More Hate Productions

More Hate Productions
440.00 Р
industrial metal, More Hate Productions
The ninth album of industrial metal band from Rybinsk. Morok is not only the sole and absolute owner of the project and the author of all music of this band – currently he is an active member of the iconic German dark metal/ dsbm band BETHLEHEM. Despite this commitment he still finds the time for his brainchild! The new album titled “In a Dark Time” is an explosive mix of industrial metal, math-core and metal-core. Clean signing is reduced to a minimum giving way to harsh and fry vocals. The song “Difficult Death” features guest vocals from DESERT singer Alex (Israel). The music on this album is way more intense and heavier than any previous works of Morok. This time the record has live drums! Beyond all doubt this album is the best effort of Morok as a mastermind of BOG MOROK.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
industrial metal, More Hate Productions
"Industrialypse" is a sixth album by the industrial-metal band from Rybinsk. This is, definitely, the best album in band’s discography. Specifically on this album “moroks” managed to achieve an ideal balance between heaviness and melody, harsh guitars/bass and electronic sound, between the industrial mechanisticity and live performing. During the 55 minutes of album length one can find an uncompromisingly brutal "Bloodsucker" or "Industrialypse", a trip-rock-like "Shapeshifter", or an industrial-blues song "Undream". "Neizbezhnost’" is a re-mastered version of the title track from the previous album, performed in English, while songs "Не вижу зла [Stadiae III] " (“See no Evil”) and "IDDQD" follow the path of "Stadiae II" album released by More Hate in 2005 with artwork by same designer. The last song on the album is "Der Golem" – a schizoid band “Fantomas” cover. Besides the 8-pages booklet CD contains an 8-pages CD user guide, that will help you in the hour of need, and a sticker
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
industrial metal, More Hate Productions
The new seventh album by Bog-Morok (Rybinsk). The band continues the development of its individual and almost unclassifiable style which can tenuously be referred to asindustrial metal.The variety of vocal styles (from screaming and growling to harsh and clean singing), the elements of groove and heavy-metal, trip-rock, djent,nu-metal, trance-core and other styles naturally complement to the consistent canvas – now dark, then aggressive and angry or melancholic and depressive. 9 songs to the length of 40 minutes of massive and intense music narrate on the dying and abandoned industrial cities and residential areas, on slave labor in the service of reinforced concrete monsters, on spiritual emptiness and the search of any single reason for existence in our agonizing world. The lyrics traditionally include the verses of such poets as T.S. Eliot, P. Levine and the others.With this album the band completes the cyclus opened with the CD “Inevitability” and continued on “Industrialypse”. It’s a reinterpretation of the whole musical experience of the band that brings out the best of its achievements so far. “Seven” will definitely gladden the old fans and attract the new listeners looking for unordinary and truly original music.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
industrial metal, More Hate Productions
Third album of Russian cyber industrial death metal band with some touch of electro music! Awesome stuff!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive death metal, More Hate Productions

"Debut full-length album by Progressive Death\ Grind duo BRAINTEASERS from Astrakhan. The band performs complicated and structurally diversified material consisting of uncommon timings and ever-changing rhythmic constructions. Musical content is both brutal, melodically delicate and decent: powerful groove alternating with psychedelic and atmospheric inserts, guitar solos, interludes all at once turning into fast blast-beating grind attacks, low mega ventral growls of the vocalist altogether merge into one original multilayer musical canvas named Brainteasers!!!
In general the music may resemble such bands as Cephalic Carnage, Suffocation, Immolation significantly influenced by guitar techniques of Atheist and Death.The album was recorded at Vespero Mobile Studio and Potok Records (Astrakhan). Mixed and mastered by Andrey Brodskiy."

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions
New album of dark Carpathian metal band! Band performs a modern melodic gothic dark metal! For really lovers of vampire castle atmosphere!
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266.67 Р
folk black metal, More Hate Productions
The fourth album by folk black metal heroes from Kharkov, Ukraine! After having released the first two albums and a Split-CD, CHYSTA KRYNYCYA have finally polished their unique style, which represents the mixture of furious and monolithic black metal and tremendously atmospheric melodic lines, congenial to modern gothic stage, on the basis of folk metal. From this point of view the band can be treated as the successor of the early albums by NOKTURNAL MORTUM.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut full –length album by the Ukrainian band Contaminated consists of 12 slabs of freshly sliced and expertly stuffed brutal death metal meat of choice. The style of the band was influenced by North American and European old school death/ grind metal of the 90’s enriched with the elements of melodic death/ thrash metal and, at times, even with the fragments close to doom metal. These insertions to the powerful and solid brutal death metal framework here and there turning into quite pacey death/ grind do not diminish brutality, speed and ultimatism of the music but add some grace and atmosphere keeping the band up-to-date balancing between brutality and melody. The work by Contaminated will be of interest both for the desperate fans of brutal knifing and for the adepts of a more progressive death metal sound.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions

Основанная в 2003 году Vorog’ом (гитара/ вокал), Getman Azach’ом (клавиши/ бэк-вокал) и Mizgir’ом (басс) израильская sympho black metal группа Dagor Dagorath из города Хайфа представляет вниманию слушателей свой новый и второй полноформатный альбом Dissident. Dagor Dagorath или Последняя битва в конце времен, о которой повествует Сильмариллион, и в ходе которой олицетворение Тьмы - Мелькор вырывается на свободу и возвращается в мир, именно такое название дали группе ее три основателя и бессменных участника. (Кстати, все представители группы так сказать “рожденные в СССР”, так как весь нынешний состав вышел родом из различных городов Украины - Киева, Харькова, Керчи). С начала группа записала демо-ленту "Times of Distress" в 2005 году, затем альбом "Yetzer Ha"Ra" («Злое Начало» с иврита), который вышел в 2009 году на CD на российском металл лэйбле More Hate Productions. В сентябре 2012 году, после относительно долгого молчания, перемежавшегося не многочисленными концертами, и написанием нового материала, группа приступила к записи на студии Eli Pickover в Тель-Авиве своего второго полноформатного альбома "Dissident". 9 песен альбома были записаны и сведены на студии в конце 2012 года. В 2013 году Maor Apellbaum, работавший ранее над мастерингом альбомов таких корифеев металла как Sepultura, Angra, Halford сделал мастеринг альбома "Dissident" и группа приступила к поиску выпускающего лэйбла. И вот теперь, благодаря титаническим стараниям выпускающих лэйблов - ФОНО LTD. и More Hate Productions, альбом стал доступен и для широкой аудитории российских слушателей! Новый альбом Dissident отличается от своего предшественника прежде всего дальнейшим развитием всей музыкальной составляющей, а именно, значительно и заметно усложнилась структура композиций, они приобрели еще более многогранный и многослойных характер и, что самое главное, у группы сформировался свой собственный узнаваемый стиль и лицо в жанре progressive sympho black metal. Да, музыка по прежнему брутальна, колюча и злобна, но при этом прибавилась некая узнаваемая и характерная изюминка в звучании и упрекнуть группу в том, что она похожа на Dimmu Borgir или Cradle of Filth уже теперь точно нельзя. Текстовая часть альбома также носит концептуальный характер, альбом в целом посвящен всем жертвам тоталитарно-административной системы СССР, описывает путь по которому прошли многие советские диссиденты в их личной борьбе с коммунистическим режимом, состояние противостояния личности и государства вообще и степень того, насколько далеко государство может зайти в своем стремлении навязать Обществу те или иные ценности и порядки. Оформление альбома также расскрывает эту тему, буклет выполнен в виде некоего уголовного дела, заведенного органами КГБ на одного из диссидентов. Оформление альбома выполнил бассист группы Mizgir. В общем, диск точно можно порекомендовать очень широкой публик любителей экстремального металла: и тем кто любит злую музыку с интересными мелодиями, чумовой энергией, зубодроблением, жесткостью в звуке, а это довольно мощно представлено на альбоме и тем, кто является сторонником более рафинированного и разнообразного звучания, сложного и прогрессивного одновременно и не плюется от "нетрушности" симфонического израильского "black" metal бэнда!

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306.67 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Black / Death metal triumvirate DARGONOMEL presents its third full-length album “Astazebian” released in the name of Chaos and disintegration. Monsters awoken by boiling sacrificial blood, occult practices and primordial thirst after massacre, obsession and scoff at all flesh – this is the essence of inevitable and merciless Darkness. “Astazebian” is a product of vivisection of death and black metal, atmosphere and brutality, technical elements and riffs that pierce into your brain and leave their imprint on the internal surface of your brain case. This album has everything from hypnotic meditative instrumentals to female extreme vocals in Sumerian. Yet all these elements are just the additions to mighty and evil death/ black metal sound! With a new thicker sound, more furious playing and better realization of ideas this is definitely the best album of DARGONOMEL to date!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Another rusty nail in rotten christian brain of the present-day world! The Ukrainian unholy death-black metal formation DEATHINCARNATION presents its second album. Sombre black metal melodics and complicated death metal structures are combined under the title of “Roar from Within” album and entwined with razor wire of venomous antichristian lyrics.Hear the growl of the beast inside you – this is a proclamation of freedom for the free, of power for the powerful, of life for the dignified!
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by the band from Kiev (Ukraina)! Grim and aculeate black metal in the vein of Dark Funeral, 1349, Belphegor. Lined-up by former members of Balance Interruption (Morthvarg) and Semargl (Equinox)!
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413.33 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
The first and the only full-length album of DEFLECTION (St. Petersburg) – one of the oldest Russian death metal bands! Until recently this album recorded back in March, 2000 existed in MC format only. Finally, 18 years after the original release this album comes out on a more modern medium! The material was remastered for CD format in November, 2017 at YARO (Yaroslav Smirnoff) studio. As compared to the original recording, the remastered version sounds much thicker. New “zombie”-artwork is also in place. Now you can enjoy true old school death metal in high quality and get nostalgic for the days when Death metal was blaring and popular throughout Russia!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by brutal death metal/death core band from the heart of Siberia with inimitable deep female growl.The band is famous in Russia for live performances – now the time has come to prove the relevance of this headbanging brutality in studio record!
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
raw black metal, More Hate Productions
Morena is a female mythological figure related to seasonal ceremonies of dying and resurrection of nature. She eternally wanders in snows and, on one side, brings death to the living. However she is the one who gives the new life. The new album of DEVILGROTH (black metal) from Novosibirsk reflects the innermost esoteric ideas of the musicians. "Morena" is alchemy embodied in music. It is the energy of eternal cold reincarnated in musical form. The album is awash with the atmosphere of primeval winter forest and recorded with the use of live instruments only. The style of the band is a combination of traditional Black Metal with the monumentality of philharmonic orchestra. It may be called epic metal, but it is not. There are no keyboard interludes or anything of the kind characteristic of traditional symphonic black metal – only pagan aura of the ancient Siberia emanates from each song of the CD. DEVILGROTH presents its own interpretation of Cold Raw Black Metal. Cover art design by Liana Nord (St. Petersburg).
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal, More Hate Productions
The first full-length album of this Ukrainian black metal band is an unexpectedly high quality level debut performed in a purely misanthropic manner taking listeners into the ocean of hatred of the most precious in this life – of themselves, and giving them a chance to see things in a more realistic light, without illusions. The bands primary focus was to convey the emotions and feelings of abandoned and offcast persons living here, there and everywhere in present-day society. The main topic of the lyrics is antipathy to everything popular and patterned in the history of modern reality. The music of DIAGOR is filled with atmospheric and melodic black metal elements, but there is no commitment to a particular style. The songs were composed entirely at the taste of their composers with no parallels to other bands. This album is a kind of a figurative pillar to which all existing sins and vices of human society are chained.
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by a death metal project from the remote Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi. The music of the album was inspired by death metal classics – the first albums of DEATH, SIX FEET UNDER, MASSACRE. According to Roman Diamond, the mastermind of the band, “this CD is a must-have for each fan of metal as it was created by a metalhead and for metalheads!!! You can listen to it everywhere: at the party, on the shopfloor or while burning the road in a car or on a motorbike. It’s that simple: wild tempo plus groovy riff – that’s the formula for success of this album!”The guys made a good job and presented a high-quality musical product (both in terms of performance and record) masterfully bringing the best traditions of pure death metal to the modern level. As a result, the album sounds not like a compilation of retro hits of the first part of the 90s – it’s an independent and challenging musical canvas!!!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions
New revelation on Belorussian symphonic black metal stage – the album "The unexploration: Chapter 26" by Diavoliada project. The name of the album, as well as its content, is a mystery, a conundrum with the answers hidden on the other side of human consciousness. It is emphasized by extraordinary symphonic black metal and atmospheric dark metal melodics employed by Diavolida. Here you can find almost all the specific features of the present-day symphonic black metal including mighty blast beat sections with central theme performed by melodic guitar, as well as epic clean voice sections with melodies played on lead guitar, which may sound as classical stringed instruments from time to time.From the first up to the last track the album maintains the conceptual sequence of songs narrating about chaos, the alteration of universally recognized realities, the birth of a global mystical evil. At the same time it reveals the philosophic context dealing with the essence of Humanity as a single organism and the essence of a single person, its thanatophobia, its fears of the unknown future and the certainty of the end – “trapped by the fear of the unknown future / the consciousness picks the path of sin”...
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400.00 Р 166.67 Р
black thrash metal, More Hate Productions
Stay Brutal, Baby is a nuclear mixture of old school and trendy modern musical influences. Distinct might of death metal, thrash metal speed and fury typical of black metal are freely arranged with keyboards, scratches, breakdowns and electronic effects. Mighty, up-tempo, technical music, fresh sound and plenty of new unhacked ideas resulted in the 3rd full-length album which brings Dictator to a new level.
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400.00 Р
gothic doom metal, More Hate Productions
“Fucked-Up Songs” is a debut release of DISTRESSFUL PROJECT formed by the two member of a famous and well-liked band ATRA HORA (Pyatigorsk, Russia). The material for this album was composed back in 2008. However, after so many years the musicians decided to rework it completely rather than just re-record the outdated stuff. The new incarnation of songs was significantly influenced by a wide range of genres: a traditional gothic-doom metal foundation with gloomy thick death/doom metal riffs and mighty low male growling was combined with atmospheric post-rock interludes, ambient inserts and trip-hop beats generated using a time-honoured Roland TR-808, the iconic drum-machine from early 90s. Moreover, Yanis and Alextos introduced melodies untypical of doom death metal – they are more characteristic of Greek metal scene represented by ROTTING CHRIST and SEPTIC FLESH, and different vocal techniques – from clean singing to various extreme vocals. As a result the album sounds very lively. The musicians managed to avoid the excessive length of songs and dragging out of material in general, both characteristic of doom metal.
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