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1 000.00 Р
death doom / post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
French-Canadian band Norilsk is back with a captivating new album, as thick and heavy as permafrost. Le passage des glaciers (The Passage of Glaciers) follows in the footsteps of 2015's album The Idea of North, but expands the sound considerably. From a sludgy slab of doom-death, the band has carved further into the icy influences of dark metal, to emerge with a blackened doom-death album tainted with frozen melodies, misty atmospheres, and reflective lyrical passages. As lyricist Nic Miquelon mentions, “Anyone who has followed us so far and enjoyed our musical landscape might be carried away into the distance with Le passage des glaciers. There is something of a personal journey in there, something that had to be experienced and mourned, and something that swallowed us whole when creating this.” While Le passage des glaciers is not a concept album, this new musical chapter has been written around the theme of mourning and departure. The artwork is signed by Sam Ford, who designed the artwork for the previous album The Idea of North. Sam worked closely with the band to develop an artistic continuity, yet a distinct visual atmosphere to the album, and integrating symbolism and referencing Canadian art. Death, like a magnetic North, is calling, and many are those who answer. It hypnotizes with its lullaby, carrying some into the distance, and leaving the others behind ...in the furrow left by the passing of glaciers. The album includes eight tracks, mostly in French, for a total duration of 44 minutes. 4 Panel Digipack
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1 000.00 Р
death doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Named after Siberia’s northernmost city, home of a famous heavy metal smelting complex, Norilsk is a doom-death band from Gatineau (Québec), Canada. After releasing an EP, Japetus, in July 2014, Norilsk now unveils their debut album - “The Idea of North” in a glorious digipack edition on Hypnotic Dirge Records. “The Idea of North” is a doom-death album crafted for the winter season: it has slow and crushing riffs, death growls, and atmospheric arrangements. An evocation of an ominous presence over a vast wasteland, “The Idea of North” is a massive offering that triggers the imagination. Its music draws comparison with doom-death bands such as My Dying Bride, Morgion and Ablaze in Hatred, but it also has a few atmospheric sludge/post metal elements reminiscent of Isis and Morne. Inspired by the multi-faceted Canadian experience of the North, and assembled into a cold yet dynamic sequence of eight individual songs, the album explores themes of darkness, isolation, identity, archaism and persistence—thus delivering a fresh perspective over the cliché Nordic imagery in metal in general. “The Idea of North” was recorded at Studio En-Phase in Montreal by Jean-Philippe Latour (Paroxysm, Fuck the Facts, Talamyus), and mixed at Pebble Studios in Ottawa by Mike Bond (Dissentient, Endemise, Loviatar, Signs of Chaos), while the artwork was designed by professional artist Sam Ford, who also designed album artworks for Black Cobra, Witch Mountain and Monarch, among others.
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1 000.00 Р
death doom / post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Coming off the heels of their latest full-length album “Le passage des glaciers”, this fall the Canadian Death-Doom act Norilsk returns with a collection of new material linked in concept with its previous full-length while also showcasing Norilsk’s more collaborative and multi-faceted nature. It retains the band's signature sound developed on its two full-length albums, and brings forward further openness to an array of doom-related influences. The new mini-album, entitled “Weepers of the Land” is made up of four new compositions as well as a Mylene Farmer cover song (Tomber 7 fois), previously released in Russia on a limited edition compilation CD, and completely remixed. The new compositions include collaborations with other Canadian musicians including Damian Smith (Altars of Grief), Joshua Cayer (Longhouse), Ben Forte (North East Bistro, TGRE), and long-time collaborator Mort Marion (Outrage AD, Blood Moon Knights). “Weepers of the Land” should be viewed as a companion album to “Le passage des glaciers” as the songs were written and recorded during the same time period. The album will be presented in a 4 panel digipack with artwork from William Blair Bruce (1859-1906) and released worldwide on October 12, 2018.
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666.67 Р
black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever." A vision of our future dystopia is presented on 'Slaves of the Vast Machine", the new album from the Swedish Misanthropic Black Metal duo 'Obitus'. After their 2009 full-length "March of the Drones" and an EP in 2014 , they return with their most solid album yet! 'Slaves of the Vast Machine' conveys human aimlessness and desperation amidst total social control with some brilliant icy riffs and dissonant tones. This is harsh progressive post-Black Metal that is relentless and chaotic from start to finish with some really solid tremolo-picking melodies, inexorable atmosphere, and a complete disregard for humanity. This work is a single 45 minute track, a monolith without pause and as relentless as totalitarianism.
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600.00 Р
black metal / ambient, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Primal - having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life" After some early releases on EEE Recordings, followed by the split album 'Equinox' on Hypnotic Dirge Records in 2009, Old Forgotten Lands' much-awaited full-length album 'Primal' finally sees the light of day. Whereas the older material was more synth-based ambient, the new material shows a nice progression from musician Elan O'Neal, and has a much more natural and organic feeling. Making use of various unique instruments such as a Tibetan singing bowl, a tambourine, wooden flute, violin, timpani, maracas, among others, as well as the use of field recordings, acoustic guitar, synth, and minimum vocals, when all is said and done, this is an ambitious and well-executed album spanning almost an hour in length. Primal also features guest appearances from some prolific special guests. Overall, this is a fantastic and diverse album which shows incredible maturity in a genre which can sometimes become repetitive and mundane, and should be definitely be appreciated by all fans of ambient, neo-folk, and experimental music.
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800.00 Р
post-black / doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
“Omgeving” is an experimental musical project from Dutch musician Franck Johanson (Distillator) where the listener is meant to interpret the sound as auditory landscapes, every texture part of a broader perception that has been created. The first Omgeving album crosses the boundaries of black metal, space rock, ambient, and doom. It is an entirely instrumental work based on conjuring imagery through soundscapes, through tones and frequencies that transport you through inner and outer space. This album should interest those who enjoy the slow buildup of layers, working with dynamics to build to a hypnotizing crescendo, shifting between subtle ambience to a piercing wall of sound. “Wijde Wijdte” will be released on a 6 panel digipack format through Hypnotic Dirge Records in December 2018, alongside a 10cm x 10cm sticker of the cover art, designed by Kuba Kujawa credits
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733.33 Р
depressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Silent Path is another musical project from Saman Nu, the musician from Tehran, Iran behind the atmospheric Black Metal project, Ekove Efrits. While with Ekove Efrits, Saman creates a rich and textured atmospheric sound which is filled with soaring melodies, doom-laden ambience, and deep melancholy, Silent Path however is a completely different beast altogether. The sound is grittier, darker, and much less optimistic and brings together elements of down-tempo depressive black metal, funeral doom, and ambience. with a strong emphasis on soaring melancholic riffs. This album is a bleak hour-long journey into the depravity that humanity is capable of, and should appeal to all fans of depressive black metal, in particular those who enjoy Exiled From Light, and Ekove Efrits. This album was originally completed in 2009 and now finally gets an official release, complete with a 16 page booklet including lyrics, notes, and more.
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600.00 Р
death doom metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Subterranean Disposition is an experimental death-doom recording project from Terry Vainoras, a veteran of the underground Australian metal scene spanning a career almost two decades in length and also known for his involvement with Cryptic Darkness, The Eternal, and Insomnius Dei. Originally inspired by and conceived as a follow up to the music Mark Kelson had written for his and Terry’s Collaboration on the Insomnius Dei album ‘Illusions of Silence’, the debut self-titled Subterranean Disposition album explores further the use of dissonance and ambience, lending more dynamics to the long passages of darkness and light, crafted from the influence of early 90’s doom metal and modern sludge with forward thinking embellishments in song writing. Also permeating the record are the use of female vocals courtesy of Pheobe Pinnock, and guest saxaphone from D'arcy Molan, both musicians from the Australian scene. Considering all the elements present in the album, you can expect nothing less than an all-encompassing, broading, dark, and experimental ride through devastating darkness on the debut Subterranean Disposition album.
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800.00 Р
doom / post-metal / drone, Hypnotic Dirge Records
The Haunting Green are Cristiano Perin (vocals, guitars, synthesizers) and Chantal Fresco (drums and percussions). Formed in 2012 and based on North-East Italy, their music is constantly going in the direction of a coexistence within the aggressive vibes of extreme metal with ambient-drone and dark electronic music. After a debut EP and collaborative split album, “Natural Extinctions”is their first full-length album which explores the inability of human beings to preserve their innocence and the bond with nature during their existence. The focus on “Natural Extinctions” is to merge extreme metal with the suggestive language of drone / ambient and ritual music, highlighting in some ways the "percussive" side of their music. This isn't an ordinary concept album but, actually, there is a hidden thread connecting the 7 tracks, relating the inevitable destiny of every human being to inhibit, suppress and lose, along his life, some of the most pure and atavistic aspects of their own soul, to adapt and live with the hostile environment that surrounds him. Adaptability on the one hand strengthens and leads to move forward, but, on the other hand, corrupts and makes us lose the most spiritual and pure side of us: the most precious.
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1 000.00 Р
doom death metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Following on the heels of their 2013 full-length “Once Hidden from Sight” and a 2016 split with Nethermost (USA), it’s hard not to notice the risen ambitions and wider scope presented on Vin de Mia Trix’s new double-album “Palimpsests”. The Kyiv-based band has always combined various doom metal genres and influences and aimed to create intelligent and touching, yet uncompromisingly heavy and dark music, but the songwriting depth, versatility, and atmosphere on “Palimpsests” is on another level compared to their past albums. Palimpsests is an album about archetypes, the stories and characters that exist deep inside our collective subconsciousness, stories so significant and influential that they appear in various peoples' and cultures' mythology. Concepts like rebirth through sacrifice, stealing knowledge from the gods, or the great cleansing flood can be found anywhere from Hinduism through Ancient Greek myths to Christianity, proving their importance in shaping societies and civilizations. These stories are told to this day, and “Palimpsests” album tries to retell them once again, adding to the eternal cycle. The name “Palimpsests” summarizes the spectrum of themes the band aims to convey and embodies the concept of multi-layered meanings and symbols expressed through musical, lyrical, and visual content. Musically, “Palimpsests” is rooted in Extreme Doom, venturing occasionally into the territories of Prog Rock and Post-Metal. Mixing and mastering were handled by Damon Good of the mighty Mournful Congregation, making sure the production quality matches the music's ambitiousness. The double album is presented as a 4-panel digipack with an exclusive 36-page booklet designed by the Kyiv-based Seri/graf Studio.
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800.00 Р
progressive post metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
“The Heavens Are Not On Fire...is the debut album from Wills Dissolve, a progressive death metal band from Houston, TX. Equally atmospheric and aggressive, this album weaves its concept (“a meditation on religion, violence, and cosmic chaos”) through seamless, satisfying transitions between ambient and bold passages. Led by masterfully executed drum grooves and finished with blazing, melodic leads and crushing vocals, Heavens… is progressive, but never wandering. Although one can certainly recognize influences both named by the band (Opeth, Katatonia, Ihsahn) and surprising (Rotting Christ, In Vain, Kozeljnik, November’s Doom), nothing about this spectacular debut is derivative. The production is clean and balanced, perfectly restrained, allowing each element to shine through organically. The Heavens Are Not On Fire… transports the listener to The Great Meteor Storm of 1833, an event erroneously interpreted by North American Christians as the biblical apocalypse and later recognized as the beginning of a critical shift towards a secular understanding of celestial phenomena. Lyrically and musically, Wills Dissolve’s debut is worth the many listens it takes to appreciate its authenticity and originality. “No More Sanctity!”
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