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  • 266.6Р
  • 1466.7Р
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533.33 Р
Треклист: 1. Духом свободы, разрывая оковы 2. Предзимняя тризна 3. На пороге новых свершений 4. Павший воин 5. Песнь о былом... 6. Холод...
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions

Fully digitally record & mixed in "D.S. studio" on 25 July 1998 - 3 July 1999.

Originally released in 1999 as an audio cassette

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266.67 Р
Includes bonus video clip for Morda Voila as CD-Rom data.
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466.67 Р
progressive death / doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Carriers I: ...and Kingdom Came, Chaos Ensued 5:00 2 Carriers II: Luminous Waves 5:22 3 Carriers III: Obsidian Tide 11:07 4 The Words of Gods...
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666.67 Р
viking folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Beasts From The Blizzards 2 Ragnarok 3 There Is No Death 4 The Eternal City 5 Viking's Anthem 6 To Avalon 7 A New Day Is Rising 8...
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533.33 Р

Limited edition 400 copies.

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533.33 Р
folk melodic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Recorded at USSR studio in Omsk 2016-2017. Mixed by Deviant Nation Mixing Studio.
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533.33 Р
melodic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
All journeys have an end... There are many bands out there that have passed their expiration date. There are several reasons for this, and I am not judging, I am just stating a fact. Whether they are fueled by different parts of passion for music, validation of the self, social constructions, money, fame, or shared ideas of what music is really about, a machine as a band cannot function without fuel. Or purpose. When a machine like Anachronaeon, which is a product of passion alone, finds that the main operator don't feel motivated to develop its functions anymore regardless of factors like fame, money etc (which we never really had, and never was a factor for the existence of the band), it seems only sensible to put it in a museum once and for all. Fact is that I have lived and breathed Anachronaeon for many years together with Andreas (started playing together in 2000, as Anachronaeon since 2003), but also now with Balk and Kenneth. I have always been the supplier of material. Writing songs and the creative process within this was always the main thing that made me return to the guitar. I was never keen on playing songs written by others, or touring for that matter. Anachronaeon's sparse live career is a sign of that. Truthfully it's been a long time since I played the guitar just for the fun of it. And for a band that only has passion as fuel, ultimately it has come to an end. I am proud as hell of the songs on this album. They are a product of hard work and determination. It was like a second job writing them, since I took every wednesday off from work for a time to make them happen. I certainly do not regret this. The songs are in my opinion the best I have written, and the production (mainly thanks to Balk) is the best we have ever had on an album. But I could never repeat this procedure again. Because the fun in the equation was lost somewhere along the way. When I thought about quitting a while back now, it suddenly felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. No matter how hard it was to tell the guys (especially Andreas, given our long history as a duo), it felt right! Now I don't know how you guys feel about this, but for me it really is a huge thing, and surely I had doubts back and forth for short periods of time making this decision. I don't know if I will pick up the guitar again somewhere along the line, but if I do I'm gonna do it because I want to and because it feels like fun! Since I usually write everything Balk, Andreas and Kenneth will not continue with Anachronaeon, but I bet that they will keep on playing music in some constellation. We decided to complete the album and release it for free as a ”thank you" to all of you who show interest in Anachronaeon, and to go out with a bang! In a way Anachronaeon's spirit will live on. We still have cds of the old albums to sell, and I will keep handing the administration of the legacy of the band to make sure that so many people as possible will get to the hear our work. So, we would like to thank you for supporting us! Spread this album far and wide, share it with friends and enjoy it! This is our final request. /Patrik RIP Anachronaeon 2003-2018 Patrik Karlsson Andreas Åkerlind Kenneth Johansson Mattias Balk
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533.33 Р
folk / viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Total Time: 59:24 Album Recorded, Mixed and Produced During The Years Of 2005-2007 By Hildr Valkyrie Mastering Done by Roger Suydam at the R & M Studios Prineville, Oregon USA During 2008 Logo by Christopher Szpajdel
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533.33 Р
gothic doom metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Recorded and mixed at Other Side Studio (Voronezh, Russia) on Dec.'96-Feb.'97. Originally released in 1998 as an audio cassette by Hobgoblin Records.
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533.33 Р
folk / melodic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Concept album dedicated to Sumerian mythology.
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533.33 Р
epic symphonic black / power metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Recorded in Paradox Studio from October 2016-April 2017 Marko Miranovic - Vocals Srdjan Brankovic - Guitars Mladen Gosic - Keyboards Marko Milojevic - Drums Zeljko Jovanovic - Second Vocals Female vocals by Sandra Plamenats (4, 5) Covert artwork by Dobroslav Bob Zivkovic
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533.33 Р
viking folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 The Voices Of The Dead 4:19 2 Rulers Of The Sea 4:16 3 The Doomed Crusade 5:07 4 Lord Of The Spear 5:10 5 The Prince Of Epirus 4:14 6...
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466.67 Р
technical death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Purple Children 5:36 2 Wet Veils 5:58 3 Sentimental Worship 4:21 4 Golden Wine Countess 4:17 5 Servants Of Morality 4:51 6 Carnal Beatitude...
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1 466.67 Р
symphonic metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
На протяжении почти 30 лет THERION заслуживали трибьюта как никто другой. Не только за их многолетнее присутствие на сцене, но и за создания стиля «симфонический метал». Безусловно, доминирующие клавишные и женский вокал использовались в метале до THERION, но именно они вывели эти составляющие на новый уровень, объединив величественность симфонического оркестра, классический оперный вокал и тяжёлые гитарные риффы. «Theli» и его продолжатель «Vovin» – краеугольные камни симфонического метала, направившие многих музыкантов на творческую дорогу, приведшую их к успеху. Этот релиз восстанавливает «историческую справедливость», отдавая дань уважения мастерам жанра, которые придерживаются своего уникального стиля, исполняя собственные песни, а также каверы на различные группы от ABBA до Manowar (не забываем и об альбоме с каверами на различные песни с французской эстрады 60-х – 70-х).
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466.67 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Battle Of The Milvian Bridge 4:24 2 The Maiden Of Lorraine 4:14 3 Massada Burns 4:05 4 Battle Of Salamis 4:46 5 Falcons Over Svevia 5:09 6...
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466.67 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 The Primordial Sky God 1:56 2 Over Lands, Mountains And Shade 3:45 3 We Are Heathens 6:13 4 Final Blot 3:43 5 The Rune's Song 4:17 6 My Oath...
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466.67 Р
pagan folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Внимая дыханию старого леса 3:32 2 Русалья 5:00 3 Тропою волколака 4:42 4 Флейта троллей 2:57 5 Ведьмачья вечеря 4:44 6 Как на нашей пивоварне...
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466.67 Р
melodic death / folk metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Rex Nemorensis 4:38 2 Soldier Of Pompeii 3:15 3 The Witches Of Anglesey 3:03 4 The Tyrant And The Sage 5:24 5 The Ides Of March 3:19 6 Death In...
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466.67 Р
Треклист: 1 Затуманился лик светлооких берёз... 4:10 2 Памяти Слава 3:37 3 Неторные тропы... 3:56 4 Кромешная осень 2:59 5 Молотом гроз, в сумерки битв......
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466.67 Р
epic black metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1. Prelude 1:17 2. Dragonheart 4:13 3. The Arcanist 3:23 4. Interlude 1:15 5. The Prince In The Scarlet Robe 3:20 6. The Oath Of Fëanor 3:49 7....
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466.67 Р
symphonic folk / viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Entering The Lands 2 Gunbjorn (Birth Of Skerriz) 3 Against The Winds 4 Born Under Sign 5 Metsänhumppa! 6 At The Last 7 Sudden Arise 8...
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533.33 Р 333.33 Р
doom death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1. Карма 18:08 2. Damodara Stotra 12:03 3. В поисках себя 10:30 4. Фрагменты вечности 7:05
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466.67 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Call Of The Wild 2 Disciples Of War 3 A Sprengisandi 4 A Sprengisandi 5 Black Sails 6 Into Oblivion 7 Defenders Of Tanelorn 8 One...
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466.67 Р
progressive dark metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Trading Youth Of The Soul For A Crown Of Thorns 2 On This Final Journey You Hold The Wheel 3 Flowing Like An Ocean Of Grief To Be Framed 4...
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466.67 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Incineration Overture (Intro) 1:47 2 Prey 5:48 3 Legends of the Fallen 4:40 4 Stand Against 6:18 5 Journey Through the Nine Worlds 4:41 6 Ugar...
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466.67 Р
Треклист: 1 Смелость И Честь - Courage And Honour 5:07 2 Воля К Свободе - Will To Freedom 4:11 3 Слава Перуну! - Glory To Perun! 4:00 4 Вот И Луна Из-За Туч...
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533.33 Р
folk viking metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Beliskner 4:19 2 Balder's Lament 4:04 3 From Volga To Bosphorus 4:10 4 Farewell To The North 3:52 5 The Crimson Wine Of Battle 3:50 6 Eyes Of...
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400.00 Р
Треклист: 1 Vosieńskaja Glieba 14:22 2 Kol 07:20 3 Adljustravanni ū czornaj vadzie 10:33 4 Niezvarotnasć 12:34
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466.67 Р
gothic death metal, Stygian Crypt Productions
Треклист: 1 Fascinating Impulses 2:33 2 Forgive Me 6:26 3 Within The Those Cold Stars 5:26 4 Because Of What 5:36 5 Grace Of God 6:10 6 My Tears Merging...
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