Memento Mori

Memento Mori
666.67 Р 466.67 Р
death doom, Memento Mori
Tracklist: 1 Indianapolis / Ukiah 18:06 2 We Are A Righteous People / Guyana 21:51 3 Afterlife / Cities Of The Damned 16:47
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666.67 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length by this Chilean band. Coffin Curse was thrown into this worthless world in Santiago in mid-2012, as a side-project of the main band Inanna, to spawn and vomit forth Death Metal in its purest form. Max Neira (guitars, bass, vocals) conceived this beast as a two-piece squad to explore the caverns of everlasting pain and horror. Musically, this is malevolent, straightforward, headbang-inducing Death Metal, inspired by early 90's U.S. icons such as Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Obituary, Immolation or Deicide, plus the vicious vibe from the founding fathers such as Pentagram (Chile), Death, Possessed, Sepultura, Massacre, Slaughter Lord, Necrovore, etc. There's no blind allegiance nor messages to anyone; no dogmatic, religious, or cult preaching. Coffin Curse verses are just focused on the multiple facets of death in all its shapes, spiritually, physically, morally, mentally and metaphysically: evil, madness, multiple perversions, violence, hatred and despair, all that in communion within the endless confines of the human psyche. From 2012 up until 2018, Coffin Curse have insulted the planet with one demo, three EP's and one split effort, and now Max Neira along with Carlos Fuentes (drums) are ready to spit out the band's debut album, titled "Ceased to Be", which will be their biggest insult to the planet yet. Classic and crushing, Coffin Curse here unload a barrage of timeless Death Metal in a most late-80's mold, a time, it must be said (or at least repeated once again!), when "songwriting" and "Death Metal" weren't mutually exclusive terms. No riff salads, no jock jams, no gore-overload masking a dearth of ideas. Rather, taut and terrorizing memorability pumped full of catchy-as-the-clap riffs, haunting-the-chapel leads, and pro but not-too-polished production that only heightens the dark depths these Chileans plumb so powerfully. We'd deign to call it "classy" even, but this is fucking Death Metal after all! With suitably classic Death Metal cover art courtesy of Daniel Hermosilla (Nox Fragor Art), and climaxing with the 9-minute epic "Deep in Streams of Purifying Dirt", Coffin Curse crush graves and dreams alike with "Ceased to Be"!
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733.33 Р
sludge doom metal, Memento Mori
A collection of all the songs (most of them available on CD format for the first time ever) included in their "...From Forgotten Tombs" (originally released on vinyl format in 2008) and "...From Forgotten Tombs II" (originally released on digital format in 2013) compilations on one disc, featuring the "Pleasures of War" EP (2004), a cover of Pentagram's "The Ghoul" and their side of the splits with Rue (2004), Sod Hauler (2005), Zoroaster (2009) and Unearthly Trance (2009). Adorned with an amazingly ominous artwork by Igor 'Abigor' Mugerza, "…From Forgotten Tombs I & II" display almost 70 minutes worth of gargantuan sheer heaviness and eerie aural landscapes from the undisputed U.S. masters of funeralized Doom/Sludge Metal with a Lovecraftian vibe. If the prospect of soul-crushing and utmost heavy Doom Metal suits your fancy, this anthology of Aldebaran's plodding opuses is an absolute necessity to drown in cosmic terror. Compilation of previous "...From Forgotten Tombs" compilations into a single CD format. Track 7 is a [a=Pentagram] cover.
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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Memento Mori
Formed in 2013, Deprive is the brainchild of a hyperactive veteran of the Spanish scene that goes under the nickname of Erun Dagoth, current/past member of a large number of bands and projects such as Briargh, Hrizg, Stormstone, CrystalMoors, Eldereon and Omendark, just to name a few. Drawing his influences from the early offerings of bands such as Paradise Lost, Hypocrisy, Morbid Angel, Abhorrence/Amorphis, Incantation, My Dying Bride and Bolt Thrower, Erun Dagoth manages to display a vast array of resources that makes his music gloomy yet luminous, crushing yet emotional, capturing the very essence of the old-flavoured, early and mid 90's Death Metal that used to toy with slower, doom-ish tempos to enhance the atmosphere. Produced in its entirety (music, sound, artwork and layout) by Erun Dagoth himself, and featuring the terrific “De Vermis Mysteriis” demo (2013) as bonus tracks, “Into Oblivion” is not just a fantastic debut full-length album by a promising act, but the solid statement of a mature artist reaching his new peak of creativity. Tracks 11-14 taken from the “De Vermis Mysteriis” demo (2013).
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The astonishing debut full-length from this U.S. band. Hailing from Portland, Petrification formed in 2014 out of their love of old school Swedish, British and particularly Finnish Death Metal, wanting to create music that while an homage to its roots, allowed its members to find their own unique voice in Extreme Metal. Drawn to the evil and doom-laden soundscapes of the Finnish masters, Petrification set out to meticulously craft their own vision in the writing of the early 2017 demo, "Summon Horrendous Destruction". And it's now, only a few months later, that Petrification set the bar even higher in terms of heaviness and somber ambience with the release of their debut album, "Hollow of the Void", a devastating opus that lyrically and sonically musters the band's morbid visions of horror, demise and mephitic decay through 11 tracks of utterly gut-churning Death Metal that traps the listener in a nightmare of festering pustules that nobody can't crawl out of. Fans of Convulse, Demigod, Grave, Dismember, Rippikoulu, Carcass, Bolt Thrower, Adramelech, Sorcery, Unleashed, Depravity, Entombed, Catacomb, God Macabre or even newer masters of the olden tradition, such as Disma and Funebrarum, will certainly find a new favorite in "Hollow of the Void". Featuring some deliciously macabre artwork and layout by Jason Barnett, the band's vocalist, and mastered by Dan Lowndes (of Cruciamentum fame) at his own Resonance Sound Studio in the U.K., "Hollow of the Void" marks the unstoppable ascent of a new force to be reckoned with in underground Death Metal.
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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Memento Mori
In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, Memento Mori summons yet another ponderous beast from the crypts and unleashes it upon mankind: the debut album of Poland's Martyrdoom, "Grievous Psychosis". Conceived in Warsaw back in 2010, the band went through some lineup changes until they established a solid formation in 2014, including Sociak (vocals), Marol (guitar), Młynar (guitar / vocals), Artz (bass) and Wasyl (drums). Blending complex, blast-beat driven, darkened Death Metal with slow Doom passages, the band draws its main influences from the likes of Obituary, Immolation, Rippikoulu, Autopsy, Demilich, Triptykon, Cannibal Corpse, Incantation, Hooded Menace, Grave, Disma and Dead Congregation, but they spew all those influences out with renewed vigor. As far as non-musical inspirations go, their lyrics mostly revolve about old school horror/gore movies, personal struggles and the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Bloodthirsty and dripping with menace, these Poles armed with a thorough knowledge of ancient Death Metal create something vile and unearthly. Eschewing all trends, Martyrdoom trudge defiantly, blasting their noxious blend of Death Metal and Doom Metal music, urging cohorts to surrender to them at once. Eight tracks of visceral mayhem are channelled through what sounds like cavernous labyrinths and are as unrelenting as they are haunting. "Grievous Psychosis" is the sound of demons in your head coming back to take control of what was always theirs. Cover art by Ryszard Wojtyński ("Hell", 1986).
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The staggering debut full-length by this Australian band. Oozing out of Melbourne, Vile Apparition is a new project of Oliver Ballantyne (drums) and Jamie Colic (guitar, bass, vocals), both ex-members of the mighty Sewercide that left shortly after the recording of that band's debut album, "Immortalized in Suffering", in order to pursue other endeavors. Vile Apparition's self-released debut 4-song demo, "Atrocious Captivity", was picked up for a cassette release in early 2018 on Transylvanian Tapes, just in time for the band to fill their live lineup for their first run of shows starting January 2018. Alas, "Atrocious Captivity" was but a brief taste of the nastiness to come, now in the form of Vile Apparition's full-length debut, "Depravity Ordained". No lies in that title: this is fetid and filthy Death Metal that puts a premium on the bludgeon! Old school as it comes, of course, Vile Apparition's no-frills approach hearkens to the likes of Morpheus Descends, Ripping Corpse and Deteriorot, as well as the early works of Suffocation, Deeds of Flesh and Cryptopsy. An astounding exhibition of ridiculous, malignant heaviness that'll drill a hole in your skull and blow your brain cells to smithereens, the album also includes the preceding demo as bonus tracks. With suitably classic cover art courtesy of Chaostouched and mastering by Dan Lowndes at Resonance Sound Studio, Vile Apparition bring you blunt-force trauma with "Depravity Ordained"!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The stunning debut full-length by this Australian band. Hailing from Sydney, Horrisonous formed in late 2015 and comprise a handful of hardened members of the local underground scene, including past or current members of such acts as Temple Nightside, Backyard Mortuary, The Slow Death, Illimitable Dolor and Pestilential Shadows among others. Not surprisingly, Horrisonous deliver aural slime, decay and misery by means of the ageless brand of Death Metal that's equally ponderous, crushing and fervent, enhanced with slithering tempos and influenced by the likes of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Autopsy, Death, early Paradise Lost, Celtic Frost, Carcass, Dismember and Incantation. They proved it on their debut EP, "The Plague Doctors", in 2016 and they proved it with the Asphyx and Celtic Frost covers comprising the follow-up "The Plague Doctors B-sides" EP two years later, and they fully prove it with their debut full-length, "A Culinary Cacophony". A cursory glance at some of the album's song titles ("Crispy Chunks of the Obese", "Nourishment Through Excrement", "Number of the Feast"...) and one could potentially assume Horrisonous are a hokey gore band. While their noses are no doubt in tune with life's foulest recesses, Horrisonous are deadly serious about their juggernauting Death Metal. Requisitely filthy as any Memento Mori release, "A Culinary Cacophony" digs deeply into the doom and serves up serious helpings of up-tempo gallop and blast. It's a world-eating sound that evokes a creepiness quite at odds with such otherwise tongue-in-cheek titles, but only Horrisonous know the methods to their madness... Brazenly adorned with garishly gruesome cover art courtesy of Rod Scott, Horrisonous offer a symphony of sickness with "A Culinary Cacophony"!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 7th full-length by these U.S. Death Metal stalwarts. Formed in the bowels of Chicago way back in 1997, Cardiac Arrest should need no introduction to ardent fans of rotting and blood-drenched Death Metal, for these grave-dwellers have been carving out aural nightmares of perishing and grime for decades now. Consisting of four individuals with an unearthly interest in all that's absurd, morbid, gruesome and unhealthy, the band's been consistently getting heavier and more vile with every album they spat out, honoring timeless Death Metal of the most grinding and putrid ilk with genuineness and a no-nonsense approach, yet adding enough personality to be in a forever-rotting league of their very own. Now, more than half a dozen albums deep into their 23-year career, Cardiac Arrest have again delivered a masterstroke that bands a third of their age would be jealous to release: "The Day That Death Prevailed". Much like they did with their previous album for Memento Mori, 2018's acclaimed "A Parallel Dimension of Despair", Cardiac Arrest stick to their guns, but come out with those guns fully blazing! Tastes may change, but these U.S. diehards continue to stay true to the iron-clad ethos of genuine, all-caps Death Metal; if anything, they get better with age. Indeed, the title "The Day That Death Prevailed" is fitting, for their rigorously fine-tuned form of Death Metal squarely harkens to older, purer days -when true songwriting was valued most, and the disgusting chops to back it up. Cardiac Arrest do both here, gutsfucking the listener with a fiercely focused mix of headbanging gallops and well-timed bouts of blasting, a streamlined, shit-heavy steamroller that's as catchy as the clap; hooks and grooves and generally memorable nastiness are all sliced and sluiced across "The Day That Death Prevailed" with absolute ease. But lest one think "catchy" means "soft", think again: these Chicago miscreants are ever committed to horror in the most classic sense, just like aesthetic forebears Grave, Master, Benediction, Obituary, Cianide, Malevolent Creation and, of course, the Floridian masters Death and Massacre. This deep into their catalog, though, and it's about damn time Cardiac Arrest are included in the (un)hallowed ranks, right? With suitably stark cover art courtesy of Eric Rot and another crushing mastering job by Javier Felez at Moontower Studios, "The Day That Death Prevailed" once again proves that old age doesn't soften the diehard one bit: it just kicks them into Cardiac Arrest!
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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Memento Mori
A CD that compiles the 2010 demo and the 2013 EP by this upcoming and promising Swiss band. Funeralopolis was awoken under the name Human Waste in 2006. With vocalist Void joining the band in 2009, they changed the name to Funeralopolis. Void left the band shortly after, but the name stayed. They started recording the first demo, titled "…of Death", with a slightly different lineup (guitar-desecrator Thuri also took on vocals) under horrible circumstances in only 48 hours (including mixing and mastering). The tape was released as a co-release between Dark Descent Records and Skeleton Plague. Several years and beers later, the recording of the "…of Prevailing Chaos" EP took place at Hidden Stash Studios, with a slightly different lineup. It was summoned in 2013. Funeralopolis didn't have any lineup changes since 2011, and have been around since a decade now. Over the years, they've shared the stage with bands like Mystifier, Dead Congregation, Excruciation, Diocletian, Bölzer, Sadistic Intent and many more. The band's main influences can be tracked back to the late 80's and early 90's Death Metal of bands such as Autopsy, Darkthrone, Asphyx, Sadistic Intent, Nihilist, Necrovore, Obituary, Incantation and Blasphemy. Besides that, other bands like Sodom, Cianide, Sarcofago, Winter, Candlemass, Doom, Carnivore and many many more also had a big impact on Funeralopolis. Tracks 1-5: "...of Death" demo (2010) Tracks 6-12: "...of Prevailing Chaos" EP (2013)
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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Memento Mori
The astounding debut full-length by this Swiss band. Hailing from Lenzburg, Funeralopolis was awoken under the name Human Waste in 2006. With vocalist Void joining the band in 2009, they changed the name to Funeralopolis. Void left the band shortly after, but the name stayed. They started recording the first demo, titled "…of Death", with a slightly different lineup (guitar-desecrator Thuri also took on vocals) under horrible circumstances in only 48 hours, including mixing and mastering. The tape was released as a co-release between Dark Descent Records and Skeleton Plague. Several years and beers later, the recording of the "…of Prevailing Chaos" EP took place at Hidden Stash Studios, with a slightly different lineup. It was summoned in 2013. Funeralopolis didn't have any lineup changes since 2011, and have been around since a decade now. Over the years, they've shared the stage with bands like Mystifier, Dead Congregation, Excruciation, Diocletian, Bölzer, Sadistic Intent and many more. That stage experience certainly plays into the band's long-awaited debut album, "...of Deceit and Utter Madness". With a gutsfucking guitar tone at the fore and utterly vile bass beneath, Funeralopolis crush chest cavities (and dreams) with a crusty sort of Death Metal that violently vacillates between lumbering, world-eating doom and ragged, almost-punkish gallops. Indeed, the spectre of domestic legends Hellhammer looms large here, but the band are undoubtedly most influenced by Death Metal from the late 80's and early 90's. Such names invoked include Autopsy, Darkthrone, Asphyx, Sadistic Intent, Nihilist, Necrovore, Obituary, Incantation and Blasphemy. However, other bands like Sodom, Cianide, Sarcofago, Winter, Candlemass, Doom, Carnivore and many, many more also had a big impact on Funeralopolis. In fact, one could say that the bubbling mass of "...of Deceit and Utter Madness" is a veritable love letter to all these noble influences. Fittingly, "...of Deceit and Utter Madness" is graced with alluring cover art courtesy of Mark Cooper, and maximum heaviness is ensured by Ted Tringo's mastering job. Funeralopolis open up the earth and present your mass grave!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited 2nd full-length by this Greek band. Spawned from the sick brain cells of several past and current members of other deadly Hellenic entities such as Ectoplasma and Resurgency back in 2013, Vultur have been exhibiting an unquenchable thirst for sanguine Death Metal fluids ever since, revealed in all its putrid and vicious glory both in their "Vulture's Beak" demo (2016) and their "Entangled in the Webs of Fear" debut full-length (2018). Theirs is a timeless ilk of bludgeoning Death Metal that's stuffed with assorted tempos that go from relentless eruptions of savagery, to torturous and doomed-out passages replete with morbid harmonies, and through mid-paced onslaughts of sheer heaviness, influenced by the likes of Morbid Angel, Gorguts, Monstrosity, Immolation, Brutality, Suffocation, Morpheus Descends and Incantation. Salaciously titled "Drowned in Gangrenous Blood", Vultur's sophomore strike sees them sticking to that crushing course, and indeed drowning the hapless listener in gangrenous blood! No compromise, no quarter, no progression: "Drowned in Gangrenous Blood" is 100% undiluted Death Metal spawned from the most righteous of eras, the very beginning of the 90's. Even down to its bassy, shit-thick production -courtesy of Haris Vougiantzis, of Embrace Of Thorns fame, who also handles the mixing & mastering here- Vultur's 2nd album reeks of totally thorough authenticity. Its songwriting is creepy, lurking and most definitely sick, spewed by diseased minds who live for this. And it's also further proof that Greece's Death Metal underground is criminally unsung, but soon shall devour unbelievers... And what better way to garnish utter sickness than the literally viscous cover art courtesy of Gargoylekelly? Vultur have wasted no time in eclipsing their cult debut album. Drink up!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
CD version of these Italians' sophomore full-length, previously only released on vinyl and digital format in 2016. Cancer Spreading are preaching their gospel of nihilism and self-destruction since 2006, actively and ruthlessly punishing the underground scene with a demo, an EP, a bunch of splits (w/ Children Of Technology, Fatum and Last Legion Alive, among others) and two full-length albums, the first of which, titled "The Age of Desolation", was unleashed upon mankind on CD format by us back in 2011. Their music is an apocalyptic, spine-wrenching alloy of the Crust/Metal that we oldies used to call Stenchcore back in the 80's, and the heavier-than-thou, earth-shattering sound that made Bolt Thrower stand out as one of the most storming and most influential Death Metal acts ever. Utterly recommended for fans of the Coventry legends, as well as Deviated Instinct, Asphyx, Sacrilege, Axegrinder, Sanctum, War Master, Stormcrow...
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated debut full-length by this U.S. band. Hailing from the rustbelt Metal hotbed of Cleveland, Kurnugia was founded by ex-members of Decrepit, Nunslaughter, Embalmer, December Wolves and Delusion. Not surprisingly, this assembly of seasoned underground veterans is heavily influenced by the classic Death Metal of the early 90's, and that's exactly what Kurnugia aim for: to go back right to the roots of the genre and pay homage to the deeds of old, unaware of gimmicks, trends and mindless experimentation. No more, and definitely no less! Kurnugia delivered their debut EP, "Tribulations of the Abyss", in 2013 and then followed it with another EP, "Condemned to Obscurity", in 2016. All too teasing have been these short-length assaults, but at last arrives Kurnugia's debut album! Aptly titled, "Forlorn and Forsaken" is ancient aural debauchery, delivered with evil intent, rotting and heinous. Fittingly, this full-length encapsulates everything Kurnugia have stood for to date: crushing riffery, divebombing solos and tight tank-treads of rhythm, all delivered with swift simplicity of design, but upratcheting the production to a clear and cutting devastation. Well-produced but not "too well-produced", "Forlorn and Forsaken" still seeps with a primordial heaviness rooted in classic Death Metal songcraft, nodding to (but not ripping off) the seminal works of Immolation, Grave, Incantation, Autopsy, Entombed, Cianide, Morbid Angel, Dismember, Death, Unleashed, Deicide and Benediction. And of course, this classicism is reflected in Mark Cooper's attention-grabbing cover art as well! You can't teach old dogs new tricks, the cliche goes, but you can let those dogs do what they do best: proudly stick to the early 90's traditions of Death Metal. That's been Memento Mori's modus operandi since day one, and we hereby welcome you into Kurnugia's netherworld with "Forlorn and Forsaken"!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The highly anticipated 2nd full-length of this Chilean band. Hailing from the city of Valparaíso, Soulrot was formed by guitar player JL Olmos (Betrayed, ex-Micosis, ex-Gangrenous) circa 1993-1994 but was put to rest due to JL being involved in several other projects at the time. It wasn't until 2013 that JL joined bass player/vocalist JH Wilschrey (Sadistic Murder, Acero Letal) and they both resuscitated Soulrot, manifesting their unquestionable inclination towards the Death Metal of yore. This glorious, gangrenous resurrection resulted in the "Horrors from Beyond" demo in 2014 and the "Revelations" EP two years later. However, come 2017 did Soulrot finally released their first full-length, "Nameless Hideous Manifestations", through Death-Metal-of-yore stronghold Memento Mori. Bolstered by the addition of Daniel Fredes (Sadistic Murder) on drums, Soulrot stuck to their guns -a lyrical inclination toward H.P. Lovecraft's cosmogony and the preternatural, and musically inspired by old acts such as Nihilist/Entombed, Carnage, Autopsy, Grave, Necrony, Demigod, Traumatic, Carcass, Nirvana 2002 and Asphyx among others- but here exhibited a bulldozing sense of purpose, a crush-at-all-costs momentum teleported from 1992. And that bulldozer continues its crush unabated with Soulrot's second album, "Victims of Spiritual Warfare". Utterly gutsfucked as the previous album was, "Victims of Spiritual Warfare" sees Soulrot upping the urgency and delivering a tone literally worth dying for -if the teleportation stopped at '92 for "Nameless Hideous Manifestations", then this one's going no further than 1991! Soulrot somehow pull off the trick of being both rawer and more refined here, their songcraft broadening its scope -more patience, more doom, more crush- whilst tastefully unloading quick-hitting bursts of blistering Grindcore, altogether still sounding like the same band. But let it be known that this is still classic Death fucken Metal, same as it ever was, and always will be with Soulrot. Unbelievers will continue to roll their eyes at the familiarity, but just like they did on their debut album, with "Victims of Spiritual Warfare" do Soulrot utterly convince with their authenticity and passion. If you don't "get it", then you don't know Death Metal! Graced with stark cover artwork by Cesar Valladares and another molten mastering job by the esteemed Javier Felez at Moontower Studios, "Victims of Spiritual Warfare" could very well be their Indecent and Obscene, You'll Never See..., or even Harmony Corruption!
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733.33 Р
death doom metal, Memento Mori
The crushing debut full-length by this Spanish band. Proscrito was born from the ashes of the sloppier incarnation known as Calvario in 2016, paying homage to the too-doomed-to-be-dead/too-dead-to-be-doomed music of such acts as Cianide, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Necro Schizma, Asphyx, Autopsy, Paradise Lost, Winter, Samael and Goatlord, crafting slow and churning tracks that were to be (not really) perfected with the band's debut EP, "El Calvario", in 2017: a release filled with an all-encompassing passion for decay and rottenness, from the penitent and flagellant opening track "Via Crucis" to the closing instrumental mantra that is "Puteado," pounding caveman percussion, thundering bass, and wah-soloing frenziness in between. After three days of morbid delirium at Moontower Studios (Ataraxy, Graveyard, Oniricous, Teitanblood), once again under Javier Felez's supervision, Proscrito's follow-up to the debut EP took form with some more echoes to the days of yore, as a full-length frontal assault titled "Llagas y Estigmas" ("Sores and Stigmata"), featuring 5 disgruntled litanies of blood, sweat and no-tears imagery reminiscent of Robert E. Howard and Cormac McCarthy, muscular riffage, vomit and mucus. Tracks like "Marcado por la Pezuña," "Tronos de Oprobio" or their (scato)logical outcome "Pantalgia" truly persist with that tradition of primitiveness, putting the stress both in the Death and the Metal, for Doom has always been the band's destiny, its powers and wisdom. Any way you describe it, the dense and sulfurous rumble this Spanish power trio creates can cause tectonic shifts as ably as it can rot your soul. There's an almost uncomfortably carefree, laissez faire approach to Proscrito's ritualistic plod, as if the band is indifferently acting as a conduit for supernatural frequencies only they can sense. It's not often that Memento Mori dips its toes into the doomier end of Death Metal as of lately, but when it does, be fucking sure that it's for good reason! And indeed, "Llagas y Estigmas" is one badass good reason!
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733.33 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The terrific 3rd full-length by this notable Melbourne based band. Borne out of the members desire to see a resurgence of a heavier, more dissonant style of Death Metal back in 2006, Ignivomous were among the first wave of bands to reignite interest in the genre in the first decade of this century. "Hieroglossia" preserves the core membership of the band present throughout its tenure -Sean Hinds (guitar), Chris Broadway (drums) and Jael Edwards (vocals)- and presents the recording debut of Lewis Fischer (Altars) on guitar and Chris Jordon (Inverloch, Eskhaton) on bass, both of whom have cemented the band's live assault for the previous few years in a campaign of high-profile shows in their native Australia. This lineup in its current form has secured and built upon the band's unrelentingly legacy, oozing raw, sinister Death Metal pushed a step further into the void, creating an album which synthesizes the bands influences with a definitive and individual vision. While projecting a murky and atmospheric take on the Death Metal template, the eight organic and primal songs on "Hieroglossia" avoid sacrificing the primacy of the riff for reverb-drenched formlessness, or songwriting in favour of dissonance for its own sake. Thematically, "Hieroglossia" continues Ignivomous' investigation into topics of philosophical pessimism, influenced by the works of Thomas Ligotti and E.M. Cioran, and gnostic concepts of the fallen and hostile nature of the material world, presented throughout with a literary sensibility which should be accustomed to those familiar with their previous output. Previously released on LP through Nuclear War Now! in November 2019, "Hieroglossia" was also released as a strictly limited tour edition digisleeve that was available for purchase during the band's European tour in late 2019. That digisleeve version did not include the official cover art and was roughly mastered. Memento Mori's version is presented in a regular jewel case, featuring the original cover art and layout by Stefan Thanneur, and a proper mastering work by James Plotkin (O.L.D., Khanate) at his own Plotkinworks Studio.
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800.00 Р
progressive death metal, Memento Mori
The jaw-dropping debut album by this French band. Hailing from Grenoble, Barús formed in 2015 and soon released their self-titled debut EP through Emanations (a division of Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions). Since mid-2016, work has been focused on their debut full-length album. Bearing the ominous title "Drowned", this is a bolt-from-the-blue work of unimaginable vision and towering might. Indeed, the term "βαρύς" evokes a weight, an overbearing burden. Through Barús, this takes musical form through a complex and utterly atmospheric -but, above all, completely and totally visceral- approach to Death Metal. Call it an alchemy of sorts, but "Drowned" presents a moltenly monolithic, ceaselessly churning sound merged with palpably progressive structures, frequently stretching into Black and Doom Metal territories -and effortlessly, at that- all compellingly completed by bowels-of-Hell deep vociferations and vocalizations spanning semi-clean moans, spoken word, chants and everything in between. Truly, it's a nightmare made flesh, its dissonance instilling an unshakable tension and terror, and yet Barús manage to make it sound so alluring, so tempting, to literally drown in the enormity they lay bare for the helpless listener. Drowned indeed! We don't usually dip our toes into "progressive" or "post" waters, favoring the musty odor of vintage Death Metal. However, when presented with Barús' "Drowned", we couldn't help but submit to their visionary onslaught on the senses. So, while we could describe them as "Autopsy reinterpreted by Meshuggah" or "Gojira and Gorguts jamming out to an old Demilich tune with Ulcerate's instruments," we're confident Barús should definitely appeal to fans of such daring bands as Gorguts, Triptykon, Ulcerate, Emptiness, Meshuggah, Portal, Diskord, Akercocke, Gojira, Sumac, Deathspell Omega, Altars and Chaos Echoes. Featuring 9 songs in a vast yet time-evaporating 56 minutes, the production on "Drowned" is absolutely stellar. It was recorded between 2016 and 2017 at Plastic Lobster Studios & Eptagon, with drum recording and additional reamping done at Octavox Studio, while mixing and mastering were done by James Leonard at Plastic Lobster Studios. Completed by cover art courtesy of the masterful Timo Ketola, with inner artwork by Stephen Wilson, Barús' "Drowned" is this year's dark-horse classic in the making!
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The striking debut full-length by this Mexican band. Hailing from the vast Death Metal hotbed of Mexico, Ravenous Death feature current members of such other bands as Remains, Demonic Manifestation and Death's Forsaken. The band's embryo was brought forth in 2016 during the recording of Remains' third album in Mexico City, when vocalist/guitar player Miguel Angel and drummer Esteban Salcedo toyed with the idea of creating a Death Metal band influenced by Vomitory, Torture Division and the likes. Later on, both musicians shared their vision with lead guitarist Enrique Fray, and the three of them agreed to push the idea forward and carry it out as a side-project due to the commitments they all had with their main bands. Soon after, Enrique and Miguel Angel began writing songs for the newborn abomination, and the three members decided to name the band after a Vomitory song titled "The Ravenous Dead". Fast forward to October 2016, and the recording of Ravenous Death's debut demo/EP, "Ominous Deathcult", is finalized (although not released as a Bandcamp download until March 2017), including 5 songs chock full of rotting maliciousness that show great poise in combining blasting brutality, crushing heaviness, somber ambience and fierce intensity, with the lyrical themes revolving about death, occultism, blasphemy and other classic topics of the olden Metal of Death. On May 13th, 2017, the band make their first live performance in the city of Guadalajara. For this occasion two new members were recruited -namely, bass player Alejandro Mendez and guitarist Diego Gomez- leaving Miguel Angel on vocal duties alone. After the excellent crowd response, both Alejandro and Diego join the band as official members. Emboldened by this patient momentum, at last arrives Ravenous Death's full-length debut, aptly titled "Chapters of an Evil Transition". Indeed displaying the band's transition into an evil Death Metal juggernaut, the album absolutely bleeds the molten-yet-mildewed essence of 90's Metal of Death. Fucking fashion and trends and especially fickle tastes, "Chapters of an Evil Transition" is a gutsfucking time-warp to the days when Death Metal was supposedly "dead", lost in favor of Black Metal, Power Metal or (worse) ill-fated sellout fantasies. In this landscape did many a raw and righteous mini-classic get birthed, and suitably do Ravenous Death continue the proud legacy of Vomitory and Mexican forebears Shub Niggurath, but also especially Sadistic Intent, Seance, old Grave, 90's Immolation, 90's Vader and Finland's Demigod. No more but definitely no less, this is Death Metal by and for Death Metal maniacs: no bullshit and no sellout! Completed by stark artwork courtesy of Mörtuus and mastering by the esteemed Javier Felez at Moontower Studios, allow Ravenous Death to read you "Chapters of an Evil Transition"!
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800.00 Р
death metal, Memento Mori
The long-awaited debut full-length of this U.S. band. Not much is known about the anonymous aural torturers known as Ruin. The small amount of information that we do know is that the band was formed back in 1991, somewhere in the United States. Due to various members of the band being incarcerated and institutionalized, Ruin was disbanded at some point later that year. Rumors have also swirled that the band members were/are part of some sort of cult. Now free from any obstacles, the Ruin Death Metal machine was re-started again in 2015, and work began in earnest for what was to become their debut album (at last!), "Drown in Blood". With roots firmly planted in utter and complete musical devastation, Ruin's sonic debauchery is mean, vicious, spiteful, raucous, and sickening Death Metal. Shit-heavy and strewn with shit, their long-brewing "Drown in Blood" is pure and utter ugliness enriched with doomed-out passages, crusty tempos, and sudden blasts that are meant to turn your stomach without care. Vile and viscous, filthy and foul, the influences seem to come from some sort of bastard child spawned from Hellhammer covers being slammed out by Realm of Chaos-era Bolt Thrower taking place in the jam room of Finnish sickos Abhorrence in 1989: that's how heavy and crushing their stuff is, offering no remorse and no escape for the helpless/hapless listener. That's how you Drown in Blood, y'know? If you're a fan of putrid old school Death Metal and the aforementioned bands as well as Sweden's Crematory, Rottrevore, Undergang, Demigod, Rippikoulu, Autopsy and Cianide, then you will put Ruin in the same puke-infested bucket. Memento Mori unleashes "Drown in Blood" on CD format, and toilets the world over will cower in fear! Mastered by Ted Tringo at The Ancient Way Mastering (U.S.A.). Cover art and layout by César Valladares.
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