure sounds of the golden age of Swedish black metal, making him travel among fires, forests and dark and apocalyptic visions. After the amazing interest arising from their two official singles the full length album only confirm Svartghast's compositional mastery that comes also from a long experience in milestones bands such as Setherial since the nineties There is no doubt that Svarghast can be considered one of the most anticipated upcoming bands of this late 2020 and their debut album "Perdition" is a truly must for anyone looking for the finest swedish black metal out there, special vocal guest Memnock (Abyssic).
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death black metal, Dusktone
Almost five years after the release of their latest long-player "Through the Darkness" mexican oppressive black metal institution BLACK HATE announce the release of their new effort, "Alatalith" out in July 2020 via Dusktone. the whole album draws the listener into a void of interweaving beauty, coalescing with paralyzing dejection that leaves nothing but the desire of total immersion, BLACK HATE prove their versatile musical identity once again and that the modern blend of deadly black metal is flowing through their veins.
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black metal, Dusktone
Norsk black metal conglomerate Ulvehyrde is hailing from Hønefoss and featuring past and present members from Beastcraft, Vulture Lord, Sarkom, Isvind, Angst Skvadron etc. It is known that Norway is considered, without any doubt, the cradle of the worldwide black metal movement and Ulvehyrde fully represents the incredibly misty and dark spirit that comes out of those lands. Their music is a pure fundamental mid-tempo black metal based upon old, dark, Norwegian history.An excellent, obscure and deeply cold release that spans the true norwegian black metal spirit and ULVEHYRDE pays perfect homage to the dark denizen of the nocturnal glades, and is a true paean to backwoods malignity. Digipack CD with 12 pages booklet
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melodic hardcore
Hiro(ex GANTZ) from France play wonderful, emotional french screamo-hardcore in the way of traditional french bands from the early '90s mixed with modern post-rock. Amalthea from Sweden take a new dimension - they continue with their epic end '90s influence
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post-metal / sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 Lifting Skies 9:12 2 Approach 4:39 3 Through Wires 7:14 4 It Speaks 7:50 5 The Calm Of Unlight 13:58
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experimental ambient
"Edward's Lament!" An account of salvation and redemption in 9 movements. Recorded at The House Of Low Temperatures 2000-2002. C and P 2003 Neurot Recordings
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