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heavy metal, FONO ltd
U.D.O. - ветераны немецкого хэви-металла во главе которых стоит бессменный лидер Удо Диркшнайдер, начавший сольную карьеру после ухода из ACCEPT в 1987-ом году. В дискографии U.D.O. пятнадцать полноформатных альбомов, с десяток концертных альбомов и компиляций, а также более пятнадцати EP/синглов, видеоклипов и шесть DVD-релизов. "Animal House" - дебютный альбом U.D.O., вышедший в ноябре 1987-го года. Материал "Animal House" включал наработки для грядущего альбома ACCEPT, а сами музыканты ACCEPT даже приняли участие в записи "Animal House". Данное переиздание, приуроченное к 25-летию деятельности U.D.O. (дополненное бонус-треками и мультимедиа-секцией) вышло на AFM Records в 2013-ом году. CD jewel box, 8-page booklet
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progressive / groove metal, FONO ltd
WARREL DANE - американский музыкант и сонграйтер, вокалист групп SANCTUARY и NEVERMORE, скончавшийся в декабре 2017-го от сердечного приступа в возрасте 56-и лет. Дэйн был одаренным автором и обладал поистине узнаваемым, четким, глубоким и драматичным баритоном. Он умер в процессе записи второго сольного альбома в Бразилии, и семья вместе с музыкантами приняла решение довести дело Дэйна до конца, использовав различные пре-продакшн версии рекорд-сессий, которые Варрел успел сделать до своей смерти. "Shadow Work" - посмертный сольный альбом WARREL DANE, вышедший 26-го октября на Century Media Records. 20-page art booklet included. Digipak edition
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heavy power metal, FONO ltd
BROTHERS OF METAL - молодая шведская команда, исполняющая смесь из heavy и power metal с фолк-элементами. Группа активна с 2012-го года и состоит из восьми человек - помимо, басиста и барабанщика, в BROTHERS OF METAL три вокалиста (два мужчины и одна женщина) и три гитариста. "Prophecy Of Ragnarök" - дебютный альбом BROTHERS OF METAL, вышедший 16-го ноября на AFM Records. Изначально альбом был выпущен в конце 2017-го года самой группой небольшим тиражом, но в сентябре 2018-го она получила контракт с AFM Records. Данный релиз включает четырнадцать треков и выпущен в формате CD с 28-страничным буклетом. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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ambient / post-black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Epitimia's new double-album "(Un)reality" is a culmination of over a year's hard work for the Saint-Petersburg based band which has been working on an expansive and ambitious follow-up to their last album "Faces of Insanity" released in the summer of 2012. "(Un)reality" includes lots of new innovations and interesting ideas on both the musical and conceptual sides and could easily be considered their most accomplished effort to date. Tortured black metal screams alongside a progressive and experimental cacophony of sounds combine to create a truly memorable and complex album taking various elements from many genres including post-rock, black metal, blackgaze, ambient, and jazz to create the sonic palette for this conceptual story. Female vocalist “M.” is also present on the album once again as well as very interesting session work from the saxophonist D’arcy Molan (from the debut Subterranean Disposition album) whose contributions appears throughout the album. Released in a deluxe 6 panel digipack with an additional 12 page booklet and augmented with artwork from Mayhem Design in Russia, this is certainly Epitimia’s magnum opus! “(Un)reality is like limbo, the world where the hero lingers. His day life here is infinite and artificial, but his dreams fill his mind with bright new images, odd flashbacks, and the reminiscence of his other lives. These visions are the keys to understanding what is happening to him, and may be the only chance to escape. “Delusion” contains the dark images of objective reality while “Illusions” is a moment in which all his dreams merge: hope, love and as the most important – the desire for truth, by which he will be free forever.”
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death black doom metal, Terror From Hell Records
Треклист: 1 Crawling In Chaos 15:48 2 The Evanescece Creature From Nebula's Dust 12:48
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doom sludge metal, Aesthetic Death
Треклист: 1 From Dust 7:23 2 Reliquary 13:04 3 Their Shadow Cast 14:03 4 Sorcerer 7:57 5 In The Wake 13:38 6 Dissident 7:30
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doom / post-metal / drone, Hypnotic Dirge Records
The Haunting Green are Cristiano Perin (vocals, guitars, synthesizers) and Chantal Fresco (drums and percussions). Formed in 2012 and based on North-East Italy, their music is constantly going in the direction of a coexistence within the aggressive vibes of extreme metal with ambient-drone and dark electronic music. After a debut EP and collaborative split album, “Natural Extinctions”is their first full-length album which explores the inability of human beings to preserve their innocence and the bond with nature during their existence. The focus on “Natural Extinctions” is to merge extreme metal with the suggestive language of drone / ambient and ritual music, highlighting in some ways the "percussive" side of their music. This isn't an ordinary concept album but, actually, there is a hidden thread connecting the 7 tracks, relating the inevitable destiny of every human being to inhibit, suppress and lose, along his life, some of the most pure and atavistic aspects of their own soul, to adapt and live with the hostile environment that surrounds him. Adaptability on the one hand strengthens and leads to move forward, but, on the other hand, corrupts and makes us lose the most spiritual and pure side of us: the most precious.
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sludge doom metal, Endless Winter
Крики потерянных и одиноких, удушающая тьма, калечащий страх и великий блеск скрытого мира внизу... все эти прекрасные, ужасающие вещи запечатлены в музыке Oro и их дебютном альбоме Djupets Kall. Oro родился под горами Килсберген, в тени густых лесов в 2014 году, и за короткие годы их существования они создали свой собственный звук. Высокая, сокрушительная сила смешана с интимностью и то, что группа поет на родном шведском языке, позволяет им говорить от сердца, что только добавляет к мрачной красоте этих потрясающе сильных песен. Оro означает тревоги и волнения, и эти чувства проходят через альбом, как черный поток, но между горными рифами мучительной гибели есть проходы изумительной красоты. В таких песнях, как "Järtecken", открываются целые миры сложных эмоций. В 2019 году будут выпущены сотни альбомов, но очень немногие из них будут обладать силой, эмоциональной интенсивностью, способностью захватывать и поглощать слушателя, как Djupets Kall. Именно поэтому тяжелая музыка продолжает волновать и трогать сердца тех, кто нуждается не только в приятных развлечениях. Так что будьте готовы, ведь Оro унесет вас в темные места, раскроет ваши нервы и обнажит вашу боль — и ничто не может быть более полезным.
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atmospheric black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
Nightmarrow is a meditation on the isolation and hopelessness of our age and the consequences of technology and voracious consumption of resources. “Nightmarrow” sees Mavradoxa developing and intensifying their song-writing ability crafting simultaneously cohesive yet unpredictable songs that is still rooted in Atmospheric Black Metal. An intense onslaught of momentous energy and a visceral spirit that covers you in a shroud of atmosphere.
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progressive doom / death metal, GS Productions
Is the debut of the Serbian doom progsters released in early 2000s. Music of this band is a mixture of sad melodies with broken Balkans' rhythms in form of long songs with complex structure. This album is a pile of separate meditations on different subjects put together in this rainbow of dark emotions. Use of instruments and unique arrangments combined with both growl vocals and vocal harmonies create this album as must have. CD comes with 2 bonus tracks previously released on Reflections EP which was teaser for this full release. These tracks were recorded with different vocalist. 8-page art booklet included. Packaged in a jewel case with a transparent tray.
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post black metal, Sound Age Productions
ltd. digipak version
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folk metal, Sound Age Productions
Треклист: 1 Как пошли девки 2 На дворе дождь идёт 3 Ой, дай Боже вечор 4 Яблонька 5 Vrbice, vrbo zelena 6 Разлилась 7 Крашен вечір 8 Сидить заєць на...
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gothic doom metal
Jewel case version
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traditional doom metal, Season Of Mist
Seven years after their epic comeback album, 'Lillie: F-65' (2012), legendary doom metal trailblazers SAINT VITUS return with their eponymous new album. The band sees the return of their original vocalist, Scott Reagers, as well as the addition of new bassist Pat Bruders (DOWN, ex-CROWBAR), who join long-time drummer Henry Vasquez and founder/guitarist Dave Chandler. As if in a time machine, the seasoned quartet pick up where their 1985 classic 'Hallows Victim' left off. Saint Vitus delivers nothing less than the truest and most enduring representation of original and fundamental doom metal. Collector's edition on CD in deluxe cardboard sleeve with silver hot foil printing and 16-page booklet.
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thrash metal, FONO ltd
XENTRIX - thrash metal группа, сформированная в 1984-м году в городе Прэстон (Англия). До 1988-го группа существовала под названием SWEET VENGEANCE и даже выпустила в таком виде 4-песенное дэмо. Почти сразу XENTRIX попали на лэйбл Roadrunner Records, где вышло три полноформатных альбома - "Shattered Existence" (1989), "For Whose Advantage?" (1990) и "Kin" (1992). Спустя год после выхода четвертого альбома "Scourge" (1996) группа распалась, разово собравшись для нескольких реюнион-шоу в 2006-м. Полноценный реюнион XENTRIX состоялся в 2013-м и на сегодняшний день в состав входят два оригинальных учатстника - гитарист Kristian Havard и барабанщик Dennis Gasser. "Bury the Pain" - пятый полноформатный альбом XENTRIX (прервавший более чем 20-летнее молчание группы) вышел 7-го июня на Listenable Records. Сведением занимался британский продюсер Andy Sneap, работавший с EXODUS, KREATOR, TESTAMENT и многими другими, мастерингом - Russ Russell (NAPALM DEATH, LOCK UP, DIMMU BORGIR). Оформлением - Dan Goldsworthy (HELL, ALESTORM, GLORYHAMMER).
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death metal, Memento Mori
The staggering debut full-length by this Australian band. Oozing out of Melbourne, Vile Apparition is a new project of Oliver Ballantyne (drums) and Jamie Colic (guitar, bass, vocals), both ex-members of the mighty Sewercide that left shortly after the recording of that band's debut album, "Immortalized in Suffering", in order to pursue other endeavors. Vile Apparition's self-released debut 4-song demo, "Atrocious Captivity", was picked up for a cassette release in early 2018 on Transylvanian Tapes, just in time for the band to fill their live lineup for their first run of shows starting January 2018. Alas, "Atrocious Captivity" was but a brief taste of the nastiness to come, now in the form of Vile Apparition's full-length debut, "Depravity Ordained". No lies in that title: this is fetid and filthy Death Metal that puts a premium on the bludgeon! Old school as it comes, of course, Vile Apparition's no-frills approach hearkens to the likes of Morpheus Descends, Ripping Corpse and Deteriorot, as well as the early works of Suffocation, Deeds of Flesh and Cryptopsy. An astounding exhibition of ridiculous, malignant heaviness that'll drill a hole in your skull and blow your brain cells to smithereens, the album also includes the preceding demo as bonus tracks. With suitably classic cover art courtesy of Chaostouched and mastering by Dan Lowndes at Resonance Sound Studio, Vile Apparition bring you blunt-force trauma with "Depravity Ordained"!
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funeral doom metal, GS Productions
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black metal, Dusktone
“Seid” is the third studio album of norwegian black metallers KVALVAAG. It`s more aggressive but at the same time more diverse and unpredictable than our previous albums The unmistakable style of the Norwegian duo will take you in very cold atmospheres, impetuous rides and clearly epic parts. The atmosphere reminds the previous Malum album, but there is a lot more going on at all times. Haunting atmospheric touches and violent rhythmic elements produce something far bleaker and more unsettling than anything else. Kvalvaag has this to say about the new album: “When I started working on the new material, I wanted to surpass our previous work in every way possible. Much more time, effort and better equipment were used compared to our earlier works this time. We also received financial support from “Norsk fond for utøvende kunstnere” who gave us the ability to give the album the production it deserved. It was awesome working with Tom Kvalsonic as he is the man behind the sound of many of the albums we grew up with. He completely understood our vision and significantly raised the quality of the album. I feel we have successfully raised the bar as high as possible this time. We had to evolve a lot as musicians to be able to perform our parts during the recording. It has been a educational journey with a lot of hard work and technical challenges in the studio, but I am really satisfied with the end result and our musical progression”. Digipak CD.
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atmospheric black metal / ambient, Aesthetic Death
Tome of the Unreplenished have created a dark black industrial ambient track of the highest order. An improvised and instrumentally eclectic feel. This is the perfect submersion into darkness before Starless Domain take you on a further journey into deep field black metal chaos - CERES sees Starless Domain take this cosmic journey into new facets of extremity and cold nothingness, with the help of Mories. Comes on a beautiful A5 digipack - with artwork by Meriel Endtyme
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cult etherial / neoclassic
After the highly acclaimed 2018 comeback release "The Origin of Sleep" CD EP, AUTUMN TEARS returns our first full length album in 11 years, "Colors Hidden Within The Gray". The album features a full orchestral ensemble including ethnic instruments such as bagpipes, kamancheh and bansuri, as well as the amazing lead vocal talents of Irish singer / songwriter Brona McVittie, and former RAIN FELL WITHIN (USA) lead vocalist Dawn Desiree Smith, known for her powerful, intense operatic vocal style. Among the 30+ talented musicians featured will be again be veteran French horn player John Clark, harpist Tom Moth from Florence and the Machine, original Autumn Tears members (vocalist Jennifer Judd and woodwind player Terran Olson), and percussionist Matthias Borgh from Arcana (Swe). The album will be mastered by renowned German film composer Olaf Parusel, best known for his legendary neoclassical act sToa (Ger). NOTE: The CD version features a 16 page lyric booklet lavishly illustrated with paintings by Graszka Paulska.
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doom metal
“II” marks the return of Madrid doomsters Misty Grey, and their first release with new vocalist Bea, who delivers a wider vocal range and a better quality output. Guitarwork shows a honest devotion for the classic Sabbathesque sound, rather than being a mere copycat or another contestant for the stupid heavier-than-thou competition that’s been flooding the Doom Metal scene for years. They may not have the thickest distortion out there but you don’t really need that if you can write such memorable bluesy riffs and catchy, ripping leads. Rhythm section gives a proper sense of heaviness with effective, twisting basslines and pounding drumming. A fresh lyrical concept, based on the works of legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, adds that thrilling feeling of intrigue of the Master of Suspense as the tension builds up through these nine tracks. About the production, it has a vintage quality without falling into any “retro” gimmick.
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symphonic black metal, Hypnotic Dirge Records
However, Nachtterror - throughout the bulk of their existence - has been building and refining their debut concept album “Judgement” with songwriting for the album dating back to 2008. Previous renditions of songs from Judgement have appeared on past releases but Judgement as an aggregate entity has never been revealed – until now. Judgement, the amalgamation of Nachtterror’s universe is now ready for release. The album presented as a 6 panel digipack with nine tarot cards included, specifically conceived of and painted by guitarist and artist Lord Maelkleth (Eric Escott), to convey the story behind each track on the record. Metaphorically, this album is about embracing the negative aspects of the self and making the decision to become a god, or be destroyed by it. "Judgement is a black mirror, allowing its listener to view their own dark truth. It is a story of the power of self; embracing or succumbing to its desires and fears." - Erik "Saint Wikk" Labossiere
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funeral doom metal, Silent Time Noise
Треклист: 1 Prelude 3:15 2 Fluye, tibia sangre 8:56 3 Where light halts 9:31 4 Alborada austral 10:30 5 La quimera de existir 10:16 6 A vile end to a...
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neofolk / post-punk / black metal, FireStorm Production
CD in Digibook
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melodic black / death metal, Sound Age Productions
Mixed & mastered at Antropocide [sic] Studio, 2017. Guitars and bass recorded in Tarantul Records (Voronezh). Vocal tracks recorded in Ja Ja Production (Voronezh). Drum tracks recorded in CDM Rec (Moscow). Issued in a jewel case.
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epic doom metal, Nine Records
Recorded, mixed and mastered at JRStudio by Jacek "Racek" Gruszka Artwork drawing was created by Diego Spezzoni Illustration & Design and cover layout and packaging design were handled by Xaay
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death metal
1 Cryptos - The Guard 2 Old Chapel - Stairs To The Vault 3 Septory - Labyrinths Of Death 4 Pyre - Cursed Bloodline 5 Grond - Japetus The Ice Gate 6 Carnage - Purification Through Annihilation 7 Cist - Synthetic Life 8 Torn Apart - Incantation 9 Wombripper - Prenatal Death 10 Ammonium - Last Generation 11 Dig Me No Grave - Ancient Aliens 12 Price Of Death - Total Act Of Dying 13 Chamber Of Torture - At Dusk I Hunt 14 Act Of God - Bleeding Creature 15 Panopticon Death - On The Path To Degeneration 16 Mortuary - Dachau
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death metal
CD features multimedia files with band's bio, photos, videoclip "Repository of Tormented Souls" and live video The short compilation of the following films is used in the video: "Children of the living dead", "House of wax", "Land of the dead", "Dead and rotting", "Saw", "Rasen", "Hostel", "Sheitan". © 2004 Barbarity ℗ 2008 Blacksmith Productions Catalog # BSP 21 - at spines Catalog # BSP 21 CD - at cd surface The Wish To Bleed: Recorded, mixed and mastered at "Black Magic" Studio, march – april 2003. Cut The Filthy Skin: Recorded and mastered at "Black Magic" Studio, September 2003. Includes "Suffer The Children" cover of [a=Napalm Death]. Tracks Video2 to Video 12 are live in Partizan club 2006. Video9 originally performed by [a325019]. Video10 originally performed by [a34058].
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black metal / dark ambient
Issued in jewel case with clear tray. Comes with an 8-page booklet. Info from booklet: "When The Last Christians Die" was recorded in 2015 (Auto-Production).
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funeral doom metal
"Feeding The Abyss" Recorded at Magick Sound Studio 2003 "Apocalyptic Plague Ritual MMXX" Recorded 2020 Alternative 2020 versions of old previously released compositions
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