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6 4
power heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Сон Разума 2 Саламандры 3 Синяя Роза 4 Цепи 5 Адский Гон 6 Паруса Мечты 7 Крылья Нового Дня 8 Точка Опоры 9 Тень Орла 10 Лабиринт...
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6 4
power heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Железный Рассудок 2 Лжепророк 3 Времена 4 Баллада О Братстве 5 У Окна 6 Die Anhalten Überfallen Über König Penda 7 Прощание 8 Я Не...
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6 4
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 For A New Pagan Age To Come 2 Silvano Senor De Los Bosques 3 The Last European Wolves 4 Son Of The Fatherland 5 Witchblood 6 Fog On The...
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6 4
melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Fuck The Difficult 3:36 2 Infected 2:28 3 Failed 3:25 4 Neoworld Prophecy 3:49 5 Relax And Feel Free 2:51 6 4x4 4:09 7 Inner Existence 2:45 8...
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6 4
avantgarde black metal
Tracklist: 1 Winter Glimpse 6:25 2 Past Changing Fast 6:06 3 Return To The Desert 7:41 4 Through The Waters 5:16 5 Nested Thoughts 6:16 6 Endless Night...
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6 4
dark ambient
Like lead by alchemic way transforms to gold the oppressive droning cold Dark Wave of previous KARNA turns to Blackened Ambient Metal. It’s a symbolic hymn to Solitude, Emptiness and Total Darkness. Monotonous and hypnotic guitars react with stone-cold ambient sounds. 7 dead coal-black Raven’s feathers reflecting the dark wolrd view of one more soul disappeared in the Gloom... First 7+7+7 copies the real black Raven’s feather is included! Released again in cooperation with ETERNAL PRIDE Productions.
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:36 2 Пыль / Dust 5:02 3 Искатель / Seeker 4:25 4 За Гранью / After A Verge 2:47 5 Миг Рождения И Смерти / Moment Of Birth And Death...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Чорныя Мроi Нянавiсьцi (Black Visions Of Hatred) 5:11 2 Тыя, Хто Нiколi Ня Жыў (Those Who Never Lived) 6:35 3 Мае Словы - Нажы (My Words Are...
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6 4
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 И Прыйшла На Землю Погань… 3:29 2 Зимерзла 2:43 3 Волотова Битва 3:12 4 Бог Непогод И Бурь 2:42 5 Дождь Из Сварги 4:16 6 Сказания Миробога 3:12...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Everything Poisoned 2 Blood Comes Black 3 In Mist We Stand 4 Now I Fly 5 Atruta (I Dissolve In Poisoned Rain) 6 To Nihil 7 Cycle Of Rot...
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6 4
folk pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Калевала - Kalevala 4:27 2 Кукушкины Дети - Cuckoo's Children 3:28 3 Горсти Талого Снега - Handfuls Of Thawed Snow 4:07 4 Плакали Вербы - Pussy...
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6 4
melodic death
Tracklist: 1 Heavens Had Tasted Blood 2:45 2 The Statues' World 6:24 3 Dreamer 5:23 4 Panic In The Statues' World 6:04 5 Drama 3:22 6 Thunder And Silence...
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6 4
war black metal
Tracklist: 1 Восточный Фронт 5:54 2 Души Предков 5:23 3 Русский Воин 4:14 4 Налет Врага 4:31 5 Страшные Мысли 3:28 6 Mayhem Of Funeral Death 3:31 7 Свиная...
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6 4
voking black metal
Tracklist: 1 Stormens Sang 5:34 2 Til Valhallen 6:26 3 Det Onde Riket 4:29 4 I Et Fjort Fortid 3:33 5 Graven Takeheimens Saler 4:53 6 Untitled 0:26
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6 4
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hellebaard 2 Vleugels Van Vuur 3 Bloedbroeders 4 De Eeuwige Strijdvelden 5 Verborgen Stad 6 Ravenklauw 7 Fier 8 Letum
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6 4
technical death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Darkness 3 Mirror Of Reality 4 Caligula 5 Flame 6 Joseph Curwen 7 Spell 8 Breath Of The Canvas 9 Endowment (Root Cover)...
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6 4
death thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Annihilation Begins 4:34 2 Inconsistent 4:48 3 Truth That Kills 3:21 4 Collective Mentality Detune 3:50 5 Riding The Edge Of Catastrophe...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Moonlight Sacrifice 2 Lake Of Fire 3 Swords Of Wrath 4 The Last Battle 5 Awakening Of Warfare Souls 6 To Fly The Nightshade Wings
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Hate By The Hate 2 Live In Nature, Die In Chains 3 Suffocated Europe 4 Земли, Что Гнев Исторгают (The Raging Lands) 5 Another Day - Another...
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6 4
heathen black metal
Tracklist: 1 На сходах до чертогу мертвих 04:46 Awakening 2 Intro 02:40 3 Winterdemons 08:44 4 Winternight 10:19 5 Outro 03:36
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6 4
black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro: Silence Of The Soul / Безмолвие Души 2:11 2 Lies From Dreams / Ложь Из Снов 6:32 3 Wind From The Darkwood / Ветер Из Темного Леса 4:21 4...
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6 4
heathen black thrash metal
Tracklist: 1 Несущие Смерть 2 Лихо 3 Демони 4 Вороны 5 Ave Mortum 6 Могилы 7 Вечная Сила Зла 8 Коломийки
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6 4
melodic black death metal, Darknagar Records
A debut release of Darknagar Records and the first full-length by Atra Hora (Russia, Pyatigorsk). The CD contains songs composed by the band during 4 years of existence. On this opus the band performs an atmospheric mixture of Death and Black Metal with the influence of various genres. The artwork is made by the famous designer W.Smerdulak (Inexist, Arkona, Rossomahaar, Stalwart, Asguard, Dark Princess, Devilish Distance).
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6 4
dark ambient / ethno ambient
Tracklist: 1 Kropla Deszczu Cz 2 2 Bezludna Wyspa 3 Wiata I Cienie 4 Mgla 5 Cie W Oddali 6 Obraz Kobiety We Mgle 7 Спiв рiдноi Землi 8 Отправляясь в...
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6 4
hardcore / metalcore
Tracklist: 1 Лёд Против Льда 3:45 2 На Поводке 3:14 3 Будем Ждать 3:59 4 Продолжай!.. 3:44 5 Нет Пути Назад 2:48 6 Тысячи Птиц 3:33 7 Каждый Оставшийся Вдох...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:21 2 Sermon Of Doom 9:23 3 Collapsars 5:14 4 Plumbum Fangs 3:43 5 Fallen Into The Eternal Flame 6:19 6 Raping The Creation Of God...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Blackest Northern Orchestra 2:26 2 At The Mystic Gates 3:13 3 Ladies And Gentlemen 4:17 4 Ordo Malleus 4:22 5 Grim Gates 3:00 6 Trold 4:17 7 In...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Крест Не Спасёт 3:01 2 Куда Идёшь?.. 4:37 3 Было Или Нет 5:05 4 Нечеловечье Дитя 2:56 5 Лабиринты Тайн Тьмы 7:18 6 Небо 3:14 7 В Наших Сердцах...
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6 4
new school hardcore
Tracklist: 01 You're Not Alone 1:37 02 Pride 2:30 03 Who, If Not You? 2:38 04 The Same As All 3:22 05 Star 1:41 06 Fake Act 2:20 07 Restless Soul 3:18 08...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Path 2 Defiance 3 Angel Of Decay 4 Calvary 5 Voice Of Desolation 6 Unlife 7 Infinite Sunrise 8 Rest In Nowhere 9 Funeral Rain
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6 4
true black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro - Purity Of Evil 1:07 2 The Darkest Day In The Black Forest 2:08 3 Disciples Of Affliction 2:53 4 Christianity Ablaze 4:11 5 Sanctuary...
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6 4
Tracklist: 1 В немилости у Лира 2:56 2 Июль Отнимающий 6:26 3 Самониос 3:23 4 Учитель и Поэт 3:03 5 История о Похитителе Тел 4:13 6 Если завтра будет как...
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6 4
dark balck ambient
Tracklist: 1 Evil, My Evil 2 The Frail Insanity 3 The Twilight 4 Under The Burden Of Dreams 5 The Lifeless Elixir 6 Look In The Depth 7 Crater Of...
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Легион 4:18 2 Под знаменем Сатаны 3:39 3 Ода чёрному огню 1:26 4 Королева грёз (ч.1) 4:46 5 Привратник смерти (ч. 2) 6:19 6 Симфония тьмы 4:17...
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6 4
raw black metal, More Hate Productions
Morena is a female mythological figure related to seasonal ceremonies of dying and resurrection of nature. She eternally wanders in snows and, on one side, brings death to the living. However she is the one who gives the new life. The new album of DEVILGROTH (black metal) from Novosibirsk reflects the innermost esoteric ideas of the musicians. "Morena" is alchemy embodied in music. It is the energy of eternal cold reincarnated in musical form. The album is awash with the atmosphere of primeval winter forest and recorded with the use of live instruments only. The style of the band is a combination of traditional Black Metal with the monumentality of philharmonic orchestra. It may be called epic metal, but it is not. There are no keyboard interludes or anything of the kind characteristic of traditional symphonic black metal – only pagan aura of the ancient Siberia emanates from each song of the CD. DEVILGROTH presents its own interpretation of Cold Raw Black Metal. Cover art design by Liana Nord (St. Petersburg).
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6 4
pagan folk
Название "Кельтские Сумерки" дано в честь ирландского национально-освободительного движения, которое возглавлял знаменитый поэт-символист Уильям Батлер Йейтс. Ему посвящается первая песня - "Ferg" (дословный перевод с ирландского языка - "гнев"; означает также состояние, аналогичное "боевому бешенству" скандинавских берсерков).
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6 4
traditional folk
Tracklist: 1 Пойду выйду да на улицу. 2 Уж я нынче угорела 3 Во пиру млада была 4 Ой да я встану девушка раненько 5 Как на горке калина 6 Ходила я...
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6 4
pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Сказание Первое 2 Первая Битва 3 Сказание Второе 4 Скипер-Зверь 5 Сказание Третье 6 Спасение Перуна 7 Сказание Четвертое 8 Серть Зверя...
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6 4
traditional folk
Tracklist: 1 Вечiр На Дворi 2 Тихо Над Рiчкою 3 Рiдна Мати Моя 4 Нiч Яка Мiсячна 5 Соцький 6 Черемшина 7 Дивлюсь Я На Небо 8 Добрый Вечiр Тобi 9...
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6 4
traditional folk
Tracklist: 1 Славление Велесу 2 Индрик-зверь 3 Княгиня и змей 4 Илья Муромец 5 Ушкуйник 6 Три ворона 7 Боривой 8 Славление Перуну 9 Untitled 10...
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6 4
gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 No More 3:11 2 Save Me 3:20 3 Dreams 5:02 4 Tomorrow Happens Now 2:56 5 Darkness 3:18 6 Chasing Eternity 4:25
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6 4
melodic gothic / power metal
Tracklist: 1 Вступление 2:10 2 Небо Упадёт 3:28 3 Слезы 4:06 4 Сакура 4:18 5 Реки Безумий 3:56 6 Серебряные Зимние Cлезы 4:27 7 Вечность 3:03 8 Я Не Верю...
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6 4
power metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Мой путь 3 Бог войны 4 Screamer 5 Жизнь 6 Байкер 7 Бастион судьбы 8 2000 лет 9 Завтра была война 10 Одиночество (Тишина) 11...
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6 4
power metal
Tracklist: 1 В Небо!!! 2 Война 3 Ван Хельсинг 4 Perpetuum Mobile 5 Киевская Русь 6 Депрессия 7 Я Больше Не Могу 8 Клон 9 Без Меня
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6 4
melodic power metal
Tracklist: 1 Император 2 Отключись От Сети 3 Чужой 4 Пентагор
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6 4
industrial black metal
Tracklist: 1 Terminal Intensity 6:04 2 Kaleidoscope Reversed 6:46 3 Singularity 3:56 4 Vortex Generator: Intergalactic Overdrive 4:09 5 New World Disorder...
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6 4
progressive black metal
Tracklist: 1 The Lizard Creature 2 Suppress My Grief 3 Lake 4 The Fall Of Winter (Demo) 5 Countess Bathory (2003) 6 Revolution Has No Deadline 7 Aeons...
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6 4
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Джокер 3 Без движения 4 Беспечная жизнь 5 Последний прожитый день 6 Остров мечты 7 Ты не один 8 Я ухожу (Ещё один шанс) 9 Не...
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6 4
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Последний взлёт 2 Догонит 3 Замок Дьявола 4 До-минор (бас-соло) 5 Отражение смерти 6 Харлей 7 Безнадёжный свет 8 Падший ангел 9 Предала...
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6 4
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Запретов нет 2 За Русь святую 3 Иерусалим 4 Два ангела 5 Старец 6 Голгофа 7 Четыре каменных стены 8 Ледяные острова 9 Третья планета от...
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6 4
heavy power metal
Tracklist: 1 Схватка 4:23 2 Жизнь на грани 3:57 3 Слава безумцам 7:42 4 Властелин небес 3:53 5 Мёртвый герой 4:35 6 Фрегаты мечты 4:28 7 Баллада o рыцаре и...
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6 4
symphonic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Интро 2 Гроза 3 Таяние Льда 4 У Подножия Вулкана 5 Иссушение 6 Царство Лавин 7 Торнадо 8 Погружение Во Тьму 9 Дрожь Земли Bonus Track...
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6 4
gore grind
Tracklist: 1 CyberGoat Attack 0:29 2 A Choice In Favor Of Death? 3:14 3 Goodbye, My Poo... 2:05 4 Feathers 0:14 5 Norm Of Deformity 0:19 6 The Altar Of...
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6 4
brutal death metal
Tracklist: 1 Infected Collapse 3:35 2 Supreme Act Of Torture 3:12 3 Lacerated Virgin 2:02 4 Epoch Of Racial Extermination 2:40 5 Seraphic Excruciations 2:36...
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6 4
industrial folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Заря 2 Durdevdan 3 Истина в вине 4 В кабаке 5 Вербовая дощечка 6 Скалы фиордов 7 Один, к тебе мой путь 8 Драконье золото/Regin Smidur 9...
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6 4
Tracklist: 1 Who Are We 2 Toadstone 3 World Inside Her Eyes 4 Empty Spaces 5 Perfume 6 Remember Me 7 Venus 8 Symmetry 9 We Are The Clay
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6 4
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Spiritual Promisquity 2 Bloody Fist Of Soul's Death II 3 Because It's Wrong 4 Miser Psalmus 5 Hiensynty (Tenhi Cover) 6 Traction 7 Rite...
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6 4
progressive gothic metal
Tracklist: 1 Spiritual Emotions (Radio Edit) 3:43 2 Free-Flowing [F.E.V.E.R. Cut] 4:28 3 Spiritual Emotions (Oz) 3:37 4 Your Hidden Treasure (Oz) 4:39 5...
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9 6
melancholic dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
New extraordinary work from a famous melancholic metal band from Moscow, The Morningside. As we were told by band members the idea of this release appeared quite a long time ago as the story behind “The Trees” song was longer than the song and now it has its final. TreeLogia was step by step gaining its present form and finally appeared as a tale. The listener could make a decision himself if this is a story of a man lost among the trees and permanently became one of them or a stort of man fleeing from something, perhaps, his past, who found the harmony or loneliness or… gone insane. Or is it a very different story? One of band member considers The Trees Part Three as a chronologic beginning of the story, not a final. The second album title “The Album As It Is Not” also has some idea behind it as there is actually only one song at the album, despite of its diversity. Thus, The Morningside are ready to present their first CD-single which lasts for more that 50 minutes! The CD is issued as a limited digipack including an inlay with band photo, individual copy number, and original signatures of band members.
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6 4
post black metal
Tracklist: 1 Chûte De L'Être 5:12 2 Les Mensonges De L'Aube 7:15 3 Matériel 5:45 4 Légendes Urbaines 4:19 5 Un Royaume De Nuit 5:27
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6 4
progressive death metal, Darknagar Records
A first full-length album by Lost Conception contains technical and diverse music of high quality, which would be interesting for both of Death Metal fans and connoisseurs of Extreme Progressive. Paroxysm of Despair is 9 conceptual songs with elements of various styles of Death Metal genre with infernal blastbeats, powerful and unusual guitar riffs. The album tells us about egregious sins of society and moral degradation of humanity.
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9 6
post-metal / sludge, Slow Burn Records
The debut album of a Belgian band Grown Below "The Long Now" presents another approach to mixture of such genres as post rock and sludge metal. The band succeeded to find their unique composition and sound. "The Long Now" will surely be appreciated by fans of such bands as Isis, Mouth Of The Architect and, especially, Cult Of Luna. The CD comes as a limited edition digipack with a booklet.
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6 4
melodic death / metalcore
Tracklist: 1 Ответ 2 Песочные часы 3 Враг внутри 4 Дотла 5 Так говорил Заратустра 6 Грех 7 Он рисовал 8 Дай мне покой 9 Путь 10 Отражая тени
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6 4
heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Revelation 3 Silence 4 Broken Heart 5 R 'n' R Faith 6 Mama 7 Coward's Song 8 The Pill 9 Night Shadows 10 July Cat
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6 4
sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Scylla 3 Charybdis 4 Songs Of Sirens 5 The Golden Root Era 6 Untitled 7 Lupus Est
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9 6
melodic death / doom metal, BadMoodMan Music
Following the self-released debut work «Tragedy & Moon» (2008) the Spanish band presents to the audience the new album «Negation Of Life».The band keeps the music in the frames of the recognizable style manifested by combination of melodic death metal and solid doom death metal. However, this time the album features more intense sound full of inner power and expression. High quality of recording enhances the impression from In Loving Memory music delivering to a listener rich doom metal colors with strokes of grief and despair.
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6 4
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro (Malevolence Through Molestation) 2:12 2 Fetus Fucker 3:41 3 Sludge Oozing Slop Hole 2:59 4 Pus Filled Pussy 4:58 5 Oozing Vaginal...
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6 4
gothic doom metal, Darknagar Records
We are proud to present a fourth full-length album by Revelation, a duo from Belarus. The CD has become a result of 5 years long work of musicians. It consists of 7 new songs and two bonus tracks: «Торжество безумства», a Russian version of «Celebration of Madness» from «Explusion From Paradise» (2001) and «Клетка», a cover-version of Nautilus Pompilius’ song. The opus is recommended for everyone into Gothic Doom Metal!
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6 4
power metal
Tracklist: 1 My Guide 2 The Analyst 3 Ghost Of The Alchemic Hall 4 Theater Of Fear 5 I Dream 6 Ordinary Sinner 7 Like The Candle 8 The Great Witch...
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6 4
pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Між минулим і майбутнім 2:01 2 День війни 4:50 3 Пророцтво 6:11 4 Кто в душе рождён героем 7:16 5 За землю 6:17 6 У корчмі 3:38 7 Попри згарища...
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6 4
folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Интро = Intro 1:08 2 Медвежья Свадьба = Bears' Wedding Day 4:50 3 Огнемёд = FireMead 5:58 4 Пей, Гуляй, Медвежья Шляхта! = Drink And Revel...
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6 4
progressive doom death metal
Tracklist: 1 Aegrimonia Profunda 4:53 2 Last Moments Of A Dying Dream 7:15 3 Scars In My Memory 8:26 4 Siberia 4:13 5 Frozen Blood Of Trees 6:01 6 Something...
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6 4
progressive power metal
Tracklist: 1 Overture 2 The Story Begins 3 Heartbreaker 4 Changes 5 Denied 6 Lullaby 7 Decisions 8 A Happy Ending? 9 Someday
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6 4
melodic power metal
Tracklist: 1 На Полпути К Бессмертью 2 Кто Сотворил? 3 Не Cтоит Cлёз 4 Другая Земля 5 Грань Добра И Зла 6 Поднимайся 7 Там, Где Небо Выше 8 Активная...
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6 4
symphonic black metal, Darknagar Records
Sign of Time is a brand new conceptual album by the Armenian extreme metal masters. Stylistically speaking the band develops ideas of the previous album The Blood of the New Covenant: Symphonic Black Metal is interlaced with new ideas and elements of Heavy, Progressive and ethnic music. The album contains 12 tracks, among them epic Hayr Mer which will be filmed soon, At the Cross – a metal version of an old Armenian anthem recorded using duduk, a traditional instrument and finally re-recorded Fall Babylon from The Day of Lord album! The concept is based upon the Christian idea of the Judgement Day stated on the 24th chapter of Mathew.
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6 4
black death metal
Tracklist: 1 Decay 2:37 2 Reborn 4:44 3 Venom 4:30 4 From The Forbirdden Depths... (Instrumental) 4:05 5 Dictator 3:57 6 Error 5:07 7 Codex Gigas 4:44 8...
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6 4
folk death metal, Sound Age Productions
Tracklist: 1 Отче Наш 2 Пустосвят 3 РостовЪ 4 Фёдор Да Марья 5 Ойся, Tы Ойся 6 Мельница (Instrumental) 7 Распутье 8 Чёртов Рог 9 Яблочко Bonus...
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6 4
power metal
Tracklist: 1 Межмирье 2 По Краю 3 Изгой 4 Последняя Надежда 5 Земной 6 Звёздные Врата 7 Сон 8 Ноль 9 Судьба Воина 10 Танец На Огне 11 Дождь 12...
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6 4
power metal
Tracklist: 1 Dragon 2 Truth 3 High Flight 4 Mercyful Hate 5 Soundtrack To My Suicide 6 Divine Wind 7 Hiroshima 8 Battlefield 9 Gladiator Pt. II...
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6 4
dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Head Of A Bull 6:02 2 Garden Of Dreams 6:54 3 We Weed Stars Gasp 8:16 4 Phantoms 6:08 5 Phosphorescent World 6:20 6 Quae Lucis Miseris Tam Dira...
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