Vin De Mia Trix - Once Hidden From Sight (CD)

death doom metal, Solitude Productions / Hypnotic Dirge, Solitude Productions
466.67 Р
Цена в баллах: 700 баллов
SP. 076-13 xn
В наличии
Полноформатный альбом украинской группы Vin De Mia Trix, успевший снискать интерес у поклонников мрачной музыки, успевшей оценить потенциал музыкантов на многочисленных концертах, а также после демо-записи и мини-альбома, выпущенных силами команды.Vin De Mia Trix, отталкиваясь от канонов atmospheric doom death metal ищут своё звучание, направленное на привнесение элементов funeral doom и dark metal, использование элементов классической музыки и восточной философии. В «Once Hidden From Sight» каждый поклонник жанра найдёт для себя что-либо по душе.

1 A Study In Scarlet 9:27
2 Nowhere Is Here 9:53
3 Là Où Le Rêve Et Le Jour S’effleurèrent 7:34
4 The Sleep Of Reason 6:07
5 Silent World 8:44
6 La Persistència De La Memòria 5:27
7 Metamorphosis 8:19
8 मातृ (Mātṛ) 9:01

Vin De Mia Trix
Страна артиста:
Год альбома:
Once Hidden From Sight
death doom metal
Compact Disk
Jewel Case
Solitude Productions / Hypnotic Dirge
Кат. номер:
SP. 076-13
Год издания:
Iye Zine

Gli ucraini Vin De Mia Trix appartengono a una scena doom di nascita relativamente recente ma in costante crescita, non solo dal punto di vista numerico. Dopo aver affrontato nelle scorse settimane il lavoro dei Mournful Gust, sicuramente più orientato verso sonorità gothiche, Once Hidden From Sight ci riconsegna alle origini del death-doom fin dalle prime note con il suo incipit chitarristico che porta il marchio inconfondibile di una pietra miliare come “A Cry For Mankind”. Il timore di una riproduzione fedele del sound coniato oltre vent'anni fa dalla “sposa morente” viene fugato da un songwriting piuttosto ispirato, che vede i due lunghissimi brani di apertura dipanarsi dolenti come da copione ma tutt'altro che privi di spunti eccellenti, in grado di sopperire abbondantemente all’inevitabile somiglianza agli imprescindibili My Dying Bride (in A Study In Scarlet) e Swalllow The Sun (nella successiva Nowhere Is Here). Il lavoro ha un minutaggio piuttosto elevato che, forse, poteva essere ridotto snellendo i due brani strumentali, interlocutori per quanto ben eseguiti e non privi di spunti interessanti (particolarmente La Persistència De La Memòria), ma la qualità della musica proposta dalla band di Kiev scongiura l'effetto noia, soprattutto se dopo la lunga pausa di riflessione offerta da Là Où Le Rêve Et Le Jour S’Effleurèrent, The Sleep Of Reason si rivela un esempio impeccabile di approccio alla materia, alla quale i Vin De Mia Trix si avvicinano senza utilizzare le tastiere od altri artifici per aggiungere toni malinconici a un sound essenziale, ma efficace nel riprodurre le angosce e i disagi esistenziali. Silent World denota invece una discreta varietà stilistica, partendo da una delicata base acustica capace poi di svilupparsi in senso ben più energico, sulla falsariga dei primi lavori degli Opeth. Più orientati all’ortodossia doom i due episodi finali Metamorphosis e (matr), in grado di suggellare un esordio su lunga distanza di pregevole fattura che rende la band ucraina una realtà già consolidata e non solo un semplice prospetto futuribile.

Author: Stefano Cavanna

Vin De Mia Trix have been around for a while: since 2007, in fact. After a couple of turbulent years, their line-up stabilised in 2009 and the Ukrainian band followed on from that with a self-released demo, an EP on Satanarsa Records and, finally, this debut full-length - three years in the making. Its announcement as a joint release, through the increasingly-Doom-rostered Hypnotic Dirge Records and renowned stalwart Solitude Productions, demonstrated a substantial level of confidence and interest.

Much like the album itself, were I to go in search of a strapline to hang it on. The bold and intriguing, yin-yang-like motif of the cover photograph is a good match for the some of the bold and intriguing ideas developed within. A recent site interview with the band goes into much more detail about the creative processes behind it all, reinforcing the obvious impression from listening to the release: that this is an intelligent, articulate and carefully-considered piece of work.

The core of 'Once Hidden From Sight' is a regal and atmospheric Death/Doom sound, that borrows and incorporates elements from all sorts of other genres (such as cues from Prog- and Post-Rock and Black Metal) without ever straying far enough in any particular direction to challenge the overarching label. Except - and it is a pretty big exception - in the way the album is completely segmented into three pairs of Death/Doom tracks with instrumentals between them. Typically, Metal bands of all sorts have diversified into those 'look, we can really play proper instruments' moments, almost invariably lasting 1 minute 6 seconds and titled 'Something-ludium' (for additional muso credibility). Avoiding this particular cliche, Vin De Mia Trix have headed off at a complete tangent - the two instrumental tracks ('Là Où Le Rêve...' and 'La Persistència...') are both full-length compositions, primarily consisting of solo piano, that wouldn't be out of place on a modern classical record. You don't get much bolder than that, as a contrasting texture. To be honest, I'm still in two minds about it - whilst I applaud the determination to do so, and even appreciate the works themselves, the juxtaposition in album terms seems a little too arbitrary and extreme for my personal taste.

Fortunately, there's plenty of the more expected Doom-work to listen to, and appreciate. It's largely paced at mid-tempo; guitar-led, with a dynamic variety that shifts from acoustic fretwork to squalling lead to archetypal heavy riffing. Pleasingly, the bass is quite unfettered and often free to roam in distinct lines of its own, while the drums have a depth beyond simply keeping the pace and adding some verve with fills and flourishes. Both clean and harsh vocals are used, and worthy of compliment for their power and range. Taken all in all, it's a complex and synergistic compositional mix that marks Vin De Mia Trix as having their own definite identity - the guitar sound may sometimes be reminiscent of My Dying Bride, and the spoken vocals of Saturnus, but neither would be enough to call any kind of a comparison. The production comes across as adequate, but a little on the claustrophobic side to really bring out all of the musical complexities. And while we're on minor criticisms: the last of those would be the crackling introduction (and middle) of 'Silent World', which I initially thought might have been corrupted in mastering, but have since concluded it's one of those deliberate 'authentic-damaged-vinyl' effects. I genuinely don't understand what that's meant to add - scratched records were annoying enough, back when you had to put up with them, never mind now when you don't!

Anyway, leaving aside the small niggles, you're left with a solid and intelligent take on modern Death/Doom: one that isn't afraid to experiment a little, or to drag in stylistic cues from across associated musical borders, and has had time to mature and develop. (The latter is amply demonstrated by the hugely-improved reworking of 'The Sleep Of Reason', from the earlier EP). It may not redefine the genre, but it does present a creditably, confidently individual take on it, and a suitable foundation to build further on. For standout tracks, check out the punchy closing duo of 'Metamorphosis' and 'मातृ (mātṛ)', but the rest aren't far short, even if - like me - you probably won't be listening to the instrumentals terribly often. Net mark: recommended.

Author: Mike Liassides

Bereits auf eine EP und ein Demo kann die ukrainische Formation VIN DE MIA TRIX zurückblicken. Diese brachten ihnen auch einen Plattenvertrag bei Solitude Productions ein, über welche nun das erste reguläre Album namens "Once Hidden From Sight" erscheint. Doch dabei gestaltet sich das Debüt als eine etwas anstrengende Reise.

Im Grunde zwischen Doom Death Metal und Funeral Doom pendelnd, erinnern VIN DE MIA TRIX weitestgehend an Formationen wie MY DYING BRIDE, DOOM:VS oder auch in Nuancen an die Namenspatronen FUNERAL, erreichen aber dabei niemals deren Klasse. Denn auch wenn rein kompositorisch alles, wie beispielsweise beim Song "The Sleep Of Reason", weitestgehend ordentlich wirkt, so vermag es keines der acht Stücke auf "Once Hidden From Sight", einen wirklich zu fesseln oder schafft es gar sich dauerhaft im Kopf des Hörers festzusetzen. Vielleicht liegt es an den ausufernden Kompositionen, welche eher zusammengesteckt als homogen wirken, oder an der recht monotonen Performance der einzelnen Stücke. VIN DE MIA TRIX schaffen es allerdings trotz der teils recht guten Ansätze unterm Strich einfach nicht zu begeistern. Natürlich gibt es durchaus ansprechende Melodien, Riffs und Passagen, aber letztendlich halten sich diese Glanzleistungen im Rahmen. Somit wirken die Ukrainer auf die gesamte Laufzeit des Albums eher spannungsarm, bisslos und ein wenig zu zahm.

VIN DE MIA TRIX haben zwar generell den Dreh raus, allerdings erreichen die Jungs auf "Once Hidden From Sight" zu keiner Minute die Klasse, welche sie von der Konkurrenz abzuheben vermag. Schade, denn im Kern hätten die Musiker definitiv das Potential. Es fehlt nur noch an einer etwas spannenderen und fesselnderen Ausführung ihrer Ideen.

Author: Florian Hefft
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