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Zgard - Reclusion (CD)

atmospheric black metal, BadMoodMan Music, BadMoodMan Music
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BMM. 049-12 x
В наличии
Вторая работа Яромысла - гитариста украинской folk pagan metal группы Говерла - с собственным проектом Zgard, где музыкант решил выразить свою индивидуальность, используя собственные наработки в стиле atmospheric black metal (первая работа выполнена в folk pagan metal ключе) . Тематика песен осталась прежней – это язычество и прославление сил природы, музыкально же – это величественная музыка, строящаяся на атмосферных клавишных, напористых гитарах и глубоком скриминге с фрагментарным использованием фолклорных мотивов.И да будут готовы любители pagan metal и atmospheric black metal открыть свои сердца для музыки Zgard!

1. Крижана Байдужість / Icy Indifference 2:32
2. Відлюдництво / Reclusion 8:36
3. Колдовство Зимы / Winter Withcraft 7:22
4. Вічність / Eternity 6:48
5. Хладокрес / Rise Of Coldness 10:08
6. Відчай / Despair 7:36
7. Желя / Weeping Goddess 6:26
8. В Корне Мирового Древа / In The Roots Of World Tree 6:34

Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
atmospheric black metal
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
BadMoodMan Music
Кат. номер:
BMM. 049-12
Год издания:

This is Pagan Black Metal from The Ukraine, but before I continue I have to say that if you don’t like keyboards and atmospherics, then this is not an album for you as the entire release is littered with such qualities. I say qualities, as the soundscape combines well, at the end of the day it is all about personal preference, and whether you truly embrace mother earth and the emotions that this album gives you.

Masterminded by Yaromisl who plays everything and does everything except play the flute (this is done by Hutsul), there are rather a few longer songs for you to endure. At over 10 minutes long ‘Rise of Coldness’ possesses an epic feel through its tender flowing chord structures combined with nasty first wave Burzum-esq guitar patterns (but played at a snail’s pace). These are of course playing second fiddle to the main atmospherics that this Russian project produces. I find that this is simply not fast enough for me and some of the songs are simply too long, there is no need to continue if you end them quicker you gain more of a memorable digestible tune for the listener. This ambling and subsequent vacant mind sense that results from listening to Zgard does little to improve one’s mental happiness, the music is rather depressing, but I am sure some would say that’s a good thing. Of course ‘Reclusion’ is fitting to this genre from some aspects, it has thought provoking arrangements, a good recorded sound and absolutely great artwork, but I fail to hold my attention span for little more than a couple of minutes of each track.

Laden with atmospherics, Zgard and ‘Reclusion’ is indeed for reclusive souls, one who embraces atmosphere and melancholy, but does little to excite other than trying to find which guitar riff is borrowed from which album release, but this is a credible effort if you look beyond these little idiosyncrasies and embrace the releases innocence.

Author: Paul Maddison
VS Webzine

En ces temps d’Euro 2012 organisé en Europe de l’Est, parlons un peu Ukraine (les Polonais, on en parle déjà bien assez avec tous les clones de BEHEMOTH). Et qui dit Ukraine dit Pagan/Folk, « Heathen Metal » et tous les trucs épiques à flûtiaux et à livret écrit en cyrillique. Ce n’est pas ZGARD qui va déroger à la règle. Formé en 2010 dans la région de Lviv (là où Mario Gomez a battu à lui tout seul le Portugal), un des rares groupes à honorer la dernière lettre de l’alphabet latin est un one-man-band tenu par un certain Yaromisl, juste accompagné du flûtiste Hutsul, tous deux membres du groupe GOVERLA. Goverla qui est d’ailleurs le nom de la plus haute montagne des Carpates. Vous l’aurez compris, nos amis jaune et bleu vous nous emmener pour un nouveau voyage dans les Carpates et parmi les forêts enneigées, comme leurs compatriotes de KRODA, VELIMOR ou encore NOKTURNAL MORTUM dans ses émoluments les plus folk.

Reclusion est le 2ème album de ZGARD. Sorti sur le label russe BadMoodMan… 15 jours après le premier album du projet Дух Карпатських Сутінків (Spirit Of Carpathian Sunset), sorti quant à lui chez Darker Than Black. Sorties rapprochées sur deux labels différents plutôt curieuse, mais je n’ai pas plus d’infos sur leur enregistrement, sauf que Reclusion a lui été mis en boîte à l’été 2011. On peut penser que le premier album doit être plus ancien, car le style a évolué entre les deux opus. Après un Дух Карпатських Сутінків très folk et épique, ZGARD sort avec Reclusion un album plus Metal, plus Pagan/Black que folk. Reste le flûtiau, ici tenu par Yaromisl lui-même, très discret et ne sonnant pas faux comme sur certains albums de TEMNOZOR (bon il est un peu limite parfois, comme sur "Weeping Goddess"). Du reste, nous avons donc ici un Pagan/Black plus atmosphérique qu’agressif, assez classique mais tout à fait plaisant. Après une intro ambiante de rigueur, ZGARD enchaîne des pièces de Metal des Carpates savamment bien réalisées, portées par des vocaux rocailleux, des riffs en trémolos épiques, des synthés cristallins, et une prod honnête à défaut d’être exceptionnelle.

Dommage que l’album soit assez linéaire, avec des morceaux un peu trop longs (même si c’est le style qui veut ça), et aucune plage ne sort vraiment du lot même si elles sont toute de qualité (on notera néanmoins les montées prenantes de "Witchcraft et Winter", les excellentes mélodies et atmosphères au synthé de "Eternity", la superbe intro de "Rise of Coldness", les effets électro inattendus de "Despair", ou encore le très épique "In the Roots of World Tree"). Dans l’ensemble ZGARD maîtrise son sujet et nous offre avec Reclusion un bon album de Pagan/Black ukrainien, avec un bon travail des ambiances et une touche personnelle, même si le groupe n’a rien de plus qu’un KRODA ou qu’un TEMNOZOR. Sachant que tous ces groupes ukrainiens sont peu prolifiques voire parfois très discrets, les amateurs du genre ne devraient pas bouder leur plaisir et donner leur chance à ZGARD, nouveau venu dans la scène Pagan/Folk ukrainienne qui a des qualités.

Author: ZeSnake
Zware Metalen

Zelf ben ik nog nooit in Oekraïne geweest, maar vaak spreekt muziek al aardige taal om inzicht te krijgen in het landschap. Zgard is een duo uit dit Russische buurland en met Reclusion voel je toch wel lichtjes wat Russische winters de grens overwaaien. Ze scheppen sfeer op hun tweede langspeler met erg synthvolle black.

Erg symfonisch, tintelend, lichtjes paganistisch, maar vooral behoorlijk rustig. Soms komt dat deze vrij aangename black metal ten goede, zoals op de lange track Rise of Coldness. Zgard weet symfonische golven erg traag en slepend te projecteren, maar de black metal-insteek gooit hier en daar wat roet in het eten. Op synth kan je soms denken richting oude Thyrfing (al is het niet zo catchy) of oude Vlaamse Thurisaz, vooral op Withcraft of Winter dan (wellicht wordt hier ‘witchcraft’ bedoeld). De melodieuze lijnen op gitaar zijn aardig, maar niet echt enorm origineel en ze nodigen samen met de statische zanglijn uit tot wat versnellingen. Die komen er echter niet, de motor van Zgard draait van begin tot einde eigenlijk door op de middelste versnelling.

De kracht van deze band zit in haar symfonische basis. Knap atmosferisch, her en der lichtjes raadselachtig, maar zonder dat je perplex komt te staan binnen dit kleine uur. Meer een plaatje dus om rustig bij te genieten, maar daar hapert het wat door de oppervlakkige zang en de monotone midtempo drum.

Author: Yves Pelgrims
Pest Webzine

Atmospheric Black Metal? BMM Music is really expanding its horizons lately which is a good thing, they are capable of handling much more things than they did until now.
Zgard is a new name to me so when I've searched the net for some info I found that it's a one man band established in 2010 and this is its second album, both of them being released in 2012. Hmm, I hope this is not another Moloch type of band, afterall they come from the same country... The music presented here is quite good, and although it has some chaotic parts the sound is quite good to sustain such a high keyboard infused music. Some parts are really catchy and I'd like some more of those: keyboard backgrounds, fast rhythms and intelligent riffs (check out the track "Eternity"). After a first listen I was quite disapointed by this release, but then it kinda grew on me to a point that now I like it. The fast parts of this album are really interesting, but the slow ones are a bit boring so after a fourth listen it seems I'm always skipping them. The cover artwork is fantastic and not because it's done by a Romanian guy (Kogaion Art), but because it really gives a good hint on what you're going to experience on this album music wise.

Author: Adrian
Ave Noctum

Can’t argue with a country that produced the likes of Drudkh, Hate Forest and Blood Of Kingu; yup, Zgard is a one man black metal act from the Ukraine, and according to trusty old Metal Archives the second full-length our boy Yaromisl has released with the debut coming out all the way back in…February. Does that mean another one of those hyper-productive black metal projects who don’t allow time to draw a breath between releases? Well, probably. Blowing in with ‘Icy Indifference’ is indeed a chilly blizzard of an intro with synths sweeping over like a layer of frost before the album starts proper with ‘Reclusion’. This is mid paced and dark, doom-infested black metal with a vocal line that drudges heavily over a backdrop of depressive guitars. The intensity seems to build through towards the end and ‘Witchcraft Of Winter’ seems to once again blow in with the changing of seasons. This album overall has a very frosty feel to it, like a soundtrack to the thickest, coldest winter days deep in the Ukrainian forests. The track here sweeps gracefully with some wonderfully sorrowful and hypnotic melodies, all wrapped within an oppressive, cloying atmosphere.

‘Eternity’ is very synth heavy and has a bit of a cosmic vibe to the keys which play out over a scything guitar riff that has rather a classic heavy metal feel to it. ‘Rise Of Coldness’ warms up through a foreboding orchestral intro, feeling that we are building to something cataclysmic and then before too long an ominous and depressive sounding guitar comes in and crushes everything down beneath its weight, keyboards adding to the dark ambience as it piles on the misery and that feeling of solitude really comes to the fore. At times I am reminded quite a bit of label mates Benighted In Sodom through the oppressive cloying atmosphere and the guitar sound. Around the seven minute mark a flute brings a saccharin yet sorrowful folk melody into the fold as the music sweeps up to a more epic level. This is very fluid and weaves a beautiful tale of sorrow as the coldness rises. Through the anguished female cries comes the ‘Weeping Goddess’ which takes darkness to a whole new level; this is menacing and discordant with a chaotic maelstrom of esoteric madness akin to Blut Aus Nord. A putrid growl is emitted, while the repetitive melody draws the listener under its spell. A sudden toot on the flute lightens the mood momentarily before coming to a real abrupt halt. ‘In The Roots Of World Tree’ continues that chaotic esotericism while incorporating a folksy melody that reminds me of fellow Ukrainians Drudkh.

Overall this has a very depressive tone to it and at times a sinister atmosphere, while bringing more of a folk flavour out sporadically especially on later tracks. It’s a very good album but occasionally feels a little unfocussed, as though there are too many ideas being thrown into one place. Still, there is a lot to like here especially if the idea of depressive folk black metal appeals. And if you miss out on this one, chances are there’ll be another two releases from Zgard before the year is out!

Author: Luci Herbert
Global Metal Apocalypse

It's one of those albums for those who enjoy epic length songs, with the songs around 7 minutes on average per song, it is indeed an endurance test, but one with sensational sounds and icy cold deliverance, this is of course Zgard from The Ukraine, a project focusing on the cold-heartedness of Pagan Black Metal. It is fast on the drums, rapid on the keyboards but most importantly it delivers an atmosphere of sheer fear; in that the eeriness is paramount. Whilst 'Reclusion' is the second album to be released in 2012, the product does not sell past any date, nor does it disappoint.


Nel metal tutto è possibile anche rompere le uova nel paniere a un'artista che si vede pubblicati due dischi a distanza di neanche un paio di mesi, da un lato potrebbe essere una mossa interessante, vien da chiedersi quanto sia rapido il tizio per produrre roba così in fretta se non si venisse a conoscenza che il debutto era già pronto dal 2010 e avrebbe dovuto avere luce nel 2011 mentre la Darker Than Black ha ben pensato di gettarlo letteralmente sul mercato nel 2012 quando il nuovo lavoro era pronto a dir la sua, è il caso del mastermind degli Zgard Yaromisl e i suoi "Spirit Of Carpathian Sunset" e "Reclusion" quest'ultimo rilasciato per la BadMoodMan Music.
Non conosco il primo album se non per qualche pezzo ascoltato in rete e per quel che ricordi non si aveva a che fare con nulla di particolarmente rilevante, un black metal lento e riconducibile a realtà ucraine già note vedasi i Nokturnal Mortum ma privo della classe di questi.

Con "Reclusion" la solfa è rimasta per lo più la stessa solo che avendo avuto la possibilità di poterlo ascoltare per intero quello che riesce a mantenere in piedi la situazione è l'uso dei synth di piacevole compagnia, le melodie utilizzate per creare una cupola nel quale rinchiudersi eliminando l'esterno e poi? Non c'è molto altro, il riffing è noto, le soluzioni si ripetono sfruttando giri pesanti e che si trascinano in maniera poco incisiva, il flauto è una condanna, ricorda le mie misere prestazioni alle elementari tant'è che lo usavo più come spada per agguerriti tenzoni che per suonarlo, ogni tanto si percepisce qualche divagazione dall'aroma death metal che comunque sin troppo sporadicamente appare per essere presa in piena considerazione e nella bilancia dei pro e contro per non esser cattivi si può dire che la verità sta nel mezzo, si eguagliano.
"Reclusion" non è brutto, non è di quei platter che ti vien da dire "perché lo sto mettendo su", in altrettanto modo difficilmente riuscirà a costruirsi un solido rapporto con il vostro stereo a meno che non siate dei famelici ingurgitatori di musica dal feeling pseudo-depressive, la melancolia trasmessa in quel caso potrebbe divenire un'alleata durante la giornata permettendovi di staccare per un po', i restanti girino la testa e guardino altrove.

Author: Mourning

Zgard - проект Яромысла, который был известен мне, прежде всего, как гитарист Folk Metal-группы Говерла, с которой я познакомился в прошлом году, приобретя их альбом "Хуртовина" с лейбла Wroth Emitter. Работа мне эта понравилась, и до сих пор бывает ее прослушиваю, когда хочется насладиться качественным отечественным Pagan/Folk.

Увидев в январе на сайте лейбла Solitude Productions анонс предстоящего релиза Zgard и информацию о данном проекте, мне захотелось ознакомиться с этой работой и, связавшись в феврале с Яромыслом, я приобрел у него оба альбома его проекта. Как оказалось, в январе этого года по воле судьбы состоялся релиз как дебютного альбома проекта Дух Карпатських Сутінків на немецком Darker Than Black, так и второго "Reclusion" - уже на отечественном Bad Mood Man Music.

Разные лейблы и абсолютно разные альбомы. Если первый альбом, с которого я начал знакомство со Zgard'ом, являет собой Pagan Black Metal с обилием использованных в записи инструментов и довольно позитивной атмосферой, то второй "Reclusion" в музыкальном плане кардинально отличается от дебютника, это уже Atmospheric Black Metal, величественный, холодный и неприступный.

Название альбома в переводе на русский - "Отшельничество", сразу навевает мысли о том, что внутри нас ожидает нечто мрачное и депрессивное. И тут ожидания не заставляют себя долго ждать. Альбом буквально с первых секунд вступительного интро "Ice Indiffirence" погружает нас в пучину безысходности, одиночества и непроглядной пустоты. Интро как бы подготавливает нас ко всему остальному, создает идеальное настроение для следующего "Reclusion", на ум приходит лишь фраза: "Оставь надежду всяк сюда входящий"... Следующая восьмиминутная вещь, "Отшельничество", раскрывает нам суть этой работы, позволяет самому себя почувствовать этим отшельником, может быть, некоторым даже вспомнить такие же переживания, повествует нам причины и внутреннее состояние, сопровождающее человека, разочарованного в роде людском.

"Подальше, подальше от людей,
подальше от рождений, подальше от смертей...
...В рутине, как в болоте, тонут от страстей
Не хочу больше смотреть я на слабости людей...
...От рассветов и до закатов
В забвении канет мой покой
В озерах зори видно утром
Возможно я уже средь них..."

Этот трек наиболее близок мне по своему настроению и подаче, лучше, чем у Яромысла, наверное, ни у кого не получилось раскрыть тему разочарования и ухода от людей, воссоединения с природой. Отдельного внимания в альбоме заслуживает эпичный и мрачный десятиминутный трек "Rise Of Coldness", который делает настроение еще более подавленным. Минорные аккорды, тягучий печальный гроул, дергающий за невидимые душевные струны клавишный фон и, самое главное - красивейшее соло на флейте - заставляет переслушивать эту вещь снова и снова.

Музыка в "Reclusion" напоминает временами своими риффами Viking Metal, но куда более медленный. Гитарные партии постоянно меняют свой темп - то они вместе с двойной бочкой ударных нагромождают звук, держа нас в напряжении, то резко замедляют темп, снова навевая ощущение безнадежности. Клавишные партии на протяжении пластинки нагнетают атмосферу, заставляя глубже проникнуться настроением одиночества и печали. Они буквально гипнотизируют своим звучанием, которое колеблется от каких-то футуристических эффектов до стандартного фона и классических фортепианных партий. Вокал оставил о себе только положительные впечатления. Низкий рычащий гроул, временами тягучий, распевный - отлично подходит к настроению релиза и к стилистике альбома. Приятно было услышать и лирику, написанную на двух языках - русском и украинском. Песни повествуют нам, в основном, о природе, одиночестве, отчаянии. Трек "Weeping Goddess" расскажет о Желе - славянской богине плача и печали, а заключительная композиция, "In The Roots Of World Tree", затронет тему славянской космогонии.

В общем и целом, альбом получился очень интересным и монолитным и при прослушивании не отпускает с первой ноты до заключительного аккорда. "Reclusion" - это альбом не на каждый день и не для каждого. Слушать его надо в определенном настроении, но если попасть в это настроение, то альбом надолго не выйдет из памяти и заставит возвращаться к нему вновь и вновь. Поэтому сейчас слушаю "Reclusion" и с предвкушением жду третьего альбома - "Astral Glow".

Author: Ермак
Forbidden Magazine

Flat out, this is some great epic and mystical black metal with clean production and slight pagan leanings!!! Zgard joins the list of high ranking “progressive” black metal bands sharing some aspects of Summoning, Nattsol, October Falls, Thranekind, Fen, Falls of Rauros…, but is distinctly darkened and leans toward the Limbonic Art and Emperor realm fairly often or at least often enough to elude to a more mysterious and catastrophic motive behind the songs, almost gypsy more so than pagan.

“Eternity” is a rawer and darker song with a very funereal “Theatre of the Macabre” synth based background, an aggressive cosmic and dark mystical atmosphere that is as ephemeral as it is a violent, dense, and icy blizzard gust drawn out through unique guitar rhythms and balance of atmospherics and solid black metal that literally create a chaotic storm of melody and evil.

“Winter Witchcraft” has this epic synth phrase that reminds me of the one in “I am the Black Wizards” about halfway through it, in combination with very clean production and darkly mystical cosmic/occult feel. The mix is very hazy and the guitar chords buzzing alongside the crisp snapping drums bring in a pagan solstice/ritual tone, followed by some subtle leads buried in the mix, that creates this feeling of vapor and spirits present.

On a side note: when I say clean production I just mean that it’s not raw and lo-fi, not that it’s state-of-the-art high def. It tends to be right in the middle and at just the right setting for what is done on here. Also, BadMoodMan is a brother label to Solitude Productions.

Zgard is a Ukranian solo act founded by guitarist Yaromysl (also a member of Goveria) who wanted to expand into atmospheric black metal and representing Carpathian folklore, whose first release, Spirit of Carpathian Sunset, (on Darker Than Black )was substantially more pagan/folk black metal with less atmospheres and lacking looming haunting presence that Reclusion has. Some of the folk elements are still present such as the flute, which really comes out on “In the Roots of the World Tree”, the hypnotic and seductive closing song full of chimes and angular guitar lead tones that’ll subliminally program you to immediately repeat time and time again just to make sure that you are, in fact, not dreaming.

In a time when black metal has become split into the extreme forms of the raw and nihilistic/obscene or washed out into more melodic and less vicious influences, often times splitting the fan base across the scale of styles within black metal, it’s a literal breath of fresh air to hear something like Zgard. This man is on to something HUGE with Reclusion leaving me curious and excited to hear what else he develops in the years to come.

To some this may not sound as profound and unique as I describe it, but when you’re not digging into it and tearing it apart or going in with certain expectations it really does have a different sound and feel than anything else. Reclusion is a very personal album as it really is a representation of the vision of Yaromysl and not that of any audience expectations.

Author: Janet Willis
Chronicles of Chaos

_Reclusion_ is an anomaly for a label such as Solitude Productions and its sub label BadMoodMan, due to the fact this album is probably the first and only black metal recording to have ever been released by the strictly doom metal oriented parent label or any of its branches. And yet here we stand, gazing at the beautiful artwork of an album by a Ukrainian one-man band called Zgard, who plays kind of a spiritual, mystical, melodic pagan black metal, having been released by BadMoodMan and not being even half-bad.
Half-bad? Ha! Far, far from it. This album is good! Zgard plays Russian spoken, slow-paced, keyboard-ridden, folk-oriented melodic black metal that sounds engaging, larger-than-life and highly atmospheric. Equipped with the simplest of compositions, their beauty throughout the recording is effective and hard-hitting.

Yaromisl, the single musician, who is in charge of guitars, vocals, keyboards, mouth harp, programming and also writes the band's (originally Russian-only) lyrics, is a musician through and through; within his guts, his veins, his skull and his big fucking heart not blood does run, but music. Only a big hearted musician -- a born and raised musician, one to whom music is his life's blood -- can write such a beautiful album that speaks in tongues and in many voices of the simplest of human desires; the simplest yet the greatest: happiness, nobility and a sense of belonging. Speaks in tongues and calls forth these desires. Calls forth and re-awakens the sentiments.

_Reclusion_ is, indeed, one of the most beautiful musical creations out there: its spirituality is unmatched; the atmosphere the combination of old and new, traditional and modern instruments create, is unparalleled. Yaromisl seems to know exactly what makes a human tick, and he pushes all the right buttons in the human condition in terms of melody penetrating the body and tickling the soul. Spirit becomes substance, and vice versa.

Keyboards and mouth harp, vitriolic guitars that create a melodic wall of sound, and a wizard-like utilization of the keyboards and their virtual endless potential, are all handled craftily, laid accurately and carefully layer after a layer, creating a thick, lush and mesmerizing atmosphere one would find hard to resist being spellbound by.

_Reclusion_ indeed emanates reclusive thoughts and hermetic sentiments. This album is the aural equivalent of the human aspiration for a higher life; its earthen simplicity yet its celestial beauty, these two key elements of our existence, have been bound together so well on this album -- one which is nothing but a beautiful, colourful sonic embodiment of that marriage of spirit and substance, which is ultimately the human essence. The best melodic pagan folk black metal album I have heard in quite some time. Highly recommended.

Author: Chaim Drishner
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