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Р  –  Р

  • 133.3Р
  • 3333.4Р
Год альбома
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Компакт диски

400.00 Р
ritualistic black / doom
Треклист: 1 Jacqueline In Astrum 2 Drawing Masonic Blood 3 Fire Inside The Wilderness Womb 4 The Abhorrence Sigil 5 Under Unborn Gaze 6 Cyanide Guild
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400.00 Р
atmospheric black metal
Треклист: 1 Blindsight 7:01 2 As One With Shadows 6:17 3 Enlightened Oblivion 7:22 4 Wraith 5:30 5 The Realm Of The Witching Moon 8:14 6 Legacy 6:49
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 1:18 2 Desolation 5:27 3 Dead Christ Walking 3:03 4 Eternity Of Hell 6:13 5 Repulsed By The Light 5:37 6 Demonic Possession 4:28 7...
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466.67 Р
orchestral gothic metal
Треклист: 1 Music For The Night 5:11 2 Drift 3:53 3 Phantastronaut 7:19 4 River Of Perdition 3:51 5 Undergound Poetry 4:53 6 Madrigal 1:58 7 L'avion Ivre...
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466.67 Р
melancholic dark metal
Треклист: 1 Kiss Of Ashes 2 A Lovelorn Requiem 3 The One Who Ceased To Breathe 4 Musique De La Decadence 5 Farewell In Blue 6 The Shallow Sea 7...
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333.33 Р
technical death metal
Треклист: 1 The Downfall 4:15 2 Don't Turn Away 4:06 3 While You Were Sleeping 4:37 4 Time To Go Away 2:41
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400.00 Р
death black metal
Треклист: 1 The Fire Burning Bright 2 Threnody 3 2000 Years Of Lies 4 Self Ignition 5 Turned To Stoned 6 Descend Among The Damned 7 Forbidden...
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400.00 Р
thrash black death metal
Треклист: 1 Fall Of The House Of Sighs 4:57 2 Inferno Tenebrarum 4:56 3 Lacrimosa 3:56 Bonus Video Day Of The Beast
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466.67 Р
depressive folk metal
Треклист: 1 The Woods Remain Sad 02:00 2 Howls Are My Lovesongs 03:24 3 A Lost Heart In Fog 02:57 4 Snowfall Of Tears 03:32 5 Speech Of The Trees 04:27 6...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
depressive black / ambient
Треклист: 1 Hypnotic Dream 14:28 2 Closer To... 7:52 3 ...The Madness 5:54 4 In Astral Sleep 15:56
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333.33 Р
true death / thrash metal
Беларусь, несмотря на стереотипы, славится не только одиозным и нестандартным Black Metal, но по истине великолепным Death Metal. Самобытным Death Metal! Вспомним легенду THRASHER, которые своим ницшеанским Death Metal породили весь могилёвский Metal. настоящую легенду EXHUMATOR, первых, кто пробил "железный занавес" и издал свои великолепные песни на западном лэйбле. гродненский DECAPITATION, которые ещё в давние времена могли своим мастерством заткнуть за пояс американских звёзд. витебских VELD ещё совсем недавно лязгающих своим уникальным стилем на андэграундных конертах по СНГ… DANGER, EVTHANAZIA, DEEP SORROW, BLEEDING, FRODMORTEL, DISMAL INSANITY, DECOMPOSITION и добрый десяток других действительно талантливых команд… время (будь оно проклято!) сожрало всё, и осталсь толко записи не редких уцелевших кассетах той эпохи… Но, вашу мать!!! Как радостно было получить demo-диск "Contaminated surgery" минских DISGOD. Настоящий Metal пёр из динамиков насрав на время и все веянья!!! Эти пару сырых трэков цепляли без подготовки и навсегда. Было немного стрёмно - будет ли альбом, будет ли группа идти своим путём дальше?… И вот… С нескрываемым восторгом сообщаем Вам: дебютный альбом DISGOD "Sanguine scales" вышел! И он - просто killer!!! Истинный Death/Thrash Metal старой закалки, но скованный новыми кузнецами по-современному. Не для ностальгии по ушедшим дня, а для настоящего!!! Все скептики сразу могут идти на хуй: Звериный оскал истинного Metal - это то, во что мы ВЕРИМ!
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400.00 Р 180.00 Р
industrial black metal, More Hate Productions
Новый альбом проекта музыкантов из известных чернушных комбо бригад - Ashen Light, Stigmatic Chorus! DIVIZION S-187 представляют мизантропичный black metal в духе ASHEN LIGHTс легкой примесью электронных и industrial фишек! Атмосферная и в то же самой время бескомпромиссно жестокая музыка! В милосердии окончательно отказано!
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400.00 Р 253.33 Р
death metal
in english - Dom Myasnika - Dom Myasnika in russian - Дом Мясника - Дом Мясника
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733.33 Р
black / thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Doomed to Encirclement 2 This is War 3 Killed, Wounded and Missing 4 Horizon of Destruciton 5 Fury of the Enemy 6 Incendiary Bombs of Ruin...
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Voodoo 2 Engulfed In Flames 3 Sunpunch 4 Shower Of Nails 5 Faust 6 Puking Of Knives 7 Never Trust The Demon 8 Your Life Is Burning Faster...
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400.00 Р
funeral doom
Desolate, Luciferian, God-Crushing Blackened Doom Metal. Born in the Osage Plains at the foot of the Eastern Hills; transplanted into the grey, rain-drenched landscape of the Northwest...Great American Desert is the essence of desolation, the sonic representation of Lucifer on Earth, and the emanation of the Demonic philosophy of its mastermind. A vehicle for hatred, disgust and majestic mindscape. On "Warring Against the Sun", Drear play raw blackened Doom, snatching glimpses at the futility of Man and the failure of the universe.
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306.67 Р
blackened-thrash metal, FONO ltd
KETZER (по-немецки "еретик") - blackened-thrash metal группа из Кёльна, Германия. Участники собрались еще будучи тинейджерами в 2003 году, постепенно набираясь опыта на записях дэмок. Уже к 2009-му KETZER выпустили дебютный альбом "Satan’s Boundaries Unchained", а в 2012-м вышел второй полноформатник "Endzeit Metropolis"."Starless" - третий полноформатный альбом KETZER, тематика которого задает вопросы о возможности существования истины между религией и реальной жизнью. Итоговым мастерингом альбома занимался Hans-Philipp Graf в немецкой студии HP Mastering.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
sympho black
Треклист: 1 Following The Bliss 1:41 2 The Most Beautiful Thing They'd Ever Seen... 4:46 3 Who's Your God Now? 4:57 4 Murdered By Fear And Weakness 6:10 5...
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400.00 Р
black doom metal
Треклист: 1 Requiem For A Stormy Day 1:49 2 Born From Chaos 6:20 3 I Swear Revenge 3:43 4 Schicksal 5:17 5 As The Only Witness 5:02 6 Miserable Agony 4:16 7...
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466.67 Р
atmospheric doom death
Atmospheric complicated doom – death metal with oriental influences, Pakistan. For fans of Orphaned Land, Opeth, Forgotten Silence you will love this.
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400.00 Р
stoner rock
Треклист: 1 Deep Down 3:36 2 A Triangle In An Empty Room Without Any Windows 3:32 3 Rollercoaster 1:48 4 Bring Me Down 4:09 5 Devil's Eye 6:21 6 Bad Luck...
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400.00 Р
stoner rock
Fourth album from Germany"s prolific Kyuss-inspired Stoner Groove Rockers. Hard-driving, pedal-to-the-metal tunes with accenting Fuzz and Psych touches. The lyrics and mood of this record is darker than their previous outputs. Features nine originals plus
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333.33 Р
stoner rock
Треклист: 1 Going Into Red 2 Going Into Red (John Only Version) 3 Bring Me Down (Live Bonus Track) 4 Schoolbus (Live Bonus Track)
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Fallen, Suicided & Forgotten 5:18 2 Sick And Tired Of Life 5:51 3 Following The Way To The Psychiatric Asylum 5:39 4 Without You (Broken Heart)...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Breach Of Wombs Safety 2:53 2 Pathological Symphony Of Love 4:27 3 Calling Our Desires 3:02 4 Sick Passion / Grave Perversion 3:11 5 Drinking...
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466.67 Р
progressive melodic death metal
Progressive Melodic Death - Dark Tranquillity meets Death meets Dream Theater.
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
folk ambient noise funeral doom
Треклист: 1 Only Wind And Small Of A Sage... 11:07 2 Fountain Of The Lost Dreams 5:57 3 Ka 3:43 4 Call Of Autumn Leaves 6:53 5 Discordia 5:02 6 Black Deep...
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400.00 Р
medieval doom metal
Треклист: 1 Dialogo Sopra La Musica / Gonzalo Gimenez 0:47 2 Observation 5:33 3 Sorrow and Misery 5:25 4 Darkness 5:04 5 Lamento Di Tristano /...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Heaven Or Hell 2 The Humilation Of Babylon 3 Dark Valley 4 Rise On Eagle's Wings 5 Qoph 6 The Fall Of Lucifer 7 The Servant 8 Cries To...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Darkness Will Become Like Morning 2 Lament Concerning The King Of Tyre 3 Seven Angels With Seven Plagues 4 Megiddo 5 The Almighty 6 The...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Randomness 0:59 2 Dice Man 8:23 3 The Beast Attacks 4:15 4 The Pointing Finger 7:52 5 Comfort Fix 8:09 6 Twilight 2:25 7 Cunning Vital Guardian...
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600.00 Р
gothic metal
Треклист: 1 Romeo's Dead 2 This Wind 3 Falling 4 I Don't Believe In You 5 Nothing To Promise 6 Black Tears And Deep Songs For Lost Lovers 7 Your Ghost...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic electronic black metal, More Hate Productions
Симфоничный, атмосферно-зловещий и мелодичный dark black metal с вариативно-разнообразными вокальными линиями от black metal скриминга до глубокого death metal гроула!
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400.00 Р
black thrash metal
Треклист: 1 The Arrival Of The Gods From Deep Skies (Intro) 1:07 2 Tower Of The Damned 4:18 3 Eridan Signals 4:25 4 Under A Hatred Skies 4:22 5 The...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral sludge doom
Треклист: 1 Harvest Of Nothing 2 Useless Things In Noise 3 Dedicate To Esoteric Emotion
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
funeral sludge doom
Треклист: 1 From Lost Time Into The Great Nothing - Part I 14:36 2 Return To The Grat Nothing 13:07 3 Great Nothing In Rusty Air 15:07
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Horrible Drawing Back Of The Veil 7:17 2 A Source Of Hollow Essence 2:09 3 The Spectral Paleness Of The Skin 8:21 4 The Last Breath Of My...
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466.67 Р
progressive doom metal
Ethereal Morphosis Music for a mix of Opeth progressive elements, Anathema deep feelings and the Jeff Buckley"s magic.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Last Ray Of Light 5:25 2 Your Weakness - My Victory 5:45 3 My Majesty 5:31 4 Nurglh 4:07 5 Paradise Of Putrefaction 5:38 6 Eclipse Of...
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533.33 Р
post-apocalyptic norwegian black
Треклист: 1 Earth Left Behind 5:10 2 Death Immaculate 4:47 3 Inject Hate 5:21 4 Subterranean Movement 4:46 5 Our Justice Be Done 9:44 6 To The Bone 6:35 7...
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666.67 Р
melodic black / death metal
Треклист: 1 The Continuum Hypothesis 4:45 2 Under Starside Skies 4:09 3 Argentum Era Secui Duos 5:38 4 Cardinality 3:33 5 Highgate 6:19 6 The End Of All...
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400.00 Р
grim & raw black
Треклист: 1 Intro - Kur - Nu - Gi - A 2 The Gods Fate 3 Moonspell 4 Anciets Summoning 5 Darkness Decends 6 As Darkness Fall 7 Under The Black Forest...
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Deirotic 5:25 2 The Invisible Strikers 4:45 3 Nocturnity 5:05 4 Between The Unseen 5:45
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
true black metal
Треклист: 1 Biblical Inhumanity 4:10 2 In The Name Of Lucifer 5:04 3 Vengeance 4:36 4 Ominous Truths 1:29 5 Eternal Sin 5:19 6 Unholy Rites 4:37 7 Our...
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466.67 Р
gothic metal
Треклист: 1 Infected 4:02 2 Away 4:09 3 Limelight 4:33 4 Love Will Tear Us Apart 3:19 5 Breakaway 3:54 6 I Do 3:50 7 About You 3:40 8 Misbecoming 4:46 9 For...
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333.33 Р
black metal
The originators of Black/Core! Melodic black metal mixed with fury of traditional metallic hardcore from the USA!
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333.33 Р
dark metal
Треклист: 1 Tired Face 4:09 2 Super-Sonic Blue Thunder 4:35 3 Not All There 4:18 4 The Only Way 5:24 5 Interlude 3:46 6 Land Of Fog 6:02 7 Yesterdays Rain...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
heavy metal / progressive influences
Треклист: 1 Увертюра 06:38 2 Преследование 02:28 3 Встреча с самим собой 03:48 4 Гости из будущего 04:12 5 Девушка на качелях 03:38 6 Влюблённые под...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
electronic industrial
Треклист: 1 Рождение 2 Холодная Ночь 39-го 3 По Доброй Воле 4 Стремление К Победе 5 Сотня 6 Летящая Слава 7 Клыки Небесной Глади 8 Войны Глубин 9...
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533.33 Р
ambient drone doom
Post-apocalyptic Drone Doom by Stijn van Cauter, also known for his involvement in a number of Doom / Drone / Noise / Ambient rojects,including UNTIL DEATH OVERTAKES ME among various others. FALL OF THE GREY-WINTED ONE has been described as in a similar v
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gothic metal, More Hate Productions
Dark Modern Metal альбом от краснодарских мастеров Far From Mind! Современный металл практически в чистом виде - большей частью среднетемповый, мощный и вязкий. Квинтэссенция тяжелой музыки в ее самых передовых проявлениях - при формальном соблюдении законов жанра. Ритм жесткий и прямолинейный, - и одновременно завораживающий, шаманический. Плотная, пульсирующая субстанция тяжелых гитарных рифов переплетается с акустическими переборами. Black скриминг то и дело сменяется патетическими декламациями. Ритмическая основа – монолитный сплав из мощных, жирных басовых партий и суровой канонады ударных. При этом сама музыка вовсе не так проста, как это может показаться при первом прослушивании: она щедро отягощена интеллектуальностью и искритразнообразными гармониями. Добавьте к этому полифоническое строение композиций, небанальные размеры и более чем уверенное исполнение и качество записи - и можно будет составить более-менее определенное представление о новом релизе коллектива, подтвердившего свое право находиться в авангарде экстремальной сцены.
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400.00 Р
Треклист: 1 Poison Cage 2 Filter 3 Three Ghosts For You 4 The White Pitch 5 Chrome Within 6 New Shade Behind 7 Illogical Trip 8 Charlie B. 9...
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400.00 Р
organic noise hardcore
Треклист: 1 Aorta 3:16 2 Parts Broken And Juxtaposed 4:19 3 Arrow To The Sun 4:37 4 Blackhammer 3:44 5 This Will Not Save You Anymore 4:07 6 Overhead...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
dark ambient
"Stalker is an elaborate puzzle. Its pieces are always scattered, and Filivs Macrocosmi relies on his listener to bring the final element of the puzzle along with him. One of Stalker"s many treats is that it invites you to get carried away into your own t
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466.67 Р
folk metal
Треклист: 1 Nightmares 6:35 2 On The Wings Of Scarlet Sunset 7:39 3 Victory 6:08 4 Battlefield 4:39 5 Raise Your Fist 5:26 6 Steel Of Vengeance 4:08 7 The...
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 7% Grind 1:48 2 Crossed Out 1:55 3 Misère Avec La Fin 2:39 4 Crocko I 1:33 5 Pan Pan Pan Pan 1:04 6 La Toune Du Vidéo 1:31 7 Disrupt 2:28 8 La...
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400.00 Р
brutal death / grind
We can announce with pleasure that we succeeded to take under our label a new promising band from Baltic region where already more bands of high quality came from. After brutalists MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM we have got another band playing maximum technical an
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533.33 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Before Battle I Embrace 3:57 2 Hopliotes Awaiting Command 3:38 3 Hugin & Munin 4:29 4 Griminsmol (The Ballad Of Grimnir) 3:55 5 Hogtid 2:17 6...
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533.33 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 The Forlorn Knight 2 The Purest Breed 3 Sleipnir 4 What Glory Remains 5 Dawn In Tir Na N' Og 6 The Will Of Odin 7 Father Of Victory 8...
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533.33 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 In An Emerald Garden 1:37 2 Warrior Heart 3:52 3 The Purest Breed 6:58 4 Father Of Victory 2:15 5 The Iron Wolf 4:05 6 Remember Hastings 4:00 7...
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533.33 Р
electro gothic metal
Electro Gothic Metal. The EBM of Hocico, Wumpscut meets Dark wave of Depeche Mode.
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466.67 Р
gothic metal
Треклист: 1 I 3:28 2 Ropelove 5:00 3 Lo-Fi PPL In The Fade-Out World 5:11 4 Nextep Suicide 4:41 5 Dead Le Gends A Mong The Living 4:55 6 Prophylactic...
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466.67 Р
depressive black
Треклист: 1 The Dark Gods Pt I 16:14 2 The Dark Gods Pt II 21:48
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666.67 Р
gothic dark metal, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 I Am Not You 0:46 2 Fragile Hollow 3:42 3 Disgusting 4:34 4 Come Undone 5:14 5 I Don't Believe In Love 3:27 6 Have You Seen A Girl ¿ 3:56 7...
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533.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: I In The Hour Of Death 5:56 II Kind Of Victim 2:07 III Hatespawned 2:48 IV The Frightened Ones 4:09 V No Doubt 3:15 VI Unknown Roots 2:28 VII...
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400.00 Р
black thrash metal
Треклист: 1 Anti All 2:21 2 Worldwide Terror Campaign 3:01 3 Shut Up, Subhuman 2:26 4 Don't Look At Your Back 2:14 5 Cunt Does Not Rule 2:04 6 Nothing...
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200.00 Р
drone rock
The first recorded offering from twilight-psyche dronerock duo FULCI. Deep, rumbling, and eternal speaker-buzz worship, wrapped around lumbering riffs drunk on cough syrup and shimmering distortion overload. Howling feedback mantras repeated ad infinitum.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Dropped On Inferna 2 Black Desire 3 Baal 4 Dew Of Blood 5 Black Sunrise 6 Gloomy Highland 7 Distress 8 Black Sunrise 9 Gloomy Highland...
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333.33 Р 200.00 Р
blackened gothic doom
Треклист: 1 Flowers Of Doom 9:04 2 Goddess Of Forests 4:38 3 To Fall Into The Arms Of Madness 11:45 4 Flowers Of Doom (Edit Version) 4:35
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400.00 Р
noise rock
Devouring/rebirthing the concept of "noise rock" into something frighteningly beautiful and brutally heavy, GEISHA deliver crushing blasts of impossibly hyperdistorted rock baked in massive frequency overload and massive hooks and melodies and sinister cr
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666.67 Р
noise rock
This hour-long, six track monolith follows Geisha into a psychedelic black storm, their blown-out and raw rock infused with a bone-rattling recording and covered in a thick sheen of white noise and gritty distortion. As with their previous album, the spir
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333.33 Р
experimental metal / grind
The infectious, adventurous debut EP from GENGHIS TRON unleashes an outrageous and virulent synthpop/grindcore mutation that smashes machinegun blastbeats, acrobatic shred, and screaming freakouts up against soaring electropop bliss. Cloak Of Love splatte
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400.00 Р
experimental metal / grind
Dead Mountain Mouth is the wickedly anticipated full length album from GENGHIS TRON, and the follow-up to their imaginative debut EP, Cloak Of Love. Recorded at Godcity Studios with Kurt Ballou (Converge), Dead Mountain Mouth moves beyond the rapid-fire e
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466.67 Р
cold pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 3:57 2 Chant De Bataille 6:06 3 Sans Pitié 6:49 4 Bruit De Bottes 3:44 5 Terres Brûlées 8:48 6 Un Frère Venu Du Nord 7:52 7 Si Vis Pacem...
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400.00 Р
drone doom ambient
Треклист: 1 Le Noyé 21:16 2 Tétanos 11:49 Civil Servant 3.1 The Cop 11:35 3.2 The Commissioner 4:38 3.3 The Mayor 20:04
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933.33 Р
melodic metal
Треклист: 1 Deathstream (Anthologies Of Lifestream) 2:00 2 Until The Wretched Whimper 4:08 3 Phoenix Caged In Flesh 4:10 4 Evermorose 4:36 5 Prophet Of...
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400.00 Р
occult black metal
Треклист: 1 Black Hearts And Bloody Swords 04:06 2 The Virgin Of Megiddo 03:50 3 Eternal Black Cult 03:01 4 A Vision From The Underworld 02:14 5 The Fear Of...
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533.33 Р 400.00 Р
melodic black metal
Треклист: 1 The Wanderer 4:55 2 Tribe 4:40 3 Void Of Crown 3:39 4 The Blind Almighty 5:57 5 Vicious Woman 3:12 6 Liars To The Cross 3:13 7 Dead Man's Ashes...
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533.33 Р
Треклист: 1 Cabal 2 The Power Of Black Sun 3 Brotherhood Of Freak Fountain 4 Caves Have Ears 5 5ive 6 Dark Bell 7 Ministry Of Occultism 8 Moonwalk...
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 2 Wolves Upon Aryan Lands 3 Battle Rites Of The Black Age 4 The Shores Of Bloodshed 5 Outro
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666.67 Р
black metal
A collection of brilliant demos from a Norwegian Underground act, in fact one of the most underrated bands of the mid and late 90s - Gravferd. Unfortunately they never got the chance to release their material on CD (at least not until now) so these three demos were only available on tape or CDr and all are sold out since years. However, it seems the band didn"t know how to create bad or average songs (or they didn"t dare release them like so many others) because the material on this collection is marvellous from the first to the last second and it"s 72 minutes! Sound-fetishists may stay away, the material has not been remastered and is still as raw and unpolished as it was released back then but fans of old Northern Black Metal will find it much to their liking!
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600.00 Р
depressive / post-black metal
Треклист: 1 Shelter for Neglected Dreams 2 Agony 3 Cold Fingers of Misery 4 Lying Among the Maggots (I'm Still Alive) 5 In the Clutches of Rain 6 Last...
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666.67 Р
power metal
Треклист: 1 One Desire 4:05 2 A Change Through Destruction 4:22 3 Dialog With Pain 3:32 4 The Deaf Cult 6:44 5 Another Link In The Chain 4:41 6 Forsaken...
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600.00 Р
dark black metal, Avantgarde Music
Треклист: 1 I 1:05 2 Leaving This Place Once Again 5:03 3 I Speak Fluent Evil 5:42 4 II 0:41 5 Israël Über Alles 9:15 6 Omegod 8:40 7 III 0:35 8 Hidden...
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533.33 Р
sludge rock
CRUCIAL BLAST is stoked to be re-issuing the colossal, previously out-of-print 2004 monsterpiece from the Melbourne, Australian trio GREY DATURAS. Originally released through the band"s own Crashing Jets imprint, Dead In The Woods is a massive exhortation
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466.67 Р
raw black metal
Finally the long awaited Grimfaug"s second opus is now available for all maniacs! "Defloration of life"s essence" is a masterpiece of harsh black metal, a great improvement on their killer debut album. An evolved structure where there"s time for archaic a
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466.67 Р
drone doom
Треклист: 1 II 17:05 2 I 28:52
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
martial dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Не Избави Нас От Лукавого 2 RLYEH 3 РожDEATHтво 4 MORRA 5-6 04.00 am 22.06.1941 7 ВИЙ 8-9 HAJULELLAH 10 Звезда Безумия 11 Тот-Свет 12...
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333.33 Р
brutal death / grind
A meeting of two demented forces from the filthiest gutters of Los Angeles.HAISHA opens with a seriously grotesque noisecore/grind/trash hybrid, powered by jackhammer drum machines and miles of bad f*****g attitude. Think early EARACHE grindcore, japanese
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466.67 Р
post-metal / sludge metal
Треклист: 1 Tatari 8:40 2 Goryo 5:45 3 Funayürei 5:48 4 Ubume 8:38 5 Onryo 5:00 6 Ofuda 10:32
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Daybreak On Darkview 5:55 2 Forest Dreaming In My Discontent 3:41 3 A Harvester's Hymn 4:49 4 Defy 3:04 5 Troll's Bane/Water In The Lungs 7:47 6...
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333.33 Р
dark black metal
Треклист: 1 Obscure Delusions 2 Utter Faith Into The Negative Vortex 3 Satanic Gutter 4 Embrace The Glowing Darkness 5 Floating Under Arcades Of Fire 6...
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333.33 Р
death metal
Треклист: 1 Sworn To The Red 4:31 2 Postmortal Pleasure 4:11 3 I, Misantroph 3:43 4 Orgasm By The Bloodsucker (Or Rape Of The Haxan) 4:37 5 Cold But Undead...
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400.00 Р
dark ambient
Taking it"s name from the aerial pollution god that faced off against Godzilla in the Japanese psychedelic kaiju classic Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971), Hedorah is fully documented on this sort-run disc that combines the track "From Beyond" from the split ca
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533.33 Р
avantgarde metal
Треклист: 1 Love Is The Law 5:00 2 Our Lady Of The Whores 4:16 3 Credo Is The Key 5:03 4 Away 4:14 5 U Gonna Bleed 4 Me 3:56 6 Everyone Is A Star 3:33 7...
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466.67 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Tron Zła Cz. I 2 Wieczne Potępienie 3 Mroczne Pragnienia 4 Pogański Krzyk 5 Znak Czarnej Myśli (Bluźnierczy Instynkt) 6 Tron Zła Cz. II 7...
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Ngetal (Instr.) 2:12 2 Ohňová Noc 4:27 3 Proměna (Znovuzrozen K Zániku) 2:08 4 Chladný Dech Podzimu 7:11 5 Když Lesy Spí... (Instr.) 2:38 6 Hněv...
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400.00 Р
pagan black metal
Треклист: 1 Nostalgia Echo 2 Catharsis 3 Triad 4 At A Funeral 5 Thujone 6 Post Lux Tenebras 7 Monomania 8 Buried 100 Years Ago
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400.00 Р
folk black metal
Треклист: 1 Sibbevader's Intrede (Intro) 2 Waaks 3 Scheldeland 4 Teutoonse Wouden 5 Pletwals 6 Aardgodin 7 Wapengekletter 8 Walging 9 Het Zelf 10...
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400.00 Р
blasphemous violent black metal
Треклист: 1 Here's No God 2 I Disgust 3 Abuse Of The Useless 4 No Way Out 5 Agonoize 6 Spreading The Hell 7 Hail Self-Destruction 8 End
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533.33 Р
misanthropic black metal
Icy and totally misanthropic Black Metal, full of solitude and Gothic terror. Includes the Theosophically-influenced “Journey into Frigid Enclave” demo, the “Helvintr” demo from 2000 (both limited to 200), and the unreleased 1999 demo. Comes with new and
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400.00 Р
industrial black metal
Треклист: 1 Mental Electricity 2 Through Drowsy Daydreams 3 The Numbness Coimng From The Sink ( Part 1 ) 4 The Numbness Coming From The Sink ( Part 2 )...
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400.00 Р
post black metal
Треклист: 1 The Axis Of Diagram 7:44 2 The Cyclothymic Panopticon 1:06 3 Through Drowsy Daydreams (Where Is That Man That Heard Of) 5:08 4 23 Hands 2:39 5...
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400.00 Р
viking black metal
Треклист: Part I The Rise Of The Unresting One Part II The Dead Wanderer Part III The Master Of The Winds Part IV The Raid Of The Drakkar Wolf Part V...
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466.67 Р
progressive black death metal
Треклист: 1 Hidden (Unknown And Nameless) 6:09 2 Formation Of The Universe 6:35 3 Ice Crust Of Yek 1:56 4 Geochemical Primates 5:20 5 Time As Eternity In...
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400.00 Р
progressive black death metal
Треклист: 1 Introduction 2:03 2 Interferometer 4:40 3 Hydrodynamic Physics 2:37 4 Infinity Express 3:27 5 Deathstar Omega 3:43 6 The Search For Where Life...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: 1 Worship Or Die 1:38 2 I 7:01 3 Scum Destroyer 5:49 4 WOF 8:04 5 Adventum 1:07 6 Bringer Of Light 7:27 7 Wounds Just Death Can Heal 6:48 8 Hiems...
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533.33 Р
black doom metal
The album of Kentucky sick trio Highgate offers 1 untitled track, but not less then 54 minutes of nasty combination between Hybrid minimalist Doom, experimental noise and Grim Black Metal. Expect for a loud and noisy production and prepare yourself for th
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Their Tools Are Laid To Rest 9:38 2 Torment Under Rust And Ruin 7:12 3 Leave Them To Their Graves To Die 4:23 4 By The Light Of Torches Past...
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400.00 Р
black metal
This album contains their first two demos and a new full-length album. Hoarstone is bleak miserable Black Metal from Wiltshire, England.
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Strength And Wisdom 2 Doctrine Of The Serpent Race 3 Of Science And Secrets 4 Fourth Of The Magus Powers 5 Torch Of The Hoath Prophet 6...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 В поисках единорога 2 Звёздный свет 3 Ярость под контролем 4 Турбо 911 5 Г-н Пьянкенштейн 6 Секретные материалы 7 Легенда о воинах 8...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Псы Войны 5:49 2 Вальхалла 5:04 3 Последний День Жизни 5:36 4 Шторм 3:15 5 Свет Костров 3:45 6 Повелитель Морей 3:26 7 Призрак Шабаша 5:35 8...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
power heavy metal
Треклист: 1 Сон Разума 2 Саламандры 3 Синяя Роза 4 Цепи 5 Адский Гон 6 Паруса Мечты 7 Крылья Нового Дня 8 Точка Опоры 9 Тень Орла 10 Лабиринт...
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Sirens 2 Dale Of Lost Souls 3 Soulpath 4 The Fallen 5 Servants Of Baphoment 6 Incarnation Of Wrath
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Prologo - Il Canto Della Foresta 2 Capitolo I - Nelle Alpi 3 Capitolo II - Homselvareg 4 Capitolo III - La Caccia 5 Capitolo IV - Fuga Del...
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666.67 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: I Motvärn 0:56 II Leave Life Behind 3:22 III Born Again Into Submission 3:45 IV Hail Chaos 3:51 V The Glory Of Massmurder 3:34 VI Dödens Ära 4:43...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
black death metal, More Hate Productions
Depressive gloomy Black/Death metal группы из Сергиева Посада. Хотя то, что исполняет HG уже сложно назвать каким-то определенным стилем. Сочный филигранный кач переплетается здесь с быстрыми бластбитными психозами, и все это утопает в мелодии как ровных, так и закручено-ломанных ритмов.
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
martial Industrial / neoclassic
Pro liberate dimicandum est was released specially for the 2000 years anniversary of the "Varusschlacht". Classical melodies combined with the iron rough edges of MARTIAL INDUSTRIAL on a crusade through the ages. A musical journey far off the trampled pat
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
gore grind
Треклист: 1 Arrival Of Galactical Hyperphalloid 2:56 2 Penisillin 1:29 3 Lord Sperminator 1:56 4 As The Balls Upon Your Eyes 2:07 5 Phallocentrifuge 1:24 6...
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666.67 Р
sludge metal
Треклист: Endless Obsidian Abyss 1 Innocence 4:00 2 Transition 3:19 3 Immortal 3:36 4 Deliverance 2:56 5 Wrath Of The Sands 3:13 Born From Flesh And...
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666.67 Р 333.33 Р
industrial doom ambient
Треклист: I Progress II Mores (Part One) III Mores (Part Two) IV Aspiration V Denial (Part One) VI Denial (Part Two)
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533.33 Р
epic black metal
Треклист: 1 The Beast Within 2 Templars Of The Black Sun 3 Haven Of Death 4 Gates Of Hopeless Life 5 The Weak Creation 6 Forsaken 7 A Swan As Messiah...
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400.00 Р
folk black metal
Треклист: 1 Sága O Neuchopitelné Ryzosti 6:10 2 Kde Je Lidstvo? 2:32 3 Manifest Vědomí 4:18 4 Hyperborea 5:24 5 V Obraně Državy Prastarého 5:16 6 Zrod A...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
crust / hardcore / melodic metal
IDIOT SAVANT "discography" CD (MAKIMA 007) – the full record collection the bad from germany playing at joint of crust, hardcore and melodic metal. CD is packed in envelope. Inside of it booklet with lyrics in russian and english translation from original german texts of the band. This CD is benefit: all of the money is rendering help and the support of prisoner antifascistas. The part of edition is published on recycled paper.
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466.67 Р
death black metal
New album of this well known Brazilian Evil Death Metal band. With such a vast experience on stages and several releases out, IMPERIOUS MALEVOLENCE presents us now an extremly brutal and musically mature work. The CD includes a CD-Rom track video of the s
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: I Harbingers Of A New Era 4:06 II To The Chambers 3:47 III Black Presence 5:11 IV My Sign 6:23 V Insanity 4:50 VI Desert Filth 5:01 VII A Night...
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333.33 Р
viking black metal
Треклист: 1 Pioneers Of A Dead Future 3:50 2 Dawn Of Darkness 3:38 3 Soul Metamorphosis 3:24 4 King God 4:15
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333.33 Р
brutal death
Треклист: Atrocious Vermin 1995 I Disturbance Of Consciousnes 7:10 II The Celebration Of Slaughtering Ritual 3:47 III Dead House 3:19 IV Rejected By The...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
melodic death metal
Треклист: 1 Fuck The Difficult 3:36 2 Infected 2:28 3 Failed 3:25 4 Neoworld Prophecy 3:49 5 Relax And Feel Free 2:51 6 4x4 4:09 7 Inner Existence 2:45 8...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Intense Flame Will Burn Forever 4:33 2 Creations Of Man's Evil Thought 4:20 3 The Horned Head Of Satan Attacks 4:09 4 Ancestors Have Left An...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Bloodcurdling Aura 2:54 2 Dawn Of Bloodbath 5:01 3 Children Of The Night 3:50 4 Enter The Perennial Solitude 4:02 5 The Legend Of The Christian...
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666.67 Р
stoner doom
Finally coming out the debut album release with bonus live songs from one of our all time favourite bands, the mighty Iron "fucking" Hearse. We"ve not really heard this type of grove-laden doom done so well for a while. A great transition album to take us
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Vetrovi Osvete 2 Predznak Odsudne Noći 3 U Tami... Gde Kraj Bliži Se 4 Prezir 5 Bezdan 6 Pomor 7 Put Ka Neznanom
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Kob 2 Nikad Zaboravljeno 3 Zatrti Koreni 4 U Krvi Ponosnih 5 Bes Istočnih Vetrova 6 Gorčina Sećanja 7 Ishod
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400.00 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Striding On The Path Of Nihil 5:49 2 Fragmente Der Ewigkeit 7:22 3 Einsamkeit Teil I 1:58 4 Silence The Urge 7:36 5 Einsamkeit Teil II
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466.67 Р
depressive black metal
Треклист: 1 Introduction 2 Quiet These Colours Will Fade 3 Hier Am Ende Der Welt 4 Abschied 5 The Nameless And The Unnamable 6 Nur Ein Moment 7...
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466.67 Р
dark wave / ambient
Треклист: 1 Tuulten Tuoja 11:00 2 Arvoitusten Luona 5:12 3 Suon Sulaessa 8:34 4 Hengenvaara 6:38 5 Sudenkuoppa 8:20 6 Muuntuva Suoja 5:45 7 Katoaminen...
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533.33 Р
This is the second album by the Austrian Psychedelic-Folk artist Jahrtal. The man behind Jahrtal is Ewald Spiss, a artist from Tyrol, who already started doing electro-acoustic music and sound-installations in the early 80ies. Jahrtal today is authentic psychedelic Folk music, maybe only compareable with In Gowan Ring (read more HERE). The lyrics of the second album are poems of "Songs Of Innocence and Of Experience" by the english poet William Blake (1757-1827), translated by Ewald Spiss, as near as possible to the original Blake-texts. - 10 songs / 58 min.
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400.00 Р
doom / sludge
Треклист: 1 När Mörkret Väller Över 2 On Knees We Crawl 3 Heavy Is The Burden 4 Heartbeats 5 Nothing But Scars 6 Sommen 7 Suffer The Loss 8 Death On...
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600.00 Р
avantgarde black metal
Треклист: 1 Fvlgvres 2 Terzo Volto 3 Pivme D'Arcangelo 4 Vesper 5 Melencolia 6 Vrsa Major 7 Addii
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666.67 Р
experimental industrial
Треклист: 1 MahaKali, Of Terrifying Countenance 4:13 2 And The Sky Which Once Was Filled With Light... 0:45 3 The House Of Void 8:44 4 Transmogrification...
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533.33 Р
progressive power
Fourth solo album of Ex-MASTERPLAN vocalist Jorn Lande. It has all the trademarks a good heavy rock CD should have!
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533.33 Р
"Rastos de Sangue e fragmentos da Tradi?§??o" (Trails of Blood and fragments of The Tradition) is the second part of the trilogy "The Empty Circle" by The Joy of Nature. It reflects and gathers fragments of the Perennial Tradition. Naturally, it is also about the Spiritual inheritance of the Portuguese ancestors. Musically, it"s the most song-orientated The Joy of Nature release until now, with its roots in the folk tradition of rural Portuguese regions (it includes three covers of traditional songs), especially the Azores. the album is not just a Folk-album, it also has several amazing psychedelic moments. In this second part a lot more instruments were used and more musicians collaborated, like R. Coutinho, B. Ardo (Sangre Cavallum), Rui Almeida (Massa ??ltima), Triarca, Mara Neves and M.J. Not only a reaction against the modern world, but an alternative to this post-modern world.The Joy of Nature is a multimedia project from the Azores, with music as its main focus (the Azores are a group of 9 islands between Europe and North America, belonging to Portugal) . It was created in 1999 as "The Joy of Nature and Discipline", and reduced to "The Joy of Nature" in 2006, following a change in its sound - more organic and acoustic. Musically, "The Joy of Nature" is like a serpent always renewing itself - never resting in one shape, changing the form but keeping the same essence. 14 songs / 65 min.
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333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Swing 6:27 2 Discover The Pigtail 8:14 3 Dawn Saturnine 4:41
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466.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Insecta Arthropoda 6:40 2 Siege Of Caffa 8:11 3 Rat Armada 7:46 4 Stray Dogs Of Despair 4:46 5 Legions Of The Pestilence 6:32 6 At The Heart Of...
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400.00 Р
experimental dark ambient
Треклист: 1 Abandoned Glory 6:35 2 Fortuna Synapsis 5:19 3 The Black Waves 6:56 4 Enshrouded Lands 7:16 5 An Omnious Serenade 6:08 6 Dioxide Universal 9:38...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Intro 0:36 2 Пыль / Dust 5:02 3 Искатель / Seeker 4:25 4 За Гранью / After A Verge 2:47 5 Миг Рождения И Смерти / Moment Of Birth And Death 5:11...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death
Debut Album Brutal Usa Groups With Russian Guitarist -Brutal Techno Death With Melodic And Thrash Elements !
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466.67 Р
gothic / doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Disarray 1:42 2 Among The Dead 6:18 3 Idyllic Illusions 7:46 4 The Day Innocence Died 7:34 5 In A Dying Embrace 9:32 6 God's Wrath 10:34 7 Mess...
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666.67 Р 333.33 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Suizidgedanken 4:18 2 Massengrab 5:51 3 Satan In Mir 4:31 4 Syphilis 5:01 5 Nekrophilenpassion 4:09 6 Blutspur Im Schnee 6:00 7 Jahrtausendplage...
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533.33 Р
modern gothic metal
Post Modern Gothic Metal like only Katatonia, Pain Of Salvation, Novembre.
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333.33 Р
black-industrial drone sludge
Korperschwache returns! The Texan black-industrial drone-sludge project of RKF, who is also the mastermind behind the longrunning out-music webzine Dead Angel and the sadly defunct avant-rock label Monotremata, is back with not one, but two new discs of d
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333.33 Р
black-industrial drone sludge
A brand new seventy-three minute disc from Korperschwache, the Texan black-industrial drone-sludge project of RKF who is the mastermind behind the longrunning out-music webzine Dead Angel and the sadly defunct avant-rock label Monotremata. Since the mid-9
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666.67 Р
space rock
Треклист: 1 Psycho 4:54 2 Dream 3:41 3 Grand Grizou 4:10 4 Yawa 0:57 5 Indu Kush 5:22 6 Much Too Old 2:51 7 Kosmos 1:32 8 Krautrock 3:57 9 Septial 3:49 10...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
thrash death
Треклист: 1 Technopogost 4:54 2 Collapse 4:23 3 Into The Void 3:56 4 Oblivion 4:39 5 Gods And Prayers 4:50 6 Slaughter 4:12 7 Demon Of Retribution 4:54 8...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Destruction Ritual 4:26 2 To Wander The Stars 4:00 3 The Ancients Dwell Beneath 4:23 4 As Graveyard Rites, As Darkness Fell 5:39 5 To Wander The...
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400.00 Р 266.67 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Чорныя Мроi Нянавiсьцi (Black Visions Of Hatred) 5:11 2 Тыя, Хто Нiколi Ня Жыў (Those Who Never Lived) 6:35 3 Мае Словы - Нажы (My Words Are...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 Thanatos Vortex (Intro) 0:51 2 Churchburner 6:37 3 Pompeya Fires ("The Blackflamme Ministerium") 5:55 4 Waiting For Thy Holocaust 5:21 5 Destroy...
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400.00 Р
black metal
Треклист: 1 The Curse Of Impaler 2 Shadows Of Time Over The Balvanyos Ruins 3 The Cult Of Turul Pride 4 Siculicidium 1764 5 From The Abyss We Have...
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