Painful Memories - Memorial To Suffering (CD)

doom death metal, Solitude Productions, Solitude Productions
Цена в баллах: 1000 баллов
SP. 007 xn
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Российский дум-метал-лейбл Solitude Prod. представляет свой новый, седьмой, релиз: переиздание легендарного альбома 1996 года петербургской группы Painful Memories, приуроченное к десятилетию с момента создания. "Memorial To Suffering" - живой документ, засвидетельствовавший яркое явление на российской металлической сцене середины 90-х годов, - был издан в своё время ограниченным тиражом и распространялся силами самих музыкантов на аудио-кассетах. Сегодня каждому любителю дум-метала предоставляется возможность пополнить свою коллекцию этим уникальным изданием в формат аудио-диска, с ремастированным материалом, специально сзданным оформлением, включающим архивные фото. Диск также содержит эксклюзивный видеоматериал - ранее не издававшуюся концертную запись группы.

1 Memorial To Suffering
2 Why?
3 In My Tomb
4 The Weeping Of Unborn Children
5 Rover Of Sin
6 No One Remains
Video In My Tomb (Filmed At Polygon Club '96)

Painful Memories
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
Memorial To Suffering
doom death metal
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions
Кат. номер:
SP. 007
Год издания:
Tartarean Desire

Painful Memories was a Russian band whose “Memorial To Suffering” demo made a certain impact when it was released ten years ago. The doomsters guys running Solitude Productions have managed to re-release it on CD to deliver the goods and provide a proper edition to that worthwhile album; namely, a remastering and the addition of a videoclip. Honestly the first listenings didn´t tell me anything unique. Further doses started to whisper something into me. If not a masterpiece in a strict sense, we´re before a quite interesting album, especially taking into account it´s been ten years since these songs saw the light. Doom-death metal with plenty of tempo changes, could be a definition of this work. Far from matching the intensity of bands like Opeth, the sound of these guys was varied and enjoyable, far from monotony many doom bands usually wield in every song. Variety is achieved without accoustic guitars nor clean vocals; it´s rather based on tempos and rhythms without leaving the traditional doom-death soundscapes. The songmaking is a bit sparse and the melodies are somewhat weak, in the sense most of the riffs are too similar: nevertheless, the album as a whole is not bad at all, since Painful Memories are skilled musicians and the songs are very correct. The band only released this demo and are actually disbanded. Who knows what could have happened if they kept up their course making music? Speculations to the trashbin; right here, right now, this is the only legacy left by this band and that´s the only truth.

Author: Fjordi

This is a re-pressing of the 1996 demo of Russian Doom band Painful Memories, who put out a demo in 1996, then 1997, and then apparently broke up some time before they ever went anywhere. Ironically, Solitude Prod. Has picked this up 10 years after the fact and released it as a CD. I'd like to say it's brilliant, but actually it's just decent.

Painful Memories play a rather mellow brand of Doom/Death with more melody than despair. There are obvious similarities to the giants of the day: Anathema, My Dying Bride, and Paradise Lost, and actually, in my jaundiced view this is far better than anything MDB ever put out. But then I have never liked MDB very much, so that's damning with faint praise. This is a solid album, and fans of the style will find a lot to like, though not much they have not heard before. The production is quite good for a demo, though not as heavy as I would like. The songs are all long, and they all sound pretty much alike. The vocals are the expected growl, and the melodies are suitably gloomy.

This is an entertaining if not arresting disc of vintage Doom/Death from the early days of the style, and while it is good for what it is, it is hardly lost classic material. If you love Doom/Death this will be your thing, but don't expect too much from it.

Author: Sargon the Terrible
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