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funeral doom
Tracklist: 1 Star Winds 5:52 2 Antarktos 7:31 3 The Gardens Of Yin 6:52 4 Interlude - The Pnakotic Manuscripts 2:21 5 Night-Gaunts 5:18 6 Oceanus 7:36 7...
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ambient funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Halny 19:54
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black / death metal
Tracklist: 1 Dogmas Fall 2 Anthem For Kheros 3 Coma 4 Evil Spells Approval Video Tracks 1 Auto-Psy D'un Damne 2 Un Lac De Larmes Et De Sang 3...
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
FURIOUS TRAUMA - thrash metal группа родом из Дании, сформированная в 1988-ом году. Просуществовав до 2003-го года группа приостановила деятельность, возобновив ее только в 2017-ом году. В дискографии FURIOUS TRAUMA несколько демо-записей, EP и три полноформатных альбома. "Decade At War" - четвертый полноформатный альбом FURIOUS TRAUMA, вышедший 27-го ноября 2020-го на Massacre Records. Сведением и мастерингом нового альбома занимался Tue Madsen из Antfarm Studio, работавший с HATESPHERE, ILLDISPOSED, CATARACT и многими другими. Обложку для "Decade At War" нарисовал Terkel Christensen, делавший оформление для CENTINEX, INIQUITY и для дебютного альбома FURIOUS TRAUMA "Primal Touch" (1992).
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funeral black doom metal, Possession Productions
Magnificent and peculiar band! Drastic in its views and in its life Path and Art…Occult, gloomy, funeral, beautiful Black/Doom Metal with totally diabolical woman vocals, performed in Russian and Latin. All traditional charm of the style created by UNHOLY and THERGOTHON filled with unique atmosphere and innovations of Voronezh hermits on this debut album. To make the picture complete we attach band Manifesto: 1. FAAS does not give concerts on any consideration. 2. FAAS keeps aloof from both so called "official" and "non-official" scene. 3. FAAS is concerned in cooperation with serious people who are deep in Dark Art. 4. FAAS is not interested in popularization Dark Art among mass, so even under paragraph 2 concerning release and cooperation we give preference to independent underground ways. 5. FAAS is ready to answer all questions concerning self-identification in context of Dark Art.
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funeral black doom metal, Possession Productions
Voronezh ascetics returned with a new album "Sacer". The chic album! Occult Funeral Black Doom Metal of this unique group become more monumental in compositional part, and immeasurably deep in nature. This is true heavy music. No sweet post-black-metal-rock or tearfulness youth there. Only sorrow, Knowledge and prohibitive atmosphere of the Other. By correct building of their skills on the canonical Metal basis, FURVA AMBIGUITAS predictably found its own personality in a genre that such congested with templates today. The lyrics in Latin and Russian. Bitter violent female vocals and great guitar work. Unconventionally designed 12-page black and white booklet.
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epic traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
After the successful EP “Lecherous Liturgies”, which received positive critical responses that mentioned among other things the wit of the lyrics and the stylistic similarities to Solitude Aeturnus, Fvneral Fvkk has reached a new milestone by creating a perfect masterpiece of epic doom metal. “Carnal Confessions” can really be recognized as a standard of the genre: melodic, epic, powerful, and majestic doom metal with deep male vocals. A beautifully designed booklet complements the picture of impeccability. This is a piece of true black brilliance.
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epic traditional doom metal, Solitude Productions
Yes, we know exactly what you think. “Fuck, yet another Doom Metal band”. You are right. So what? FVNERAL FVKK bring the depravity back to a genre which is currently starving. Corrupting members of the german cult acts FÄULNIS and OPHIS as well as the aspiring newcomers CRIMSON SWAN, this new, rotten entity emerged from the pits of sodomy in Hamburg/Germany. Formed in early 2015, its sole purpose is to bring sacral, angelic atmosphere back to Epic Doom Metal… and then rape it all over. FVNERAL FVKK combine the pastoral beauty and solemnity of a cathedral (musically) with the infidelity and vileness of a cemetary prostitute (semantically), with lyrics that deal exclusively with the debauchery of the clergy and / or necrophilia in the name of god. His Holiness is a foul pervert, and this band serves as vessel of His demented will! So, join the Church of the Holy Fvkk and enjoy the transgressions of this first EP! Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Asphyxia Ritual 2 Lycanthropic 3 Antimenschliches Eingreifen 4 Shakuna Viman 5 Fokerma Spell 6 Ahasverus 7 Prometheus 8 Inno A Satana 9...
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progressive black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
From the vacuous depths of space, the great pathogenic force of Galaktik Cancer Squad will once again return to haunt the aural realms of the earth with their first ever physical release, ‘Ghost Light.’ An ambitious one-man project from Germany, Galaktik Cancer Squad was formed by Arwohn in 2011 and has to the point before Ghost Light released four albums digitally. Aggressive, and experimental post-black metal with cacophonous discordant vocals combine with moments of soaring post-rock melancholy that make you soar to other dimensions. Simultaneously mind-bending and sky-searing, Galaktik Cancer Squad on a physical medium for the first time ever captures the best of the project yet. Extremely well-written and forward thinking experimental black metal, embrace summer, sun, and the galaktik cancer squad!
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ritual ambient
Tracklist: 1 Spakona 6:27 2 Dvergmal 7:47 3 Eitt Sinn Skal Hver Deya 7:06 4 Meginn RunaR 7:35 5 Gal Anda VidR 11:50 6 SeidR 9:17
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doom death
Tracklist: 1 Arias Paganus 02:20 2 Equideus 09:41 3 Sun's Crypt 09:03 4 Unholy Grail 08:33 5 The Fourth Knight of Revelation (Rotting Christ cover) 09:55 6...
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stoner doom metal
Tracklist: 1 A Daub 2 Yeti Scapl 3 Voodoom Protonauts 4 The Green Fairy 5 Brand New Cosmos 6 Omen Of Death
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doom metal
Tracklist: 1 The Sin And Doom Of Godless Men 7:18 2 The Emissary 9:30 3 Summon The Rune Wizard 8:07 4 Ship Of Nails 12:41
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
GAMA BOMB - северно-ирландская thrash metal группа, основанная в 2002 году. Вдохновляясь экшн, хоррор и научными фильмами и играми 80-х, а также музыкой NUCLEAR ASSAULT, SODOM и старых SLAYER, ирландцы показывают настоящий хэдбэнгерский винтажный трэш метал в современном обличии, сдобренный отсылками к ретро-эпохе и не лишенный юмора. GAMA BOMB также известны тем, что оказались одними из первых, кто выложил свой релиз для бесплатного скачивания, будучи подписанными на крупный лейбл. "Speed Between The Lines" - шестой полноформатный альбом ирландцев, вышедший 12-го октября на AFM Records. Данный релиз включает двенадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 16-страничным буклетом (традиционно оформленным в винтажном стиле). Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray, 16-page art booklet included.
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
GAMA BOMB - северно-ирландская thrash metal группа, основанная в 2002 году. Вдохновляясь экшн, хоррор и научными фильмами и играми 80-х, а также музыкой NUCLEAR ASSAULT, SODOM и старых SLAYER, ирландцы показывают настоящий хэдбэнгерский винтажный трэш метал в современном обличии. GAMA BOMB также известны тем, что оказались одними из первых, кто выложил свой релиз для бесплатного скачивания, будучи подписанными на крупный лейбл. "Untouchable Glory" - пятый полноформатный альбом ирландцев, вдохновением для которого, помимо юмора, угара и стандартной "ретро" темы стали винтажные фильмы о кунг-фу. Идельную для релиза обложку подготовил Graham Humphreys, британский художник и артист, широко известный работой над постерами к легендарным хоррор-фильмам "Зловещие Мертвецы" и "Кошмар на улице Вязов".
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post-metal / sludge metal
Tracklist: 1 Lifting Skies 9:12 2 Approach 4:39 3 Through Wires 7:14 4 It Speaks 7:50 5 The Calm Of Unlight 13:58
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pagan doom black
Tracklist: 1 Интро 2:09 2 Волкодав 8:39 3 Отчего не ходить в походы?.. 6:02 4 Герои 10:49 5 За спокойствие мира 8:25 6 Песня надежды 3:20 7 Снова в поход...
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pagan black metal, Sound Age Productions
Pagan black metal from Russian North
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noise rock
Tracklist: 1 Perlude To Amber Pays The Rent 8:08 2 Stop Talking, Let's Fuck 1:27 3 A Wilderness, Except By Sight 3:54 4 Cocktown & The G Boys 3:13 5...
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noise rock
Tracklist: 1 How To Kill A Career 1:51 2 (Sevensevenseven) 1:00 3 Walt 4:43 4 Lesopolosa 4:36 5 Accidents 3:24 6 Bondage Death 3:57 7 Riddle 3:30 8 Love...
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black metal
Tracklist: 1 Mort 7:25 2 Von Blut 5:51 3 Der Wald 4:02 4 Tot 2:09 5 Northern Tribe 6:11 6 Der Ungeist 5:59 7 Taub 4:03
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experimental metal / grind
Tracklist: 1 Rock Candy 3:05 2 Arms 2:38 3 Ride The Steambolt 1:38 4 Laser Bitch 2:16 5 Sing Disorder 3:06
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experimental metal / grind
Tracklist: 1 The Folding Road 3:01 2 Chapels 1:54 3 From The Aisle 2:59 4 Dead Mountain Mouth 2:55 5 White Walls 4:48 6 Badlands 1:30 7 Greek Beds 2:38 8...
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black metal
6-panel digipak limited to 500.
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death / black metal
Tracklist: 1 Introduction 1:24 2 Dismay of Transience 3:42 3 Imagine 3:19 4 Spasm 4:00 5 Final Delivery 3:05 6 Barren Land 4:50 7 Conformed 4:05 8 Insane...
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cold pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 3:57 2 Chant De Bataille 6:06 3 Sans Pitié 6:49 4 Bruit De Bottes 3:44 5 Terres Brûlées 8:48 6 Un Frère Venu Du Nord 7:52 7 Si Vis Pacem...
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dark ambient / black metal
Tracklist: 1 Prolog 5:48 2 Drifting Failure 4:48 3 Trauma (Part I) 3:49 4 Slow Adoptation 3:15 5 Hateful Agony 9:33 6 Ruins Of Humanity 6:38 7 Ancient...
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pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1-1 Irrlicht 1-2 Triumph Uber Die Massen (Intro) 1-3 Misanthropia 1-4 Schrei Nach Vergeltung 1-5 Rabenschwarm (Instr.) 1-6 Ewiger Schmerz...
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