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Mournful Gust - She's My Grief… Decade (2xCD)

gothic doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
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BMM. 033-10 x
В наличии
Переиздание легендарного альбома украинской gothic doom death metal группы! Весь материал альбома был ремастирован и дополнен бонусным CD, в который вошли демо 2006 года "The Frankness Eve", кавер версии приглашённых музыкантов на песни Mournful Gust и клип на песню "With Every Suffering" с последнего альбома группы. Зазвучавший с новой силой альбом "She"s My Grief" доказывает, что не потерял своей актуальности и сегодня.

She's My Grief
1-1 The First Spring Without You 3:36
1-2 Path Of My Tears 8:13
1-3 Once We Were Happy 8:49
1-4 Sweet Embrace Of Scarlet Twilight 7:49
1-5 I Saw Her Sad Eyes 10:26
1-6 As A Wingless Bird 7:50
1-7 …And We Shall Die Together 9:41
2-1 A Pain To Remember (Demo Version) 9:14
2-2 It’s Our Own Tragedy (Demo Version) 4:48
2-3 To Your Deceits…Again (Demo Version) 4:46
2-4 The First Spring Without You (Somnolent Version) 6:02
2-5 I Saw Her Sad Eyes (Stas Mischenko Version) 4:50
2-6 The Cold Solitude (Soundform & Practical Senses Version) 2:50
2-7 The Cold Solitude (Alexander Naydenov Version) 5:54
2-8 The Cold Solitude (Demo Version) 6:48
2-10 With Every Suffering (video) 5:46

Mournful Gust
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
She's My Grief… Decade
gothic doom death
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Кат. номер:
BMM. 033-10
Год издания:
Doom Mantia

The press release sheet for this 2CD set reads re-issue of the legendary album of Ukranian Gothic doom death metal band! It also boasts that this is "state-of-the-art" music. Big claims for a band who myself up to recently and everybody else i have spoken to has never heard the band. Of course labels want to move merchandise and i have no problem with the art of selling product but legendary? One look at the album artwork and you know what to expect from this Ukranian band, its Gothic Doom/Death Metal. As the press release info states, its a re-released of a album recorded in the year 2000. On the second disc called "Decade", you get basically a best of demo recordings from the band. One thing which i find a little strange about the re-issuing, re-mastering of the "She's My Grief" album is the band have only recorded 2 real albums is 11 years as this third release from Mournful Gust being a re-issue of the first album recorded in 2000. This made me think this album must be something really special so i was a little disappointed to find its really no different from the endless quagmire of Goth-Doom outfits from that part of world. Is it bad?, not at all but its just so predictable in its concepts and musical delivery that i would have thought a brand new album would have been a more creative thing to do.

One element to the sound of Mournful Gust's sound that is the vocals of Vladislav Shahin who also performs in Autumnia. The exceptional vocal delivery stands out as a feature on the recording but everything else is just well - ordinary. The songs on "She's My Grief" were written by former guitarist Alexander Glavniy who is a accomplished musician as is all the musicians involved in Mournful Gust. I will never have a bad word to say about their musical ability, its finely tuned, classy playing throughout but the songs just don't shine in anyway. Its for the most part, experimental and complex with the added addition of female vocals (it is Gothic Doom after-all), violins and flutes also make a appearance. There is a total of some 6 musicians in the band with 4 more adding various elements to the pieces. While heavy riffs do feature from time to time, most of the songs are based around delicate, elegant melody's and the usual melancholic Goth trademarks. The songs do evoke some kind of atmosphere but most of it sounds tired, recycled heavily from 90's Goth bands and lacks any real catchiness. When it does work, its pretty powerful stuff however. "Path Of My Tears" is a good track that never gets dull over the course of 8 minutes and "I Saw Her Sad Eyes" at least gets me intrigued and slightly mesmerized. The rest is pretty forgettable, standard Gothic, Death, Doom material that just bores me these days.

The second disc "Decade" is a real pain to listen to because you get three different versions of "The Cold Solitude" from the "Frankness Eve" album which is much much better than She's My Grief" in my opinion. Even though "The Cold Solitude" is a great track, sitting through three different versions of it is just too much for me to handle and i subjected myself to this form of torture at least 6 times before starting this review. Elsewhere you get other tracks from that album including "A Pain to Remember" and "It's Our Own Tragedy". While these are demo versions of these pieces, they do sound good but still nothing compared to the versions on "The Frankness Eve" album released in 2008. The Decade disc is purely a "for fans only" disc and me being basically tired of the whole Goth-Doom scene anyway left me bored to tears especially towards the end of the CD. If you are a fan of the Euro-Doom scene especially the Gothic genre, you will find something to like about this though. While i have basically torn this album apart with petty judgments on Gothic Doom and the Mournful Gust's predictability factor, the musical skills are without question, top notch. I just find the whole European fixation of Goth-Doom to be very one dimensional and very tedious these days and She's My Grief...Decade is one of the worst examples of it. Ok start typing hate-mail now, my ranting and raving review is over.

Author: Ed
Kaos Guards

A la toute fin des années 90, le groupe ukrainien Mournful Gust se formait et s’avérait d’entrée de jeu prolifique avec son premier album “She’s My Grief”.

A la toute fin des années 90, le groupe ukrainien Mournful Gust se formait et s’avérait d’entrée de jeu prolifique avec son premier album “She’s My Grief”. Sorti initialement en 2000 sur bande, l’album avait été une première fois réédité en CD. Aujourd’hui, le label russe BadMoodMan ressort l’objet dans une version remasterisée, avec un nouvel artwork (très gothique dans les thématiques mais très professionnel) et surtout un second CD comportant huit titres bonus ainsi qu’une vidéo.

Fortement influencé par le Doom Death torturé, à consonnances gothiques, de My Dying Bride ou d’Anathema première période, Mournful Gust avait d’emblée choisi d’accentuer les apports extérieurs à l’univers du Metal : chants féminins en contraste avec un chant rauque Death ou pleuré typiquement gothique, claviers sinistres presque planants (« The First Spring Without You »), violon (« Path Of My Tears », « Once We Were Happy »), flûte.

La bonne volonté du guitariste et compositeur Alexander Glavniy ainsi que celle de ses comparses interprètes conférait à cet album un cachet underground encourageant, sans pour autant gommer le trop grand classicisme des plans Metal utilisés et une production étriquée qui rognait les ambitions réelles du groupe.

Cette réédition de « She’s My Grief » peut toutefois intéresser les fans de Doom Death peu connu. Les huit titres figurant sur le second CD sont pour l’essentiel des démos enregistrées en 2009 et qui dévoilent un groupe toujours très classique dans son approche mais beaucoup plus affuté. Le chant de Vlad Shahin a notamment gagné en assurance et en efficacité. Qui plus est, le son de ces démos de 2009 s’avère de meilleure qualité que celui de « She’s My Grief », ce qui ne gâte rien. Figurent également trois versions du morceau « The Cold Solitude » : une instrumentale folklorique et technoïde à la fois, une instrumentale et acoustique, la dernière avec Mournful Gust au complet (la meilleure).

Author: Alain Lavanne
Lords of Metal

The Russian label Bad Moon Man brings us the re-release of the ‘She’s My Grief’ CD that originally was released some ten years ago by Metal Agen Records. The cluttered and shallow produced Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride inspired doom metal however is hardly worth this re-release. The structures are disheveled and the female vocals are simply appalling and dreadful. The guitars on ‘Sweet Embrace Of Scarlet Twilight’ and ‘Once We Were Happy’ are like the arrangements: irritating flute and keyboards that interrupt with the flow of the song and are hesitant to mean something or do some emotional damage. Still I like the male vocals and naturally there are great parts on the mainly seriously mediocre album. As an extra we get some demo recordings of some songs of the much better second ‘The Frankness Eve’ CD. Also we get a video clip from that time (we speak of 2008). Even these demo recordings are better than the whole of the ‘She’s My Grief’ misfit, of which I truly think that the aspirations were too high for a beginning band.

Author: Erik
Diztorted Dimension

Ожившие приятные воспоминания? Да, это возможно, благодаря переизданию от BadMoodMan дебютного альбома группы Mournful Gust далёкого уже 2000 года. Альбом не открыл в своё время ни одной новой дверки, ни форточки для doom metal-сцены, но он есть, и это не может не радовать поклонников стиля, слушателей, следящих за отечественной сценой и просто, металхэдов, не лишённых тонких ощущений меланхолии и печали. Музыкальный материал хорош, ибо ортодоксален до последней ноты и тембра. Видны те истоки, которые легли в основу просто шедеврального альбома этой группы – «The Frankness Eve», а именно – классическая, но разнообразная гитарная работа, клавиши, задающие весь сюжет, но не мешающие металл-основе, уверенная и разнообразная работа ударных; глубокий гроул и фоновый женский вокал.

Ремастеринг сделал своё дело, но из г… …из некачественного оригинала конфетку сделать, конечно, не получилось. Слышны характерные для кассетных записей завалы частот, сам частотный диапазон сродни порезанному mp3. Но, с другой стороны, если бы в начале 21 века альбом вышел в нынешнем качестве, то многих не лестных отзывов просто бы не было, ибо восприятие меняется на порядок, как в части улучшенного звука, так и в части шикарной полиграфии с текстами и тематическими образными фото в стиле предыдущего релиза.

В нынешнем релизе компакт диск с оригинальным ремастированным материалом дополнен неким диском с кучей материала, как аудио, так и видео. Выглядит этот «пришлёпок» абсолютно не концептуально, т.к. материал в большей части относится к последнему альбому. В итоге, слушатель получает в нагрузку ненужный хлам, претендующий на коллекционность.

Релиз рекомендую всем перечисленным выше комрадам, а Solitude в очередной раз удивляет выпуском классического думового материала на экспериментальном подлэйбле.

Author: Valentii
Abyss Zine

Pokud se stejně jako já setkáváte s MOURNFUL GUST poprvé, vězte, že se jedná o uskupení z ukrajinského města Krivoy Rog a deska "She's My Grief" je jejich prvotinou z roku 2000. Kotouč, který se mi dostal do rukou, však není deset let starým záznamem, nýbrž jeho reedicí obohacenou o bonusový disk s mnoha dalšími skladbami, dokumentujícími dosavadní existenci kapely. Ukrajinská hudební scéna je pro mě velkou neznámou, ale pokud bych měl soudit podle této nahrávky, dají se v jejím vývoji najít styčné body s několika tuzemskými spolky.

Třeba s počátky šumperských DYING PASSION, kteří ve své tehdejší tvorbě stejně jako MORUNFUL GUST využívali flétnu. Právě tento nástroj je na albu tím, co ho nejvíce oživuje a zároveň vytrhuje z místy hodně nepřehledného spletence kytarových melodií a riffů. Další tuzemská kapela, která mi vyvstala na mysli, byli FORGOTTEN SILENCE a i v tomto případě to byly jejich počátky, konkrétně prvotina "The Last Remembrance…". Na této desce dodnes obdivuji její progresivitu, vychytané klávesové postupy a rafinované melodie. Ukrajinci sice nedisponují takovým hudebním potenciálem a už vůbec nejsou tolik progresivní, ale minimálně se o to snaží. Bohužel mi však přijde, že jejich snaha o progresivitu začíná i končí u využití široké škály nástrojů. Výsledkem je pouze mnohokráte ohraná melodická směsice deathu, gotiky a doomu. Tento dojem pak jenom utvrzuje uchopení mužského i ženského hlasu, mnohokráte směřujícímu k modelu "kráska versus zvíře".

"She's My Grief" je určitě velmi kvalitním debutem, který by si i v dnešní době zasloužil mezi konzervativci velkou pozornost. Její velkou devízou je upřímnost, se kterou MOURNFUL GUST celý materiál předkládají. Dále je to snaha o vykročení ze zažitých postupů, což se i v několika případech podařilo. Co však celkově materiál sráží k zemi, je přes dlouhou stopáž jednotlivých skladeb jejich slabá kompozice.

MOURNFUL GUST mají v dnešní době vydánu již druhou řadovku s názvem "Frankness Eve" a její vznik částečně dokumentuje druhý bonusový disk. Podle obsažených demonahrávek lze soudit, že Ukrajinci pokračují ve stopách své prvotiny a pokoušejí se i dále rozvíjet. Podle těchto dvou disků si myslím, že MOURNFUL GUST by nyní, po deseti letech existence, mohli patřit k tomu lepšímu, co na této scéně můžeme najít. I "She's My Grief" patří s ohledem na dobu svého vzniku mezi lehký nadprůměr.

Author: Jan Novák
Metal Archives

With a band name such as Mournful Gust and an album title such as She's My Grief coupled with the genre tag Death/Doom, it's very easy to create an image of what the band sounds like in your mind; something like My Dying Bride or Draconian I'm sure. While there many similarities to the former here, to call this worship in any way would be demeaning. The music is structured around lead melodies and yes, heavy violin work. Despite the gothic imagery this is really quite upbeat and energetic instead of the melodramatic and angsty initial ideas one leaps to.

The band play some of the most melodic and light death/doom I've heard, none of the riffs here are particularly heavy or menacing, even during the slowest and dirtiest moments, the lead guitar is exclusively soaring and majestic. Despite the fairly percussive delivery of the growls, the frequent juxtaposition between harsh and clean vocals neuters any sort of violent imagery. Along with the band's fairly light core the extra use of keys and violins to fill up the sound is bombastic and lively, rather than solemn or mournful. The band simply isn't as sad as it thinks it is, but that's probably a good thing since the few sections soft passages (and the introduction track) are pretty poor. Mostly the band steers clear of any lame melodramatic faggotry and sticks to the lively melodies. Most of the songs have genuine soloing in them which again removes the music from any state of despair and adds a lot of colour, I wouldn't call it virtuosity, but again it brings more attention to the epic side of the band. The whole album is generally pretty pleasant on the ears, but severely lacking in heaviness, emotion and really, substance; this is the melodeath of doom. There are a few moments where quality shines through, such the riff and violin combination a couple of minutes into "As A Wingless Bird", but for the main part this just sort of wanders from nice melody to nice melody, merely being a pleasant background track.

The production is pretty meagre for the main part, clear and roomy, but really devoid of low end. The guitar buzz is largely thin and weak, and the keys are very sharp and thin which makes She's My Grief a fairly neutered release. Nothing sounds obnoxious, but there's not a whole lot of thickness or power to any element of the sound. While the band is obviously not going for a heavy production, everything goes down a little bit too easily with the choice of tones here.

While most of the music is pretty bearable, there are a couple of elements which hold back the whole album; most notably the flute and the female vocals. With the already heavy use of various orchestrations, the flute seems kind of needless, and is the only element of the band which really brings on the emasculating feelings the rest of the sound thankfully avoids. The female vocals are shrill and irritating, and slightly out of key, the best comparison I could give would be the chick from Alas trying to sing the vocals of the woman from Funeral. Luckily they are used pretty sparingly only appearing once or twice per song.

Mournful gust are a decent band, and this is a decent album, sure there's not much in the way of memorable riffs or genuinely haunting music, but it's certainly not a chore to listen to, and it's not as uncomfortable as what the imagery would imply. Fans of melodic, lead driven doom should give this a listen.

Author: lord_ghengis

Continua la rovinosa caduta in picchiata da parte della Solitude Prod.
L’etichetta russa, dopo essersi distinta per delle interessanti produzioni nei primi anni di lavoro, ultimamente sta dando alle stampe una moltitudine di uscite discografiche dal valore decisamente discutibile. La politica di produrre solamente bands provenienti dall'area dell'Europa dell'est e dell' ex blocco Sovietico non si è rivelata vincente, essendo queste delle zone notoriamente distanti da certe sonorità e che solamente negli ultimi anni si sono avvicinate alla scena doom, risultando in ritardo di qualche decennio, con una conseguente ingenuità di suoni ed idee facilmente percepibile da chiunque segua la scena da più di un lustro.

Oggi ci giunge tra le mani il doppio degli ucraini Mournful Gust, prodotto che altro non è se non la riedizione di vecchi lavori della band; difatti il primo CD racchiude il debutto intitolato She's My Grief, edito dalla Metal Force Records nel 2000 e ristampato nel 2005 dalla Soyuz/Metalagen con una cover differente. Il secondo CD racchiude invece il demo The Frankness Eve del 2006 - successivamente integrato per intero nell'omonimo album del 2008 – oltre ad una manciata di covers ed un video.
Per chi non li conoscesse, i Mournful Gust sono un collettivo di 7 musicisti formatosi nel 1999, alle prese con un gothic/doom non certamente brillante ed innovativo e che cavalca le tendenze mainstream tipiche dei gruppi gothic: ad esempio il dualismo tra male & female vocals, oppure l'uso del flauto che, ad onor del vero, è l'unico elemento distintivo nella musica di questi ucraini.

Lo stile delle vocals di Vladislav richiama alla mente una gran varietà di singer ben noti, saccheggiandone ora uno ed ora un altro senza aggiungere nulla di personale a quanto già proposto da altri in tempi ben più floridi. Le female vocals sono ad opera di due guest singers - una delle quali addirittura soprano - semplicemente imbarazzanti nella loro inutilità e freddezza. Le chitarre del duo Vasiliy/Evgeny si rendono protagoniste di altrettante razzie, special modo ai danni di bands come My Dying Bride e Mournful Congregation, ma senza raggiungerne i medesimi standard qualitativo/tecnico/atmosferici. In mezzo alla numerosa refurtiva accumulata dal duo, possiamo anche notare qualche pezzo di valore - sfortunatamente non supportato da una registrazione adeguata - in special modo nelle parti acustiche, le quali si riescono ad apprezzare nonostante la povertà del suono.
Per quanto riguarda basso e batteria, mi limiterò a dire che svolgono supinamente il loro ruolo senza strafare; mentre per quanto riguarda i synth, è bene aprire un capitolo a parte. Certamente Stanislav, già alle tastiere con i Requiem, è colui che riesce ad apportare un contributo personale all'interno delle composizioni della band, nonostante non sia certo un virtuoso dello strumento. I synth non ricoprono un ruolo di rilievo nell'economia dei brani dei Mournful Gust, tuttavia lo stile compositivo di Stanislav apporta delle soluzioni nuove - sicuramente provenienti dalla tradizione popolare del loro paese d'origine - che forse inizialmente possono stridere con le tipiche atmosfere doom, ma non appena metabolizzate, si riescono anche ad apprezzare.

Dulcis in fundo vorrei parlare dell'aspetto lirico/attitudinale. Sono certo che se la band fosse Italiana adorerebbero la Pausini e tutta quella sfilza di cantanti che delle pene d'amore ne hanno fatto una ragione di vita. Le donne ucraine sono famose in tutto il mondo per la loro bellezza che - a quanto pare - ha causato non poche pene d'amore ai nostri cari musicisti, spingendoli a dedicare il titolo di questo lavoro proprio ad un amore sofferto. Non so ben dire se preferisco dei riferimenti a funerali o sofferenze varie, ma titoli come The First Springs Without You, mi riportano in mente tormentoni del calibro di L'estate Sta Finendo dei Righeira. Sul secondo CD è apprezzabile una maggiore vena creativa rispetto alle produzioni più recenti, sicuramente complice una più spiccata propensione per sonorità più grevi e pesanti. Nonostante ciò non mancano le influenze gotiche, come ad esempio l’uso del flauto che dona un valore aggiunto al sound, mentre anche la produzione risulta più piena e compatta rispetto al nuovo lavoro. Un aspetto che invece rimane invariato è l'uso delle vocals, impersonali e troppo derivate anche su questo secondo disco.
Passando al discorso cover, interessante risulta quella dei Somnolent, molto dura e pesante e - a mio parere - anche migliore dell'originale. Non si può dire lo stesso della cover di I Saw Her Sad Eyes per mano di Stas Mischenko, impegnato in un remix elettronico pseudo danzabile che di certo non ha incontrato i miei gusti.
Molto più interessante invece la cover di The Cold Solitude, per la quale si sono adoperati gli sconosciuti Soundform e Practical Senses in un remix che definire alcolico è davvero dir poco.
Per concludere il video di With Every Suffering, abbastanza professionale per una band emergente come questa, non si fa certo apprezzare per le innovazioni apportate, ricalcando i classici clichés del genere - ovviamente con una protagonista femminile - tra cimiteri, statue, luoghi malinconici e flashback.

Le conclusioni si traggono da sole: finchè questi Mournful Gust non troveranno qualcosa da dire, forse è meglio che non dicano niente...

Author: andrea
Metal Crypt

Not a new album, this is instead a rerelease of Mournful Gust's little-heard debut She's My Grief, along with an extra disc of demos and alternate versions. I actually liked their last album quite well, and so I was keen to hear this, but I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. The production is the first problem here, as it is thin and hollow-sounding, with an uneven mix that renders it hard to listen to. The vocals are an awful sotto-voice croaking mixed in with poor growling, the female vocals providing only a little relief. This is of interest only to diehard fans of this band, as it is not really bad, but not good either, mostly just coming across as disjointed and amateurish.

Author: Sargon the Terrible
Femfogacs Webzine

"S bús lelkem az árnyékból, mely padlómon szétfolyva jár,
Nem szabadul - Soha már!"
/Edgar Allan Poe - A holló/

Van, aki eddig is ismerte, s van aki a kritika után se fog emlékezni az ukrán Mournful Gust formációra. A csapat 1999-ben alakult és már 2000-ben kijöttek a She's My Grief című debütjükkel, amit nagy csend után egy demó 2006-ban, majd két évvel rá a második nagylemez folytatott. A frontember (Vladislav Shahin) egyik projektjéhez már volt szerencséje általam a nagyérdeműnek megismerkedni Autumnia néven. A mostani kiadványuk egy dupla korongos best of – válogatás – gyűjtemény, vagy nevezzük bárminek is a dolgot. Természetesen a koncepció alapját az képezte, hogy az eddig ki nem adott demó, vagy kimaradt dalok vagy ismert nótáik más verziói, átiratai végre elérhetőek legyenek, de mindez felveti annak kérdését, hogy szükség volt-e ennyire magasan és igényesen közreadott archiválásra.

A válasz természetesen az, hogy korántsem, de a BadMoodMan Music és társaik mindig a maguk utjait járják, így tehát nem fogom a dolgot túl hosszúra nyújtani. Az ukrán Mournful Gust világát leginkább a korai Theatre of Tragedy-éhez tudnám hasonlítani, tipikus középtempós zakatolás, mély hörgés kíséretében, csilingelő női orgánummal, suttogással és szép szólókkal, no meg klasszikus zenei hangszereltséggel. Igazából az tudja majd ezt az egészet valósan is értékelni, aki eddig is ismerte a bandát, így a ki nem adott nóták és alternatív megoldások szelei kellemes pillanatokat fog majd szerezni annak a minimális rétegnek. A hangzás nem egységes, ahogy a dalok se, ám ettől függetlenül szép munkát végeztek a stúdióban és a külsőségek is igazán jól sikerültek, avagy éteri gothic… Ja, és akinek nem derült volna ki eddig, ukrán barátaink doom-deathben utaznak némi gothic hátszéllel megtámogatva. Míg az első lemez ragaszkodik a múlthoz, addig a második korong sokkal intenzívebben kísérletező, így tehát található rajt minimál jazz-techno elektró (kissé C=64 vagy Amigás filinggel) ilyen a The Cold Solitude (Soundform & Practical Senses version) vagy az I Saw Her Sad Eyes (Stas Mischenko version). Érdekes az összkép, egy picit kronologikus, egy csipetnyit felesleges, no de a műfaj szerelmesei ettől még mély szívdobogás közepette átadhatják magukat a ragacsos elmúlásnak…

…főleg, ha egyszer már a TOT elkurvult, a korai szintjét nem üti meg, kellemes alternatíva főleg a szláv és balkánon keresztül nézve a dolgot. A második korong, pedig tartalmaz bonusz gyanánt még egy klipet is, melyet itt is csekkolhattok:

Author: haragSICK
Atlantis Tales

Переизданием этот релиз назвать как-то даже язык не поворачивается. Судите сами: ремастеринг, новое оформление, бонусный диск, pit-art... Новое прочтение альбома “She’s My Grief” пришлось на его 10-летний юбилей. С тех пор MOURNFUL GUST прекращали свое существование, породили другую замечательную группу AUTUMNIA, вновь собрались, создали второй альбом, вновь разошлись и вновь собрались... Но тогда, в 2000 году, спустя лишь год после появления самой группы, был записан дебютный альбом и тогда же в 2000/2001 году он был выпущен на кассетах на Metal Force Records/Music Violence Productions. CD-версия увидела свет много позже – в 2005 году на лейбле Эджена Прайса MetalAgen/Союз. Первый диск “She’s My Grief” представляет собой непосредственно альбом, над которым очень плотно и педантично поработал Александр Главный (AUTUMNIA, ex-MOURNFUL GUST, ex-VAE SOLIS). Озвученные в рецензии на издание 2005 года проблемы с качеством записи были нейтрализованы настолько, насколько это было вообще возможно! Красивый, мелодичный doom metal, мягкий благодаря ненавязчивому вкраплению женского вокала, трогательных клавишных, скрипок и флейт, классический в своей сути и по своему содержанию. Как всегда в подобных случаях, не удается удержаться от фразы: “эх, да выйди этот альбом в 95-м...”. Впрочем, это ни в коей мере не умаляет красоту и очаровательность этого альбома. На втором диске расположилась обширная бонус-секция, состоящая из демо-записей к альбому “The Frankness Eve” (2008), а также признаний коллег по цеху – кавер-версий, но обо всем по-порядку. Демо-треки A Pain To Remember, It's Our Own Tragedy, To Your Deceits... Again и The Cold Solitude ранее уже были изданы на 4-песенном promoEP 2006 года. От альбомных версий эти записи отличаются в основном качеством записи. Кавер-версия The First Spring Without You от одесситов SOMNOLENT отлично вписалась в релиз и, в то же время, внесла некоторую изюминку своим почти фьюнеральным звуком. Следующим стоит трек I Saw Her Sad Eyes, сделанный Стасом Мищенко, нынешним клавишником MOURNFUL GUST. Получился симпатичный клавишно-электронный этюд несколько в духе STILLIFE. The Cold Solitude представлен сразу двумя каверами - совершенно необычным от SOUNDFORM & PRACTICAL SENSES и акустическим инструменталом от Александра Найденова. Также на диске можно найти профессиональный видеоклип на композицию With Every Suffering со второго альбома. Отдельного упоминания стоит новое оформление - отличная новая обложка, сверстанный на твердую пятерку 16-страничный буклет, инлэй, сделанный по мотивам обложки 2005 года и pit-art на дисках.

Author: Atlantis
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