Autumnia - O'Funeralia (CD)

funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
666.67 Р
Price in points: 1000 points
SP. 024-09 xn
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New album by the leading Ukrainian doom death band AUTUMNIA! Including in five majestic hymns "O"Funeralia" absorbed all the best traits characteristic of previous work of this group: excellent sound, beautiful melodies, perfect skill and mighty voice by Vladislav Shahin (also voice in Mournful Gust). What"s more for recording of the album extra musicians were invited who performed the parts of bass, piano and violin that introduced new mood and shades into the sound. Disc with gold evaporation and pit art.

1. In Heavens...Among The Tombs 10:30
2. Blessing Your Illness 10:31
3. Falling Asleep With Entreaty 5:31
4. Breathe Your Mourning Into Me 10:08
5. By The Candles Obsequial 12:53

Artist Country:
Album Year:
funeral doom death metal
CD Album
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Cat Num:
SP. 024-09
Release Year:
Country Of Manufacture:
Global Metal Network

If you want sadness and depression go listen to Paramore, however if you want happy sadness and light depression listen to Autumnia, the Ukrainian Melodic Doomed Death Metal duo come back with their third full length release overall, taking into perspective the grandeur of Eastern European traditions and the sophistication of modern metal music the Ukrainian duo drag sorrow and darkness together to create one album that is so apt for funeral's, it may as well be Funeral Doom Metal, not one for the emo's mind you. The only downside is the track length, four over ten minutes long, that's 80MB of iTunes gone poof.

Deaf Sparrow

Autumnia is a two-man band that plays an awesome form of doom metal similar to Dark Castle, but I have to say (sorry editor man), this is a hell of a lot better. The guitar work pulls you along with excellent compositions, coupled with real fucking violin and drums that know when to pump the kick. One good thing are the occasional breaks in atmosphere that create a sense of emptiness, suddenly filled back up with painful moans, heavy chording, and harmonic lines with more of a solo bend. o'Funeralia shows clearly how the band is able to easily move back and forth between different styles while maintaining a good grasp of progression. Each song has its own atmosphere, but it all manages to feel like you're reading Chatterton on a cliff overlooking a bleak ocean. If you don't get that reference you don't deserve to listen to this.

Author: Arkus
Heavy Impact

Fin da subito ascoltando “ In Heavens….A Mong The Tombs “ (primo pezzo di “O’ Funeralia“) ci si rende conto che il duetto ucraino ci propone il terzo album con una spiccata conoscenza del genere, ed una acclamata esperienza, curando tutto nei minimi particolari. Ma ahimè a volte ciò non basta per portare un lavoro potenzialmente esimio ai livelli che gli competono.

Per capirci meglio, incominciamo dalla copertina di ottima pregevolezza, che possiamo già definire l’intro al tema che stiamo per affrontare, facendo sì che il pathos possa prender vita fin dalla percezione visiva .

Ed infatti come volevasi dimostrare, l’album apre con un lentissimo e straziante riff, che trova la massima espressione quando dopo poco un growl profondissimo si aggiunge per rendere più scura e sofferente l’atmosfera. E questo per più di 10 minuti, spezzando quest’agonia soltanto per breve tempo.

“ Blessing Your Illness “ (la seconda track) alleggerisce leggermente (rispetto alla prima) la parte più abissale di questa triste armonia, associando il cantato gutturale con una voce pulita, sia all’inizio del brano che alla fine, gli Autumnia ci deliziano anche con un bell’ episodio di pianoforte che trova nella chitarra (anche se per pochissimo tempo) l’intreccio perfetto per poter risalire dal buio baratro, e trovare un appannato raggio di sole.

Il viaggio verso I meandri della morte continua con “ Falling a sleep with Entreaty “ , che ci sussurra su un tappeto di pianoforte, lo strazio per l’attesa di questa fine inarrivabile.

Per quanto riguarda il seguito, le due tracks restanti, ci ripropongono sempre lo stesso scenario rimanendo invariate nei tempi e nelle armonie, con un violino ed un pianoforte che esasperano pienamente tutta la scena, dando ad essa l’obbiettivo prefissatosi.

Sostanzialmente quest’album si diversifica molto dal precedente “ By The Candles Obsequial “ proiettando “ O ‘ Funeralia ” verso filoni più funeral , e lascia inalterata soltanto la cospicua durata di ogni brano ed il numero delle tracks mai superiore o inferiore alle cinque .

Senza dubbio alcuno ci troviamo al cospetto di un album che riesce nell’intento di struggere l’animo fin dall’inizio, ma ci si rende conto che nonostante le bellissime armonie ed una sofferenza espressa al massimo delle capacità compositive, purtroppo il duetto ucraino non ci propone assolutamente nulla di nuovo; nonostante un paio di idee originali, e a dispetto di ciò che si possa pensare , “ O’ Funeralia “ rimane comunque da non sottovalutare per chi non ha paura di affrontare più di cinquanta minuti di puro e straziante doom.

Un consiglio per tutti coloro che si accingono ad ascoltare l’ultima fatica degli Autumnia : fatelo in una giornata di Agosto calda e soleggiata, perché l’inverso potrebbe risultare fatale anche per il doomster più accanito.

Author: Fabio Parisi
Diabolical Conquest

At last some good fucking doom in the spirit of the early 90s. Even though that style is grossly imitated since and unfortunately by many incapable bands, I sorely miss that era these days when bands are merely trying to out-crush and out-slow each other and out-bore everyone. These days the doom bands are way too high on drama, the atmosphere is saturated and chocked with emotions not all of which are genuine, with every inch of it occupied by dense sentimental keyboards. And at its funereal pace, the music hardly seems to move, let alone go anywhere. It just remains there sulking indefinitely, mourning the death of songwriting after murdering it.

It takes a band from Ukraine to show that playing good doom is not a forgotten art. Drawing influences from the golden era My Dying Bride and Celestial Season, Autumnia add to their already rich and potent base the melodic sensibility of Mourning Beloveth along with elements of funeral doom to create music that is nostalgic but not quite derivative and melodic yet heavy. The band succeeds on the strength of the songwriting alone, a testament to that fact is their playing of straightforward death/doom music without inducing severe boredom. Realising however its limited potential, in addition to providing charming melodic and atmospheric parts, Autumnia employ a few supremely talented musicians to accentuate their music with doom-friendly instruments such as violin, bass and piano. Not only do they perform their duties superbly, providing for effective variations, at times they also steal attention from the main guys – for instance wooing the listeners with sweet piano playing in the instrumental “Falling Asleep With Entreaty” and in “Breathe Your Mourning Into Me” the devastatingly beautiful violins nearly giving them a nervous breakdown. This song has probably the best violin tune I have heard since the one on “Decamerone” from Solar Lovers, the ambitious whining thing going on for almost a couple of minutes. Though on the slower side, the pace is fitting for this kind of emotionally rich music; it is just like how you would want time to move – not too fast, not too slow, just the pace at which you can grasp most out of life.

Production is fine; thick and heavy yet clear, enough room is given to breathe for the instruments and you, for you the sighs of relief. The keyboard-rich last song “By The Candles Obsequial” is particularly airy. Vocals by Vladislav are competent, with the growls being deep and thick, serving their purpose without being overbearing or detracting attention from the music, although the clean vocals existing in only a couple of songs could really have been avoided. And here is a relieved confession: I remained alive and moving at the end of this album which ends at just less than 50 minutes. Why is it so difficult for other doom bands to realise that they don't have to go on and on leaving the listener with no option but to forcibly put an end to it if they haven't died from old age first?

While at times it indeed can get unoriginal and a tad dull, this unpretentious, fairly straightforward and sincere doom I can assure you is more effective and has more character than most other stuff these days. I am so tired of all this avant-garde, boring death/doom and slow-death funeral doom more-boring-than-thou crap. Doom that is heavy as well as rich in emotions, one with sweet heartfelt melodies twined around old monolithic structures, is beautiful in my opinion. Autumnia's music is just that and that is the kind of doom I would like to hear these days.

Author: Kunal N. Choksi
Darkcity 52\2009
Сентябрь\Октябрь 2009

Украинская Autumnia предлагает слушателю хрестоматийный дум/дэт образца середины 90х. Точно выверенный баланс между тяжестью и мелодичностью. Бьющие через край эмоции, сочный гроул Владислава Шахина(Mournful Gust), добротный саунд - все здесь находится на том уровне, когда пластинку хочется порекомендовать не только упертым фэнам жанра, но и тем, для кого дум-дэт является пока не столь близким стилем. И опять же в голове крутится риторический вопрос: А что же было бы, если б Autumnia выпустили "O'Funeralia" лет 10 или 15 назад...

Author: Ан.К.

В позапрошлом году рецензировал их довольно тусклый "By The Candles Obsequial". С тех пор кое-что изменилось, причем однозначно в лучшую сторону. Чем же порадовал нас Александр Главный со своим соратником Владиславом Шахиным на этот раз? Признаюсь сразу, похоронный дум/дэт с недавних пор я не очень жалую, да тут его в общем-то и нет, как и никогда не было, так что не верьте пресс-релизам и сомнительным рецензиям, - слишком уж быстро гроб тащат, да. Начнем по порядку, чтобы мысли не разбегались в разные стороны. С самых первых риффов композиции "In Heavens...Among The Tombs" альбом начинает держать в напряжении. Чтож, это ж дум/дэт, а чего вы хотели?
Так все и должно происходить. Правда минуты с 6-й вроде немного отпустило, пошли красивые соляки и проигрыши с фортепианными зарисовками... Понравилось. "Cover me with your Funeralia" жалестно рыча, вопрошает Шахин, и все это венчает красивейший дуэт соло-гитары и самого думового из всех думовых инструментов - скрипки. Smile
Второй трек "Blessing your Illness" ознаменован чистыми вокальными партиями Владислава. "Close your Eyes..." почти оперным тенором голосит Шахин. "...For these sweet Dreams" - нечеловеческим рыком вторит ему Шахин. Очень удачное сочетание, кстати, ведь петь оба Шахина всегда умели, точнее Владислав умудрился как-то очень удачно соместить себе "Красавца и Чудовище". С композиционной точки зрения тут все очень грамотно и придраться-то в общем не к чему... Видимо сказывается географический критерий наибольшей приближенности Украины к Европе, и хотя альбом записан на домашней студии, звучит просто офигенно. Да, пожалуй возьму свои слова о Европе назад. У Александра Главного определенно руки растут не из органа, что рифмуется с вышеупомянутой Европой, а аккурат откелева нужно и мозги работают в правильном направлении, - отсюда отличный результат. Третья песенка "Falling Asleep With Entreaty" начинается под фортепиано и пресловутые звуки капающего дождика... Никак еще пока думстеры не избавятся от этих клише - дожди, звуки грома, скрипка и романтическо-готические настроения. Ничего особенного в композиции мною замечено не было - откровенно проходной трек, который, по всей вероятности является связующим звеном между первой и второй половинами этой концептуальной работы... А заодно показывает, как, де, Главный на рояле играть умеет... Чтож, хорошо умеет.
Печальная "Breathe Your Mourning Into Me" оказалась печальной только вначале. А потом стала обыкновенной... Приятной, как обычно. Дальше - больше... У ребят довольно интересный подход к делу, вставлять одноименные композиции с предыдущих работ в последующие. Так мы пережили "In Loneliness Of Two Souls" на альбоме "By The Candles Obsequial"... А теперь "By The Candles Obsequial" на "O'Funeralia"... Кстати, вот последняя посвящена некоей девушке Милене. Может поэтому она самая запоминающаяся!? Начинаясь с красивых клавишных рулад, хоралов и колокольных перезвонов, постепенно развивается в тяжелющий такой, монолитный и красивый дум/дэт. Очень качественная вещь. Чтож, постараюсь резюмировать все вышесказанное... Альбом удался на славу и самая главная его особенность, которую можно смело вменить в основное достоинство - это композиционная насыщенность. Сами композиции в среднем по 10 минут не затянуты и просто блистают качественной записью. Продукт обязателен к приобретению всем любителям медленного и мелодичного метала, поверьте, друзья, тут есть что послушать.

Author: Letarg
Doom Mantia

Autumnia's third album "O'Funeralia" is another release on the great Solitude Productions label and this is by far their best album to date. With the Death/Doom meets Funeral Doom genre there is always a certain amount of plagiarism that comes into play, after all the bands that indulge in the style are limited as far as what they play stylistically speaking. Not taking away anything from Autumnia because what they do, they do quite well it is just a album that if you are familiar with the style you would have no doubt heard it all before. Alexander Glavniy handles all the instruments while Vladislav Shahin does all the vocal work in typical My Dying Bride fashion. The music is real slow for the most part and is interspersed with keyboards, sharp and heavy guitar and beautiful violin parts, there is also a recurring theme of romanticism that fits in well with the mournful, emotional sounds that is so typical of bands within the genre. The melodic riffing could just as well be straight out of a Mourning Beloveth album and sometimes the vocals sound just like Worship, like I said before plagiarism. This is not all a bad thing however as this is a great album with no filler, just a solid but predictable one. Songs crossover from melodic Death Doom to other passages that are on the verge of real blackened Funeral Doom, this variety is what keeps the album interesting. Opening track " In Heavens..Among The Tombs" is the strongest track on the album which is a problem as the rest of the album struggles to keep up to that standard. The thick sounding but repetitive guitar work never gets too dull however as there is some good sometimes chugging riffing and the production is real heavy but clear. The vocals may raise a little debate as they changed from deathly growls to clean and back again, however in this band I feel they should have just stuck to the growls. When the cleaner vocals are used, it seems to take away a lot of power from the emotional element of the material. The use of Violin is well done, never over used and compliments the songs beautifully. All the songs are around the 10 minute mark and sometimes they do drag on like in "By The Candles Obesquail" which could have been cut up a bit in my view. My conclusion is a mixed reaction from me with this the third album for these Ukrainians but if you are fan of the genre you will find plenty to like about "O'Funeralia".

Cinco canciones en cincuenta minutos, AUTUMNIA como nombre, “O´ Funeralia” el titulo del disco y Solitude Productions (Rusia) el sello. Con esta información sabemos de antemano que un disco del más puro Doom Metal es lo que nos espera a continuación.
Y es así, ésta banda compuesta por sólo dos integrantes (Alexander Glavniy, quien se ocupa de todos los instrumentos y un tal Vladislav Shahin (hombre que tiene a su cargo la voz) originaria de Ucrania, nos entrega su tercer trabajo de estudio titulado “O´Funeralia”.
Imaginen a bandas como My Dying Bride o a los también grandiosos Novembers Doom como para tener una referencia estilística respecto de qué tipo de Doom es el que practica el dúo ucraniano.
Una participación importante tiene los teclados y los violines, llegando a lograr climas verdaderamente intensos, sobre todo por lo oscuro y melancólico de sus performance.
Es difícil elegir sobre cinco composiciones cual es la mejor, o las mejores, pues el abanico de posibilidades se resume solo a esa cantidad, pero si debo hacerlo me quedo con la que inaugura la placa “In Heavens... Among the Tombs” y “Falling Asleep With Entreaty”, ambas construidas desde la desesperación pero también con una capacidad enorme para transmitir tanta soledad.
Los treinta y cinco minutos que quedan mantienen la “tensión” y la atención de quien escucha gracias a composiciones que se re inventan a si mismas sin perder la línea.
AUTUMNIA está a mitad de camino entre el Doom más Death, por así decirlo y el Death más Doom pero ésta característica solo pinta de cuerpo entero a una banda con un tercer disco definitivo, que marca el mejor momento de una dupla con intenciones firmes de sobresalir en el Under.

Author: Gustavo Piccini
Diabolical Conquest

At last some good fucking doom in the spirit of the early 90s. Even though that style is grossly imitated since and unfortunately by many incapable bands, I sorely miss that era these days when bands are merely trying to out-crush and out-slow each other and out-bore everyone. These days the doom bands are way too high on drama, the atmosphere is saturated and chocked with emotions not all of which are genuine, with every inch of it occupied by dense sentimental keyboards. And at its funereal pace, the music hardly seems to move, let alone go anywhere. It just remains there sulking indefinitely, mourning the death of songwriting after murdering it.

It takes a band from Ukraine to show that playing good doom is not a forgotten art. Drawing influences from the golden era My Dying Bride and Celestial Season, Autumnia add to their already rich and potent base the melodic sensibility of Mourning Beloveth along with elements of funeral doom to create music that is nostalgic but not quite derivative and melodic yet heavy. The band succeeds on the strength of the songwriting alone, a testament to that fact is their playing of straightforward death/doom music without inducing severe boredom. Realising however its limited potential, in addition to providing charming melodic and atmospheric parts, Autumnia employ a few supremely talented musicians to accentuate their music with doom-friendly instruments such as violin, bass and piano. Not only do they perform their duties superbly, providing for effective variations, at times they also steal attention from the main guys – for instance wooing the listeners with sweet piano playing in the instrumental “Falling Asleep With Entreaty” and in “Breathe Your Mourning Into Me” the devastatingly beautiful violins nearly giving them a nervous breakdown. This song has probably the best violin tune I have heard since the one on “Decamerone” from Solar Lovers, the ambitious whining thing going on for almost a couple of minutes. Though on the slower side, the pace is fitting for this kind of emotionally rich music; it is just like how you would want time to move – not too fast, not too slow, just the pace at which you can grasp most out of life.

Production is fine; thick and heavy yet clear, enough room is given to breathe for the instruments and you, for you the sighs of relief. The keyboard-rich last song “By The Candles Obsequial” is particularly airy. Vocals by Vladislav are competent, with the growls being deep and thick, serving their purpose without being overbearing or detracting attention from the music, although the clean vocals existing in only a couple of songs could really have been avoided. And here is a relieved confession: I remained alive and moving at the end of this album which ends at just less than 50 minutes. Why is it so difficult for other doom bands to realise that they don't have to go on and on leaving the listener with no option but to forcibly put an end to it if they haven't died from old age first?

While at times it indeed can get unoriginal and a tad dull, this unpretentious, fairly straightforward and sincere doom I can assure you is more effective and has more character than most other stuff these days. I am so tired of all this avant-garde, boring death/doom and slow-death funeral doom more-boring-than-thou crap. Doom that is heavy as well as rich in emotions, one with sweet heartfelt melodies twined around old monolithic structures, is beautiful in my opinion. Autumnia's music is just that and that is the kind of doom I would like to hear these days.

Author: Cunal Choksi

Наверное, к музыке стоит относиться более серьезно, чем мы это делаем. И только тогда она способна творить чудеса… А еще, пожалуй, для ознакомления с тем или иным произведением желательно быть морально подготовленным к тому, что ожидаешь услышать, чтобы наиболее полно его прочувствовать и понять… А, впрочем, что за бред я несу!.. И, тем не менее, он имеет непосредственное отношение к последнему на сегодняшний день альбому украинского doom-death дуэта AUTUMNIA. Ознакомься я с этим диском примерно двумя месяцами ранее, я бы просто, сказав про себя «неплохо», поставил заслуженные 7 или 8 баллов и положил бы его пылиться на полку. Но чего только не случается в нашей жизни: радости, победы, неудачи, потери… потери… Все это оказывает влияние на наше восприятие окружающего мира, в том числе и музыкального искусства. И вот передо мной лежит диск с темно-зеленой обложкой. Надгробия, каменные ангелы, кресты… все это уже пошло, но здесь оформлено со вкусом, и поэтому я без скепсиса ставлю болванку в проигрыватель. Начинает звучать музыка, музыка медленная и достаточно тяжелая, при этом очень красивая и трагичная, я бы сказал даже величественная в своей трагичности. И реальный мир перестает существовать. Альбом отнюдь не лечит, не успокаивает, он скорее действует как очередная желанная порция алкоголя для уже изрядно пьяного человека, которому от этой порции будет только хуже, но он все равно ее хочет и испытывает удовлетворение, когда получает. Да, поистине странно: почему и без того в подавленном состоянии хочется наслаждаться столь скорбной формой метала. Или это, как говорил Воланд, один из способов лечения подобного подобным?.. В каком-то смысле, может быть. Что ж, надо залить альбом себе в плеер, как раз осень на дворе….
От себя хочется сказать людям из AUTUMNIA огромное спасибо за этот диск. O’Funeralia заставил меня задуматься, помог излить свои эмоции, да просто-напросто отвлек от жизненных невзгод и подарил новый взгляд. После таких альбомов просто язык не поворачивается сказать, что doom-death умер.
…уж извините за абстрактность и субъективизм рецензии.

Author: Esoteric
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