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6 4
gothic / doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Before The Storm 2 Poets’ Blood 3 Burning 4 Timeless 5 To Know Her Name 6 Reflections 7 Damned 8 Screaming From The Oblivion – Dreamer...
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6 4
melodic death metal, FONO ltd
"Zeroed By Progress" - второй альбом воронежской группы RAINWILL, несущий в себе себе дух экспрессии и дух суровой методичной техники melodic death metal. Все тексты "Zeroed by progress" пронизаны мрачным духом постапокалипсиса: в них чувствуется обреченность и боль человека, но, несмотря на это он готов бороться с системой до своего последнего вздоха. В совокупности же с гениальной музыкальной подачей - это открывает для слушателей целую вселенную как безысходности, так и несгибаемой воли перед трудностями нового, пережившего глобальное крушение, мира.
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Infinite Life 2 The Man 3 Soul 4 Sea Waves 5 Reason 6 Horizon 7 Future 8 Time Fluctuations
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6 4
blackened thrash / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Laceration 2 Alert Dead 3 Show 4 The Past 5 Way 6 Night 7 Wind 8 Elevation 9 The Darkness 10 Fog 11 Ghost 12 Song Of Night
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6 4
pagan folk slavonic metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Боянов Гимн 5:25 2 Беда 3:16 3 По велению Рода 3:08 4 Гуляй 3:41 5 Павшим в бою... 3:04 6 Перунов день 3:27 7 Под Сварожьим знаменем 4:22 8 Во...
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6 4
pagan folk slavonic metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Сын Сокола 3:59 2 Невидаль 3:30 3 Сердечная 4:53 4 Пятый Снег 4:28 5 Огненный Меч 3:30 6 Рогнеда 3:53 7 После Победы 3:57 8 Перунова Рень 3:32...
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6 4
pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Сказание Первое 2 Первая Битва 3 Сказание Второе 4 Скипер-Зверь 5 Сказание Третье 6 Спасение Перуна 7 Сказание Четвертое 8 Серть Зверя...
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6 4
progressive pagan folk metal
Tracklist: 1 Таусень 2:43 2 Коляда 3:07 3 Здравствуй, Масленица 3:00 4 Купалинка 3:26 Video Беда
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6 4
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Шаг В Пустоту (Step Into Emptiness) 3:25 2 Нитью Времени Хрупкой (By The Fragile Thread Of Time) 4:13 3 Как Угасший Пульс (Like A Failing...
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8 4
ambient / dungeon synth, FireStorm Production
Limited edition CD in a 4-page color Digipak. Ravenblood is a one-man project from Ukraine translating the mysticism of Transcarpathia and the dense mysterious Carpathian forests in music styles such as dungeon synth, ambient, neo-classical and darkwave.
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8 4
ambient / atmospheric black metal, FireStorm Production
reissue of split tape
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7 5
depressive black, BadMoodMan Music
The forth album of the famous Ukranian project Raventale demonstrates artistic evolution of its only member hidden beneath Astaroth name. On the one hand the new work named “After” continues the tendencies of the previous album with its mood and concept; on the other hand this is a standing alone masterpiece progressing from black/doom metal style to depressive black realm. The ideas behind this album demonstrate author’s thoughts about eternity and its decay, about the cyclic nature of life and being, about the destruction of this reincarnation cycle by the nature itself. Without any doubt the album can be treated as the best album of Raventale that has been ever created. The gold-plated CD with pit-art comes with a booklet printed on a golden paper which makes “After” a must-have item for your music collection and an outstanding present for any adept of the genre.
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6 3
folk dark metal / doom
Tracklist: 1 U Nabe Banbal 2:20 2 U Nabemul Ca Chau Queche-Achi 5:36 3 U Camul Ca Chau Rabinal-Achi 4:23 4 Mun (Feat. Yana Veva) 4:25 5 U Camul Ca Chau...
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7 6
drone doom / post metal, BadMoodMan Music
The debut official release from a unique Belorussian band. The music of Re123+ is an act of meditation. Each time the band offers to a listener another kind of sound, never repeats itself preparing a special program for each concert. “Magi” is a travel to the Past demonstrating the ancient story of Adoration of Magi to the listener as an astrological story. This is the attempt to understand and to see the true essence of matter while clearing it from various interpretations. This album like all other Re123+ works was recorded during night time. Besides traditional drone-touched guitars the musicians introduced sounds of accordion, triangle and percussion. Stylistically their music varies from drone-doom to post-rock and will surely suit the tastes of early Earth fans. For proper visualization of the album’s idea the booklet includes photo art by members of Re123+ accompanied by citations from «The Island of the Day Before» by famous postmodernist Umberto Eco.
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6 4
industrial death metal
Tracklist: 1 I Must Replay Your World 2 Kill Your Love 3 Rats 4 The Scars 5 Tears Of My Enemy 6 Plastic Eve 7 Next Love 8 The End 9 Zero Point
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6 3
industrial death metal
Tracklist: 1 Virgin 2 Never Been Over 3 Zvezdnoe Nebo 4 Take My Love 5 Love Is Danger 6 Song Of Sorrow 7 Control 8 I Love Hate 9 The Heart
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6 3
pagan power metal
Tracklist: 1 Ратная 4:37 2 Этот мир 4:48 3 Вальхалла 4:59 4 Погибель Святослава 5:27 5 Ворон 4:43 6 Час Расплаты 4:28 7 Три Ночи 4:00 8 Прощай, Мой друг!...
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6 3
stoner rock
Tracklist: 1 Sandokan 2 My Jonaise 3 Lumo Law (Low Lighter Yaw) 4 Walter 5 Torso Tiger 6 Till Z. Palladin 7 Electrobazaaride 8 Gorilla Cunt 9...
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6 4
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 A World Wants Meat... = Мир Хочет Мяса... 2 I Died There... And Was Here Born = Там Я Умер … Здесь Родился 3 Death = Смерть 4 Widow = Вдова...
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6 3
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Sa Astridan Sondiczilless 2 I Am [Atropos Kaa] 3 Eyecloser [Suizide Version] 4 Satis[fuck]tion 5 Uizilopotchtly [A Bloody Centurion] 6...
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