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Tears Of Mankind - Memoria (CD)

dark metal / doom death, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
List price: 466.67 Р
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Price in points: 500 points
BMM. 046-11 x
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The fourth long-awaited album from a Russian one-man-band Tears Of Mankind. As always, the band presents diverse material which not focuses at some exact style, but skillfully fuses various directions basing on dark metal and doom death metal. The new project work “Memoria” can be considered as a conceptual album whose tracks are united by the idea of personal experience and memories connected with it. The album is divided into two essential parts: the first one presents heavier material with English lyrics while the second one is more lyric and features Russian texts and more atmospheric music which, nevertheless, stays in the frames of metal style. The strongest and most essential features of the album are typical for Tears of Mankind sensuality and melodies.

1 Intro 1:11
2 In The Embrace Of Eternal Sunshine 8:11
3 Deadly Desire 7:46
4 Passion Blackfathom Deeps 8:26
5 Under The Great Dome 6:49
6 So Long And So Recently 8:21
7 Память 5:57
8 Маятник 3:44
9 Реквием 4:42
10 Вино Памяти 7:22

Tears Of Mankind
Artist Country:
Album Year:
dark metal / doom death
CD Album
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Cat Num:
BMM. 046-11
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:

A massive, varied disc breaking the boundaries of doom metal. Unforgettable…

Amikor zenehallgatás közben elkezdtem információk után kutatni a Tears Of Mankind kapcsán, nem mondhatnám, hogy el lettem kényeztetve. A kiadó egyáltalán nem rabolta az időmet hosszú, véget nem érő marketing-ajnározással, éppen ezért merültem bele a világháló nyújtotta nyomozásba. Ha nem is tudnék könyvet írni a Tears Of Mankind történetéről, a zenei utazások mérföldköveiről, azért a semminél mégis csak több fogalmam lett a kutakodás végére.

De hát ez már csak így szokott lenni. Meg sem vagyok lepődve. Nem lövöm le a poént, hiszen már az ismertető végén olvasható pontszám is árulkodó. Szóval, azért nem vagyok meglepve a Memoria tartalmát és minőségét illetően, mert statisztikám szerint a „balladai homályban” megbúvó és alkotó csapatok, szólisták a sallangok és promóciós rongyrázás helyett inkább az őszinte önkifejezésre és az ezzel járó időtálló tartalomra koncentrálnak.

Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy napjainkban nehéz, illetve szinte lehetetlen újat felmutatni, megreformálni bármit is. Az egyszemélyes projekt mögött meghúzódó Philipp Skobelin sem akar megfelelni a „fenekestől felforgatom a rock zenei életet”- elvnek. Csak teszi a dolgát, kiírja, megkomponálja a benne feltörő gondolatokat, érzéseket, amelyek prezentálása leginkább a doom metal keretei között történik. De hogy némileg ellentmondjak azonnal magamnak: annyira még sincsenek keretek, mert a Memoria szerzeményei bőven túlmutatnak egy szimpla doom lemez anyagán.

A lassabb, hörgéssel kísért dalok mellett, találhatunk középtempós, már-már „pajkos” nótát is. Lásd (vagy inkább hald): Under The Great Dome. A hetedik track-től orosz nyelvű szerzeménynek követik egymást, de nem ez az, ami miatt az utolsó négy dal a kedvencem, hanem a korábban emlegetet keretek erőlködés nélküli feszegetése és meglepetések tömkelege. A libabőr garantált.

Mivel sohasem voltam oda igazán a doom metal-ért, az első információk és az első riffek mellett fenntartással fogtam hozzá a Tears Mankind feltérképezésének. De percről percre egyre jobban hatása alá vont, fimon szólva elvarázsolt. Változatos és minden tekintetben arányos anyagot tartalmaz a Memoria. Kifejezetten örülök, amikor már egy lefutottnak tűnő meccs okoz meglepetést. Köszönöm Philipp Skobelinnek azokat a felejthetetlen perceket, amiket a 2011-ben megjelent albumával előteremtett. A memóriám örökre elraktározta.

Ez bizony egy szép, nagy tízes!

Author: Azagtoth
Atmosfear #10

Новый, четвёртый по счёту альбом российского one-man проекта TEARS OF MANKIND пожалуй лучший релиз с точки зрения продакшена. Лучшая запись, лучшее оформление и лучший материал, который Филипп Скобелин создал за последние 10 лет. Условно материал можно разделить на две части: первая половина идёт с англоязычной лирикой, в то время как оставшаяся половина песен на русском языке. Честно говоря, никогда не любил эти переходы на диске с одного языка на другой. Но впрочем, тут я могу понять и музыкантов, не всегда свои эмоции можно передать на чужом языке. В остальном же, особенный почерк TEARS OF MANKIND сразу же узнается с первых аккордов. Тяжёлый и мелодичный doom/death metal местами напоминающий лучшие деньги таких корифеев жанра как MY DYING BRIDE и ANATHEMA. Недаром же альбом носит название "Memoria".

Author: CD
Pure Nothing Worship

"Memoria" is the newest creation of this Russian one-man band. Tears of Mankind continues to grow the sound developed trough the demos and the earlier three full-lengths, and that sound is quality atmospheric gothic doom metal. The first half of the album is sang on English, and the other half on Russian. The English side is a bit faster and turned more towards the gothic doom of mid and fast tempo, while the Russian side is in atmospheric doom style. "Under the Great Dome" is my personal favorite from the first half of the album. Fantastic gothic doom track in the brightest light of the genre. From the seventh composition Russian songs start. The atmosphere is much more depressive and heavyer than the first half of the album. The album is closed with and amazing piece called "Вино Памяти". The art of sadness, music and vocals from the heart, every note hurts, every voice kills…It’s the bitter sound of the silence after this album ends…The thoughts are becoming too loud and are waking nostalgic memories of some better times, while the echo of a sad voice and dreamy solos from the closing song of this album still ring inside…
Antichrist 'zine

I remember I listen to this Russian band years ago, but I do not remember if I like it or not. But now here is his (ToM is one-man band) new album, which is pretty interesting. The music on this CD is between doom metal and gothic touches. But the whole album is really interesting, starting with guitars (both sound and rhythms are pretty good) and ending good growls. Many tempo-changes, which make music on this CD much more interesting and exciting. I like almost all the songs here, coz they have really deep negative atmosphere and heavy guitars, as well as good keys and just memorable parts. I think every freak into gothic/doom/death metal will be satisfied by this album. Completely professional, deep and interesting. Also, album have two parts, first one – 6 tracks and second one – 4 tracks; so, I like only first part, coz second part is into gothic metal mainly…
Heavy Music

Лёгкое, мелодичное звучание не лишённое драйва, с клавишами, усиливающими атмосферу- вот что можно услышать на диске с этим альбомом. Гитары звучат довольно резко и жёстко, барабаны тоже хорошо прописаны, каждый удар выверен ровно до секунды. Пронзительные гитарные проигрыши и такой же гроул придают окончательную завершённость и органичность композициям.

Альбом условно можно разделить на две части- это песни на английском и русском языках. Стоит отметить, что русскоязычные тексты звучат достаточно грамотно и красиво, в отличие от подавляющего большинства отечественных групп, у которых это получается ужасно криво и не складно. Также русскоязычная часть треков менее драйвовая и насыщенная. Она выполнена в более спокойном и сдержанном ключе.

По сравнению с прошлым альбомом музыка стала на много интересней и разнообразней, разве что последняя песня кажется слишком затянутой из-за некоторой достаточно продолжительной однообразности русскоязычной части альбома.

Author: Grimmsberg
Alternative Matter

Tears of Mankind, essentially the solo work of Russian Phil Skrobelin, is fascinating in its ability to incorporate the characteristic growling vocal style familiar to many interested in this style of metal, with some remarkably melodic passages and guitar riffs that are at once engaging and grandiose. That such a disparate number of styles and speeds are fused into one album is a true testament to the writing and musicianship of Skrobelin.

After a short atmospheric opening piece, “In the Embrace of Eternal Sunshine” unfolds from dark, menacing string passages into an ominous guitar riff that underlies the growling vocal and spoken word lines. The finale eventually arrives with a battery of scorching guitar riffs and bass drum hammering that leaves the listener thrilled and cautious in equal measure. “Deadly Desire” has a slower pace and assaults the listener with drums like cannon fire and dignified guitar riffs that are pushed aside by delicate piano lines and whispered vocal with confidence and bravado. “Passion Backfathom Deeps” opens with what can only be described as psychedelic guitars which lull the listener into a false sense of security, before the familiar growling vocal and doom laden guitars return to bring the momentarily uplifted listener back down to earth with disbelief.

To ensure the listener does not feel too comfortable, the distant chime of bells introduces “Under the Great Dome” which develops into a straight forward mid tempo piece of pounding guitar riffs and thunderous drum patterns. As does “So Long and So Recently” which opens with a gossamer delicate piano line before being ushered away with familiar searing guitar and no nonsense vocal. “Pamyat” and “Mayatnik” have a surprisingly clear and delicate vocal over some gentle guitar and piano lines, which lay the foundations of some surprising distorted and frankly caustic guitar passages, which keep the complacent listener on their toes. “Requiem” and “Vino Pamyati” return to the formula evident elsewhere on “Memoria”, which leave the listener at once uplifted and pessimistic with guitar and drum passages of such majestic beauty, only to be let back down with riffs that are hypnotic. The guitar motifs throughout “Memoria” are evil and help lend the pieces malevolence rarely achieved with such triumph.

The closing few seconds of the album, with the sound of rain and incoherent background noise, neatly encompasses the overall mood. There are many incongruent styles on offer on “Memoria” but the overall feeling is that of considerate private reflection, and for that reason alone, it is worth taking the effort to

Author: John
Forgotten Path

This is the last release of “Solitude Productions” and its divisions that I am reviewing in this issue. For the end I picked not the best, however neither the worst disk. Tears of Mankind is quite a productive project from the middle of Russia. It seems that the author doesn’t lack creativity, yet his latest work seems a little unfinished. Honestly, some of its parts sound too naïve. And parts sung in clear vocals seem to miss the point as well, by trying to create a very soft, lyrical tone. On the other hand there’s little to complain about the musical side of the album. Well, except for some places that for some unknown reason sound unnatural, artificial. Melodic, easy tracks sound simple, unbinding. Close to the guitars always sounds a piano theme. Aforementioned vocals often go in two lines - clear and growl. However the general impression of the disk seems to be missing perfection, solidness. The album lasts over an hour and it seems to be artificially prolonged. However there was a search for various solutions, songs are attempted to be complex, with a few theme lines (yet most of them are rather primitive) and as I mentioned, the album sounds easy and pleasant and is worth more than an average mark.

Author: Odium
Pitchline Zine

Phillip Skobelin es el nombre del único responsable que hay tras Tears Of Mankind. El proyecto, que empezó a rodar en 2002, ha ido dando demos hasta 2005 y un año más tarde, fue publicado su debut, titulado 'Without Ray Of Hope' a través del sello foráneo Stygian Crypt. Aquél romance duro poco y posteriormente, Skobelin empezaría un nuevo viaje de la mano de Solitude Productions, quiénes editaron el año pasado, a través de su filial BadMoodMan, este 'Memoria', su cuarto disco de estudio y ultima referencia hasta la fecha.

El disco consta de diez temas, yéndose hacia la hora de duración, y cabe destacar el buen sonido del que hace gala, en comparación a sus anteriores obras, pues ha sido grabado íntegramente en casa del propio Skobelin; guitarras, bajo, batería y sintetizadores, consiguiendo un sonido uniforme y pulido, complementado con un buen artwork, cortesía de Sergey Terentjev.

Una vez dispuestos a desgranar el sonido de Tears of Mankind, queda patente el buen gusto a la hora de casar una base Doom Metal melódica, con riffs bastante variados, acordes con el ambiente místico que dota el sintetizador a cada nota, un ejemplo sería "Passion Blackfathom Deeps", con esa melancolía y emotividad tan propia del Gothic Metal, aderezada con elementos clásicos, ya sea el violín, y remarcadas con suaves líneas de piano. El apartado vocal va desde la voz más corrosiva, recordando a los My Dying Bride de los noventa, a un registro gutural más propio de lo aquí acontecido, moviéndose con soltura en ritmos mas animados, en el caso de "Under The Great Dome", donde precisamente se aprecia ese aire tan añejo, con el sintetizador dando una nota progresiva al tema. Del apartado rítmico cabe citar una batería muy bien traída y presente, así como un bajo fundamental a la hora de acelerar el ritmo.

Desde melodías más románticas y a la vez poderosas, hasta pausas y ambiente más oscuro y retorcido, 'Memoria' goza precisamente de lo que muchos discos carecen en numerosas ocasiones, algo de variedad. Los cambios de ritmo son frecuentes, cada instrumento tiene su parte de protagonismo (el piano en "So Long And So Recently" o el violín de "Requiem"), mientras que, como único contratiempo, se le podría achacar, pese a probar con distintos registros, a que la voz de Skobelin no sea lo suficientemente sorprendente como para imponerse al abanico musical que recrea tras el.

'Memoria' esta dividido en dos capítulos, el primero, narrado en inglés y el segundo, en ruso, dando un toque interesante al conjunto, pues la sensación que da a partir de la pista siete "Pamyat", es la de que los temas han sido interpretados por dos bandas distintas, eso si, en un ritmo similar, ya que a partir de aquí el disco va tomando un aire más trágico y atmosférico, predominando los acordes sencillos y la voz limpia, dejando los riffs a un lado. En resumen un disco interesante y buen trabajo de Skobelin a la hora de pulir los detalles y crear un disco que realmente llega a enganchar, un compendio de ritmos y detalles diversos, temas emotivos y pasajes cautivadores.

Author: The Moor

Tears Of Mankind are a one man (Phil) melodic death-doom act out of Russia. Phil pumped out a whopping 9 demos before cutting Tears' first album, Without Ray of Hope in 2006. Memoria marks the fourth Phil full-length… Dude has been pretty busy.

Memoria is pleasant enough - an odd description for a death-doom album, I suppose. It has all the requisite ingredients - instrumental intro, melodic riffs, crushing power chords, quiet interludes, layers of keyboards, growled vocals, yada yada yada. As a wrinkle half the album is in English, half in Russian.

Most the songs on the album are seven to nine minutes in length and, as with the components, the structures also fit what you would expect. All of this made "Under The Dome" an attention grabber… the song is a midpace yet upbeat almost doom via goth-rock flavored track that breaks up any monotony that may have set in with the formulaic songs.

I listened to the album no less than a dozen times over the last couple weeks while trying to write this review. At no point in this process did I think, "Ugh. I have to sit through this. Again? I think I'd rather go play in traffic." However at no point in this process did I find myself particularly fired up at the prospect of listening to Memoria.

All this is part of the reason why this review has taken so long to write. It's a decent album which meets expectations of what I like, but nothing that really blows me away. I don't want to slam the album or come across as negative, as I certainly do not dislike it… it's good… but just not terribly evocative in a genre based on pushing harsh emotions.

For those looking at perhaps getting in to slightly more extreme doom, this might be a decent starting point as it has the components, isn't particularly abrasive or terrifying, and at least is more kvlt than picking up one of the Big Three.

Author: BitterCOld
Stereo Invaders

Malinconia e tristezza possono diventare compagni di vita di ognuno di noi, forse ciò che dovremmo tutti meglio comprendere è che il dolore debba essere accettato. La mestizia viene consapevolmente rappresentata dai Russi Tears Of Mankind, band che dopo una lunga serie di demo, rilascia ben quattro full-lenght, dal 2006 ad oggi. Il sound proposto è un Doom piuttosto classico, assimilabile ai maestri Katatonia, con un pizzico di melodia in più ed un lieve richiamo al Gothic. Non possiamo spingerci a definirlo miracolo, ma “Memoria” è un disco gradevole, anche se decisamente troppo prevedibile nelle sue strutture. Sul versante tecnico, tutto è approssimativamente lineare, visto anche che ad interpretare è un solo muscista, e non parliamo del “Vintersorg di Mosca”. L’uso della tastiera stona con tutto ciò che la circonda, per la propria elementarità ed il semplicismo con cui disegna le melodie. Intensi alcuni passaggi di pianoforte, vero punto da cui Phil dovrebbe ripartire, per la propria musica. Speriamo le cose evolvano, altrimenti non potremo mai andare sopra ad una scevra sufficienza.

Author: Thiess
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