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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
Tracklist: 1 Intro 0:57 2 Repeated Outrage Upon The Dead Body 0:51 3 Balls Thieves 1:26 4 Premature Defecation Process 1:24 5 Admiration By Leanness (Hymn...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
symphonic black metal, More Hate Productions

Основанная в 2003 году Vorog’ом (гитара/ вокал), Getman Azach’ом (клавиши/ бэк-вокал) и Mizgir’ом (басс) израильская sympho black metal группа Dagor Dagorath из города Хайфа представляет вниманию слушателей свой новый и второй полноформатный альбом Dissident. Dagor Dagorath или Последняя битва в конце времен, о которой повествует Сильмариллион, и в ходе которой олицетворение Тьмы - Мелькор вырывается на свободу и возвращается в мир, именно такое название дали группе ее три основателя и бессменных участника. (Кстати, все представители группы так сказать “рожденные в СССР”, так как весь нынешний состав вышел родом из различных городов Украины - Киева, Харькова, Керчи). С начала группа записала демо-ленту "Times of Distress" в 2005 году, затем альбом "Yetzer Ha"Ra" («Злое Начало» с иврита), который вышел в 2009 году на CD на российском металл лэйбле More Hate Productions. В сентябре 2012 году, после относительно долгого молчания, перемежавшегося не многочисленными концертами, и написанием нового материала, группа приступила к записи на студии Eli Pickover в Тель-Авиве своего второго полноформатного альбома "Dissident". 9 песен альбома были записаны и сведены на студии в конце 2012 года. В 2013 году Maor Apellbaum, работавший ранее над мастерингом альбомов таких корифеев металла как Sepultura, Angra, Halford сделал мастеринг альбома "Dissident" и группа приступила к поиску выпускающего лэйбла. И вот теперь, благодаря титаническим стараниям выпускающих лэйблов - ФОНО LTD. и More Hate Productions, альбом стал доступен и для широкой аудитории российских слушателей! Новый альбом Dissident отличается от своего предшественника прежде всего дальнейшим развитием всей музыкальной составляющей, а именно, значительно и заметно усложнилась структура композиций, они приобрели еще более многогранный и многослойных характер и, что самое главное, у группы сформировался свой собственный узнаваемый стиль и лицо в жанре progressive sympho black metal. Да, музыка по прежнему брутальна, колюча и злобна, но при этом прибавилась некая узнаваемая и характерная изюминка в звучании и упрекнуть группу в том, что она похожа на Dimmu Borgir или Cradle of Filth уже теперь точно нельзя. Текстовая часть альбома также носит концептуальный характер, альбом в целом посвящен всем жертвам тоталитарно-административной системы СССР, описывает путь по которому прошли многие советские диссиденты в их личной борьбе с коммунистическим режимом, состояние противостояния личности и государства вообще и степень того, насколько далеко государство может зайти в своем стремлении навязать Обществу те или иные ценности и порядки. Оформление альбома также расскрывает эту тему, буклет выполнен в виде некоего уголовного дела, заведенного органами КГБ на одного из диссидентов. Оформление альбома выполнил бассист группы Mizgir. В общем, диск точно можно порекомендовать очень широкой публик любителей экстремального металла: и тем кто любит злую музыку с интересными мелодиями, чумовой энергией, зубодроблением, жесткостью в звуке, а это довольно мощно представлено на альбоме и тем, кто является сторонником более рафинированного и разнообразного звучания, сложного и прогрессивного одновременно и не плюется от "нетрушности" симфонического израильского "black" metal бэнда!

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic death metal / pagan metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Легенда о царевне Цорн 3 О неизвестном богатыре черниговском 4 Баллада о Дунине-Борковском 5 Клад Мазепы 6 Сквозь века...
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
thrash / power / melodic death metal
Tracklist: 1 Lights Of Eternity 2 Reborn 3 The Cold Planet 4 Nature Calls 5 Primal Chant 6 Ancient Tribes 7 My Queen 8 Voices Of Nations 9 The King...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
One of the few truly worthy of Russian metal bands, the oldest death metal band from St. Petersburg BESTIAL DEFORM, a respected and well-known around the world, re-release their second album 1996, entitled "Bellum Contra Omnes". The material is a rarity - find the original physical copies that are distributed and overwrite each other fans of the group in the second half of the 90s, is almost impossible. After nearly more than 18 years Bestial Deform decided to make remastering in studio original recordings from the tape and improve the sound quality, but trying to keep the unique atmosphere of the spirit of the time, so beloved by connoisseurs of true old school.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
atmospheric death metal, Darknagar Records
Abhoth are one of the few Metal bands from Montenegro and their music is highly recommended for everyone into Atmospheric Death Metal! The band sounds in the best traditions of South European extreme metal of 1990ths and if you are a fan of early Horrified or you cannot imagine your life without «Mystic Places of Dawn», this masterpiece is for you! This album is short (3 tracks only with total time less than 20 minutes) but it has great riffing, deep growls, mystic keyboards, lovecraftian lyrics and every of these features is made with taste!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
melodic black metal, More Hate Productions
Twelve short yet intense songs for all occasions: from nuclear blast beats through steadfast midtempo riffs and to cold calmness of ambient effects. Lyrics are quite suitable for the music: from pitch black depression and apocalypse to all-crushing optimism. And after all that mess you'll get rather pleasant surprise: a cover version of magnificent song originally performed by belarusian elite black metal band Infestum!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
progressive death metal, More Hate Productions

"Debut full-length album by Progressive Death\ Grind duo BRAINTEASERS from Astrakhan. The band performs complicated and structurally diversified material consisting of uncommon timings and ever-changing rhythmic constructions. Musical content is both brutal, melodically delicate and decent: powerful groove alternating with psychedelic and atmospheric inserts, guitar solos, interludes all at once turning into fast blast-beating grind attacks, low mega ventral growls of the vocalist altogether merge into one original multilayer musical canvas named Brainteasers!!!
In general the music may resemble such bands as Cephalic Carnage, Suffocation, Immolation significantly influenced by guitar techniques of Atheist and Death.The album was recorded at Vespero Mobile Studio and Potok Records (Astrakhan). Mixed and mastered by Andrey Brodskiy."

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
Ukrainian band Pus Lactation has made a good job on its debut full-length album!!! The guys play high-quality and really intense brutal death metal in the vein of Cannibal Corpse and Cryptopsy! “A cage for the brain” is the aggression of fast guitar riffs sharp as a steel lancet in the hands of a skillful surgeon, the punch-in-the-piehole drumming and bass lines clanking like caterpillar tracks of the heavy tank on the march. It’s a deep and plumy guttural vocals narrating on war, politics, self-extermination of mankind and the other manifestations of the dark side of human mind. In fact, everything has been made in terms of the pure canonical brutal genre. At the same time, despite the perceived predictability of the material, the album has a really fresh and up-to-date sound! Make metal not War!!!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal / grindcore, More Hate Productions

More Hate presents the most unusual album in its catalog - grind punk death-n-roll! This is how the musicians define their style! Rollicking, excentric and intentionally fussy grind/death metal based on groovy blues and rock multiplied by slovenly lyrics about everyone and their grandmother, starting from gays and ending with somebody’s unrequited love story will definitely touch every listener of this album! Finally, as a special treat, the album includes three armour-piercing cover-versions of the songs originally performed by Nirvana, Motorhead and even by the dinosaurs of rock music The Arrows with their song I Love Rock ’n’ Roll!!! Find this masterpiece cast in a roundel of silver plastic, do not download sad trash from the Internet! Cover art - Regurgitated Arts!

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut work by a one-man band of Roman Kartashov from Saratov, Russia, cannot be accused of the lack of brutality for sure. Fans of the most extreme brutal death metal will have joy of the material carefully elaborated over a period of several years. The album is full of anger and hatred to all the living. Fast tremolos alternating with heavy riffs, powerful blast beats and breakdowns, stinging guitar solos and growling vocals will take the fancy of the most discerning listeners. Mass murder, cannibalism, torture, extermination of people – this is what you will hear, and it will etch the name KRAWORATH in your memory. Total must have for the fans of Cannibal Corpse, Slayer and Putrid Pile rolled into one!
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
brutal death metal, More Hate Productions
The debut album by Brutal Death Metal band from Tatarstan includes re-recorded old stuff from demos and new songs which have not been heard before. This release is a high-quality brutal death metal that lyrically deals with contemporary social problems. This album will please slamming population of planet Earth with greasy guitar riffs and breakdowns, classical deep death metal vocals narrating that the sends of modern civilization are running out. Recommended for the fans of such bands as Abominable Putridity, Cerebral Incubation, Acranius, Begging For Incest, Turbidity, Dysentery.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions

Легенда итальянской death metal сцены группа HORRID в 2004 году записала свой второй полноформатный альбом "Rising From The Hidden Spheres" в Дании, в студии Starstruck, под предводительством продюсера Андерса Лундемарка (KONKHRA). Альбом изначально планировался к выходу на More Hate Productions, но группа заключила контракт с более крупным лэйблом - Xtreem Music и было решено не выпускать этот материал в России, чтобы не нарушать достигнутые договоренности. И только спустя 8 лет после оригинального издания More Hate представляет официальное переиздание этого альбома, восстанавливая тем самым изначальную историческую справедливость!!! Музыкально материал выполнен в лучших традициях шведской мясорубки бронебойного смертельного металла, в духе творчества таких команд как DISMEMBER, CARNAGE, ENTOMBED, GOD MACABRE.

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
raw black metal, More Hate Productions
The third in the discography and the first professional release of the band currently based in Ufa, Bashkortostan. The album narrates on the four ways of life of human nature, its eternal hankering for war of all against all, thirst for destruction, deceit and extermination of the neighbours. Each track is a part of a general story taken out of the time context and nothing but the ending of the story reveals its existential meaning: all men are good when they’re dead. SCOLOPENDRA CINGULATA performs the rawest cemeterial black metal from early 90-s and only the thoughtful listeners who do not fix their attention on stereotypes and tropes characteristic of the style will see the true value of this album. SCOLOPENDRA CINGULATA does not copy any other band or follow a narrow direction. In its case music is really “alive” and these 30 minutes are full of emotions overwhelming the musicians. It must be admitted that the efforts expended by the band during the recording of this EP were definitely worthwhile: each listener will find his own meaning and something intimate in the songs of this album!
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
old school brutal death metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 Nonsense 2 Dismissed 3 Dirge 4 Everyday Eternity 5 Nothing More Except Circulation 6 Really Rich Grave
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
old school brutal death metal, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 The Last 2 Fucking Future 3 Overturning Prayer-Book 4 Dead Paradise 5 Ignis Sanat 6 Glass Flowers 7 Risus Mortis 8 Lycanthropy 9 Fatal...
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
heavy metal, FONO ltd
Группа ХИРУРГИЧЕСКОЕ ВМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВО была образована осенью 1991 года в городе Мурманск. Запала хватило года на два, после чего коллектив распался. Проект был возрождён в 2015 году в Брянске. "Надо что-то менять" - первый официальный альбом коллектива. В музыке группы сочетаются самые различные направления - от джаза до heavy metal. Тексты песен так же не страдают от однообразия - здесь вы встретите и остросоциальные темы, и философские размышления, и чарующую романтику. Стилизовать творчество группы не берутся даже сами участники команды. По общему согласию решили на вопрос, в каком стиле работает коллектив, отвечать - "Честный рок". Сведение альбома - Limb Records. Оформление обложки Lera Larionova.
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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
alternative metal, FONO ltd
Tracklist: 1 Stage Fright 2 Made To Measure 3 American Psycho 4 Spitfire 5 Burn The Witch 6 Radio Silence 7 Hot In The House Of God 8 Nazimova...
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466.67 Р 200.00 Р
hard 'n' heavy, FireStorm Production
Tracklist: 1 Пролог 2 Поэт 3 Западло 4 Память 5 Интермедия 6 Романс 7 Боль 8 Дурак 9 Сумерки Сознания 10 Слепое Кино 11 Широкой Грудью…
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533.33 Р 200.00 Р
folk metal, FireStorm Production

Limited to 500 copies.
Запись, сведение, мастеринг «Lindar Music»

Packaged in jewel case. Includes 16-page booklet with lyrics.

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400.00 Р 200.00 Р
folk rock / hardcore
Tracklist: 1 Под горою диво 2 Утушка 3 Притоптана травушка 4 Старину скажу 5 По Байкальским по горам 6 Белый лебедь 7 Э-ой, по дорожечке 8 Как...
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200.00 Р
progressive metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2 Ripples 3 Do I Dare? 4 Remorse 5 Between Black & White 6 Catatonic Coma 7 Torn Apart 8 Traces Inside 9 Reflections 10...
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200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklist: 1 -7 000 000 000 0:35 2 Выбери Смерть 2:06 3 Хаос Моя Кровь 1:18 4 Философия Ножа 2:40 5 731 3:06 6 Это Война 3:20 7 Кислотный Снег 4:41
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200.00 Р
brutal death metal
Limited to 500 copies. This version has 3 untitled bonus tracks which are unlisted.
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200.00 Р
black metal / ambient
Limited to 1000 copies in jewel case. Where the snow covered branches weaved like arches of unknown cyclopean chambers hanging overhead, where unity with nature plunges into the maelstrom of careless dreams and meditations, where the white veil gives delight and peace for tired mind caught the madding crowd... There staring Astarium on the second part of the cycle of records in the genre of ambient with elements of neo-classic and darkwave, dedicated to winter theme.
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200.00 Р
death metal
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Studio-X (Olstyn, Poland) in March 2008
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200.00 Р
death thrash metal, Darknagar Records
«Divine Betrayal» is a brand new mini-album of Slovak Heretic Death/Thrash Metal band NECROHERESY. Both music and lyrics are deeply influenced by old-school legacy. Even so the band has an extraordinary feature: lyrics are writen in Slovak language which sounds truly great with such kind of music! All of the band members are musically active over a decade (also play or played in Aeon Winds, Concubia Nocte, Karpathia and other bands) you can be sure in highest quality of the album!
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200.00 Р
thrash metal, Darknagar Records
Darknagar Records presents a debut CD by Necrotic Effect, a Thrash Metal formation from Tula which has already created its own sound and style. “Black Box” is a 42 minutes long opus combining a variety of forms of the genre: evil guitar riffs are replaced with melodic passages, the drumming is varied from slow groove rhymes to fast double bass parts and bastbeats. Having Thrash Metal foundation the stuff is equally inclined to Heavy Metal and old school Death Metal, which makes the album truly interesting and original.
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200.00 Р
death metal, More Hate Productions
"Heritage Of Putrescent" is the first full length album from one of the eldest death metal Russian bands (formed back in 1993). This album consists of re-recorded songs which were previously released on MCs (mainly during the 90's). Despite the fact that the songs were created a considerably long time ago and also represent different years, the album's sound is rather fresh and powerful. Musically, the album is made in FESTERGUTS' trademark style - old school death metal with keyboard and operatic soprano backing vocals. Such combination allows to make the sound monumental with a gloomier feel. The album's title is fully reflected not only in their music but also in the cover art. A family, in a fit of madness, is eating the guts of their late relative. The cover artwork idea was embodied by Canadian horror actors and models (the youngest model at the moment of the photo session had barely reached age of two!) Mixing and mastering were done at one of Russia's best metal record studios - the NavahoHut Records.
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200.00 Р
brutal death metal
Recorded and mixed at Kohtla-Jarve September 2005. © 2005 Vigilia Mortum ℗ 2005 Blacksmith Productions Catalog number BSP 13 on the spines Catalog number BSP 13 CD on the disc Track 10 is mentioned as an AC/DC cover.
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200.00 Р
synth pop
All tracks recorded, produced and mixed at Vasilets Studio & VGIK Studio
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200.00 Р
black thrash metal
Limited to 1000 copies, 4 page booklet
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200.00 Р
pop punk
Tracklist: 1 56 Секунд 2 Парад планет 3 Снег 4 220 V (Сто Шагов Назад) 5 Египет 6 Niagara 7 Мирок 8 Свадьбам Бой 9 Подавление Воли 10...
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200.00 Р
death metal
Tracklisting on back cover is incorrect: 1. Desperate 2. Deliverance (A Mini-Novella) 3. Sorrowchild (The Halloween Song) 4. Four Seasons Of Frustration (The Circle Of Life) 5. Wildfire (To Memory Of Friedrich Nietzshe) 6. This Perfect World 7. Endsville 8. I Love It Loud
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200.00 Р
death metal
Jewel case, 500 copies. 8-page booklet. Includes bonus videos.
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200.00 Р
death metal
CD features multimedia files with band's bio, photos, videoclip "Repository of Tormented Souls" and live video The short compilation of the following films is used in the video: "Children of the living dead", "House of wax", "Land of the dead", "Dead and rotting", "Saw", "Rasen", "Hostel", "Sheitan". © 2004 Barbarity ℗ 2008 Blacksmith Productions Catalog # BSP 21 - at spines Catalog # BSP 21 CD - at cd surface The Wish To Bleed: Recorded, mixed and mastered at "Black Magic" Studio, march – april 2003. Cut The Filthy Skin: Recorded and mastered at "Black Magic" Studio, September 2003. Includes "Suffer The Children" cover of [a=Napalm Death]. Tracks Video2 to Video 12 are live in Partizan club 2006. Video9 originally performed by [a325019]. Video10 originally performed by [a34058].
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200.00 Р
pagan black metal
CD limited to 1000 copies.
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200.00 Р
death doom metal
Tracklist: 1 Intro 2:59 2 Unfortunate Dream Of Mankind 13:53 3 Aesthetic Hallucination Of Reality 13:03
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
martial dark ambient
Tracklist: 1 Не Избави Нас От Лукавого 2 RLYEH 3 РожDEATHтво 4 MORRA 5-6 04.00 am 22.06.1941 7 ВИЙ 8-9 HAJULELLAH 10 Звезда Безумия 11 Тот-Свет 12...
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400.00 Р 213.33 Р
power heavy metal
Tracklist: 1 Псы Войны 5:49 2 Вальхалла 5:04 3 Последний День Жизни 5:36 4 Шторм 3:15 5 Свет Костров 3:45 6 Повелитель Морей 3:26 7 Призрак Шабаша 5:35 8...
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