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400.00 Р 180.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
The first full-length album of the Ukrainian Death Metal band in seven years combines slamming riffs, distinct polyrhythmic structures and the atmosphere of industrial megapolis. Perception Kills is the illustration of the modern world, impared by urbanization, wars and lies dictated by Mass Media, where manipulation of public opinion prospers and traditional human values collapse.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
stoner sludge doom, Solitude Productions
Debut album of Sweden band Gloomy Sunday "Beyond Good And Evil" executed in stoner sludge doom style. Music in vein of Electric Wizard, EyeHateGod and Crowbar will suit all extreme doom-metal fans" tastes.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
doom death / avantgarde doom, Solitude Productions
This Split CD introduces two brand new bands to all metal heads all over the world. Each one has it’s own sound and visions of modern doom/death metal. Majestic Downfall (Mexico) is a one-man-band, which recaptures the feeling of the 90’s European Doom Metal scene, while mixing it with some more modern Doom Metal overtones. Main idea of Ansia (Italy) is to find new sounds in the doom scene. Atmospheric music is interesting due to its specific sound. Ansia’s part of the Split has been mixed by Alessio Fagrelli (ex-session keyboards for Deinonychus), who also plays piano on the song “Part I”.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
dark metal / depressive black, BadMoodMan Music
BadMoodMan Music / Solitude Productions presents a new name on the Ukrainian black metal scene – Darktrance, with their debute album «Ghosts In The Shells». Powerfull sound, apocalyptic atmosphere, original use of electronics and wide variety of music genres, from depressive black metal to dark metal, will be interesting for the fans of such bands as Deinonychus and Forgotten Tomb, and will catch the fancy of all extreme black metal lovers.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
esoteric ambient / funeral doom, BadMoodMan Music
The debut album of the project Opaque Lucidity, lining-up musicians from two Russian bands, Aglaomorpha and Risus Sardonicus, carries the listener to a world of music woven of dark ambient and atmospheric funeral doom metal in the spirit of Until Death Overtakes Me, and lyrics building on spiritual development of the consciousness and written by the influence of zen buddhism, dzogcheng, teachings of philosophers and different esoterics of literature.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
doom death / dark metal, BadMoodMan Music
A new work of the project Letargy Dream who became a full line-up band from a one-man-band. Here Letarg (also known as the bass player of Revelations Of Rain) has united with musicians from Beheaded Zombie and Nabaath. Including three tracks with the total of 50 minutes, the album shows Letargy Dream to us from a new side, a new rising of the band in the ways of dark metal, doom/death metal and death metal with riffs familiar for traditional doom metal!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
technical death metal, BadMoodMan Music
The album “Happiness for All” has become a large experiment for the band trying to overcome the frames of technical death metal for creating unique sound. Beheaded Zombie have created a very surprising material filled on the one hand with psychedelia and beatifual melodies and on the other hand with aggression. This is the music for the fans of heavy music seeking for something novel and fresh!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
slavonic pagan metal
Tracklist: 1 Крыва-Крывейта 2:44 2 Крыжы-абярэгі 4:35 3 Пад чорнай вішнёй 1:11 4 Мы сыны Вялікіх Багоў 4:46 5 Ой дымна за дваром 4:12 6 Цені 3:58 7 Беларусь...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Поглощая Тени Застывших Чувств 1:54 2 Лунный Маэстро 6:12 3 Под Покровом Ночи 4:34 4 Утро Пахнет Смертью 7:42 5 Если Горит Полночная Звезда...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
sympho black metal
Tracklist: 1 Demon Est Deus Inversus 5:09 2 12 Жертв 5:17 3 Упырь 2:22 4 Тень 4:19 5 Мрачнее 3:55 6 Жажда 4:36 7 Они 2:47 8 Падение Богов 4:49 9 Renaissance...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
electronic folk black
Many ancient philosophers taught that our world was only a shade and a shape in respect of the Real World. But thirst for this Perfect World requires permanent development of attention exactly to ... a shadow. Just as a bridge to the Superior the NORD"N"COMMANDER members realize the word "shadow" and offer us their maps, their plan of What Veritable Intention prefers. The album "Maps Of The Shadow" Travelling" (2003) has taken over from the album "Heavenly Barrow" (2002) some stylistic features. Cold, "gothic" vocals and keyboards in combination with "industrial" guitars and drums are also present here. But there is something that makes this album related to "Sacred Spear Aftersounds" (2001) too: namely, interest in archaic Indo-European harmonies. So the style of the album may be called approximately as "gothic / folk / electro". Curiosity for a Shadow, which the NORD"N"COMMANDER members have displayed, is expressed in the fact that musical and poetical images, metaphors and symbols are flowing freely and easily. The symbols are being transfused out of serious philosophical constructions into human (sometimes over-human) psychological praxis and even mental moods. It"s just an atlas of shadows sui generis. But remember that Shades and the Superior are joined. Listen to them!..
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
atmospheric black metal, More Hate Productions
New CD of Russian band NORD'N'COMMANDER - Invading anxious wanderings of black metal conglomerate with archaic melodies of folk flute and ambient parts. Meditation keyboard interludes, sounds of battles, allusions to totalitarian marches, mysterious litanies of twilight voices flare up amid raging blackened metal, like northern lights...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
folk doom
For the first time the third person has broken through into the NORD"N"COMMANDER creativity in the album called "Akkortheon" (2005). This third person is Accordion. Just the name of this musical instrument is played up in a mystic spirit in the appellation of the material. Almost all arrangement is based on accordion riffs and solos which are dashed with declamation, a drum computer and sometimes a sampled choir. The participants of NORD"N"COMMANDER themselves call the style of the album "quasi funeral doom". Nevertheless guardians of "funeral purity" should not get disappointed. Lack of "guitarism" does not disturb but, on the contrary, peaks sombre, "enshrouding" colour. With what does this album enshroud us? With clouds, fogs and primarily with lava. "There are empyreumatic graves inside volcanos. I am gazing into them and picture to myself my nature without flaws. Creatures from Beyond live here. But I try to dissolve myself in lava. And lava is rolling away from me again. It seems that I"m desolating myself. Maybe this process is my mask, maybe the mask is me. There is empyreumatic graves inside volcanos. Waiting for a next Stream of lava... I"ll sink into it and I"ll live for ever". The above is an interlinear translation of the Russian-language text out of the album. This lava is not only a material substance but something more subtile, something combined of ancient memory and anticipation of this memory in aftertime. Just a flavour of lava can be revealed in accordion sound and vocal - melodics of language multiplied by melody of notes. Voices of Equinox... The glow of dying embers... Membranes of leathern wings... Generally speaking we are initiated into a plot. Taste it!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Ora Pro Nobis - Intro 3:24 2 Nāves Upe 6:41 3 Amnis Morti 0:23 4 Вечная Зима 5:46 5 Hiemis 0:25 6 Рассвет 6:06 7 Aurora 0:25 8 Likantropia 5:53...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death doom
Tracklist: 1 The Way To Emptiness 2 Fetters 3 To The Ocean 4 Andromeda Hates 5 We Will All Die 6 Unknown Dimension 7 Secrecy 8 Vague Times 9 At The...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black metal
Tracklist: 1 Я Верю 2 В Небо 3 Вечность 4 Чёрная Смерть 5 Как Птицы Летели 6 Тебя Очищают Волны 7 ... 8 Неврастения 9 Land Of Black 10 Он Придёт...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions
Perversus Stigmata was formed in summer 2003. The new band was created by ex-members of such bands as Areb, Holocaust, Atra Mustum, Asguard and Anaesthesia. Perversus Stigmata presents orthodox form of symphonic black metal, inspired by Limbonic Art, Behemoth, early Satyricon and Emperor. There are no sweet melodies and other romantic excess, only murder, hate and death!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
folk black metal
Tracklist: 1 Славен е Велесе 2:06 2 На белае зямлі 4:25 3 Навальніца 4:31 4 Ой, Сонца! 3:39 5 Купальская 3:20 6 Сьмерць і жыцьцё 4:49 7 Сьцягі 5:10 8...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
cult trash metal
Tracklist: 1 Protector Of Death 3:56 2 Apocalyptic Revolution 3:09 3 Intro 1:55 4 Protector Of Death 3:08 5 Misantrophy 3:01 6 Drum Solo 1:16 7 The...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic black metal
Tracklist: 1 Крылом Развеет Ветер... 6:50 2 Пришла Беда 6:28 3 Когда Туман... 5:23 4 Суровый Ветер 5:46 5 Закат Кровавым Мечом... 5:27
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
pagan black metal
Tracklist: 1 Кругом Лишь Мрак 04:16 2 Погребальным Костром 06:23 3 Отчаяние 06:27 4 Проснувшись В Недрах Искорёженной Земли... 06:06 5 За Гранью Света 06:38...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
folk dark metal / doom
Tracklist: 1 U Nabe Banbal 2:20 2 U Nabemul Ca Chau Queche-Achi 5:36 3 U Camul Ca Chau Rabinal-Achi 4:23 4 Mun (Feat. Yana Veva) 4:25 5 U Camul Ca Chau...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
industrial death metal
Tracklist: 1 Virgin 2 Never Been Over 3 Zvezdnoe Nebo 4 Take My Love 5 Love Is Danger 6 Song Of Sorrow 7 Control 8 I Love Hate 9 The Heart
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
pagan power metal
Tracklist: 1 Ратная 4:37 2 Этот мир 4:48 3 Вальхалла 4:59 4 Погибель Святослава 5:27 5 Ворон 4:43 6 Час Расплаты 4:28 7 Три Ночи 4:00 8 Прощай, Мой друг!...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
stoner rock
Tracklist: 1 Sandokan 2 My Jonaise 3 Lumo Law (Low Lighter Yaw) 4 Walter 5 Torso Tiger 6 Till Z. Palladin 7 Electrobazaaride 8 Gorilla Cunt 9...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 Sa Astridan Sondiczilless 2 I Am [Atropos Kaa] 3 Eyecloser [Suizide Version] 4 Satis[fuck]tion 5 Uizilopotchtly [A Bloody Centurion] 6...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
techno death metal
Tracklist: 1 Vendidad 2 Anthill 3 Desert 4 Haoma 5 Sacred Fire 6 Underside Of Truth 7 Stratosphere 8 Asphyxy 9 End Of Times 10 12 On The Richter...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death
Tracklist: 1 Skinless Faces 2:46 2 Scattered Brain 2:24 3 Pus Devourment 2:05 4 Drowning Fetus 1:39 5 Ghastly Tran 3:54 6 Infestation 2:22 7 Gnawed Baby...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
Second album of Russian symphonic death dark metal with a very deep growl vocal. Like Crematory meets Samael.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
sympho death black
Tracklist: 1 Multilayered Chaos (A Divinity For The Worthless) 3:53 2 Crescent Moon (The Final Celebration) 4:14 3 Praising The Departure Of Spiritual...
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