Solitude Productions

Solitude Productions
733.33 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The silent infinity that rushes upwards, completely absorbs and calms. Is this the beginning of the end or the rebirth from the ashes? One starts to understand that the existence is cyclic, it is like an autumn leaf moldering from a tired wind and giving life to timid plants with transparent souls in the spring. The noise of life is completely voiceless in comparison with the silent abyss, whose cry causes every cell of the body to dry out, sink and drown in helplessness. The subtle threads of existence that unite, explode, forming emptiness that is the flesh that can think. Life is infinite ... however, it will continue only in the eyes of the beholder, in the mind of the thinker, in the heart of the lover. This delicate border lies between two CD’s of the Woe Unto Me"s new album, “Among The Lightened Skies The Voidness Flashed”. Musically, conceptually and artistically, two album parts radically differ from each other: the first part immerses the listener in a gloomy and depressive atmosphere of versatile doom death metal, while the second part consists of acoustic melancholy, which envelops with the veil of autumn spleen and sad beauty. The album features several famous representatives of the world doom scene: Thomas A.G. Jensen (SATURNUS), Daniel Neagoe (CLOUDS, EYE OF SOLITUDE, SHAPE OF DESPAIR), Jon Aldara (HAMFERD, BARREN EARTH, CLOUDS), Patryk Zwoliński (PROGHMA-C, ex-BLINDEAD, ex-NEOLITHIC, ex-ANTIGAMA).
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466.67 Р
funeral doom death metal, Solitude Productions
The new work of the Danish band with two full-length albums in the discography that marked the interesting fusion offuneral doom metal and doom death metal with black metal and ambient influences. «Deathscape MMXIV» reveals thediversity of the band creativity: a variety of doom metal and dark / black metal music elements and two interesting covertracks demonstrating sources of inspiration of Woebegone Obscured including a tough, original interpretation of classic tracks «Call From the Grave» by Bathory and ethereal, but hardened, version of the song «Xavier» by Dead Can Dance.
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
doom death, Solitude Productions
The debut album by the Spanish band Womb which finally found its physical embodiment in the form of a CD. In «Deception Through Your Lies» musicians move towards enrichment of atmospheric doom death metal by different techniques and methods, making the composition diverse and rich. Heavy but melancholic music filled with endless melody will appeal to anyone who appreciates not only the outer side of doom death metal consisting of catchy riffs and dense guitar sound, but also its sensual side awakening thoughts and feelings.
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