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death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 2nd full-length by this U.S. band. Since the dawn of the Paleolithic age, mankind has recorded spectacular scenes of death, whether in scenes of cannibal feasts crudely etched on cave walls, massacres immortalized in glyphs adorning monuments of the ancient kingdoms, or in chance recordings of grisly accidents, compiled and sold on home video to those with a thirst for that which is denied to them by our "civilized" society. Spawned in the contaminated sewers of Santa Cruz, CA in 2013, Dipygus began as a 4-piece mutation performing rudimentary styles of Death Metal, a sonic evolution of the tradition continued from the time of Cro-Magnons. A 2015 demo recording, the earliest surviving documentation of the band, reveled in unexplained and bizarre events, including peculiar methods of whale carcass disposal and otherworldly monsters from on and off the silver-screen. After a lineup change in 2016, Dipygus recorded the "Long Pig Feast" EP, which featured terrifying rites, ritual mutilations, and ominous sightings of a Mesozoic relic in the heart of the Congo. The debut album, "Deathooze", slowly de-composed in the murky shallows of powerplant runoff in the Monterey Bay, ultimately being recorded in 2018. Though quickly banned in over 16 countries, the debut album -exhibited in North America by Expansion Abyss and Caligari Records- attracted immediate attention among slime fetishists and similarly deviant circles. Placed appropriately alongside the Fiji mermaids and other grotesque artefacts found in curio cabinets of modern-day antiquarians, "Deathooze" continued the band's exploration of inexplicable incidents, mysterious beasts and shocking carnage, including genuine audio recovered from a fatal attack at the hands of an ape gone mad! Following their debut album, Dipygus was conjoined with an additional member, and began a new exploration in search of secrets hidden in the jungles of lost continents, where life is cheap. After successful initiation into the shadowy world of black-market cuisine, an agreement was reached with Memento Mori for the release of Dipygus' 2nd full-length, "Bushmeat". Showcasing more exotic and repulsive themes of the supernatural and taboo, "Bushmeat" presents an uncensored and unrelenting spectacle, with each element of the previous work irresponsibly taken to a further extreme. A prime cut of raw and grueling terror, it is fit for consumption by headhunters, body-snatchers, toad-venom junkies, cargo cultists, aquatic ape theorists, disaster tourists, carriers of tropical disease, voodoo practitioners and orgone revivalists only. All others have been warned... Memento Mori recommends Dipygus for fans of Autopsy, Impetigo, Undergang, Asphyx and Nuclear Death. But why not enter the jungle in search of "Bushmeat" and find out for yourself? The album was tracked at Darker Corners Studios, the new venture of Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Pounder, Gruesome) and Alejandro Corredor (Nausea, Pounder), ensuring utterly crushing sound. And with mixing by Earhammer Studios and mastering by Mammoth Sound, not to mention form-fitting cover art courtesy of Doug Camp, Dipygus' "Bushmeat" is guaranteed to be a grisly good time!
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death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length by this Canadian band. With beginnings in 2011, Altered Dead are a two-piece contributing to the tradition of early Death Metal with a simple and therefore genuine approach: no frills, filthy and raw, proudly influenced by the likes of Autopsy, Death Breath, Grave, Asphyx, Darkthrone, Unleashed, Exhumed and Carnage. Released in 2016, Altered Dead's debut album, simply self-titled, was a cornucopia of darkness and utter death. Twisted and gross riffs ripped alongside warring treads of percussion, with the accompaniment of scalded and bellowing dual vocals mangling the listener's mind. Similarly, lyrical themes revolved around physical and mental warfare, mutating human nature and imminent conflict and collapse. Currently residing in Esquimalt, on southern Vancouver Island, the duo have had numerous live performances and subsequently started work on their long-awaited 2nd full-length. At last it arrives, bearing the ever-fitting title "Returned to Life". Be forewarned, though, as there's no "Life Metal" here: only utter death, once again, and darkness eternal, of course. The strikingly sick and psychedelic cover art by Matt Sidney should give some clues as to where Altered Dead are coming from here: tendrils of slimy and viscous riffage rising from the muck to ensnare martial mid-tempo gallops and frequent detours into doomed-out despair. The sum effect is infinitely headbanging as it is scabrously sewer-dredging, but rest assured that Altered Dead place a premium on stridently classic songwriting as their aforementioned forebears did at the dawn of the 90's: hooks, line and sinking... into the primordial abyss! Thus, "Returned to Life" is both backwards-looking as well as inward-looking -as in inward into that very same abyss. And, it also bears re-emphasizing that Altered Dead are a duo; however, for only two people, the band create a world-eating sound far larger than their pared-down membership may convey on paper. Credit due to Loïc Fontaine for his clear and crushing mastering job at Krucyator Studio, France. Closing with a faithful cover of Celtic Frost's "Into the Crypts of Rays", Altered Dead deliver traditional Death Metal perfection with "Returned to Life".
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death metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this German Death Metal warmachine that was previously only available on vinyl/tape/digital since its April 2019 release. Minenfeld started as a rehearsal room project in summer 2016. They never intended to record anything, particularly no album. Actually they started the band as a drunken idea, born from their passion for old school Death Metal (most notably Bolt Thrower, Hellhammer and Beherit), but immediately got to play a show, so they were pretty much forced to write a few songs. Afterwards, they decided to record those songs, which led to the split w/ Kriegszittern. After another split w/ Cryptic Brood and the release of a promo tape in between splits, they decided to record their debut album, "The Great Adventure", at the Tonmeisterei Oldenburg studios in Autumn 2018, which was released by Fucking Kill Records (vinyl) and Lycanthropic Chants (tape). The band's topic of choice for the lyrics since day one has been WW1. The idea has always been to create music that captures this war in all its crudeness and primitivism, and sonically conjure up the mud, steel, blood and death in these battlefields. To achieve this, the music is heavy, rumbling, apocalyptic, grinding and thundering, accentuated by many original samples from those times: songs, speeches and excerpts from radio broadcasts, most especially taken from the U.S. propaganda after their entry into the war. The idea to contrast this propaganda of a "great adventure" that awaits on the other side of the world with the sad reality of war, where many searched for glory yet only found death, fascinated them and led them to write the album, and ultimately use that "great adventure" expression as the title. Utterly recommended for fans of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Hail Of Bullets, Just Before Dawn, Decaying, early Sacrilege...
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death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this U.S. band. Unearthed in Florida in early 2019 and comprised of past and current members of other impious hordes such as Gnosis and Devastator, Hexorcist summon old school and blasphemous Death Metal that may as well fall under the "proto-Death Metal" category, for their ferocious and relentless approach to the genre harkens back to the mid-to-late 80's, when all things extreme were still boiling in the same malignant cauldron and all boundaries were nothing but a blur that no diehard dweller of the underground gave a damn about. Hexorcist's aural and lyrical offering is uncompromising and exudes utter vileness, leaving no room for absolutely anything that could remotely be considered modern or trendy. And Hexorcist accomplish precisely that on their scathing debut album, "Evil Reaping Death". Ridiculously accurate in its title, "Evil Reaping Death" is exactly evil reaping death: steeped in the ancients, billowing sulfur, divebomb leads flying right and left, and the unhinged yet locked-in execution that can only come from true and total diehards. Not everything goes in Death Metal, and Hexorcist keep a closed mind when it comes to the Metal of Death. For them, the archaic ways of Morbid Angel, Necrovore, Sarcofago, Death, Incubus, Possessed, Vital Remains, Slayer and Peru's Mortem do not need to be messed with, only upheld, and uphold Hexorcist do here. No more but definitely no less, "Evil Reaping Death" is 666% maniacal Death Metal for Death Metal maniacs exclusively! With utterly ripping mastering courtesy of Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio (France), and classically evil cover art courtesy of Art Militia, Hexorcist soundly erase 30 years of 'progression' with "Evil Reaping Death". Expel the flesh! Revere the sacrificial rites!
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death metal, Memento Mori
Official reissue of the debut full-length, originally released in 2019, by this U.S. band. Based in Minneapolis, Nothingness spew forth a brand of Death Metal that features crushing Death/Doom Metal sections that help build up a tense atmosphere, with a permanent focus on -and reverence to- the riff, and including a wide array of influences, such as Morbid Angel, Spectral Voice, Justin Broadrick, Rippikoulu, Incantation, Convulsing, Winterfylleth, Primitive Man, Suffocation and Profanatica. Aiming for universal heaviness filtered through the lens of Death Metal, and performed with respect for the history of extreme music, Nothingness are on a mission to forge a sound rooted in the ancient ways, yet also embracing more recent takes and experimentations; a sound that doesn't need to be defined by rigid genres, whose only goal is to be honest and heavy, and honestly just heavy. If anything, Nothingness is Death.
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melodic doom death metal, Relapse Records
Recorded on location at the Balcony, Philadelphia, PA Saturday, January 18, 2003 Limited Edition of 1000 copies
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dark ambient
Kuggur is a new musical entity and it's sole member Guðmundur Óli Pálmason is no newcomer to music, being currently active in Icelandic post-doom/black metal band Katla, as well as having been a founding member and drummer for twenty years in Sólstafir. Kuggur's music is of a new ilk though, being mostly electronic and ambient in nature, Guðmundur uses Kuggur to explore previously unvisited musical landscapes without any pre-set limitations. حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ (which translates to Harvesting the light of the stars) was inspired by conversations Guðmundur had with his Lebanese wife about the maybe not-so-obvious musical similarities between Middle Eastern folk music and Icelandic folk music. Both styles relay heavily on minor scales, which tend to sound melancholic. For reasons he can't explain, Guðmundur says he's always been drawn to melancholic music. With حصاد ضَوْءٌ النُّجُومِ Guðmundur tries to visualize his connection to both countries. All music and artwork by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason Mixed and mastered by Henry Barboza Translations and Arabic handwriting by Yara Zein
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avant-garde black metal
PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present LE CHANT NOIR's highly anticipated second album, La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts, on CD format. Digital distribution will be handled by Blood Blast. Formed in 2016, LE CHANT NOIR arrived on the international metal map with single-minded purpose: deliver a grandiose statement of the majestic and macabre. And that's exactly what they did with their debut album, Ars Arcanvm Vodvm, in 2017. Then again, LE CHANT NOIR was hardly a "new" band, comprising as they do a veritable "supergroup" of the Brazilian underground: vocalist Lord Kaiaphas, well known for the classic albums of Norway's Ancient, Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends and The Cainian Chronicles, as well as Thokkian Vortex among others; guitarist Mantus AKA Marcelo Vasco, known for such bands as The Troops of Doom, Patria, and Mysteriis as well as being an acclaimed graphic artist for the likes of Slayer, Kreator, Machine Head, Soulfly, and Hatebreed; and the drummer Malphas, who's a bandmate of Vasco's in Mysteriis. At long last, LE CHANT NOIR deliver their second statement of the majestic and macabre: La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts. Building upon the firm foundation of its acclaimed predecessor, LE CHANT NOIR's second album threads together the darkest fibers of archaic black metal, doom metal, and even dark metal, arriving at a sort of avant-garde symphonic black metal that's simultaneously authentic throwback and refreshingly modern. Taken another way, immerse thyself in the chilling waters of La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts and one can imagine this sort of high drama slotting well alongside Rotting Christ, Bethlehem, and Arcturus during the late '90s - indeed, the very era where DARK METAL was in legitimate parlance. References or none, however, there's no disputing the spindly, spellbinding power of LE CHANT NOIR here, as their unsettlingly odd textures and vampiric, olde-worlde atmospheres easily transport the listener to centuries long ago and perhaps long forgotten, of French cabarets populated by aristocratic Satanists and those practicing medieval witchcraft. Simply, it's an entire sonic/psychic landscape unto itself, and one you'd be hard pressed to locate in today's metal scene. Bells toll, and fog rolls in. The symphony of the damned strikes its first chord. Casks of bloodiest vintage are cracked open. Tread warily into LE CHANT NOIR's La Société Satanique des Poètes Morts! credits
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funeral doom metal, Solitude Productions
Международная funeral doom death metal группа MESMUR возвращается, чтобы выпустить свой четвертый альбом, под названием «Chthonic»! Если предыдущие альбомы группы исследовали темы космической энтропии и земного апокалипсиса, то «Chthonic» черпает вдохновение в духовном мире. Сформированный как сборник паранормальных историй ужасов, он рассказывает о легендарных существах, вступающих в контакт через завесу сна, вызывающих добычу в подземные глубины или обитающих в постапокалиптическом ландшафте. В музыкальном плане альбом продолжает траекторию, которую MESMUR наметили в предыдущих работах. В записи альбома приняла участие Брианна Виейра, исполнившая партии альта и виолончели, а партии органа исполнил Костас Панагиоту из британской группы PANTHEIST, что придало «Chthonic» баланс между мелодией и диссонансом, поскольку он отображает призрачные образы. Сокрушительные думовые риффы накладываются на эфирные синтезаторы и глубокий вокал, чтобы создать тёмную и яркую атмосферу. Как и два предыдущих релиза группы, альбом имеет великолепное оформление от украинского художника Владислава Кадаверского.
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atmospheric black doom metal, folk ambient, Ksenza Records
special edition limited digipak to 70 copies
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Треклист: 1 Orientation 10:12 2 Autorité Spirituelle Et Pouvoir Temporel 4:56 3 Les Compagnons Secrets Du Général De Gaulle 10:34 4 L’Epée De Justice Et De...
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post rock
Треклист: 1 Evolution 1 2 Evolution 2 3 Evolution 3 4 Evolution 4 5 Evolution 5 6 Progress 1 7 Progress 2 8 Progress 3 9 Progress 4 10 Progress 5...
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Funeral Procession 13:40 2 Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust 17:10 3 Winter Sacrament 20:35
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traditional doom
WORLD BELOW is a four piece out of Sweden bringing back the more classic Doom Metal atmosphere that began with Black Sabbath in the 70?s, adding some epic touch in the vein of Candlemass, Doomshine to its music. Totally epic majestic Doom Metal from Swede
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Brutal Destruction 5:24 2 I Need Enemies 6:28 3 Torment Dominator 8:17 4 Man Slayer 5:38 5 Barbarian Steel 5:47 6 Corpse 5:47 7 Veincut Exctasy...
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black / thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Doomed to Encirclement 2 This is War 3 Killed, Wounded and Missing 4 Horizon of Destruciton 5 Fury of the Enemy 6 Incendiary Bombs of Ruin...
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doom death metal, Aesthetic Death
Fatum Elisum plays doom death metal in the old way, without keyboards or female vocals. The band is inspired by My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Anathema, Cathedral, Saint Vitus, Mourning Beloveth, Evoken, Ataraxie, Indesinence, Deinonychus, Bethlehem, Shining, Silencer, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost; and by these following literary references: Antonin Artaud, Cioran, William Blake, the Coran, the Bible, Bardo Thodol, Charles Beaudelaire, Lautr_amont, Fran_ois Villon, Joachim Du Bellay, Nietzche and Schopenhauer.
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progressive rock
Треклист: 1 Krunching Down 2 Year Ram 3 Mad Airpunch
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sludge doom
Треклист: 1 The Supreme Moment 6:57 2 Let Sleeping Corpses Die 6:15 3 Only The Strong Can Survive 3:27 4 Black Hearts Will Break 5:01 5 The Great Work 0:47...
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traditional doom
Треклист: 1 Sown Are The Seeds Of Doom 8:03 2 Atonement For The One 7:37 3 The Grand Act 5:12 4 Agonies Be Thy Children 7:55 5 Keep Wandering The Night 7:16...
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traditional doom
Треклист: 1 Nosophoros 8:47 2 The Conqueror Worm 6:58 3 At The Birth Of The Human Shadow 6:56 4 My Home The Gallows 11:24 5 Cathedral Of Doom 6:59 6 Cold...
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electro / darkwave
Kirlian Camera today are without a doubt one of the most important acts in the electro scene and this work marked without a doubt one of the peak moments of their career and is regarded as their most ‘accessible’, and most ‘darkwave’ kind of album. This new version comes with new and full colour booklet and runs more than 72 minutes now – in fact it not only contains 3 bonus tracks, but also the ‘Kuolema’ remix of ‘Ascension’ from the original edition has been replaced by a much better sounding version!
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stoner doom
Heavy rocking Goatsnake-ish doom from Toronto, Canada with its debut album. The music is Sabbath inspired and generally midtempo with strong, clean vocals, and melodic guitar solos. This is fantastic laid back and thick sounding doom-rock that presents KEEF as one of the brightest rising stars in the world of riffing doom.
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martial ambient
"Vanitas Vanitatum", six songs of decadent and gloomy atmospheres, now with three exclusive new versions of songs originally featured on “The Hikimori songs” 10 inch EP.
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industrial avantgarde metal, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 Dystopia Show 4:36 2 Nervine 4:04 3 Float 3:06 4 Astronomicon 3:39 5 Weltschmerz 6:03 6 Until Death Do Us Apart 4:04 7 Nations Collide 4:08 8...
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death / sludge metal, Relapse Records
Southern metal super group Birds of Preys' Sulfur And Semen transcends geographical boundaries by also transcending musical boundaries - it's too fast for sludge, too grimy for death, too precise for punk and way heavier than the current crop of retro-rock revivalists.
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atmospheric doom metal
Треклист: 1 Connected With The Universe 6:30 2 Black Threads 4:17 3 What Do You Want? 4:54 4 Pray 5:30 5 In The Fog 2:53 6 Island Song 4:09 7 Pills 4:27 8...
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doom metal
Треклист: 1 Empty Hand 5:23 2 Empty Words 6:01 3 In The Arms Of Death 4:47 4 I Don't Belong 3:32 5 Someone Else's Share 5:04 6 King Cliff 4:46 7 Harmony And...
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progressive post rock
How to express a concept or an idea capable of combining different aspects and textures of reality or the time one is living in? "HARD TO BE A GOD" is the vehicle that leads to that search and makes it visible. Zero. Another starting point. This is the beginning. Everything has a beginning. We began to study some basic issues concerning our existence."Perfection is not a Human Condition" is a sample of reflection. It is a mirror of our fears and mistakes. This is a different and powerful 6-tracks-look that suggests one keep experimenting on rock. You will love this amazing album , for fans of Mono, Mogwai, Porcupine tree and Anathema!!!
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HOPELESS project is a mix of differents textures and sounds, combining differents influences taken from electronic music, along with voices which mix in the right amount melody and aggressiveness. Hopeless is born as an answer to the times we live, times where our dreams, hopes and ideals are replaced by selfishness, apathy and conformism.Using messages that invite to reflection and sounds charged with emotions, Hopeless tries to illuminate this hidden corner in our souls where hope lies.Clean your tears, erase the pain, we must believe, we must prevail!!!
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martial dark ambient
HOROLOGIUM is one of the most important acts in Poland if we talk about dark ambient , martial music. With lot of works in different labels and important collaborations with important bands they return with a new beautiful worktrought Twilight Records. We think we are an exotic label and Horologium is an exotic band too.The title of this release is "Le Paradis des Chasseurs” and it contains material from "Songs For Hunters” and "Paradise Inverted” – two mini albums that embody Horologium’s most bombastic recordings to date. Both 3 inch CDr releases were out in a strictly limited amounts (100 and 150 copies, accordingly).We believe that this sonic output needs much more recognition! Additional bonus track was recorded with a wonderful assistance from Juan A. of Der Arbeiter.
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electro gothic
Треклист: 1 Dark Angel (Piano Version) 4:14 2 Dark Angel (Alien Produkt Remix) 5:38 3 Peccator (Cámara Version) 3:53 4 Dunkel Leben (Kutna Hora Ritual...
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“…Living for the Kingdom?s Will” is the debut album of the electro-darkwave act MELMOTH.The band presents an eclectic work that joins the essence of classic and modern literature with obscure and delicate vocal melodies, electronic sequences and orchestral arrangements.“…Living for the Kingdom’s will” places the listener beyond the boundaries of time, facing a past that gets near through a harmonic blend of contemporary sounds.Without the shadow of a doubt, this band invites us to experiment a fantastic voyage where each song is a living chapter of a book that never reveals its ultimate secret.Melmoth was formed in 1998, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the year 2001 the band makes its first live show in the “Fiesta de Los Eternos”. One year later, Melmoth takes part of an electronic compilation CD titled “Plan Identitaat”, edited in Argentina by the label Nullrepublik. This compilation reaches many european and latin american countries.Between the years 2002 and 2003 Melmoth performs several shows for different audiences. It takes part of “Electropolis”, a live soundtrack of the film “Metropolis” (An argentinean tribute to the german director Fritz Lang). In 2004 Melmoth plays as an opening act of Wayne Hussey’s (The Mission U.K.) show in his last concert in Argentina.In the next year the band records its first album that will be released in 2006.
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Треклист: 1 Flames On My Window 2 Deadline 3 Burning Wild (feat. Froxeanne) 4 Reason To Die 5 The Edge Of Silence 6 And Night Falls (feat. Billy SMK)...
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martial neoclassic
This is a master piece , very intense, atmospheric and deep, a work and sound unique and very personal.Oda Relicta?s third album will show you the true beauty of the liturgical chants in their moreprimitive expression.
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Are you ready for a new journey to know the deep of this isolated souls? Replica is the new promisse of the southmarican scene. Between electro and dark music, Replica?s music bring to the listeners to a oscure p?ssage full of emotions, feelings and unforgetables songs.Languages of Dekay show us the two sides of the band: one more intense and depresive and the other more danceable and powerfull.Replica?s music could be called a duality music, for in the compositions we can find ( lyrically and musically speaking ) from dark and oppressive passages of solitude and hate, passing the ironic hystery of the lack of communication, to rabid and tension released under violent accords.The idea of Replica is only one: to create a sonic curtain that stays in the ears and minds of the listeners that try to make a step further inside the world of Replica?s songs, understanding the language that this band try to express !!.
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The return of one of the most amazing industrial acts : The conception of of Czech ensemble SKROL arised from the visions of its spiritual father Vladim?r Hirsch (composer, keyboards, drums, programming, vocal) in autumn 1995, when he was joined by Martina Sanollov?-Sweeney (vocal) and Tom Saivon (lyrics, noise structures). Formation employing original principles of composition, with added depth of classical program influences. Their inspiration derives mainly from Slavic melodic and harmonic systems, Album New Laws / New Orders was originally instrumental suite of Vladim?r Hirsch, created in the beginning of 2000. Later, some of tracks from that composition were together with some unreleased pieces from the period 1996-1999 reworked as fully conceptual title of the ensemble. SKROL majestic and uncompromising music is based on specific melodiousness and orchestration of contemporary neoclassical music, situated in the arch of industrial ambient and brutalized by noises and modern technology sounds. This album represents some “swan song” of the band, that definitely discontinues the activities by it. Probably, that is why musicians eclectically capitalise here all the forms used until now.
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electro / darkwave
An atmospheric blend of decadent electronic cold wave and full bodied industrial sounds is what Italy"s HIDDEN PLACE delivers with their latest disc release, WEATHER STATION early works. Written and arranged by the four original band members,SaraLux, Fabio V., Antonio L.,Giampiero Di B., this purposefully constructed, and far from pristine, electro soundscape is a 10 song collection that takes us on a journey back to the band"s minimalistic beginning. It"s obvious chilly veneer melts away when raw emotional isolation collides with an easily embraceable ambiance evoking a feeling of moving stillness.
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industrial black / doom metal, Dusktone
Phobonoid’s first full lenght is a sci-fi concept album about the invasion of the Solar System’s ruins by the Alpha Centauri army. Black, doom, industrial. The album is the natural evolution of Phobonoid’s first EP “Orbita”, expanding Phobonoid’s personal universe in a even more violent and evil direction. Mastered by Karl Daniel Liden, the 40 minutes long self titled album has been recorded and mixed by Phobonoid during winter 2014/2015, and features original cover art done by the great sci-fi artist Bob Layzell. Come to Phobos and embrace the Cosmic Entropy. Distant flames, overlapping in the cloud of time. Winning today to get lost tomorrow. Does it really matter? Under the pall of mummified bodies lies the answer.
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math rock, Relapse Records
Don Caballero twists and turns through fourteen new tracks on its brand new album Punkgasm. Punkgasm explodes with all of the band's legendary trademarks and pushes their sound in a host of surprising new directions! Punkgasm is a celebration of Don Caballero at its finest!
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death metal
Треклист: 1 Death, Lucid Death 0:59 2 Not A Second From Oceans To Frozen Wastelands 7:32 3 Abendwerk 7:41 4 Marrow's Void 1:23 5 Perpetual Stigmata 5:30 6...
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martial / ambient
Треклист: 1 The Drift 2 A Torch In A Dark Field 3 The Unsaid 4 Back Around The Yew 5 Eternal 6 Reliance 7 Then, A New Era 8 Heading Towards The West...
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electro / darkwave
Треклист: 1 Spazio Zero 3:11 2 Window Sill 4:22 3 Picture Hall 5:51 4 Notturno Italiano 2:36 5 Asimmetrie 4:31 6 Spazio Zero (Instrumental Remix) 3:14 7...
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Треклист: 1 The Sacrality Of War 4:18 2 Gott Mit Uns 4:20 3 Doctrina Legionaria 4:20 4 Tendrán Que Prevalecer 4:31 5 Army Of The Guardians Of The Revolution...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Insipid, As Mourners Over Tombs 2 The Silent Bleeding Of Our Altars 3 The Shore Of The Light 4 From The Abyss Before Creation 5 And They...
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martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 Un Combat 2 Jeunes Combattants 3 Alcool 4 Ciel D'Orage 5 (...) 6 Coeurs Serrés 7 Mort De Chagrin 8 Retour De Guerre 9 Perdu D'Avance
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martial / folk
Треклист: 1 L'Épopée 2:58 2 Marche Sous Le Drapeau 2:57 3 Retour À La Tradition 3:18 4 Sur Le Front, Loin De Leur Patrie 5:08 5 Vision Apocalyptique (Partie...
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martial / folk
Треклист: 1 Unser Glaubensbekenntnis 4:07 2 Kennst Du Deine Farben? 4:27 3 Teremts! 4:48 4 Heiliger Krieg (Innere Und Äußere) 3:15 5 Lux Mundi I. (Der...
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synth pop
Треклист: 1 Big Bang World 4:47 2 Love Room 4:23 3 Life Source Reborn 4:07 4 I Know (Almagest) 5:08 5 Extraordinary Journey 5:49 6 Father Sun, Mother Moon...
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dark ambient / neoclassical
Треклист: 1 Introitus 2:26 2 Requiem Aeternam 4:03 3 Kyrie Eleison 5:57 4 Sanctus Dominus Deus 1:49 5 Gloria In Excelsis 2:02 6 Lacrimosa 2:44 7 Agnus Dei...
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depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 A Million Lights 2 Hinter Grauen Wänden 3 Auf Neuen Wegen 4 A Dream About The Loneliness Of Aimless Travel 5 Ein Paradies Das Ich Fand...
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doom metal
Треклист: 1 Serpents Of The Church 2 Crossroads 3 Slow Decay (Sonic Mantra) 4 Funeral Song 5 The Martyr 6 In Doom's Name (The Chosen Ones) 7 Children...
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sludge / doom metal
Треклист: 1 Subirse El Muerto 2 Abandon The Wolf 3 Daemon 4 Seeth Inside 5 Accursed 6 Harbinger 7 Ghost Untitled Track
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Треклист: 1 Suffocated 2 Da Vinci´s Eyes 3 Primitive Conscience 4 Living The Universe 5 Immortal Beloved 6 Rain & Fire 7 Radiant 8 Modern Love 9...
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medieval neofolk
Треклист: 1 Earthe 5:46 2 Air 7:10 3 Fyre 5:14 4 Water 9:02 5 Quintessence 13:49 6 Hear The Words Of God And The Maid 3:51 7 Kyrie Eleison 21st Century...
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martial / industrial
Треклист: 1 Naitre 4:33 2 Du sang sur les mains 4:06 3 Le sang est la vie 4:06 4 Le sang versé 5:10 5 Combattre 4:56 6 Le pacte 3:46 7 Syphilis 4:27 8...
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heavenly voices / indie
Треклист: 1 Love Is Happiness 2 Twenty Years Later 3 Sunset Breeze 4 Raining House 5 Travel To The End 6 Live Here Forever 7 Moonlight Melodies 8...
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funeral doom, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Anger 2 Worry 3 Sadness 4 Peace 5 Love 6 Nothingness
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death metal, GS Productions
Треклист: In Decadence 1 Lost 2 Fallen Angel 3 Fractured 4 Excited 5 Drain Alma All We Believed In 6 You 7 Celebration Of The Sabbat 8 Nothing 9...
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black / doom / death metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Inno Funebre Un - Suicide Chalice 2 Inno Funebre Due - Souls At Martyrdom 3 Inno Funebre Tre - Harrowing The Sacred
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doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Dans Mon Cercueil 2 Saule Pleureur 3 Le Pays Sans Vie 4 Damnes 5 Fugitif 6 La Lame Pour Tous 7 Bicetre 8 La Place Rouge 9 Au Gibet
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funeral doom metal, Dusktone
Dýrtangle is a name that comes from an imaginary world, and being a play of words, cannot be correctly interpreted with them. However, dýr means “a beast” in Old Norse language, and tangle with its English roots sends us to “entanglement”. So literally it means “in the rough embrace of the beast”, but this translation does not do justice to the meaning. Some similar notes may be found in the coming of Indian Buddhism to Tibet, transforming the “beasts” or so-called “evil, wrathful deities” into the guardians of the new fused Tibetan Buddhism. On this album, Ego Depths may be speaking to hungry and evil spirits, negotiating the aspects of life and debating its laws and principles. Apart from the traditional instruments like guitar, bass and drums, the project involves different styles of vocals including growl, scream, whispers and clean tone, but he also tries to employ throat singing. By introducing chanting into the overall extreme funeral doom metal ambience, beside the growls, Stigmatheist meant to create something new — something that had not been explored before. His main policy in this case is that it is better to fail at creating something original than succeed at imitating something that existed before.
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funeral black doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 S.S.M. Pt I 6:21 2 Mors Imperatrix Mundi 8:54 3 Sic Juvat Ire Sub Umbras 9:45 4 De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Mayhem Cover) 7:06 5 Fui Sum Ero...
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black metal, Cold Dimensions
Треклист: 1 Grauen 2 Weil Wegen Verachtung 3 Distanzmensch, Verdammter 4 Abgrundtief 5 Paranoia 6 Durch Die Nacht Mit 7 In Chnmacht 8 Atomkinder Und...
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death doom metal, Solitude Productions

Solitude Productions с гордостью представляет долгожданный третий альбом Doom:VS, группы Юхана Эриксона, бессменного участника и гитариста известной шведской команды Draconian!Новый тёмный шедевр от Doom:VS содержит в себе все самые лучшие элементы своего фирменного звучания: великолепные мелодии, мрачная атмосфера скорби и безысходности, депрессивная лирика и, конечно, высочайшее качество исполнения и звука. По-прежнему, Юхан Эриксон исполнил все партии инструментов и чистого вокала, а партии гроула на этот раз исполнил специальный гость – вокалист группы Saturnus Томас Йенсен, добавивший большей атмосферности и ноток отчаяния в «Earthless», своим харизматичным голосом. Лимитированный диджипак станет отличным подарком поклонникам Doom:VS, Draconian, Saturnus и всем взыскательным любителям жанра.

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post rock
Треклист: 1 Bussines Of The Soul 2 Trying To Hit Bottom - Part 1 3 Could You Say Goodbye ? 4 Free Fall 5 Trying To Hit Bottom - Part 2 6 Repeated Time
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stoner rock
Треклист: 1 Úrsula 6:19 2 Hyde Formula 5:10 3 Miss Howls 3:16 4 Sexkinesia 5:07 5 Polvo Zombi 3:32 6 Will O' The Wisp 6:42 7 Ligeia 6:16 8 Mistress Of Evil...
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sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Synod 2 On The Edge 3 Reminder Of Pain 4 Low Mind, Low Sense 5 Once Again 6 Forever The Queen 7 Hunt It Down
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sludge doom
Треклист: 1 Scratching The Coffin Lid 08:51 2 When The Raven Is Ravenous 08:51 3 Horrible Procession 07:32 4 Desecrated Grave 07:03 5 Cry Of The Damned...
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hardcore punk, Relapse Records
Треклист: 1 No Benefit 1:33 2 Defeater 2:02 3 The Fate Of Men 3:00 4 Seven Cities 1:35 5 Profetas 3:24 6 Shake It Off 1:15 7 Skyline Fucker 2:52 8 Funeral...
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math rock, Relapse Records
Dysrhythmia have established themselves as one of the finest instrumental bands in the world. Masters of their craft, Dysrhythmia make the standard rock (guitar, bass, drums) setup sound like a symphony and complex, innovative music sound easy. On Barriers and Passages, the trio raises the bar once again with their exceptional playing and unwavering dedication to forward-thinking song craft. Time signatures bend and shift intuitively. Rich washes of melody and layers of noise are the voices that punctuate crisp musical constructions. Engineered by Martin Bisi (Sonic Youth, Dresden Dolls, Swans, Helmet, Brian Eno), Barriers and Passages is Dysrhythmia's tour de force.
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neoclassic - martial
Треклист: 1 Introitus Nocturnus 2:03 2 Aurora In The Icon-Lamp 5:38 3 Ave Ploughman The Golden 3:01 4 Ave Rex Luciferi 3:14 5 Ave Rex Crowned With Laurel...
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martial / folk
Треклист: 1 Gott Erhalte Den Habsburger-Thron 5:29 2 Neuzeichnung Der Karte Europas 4:48 3 Gegen/Revolution 4:42 4 Christus Vincit! (Intermezzo) 1:50 5...
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ambient / experimental / vocal
Треклист: 1 Whelm Prelude 1:41 2 Another Day 3:57 3 Climb 6:39 4 Ocean 4:55 5 Vision Doll 5:21 6 Cine 3:01 7 Drink The New Wine 6:36 8 The Light Is All 4:01...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Rosicrux 2 S.O.M.F. 3 Crimson Lotions 4 Fevers Of Unknown Origin 5 Acts Of Savagery 6 Waxing 7 Waning Of Odal 8 Unleashing Pariah
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doom death black metal
Треклист: 1 In The Hood Of The Clan Of Tombs 7:35 2 Enshrine 7:23 3 Conclusion 7:36 4 Instincts Of A Serpent 5:08 5 Leaving No Prospect For A New Dawn 5:35...
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funeral drone doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Empty November 2 Dark December 3 Grey January 4 Freezing February 5 Mournful March Bonus Track 6 Severe Winter
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doom / death metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Of Poison And Deceit 11:52 2 Maudit Et Superieur 12:03 3 Bury Them Deep 08:40 4 The Tomb's Penumbra 11:38
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atmospheric doom metal, GS Productions
Треклист: 1 Deep Dark (Intro) 2 Recession (outro) 3 The Huge Doom City 4 Cries Of Despair 5 Autumn Tears 6 My Life Is Funeral For Me 7 Everlasting...
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black metal
Треклист: 1 Introduccion 0:29 2 La Ira Del Gran Volcan 4:59 3 Incineracion A La Divinidad De Achaman 5:28 4 Venganza Del Mencey Desmomificado 5:08 5...
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