Aut Mori - Первая Слеза Осени (Pervaja Sleza Oseni) (CD)

gothic doom metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
466.67 Р
Price in points: 700 points
BMM. 055-12 x
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The debut full-length album of Aut Mori will become another discovery for fans of gothic doom metal in the vein of Draconian. Here melodic guitars are embracing transparent keyboards giving life to autumn breath, while female vocals tragically follow male growls and romantic spleen is flowing with the first cold rain. It is enough to hear “The First Tear of Autumn” and let the first drop of the autumn rain to hit you palm as the world will show you its different side, slightly sad, but enchanting and beautiful. The album is prepared with assistance of Jerry Torstensson (Draconian) who recorded drum parties, and mastered sound at the DeadDogFarmStudio (Sweden). The album features artwork by Roman Kamin (Revelations of Rain, Wine FromTears, Tribute To Thergothon).

1 Первая Слеза Осени 1:42
2 Моя Песня - Тишина 5:24
3 Небо 6:31
4 Прощай 6:10
5 Мой Вечный Дождь 6:31
6 Жди 5:15
7 Элегия Безмятежности 6:42
8 На Сцене Осень 6:43

Aut Mori
Artist Country:
Album Year:
Первая Слеза Осени (Pervaja Sleza Oseni)
gothic doom metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 055-12
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

Дебютный альбом российского коллектива AUT MORI оставляет очень позитивное впечатление, хотя музыка и далека от оптимизма. Печальный Gothic Doom Metal, очень эмоциональный и трогательный. Довольно насыщенное звучание, вероятно благодаря вполне представительному составу участников группы - их я насчитал аж 7 человек, и, очевидно, каждый из них принял посильное участие в творческом процессе, не ограничиваясь лишь исполнительскими функциями. Особо хотелось бы отметить очень хорошее качество текстов, лишенное откровенной банальности и идеально вписывающихся в музыкальную атмосферу композиций. Вообще, перекличка между гроулингующим мужским вокалом и женским сопрано, несмотря на определенную схематичность, в данном случае поражает своей абсолютной, на мое субъективное мнение, гармоничностью. Хороший зрелый альбом. Для старта - впечатляюще. Будем с нетерпением ждать продолжения.

Author: Thrashmentor
Funeral Wedding

Em atividade desde 2009 o grupo russo, Aut Mori lançou seu debut álbum em 2012. Pervaja Sleza Oseni é um típico álbum de Gothic/Doom Metal, que aposta muito na emoção que os vocais no estilo, “Bela e a Fera”, podem proporcionar, ou não. Falo isso porque existem muitas bandas excelentes nesse sentindo, apresentando trabalhos de muita qualidade e criatividade, coisa que os russos ficaram devendo.

Vamos ao álbum. Um bom álbum do começo ao fim, sim! Bem produzido, muito bem feito, mas nada, além disso. Não é um álbum que chame muita atenção, tendo em vista que existem muitas bandas nesse estilo, e certamente uma que podemos citar em comparação é o, Draconian, que estes russos devem tomar como inspiração. Creio que uma banda que inicia sua carreira deva apresentar algo á mais, seja em técnica ou inovação para não ser esquecida, ou só mais uma entre outras tantas, e com certeza não é com este lançamento que os russos conseguiram o destaque necessário.

Algumas canções se destacam as primeiras principalmente, “Moja Pesnja – Tishina” e a melhor do álbum, “Nebo” e talvez eu esteja citando elas porque depois delas tudo é muito parecido, não atrai a atenção do ouvinte, parecendo um circulo vicioso, mesmices. Outro aspecto pode interferir são as músicas cantadas em somente em russo, isso não é era pra ser um problema, mas acaba se tornando pelo álbum ser inconsistente abrindo uma brecha para o ouvinte crer que se fosse cantado em inglês poderia ter ficado melhor.

Enfim, se você é um fã de Gothic/Doom Metal na linha de Draconian, dê uma chance á Aut Mori. Vale conferir pelo trabalho bem feito e para apoiar próximos trabalhos que podem ficar ter um resultado final melhor
Metal Imperium

A Rússia é um país com uma cultura imensa aos mais variados níveis, desde a música passando pela culinária. A nova iguaria deste país eslavo chama-se Первая Слеза Осени dos chefes Aut Mori. Ao presenciar o repasto reparamos que o aspecto é familiar, mas ao olhar para o menu em cirílico contido no booklet que acompanha o pitéu, seguimos em frente, na esperança de que possamos estar na presença de uma qualquer receita de Ukha russa.

Começa a refeição, e pouco a pouco vamos tentando identificar os ingredientes, duas doses de 6 cordas tocadas de forma agridoce, acompanhados por uma secção rítmica em lume brando, teclados qb com incidência para o lado negro do marfim, isto tudo ao sabor de uma reserva Belle et la Bête da casta gótica norueguesa del Rei das lamúrias Raymond I. Rohonyi, e da sua outrora companheira Liv Kristine Espenæs. Afinal de contas o prato é bem satisfatório, com as primeiras garfadas a aguçarem cada vez mais o apetite, no entanto pouco a pouco vai ficando um bocado sensaborão, o sentimento de familiaridade vai também crescendo cada vez mais.

À medida que as papilas gustativas se vão habitando aos diferentes sabores do prato, o cérebro pouco a pouco vai descodificando o mesmo, acordando-nos para a triste realidade…afinal esta ementa russa mais não é do que uma receita escandinava de bacalhau, que se pode encontrar num qualquer tasco da Noruega ou da Finlândia, sem uma inspeção da ASAE nos últimos 3 anos, embora os chefs nos garantam que são de facto russos.

Um claro embuste, mas é o que dá confiar num menu em que não percebemos uma única palavra, e em que ao tentar traduzir o nome do prato graças ao amigo Google, reparamos que Первая Слеза Осени não é mais do que First Tears of Autumn. Sintomático.

Ficamos desiludidos, ainda assim continuamos a comer até chegar ao fim. Porventura não será algo que iremos querer repetir muitas vezes no futuro, mas para matar o bicho serve.

Author: António Salazar Antunes
Pitchline Zine

Siguiendo la estela de curiosidades, que han ido saliendo a lo largo de estos últimos meses, de la mano del sello ruso BadMoodMan, llega a mis oídos un interesante debut, nuevamente de paisanos suyos. En este caso se trata de Aut Mori, oriundos de Yaroslavl al norte de Moscú, y quiénes han decidido apostar fuerte con su tarjeta de presentación, titulada “Pervaja Sleza Oseni”, en inglés "First Tear Of Autumn".

Llama la atención en primer lugar, el hecho de que el disco haya estado gestándose en Suecia, concretamente en los Dead Dog Farm Studios en Saffle, bajo la supervisión de Jerry Torstensson (Draconian) a la hora de mezclarlo, y quién además, es aquí el batería invitado. Además viene acompañado de un oscuro y bien elaborado libreto, cortesía de Roman Kamin (Revelations Of Rain, Wine from Tears). Irónicamente, la presencia de Torstensson va a servir como un argumento crucial, ya que en este caso sí, su nombre es el primer indicio de que vamos a encontrarnos en este disco.

Pues la influencia de Draconian se hace muy patente durante los casi cuarenta y cinco minutos que dura este compacto, y seria acertado definirlos como una versión quizá, mas atmosférica y a la vez sinfónica de los suecos, como más de uno haya podido apreciar en "The Burning Halo", corrigiendo incluso algunas carencias de los suecos en cuanto a teclados. Ello sería resumido en riffs sombríos, densos y a la par melódicos, poblando "First Tear Of Autumn", mientras que el aporte vocal se reparte equitativamente entre las variantes masculina y femenina, alcanzando momentos de calidad en cortes como "My Eternal Rain", la cual además, presenta un fondo sinfónico, en general desbordado de pasajes melancólicos, con arreglos acústicos así como el violín, cortesía de Olöf Gothlin, quién ya hiciese su aparición en el último trabajo de Draconian, "A Rose To Apocalypse" y quién tiene momentos brillantes como es el caso de "Wait".

Realmente sobran los adjetivos a la hora de contrastar ambas bandas, en lo que a registros o estructura se refiere; los primeros abundantes y bien ejecutados, el trabajo de Nati Chitatze es incuestionable, más con ese arrope corístico, mientras que su contraparte Evgeniy Chepur resulta un grato descubrimiento, pues poco se le puede pedir a su interpretación. Del mismo modo destacar el trabajo Maria Sorokina a los teclados, dando mucho juego a esos pasajes tan lentos y plagados de melodías suaves y épicas, (recordando los parajes más Doom de los últimos Forest Stream); bien emparejadas con el violín de Gothlin.

Quizá muchos lo consideren un acercamiento muy atrevido y/o descarado a los suecos en varios aspectos, sin embargo, cabe decir que si se tiene cierto criterio a la hora de hacerlo, son menores los motivos para criticar. En el caso de Aut Mori, se trata de un puñado de músicos profesionales que han conseguido casar tanto el Doom como el Gothic Metal, con un criterio que pocos puedan achacarse. A favor tienen eso, así como un sonido cristalino, como el que emana de "First Tear Of Autumn". Sin apenas desperdicio, más el hecho de cantar íntegramente en su idioma natal, le da esta vez, un punto muy interesante a su favor. Un notable descubrimiento y confío, en que este sea el primero de una larga discografía por parte de ellos.

Author: The Moor

Aut Mori is Russian for "From the sea." I assume this is meant in a naturalist poetic way as opposed to "from the growing sea of female fronted gothic-tinged acts."
So at this point with nothing more than "female fronted gothic-tinged act" revealed, you've probably already got a mental picture of what you'll find on Pervaja Sleza Oseni:

1- Draclonian.
2- Alternating "beauty and the beast" vocals, angelic female pitted against demonic male.
3- Doomy riffs drenched in swell production and synths to remove rough edges.

And you'd pretty much be right.

The music is par for the course. It sounds very pleasant, at least outside the scary male "RAWRGHGHG!" vocals. For the most part, it failed to disturb me, exhilarate me, or move me terribly. It is all well done, but just inoffensive.

The first listen through I was running around issuing biotic death to pixelated foes as a form of stress release after a long day at the office… and the one aspect that did manage to rip my attention and initially give me a favorable opinion of the album were the female vocals.

My only prior (intentional) dip into this genre was a prior review for Edenian's Winter Shades, where the "angelic" vocals were, to be nice, definitely better than my coerced involvement in Guns N' Roses "Paradise City", the Drunken Karaoke gang vocal version.

By comparison, Maria Sorokina does have an impressive voice, one which commanded and focused my attention. For those that can't read between the lines, it means she's good. She's got pipes. At least compared to either Edenian or the Pizza City Seven.

If you like Draconian, or female fronted gothidoom albums, it's worth a shot. If you were one of those who thought I was tough on Edenian, buy this now as it is musically similar only with vastly improved vocals.

Author: BitterCOld

Donkerromantische doom is behoorlijk populair in Oost-Europa. Zoveel is duidelijk.

Ook het Russische Aut Mori heeft de kaas duidelijk gaan halen bij het Zweedse Draconian. Ze zijn daar zelfs zover in gegaan dat Draconiandrummer Jerry Torstensson hoogstpersoonlijk de drumpartijen heeft opgenomen. Nu moet ik eerlijk bekennen dat dit echt een hele goede imitatie is. De meeste van dit soort chicoreibands nemen wel de stijlkenmerken minitieus over , maar gaan uiteindelijk de mist omdat hun songs gewoonweg niet pakkend genoeg zijn. Dat is bij Aut Mori allerminst het geval. De riffs zijn memorabel, spannend en gaan vergezeld van een degelijke zangeres die meer kan dan wat hemels kreunen. Alle teksten zijn overigens in het Russisch gezongen in plaats van gebrekkig Engels, wat weer een eigen cachet geeft. Aanrader.

Author: Samoht

You'd almost have to believe that if the word 'Autumn' was to be withdrawn, a whole section of the Russian Doom scene would be put out of business. Since it hasn't, though, you might also be forgiven for thinking 'here we go again': a booklet filled with moody black-and-white band photos and dense Cyrillic script; the cover a single, curled leaf caught in the gossamer of a broken spiderweb. Their name is Latin, presumably taken from the fatalistic half of aut vincere aut mori (either to conquer, or to die). It's not an especially subtle hint that the ubiquitous seasonal reference is going to embrace those lonely, rainswept tragedies beloved of the Melodic Gothic/Doom fraternity.

Well, so be it. Whether that comes across as an honest display of heart being worn on sleeve or a painfully laboured cliché will largely depend on your predisposition towards the legacy of early Draconian, whom the promotional blurb cites the band as being 'in the vein of'. And, perhaps, a certain degree of curiosity, given that it has been released through the BadMoodMan subdivision of Solitude Productions - which suggests that it doesn't precisely fit in with the Gothic/Death/Funeral Doom albums usually handled by the mother label.

One thing you can be fairly sure of, being from Solitude, is that the packaging, presentation and technical side of the release will be up to their usual high standards. Even if the booklet content may not be to your taste (or comprehension, in my case), there's plenty of it, accompanying a pleasingly clear and well-produced CD. Top marks for that, at any rate. And, with plenty of help from Google Translate, it is possible to figure out that the five-piece band comprises male vocalist, two guitarists, keyboards and bass, with a guest female vocalist and, continuing the Draconian connection, Jerry Torstensson providing drums and Olof Göthlin (who featured on 'A Rose For The Apocalypse') contributing violin.

So, is this shaping up to be nothing more than a clone band and a glorified tribute album? On balance, and despite the undeniably strong influences: no, not really. It's a rather more stately and subdued affair than any of the Swedish band's offerings - even the mellowest 'Where Lovers Mourn' - without either the aggressive edge or the soaring peaks. A more autumnal approach, if you like: definitely from the same stable, but not aiming for the same classic, wintry ferocity.

It isn't without merits of its own, at any rate. The band have pedigree, with three of them being ex-members of the similarly-Gothic Auto-Da-Fe. They know how to handle their instruments: the intertwined guitar riffs swap pleasing melodies and textures with the keyboard and violin. The drums are, not unexpectedly, full of depth and vigour, and even the bass gets a fairly frequent look-in to proceedings. The vocals, entirely in Russian, trade off in pleasant beauty-and-the-beast fashion, or slide into background chorus and spoken-word pieces, with a seamless alacrity. There is, at times, something elusive missing here, though: it sounds as if the female vocal parts were written for a slightly different voice (and perhaps they were, given that the band originally had both a female singer and a drummer of their own), one that more completely matched the mood and pace of the music. They're not bad, but there are moments when they just don't feel like a perfect fit, particularly during parts of 'Прощай' and 'Жди'.

Where the formula does work really well, mainly during the latter half of the album (particularly 'Мой Вечный Дождь', 'Элегия Безмятежности' and 'На Сцене Осень'), it produces a slightly mournful cascade of melodies and symphonic elements, anchored on low, tuneful rasps rather than outright growls, which ebb and flow in quite captivating fashion. Where it doesn't, the results are still technically adept but a little lacking in variation or character, reminiscent of a somewhat stifled version of Frailty. On balance, it's probably on BadMoodMan because it's borderline primarily Melodic, rather than Death, Doom.

Overall, it's a difficult one to judge. Personally, I like it, despite those odd weaker moments, enough to have bought a copy. It seems quite genuine, makes an effort to distance itself somewhat from the archetypal blueprint and, in doing so, achieves some eminently listenable results. At the same time, though, it couldn't be described as either utterly groundbreaking, or truly, consistently, great. A promising start, though: with a net 'recommended' rather than 'essential'.

Author: Mike Liassides

The first release Первая Слеза Осени by the Russian band Aut Mori is goth-influenced doom metal. You know, the safe and sound kind of goth-influenced doom. As it stands now, the album does not really make you feel neither angry or overjoyed. Regardless, you could still say, that the music by the group plays pleasantly enough, so that it moves the score of this review on the better side of the scale.

The songs go through pretty unoriginal roads; you got your harmonious female vocals, which are supported by more raw and crispy male vocals. The songs also has their melodic and calm parts, and once in a while the band plays with more heavy touch. So, nothing new under the sun you could say, but the real catchy points seems to be missing, and now the album just does not have enough parts that would stay in your head on repeat. One possible reason for this lack of catchiness on my part might be, that I do not understand Russian at all, and the lyrics are in Russian without any translations, so any understanding of their content is lost to me.

Soundwise the album plays well, maybe even a bit too as a matter of fact, and maybe some grittiness might have added some personality. Worst problems I could find with this album was it genericity, as it does not really offer anything that has not been heard before. Also in a music that relies heavily on melodies and atmosphere I would have expected to hear a bit more catchy and memorable melodies too.

Author: Aleksi Vaittinen
Forgotten Path

Aut Mori (Latin for “or die”) was established in 2009, but, strangely, debuted only last year. As it is customary for a Gothic/Doom Metal band, the album’s title is named after romanticism’s clichés such as tears and autumn from “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by Goethe. However, neither the title, nor the cover can precisely convey the most important thing - the quality of music.
Now, to elaborate on the sound of “Первая Слеза Осени”, I must say that it has even more clichés. Although this time not from romanticists, but from Doom/Gothic Metal big shots Virgin Black, Paradise Lost and Draconian. The only difference is the language and Aut Mori’s tendency to mess around with synthesizers. Surprisingly, that predictability of sound doesn’t annoy you that much and soon overcomes the initial scepticism by sucking you into a melodic, dreamlike flow of sounds.
Frankly, I cannot strongly criticize Aut Mori even though I was never a huge enthusiast of this type of bands and clean Russian female vocals in Metal always seemed repulsive to me. The project is sufficiently matured, diversely composed songs sound pleasant and although the melody is predictable it still allows you to enjoy the album. I believe that Gothic Metal fans would appreciate “Первая Слеза Осени” the most, but people of other tastes might find it quite interesting as well.

Author: Bloodie

Дълбоко повлияни от Draconian и като се има предвид, че барабаните и цигулковите партии в Первая Слеза Осени са записани съответно от Jerry Torstensson и Olof Gothlin от последните, това вече звучи сериозно. След първото завъртане на диска се оказа обаче, че това съвсем не е така. Да, музиката на Aut Mori има допирни точки с тази на споменатите шведи, но като качество и изпълнение й отстъпва значително. Забележки биха могли да се отправят и към женските вокали, дело на Нати Читадзе. Иначе цялостното усещане, което оставя албумът, е за сухота и на моменти дори досада. Препоръчвам ви да се запознаете с дебюта на тези руснаци, само ако сте супер крайни фенове на сместа от дет, готик и дуум метъл. За фенове на Edenian, Draconian

Author: Сварог
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